#!/usr/bin/lua --[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org> Copyright 2008 Jo-Philipp Wich <xm@leipzig.freifunk.net> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id: index.lua 3548 2008-10-09 20:28:07Z Cyrus $ ]]-- local cbi = require "luci.cbi" local i18n = require "luci.i18n" local util = require "luci.util" if not arg[1] then util.perror("Usage %s path/to/cbi/model.lua [i18nfilename]" % arg[0]) os.exit(1) end i18n.load("default", "en") i18n.load("admin-core", "en") i18n.load("wifi", "en") if arg[2] then i18n.load(arg[2], "en") end if arg[3] then pcall(function() require "uci" require "luci.model.uci".cursor = function(config, save) return uci.cursor(config or arg[3] .. "/etc/config", save or arg[3] .. "/tmp/.uci") end end) end local map = cbi.load(arg[1])[1] assert(map) print ("package "..map.config) print ("\nconfig package") if #map.title > 0 then print (" option title '%s'" % util.striptags(map.title)) end if #map.description > 0 then print (" option description '%s'" % util.striptags(map.description)) end for i, sec in pairs(map.children) do if util.instanceof(sec, cbi.AbstractSection) then print ("\nconfig section") print (" option name '%s'" % sec.sectiontype) print (" option package '%s'" % map.config) if #sec.title > 0 then print (" option title '%s'" % util.striptags(sec.title)) end if #sec.description > 0 then print (" option description '%s'" % util.striptags(sec.description)) end if not sec.addremove then print (" option unique true") print (" option required true") end if not sec.anonymous then print (" option named true") end if sec.dynamic then print (" option dynamic true") end for j, opt in ipairs(sec.children) do if opt.option:sub(1,1) ~= "_" or util.instanceof(opt, cbi.Value) then print ("\nconfig variable") print (" option name '%s'" % opt.option) print (" option section '%s.%s'" % {map.config, sec.sectiontype}) if #opt.title > 0 then print (" option title '%s'" % util.striptags(opt.title)) end if #opt.description > 0 then print (" option description '%s'" % util.striptags(opt.description)) end if not opt.rmempty and not opt.optional then print (" option required true") end if util.instanceof(opt, cbi.Flag) then print (" option datatype boolean") elseif util.instanceof(opt, cbi.DynamicList) then print (" option type list") elseif util.instanceof(opt, cbi.ListValue) then print (" option type enum") util.perror("*** Warning: Please verify '%s.%s.%s' ***" % {map.config, sec.sectiontype, opt.option} ) end for i, dep in ipairs(opt.deps) do if not dep.add or dep.add == "" then local depstring for k, v in pairs(dep.deps) do depstring = (depstring and depstring .. "," or "") .. "%s=%s" % {k, v} end print (" list depends '%s'" % depstring) else util.perror("*** Warning: Unable to decode dependency '%s' in '%s.%s.%s[%s]' ***" % {util.serialize_data(dep.deps), map.config, sec.sectiontype, opt.option, dep.add}) end end if util.instanceof(opt, cbi.ListValue) then for k, key in ipairs(opt.keylist) do print ("\nconfig enum") print (" option variable '%s.%s.%s'" % {map.config, sec.sectiontype, opt.option}) print (" option value '%s'" % key) if opt.vallist[k] and opt.vallist[k] ~= opt.keylist[k] then print (" option title '%s'" % util.striptags(opt.vallist[k])) end end end end end end end