Unable to load config "%p": %1
Error in scheme "%p":
Error in config "%p":
Error in section "%i" (%I):
Error in option "%i" (%I):
Option "%i" has invalid reference specification %1:
In dependency check for %t "%i":
Can not find scheme "%p" in "%1"
Can not access file "%1"
Missing required scheme field "%1" in "%i"
Illegal reference "%1" to an anonymous section
Malformed reference in "%1"
Malformed dependency specification "%1" in "%i"
Malformed validator specification "%1" in "%i"
External validator "%1" failed: %2
Variable "%o" in scheme "%p" references unknown package "%1"
Variable "%o" in scheme "%p" references unknown section "%1"
Enum "%v" in scheme "%p" references unknown package "%1"
Enum "%v" in scheme "%p" references unknown section "%1"
Enum "%v" in scheme "%p" references unknown option "%1"
Enum "%v" in scheme "%p" references non-enum option "%p.%s.%o"
Enum "%v" in scheme "%p" redeclares the default value of "%p.%s.%o"
Section "%i" (%I) not found in scheme
Required section "%p.%s" not found in config
Unique section "%p.%s" occurs multiple times in config
The section of type "%p.%s" is stored anonymously in config but must be named
Section "%p.%s" not found in config
Option "%i" (%I) not found in scheme
Required option "%i" has no value
Value "%v" of option "%i" is not defined in enum %1
Value "%v" of given option "%i" does not validate as datatype "%1"
Option "%i" is defined as list but stored as plain value
Option "%i" has unknown datatype "%1"
Option "%p.%s.%o" not found in config
Dependency (%1) failed:
option "%i" is not eqal "%2"
Dependency (%1) failed:
option "%i" has no value
Dependency (%1) failed:
Recursive dependency for option "%i" detected
In dependency check for enum value "%i":