/* LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2008 Steven Barth Copyright 2008-2011 Jo-Philipp Wich Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ var cbi_d = []; var cbi_t = []; var cbi_c = []; var cbi_validators = { 'integer': function(v) { return (v.match(/^-?[0-9]+$/) != null); }, 'uinteger': function(v) { return (cbi_validators.integer(v) && (v >= 0)); }, 'float': function(v) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(v)); }, 'ufloat': function(v) { return (cbi_validators['float'](v) && (v >= 0)); }, 'ipaddr': function(v) { return cbi_validators.ip4addr(v) || cbi_validators.ip6addr(v); }, 'neg_ipaddr': function(v) { return cbi_validators.ip4addr(v.replace(/^\s*!/, "")) || cbi_validators.ip6addr(v.replace(/^\s*!/, "")); }, 'ip4addr': function(v) { if( v.match(/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(\/(\d+))?$/) ) { return (RegExp.$1 >= 0) && (RegExp.$1 <= 255) && (RegExp.$2 >= 0) && (RegExp.$2 <= 255) && (RegExp.$3 >= 0) && (RegExp.$3 <= 255) && (RegExp.$4 >= 0) && (RegExp.$4 <= 255) && (!RegExp.$5 || ((RegExp.$6 >= 0) && (RegExp.$6 <= 32))) ; } return false; }, 'neg_ip4addr': function(v) { return cbi_validators.ip4addr(v.replace(/^\s*!/, "")); }, 'ip6addr': function(v) { if( v.match(/^([a-fA-F0-9:.]+)(\/(\d+))?$/) ) { if( !RegExp.$2 || ((RegExp.$3 >= 0) && (RegExp.$3 <= 128)) ) { var addr = RegExp.$1; if( addr == '::' ) { return true; } if( addr.indexOf('.') > 0 ) { var off = addr.lastIndexOf(':'); if( !(off && cbi_validators.ip4addr(addr.substr(off+1))) ) return false; addr = addr.substr(0, off) + ':0:0'; } if( addr.indexOf('::') >= 0 ) { var colons = 0; var fill = '0'; for( var i = 1; i < (addr.length-1); i++ ) if( addr.charAt(i) == ':' ) colons++; if( colons > 7 ) return false; for( var i = 0; i < (7 - colons); i++ ) fill += ':0'; if (addr.match(/^(.*?)::(.*?)$/)) addr = (RegExp.$1 ? RegExp.$1 + ':' : '') + fill + (RegExp.$2 ? ':' + RegExp.$2 : ''); } return (addr.match(/^(?:[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}:){7}[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}$/) != null); } } return false; }, 'port': function(v) { return cbi_validators.integer(v) && (v >= 0) && (v <= 65535); }, 'portrange': function(v) { if( v.match(/^(\d+)-(\d+)$/) ) { var p1 = RegExp.$1; var p2 = RegExp.$2; return cbi_validators.port(p1) && cbi_validators.port(p2) && (parseInt(p1) <= parseInt(p2)) ; } else { return cbi_validators.port(v); } }, 'macaddr': function(v) { return (v.match(/^([a-fA-F0-9]{2}:){5}[a-fA-F0-9]{2}$/) != null); }, 'host': function(v) { return cbi_validators.hostname(v) || cbi_validators.ipaddr(v); }, 'hostname': function(v) { if ( v.length <= 253 ) return (v.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-.]*[a-zA-Z0-9]$/) != null); return false; }, 'wpakey': function(v) { if( v.length == 64 ) return (v.match(/^[a-fA-F0-9]{64}$/) != null); else return (v.length >= 8) && (v.length <= 63); }, 'wepkey': function(v) { if( v.substr(0,2) == 's:' ) v = v.substr(2); if( (v.length == 10) || (v.length == 26) ) return (v.match(/^[a-fA-F0-9]{10,26}$/) != null); else return (v.length == 5) || (v.length == 13); }, 'uciname': function(v) { return (v.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/) != null); }, 'neg_network_ip4addr': function(v) { v = v.replace(/^\s*!/, ""); return cbi_validators.uciname(v) || cbi_validators.ip4addr(v); }, 'range': function(v, args) { var min = parseInt(args[0]); var max = parseInt(args[1]); var val = parseInt(v); if (!isNaN(min) && !isNaN(max) && !isNaN(val)) return ((val >= min) && (val <= max)); return false; }, 'min': function(v, args) { var min = parseInt(args[0]); var val = parseInt(v); if (!isNaN(min) && !isNaN(val)) return (val >= min); return false; }, 'max': function(v, args) { var max = parseInt(args[0]); var val = parseInt(v); if (!isNaN(max) && !isNaN(val)) return (val <= max); return false; }, 'neg': function(v, args) { if (args[0] && typeof cbi_validators[args[0]] == "function") return cbi_validators[args[0]](v.replace(/^\s*!\s*/, '')); return false; } }; function cbi_d_add(field, dep, next) { var obj = document.getElementById(field); if (obj) { var entry for (var i=0; i 0 && tl[0].type == 'radio' ) for( var i = 0; i < tl.length; i++ ) if( tl[i].checked ) { value = tl[i].value; break; } value = value ? value : ""; } else if (!t.value) { value = ""; } else { value = t.value; if (t.type == "checkbox") { value = t.checked ? value : ""; } } return (value == ref) } function cbi_d_check(deps) { var reverse; var def = false; for (var i=0; i -1) { se.previousSibling.value = ''; cbi_dynlist_keydown({ target: se.previousSibling, keyCode: 8 }); } else { cbi_dynlist_keydown({ target: se.previousSibling, keyCode: 13 }); } return false; } var inputs = document.getElementsByName(name); for( var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++ ) { var btn = document.createElement('img'); btn.className = 'cbi-image-button'; btn.src = respath + ( (i+1) < inputs.length ? '/cbi/remove.gif' : '/cbi/add.gif' ); inputs[i].parentNode.insertBefore(btn, inputs[i].nextSibling); cbi_bind(inputs[i], 'keydown', cbi_dynlist_keydown); cbi_bind(inputs[i], 'keypress', cbi_dynlist_keypress); cbi_bind(btn, 'click', cbi_dynlist_btnclick); } } //Hijacks the CBI form to send via XHR (requires Prototype) function cbi_hijack_forms(layer, win, fail, load) { var forms = layer.getElementsByTagName('form'); for (var i=0; i 0 ) window.setTimeout(function() { for( var i = 0; i < hl_tabs.length; i++ ) hl_tabs[i].className = hl_tabs[i].className.replace(/ cbi-tab-highlighted/g, ''); }, 750); } function cbi_validate_form(form, errmsg) { /* if triggered by a section removal or addition, don't validate */ if( form.cbi_state == 'add-section' || form.cbi_state == 'del-section' ) return true; if( form.cbi_validators ) { for( var i = 0; i < form.cbi_validators.length; i++ ) { var validator = form.cbi_validators[i]; if( !validator() && errmsg ) { alert(errmsg); return false; } } } return true; } function cbi_validate_reset(form) { window.setTimeout( function() { cbi_validate_form(form, null) }, 100 ); return true; } function cbi_validate_field(cbid, optional, type) { var field = (typeof cbid == "string") ? document.getElementById(cbid) : cbid; var vargs; if( type.match(/^(\w+)\(([^\(\)]+)\)/) ) { type = RegExp.$1; vargs = RegExp.$2.split(/\s*,\s*/); } var vldcb = cbi_validators[type]; if( field && vldcb ) { var validator = function() { // is not detached if( field.form ) { field.className = field.className.replace(/ cbi-input-invalid/g, ''); // validate value var value = (field.options && field.options.selectedIndex > -1) ? field.options[field.options.selectedIndex].value : field.value; if( !(((value.length == 0) && optional) || vldcb(value, vargs)) ) { // invalid field.className += ' cbi-input-invalid'; return false; } } return true; }; if( ! field.form.cbi_validators ) field.form.cbi_validators = [ ]; field.form.cbi_validators.push(validator); cbi_bind(field, "blur", validator); cbi_bind(field, "keyup", validator); if (field.nodeName == 'SELECT') { cbi_bind(field, "change", validator); cbi_bind(field, "click", validator); } field.setAttribute("cbi_validate", validator); field.setAttribute("cbi_datatype", type); field.setAttribute("cbi_optional", (!!optional).toString()); validator(); var fcbox = document.getElementById('cbi.combobox.' + field.id); if (fcbox) cbi_validate_field(fcbox, optional, type); } } function cbi_row_swap(elem, up, store) { var tr = elem.parentNode; while (tr && tr.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'tr') tr = tr.parentNode; if (!tr) return false; var table = tr.parentNode; while (table && table.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'table') table = table.parentNode; if (!table) return false; var s = up ? 3 : 2; var e = up ? table.rows.length : table.rows.length - 1; for (var idx = s; idx < e; idx++) { if (table.rows[idx] == tr) { if (up) tr.parentNode.insertBefore(table.rows[idx], table.rows[idx-1]); else tr.parentNode.insertBefore(table.rows[idx+1], table.rows[idx]); break; } } var ids = [ ]; for (idx = 2; idx < table.rows.length; idx++) { table.rows[idx].className = table.rows[idx].className.replace( /cbi-rowstyle-[12]/, 'cbi-rowstyle-' + (1 + (idx % 2)) ); if (table.rows[idx].id && table.rows[idx].id.match(/-([^\-]+)$/) ) ids.push(RegExp.$1); } var input = document.getElementById(store); if (input) input.value = ids.join(' '); return false; } if( ! String.serialize ) String.serialize = function(o) { switch(typeof(o)) { case 'object': // null if( o == null ) { return 'null'; } // array else if( o.length ) { var i, s = ''; for( var i = 0; i < o.length; i++ ) s += (s ? ', ' : '') + String.serialize(o[i]); return '[ ' + s + ' ]'; } // object else { var k, s = ''; for( k in o ) s += (s ? ', ' : '') + k + ': ' + String.serialize(o[k]); return '{ ' + s + ' }'; } break; case 'string': // complex string if( o.match(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_,.: -]/) ) return 'decodeURIComponent("' + encodeURIComponent(o) + '")'; // simple string else return '"' + o + '"'; break; default: return o.toString(); } } if( ! String.format ) String.format = function() { if (!arguments || arguments.length < 1 || !RegExp) return; var html_esc = [/&/g, '&', /"/g, '"', /'/g, ''', //g, '>']; var quot_esc = [/"/g, '"', /'/g, ''']; function esc(s, r) { for( var i = 0; i < r.length; i += 2 ) s = s.replace(r[i], r[i+1]); return s; } var str = arguments[0]; var out = ''; var re = /^(([^%]*)%('.|0|\x20)?(-)?(\d+)?(\.\d+)?(%|b|c|d|u|f|o|s|x|X|q|h|j|t|m))/; var a = b = [], numSubstitutions = 0, numMatches = 0; while( a = re.exec(str) ) { var m = a[1]; var leftpart = a[2], pPad = a[3], pJustify = a[4], pMinLength = a[5]; var pPrecision = a[6], pType = a[7]; numMatches++; if (pType == '%') { subst = '%'; } else { if (numSubstitutions++ < arguments.length) { var param = arguments[numSubstitutions]; var pad = ''; if (pPad && pPad.substr(0,1) == "'") pad = leftpart.substr(1,1); else if (pPad) pad = pPad; var justifyRight = true; if (pJustify && pJustify === "-") justifyRight = false; var minLength = -1; if (pMinLength) minLength = parseInt(pMinLength); var precision = -1; if (pPrecision && pType == 'f') precision = parseInt(pPrecision.substring(1)); var subst = param; switch(pType) { case 'b': subst = (parseInt(param) || 0).toString(2); break; case 'c': subst = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(param) || 0); break; case 'd': subst = (parseInt(param) || 0); break; case 'u': subst = Math.abs(parseInt(param) || 0); break; case 'f': subst = (precision > -1) ? ((parseFloat(param) || 0.0)).toFixed(precision) : (parseFloat(param) || 0.0); break; case 'o': subst = (parseInt(param) || 0).toString(8); break; case 's': subst = param; break; case 'x': subst = ('' + (parseInt(param) || 0).toString(16)).toLowerCase(); break; case 'X': subst = ('' + (parseInt(param) || 0).toString(16)).toUpperCase(); break; case 'h': subst = esc(param, html_esc); break; case 'q': subst = esc(param, quot_esc); break; case 'j': subst = String.serialize(param); break; case 't': var td = 0; var th = 0; var tm = 0; var ts = (param || 0); if (ts > 60) { tm = Math.floor(ts / 60); ts = (ts % 60); } if (tm > 60) { th = Math.floor(tm / 60); tm = (tm % 60); } if (th > 24) { td = Math.floor(th / 24); th = (th % 24); } subst = (td > 0) ? String.format('%dd %dh %dm %ds', td, th, tm, ts) : String.format('%dh %dm %ds', th, tm, ts); break; case 'm': var mf = pMinLength ? parseInt(pMinLength) : 1000; var pr = pPrecision ? Math.floor(10*parseFloat('0'+pPrecision)) : 2; var i = 0; var val = parseFloat(param || 0); var units = [ '', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E' ]; for (i = 0; (i < units.length) && (val > mf); i++) val /= mf; subst = val.toFixed(pr) + ' ' + units[i]; break; } } } out += leftpart + subst; str = str.substr(m.length); } return out + str; }