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Large file operations are supported up to 52 bits if the Lua number type is double (default).</p> <h2>Functions</h2> <table class="function_list"> <tr> <td class="name" nowrap><a href="#File.close">File:close</a> ()</td> <td class="summary"> Close the file descriptor.</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="name" nowrap><a href="#File.fileno">File:fileno</a> ()</td> <td class="summary"> Get the number of the filedescriptor.</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="name" nowrap><a href="#File.lock">File:lock</a> (command, length)</td> <td class="summary"> Apply or test a lock on the file.</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="name" nowrap><a href="#File.read">File:read</a> (length)</td> <td class="summary"> Read from a file descriptor.</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="name" nowrap><a href="#File.seek">File:seek</a> (offset, whence)</td> <td class="summary"> Reposition read / write offset of the file descriptor.</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="name" nowrap><a href="#File.setblocking">File:setblocking</a> (blocking)</td> <td class="summary"> (POSIX) Set the blocking mode of the file descriptor.</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="name" nowrap><a href="#File.stat">File:stat</a> (field)</td> <td class="summary"> Get file status and attributes.</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="name" nowrap><a href="#File.sync">File:sync</a> (data_only)</td> <td class="summary"> Synchronizes the file with the storage device.</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="name" nowrap><a href="#File.tell">File:tell</a> ()</td> <td class="summary"> Return the current read / write offset of the file descriptor.</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="name" nowrap><a href="#File.write">File:write</a> (buffer, offset, length)</td> <td class="summary"> Write to the file descriptor.</td> </tr> </table> <br/> <br/> <h2><a name="functions"></a>Functions</h2> <dl class="function"> <dt><a name="File.close"></a><strong>File:close</strong> ()</dt> <dd> Close the file descriptor. <h3>Return value:</h3> true </dd> <dt><a name="File.fileno"></a><strong>File:fileno</strong> ()</dt> <dd> Get the number of the filedescriptor. <h3>Return value:</h3> file descriptor number </dd> <dt><a name="File.lock"></a><strong>File:lock</strong> (command, length)</dt> <dd> Apply or test a lock on the file. <h3>Parameters</h3> <ul> <li> command: Locking Command ["lock", "tlock", "ulock", "test"] </li> <li> length: Amount of Bytes to lock from current offset (optional) </li> </ul> <h3>Usage</h3> <ul> <li>This function calls lockf() on POSIX and _locking() on Windows. <li>The "lock" command is blocking, "tlock" is non-blocking, "ulock" unlocks and "test" only tests for the lock. <li>The "test" command is not available on Windows. <li>Locks are by default advisory on POSIX, but mandatory on Windows. </ul> <h3>Return value:</h3> true </dd> <dt><a name="File.read"></a><strong>File:read</strong> (length)</dt> <dd> Read from a file descriptor. <h3>Parameters</h3> <ul> <li> length: Amount of data to read (in Bytes). </li> </ul> <h3>Usage</h3> <ul> <li><strong>Warning:</strong> It is not guaranteed that all requested data is read at once especially when dealing with pipes. You have to check the return value - the length of the buffer actually read - or use the safe IO functions in the high-level IO utility module. <li>The length of the return buffer is limited by the (compile time) nixio buffersize which is <em>nixio.const.buffersize</em> (8192 by default). Any read request greater than that will be safely truncated to this value. </ul> <h3>Return value:</h3> buffer containing data successfully read </dd> <dt><a name="File.seek"></a><strong>File:seek</strong> (offset, whence)</dt> <dd> Reposition read / write offset of the file descriptor. The seek will be done either from the beginning of the file or relative to the current position or relative to the end. <h3>Parameters</h3> <ul> <li> offset: File Offset </li> <li> whence: Starting point [<strong>"set"</strong>, "cur", "end"] </li> </ul> <h3>Usage:</h3> This function calls lseek(). <h3>Return value:</h3> new (absolute) offset position </dd> <dt><a name="File.setblocking"></a><strong>File:setblocking</strong> (blocking)</dt> <dd> (POSIX) Set the blocking mode of the file descriptor. <h3>Parameters</h3> <ul> <li> blocking: (boolean) </li> </ul> <h3>Return value:</h3> true </dd> <dt><a name="File.stat"></a><strong>File:stat</strong> (field)</dt> <dd> Get file status and attributes. <h3>Parameters</h3> <ul> <li> field: Only return a specific field, not the whole table (optional) </li> </ul> <h3>Usage:</h3> This function calls fstat(). <h3>Return value:</h3> Table containing: <ul> <li>atime = Last access timestamp</li> <li>blksize = Blocksize (POSIX only)</li> <li>blocks = Blocks used (POSIX only)</li> <li>ctime = Creation timestamp</li> <li>dev = Device ID</li> <li>gid = Group ID</li> <li>ino = Inode</li> <li>modedec = Mode converted into a decimal number</li> <li>modestr = Mode as string as returned by <code>ls -l</code></li> <li>mtime = Last modification timestamp</li> <li>nlink = Number of links</li> <li>rdev = Device ID (if special file)</li> <li>size = Size in bytes</li> <li>type = ["reg", "dir", "chr", "blk", "fifo", "lnk", "sock"]</li> <li>uid = User ID</li> </ul> </dd> <dt><a name="File.sync"></a><strong>File:sync</strong> (data_only)</dt> <dd> Synchronizes the file with the storage device. Returns when the file is successfully written to the disk. <h3>Parameters</h3> <ul> <li> data_only: Do not synchronize the metadata. (optional, boolean) </li> </ul> <h3>Usage</h3> <ul> <li>This function calls fsync() when data_only equals false otherwise fdatasync(), on Windows _commit() is used instead. <li>fdatasync() is only supported by Linux and Solaris. For other systems the <em>data_only</em> parameter is ignored and fsync() is always called. </ul> <h3>Return value:</h3> true </dd> <dt><a name="File.tell"></a><strong>File:tell</strong> ()</dt> <dd> Return the current read / write offset of the file descriptor. <h3>Usage:</h3> This function calls lseek() with offset 0 from the current position. <h3>Return value:</h3> offset position </dd> <dt><a name="File.write"></a><strong>File:write</strong> (buffer, offset, length)</dt> <dd> Write to the file descriptor. <h3>Parameters</h3> <ul> <li> buffer: Buffer holding the data to be written. </li> <li> offset: Offset to start reading the buffer from. (optional) </li> <li> length: Length of chunk to read from the buffer. (optional) </li> </ul> <h3>Usage</h3> <ul> <li><strong>Warning:</strong> It is not guaranteed that all data in the buffer is written at once especially when dealing with pipes. You have to check the return value - the number of bytes actually written - or use the safe IO functions in the high-level IO utility module. <li>Unlike standard Lua indexing the lowest offset and default is 0. </ul> <h3>Return value:</h3> number of bytes written </dd> </dl> </div> <!-- id="content" --> </div> <!-- id="main" --> <div id="about"> <p><a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer"><img src="http://www.w3.org/Icons/valid-xhtml10" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0!" height="31" width="88" /></a></p> </div> <!-- id="about" --> </div> <!-- id="container" --> </body> </html>