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<h1>Class <code>nixio.fs</code></h1>

 Low-level and high-level filesystem manipulation library.</p>

<table class="function_list">

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.access">access</a>&nbsp;(path, mode1, ...)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 Check user's permission on a file.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.basename">basename</a>&nbsp;(path)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 Strip the directory part from a path.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.chmod">chmod</a>&nbsp;(path, mode)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 Change the file mode.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.chown">chown</a>&nbsp;(path, user, group)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 (POSIX) Change owner and group of a file.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.copy">copy</a>&nbsp;(src, dest)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 Copy a file, directory or symlink non-recursively preserving file mode, 
 timestamps, owner and group.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.copyr">copyr</a>&nbsp;(src, dest)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 Copy a file, directory or symlink recursively preserving file mode, 
 timestamps, owner and group.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.datacopy">datacopy</a>&nbsp;(src, dest, limit)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 Copy data between files.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.dir">dir</a>&nbsp;(path)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 Iterate over the entries of a directory.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.dirname">dirname</a>&nbsp;(path)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 Strip the base from a path.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.glob">glob</a>&nbsp;(pattern)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 (POSIX) Find pathnames matching a pattern.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.lchown">lchown</a>&nbsp;(path, user, group)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 (POSIX) Change owner and group of a file and do not resolve 
 if target is a symlink.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.link">link</a>&nbsp;(oldpath, newpath)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 Create a hard link.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.lstat">lstat</a>&nbsp;(path, field)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 Get file status and attributes and do not resolve if target is a symlink.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.mkdir">mkdir</a>&nbsp;(path, mode)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 Create a new directory.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.mkdirr">mkdirr</a>&nbsp;(dest, mode)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 Create a directory and all needed parent directories recursively.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.mkfifo">mkfifo</a>&nbsp;(path, mode)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 (POSIX) Create a FIFO (named pipe).</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.move">move</a>&nbsp;(src, dest)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 Rename a file, directory or symlink non-recursively across filesystems.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.mover">mover</a>&nbsp;(src, dest)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 Rename a file, directory or symlink recursively across filesystems.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.readfile">readfile</a>&nbsp;(path, limit)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 Read the contents of a file into a buffer.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.readlink">readlink</a>&nbsp;(path)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 (POSIX) Read the target of a symbolic link.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.realpath">realpath</a>&nbsp;(path)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 Return the cannonicalized absolute pathname.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.remove">remove</a>&nbsp;(path)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 Remove a file or directory.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.rename">rename</a>&nbsp;(src, dest)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 Renames a file or directory.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.rmdir">rmdir</a>&nbsp;(path)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 Remove an empty directory.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.stat">stat</a>&nbsp;(path, field)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 Get file status and attributes.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.statvfs">statvfs</a>&nbsp;(path)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 (POSIX) Get filesystem statistics.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.symlink">symlink</a>&nbsp;(oldpath, newpath)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 (POSIX) Create a symbolic link.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.unlink">unlink</a>&nbsp;(path)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 Delete a name and - if no links are left - the associated file.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.utimes">utimes</a>&nbsp;(path, actime, mtime)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 Change file last access and last modification time.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nixio.fs.writefile">writefile</a>&nbsp;(path, data)</td>
	<td class="summary">
 Write a buffer into a file truncating the file first.</td>



<h2><a name="functions"></a>Functions</h2>
<dl class="function">

<dt><a name="nixio.fs.access"></a><strong>access</strong>&nbsp;(path, mode1, ...)</dt>

 Check user's permission on a file.

	  path: Path
	  mode1: First Mode to check ["f", "r", "w", "x"]
	  ...: More Modes to check	[-"-]

<h3>Return value:</h3>


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.basename"></a><strong>basename</strong>&nbsp;(path)</dt>

 Strip the directory part from a path.

	  path: Path

This function cannot fail and will never return nil.

<h3>Return value:</h3>


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.chmod"></a><strong>chmod</strong>&nbsp;(path, mode)</dt>

 Change the file mode.

	  path: Path
	  mode: File mode	 
 [decimal mode number, "[-r][-w][-xsS][-r][-w][-xsS][-r][-w][-xtT]"]

	<li>Windows only supports setting the write-protection through the 
 "Writable to others" bit.
	<li><strong>Notice:</strong> The mode-flag for the functions 
 open, mkdir, mkfifo are affected by the umask. 

<h3>Return value:</h3>

<h3>See also:</h3>
	<li><a href="">


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.chown"></a><strong>chown</strong>&nbsp;(path, user, group)</dt>

 (POSIX) Change owner and group of a file.

	  path: Path
	  user: User ID or Username		(optional)
	  group: Group ID or Groupname	(optional)

<h3>Return value:</h3>


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.copy"></a><strong>copy</strong>&nbsp;(src, dest)</dt>

 Copy a file, directory or symlink non-recursively preserving file mode, 
 timestamps, owner and group.

	  src: Source path
	  dest: Destination path

The destination must always be a full destination path e.g. do not 
 omit the basename even if source and destination basename are equal. 

<h3>Return value:</h3>


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.copyr"></a><strong>copyr</strong>&nbsp;(src, dest)</dt>

 Copy a file, directory or symlink recursively preserving file mode, 
 timestamps, owner and group.

	  src: Source path
	  dest: Destination path

The destination must always be a full destination path e.g. do not 
 omit the basename even if source and destination basename are equal. 

<h3>Return value:</h3>


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.datacopy"></a><strong>datacopy</strong>&nbsp;(src, dest, limit)</dt>

 Copy data between files.

	  src: Source file path
	  dest: Destination file path
	  limit: Maximum bytes to copy (optional)

<h3>Return value:</h3>


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.dir"></a><strong>dir</strong>&nbsp;(path)</dt>

 Iterate over the entries of a directory.

	  path: Path

The special entries "." and ".." are omitted.

<h3>Return value:</h3>
directory iterator returning one entry per call


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.dirname"></a><strong>dirname</strong>&nbsp;(path)</dt>

 Strip the base from a path.

	  path: Path

This function cannot fail and will never return nil.

<h3>Return value:</h3>


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.glob"></a><strong>glob</strong>&nbsp;(pattern)</dt>

 (POSIX) Find pathnames matching a pattern.

	  pattern: Pattern

<h3>Return values:</h3>
	<li>path iterator
	<li>number of matches


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.lchown"></a><strong>lchown</strong>&nbsp;(path, user, group)</dt>

 (POSIX) Change owner and group of a file and do not resolve 
 if target is a symlink.

	  path: Path
	  user: User ID or Username		(optional)
	  group: Group ID or Groupname	(optional)

<h3>Return value:</h3>


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.link"></a><strong>link</strong>&nbsp;(oldpath, newpath)</dt>

 Create a hard link.

	  oldpath: Path
	  newpath: Path

This function calls link() on POSIX and CreateHardLink() on Windows.

<h3>Return value:</h3>


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.lstat"></a><strong>lstat</strong>&nbsp;(path, field)</dt>

 Get file status and attributes and do not resolve if target is a symlink.

	  path: Path
	  field: Only return a specific field, not the whole table (optional)

<h3>Return value:</h3>
Table containing attributes (see stat for a detailed description)

<h3>See also:</h3>
	<li><a href="#nixio.fs.stat">


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.mkdir"></a><strong>mkdir</strong>&nbsp;(path, mode)</dt>

 Create a new directory.

	  path: Path
	  mode: File mode (optional, see chmod and umask)

<h3>Return value:</h3>

<h3>See also:</h3>
	<li><a href="#nixio.fs.chmod">
	<li><a href="">


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.mkdirr"></a><strong>mkdirr</strong>&nbsp;(dest, mode)</dt>

 Create a directory and all needed parent directories recursively. 

	  dest: Destination path
	  mode: File mode (optional, see chmod and umask)

<h3>Return value:</h3>

<h3>See also:</h3>
	<li><a href="#nixio.fs.chmod">
	<li><a href="">


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.mkfifo"></a><strong>mkfifo</strong>&nbsp;(path, mode)</dt>

 (POSIX) Create a FIFO (named pipe).

	  path: Path
	  mode: File mode (optional, see chmod and umask)

<h3>Return value:</h3>

<h3>See also:</h3>
	<li><a href="#nixio.fs.chmod">
	<li><a href="">


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.move"></a><strong>move</strong>&nbsp;(src, dest)</dt>

 Rename a file, directory or symlink non-recursively across filesystems.

	  src: Source path
	  dest: Destination path

The destination must always be a full destination path e.g. do not 
 omit the basename even if source and destination basename are equal. 

<h3>Return value:</h3>


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.mover"></a><strong>mover</strong>&nbsp;(src, dest)</dt>

 Rename a file, directory or symlink recursively across filesystems.

	  src: Source path
	  dest: Destination path

The destination must always be a full destination path e.g. do not 
 omit the basename even if source and destination basename are equal. 

<h3>Return value:</h3>


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.readfile"></a><strong>readfile</strong>&nbsp;(path, limit)</dt>

 Read the contents of a file into a buffer.

	  path: Path
	  limit: Maximum bytes to read (optional)

<h3>Return value:</h3>
file contents


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.readlink"></a><strong>readlink</strong>&nbsp;(path)</dt>

 (POSIX) Read the target of a symbolic link.

	  path: Path

<h3>Return value:</h3>
target path


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.realpath"></a><strong>realpath</strong>&nbsp;(path)</dt>

 Return the cannonicalized absolute pathname.

	  path: Path

<h3>Return value:</h3>
absolute path


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.remove"></a><strong>remove</strong>&nbsp;(path)</dt>

 Remove a file or directory.

	  path: Path

<h3>Return value:</h3>


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.rename"></a><strong>rename</strong>&nbsp;(src, dest)</dt>

 Renames a file or directory.

	  src: Source path
	  dest: Destination path

It is normally not possible to rename files across filesystems.

<h3>Return value:</h3>


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.rmdir"></a><strong>rmdir</strong>&nbsp;(path)</dt>

 Remove an empty directory.

	  path: Path

<h3>Return value:</h3>


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.stat"></a><strong>stat</strong>&nbsp;(path, field)</dt>

 Get file status and attributes.

	  path: Path
	  field: Only return a specific field, not the whole table (optional)

<h3>Return value:</h3>
Table containing: <ul> 
 <li>atime = Last access timestamp</li> 
 <li>blksize = Blocksize (POSIX only)</li> 
 <li>blocks = Blocks used (POSIX only)</li> 
 <li>ctime = Creation timestamp</li> 
 <li>dev = Device ID</li> 
 <li>gid = Group ID</li> 
 <li>ino = Inode</li> 
 <li>modedec = Mode converted into a decimal number</li> 
 <li>modestr = Mode as string as returned by <code>ls -l</code></li> 
 <li>mtime = Last modification timestamp</li> 
 <li>nlink = Number of links</li> 
 <li>rdev = Device ID (if special file)</li> 
 <li>size = Size in bytes</li> 
 <li>type = ["reg", "dir", "chr", "blk", "fifo", "lnk", "sock"]</li> 
 <li>uid = User ID</li> 


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.statvfs"></a><strong>statvfs</strong>&nbsp;(path)</dt>

 (POSIX) Get filesystem statistics.

	  path: Path to any file within the filesystem.

<h3>Return value:</h3>
Table containing: <ul> 
 <li>bavail = available blocks</li> 
 <li>bfree = free blocks</li> 
 <li>blocks = number of fragments</li> 
 <li>frsize = fragment size</li> 
 <li>favail = available inodes</li> 
 <li>ffree = free inodes</li> 
 <li>files = inodes</li> 
 <li>flag = flags</li> 
 <li>fsid = filesystem ID</li> 
 <li>namemax = maximum filename length</li> 


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.symlink"></a><strong>symlink</strong>&nbsp;(oldpath, newpath)</dt>

 (POSIX) Create a symbolic link.

	  oldpath: Path
	  newpath: Path

<h3>Return value:</h3>


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.unlink"></a><strong>unlink</strong>&nbsp;(path)</dt>

 Delete a name and - if no links are left - the associated file.

	  path: Path

<h3>Return value:</h3>


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.utimes"></a><strong>utimes</strong>&nbsp;(path, actime, mtime)</dt>

 Change file last access and last modification time.

	  path: Path
	  actime: Last access timestamp	(optional, default: current time)
	  mtime: Last modification timestamp (optional, default: actime)

<h3>Return value:</h3>


<dt><a name="nixio.fs.writefile"></a><strong>writefile</strong>&nbsp;(path, data)</dt>

 Write a buffer into a file truncating the file first.

	  path: Path
	  data: Data to write

<h3>Return value:</h3>



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