#!/usr/bin/perl # zoneinfo2lua.pl - Make Lua module from /usr/share/zoneinfo # Execute from within root of Luci feed, usually feeds/luci # $Id$ use strict; my %TZ; my $tzdin = $ARGV[0] || "/usr/share/zoneinfo"; my $tzdout = $ARGV[1] || "./modules/luci-base/luasrc/sys/zoneinfo"; local $/ = "\012"; open( ZTAB, "< $tzdin/zone.tab" ) || die "open($tzdin/zone.tab): $!"; while( ! eof ZTAB ) { chomp( my $line = readline ZTAB ); next if $line =~ /^#/ || $line =~ /^\s+$/; my ( undef, undef, $zone, @comment ) = split /\s+/, $line; printf STDERR "%-40s", $zone; if( open ZONE, "< $tzdin/$zone" ) { seek ZONE, -2, 2; while( tell(ZONE) > 0 ) { read ZONE, my $char, 1; ( $char eq "\012" ) ? last : seek ZONE, -2, 1; } chomp( my $tz = readline ZONE ); print STDERR ( $tz || "(no tzinfo found)" ), "\n"; close ZONE; if( $tz ) { $zone =~ s/_/ /g; $TZ{$zone} = $tz; } } else { print STDERR "open($tzdin/$zone): $!\n"; } } close ZTAB; # Add Etc/GMT zones from manually as they are not in zone.tab $TZ{"Etc/GMT"} = "GMT0"; $TZ{"Etc/GMT-1"} = "<+01>-1"; $TZ{"Etc/GMT-2"} = "<+02>-2"; $TZ{"Etc/GMT-3"} = "<+03>-3"; $TZ{"Etc/GMT-4"} = "<+04>-4"; $TZ{"Etc/GMT-5"} = "<+05>-5"; $TZ{"Etc/GMT-6"} = "<+06>-6"; $TZ{"Etc/GMT-7"} = "<+07>-7"; $TZ{"Etc/GMT-8"} = "<+08>-8"; $TZ{"Etc/GMT-9"} = "<+09>-9"; $TZ{"Etc/GMT-10"} = "<+10>-10"; $TZ{"Etc/GMT-11"} = "<+11>-11"; $TZ{"Etc/GMT-12"} = "<+12>-12"; $TZ{"Etc/GMT-13"} = "<+13>-13"; $TZ{"Etc/GMT-14"} = "<+14>-14"; $TZ{"Etc/GMT+1"} = "<-01>1"; $TZ{"Etc/GMT+2"} = "<-02>2"; $TZ{"Etc/GMT+3"} = "<-03>3"; $TZ{"Etc/GMT+4"} = "<-04>4"; $TZ{"Etc/GMT+5"} = "<-05>5"; $TZ{"Etc/GMT+6"} = "<-06>6"; $TZ{"Etc/GMT+7"} = "<-07>7"; $TZ{"Etc/GMT+8"} = "<-08>8"; $TZ{"Etc/GMT+9"} = "<-09>9"; $TZ{"Etc/GMT+10"} = "<-10>10"; $TZ{"Etc/GMT+11"} = "<-11>11"; $TZ{"Etc/GMT+12"} = "<-12>12"; open(O, "> $tzdout/tzdata.lua") || die "open($tzdout/tzdata.lua): $!\n"; print STDERR "Writing time zones to $tzdout/tzdata.lua ... "; print O <<HEAD; -- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0. module "luci.sys.zoneinfo.tzdata" TZ = { HEAD foreach my $zone ( sort keys %TZ ) { printf O "\t{ '%s', '%s' },\n", $zone, $TZ{$zone} } print O "}\n"; close O; print STDERR "done\n"; open (O, "> $tzdout/tzoffset.lua") || die "open($tzdout/tzoffset.lua): $!\n"; print STDERR "Writing time offsets to $tzdout/tzoffset.lua ... "; print O <<HEAD; -- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0. module "luci.sys.zoneinfo.tzoffset" OFFSET = { HEAD my %seen; foreach my $tz ( sort keys %TZ ) { my $zone = $TZ{$tz}; if( $zone =~ /^ ([A-Z]+) (?: ( -? \d+ (?: : \d+ )? ) (?: ([A-Z]+) ( -? \d+ (?: : \d+ )? )? )? )? \b /xo ) { my ( $offset, $s, $h, $m ) = ( 0, 1, 0, 0 ); my ( $std, $soffset, $dst, $doffset ) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4 ); next if $seen{$std}; # and ( !$dst or $seen{$dst} ); if ( $soffset ) { ( $s, $h, $m ) = $soffset =~ /^(-)?(\d+)(?::(\d+))?$/; $s = $s ? 1 : -1; $h ||= 0; $m ||= 0; $offset = $s * $h * 60 * 60; $offset += $s * $m * 60; printf O "\t%-5s = %6d,\t-- %s\n", lc($std), $offset, $std; $seen{$std} = 1; if( $dst ) { if( $doffset ) { ( $s, $h, $m ) = $doffset =~ /^(-)?(\d+)(?::(\d+))?$/; $s = $s ? 1 : -1; $h ||= 0; $m ||= 0; $offset = $s * $h * 60 * 60; $offset += $s * $m * 60; } else { $offset += 60 * 60; } printf O "\t%-5s = %6d,\t-- %s\n", lc($dst), $offset, $dst; $seen{$dst} = 1; } } else { printf O "\t%-5s = %6d,\t-- %s\n", lc($std), $offset, $std; $seen{$std} = 1; } } } print O "}\n"; close O; print STDERR "done\n";