--[[ JSON Encoder and Parser for Lua 5.1 Copyright © 2007 Shaun Brown (http://www.chipmunkav.com). All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. If you find this software useful please give www.chipmunkav.com a mention. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Usage: -- Lua script: local t = { ["name1"] = "value1", ["name2"] = {1, false, true, 23.54, "a \021 string"}, name3 = Json.Null() } local json = Json.Encode (t) print (json) --> {"name1":"value1","name3":null,"name2":[1,false,true,23.54,"a \u0015 string"]} local t = Json.Decode(json) print(t.name2[4]) --> 23.54 Notes: 1) Encodable Lua types: string, number, boolean, table, nil 2) Use Json.Null() to insert a null value into a Json object 3) All control chars are encoded to \uXXXX format eg "\021" encodes to "\u0015" 4) All Json \uXXXX chars are decoded to chars (0-255 byte range only) 5) Json single line // and /* */ block comments are discarded during decoding 6) Numerically indexed Lua arrays are encoded to Json Lists eg [1,2,3] 7) Lua dictionary tables are converted to Json objects eg {"one":1,"two":2} 8) Json nulls are decoded to Lua nil and treated by Lua in the normal way --]] local string = string local math = math local table = table local error = error local tonumber = tonumber local tostring = tostring local type = type local setmetatable = setmetatable local pairs = pairs local ipairs = ipairs local assert = assert local Chipmunk = Chipmunk module("Json") local StringBuilder = { buffer = {} } function StringBuilder:New() local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.buffer = {} return o end function StringBuilder:Append(s) self.buffer[#self.buffer+1] = s end function StringBuilder:ToString() return table.concat(self.buffer) end local JsonWriter = { backslashes = { ['\b'] = "\\b", ['\t'] = "\\t", ['\n'] = "\\n", ['\f'] = "\\f", ['\r'] = "\\r", ['"'] = "\\\"", ['\\'] = "\\\\", ['/'] = "\\/" } } function JsonWriter:New() local o = {} o.writer = StringBuilder:New() setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end function JsonWriter:Append(s) self.writer:Append(s) end function JsonWriter:ToString() return self.writer:ToString() end function JsonWriter:Write(o) local t = type(o) if t == "nil" then self:WriteNil() elseif t == "boolean" then self:WriteString(o) elseif t == "number" then self:WriteString(o) elseif t == "string" then self:ParseString(o) elseif t == "table" then self:WriteTable(o) elseif t == "function" then self:WriteFunction(o) elseif t == "thread" then self:WriteError(o) elseif t == "userdata" then self:WriteError(o) end end function JsonWriter:WriteNil() self:Append("null") end function JsonWriter:WriteString(o) self:Append(tostring(o)) end function JsonWriter:ParseString(s) self:Append('"') self:Append(string.gsub(s, "[%z%c\\\"/]", function(n) local c = self.backslashes[n] if c then return c end return string.format("\\u%.4X", string.byte(n)) end)) self:Append('"') end function JsonWriter:IsArray(t) local count = 0 local isindex = function(k) if type(k) == "number" and k > 0 then if math.floor(k) == k then return true end end return false end for k,v in pairs(t) do if not isindex(k) then return false, '{', '}' else count = math.max(count, k) end end return true, '[', ']', count end function JsonWriter:WriteTable(t) local ba, st, et, n = self:IsArray(t) self:Append(st) if ba then for i = 1, n do self:Write(t[i]) if i < n then self:Append(',') end end else local first = true; for k, v in pairs(t) do if not first then self:Append(',') end first = false; self:ParseString(k) self:Append(':') self:Write(v) end end self:Append(et) end function JsonWriter:WriteError(o) error(string.format( "Encoding of %s unsupported", tostring(o))) end function JsonWriter:WriteFunction(o) if o == Null then self:WriteNil() else self:WriteError(o) end end local StringReader = { s = "", i = 0 } function StringReader:New(s) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.s = s or o.s return o end function StringReader:Peek() local i = self.i + 1 if i <= #self.s then return string.sub(self.s, i, i) end return nil end function StringReader:Next() self.i = self.i+1 if self.i <= #self.s then return string.sub(self.s, self.i, self.i) end return nil end function StringReader:All() return self.s end local JsonReader = { escapes = { ['t'] = '\t', ['n'] = '\n', ['f'] = '\f', ['r'] = '\r', ['b'] = '\b', } } function JsonReader:New(s) local o = {} o.reader = StringReader:New(s) setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o; end function JsonReader:Read() self:SkipWhiteSpace() local peek = self:Peek() if peek == nil then error(string.format( "Nil string: '%s'", self:All())) elseif peek == '{' then return self:ReadObject() elseif peek == '[' then return self:ReadArray() elseif peek == '"' then return self:ReadString() elseif string.find(peek, "[%+%-%d]") then return self:ReadNumber() elseif peek == 't' then return self:ReadTrue() elseif peek == 'f' then return self:ReadFalse() elseif peek == 'n' then return self:ReadNull() elseif peek == '/' then self:ReadComment() return self:Read() else error(string.format( "Invalid input: '%s'", self:All())) end end function JsonReader:ReadTrue() self:TestReservedWord{'t','r','u','e'} return true end function JsonReader:ReadFalse() self:TestReservedWord{'f','a','l','s','e'} return false end function JsonReader:ReadNull() self:TestReservedWord{'n','u','l','l'} return nil end function JsonReader:TestReservedWord(t) for i, v in ipairs(t) do if self:Next() ~= v then error(string.format( "Error reading '%s': %s", table.concat(t), self:All())) end end end function JsonReader:ReadNumber() local result = self:Next() local peek = self:Peek() while peek ~= nil and string.find( peek, "[%+%-%d%.eE]") do result = result .. self:Next() peek = self:Peek() end result = tonumber(result) if result == nil then error(string.format( "Invalid number: '%s'", result)) else return result end end function JsonReader:ReadString() local result = "" assert(self:Next() == '"') while self:Peek() ~= '"' do local ch = self:Next() if ch == '\\' then ch = self:Next() if self.escapes[ch] then ch = self.escapes[ch] end end result = result .. ch end assert(self:Next() == '"') local fromunicode = function(m) return string.char(tonumber(m, 16)) end return string.gsub( result, "u%x%x(%x%x)", fromunicode) end function JsonReader:ReadComment() assert(self:Next() == '/') local second = self:Next() if second == '/' then self:ReadSingleLineComment() elseif second == '*' then self:ReadBlockComment() else error(string.format( "Invalid comment: %s", self:All())) end end function JsonReader:ReadBlockComment() local done = false while not done do local ch = self:Next() if ch == '*' and self:Peek() == '/' then done = true end if not done and ch == '/' and self:Peek() == "*" then error(string.format( "Invalid comment: %s, '/*' illegal.", self:All())) end end self:Next() end function JsonReader:ReadSingleLineComment() local ch = self:Next() while ch ~= '\r' and ch ~= '\n' do ch = self:Next() end end function JsonReader:ReadArray() local result = {} assert(self:Next() == '[') self:SkipWhiteSpace() local done = false if self:Peek() == ']' then done = true; end while not done do local item = self:Read() result[#result+1] = item self:SkipWhiteSpace() if self:Peek() == ']' then done = true end if not done then local ch = self:Next() if ch ~= ',' then error(string.format( "Invalid array: '%s' due to: '%s'", self:All(), ch)) end end end assert(']' == self:Next()) return result end function JsonReader:ReadObject() local result = {} assert(self:Next() == '{') self:SkipWhiteSpace() local done = false if self:Peek() == '}' then done = true end while not done do local key = self:Read() if type(key) ~= "string" then error(string.format( "Invalid non-string object key: %s", key)) end self:SkipWhiteSpace() local ch = self:Next() if ch ~= ':' then error(string.format( "Invalid object: '%s' due to: '%s'", self:All(), ch)) end self:SkipWhiteSpace() local val = self:Read() result[key] = val self:SkipWhiteSpace() if self:Peek() == '}' then done = true end if not done then ch = self:Next() if ch ~= ',' then error(string.format( "Invalid array: '%s' near: '%s'", self:All(), ch)) end end end assert(self:Next() == "}") return result end function JsonReader:SkipWhiteSpace() local p = self:Peek() while p ~= nil and string.find(p, "[%s/]") do if p == '/' then self:ReadComment() else self:Next() end p = self:Peek() end end function JsonReader:Peek() return self.reader:Peek() end function JsonReader:Next() return self.reader:Next() end function JsonReader:All() return self.reader:All() end function Encode(o) local writer = JsonWriter:New() writer:Write(o) return writer:ToString() end function Decode(s) local reader = JsonReader:New(s) local object = reader:Read() reader:SkipWhiteSpace() assert(reader:Peek() == nil, "Invalid characters after JSON body") return object end function Null() return Null end