-- Copyright 2008 Steven Barth -- Copyright 2010-2018 Jo-Philipp Wich -- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0. local util = require "luci.util" local coroutine = require "coroutine" local table = require "table" local lhttp = require "lucihttp" local L, table, ipairs, pairs, type, error = _G.L, table, ipairs, pairs, type, error module "luci.http" HTTP_MAX_CONTENT = 1024*100 -- 100 kB maximum content size function close() L.http:close() end function content() return L.http:content() end function formvalue(name, noparse) return L.http:formvalue(name, noparse) end function formvaluetable(prefix) return L.http:formvaluetable(prefix) end function getcookie(name) return L.http:getcookie(name) end -- or the environment table itself. function getenv(name) return L.http:getenv(name) end function setfilehandler(callback) return L.http:setfilehandler(callback) end function header(key, value) L.http:header(key, value) end function prepare_content(mime) L.http:prepare_content(mime) end function source() return L.http.input end function status(code, message) L.http:status(code, message) end -- This function is as a valid LTN12 sink. -- If the content chunk is nil this function will automatically invoke close. function write(content, src_err) if src_err then error(src_err) end return L.print(content) end function splice(fd, size) coroutine.yield(6, fd, size) end function redirect(url) L.http:redirect(url) end function build_querystring(q) local s, n, k, v = {}, 1, nil, nil for k, v in pairs(q) do s[n+0] = (n == 1) and "?" or "&" s[n+1] = util.urlencode(k) s[n+2] = "=" s[n+3] = util.urlencode(v) n = n + 4 end return table.concat(s, "") end urldecode = util.urldecode urlencode = util.urlencode function write_json(x) L.printf('%J', x) end -- separated by "&". Tables are encoded as parameters with multiple values by -- repeating the parameter name with each value. function urlencode_params(tbl) local k, v local n, enc = 1, {} for k, v in pairs(tbl) do if type(v) == "table" then local i, v2 for i, v2 in ipairs(v) do if enc[1] then enc[n] = "&" n = n + 1 end enc[n+0] = lhttp.urlencode(k) enc[n+1] = "=" enc[n+2] = lhttp.urlencode(v2) n = n + 3 end else if enc[1] then enc[n] = "&" n = n + 1 end enc[n+0] = lhttp.urlencode(k) enc[n+1] = "=" enc[n+2] = lhttp.urlencode(v) n = n + 3 end end return table.concat(enc, "") end context = { request = { formvalue = function(self, ...) return formvalue(...) end; formvaluetable = function(self, ...) return formvaluetable(...) end; content = function(self, ...) return content(...) end; getcookie = function(self, ...) return getcookie(...) end; setfilehandler = function(self, ...) return setfilehandler(...) end; message = L.http.message } }