Class: Protocol

LuCI.Network. Protocol

The Network.Protocol class serves as base for protocol specific subclasses which describe logical UCI networks defined by config interface sections in /etc/config/network.

new LuCI.Network.Protocol()



Add the given network device to the logical interface.

Name Type Description
device LuCI.Network.Protocol | LuCI.Network.Device | LuCI.Network.WifiDevice | LuCI.Network.WifiNetwork | string

The object or device name to add to the logical interface. In case the given argument is not a string, it is resolved though the Network.getIfnameOf() function.

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the device name has been added or false if any argument was invalid, if the device was already part of the logical interface or if the logical interface is virtual.


Checks whether this logical interface contains the given device object.

Name Type Description
device LuCI.Network.Protocol | LuCI.Network.Device | LuCI.Network.WifiDevice | LuCI.Network.WifiNetwork | string

The object or device name to check. In case the given argument is not a string, it is resolved though the Network.getIfnameOf() function.

Type Description
boolean Returns true when this logical interface contains the given network device or false if not.


Cleanup related configuration entries.

This function will be invoked if an interface is about to be removed from the configuration and is responsible for performing any required cleanup tasks, such as unsetting uci entries in related configurations.

It should be overwritten by protocol specific subclasses.

Type Description
* | Promise.<*> This function may return a promise which is awaited before the rest of the configuration is removed. Any non-promise return value and any resolved promise value is ignored. If the returned promise is rejected, the interface removal will be aborted.


Remove the given network device from the logical interface.

Name Type Description
device LuCI.Network.Protocol | LuCI.Network.Device | LuCI.Network.WifiDevice | LuCI.Network.WifiNetwork | string

The object or device name to remove from the logical interface. In case the given argument is not a string, it is resolved though the Network.getIfnameOf() function.

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the device name has been added or false if any argument was invalid, if the device was already part of the logical interface or if the logical interface is virtual.


Read the given UCI option value of this network.

Name Type Description
opt string

The UCI option name to read.

Type Description
null | string | Array.<string> Returns the UCI option value or null if the requested option is not found.

Returns the Linux network device associated with this logical interface.

Type Description
LuCI.Network.Device Returns a Network.Device class instance representing the expected Linux network device according to the configuration.


Returns a list of network sub-devices associated with this logical interface.

Type Description
null | Array.<LuCI.Network.Device> Returns an array of of Network.Device class instances representing the sub-devices attached to this logical interface or null if the logical interface does not support sub-devices, e.g. because it is virtual and not a bridge.


Query the IPv6 DNS servers associated with the logical interface.

Type Description
Array.<string> Returns an array of IPv6 DNS servers registered by the remote protocol backend.


Query the IPv4 DNS servers associated with the logical interface.

Type Description
Array.<string> Returns an array of IPv4 DNS servers registered by the remote protocol backend.


Query interface error messages published in ubus runtime state.

Interface errors are emitted by remote protocol handlers if the setup of the underlying logical interface failed, e.g. due to bad configuration or network connectivity issues.

This function will translate the found error codes to human readable messages using the descriptions registered by Network.registerErrorCode() and fall back to "Unknown error (%s)" where %s is replaced by the error code in case no translation can be found.

Type Description
Array.<string> Returns an array of translated interface error messages.


Get the logical interface expiry time in seconds.

For protocols that have a concept of a lease, such as DHCP or DHCPv6, this function returns the remaining time in seconds until the lease expires.

Type Description
number Returns the amount of seconds until the lease expires or -1 if it isn't applicable to the associated protocol.


Query the gateway (nexthop) of the IPv6 default route associated with this logical interface.

Type Description
string Returns a string containing the IPv6 nexthop address of the associated default route or null if no default route was found.


Query the gateway (nexthop) of the default route associated with this logical interface.

Type Description
string Returns a string containing the IPv4 nexthop address of the associated default route or null if no default route was found.


Return a human readable description for the protcol, such as Static address or DHCP client.

This function should be overwritten by subclasses.

Type Description
string Returns the description string.


Get the associared Linux network device of this network.

Type Description
null | string Returns the name of the associated network device or null if it could not be determined.


Query the first (primary) IPv6 address of the logical interface.

Type Description
null | string Returns the primary IPv6 address registered by the protocol handler in CIDR notation or null if no IPv6 addresses were set.


Query all IPv6 addresses of the logical interface.

Type Description
Array.<string> Returns an array of IPv6 addresses in CIDR notation which have been registered by the protocol handler. The order of the resulting array follows the order of the addresses in ubus runtime information.


Query the routed IPv6 prefix associated with the logical interface.

Type Description
null | string Returns the routed IPv6 prefix registered by the remote protocol handler or null if no prefix is present.


Query the first (primary) IPv4 address of the logical interface.

Type Description
null | string Returns the primary IPv4 address registered by the protocol handler or null if no IPv4 addresses were set.


Query all IPv4 addresses of the logical interface.

Type Description
Array.<string> Returns an array of IPv4 addresses in CIDR notation which have been registered by the protocol handler. The order of the resulting array follows the order of the addresses in ubus runtime information.

Returns the layer 2 linux network device currently associated with this logical interface.

Type Description
LuCI.Network.Device Returns a Network.Device class instance representing the Linux network device currently associated with the logical interface.

Returns the layer 3 linux network device currently associated with this logical interface.

Type Description
LuCI.Network.Device Returns a Network.Device class instance representing the Linux network device currently associated with the logical interface.


Get the metric value of the logical interface.

Type Description
number Returns the current metric value used for device and network routes spawned by the associated logical interface.


Get the name of the associated logical interface.

Type Description
string Returns the logical interface name, such as lan or wan.


Query the first (primary) IPv4 netmask of the logical interface.

Type Description
null | string Returns the netmask of the primary IPv4 address registered by the protocol handler or null if no IPv4 addresses were set.


Get the name of the opkg package providing the protocol functionality.

This function should be overwritten by protocol specific subclasses.

Type Description
string Returns the name of the opkg package required for the protocol to function, e.g. odhcp6c for the dhcpv6 prototocol.


Get the name of this network protocol class.

This function will be overwritten by subclasses created by Network.registerProtocol().

Type Description
string Returns the name of the network protocol implementation, e.g. static or dhcp.


Get the type of the underlying interface.

This function actually is a convenience wrapper around proto.get("type") and is mainly used by other LuCI.Network code to check whether the interface is declared as bridge in UCI.

Type Description
null | string Returns the value of the type option of the associated logical interface or null if no type option is set.


Get the uptime of the logical interface.

Type Description
number Returns the uptime of the associated interface in seconds.


Get the requested firewall zone name of the logical interface.

Some protocol implementations request a specific firewall zone to trigger inclusion of their resulting network devices into the firewall rule set.

Type Description
null | string Returns the requested firewall zone name as published in the ubus runtime information or null if the remote protocol handler didn't request a zone.


Checks whether this interface is an alias interface.

Alias interfaces are interfaces layering on top of another interface and are denoted by a special @interfacename notation in the underlying ifname option.

Type Description
null | string Returns the name of the parent interface if this logical interface is an alias or null if it is not an alias interface.


Checks whether the underlying logical interface is declared as bridge.

Type Description
boolean Returns true when the interface is declared with option type bridge and when the associated protocol implementation is not marked virtual or false when the logical interface is no bridge.


Check function for the protocol handler if a new interface is createable.

This function should be overwritten by protocol specific subclasses.

Name Type Description
ifname string

The name of the interface to be created.

Type Description
Promise.<(null|string)> Returns null if new interface is createable, else returns (error) message.


Checks whether this logical interface is dynamic.

A dynamic interface is an interface which has been created at runtime, e.g. as sub-interface of another interface, but which is not backed by any user configuration. Such dynamic interfaces cannot be edited but only brought down or restarted.

Type Description
boolean Returns a boolean indicating whether this interface is dynamic (true) or not (false).


Checks whether this logical interface is "empty", meaning that ut has no network devices attached.

Type Description
boolean Returns true if this logical interface is empty, else false.


Checks whether this protocol is "floating".

A "floating" protocol is a protocol which spawns its own interfaces on demand, like a virtual one but which relies on an existinf lower level interface to initiate the connection.

An example for such a protocol is "pppoe".

This function exists for backwards compatibility with older code but should not be used anymore.

  • Yes
Type Description
boolean Returns a boolean indicating whether this protocol is floating (true) or not (false).


Checks whether the protocol functionality is installed.

This function exists for compatibility with old code, it always returns true.

  • Yes
Type Description
boolean Returns true if the protocol support is installed, else false.


Checks whether this logical interface is configured and running.

Type Description
boolean Returns true when the interface is active or false when it is not.


Checks whether this protocol is "virtual".

A "virtual" protocol is a protocol which spawns its own interfaces on demand instead of using existing physical interfaces.

Examples for virtual protocols are 6in4 which gre spawn tunnel network device on startup, examples for non-virtual protcols are dhcp or static which apply IP configuration to existing interfaces.

This function should be overwritten by subclasses.

Type Description
boolean Returns a boolean indicating whether the underlying protocol spawns dynamic interfaces (true) or not (false).

set(opt, val)

Set the given UCI option of this network to the given value.

Name Type Description
opt string

The name of the UCI option to set.

val null | string | Array.<string>

The value to set or null to remove the given option from the configuration.