#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common START=70 iface_add() { local cfg="$1" config_get net "$cfg" network [ -n "$net" ] || return 0 config_get iface "$net" ifname [ -n "$iface" ] || return 0 iface="${iface%%:*}" config_get ipaddr "$net" ipaddr [ -n "$ipaddr" ] || return 0 config_get netmask "$net" netmask [ -n "$netmask" ] || return 0 eval "$(ipcalc.sh $ipaddr $netmask)" iptables -t nat -A luci_splash -i "$iface" -s "$IP/$PREFIX" -j luci_splash_portal iptables -t nat -A luci_splash_portal -i "$iface" -s "$IP/$PREFIX" -d "$ipaddr" -p tcp --dport 80 -j RETURN } blacklist_add() { local cfg="$1" config_get mac "$cfg" mac [ -n "$mac" ] && iptables -t nat -A luci_splash_portal -m mac --mac-source "$mac" -j DROP } whitelist_add() { local cfg="$1" config_get mac "$cfg" mac [ -n "$mac" ] && iptables -t nat -A luci_splash_portal -m mac --mac-source "$mac" -j RETURN } start() { ### Read chains from config include /lib/network scan_interfaces config_load luci_splash ### Create subchains iptables -t nat -N luci_splash iptables -t nat -N luci_splash_portal iptables -t nat -N luci_splash_leases ### Build the main rule config_foreach iface_add iface ### Build the portal rule config_foreach blacklist_add blacklist config_foreach whitelist_add whitelist iptables -t nat -A luci_splash_portal -j luci_splash_leases ### Build the leases rule iptables -t nat -A luci_splash_leases -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8082 iptables -t nat -A luci_splash_leases -j DROP ### Start the splash httpd httpd -c /etc/luci_splash_httpd.conf -p 8082 -h /usr/lib/luci-splash/htdocs ### Sync leases /usr/lib/luci-splash/sync.lua ### Hook in the chain iptables -t nat -A prerouting_rule -j luci_splash } stop() { ### Hook out the chain iptables -t nat -D prerouting_rule -j luci_splash ### Clear subchains iptables -t nat -F luci_splash_leases iptables -t nat -F luci_splash_portal iptables -t nat -F luci_splash ### Delete subchains iptables -t nat -X luci_splash_leases iptables -t nat -X luci_splash_portal iptables -t nat -X luci_splash }