target (SIP|IAX)_{name}  - Handle options for outgoing dialing
	timeout            - Timeout for dialing out with this target
	prefix             - Prefix required to dial out on this target
	internationalprefix- Prefix required to dial internation on this target
	alwaysinternational- True if this target always requires internation prefix
	countrycode        - Default International country code for this target

sip [sip_]{name}
	type               - Type of sip connection - very important.
	register           - Set to yes to register
	registerextension  - 'Extension' to use in register string in place of username

	extension (list)   - Extension to use for this phone (doesn't have to be unique). First one is used to set the incoming callerid.
	selfmailbox        - Set to yes to have dialing own extensions go to mailbox
	incoming (list)    - Specify the incoming context for ringing

	timeout            - Timeout for dialing out with this target
	prefix             - Prefix required to dial out on this target
	internationalprefix- Prefix required to dial internation on this target
	alwaysinternational- True if this target always requires internation prefix
	countrycode        - Default International country code for this target

	rtpstart           - rtp.conf option
	rtpend             - rtp.conf option
	rtpdtmftimeout     - rtp.conf option dtmftimeout
	rtcpinterval       - rtp.conf option
	rtpchecksums       - rtp.conf option

iax [iax_]{name}
	extension (list)   - Extension to use for this phone (doesn't have to be unique). First one is used to set the incoming callerid.

	selfmailbox        - Set to yes to have dialing own extensions go to mailbox
	incoming (list)    - Specify the incoming context for ringing

	timeout            - Timeout for dialing out with this target
	prefix             - Prefix required to dial out on this target
	internationalprefix- Prefix required to dial internation on this target
	alwaysinternational- True if this target always requires internation prefix
	countrycode        - Default International country code for this target

General asterisk options - see asterisk doco

Options          |Type    |sip    |sip  |iax    |iax
                 |        |general|     |general|
writeprotect      Integer  no      no    yes     yes
static            Integer  no      no    yes     yes
port              Integer  yes     yes   no      no
maxexpirey        Integer  yes     yes   no      no
rtptimeout        Integer  yes     yes   no      no
rtpholdtimeout    Integer  yes     yes   no      no
defaultexpirey    Integer  yes     yes   no      no
registertimeout   Integer  yes     yes   no      no
registerattempts  Integer  yes     yes   no      no
call-limit        Integer  yes     yes   no      no
# ip addr
bindaddr          IP Addr  yes     yes   no      no
externip          IP Addr  yes     yes   no      no
localnet          Net/mask yes     yes   no      no
permit            Net/mask no      yes   no      no
deny              Net/mask no      yes   no      no
realm             Domain   yes     yes   no      no
domain            Domain   yes     yes   no      no
context           context  yes     yes   yes     yes
notifymimetype    Mimetype yes     yes   no      no
canreinvite       Yes/No   yes     yes   yes     yes
nat               Yes/No   yes     yes   no      no
allowoverlap      Yes/No   yes     yes   no      no
allowsubscribe    Yes/No   yes     yes   no      no
allowtransfer     Yes/No   yes     yes   no      no
videosupport      Yes/No   yes     yes   no      no
pedantic          Yes/No   no      yes   no      no
trustrpid,        Yes/No   no      yes   no      no
promiscredir      Yes/No   no      yes   no      no
useclientcode     Yes/No   no      yes   no      no
dtmfmode          Enum     yes     yes   no      no
type              Enum     no      yes   no      yes
insecure          Enum     no      yes   no      no
callingpres       Enum     no      yes   no      no
progressinband    Enum     no      yes   no      no
allow             List     yes     yes   yes     yes
disallow          List     yes     yes   yes     yes
register          Register yes     yes   no      no
username          String   no      yes   no      yes
secret            String   no      yes   no      yes
md5secret         String   no      yes   no      yes
host              String   no      yes   no      yes
mailbox           String   no      yes   no      yes
auth              String   no      no    no      yes
callgroup         String   no      yes   no      no
pickupgroup       String   no      yes   no      no
language          String   no      yes   no      no
accountcode       String   no      yes   no      no
setvar            String   no      yes   no      no
callerid          String   no      yes   no      no
amaflags          String   no      yes   no      no
subscribecontext  String   no      yes   no      no
maxcallbitrate    String   no      yes   no      no
rfc2833compensate String   no      yes   no      no
mailbox           String   no      yes   no      no
template          String   no      peer  no      no
fromdomain        String   no      peer  no      no
regexten          String   no      peer  no      no
fromuser          String   no      peer  no      no
qualify           String   no      peer  no      no
defaultip         String   no      peer  no      no
sendrpid          String   no      peer  no      no
outboundproxy     String   no      peer  no      no