-- Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org> -- Copyright 2008 Jo-Philipp Wich <jow@openwrt.org> -- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0. local nixio = require "nixio" local util = require "luci.util" local table = require "table" local string = require "string" local coroutine = require "coroutine" local assert = assert local tonumber = tonumber local tostring = tostring local error = error local type = type local pairs = pairs local ipairs = ipairs local next = next local pcall = pcall local band = nixio.bit.band local bor = nixio.bit.bor local rshift = nixio.bit.rshift local char = string.char local getmetatable = getmetatable module "luci.json" function decode(json, ...) local a = ActiveDecoder(function() return nil end, ...) a.chunk = json local s, obj = pcall(a.get, a) return s and obj or nil end function encode(obj, ...) local out = {} local e = Encoder(obj, 1, ...):source() local chnk, err repeat chnk, err = e() out[#out+1] = chnk until not chnk return not err and table.concat(out) or nil end function null() return null end Encoder = util.class() function Encoder.__init__(self, data, buffersize, fastescape) self.data = data self.buffersize = buffersize or 512 self.buffer = "" self.fastescape = fastescape getmetatable(self).__call = Encoder.source end function Encoder.source(self) local source = coroutine.create(self.dispatch) return function() local res, data = coroutine.resume(source, self, self.data, true) if res then return data else return nil, data end end end function Encoder.dispatch(self, data, start) local parser = self.parsers[type(data)] parser(self, data) if start then if #self.buffer > 0 then coroutine.yield(self.buffer) end coroutine.yield() end end function Encoder.put(self, chunk) if self.buffersize < 2 then coroutine.yield(chunk) else if #self.buffer + #chunk > self.buffersize then local written = 0 local fbuffer = self.buffersize - #self.buffer coroutine.yield(self.buffer .. chunk:sub(written + 1, fbuffer)) written = fbuffer while #chunk - written > self.buffersize do fbuffer = written + self.buffersize coroutine.yield(chunk:sub(written + 1, fbuffer)) written = fbuffer end self.buffer = chunk:sub(written + 1) else self.buffer = self.buffer .. chunk end end end function Encoder.parse_nil(self) self:put("null") end function Encoder.parse_bool(self, obj) self:put(obj and "true" or "false") end function Encoder.parse_number(self, obj) self:put(tostring(obj)) end function Encoder.parse_string(self, obj) if self.fastescape then self:put('"' .. obj:gsub('\\', '\\\\'):gsub('"', '\\"') .. '"') else self:put('"' .. obj:gsub('[%c\\"]', function(char) return '\\u00%02x' % char:byte() end ) .. '"') end end function Encoder.parse_iter(self, obj) if obj == null then return self:put("null") end if type(obj) == "table" and (#obj == 0 and next(obj)) then self:put("{") local first = true for key, entry in pairs(obj) do if key ~= null then first = first or self:put(",") first = first and false self:parse_string(tostring(key)) self:put(":") self:dispatch(entry) end end self:put("}") else self:put("[") local first = true if type(obj) == "table" then for i=1, #obj do first = first or self:put(",") first = first and nil self:dispatch(obj[i]) end else for entry in obj do first = first or self:put(",") first = first and nil self:dispatch(entry) end end self:put("]") end end function Encoder.parse_udata(self, obj) return self:parse_string(tostring(obj)) end Encoder.parsers = { ['nil'] = Encoder.parse_nil, ['table'] = Encoder.parse_iter, ['number'] = Encoder.parse_number, ['string'] = Encoder.parse_string, ['boolean'] = Encoder.parse_bool, ['function'] = Encoder.parse_iter, ['userdata'] = Encoder.parse_udata, } Decoder = util.class() function Decoder.__init__(self, customnull) self.cnull = customnull getmetatable(self).__call = Decoder.sink end function Decoder.sink(self) local sink = coroutine.create(self.dispatch) return function(...) return coroutine.resume(sink, self, ...) end end function Decoder.get(self) return self.data end function Decoder.dispatch(self, chunk, src_err, strict) local robject, object local oset = false while chunk do while chunk and #chunk < 1 do chunk = self:fetch() end assert(not strict or chunk, "Unexpected EOS") if not chunk then break end local char = chunk:sub(1, 1) local parser = self.parsers[char] or (char:match("%s") and self.parse_space) or (char:match("[0-9-]") and self.parse_number) or error("Unexpected char '%s'" % char) chunk, robject = parser(self, chunk) if parser ~= self.parse_space then assert(not oset, "Scope violation: Too many objects") object = robject oset = true if strict then return chunk, object end end end assert(not src_err, src_err) assert(oset, "Unexpected EOS") self.data = object end function Decoder.fetch(self) local tself, chunk, src_err = coroutine.yield() assert(chunk or not src_err, src_err) return chunk end function Decoder.fetch_atleast(self, chunk, bytes) while #chunk < bytes do local nchunk = self:fetch() assert(nchunk, "Unexpected EOS") chunk = chunk .. nchunk end return chunk end function Decoder.fetch_until(self, chunk, pattern) local start = chunk:find(pattern) while not start do local nchunk = self:fetch() assert(nchunk, "Unexpected EOS") chunk = chunk .. nchunk start = chunk:find(pattern) end return chunk, start end function Decoder.parse_space(self, chunk) local start = chunk:find("[^%s]") while not start do chunk = self:fetch() if not chunk then return nil end start = chunk:find("[^%s]") end return chunk:sub(start) end function Decoder.parse_literal(self, chunk, literal, value) chunk = self:fetch_atleast(chunk, #literal) assert(chunk:sub(1, #literal) == literal, "Invalid character sequence") return chunk:sub(#literal + 1), value end function Decoder.parse_null(self, chunk) return self:parse_literal(chunk, "null", self.cnull and null) end function Decoder.parse_true(self, chunk) return self:parse_literal(chunk, "true", true) end function Decoder.parse_false(self, chunk) return self:parse_literal(chunk, "false", false) end function Decoder.parse_number(self, chunk) local chunk, start = self:fetch_until(chunk, "[^0-9eE.+-]") local number = tonumber(chunk:sub(1, start - 1)) assert(number, "Invalid number specification") return chunk:sub(start), number end function Decoder.parse_string(self, chunk) local str = "" local object = nil assert(chunk:sub(1, 1) == '"', 'Expected "') chunk = chunk:sub(2) while true do local spos = chunk:find('[\\"]') if spos then str = str .. chunk:sub(1, spos - 1) local char = chunk:sub(spos, spos) if char == '"' then -- String end chunk = chunk:sub(spos + 1) break elseif char == "\\" then -- Escape sequence chunk, object = self:parse_escape(chunk:sub(spos)) str = str .. object end else str = str .. chunk chunk = self:fetch() assert(chunk, "Unexpected EOS while parsing a string") end end return chunk, str end function Decoder.utf8_encode(self, s1, s2) local n = s1 * 256 + s2 if n >= 0 and n <= 0x7F then return char(n) elseif n >= 0 and n <= 0x7FF then return char( bor(band(rshift(n, 6), 0x1F), 0xC0), bor(band(n, 0x3F), 0x80) ) elseif n >= 0 and n <= 0xFFFF then return char( bor(band(rshift(n, 12), 0x0F), 0xE0), bor(band(rshift(n, 6), 0x3F), 0x80), bor(band(n, 0x3F), 0x80) ) elseif n >= 0 and n <= 0x10FFFF then return char( bor(band(rshift(n, 18), 0x07), 0xF0), bor(band(rshift(n, 12), 0x3F), 0x80), bor(band(rshift(n, 6), 0x3F), 0x80), bor(band(n, 0x3F), 0x80) ) else return "?" end end function Decoder.parse_escape(self, chunk) local str = "" chunk = self:fetch_atleast(chunk:sub(2), 1) local char = chunk:sub(1, 1) chunk = chunk:sub(2) if char == '"' then return chunk, '"' elseif char == "\\" then return chunk, "\\" elseif char == "u" then chunk = self:fetch_atleast(chunk, 4) local s1, s2 = chunk:sub(1, 2), chunk:sub(3, 4) s1, s2 = tonumber(s1, 16), tonumber(s2, 16) assert(s1 and s2, "Invalid Unicode character") return chunk:sub(5), self:utf8_encode(s1, s2) elseif char == "/" then return chunk, "/" elseif char == "b" then return chunk, "\b" elseif char == "f" then return chunk, "\f" elseif char == "n" then return chunk, "\n" elseif char == "r" then return chunk, "\r" elseif char == "t" then return chunk, "\t" else error("Unexpected escaping sequence '\\%s'" % char) end end function Decoder.parse_array(self, chunk) chunk = chunk:sub(2) local array = {} local nextp = 1 local chunk, object = self:parse_delimiter(chunk, "%]") if object then return chunk, array end repeat chunk, object = self:dispatch(chunk, nil, true) table.insert(array, nextp, object) nextp = nextp + 1 chunk, object = self:parse_delimiter(chunk, ",%]") assert(object, "Delimiter expected") until object == "]" return chunk, array end function Decoder.parse_object(self, chunk) chunk = chunk:sub(2) local array = {} local name local chunk, object = self:parse_delimiter(chunk, "}") if object then return chunk, array end repeat chunk = self:parse_space(chunk) assert(chunk, "Unexpected EOS") chunk, name = self:parse_string(chunk) chunk, object = self:parse_delimiter(chunk, ":") assert(object, "Separator expected") chunk, object = self:dispatch(chunk, nil, true) array[name] = object chunk, object = self:parse_delimiter(chunk, ",}") assert(object, "Delimiter expected") until object == "}" return chunk, array end function Decoder.parse_delimiter(self, chunk, delimiter) while true do chunk = self:fetch_atleast(chunk, 1) local char = chunk:sub(1, 1) if char:match("%s") then chunk = self:parse_space(chunk) assert(chunk, "Unexpected EOS") elseif char:match("[%s]" % delimiter) then return chunk:sub(2), char else return chunk, nil end end end Decoder.parsers = { ['"'] = Decoder.parse_string, ['t'] = Decoder.parse_true, ['f'] = Decoder.parse_false, ['n'] = Decoder.parse_null, ['['] = Decoder.parse_array, ['{'] = Decoder.parse_object } ActiveDecoder = util.class(Decoder) function ActiveDecoder.__init__(self, source, customnull) Decoder.__init__(self, customnull) self.source = source self.chunk = nil getmetatable(self).__call = self.get end function ActiveDecoder.get(self) local chunk, src_err, object if not self.chunk then chunk, src_err = self.source() else chunk = self.chunk end self.chunk, object = self:dispatch(chunk, src_err, true) return object end function ActiveDecoder.fetch(self) local chunk, src_err = self.source() assert(chunk or not src_err, src_err) return chunk end