--[[ LuCIRPCd (c) 2009 Steven Barth Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id$ ]]-- local uci = require "luci.model.uci" local tostring, getmetatable, pairs = tostring, getmetatable, pairs local error, type = error, type local nixio = require "nixio" local srv = require "luci.lucid.rpc.server" module "luci.lucid.rpc.ruci" function _factory() local m = srv.Module("Remote UCI API") for k, v in pairs(_M) do if type(v) == "function" and v ~= _factory then m:add(k, srv.Method.extended(v)) end end return m end local function getinst(session, name) return session.ruci and session.ruci[name] end local function setinst(session, obj) session.ruci = session.ruci or {} local name = tostring(obj):match("0x([a-z0-9]+)") session.ruci[name] = obj return name end local Cursor = getmetatable(uci.cursor()) for name, func in pairs(Cursor) do _M[name] = function(session, inst, ...) inst = getinst(session, inst) return inst[name](inst, ...) end end function cursor(session, ...) return setinst(session, uci.cursor(...)) end function cursor_state(session, ...) return setinst(session, uci.cursor_state(...)) end function foreach(session, inst, config, sectiontype) local inst = getinst(session, inst) local secs = {} inst:foreach(config, sectiontype, function(s) secs[#secs+1] = s end) return secs end