#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Copyright (c) 2007, Cameron Rich # # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the axTLS project nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY # OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # # Demonstrate the use of the axTLS library in Perl with a set of # command-line parameters similar to openssl. In fact, openssl clients # should be able to communicate with axTLS servers and visa-versa. # # This code has various bits enabled depending on the configuration. To enable # the most interesting version, compile with the 'full mode' enabled. # # To see what options you have, run the following: # > [perl] axssl s_server -? # > [perl] axssl s_client -? # # The axtls/axtlsp shared libraries must be in the same directory or be found # by the OS. axtlsp.pm must be in this directory or be in @INC. # # Under Win32, ActivePerl was used (see # http://www.activestate.com/Products/ActivePerl/?mp=1) # use axtlsp; use IO::Socket; # To get access to Win32 file descriptor stuff my $is_win32 = 0; if ($^O eq "MSWin32") { eval("use Win32API::File 0.08 qw( :ALL )"); $is_win32 = 1; } use strict; # # Win32 has some problems with socket handles # sub get_native_sock { my ($sock) = @_; return $is_win32 ? FdGetOsFHandle($sock) : $sock; } # print version? if ($#ARGV == 0 && $ARGV[0] eq "version") { printf("axssl.pl ".axtlsp::ssl_version()."\n"); exit 0; } # # Main entry point. Doesn't do much except works out whether we are a client # or a server. # print_options($#ARGV > -1 ? $ARGV[0] : "") if ($#ARGV < 0 || ($ARGV[0] ne "s_server" && $ARGV[0] ne "s_client")); # Cygwin/Win32 issue - flush our output continuously select STDOUT; local $|=1; my $build_mode = axtlsp::ssl_get_config($axtlsp::SSL_BUILD_MODE); $ARGV[0] eq "s_server" ? do_server($build_mode) : do_client($build_mode); # # Implement the SSL server logic. # sub do_server { my ($build_mode) = @_; my $i = 1; my $port = 4433; my $options = $axtlsp::SSL_DISPLAY_CERTS; my $quiet = 0; my $password = undef; my $private_key_file = undef; my $cert_size = axtlsp::ssl_get_config($axtlsp::SSL_MAX_CERT_CFG_OFFSET); my $ca_cert_size = axtlsp::ssl_get_config( $axtlsp::SSL_MAX_CA_CERT_CFG_OFFSET); my @cert; my @ca_cert; while ($i <= $#ARGV) { if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-accept") { print_server_options($build_mode, $ARGV[$i]) if $i >= $#ARGV; $port = $ARGV[++$i]; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-quiet") { $quiet = 1; $options &= ~$axtlsp::SSL_DISPLAY_CERTS; } elsif ($build_mode >= $axtlsp::SSL_BUILD_SERVER_ONLY) { if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-cert") { print_server_options($build_mode, $ARGV[$i]) if $i >= $#ARGV || $#cert >= $cert_size-1; push @cert, $ARGV[++$i]; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-key") { print_server_options($build_mode, $ARGV[$i]) if $i >= $#ARGV; $private_key_file = $ARGV[++$i]; $options |= $axtlsp::SSL_NO_DEFAULT_KEY; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-pass") { print_server_options($build_mode, $ARGV[$i]) if $i >= $#ARGV; $password = $ARGV[++$i]; } elsif ($build_mode >= $axtlsp::SSL_BUILD_ENABLE_VERIFICATION) { if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-verify") { $options |= $axtlsp::SSL_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-CAfile") { print_server_options($build_mode, $ARGV[$i]) if $i >= $#ARGV || $#ca_cert >= $ca_cert_size-1; push @ca_cert, $ARGV[++$i]; } elsif ($build_mode == $axtlsp::SSL_BUILD_FULL_MODE) { if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-debug") { $options |= $axtlsp::SSL_DISPLAY_BYTES; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-state") { $options |= $axtlsp::SSL_DISPLAY_STATES; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-show-rsa") { $options |= $axtlsp::SSL_DISPLAY_RSA; } else { print_server_options($build_mode, $ARGV[$i]); } } else { print_server_options($build_mode, $ARGV[$i]); } } else { print_server_options($build_mode, $ARGV[$i]); } } else { print_server_options($build_mode, $ARGV[$i]); } $i++; } # Create socket for incoming connections my $server_sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => 'tcp', LocalPort => $port, Listen => 1, Reuse => 1) or die $!; ########################################################################### # This is where the interesting stuff happens. Up until now we've # just been setting up sockets etc. Now we do the SSL handshake. ########################################################################### my $ssl_ctx = axtlsp::ssl_ctx_new($options, $axtlsp::SSL_DEFAULT_SVR_SESS); die "Error: Server context is invalid" if not defined $ssl_ctx; if (defined $private_key_file) { my $obj_type = $axtlsp::SSL_OBJ_RSA_KEY; $obj_type = $axtlsp::SSL_OBJ_PKCS8 if $private_key_file =~ /.p8$/; $obj_type = $axtlsp::SSL_OBJ_PKCS12 if $private_key_file =~ /.p12$/; die "Private key '$private_key_file' is undefined." if axtlsp::ssl_obj_load($ssl_ctx, $obj_type, $private_key_file, $password); } foreach (@cert) { die "Certificate '$_' is undefined." if axtlsp::ssl_obj_load($ssl_ctx, $axtlsp::SSL_OBJ_X509_CERT, $_, undef) != $axtlsp::SSL_OK; } foreach (@ca_cert) { die "Certificate '$_' is undefined." if axtlsp::ssl_obj_load($ssl_ctx, $axtlsp::SSL_OBJ_X509_CACERT, $_, undef) != $axtlsp::SSL_OK; } for (;;) { printf("ACCEPT\n") if not $quiet; my $client_sock = $server_sock->accept; my $native_sock = get_native_sock($client_sock->fileno); # This doesn't work in Win32 - need to get file descriptor from socket. my $ssl = axtlsp::ssl_server_new($ssl_ctx, $native_sock); # do the actual SSL handshake my $res; my $buf; my $connected = 0; while (1) { ($res, $buf) = axtlsp::ssl_read($ssl, undef); last if $res < $axtlsp::SSL_OK; if ($res == $axtlsp::SSL_OK) # connection established and ok { if (axtlsp::ssl_handshake_status($ssl) == $axtlsp::SSL_OK) { if (!$quiet && !$connected) { display_session_id($ssl); display_cipher($ssl); } $connected = 1; } } if ($res > $axtlsp::SSL_OK) { printf($$buf); } elsif ($res < $axtlsp::SSL_OK) { axtlsp::ssl_display_error($res) if not $quiet; last; } } # client was disconnected or the handshake failed. printf("CONNECTION CLOSED\n") if not $quiet; axtlsp::ssl_free($ssl); $client_sock->close; } axtlsp::ssl_ctx_free($ssl_ctx); } # # Implement the SSL client logic. # sub do_client { my ($build_mode) = @_; my $i = 1; my $port = 4433; my $options = $axtlsp::SSL_SERVER_VERIFY_LATER|$axtlsp::SSL_DISPLAY_CERTS; my $private_key_file = undef; my $reconnect = 0; my $quiet = 0; my $password = undef; my @session_id; my $host = ""; my @cert; my @ca_cert; my $cert_size = axtlsp::ssl_get_config( $axtlsp::SSL_MAX_CERT_CFG_OFFSET); my $ca_cert_size = axtlsp::ssl_get_config( $axtlsp::SSL_MAX_CA_CERT_CFG_OFFSET); while ($i <= $#ARGV) { if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-connect") { print_client_options($build_mode, $ARGV[$i]) if $i >= $#ARGV; ($host, $port) = split(':', $ARGV[++$i]); } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-cert") { print_client_options($build_mode, $ARGV[$i]) if $i >= $#ARGV || $#cert >= $cert_size-1; push @cert, $ARGV[++$i]; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-key") { print_client_options($build_mode, $ARGV[$i]) if $i >= $#ARGV; $private_key_file = $ARGV[++$i]; $options |= $axtlsp::SSL_NO_DEFAULT_KEY; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-CAfile") { print_client_options($build_mode, $ARGV[$i]) if $i >= $#ARGV || $#ca_cert >= $ca_cert_size-1; push @ca_cert, $ARGV[++$i]; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-verify") { $options &= ~$axtlsp::SSL_SERVER_VERIFY_LATER; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-reconnect") { $reconnect = 4; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-quiet") { $quiet = 1; $options &= ~$axtlsp::SSL_DISPLAY_CERTS; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-pass") { print_server_options($build_mode, $ARGV[$i]) if $i >= $#ARGV; $password = $ARGV[++$i]; } elsif ($build_mode == $axtlsp::SSL_BUILD_FULL_MODE) { if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-debug") { $options |= $axtlsp::SSL_DISPLAY_BYTES; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-state") { $options |= $axtlsp::SSL_DISPLAY_STATES; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-show-rsa") { $options |= $axtlsp::SSL_DISPLAY_RSA; } else # don't know what this is { print_client_options($build_mode, $ARGV[$i]); } } else # don't know what this is { print_client_options($build_mode, $ARGV[$i]); } $i++; } my $client_sock = new IO::Socket::INET ( PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $port, Proto => 'tcp') || die ("no socket: $!"); my $ssl; my $res; my $native_sock = get_native_sock($client_sock->fileno); printf("CONNECTED\n") if not $quiet; ########################################################################### # This is where the interesting stuff happens. Up until now we've # just been setting up sockets etc. Now we do the SSL handshake. ########################################################################### my $ssl_ctx = axtlsp::ssl_ctx_new($options, $axtlsp::SSL_DEFAULT_CLNT_SESS); die "Error: Client context is invalid" if not defined $ssl_ctx; if (defined $private_key_file) { my $obj_type = $axtlsp::SSL_OBJ_RSA_KEY; $obj_type = $axtlsp::SSL_OBJ_PKCS8 if $private_key_file =~ /.p8$/; $obj_type = $axtlsp::SSL_OBJ_PKCS12 if $private_key_file =~ /.p12$/; die "Private key '$private_key_file' is undefined." if axtlsp::ssl_obj_load($ssl_ctx, $obj_type, $private_key_file, $password); } foreach (@cert) { die "Certificate '$_' is undefined." if axtlsp::ssl_obj_load($ssl_ctx, $axtlsp::SSL_OBJ_X509_CERT, $_, undef) != $axtlsp::SSL_OK; } foreach (@ca_cert) { die "Certificate '$_' is undefined." if axtlsp::ssl_obj_load($ssl_ctx, $axtlsp::SSL_OBJ_X509_CACERT, $_, undef) != $axtlsp::SSL_OK; } # Try session resumption? if ($reconnect) { my $session_id = undef; my $sess_id_size = 0; while ($reconnect--) { $ssl = axtlsp::ssl_client_new($ssl_ctx, $native_sock, $session_id, $sess_id_size); $res = axtlsp::ssl_handshake_status($ssl); if ($res != $axtlsp::SSL_OK) { axtlsp::ssl_display_error($res) if !$quiet; axtlsp::ssl_free($ssl); exit 1; } display_session_id($ssl); $session_id = axtlsp::ssl_get_session_id($ssl); if ($reconnect) { axtlsp::ssl_free($ssl); $client_sock->close; $client_sock = new IO::Socket::INET ( PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $port, Proto => 'tcp') || die ("no socket: $!"); } } } else { $ssl = axtlsp::ssl_client_new($ssl_ctx, $native_sock, undef, 0); } # check the return status $res = axtlsp::ssl_handshake_status($ssl); if ($res != $axtlsp::SSL_OK) { axtlsp::ssl_display_error($res) if not $quiet; exit 1; } if (!$quiet) { my $common_name = axtlsp::ssl_get_cert_dn($ssl, $axtlsp::SSL_X509_CERT_COMMON_NAME); printf("Common Name:\t\t\t%s\n", $common_name) if defined $common_name; display_session_id($ssl); display_cipher($ssl); } while (<STDIN>) { my $cstring = pack("a*x", $_); # add null terminator $res = axtlsp::ssl_write($ssl, \$cstring, length($cstring)); if ($res < $axtlsp::SSL_OK) { axtlsp::ssl_display_error($res) if not $quiet; last; } } axtlsp::ssl_ctx_free($ssl_ctx); $client_sock->close; } # # We've had some sort of command-line error. Print out the basic options. # sub print_options { my ($option) = @_; printf("axssl: Error: '%s' is an invalid command.\n", $option); printf("usage: axssl [s_server|s_client|version] [args ...]\n"); exit 1; } # # We've had some sort of command-line error. Print out the server options. # sub print_server_options { my ($build_mode, $option) = @_; my $cert_size = axtlsp::ssl_get_config($axtlsp::SSL_MAX_CERT_CFG_OFFSET); my $ca_cert_size = axtlsp::ssl_get_config( $axtlsp::SSL_MAX_CA_CERT_CFG_OFFSET); printf("unknown option %s\n", $option); printf("usage: s_server [args ...]\n"); printf(" -accept arg\t- port to accept on (default is 4433)\n"); printf(" -quiet\t\t- No server output\n"); if ($build_mode >= $axtlsp::SSL_BUILD_SERVER_ONLY) { printf(" -cert arg\t- certificate file to add (in addition to default)". " to chain -\n". "\t\t Can repeat up to %d times\n", $cert_size); printf(" -key arg\t- Private key file to use - default DER format\n"); printf(" -pass\t\t- private key file pass phrase source\n"); } if ($build_mode >= $axtlsp::SSL_BUILD_ENABLE_VERIFICATION) { printf(" -verify\t- turn on peer certificate verification\n"); printf(" -CAfile arg\t- Certificate authority - default DER format\n"); printf("\t\t Can repeat up to %d times\n", $ca_cert_size); } if ($build_mode == $axtlsp::SSL_BUILD_FULL_MODE) { printf(" -debug\t\t- Print more output\n"); printf(" -state\t\t- Show state messages\n"); printf(" -show-rsa\t- Show RSA state\n"); } exit 1; } # # We've had some sort of command-line error. Print out the client options. # sub print_client_options { my ($build_mode, $option) = @_; my $cert_size = axtlsp::ssl_get_config($axtlsp::SSL_MAX_CERT_CFG_OFFSET); my $ca_cert_size = axtlsp::ssl_get_config( $axtlsp::SSL_MAX_CA_CERT_CFG_OFFSET); printf("unknown option %s\n", $option); if ($build_mode >= $axtlsp::SSL_BUILD_ENABLE_CLIENT) { printf("usage: s_client [args ...]\n"); printf(" -connect host:port - who to connect to (default ". "is localhost:4433)\n"); printf(" -verify\t- turn on peer certificate verification\n"); printf(" -cert arg\t- certificate file to use - default DER format\n"); printf(" -key arg\t- Private key file to use - default DER format\n"); printf("\t\t Can repeat up to %d times\n", $cert_size); printf(" -CAfile arg\t- Certificate authority - default DER format\n"); printf("\t\t Can repeat up to %d times\n", $ca_cert_size); printf(" -quiet\t\t- No client output\n"); printf(" -pass\t\t- private key file pass phrase source\n"); printf(" -reconnect\t- Drop and re-make the connection ". "with the same Session-ID\n"); if ($build_mode == $axtlsp::SSL_BUILD_FULL_MODE) { printf(" -debug\t\t- Print more output\n"); printf(" -state\t\t- Show state messages\n"); printf(" -show-rsa\t- Show RSA state\n"); } } else { printf("Change configuration to allow this feature\n"); } exit 1; } # # Display what cipher we are using # sub display_cipher { my ($ssl) = @_; printf("CIPHER is "); my $cipher_id = axtlsp::ssl_get_cipher_id($ssl); if ($cipher_id == $axtlsp::SSL_AES128_SHA) { printf("AES128-SHA"); } elsif ($cipher_id == $axtlsp::SSL_AES256_SHA) { printf("AES256-SHA"); } elsif ($axtlsp::SSL_RC4_128_SHA) { printf("RC4-SHA"); } elsif ($axtlsp::SSL_RC4_128_MD5) { printf("RC4-MD5"); } else { printf("Unknown - %d", $cipher_id); } printf("\n"); } # # Display what session id we have. # sub display_session_id { my ($ssl) = @_; my $session_id = axtlsp::ssl_get_session_id($ssl); if (length($$session_id) > 0) { printf("-----BEGIN SSL SESSION PARAMETERS-----\n"); printf(unpack("H*", $$session_id)); printf("\n-----END SSL SESSION PARAMETERS-----\n"); } }