/* * Copyright (c) 2007, Cameron Rich * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the axTLS project nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * Some primitive asn methods for extraction ASN.1 data. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include "os_port.h" #include "crypto.h" #include "crypto_misc.h" #define SIG_OID_PREFIX_SIZE 8 #define SIG_IIS6_OID_SIZE 5 /* Must be an RSA algorithm with either SHA1 or MD5 for verifying to work */ static const uint8_t sig_oid_prefix[SIG_OID_PREFIX_SIZE] = { 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01 }; static const uint8_t sig_iis6_oid[SIG_IIS6_OID_SIZE] = { 0x2b, 0x0e, 0x03, 0x02, 0x1d }; /* CN, O, OU */ static const uint8_t g_dn_types[] = { 3, 10, 11 }; int get_asn1_length(const uint8_t *buf, int *offset) { int len, i; if (!(buf[*offset] & 0x80)) /* short form */ { len = buf[(*offset)++]; } else /* long form */ { int length_bytes = buf[(*offset)++]&0x7f; len = 0; for (i = 0; i < length_bytes; i++) { len <<= 8; len += buf[(*offset)++]; } } return len; } /** * Skip the ASN1.1 object type and its length. Get ready to read the object's * data. */ int asn1_next_obj(const uint8_t *buf, int *offset, int obj_type) { if (buf[*offset] != obj_type) return X509_NOT_OK; (*offset)++; return get_asn1_length(buf, offset); } /** * Skip over an ASN.1 object type completely. Get ready to read the next * object. */ int asn1_skip_obj(const uint8_t *buf, int *offset, int obj_type) { int len; if (buf[*offset] != obj_type) return X509_NOT_OK; (*offset)++; len = get_asn1_length(buf, offset); *offset += len; return 0; } /** * Read an integer value for ASN.1 data * Note: This function allocates memory which must be freed by the user. */ int asn1_get_int(const uint8_t *buf, int *offset, uint8_t **object) { int len; if ((len = asn1_next_obj(buf, offset, ASN1_INTEGER)) < 0) goto end_int_array; if (len > 1 && buf[*offset] == 0x00) /* ignore the negative byte */ { len--; (*offset)++; } *object = (uint8_t *)malloc(len); memcpy(*object, &buf[*offset], len); *offset += len; end_int_array: return len; } /** * Get all the RSA private key specifics from an ASN.1 encoded file */ int asn1_get_private_key(const uint8_t *buf, int len, RSA_CTX **rsa_ctx) { int offset = 7; uint8_t *modulus = NULL, *priv_exp = NULL, *pub_exp = NULL; int mod_len, priv_len, pub_len; #ifdef CONFIG_BIGINT_CRT uint8_t *p = NULL, *q = NULL, *dP = NULL, *dQ = NULL, *qInv = NULL; int p_len, q_len, dP_len, dQ_len, qInv_len; #endif /* not in der format */ if (buf[0] != ASN1_SEQUENCE) /* basic sanity check */ { #ifdef CONFIG_SSL_FULL_MODE printf("Error: This is not a valid ASN.1 file\n"); #endif return X509_INVALID_PRIV_KEY; } /* initialise the RNG */ RNG_initialize(buf, len); mod_len = asn1_get_int(buf, &offset, &modulus); pub_len = asn1_get_int(buf, &offset, &pub_exp); priv_len = asn1_get_int(buf, &offset, &priv_exp); if (mod_len <= 0 || pub_len <= 0 || priv_len <= 0) return X509_INVALID_PRIV_KEY; #ifdef CONFIG_BIGINT_CRT p_len = asn1_get_int(buf, &offset, &p); q_len = asn1_get_int(buf, &offset, &q); dP_len = asn1_get_int(buf, &offset, &dP); dQ_len = asn1_get_int(buf, &offset, &dQ); qInv_len = asn1_get_int(buf, &offset, &qInv); if (p_len <= 0 || q_len <= 0 || dP_len <= 0 || dQ_len <= 0 || qInv_len <= 0) return X509_INVALID_PRIV_KEY; RSA_priv_key_new(rsa_ctx, modulus, mod_len, pub_exp, pub_len, priv_exp, priv_len, p, p_len, q, p_len, dP, dP_len, dQ, dQ_len, qInv, qInv_len); free(p); free(q); free(dP); free(dQ); free(qInv); #else RSA_priv_key_new(rsa_ctx, modulus, mod_len, pub_exp, pub_len, priv_exp, priv_len); #endif free(modulus); free(priv_exp); free(pub_exp); return X509_OK; } /** * Get the time of a certificate. Ignore hours/minutes/seconds. */ static int asn1_get_utc_time(const uint8_t *buf, int *offset, time_t *t) { int ret = X509_NOT_OK, len, t_offset; struct tm tm; if (buf[(*offset)++] != ASN1_UTC_TIME) goto end_utc_time; len = get_asn1_length(buf, offset); t_offset = *offset; memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(struct tm)); tm.tm_year = (buf[t_offset] - '0')*10 + (buf[t_offset+1] - '0'); if (tm.tm_year <= 50) /* 1951-2050 thing */ { tm.tm_year += 100; } tm.tm_mon = (buf[t_offset+2] - '0')*10 + (buf[t_offset+3] - '0') - 1; tm.tm_mday = (buf[t_offset+4] - '0')*10 + (buf[t_offset+5] - '0'); *t = mktime(&tm); *offset += len; ret = X509_OK; end_utc_time: return ret; } /** * Get the version type of a certificate (which we don't actually care about) */ int asn1_version(const uint8_t *cert, int *offset, X509_CTX *x509_ctx) { int ret = X509_NOT_OK; (*offset) += 2; /* get past explicit tag */ if (asn1_skip_obj(cert, offset, ASN1_INTEGER)) goto end_version; ret = X509_OK; end_version: return ret; } /** * Retrieve the notbefore and notafter certificate times. */ int asn1_validity(const uint8_t *cert, int *offset, X509_CTX *x509_ctx) { return (asn1_next_obj(cert, offset, ASN1_SEQUENCE) < 0 || asn1_get_utc_time(cert, offset, &x509_ctx->not_before) || asn1_get_utc_time(cert, offset, &x509_ctx->not_after)); } /** * Get the components of a distinguished name */ static int asn1_get_oid_x520(const uint8_t *buf, int *offset) { int dn_type = 0; int len; if ((len = asn1_next_obj(buf, offset, ASN1_OID)) < 0) goto end_oid; /* expect a sequence of 2.5.4.[x] where x is a one of distinguished name components we are interested in. */ if (len == 3 && buf[(*offset)++] == 0x55 && buf[(*offset)++] == 0x04) dn_type = buf[(*offset)++]; else { *offset += len; /* skip over it */ } end_oid: return dn_type; } /** * Obtain an ASN.1 printable string type. */ static int asn1_get_printable_str(const uint8_t *buf, int *offset, char **str) { int len = X509_NOT_OK; /* some certs have this awful crud in them for some reason */ if (buf[*offset] != ASN1_PRINTABLE_STR && buf[*offset] != ASN1_TELETEX_STR && buf[*offset] != ASN1_IA5_STR && buf[*offset] != ASN1_UNICODE_STR) goto end_pnt_str; (*offset)++; len = get_asn1_length(buf, offset); if (buf[*offset - 1] == ASN1_UNICODE_STR) { int i; *str = (char *)malloc(len/2+1); /* allow for null */ for (i = 0; i < len; i += 2) (*str)[i/2] = buf[*offset + i + 1]; (*str)[len/2] = 0; /* null terminate */ } else { *str = (char *)malloc(len+1); /* allow for null */ memcpy(*str, &buf[*offset], len); (*str)[len] = 0; /* null terminate */ } *offset += len; end_pnt_str: return len; } /** * Get the subject name (or the issuer) of a certificate. */ int asn1_name(const uint8_t *cert, int *offset, char *dn[]) { int ret = X509_NOT_OK; int dn_type; char *tmp = NULL; if (asn1_next_obj(cert, offset, ASN1_SEQUENCE) < 0) goto end_name; while (asn1_next_obj(cert, offset, ASN1_SET) >= 0) { int i, found = 0; if (asn1_next_obj(cert, offset, ASN1_SEQUENCE) < 0 || (dn_type = asn1_get_oid_x520(cert, offset)) < 0) goto end_name; if (asn1_get_printable_str(cert, offset, &tmp) < 0) { free(tmp); goto end_name; } /* find the distinguished named type */ for (i = 0; i < X509_NUM_DN_TYPES; i++) { if (dn_type == g_dn_types[i]) { if (dn[i] == NULL) { dn[i] = tmp; found = 1; break; } } } if (found == 0) /* not found so get rid of it */ { free(tmp); } } ret = X509_OK; end_name: return ret; } /** * Read the modulus and public exponent of a certificate. */ int asn1_public_key(const uint8_t *cert, int *offset, X509_CTX *x509_ctx) { int ret = X509_NOT_OK, mod_len, pub_len; uint8_t *modulus = NULL, *pub_exp = NULL; if (asn1_next_obj(cert, offset, ASN1_SEQUENCE) < 0 || asn1_skip_obj(cert, offset, ASN1_SEQUENCE) || asn1_next_obj(cert, offset, ASN1_BIT_STRING) < 0) goto end_pub_key; (*offset)++; /* ignore the padding bit field */ if (asn1_next_obj(cert, offset, ASN1_SEQUENCE) < 0) goto end_pub_key; mod_len = asn1_get_int(cert, offset, &modulus); pub_len = asn1_get_int(cert, offset, &pub_exp); RSA_pub_key_new(&x509_ctx->rsa_ctx, modulus, mod_len, pub_exp, pub_len); free(modulus); free(pub_exp); ret = X509_OK; end_pub_key: return ret; } #ifdef CONFIG_SSL_CERT_VERIFICATION /** * Read the signature of the certificate. */ int asn1_signature(const uint8_t *cert, int *offset, X509_CTX *x509_ctx) { int ret = X509_NOT_OK; if (cert[(*offset)++] != ASN1_BIT_STRING) goto end_sig; x509_ctx->sig_len = get_asn1_length(cert, offset)-1; (*offset)++; /* ignore bit string padding bits */ x509_ctx->signature = (uint8_t *)malloc(x509_ctx->sig_len); memcpy(x509_ctx->signature, &cert[*offset], x509_ctx->sig_len); *offset += x509_ctx->sig_len; ret = X509_OK; end_sig: return ret; } /* * Compare 2 distinguished name components for equality * @return 0 if a match */ static int asn1_compare_dn_comp(const char *dn1, const char *dn2) { int ret = 1; if ((dn1 && dn2 == NULL) || (dn1 == NULL && dn2)) goto err_no_match; ret = (dn1 && dn2) ? strcmp(dn1, dn2) : 0; err_no_match: return ret; } /** * Clean up all of the CA certificates. */ void remove_ca_certs(CA_CERT_CTX *ca_cert_ctx) { int i = 0; if (ca_cert_ctx == NULL) return; while (i < CONFIG_X509_MAX_CA_CERTS && ca_cert_ctx->cert[i]) { x509_free(ca_cert_ctx->cert[i]); ca_cert_ctx->cert[i++] = NULL; } free(ca_cert_ctx); } /* * Compare 2 distinguished names for equality * @return 0 if a match */ int asn1_compare_dn(char * const dn1[], char * const dn2[]) { int i; for (i = 0; i < X509_NUM_DN_TYPES; i++) { if (asn1_compare_dn_comp(dn1[i], dn2[i])) return 1; } return 0; /* all good */ } #endif /** * Read the signature type of the certificate. We only support RSA-MD5 and * RSA-SHA1 signature types. */ int asn1_signature_type(const uint8_t *cert, int *offset, X509_CTX *x509_ctx) { int ret = X509_NOT_OK, len; if (cert[(*offset)++] != ASN1_OID) goto end_check_sig; len = get_asn1_length(cert, offset); if (len == 5 && memcmp(sig_iis6_oid, &cert[*offset], SIG_IIS6_OID_SIZE) == 0) { x509_ctx->sig_type = SIG_TYPE_SHA1; } else { if (memcmp(sig_oid_prefix, &cert[*offset], SIG_OID_PREFIX_SIZE)) goto end_check_sig; /* unrecognised cert type */ x509_ctx->sig_type = cert[*offset + SIG_OID_PREFIX_SIZE]; } *offset += len; asn1_skip_obj(cert, offset, ASN1_NULL); /* if it's there */ ret = X509_OK; end_check_sig: return ret; }