--[[ HTTP server implementation for LuCI - core (c) 2008 Freifunk Leipzig / Jo-Philipp Wich (c) 2008 Steven Barth Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id$ ]]-- module("luci.httpd", package.seeall) require("socket") THREAD_IDLEWAIT = 0.01 THREAD_TIMEOUT = 90 THREAD_LIMIT = nil local reading = {} local clhandler = {} local erhandler = {} local threadc = 0 local threads = {} local threadm = {} local threadi = {} local _meta = {__mode = "k"} setmetatable(threads, _meta) setmetatable(threadm, _meta) setmetatable(threadi, _meta) function Socket(ip, port) local sock, err = socket.bind( ip, port ) if sock then sock:settimeout( 0, "t" ) end return sock, err end function corecv(socket, ...) threadi[socket] = true while true do local chunk, err, part = socket:receive(...) if err ~= "timeout" then threadi[socket] = false return chunk, err, part end coroutine.yield() end end function cosend(socket, chunk, i, ...) threadi[socket] = true i = i or 1 while true do local stat, err, sent = socket:send(chunk, i, ...) if err ~= "timeout" then threadi[socket] = false return stat, err, sent else i = sent and (sent + 1) or i end coroutine.yield() end end function register(socket, s_clhandler, s_errhandler) table.insert(reading, socket) clhandler[socket] = s_clhandler erhandler[socket] = s_errhandler end function run() while true do step() end end function step() local idle = true if not THREAD_LIMIT or threadc < THREAD_LIMIT then local now = os.time() for i, server in ipairs(reading) do local client = server:accept() if client then threadm[client] = now threadc = threadc + 1 threads[client] = coroutine.create(clhandler[server]) end end end for client, thread in pairs(threads) do coroutine.resume(thread, client) local now = os.time() if coroutine.status(thread) == "dead" then threadc = threadc - 1 elseif threadm[client] and threadm[client] + THREAD_TIMEOUT < now then threads[client] = nil threadc = threadc - 1 client:close() elseif not threadi[client] then threadm[client] = now idle = false end end if idle then socket.sleep(THREAD_IDLEWAIT) end end