# Writing LuCI CBI models See [online wiki](https://github.com/openwrt/luci/wiki/CBI) for latest version. CBI models are Lua files describing the structure of an UCI config file and the resulting HTML form to be evaluated by the CBI parser.<br /> All CBI model files must return an object of type `luci.cbi.Map`.<br /> For a commented example of a CBI model, see the [Writing Modules tutorial](./ModulesHowTo.md). The scope of a CBI model file is automatically extended by the contents of the module `luci.cbi` and the `translate` function from `luci.i18n`. This Reference covers **the basics** of the CBI system. ## class Map (config, title, description) This is the root object of the model. * `config:` configuration filename to be mapped, see [UCI documentation](https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/base-system/uci) and the files in `/etc/config` * `title:` title shown in the UI * `description:` description shown in the UI #### function :section (sectionclass, ...) Creates a new section * `sectionclass`: a class object of the section * _additional parameters passed to the constructor of the section class_ ---- ## class NamedSection (name, type, title, description) An object describing an UCI section selected by the name.<br /> To instantiate use: `Map:section(NamedSection, "name", "type", "title", "description")` * `name:` UCI section name * `type:` UCI section type * `title:` The title shown in the UI * `description:` description shown in the UI #### function :option(optionclass, ...) Creates a new option * `optionclass:` a class object of the section * _additional parameters passed to the constructor of the option class_ #### property .addremove = false Allows the user to remove and recreate the configuration section. #### property .dynamic = false Marks this section as dynamic. Dynamic sections can contain an undefinded number of completely userdefined options. #### property .optional = true Parse optional options ---- ## class TypedSection (type, title, description) An object describing a group of UCI sections selected by their type.<br /> To instantiate use: `Map:section(TypedSection, "type", "title", "description")` * `type:` UCI section type * `title:` The title shown in the UI * `description:` description shown in the UI #### function :option(optionclass, ...) Creates a new option * `optionclass:` a class object of the section * _additional parameters passed to the constructor of the option class_ #### function :depends(key, value) Only show this option field if another option `key` is set to `value` in the same section.<br /> If you call this function several times the dependencies will be linked with **"or"** #### function .filter(self, section) -abstract- You can override this function to filter certain sections that will not be parsed. The filter function will be called for every section that should be parsed and returns `nil` for sections that should be filtered. For all other sections it should return the section name as given in the second parameter. #### property .addremove = false Allows the user to remove and recreate the configuration section #### property .dynamic = false Marks this section as dynamic. Dynamic sections can contain an undefinded number of completely userdefined options. #### property .optional = true Parse optional options #### property .anonymous = false Do not show UCI section names ---- ## class Value (option, title, description) An object describing an option in a section of a UCI File. Creates a standard text field in the formular.<br /> To instantiate use: `NamedSection:option(Value, "option", "title", "description")`<br /> or `TypedSection:option(Value, "option", "title", "description")` * `option:` UCI option name * `title:` The title shown in the UI * `description:` description shown in the UI #### function :depends(key, value) Only show this option field if another option `key` is set to `value` in the same section.<br /> If you call this function several times the dependencies will be linked with **"or"** #### function :value(key, value) Convert this text field into a combobox if possible and add a selection option. #### property .default = nil The default value #### property .maxlength = nil The maximum input length (of chars) of the value #### property .optional = false Marks this option as optional, implies `.rmempty = true` #### property .rmempty = true Removes this option from the configuration file when the user enters an empty value #### property .size = nil The maximum number of chars displayed by form field ---- ## class ListValue (option, title, description) An object describing an option in a section of a UCI File.<br /> Creates a list box or list of radio (for selecting one of many choices) in the formular.<br /> To instantiate use: `NamedSection:option(ListValue, "option", "title", "description")`<br /> or `TypedSection:option(ListValue, "option", "title", "description")` * `option:` UCI option name * `title:` The title shown in the UI * `description:` description shown in the UI #### function :depends(key, value) Only show this option field if another option `key` is set to `value` in the same section.<br /> If you call this function several times the dependencies will be linked with **"or"** #### function :value(key, value) Adds an entry to the selection list #### property .widget = "select" `select` shows a selection list, `radio` shows a list of radio buttons inside form #### property .default = nil The default value #### property .optional = false Marks this option as optional, implies `.rmempty = true` #### property .rmempty = true Removes this option from the configuration file when the user enters an empty value #### property .size = nil The size of the form field ---- ## class Flag (option, title, description) An object describing an option with two possible values in a section of a UCI File.<br /> Creates a checkbox field in the formular.<br /> To instantiate use: `NamedSection:option(Flag, "option", "title", "description")`<br /> or `TypedSection:option(Flag, "option", "title", "description")` * `option:` UCI option name * `title:` The title shown in the UI * `description:` description shown in the UI #### function :depends (key, value) Only show this option field if another option `key` is set to `value` in the same section.<br /> If you call this function several times the dependencies will be linked with **"or"** #### property .default = nil The default value #### property .disabled = 0 the value that should be set if the checkbox is unchecked #### property .enabled = 1 the value that should be set if the checkbox is checked #### property .optional = false Marks this option as optional, implies `.rmempty = true` #### property .rmempty = true Removes this option from the configuration file when the user enters an empty value ---- ## class MultiValue (option, title, description) An object describing an option in a section of a UCI File.<br /> Creates a list of checkboxed or a multiselectable list as form fields.<br /> To instantiate use: `NamedSection:option(MultiValue, "option", "title", "description")`<br /> or `TypedSection:option(MultiValue, "option", "title", "description")` * `option:` UCI option name * `title:` The title shown in the UI * `description:` description shown in the UI #### function :depends (key, value) Only show this option field if another option `key` is set to `value` in the same section.<br /> If you call this function several times the dependencies will be linked with **"or"** #### function :value(key, value) Adds an entry to the list #### property .widget = "checkbox" `select` shows a selection list, `checkbox` shows a list of checkboxes inside form #### property .delimiter = " " The string which will be used to delimit the values inside stored option #### property .default = nil The default value #### property .optional = false Marks this option as optional, implies `.rmempty = true` #### property .rmempty = true Removes this option from the configuration file when the user enters an empty value #### property .size = nil The size of the form field (only used if property `.widget = "select"`) ---- ## class StaticList (option, title, description) Similar to the `MultiValue`, but stores selected Values into a UCI list instead of a character-separated option. ---- ## class DynamicList (option, title, description) A extensible list of user-defined values. Stores Values into a UCI list ---- ## class DummyValue (option, title, description) Creates a readonly text in the form. !It writes no data to UCI!<br /> To instantiate use: `NamedSection:option(DummyValue, "option", "title", "description")`<br /> or `TypedSection:option(DummyValue, "option", "title", "description")` * `option:` UCI option name * `title:` The title shown in the UI * `description:` description shown in the UI #### function :depends (key, value) Only show this option field if another option `key` is set to `value` in the same section.<br /> If you call this function several times the dependencies will be linked with **"or"** ---- ## class TextValue (option, title, description) An object describing a multi-line textbox in a section in a non-UCI form. ---- ## class Button (option, title, description) An object describing a Button in a section in a non-UCI form.