--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2019 lisaac ]]-- require "nixio.util" require "luci.util" local jsonc = require "luci.jsonc" local nixio = require "nixio" local ltn12 = require "luci.ltn12" local fs = require "nixio.fs" local urlencode = luci.util.urlencode or luci.http and luci.http.protocol and luci.http.protocol.urlencode local json_stringify = jsonc.stringify local json_parse = jsonc.parse local chunksource = function(sock, buffer) buffer = buffer or "" return function() local output local _, endp, count = buffer:find("^([0-9a-fA-F]+)\r\n") if not count then local newblock, code = sock:recv(1024) if not newblock then return nil, code end buffer = buffer .. newblock _, endp, count = buffer:find("^([0-9a-fA-F]+)\r\n") end count = tonumber(count, 16) if not count then return nil, -1, "invalid encoding" elseif count == 0 then -- finial return nil elseif count <= #buffer - endp then -- data >= count output = buffer:sub(endp + 1, endp + count) if count == #buffer - endp then -- [data] buffer = buffer:sub(endp + count + 1) count, code = sock:recvall(2) --read \r\n if not count then return nil, code end elseif count + 1 == #buffer - endp then -- [data]\r buffer = buffer:sub(endp + count + 2) count, code = sock:recvall(1) --read \n if not count then return nil, code end else -- [data]\r\n[count]\r\n[data]... buffer = buffer:sub(endp + count + 3) -- cut buffer end return output else -- data < count output = buffer:sub(endp + 1, endp + count) buffer = buffer:sub(endp + count + 1) local remain, code = sock:recvall(count - #output) --need read remaining if not remain then return nil, code end output = output .. remain count, code = sock:recvall(2) --read \r\n if not count then return nil, code end return output end end end local chunksink = function (sock) return function(chunk, err) if not chunk then return sock:writeall("0\r\n\r\n") else return sock:writeall(("%X\r\n%s\r\n"):format(#chunk, tostring(chunk))) end end end local docker_stream_filter = function(buffer) buffer = buffer or "" if #buffer < 8 then return "" end local stream_type = ((string.byte(buffer, 1) == 1) and "stdout") or ((string.byte(buffer, 1) == 2) and "stderr") or ((string.byte(buffer, 1) == 0) and "stdin") or "stream_err" local valid_length = tonumber(string.byte(buffer, 5)) * 256 * 256 * 256 + tonumber(string.byte(buffer, 6)) * 256 * 256 + tonumber(string.byte(buffer, 7)) * 256 + tonumber(string.byte(buffer, 8)) if valid_length > #buffer + 8 then return "" end return stream_type .. ": " .. string.sub(buffer, 9, valid_length + 8) end local open_socket = function(req_options) local socket if type(req_options) ~= "table" then return socket end if req_options.socket_path then socket = nixio.socket("unix", "stream") if socket:connect(req_options.socket_path) ~= true then return nil end elseif req_options.host and req_options.port then socket = nixio.connect(req_options.host, req_options.port) end if socket then return socket else return nil end end local send_http_socket = function(docker_socket, req_header, req_body, callback) if docker_socket:send(req_header) == 0 then return { headers={ code=498, message="bad path", protocol="HTTP/1.1" }, body={ message="can\'t send data to socket" } } end if req_body and type(req_body) == "function" and req_header and req_header:match("chunked") then -- chunked send req_body(chunksink(docker_socket)) elseif req_body and type(req_body) == "function" then -- normal send by req_body function req_body(docker_socket) elseif req_body and type(req_body) == "table" then -- json docker_socket:send(json_stringify(req_body)) if options.debug then io.popen("echo '".. json_stringify(req_body) .. "' >> " .. options.debug_path) end elseif req_body then docker_socket:send(req_body) if options.debug then io.popen("echo '".. req_body .. "' >> " .. options.debug_path) end end local linesrc = docker_socket:linesource() -- read socket using source http://w3.impa.br/~diego/software/luasocket/ltn12.html -- http://lua-users.org/wiki/FiltersSourcesAndSinks -- handle response header local line = linesrc() if not line then docker_socket:close() return { headers = { code=499, message="bad socket path", protocol="HTTP/1.1" }, body = { message="no data receive from socket" } } end local response = { code = 0, headers = {}, body = {} } local p, code, msg = line:match("^([%w./]+) ([0-9]+) (.*)") response.protocol = p response.code = tonumber(code) response.message = msg line = linesrc() while line and line ~= "" do local key, val = line:match("^([%w-]+)%s?:%s?(.*)") if key and key ~= "Status" then if type(response.headers[key]) == "string" then response.headers[key] = { response.headers[key], val } elseif type(response.headers[key]) == "table" then response.headers[key][#response.headers[key] + 1] = val else response.headers[key] = val end end line = linesrc() end -- handle response body local body_buffer = linesrc(true) response.body = {} if type(callback) ~= "function" then if response.headers["Transfer-Encoding"] == "chunked" then local source = chunksource(docker_socket, body_buffer) code = ltn12.pump.all(source, (ltn12.sink.table(response.body))) and response.code or 555 response.code = code else local body_source = ltn12.source.cat(ltn12.source.string(body_buffer), docker_socket:blocksource()) code = ltn12.pump.all(body_source, (ltn12.sink.table(response.body))) and response.code or 555 response.code = code end else if response.headers["Transfer-Encoding"] == "chunked" then local source = chunksource(docker_socket, body_buffer) callback(response, source) else local body_source = ltn12.source.cat(ltn12.source.string(body_buffer), docker_socket:blocksource()) callback(response, body_source) end end docker_socket:close() return response end local gen_header = function(options, http_method, api_group, api_action, name_or_id, request) local header, query, path name_or_id = (name_or_id ~= "") and name_or_id or nil if request and type(request.query) == "table" then local k, v for k, v in pairs(request.query) do if type(v) == "table" then query = (query and query .. "&" or "?") .. k .. "=" .. urlencode(json_stringify(v)) elseif type(v) == "boolean" then query = (query and query .. "&" or "?") .. k .. "=" .. (v and "true" or "false") elseif type(v) == "number" or type(v) == "string" then query = (query and query .. "&" or "?") .. k .. "=" .. v end end end path = (api_group and ("/" .. api_group) or "") .. (name_or_id and ("/" .. name_or_id) or "") .. (api_action and ("/" .. api_action) or "") .. (query or "") header = (http_method or "GET") .. " " .. path .. " " .. options.protocol .. "\r\n" header = header .. "Host: " .. options.host .. "\r\n" header = header .. "User-Agent: " .. options.user_agent .. "\r\n" header = header .. "Connection: close\r\n" if request and type(request.header) == "table" then local k, v for k, v in pairs(request.header) do header = header .. k .. ": " .. v .. "\r\n" end end -- when requst_body is function, we need to custom header using custom header if request and request.body and type(request.body) == "function" then if not header:match("Content-Length:") then header = header .. "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n" end elseif http_method == "POST" and request and request.body and type(request.body) == "table" then local conetnt_json = json_stringify(request.body) header = header .. "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" header = header .. "Content-Length: " .. #conetnt_json .. "\r\n" elseif request and request.body and type(request.body) == "string" then header = header .. "Content-Length: " .. #request.body .. "\r\n" end header = header .. "\r\n" if options.debug then io.popen("echo '".. header .. "' >> " .. options.debug_path) end return header end local call_docker = function(options, http_method, api_group, api_action, name_or_id, request, callback) local req_options = setmetatable({}, { __index = options }) local req_header = gen_header(req_options, http_method, api_group, api_action, name_or_id, request) local req_body = request and request.body or nil local docker_socket = open_socket(req_options) if docker_socket then return send_http_socket(docker_socket, req_header, req_body, callback) else return { headers = { code=497, message="bad socket path or host", protocol="HTTP/1.1" }, body = { message="can\'t connect to socket" } } end end local gen_api = function(_table, http_method, api_group, api_action) local _api_action if api_action == "get_archive" or api_action == "put_archive" then api_action = "archive" elseif api_action == "df" then _api_action = "system/df" elseif api_action ~= "list" and api_action ~= "inspect" and api_action ~= "remove" then _api_action = api_action elseif (api_group == "containers" or api_group == "images" or api_group == "exec") and (api_action == "list" or api_action == "inspect") then _api_action = "json" end local fp = function(self, request, callback) local name_or_id = request and (request.name or request.id or request.name_or_id) or nil if api_action == "list" then if (name_or_id ~= "" and name_or_id ~= nil) then if api_group == "images" then name_or_id = nil else request.query = request and request.query or {} request.query.filters = request.query.filters or {} request.query.filters.name = request.query.filters.name or {} request.query.filters.name[#request.query.filters.name + 1] = name_or_id name_or_id = nil end end elseif api_action == "create" then if (name_or_id ~= "" and name_or_id ~= nil) then request.query = request and request.query or {} request.query.name = request.query.name or name_or_id name_or_id = nil end elseif api_action == "logs" then local body_buffer = "" local response = call_docker(self.options, http_method, api_group, _api_action, name_or_id, request, callback) if response.code >= 200 and response.code < 300 then for i, v in ipairs(response.body) do body_buffer = body_buffer .. docker_stream_filter(response.body[i]) end response.body = body_buffer end return response end local response = call_docker(self.options, http_method, api_group, _api_action, name_or_id, request, callback) if response.headers and response.headers["Content-Type"] == "application/json" then if #response.body == 1 then response.body = json_parse(response.body[1]) else local tmp = {} for _, v in ipairs(response.body) do tmp[#tmp+1] = json_parse(v) end response.body = tmp end end return response end if api_group then _table[api_group][api_action] = fp else _table[api_action] = fp end end local _docker = { containers = {}, exec = {}, images = {}, networks = {}, volumes = {} } gen_api(_docker, "GET", "containers", "list") gen_api(_docker, "POST", "containers", "create") gen_api(_docker, "GET", "containers", "inspect") gen_api(_docker, "GET", "containers", "top") gen_api(_docker, "GET", "containers", "logs") gen_api(_docker, "GET", "containers", "changes") gen_api(_docker, "GET", "containers", "stats") gen_api(_docker, "POST", "containers", "resize") gen_api(_docker, "POST", "containers", "start") gen_api(_docker, "POST", "containers", "stop") gen_api(_docker, "POST", "containers", "restart") gen_api(_docker, "POST", "containers", "kill") gen_api(_docker, "POST", "containers", "update") gen_api(_docker, "POST", "containers", "rename") gen_api(_docker, "POST", "containers", "pause") gen_api(_docker, "POST", "containers", "unpause") gen_api(_docker, "POST", "containers", "update") gen_api(_docker, "DELETE", "containers", "remove") gen_api(_docker, "POST", "containers", "prune") gen_api(_docker, "POST", "containers", "exec") gen_api(_docker, "POST", "exec", "start") gen_api(_docker, "POST", "exec", "resize") gen_api(_docker, "GET", "exec", "inspect") gen_api(_docker, "GET", "containers", "get_archive") gen_api(_docker, "PUT", "containers", "put_archive") -- TODO: export,attch gen_api(_docker, "GET", "images", "list") gen_api(_docker, "POST", "images", "create") gen_api(_docker, "GET", "images", "inspect") gen_api(_docker, "GET", "images", "history") gen_api(_docker, "POST", "images", "tag") gen_api(_docker, "DELETE", "images", "remove") gen_api(_docker, "GET", "images", "search") gen_api(_docker, "POST", "images", "prune") gen_api(_docker, "GET", "images", "get") gen_api(_docker, "POST", "images", "load") gen_api(_docker, "GET", "networks", "list") gen_api(_docker, "GET", "networks", "inspect") gen_api(_docker, "DELETE", "networks", "remove") gen_api(_docker, "POST", "networks", "create") gen_api(_docker, "POST", "networks", "connect") gen_api(_docker, "POST", "networks", "disconnect") gen_api(_docker, "POST", "networks", "prune") gen_api(_docker, "GET", "volumes", "list") gen_api(_docker, "GET", "volumes", "inspect") gen_api(_docker, "DELETE", "volumes", "remove") gen_api(_docker, "POST", "volumes", "create") gen_api(_docker, "GET", nil, "events") gen_api(_docker, "GET", nil, "version") gen_api(_docker, "GET", nil, "info") gen_api(_docker, "GET", nil, "_ping") gen_api(_docker, "GET", nil, "df") function _docker.new(options) local docker = {} local _options = options or {} docker.options = { socket_path = _options.socket_path or nil, host = _options.socket_path and "localhost" or _options.host, port = not _options.socket_path and _options.port or nil, tls = _options.tls or nil, tls_cacert = _options.tls and _options.tls_cacert or nil, tls_cert = _options.tls and _options.tls_cert or nil, tls_key = _options.tls and _options.tls_key or nil, version = _options.version or "v1.40", user_agent = _options.user_agent or "LuCI", protocol = _options.protocol or "HTTP/1.1", debug = _options.debug or false, debug_path = _options.debug and _options.debug_path or nil } setmetatable( docker, { __index = function(t, key) if _docker[key] ~= nil then return _docker[key] else return _docker.containers[key] end end } ) setmetatable( docker.containers, { __index = function(t, key) if key == "options" then return docker.options end end } ) setmetatable( docker.networks, { __index = function(t, key) if key == "options" then return docker.options end end } ) setmetatable( docker.images, { __index = function(t, key) if key == "options" then return docker.options end end } ) setmetatable( docker.volumes, { __index = function(t, key) if key == "options" then return docker.options end end } ) setmetatable( docker.exec, { __index = function(t, key) if key == "options" then return docker.options end end } ) return docker end return _docker