--[[ Luci statistics - rrd data tree builder (c) 2008 Freifunk Leipzig / Jo-Philipp Wich <xm@leipzig.freifunk.net> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id$ ]]-- module("luci.statistics.datatree", package.seeall) local util = require("luci.util") local sys = require("luci.sys") local fs = require("nixio.fs") local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor() local sections = uci:get_all("luci_statistics") Instance = util.class() function Instance.__init__( self, host ) self._host = host or sections.collectd.Hostname or sys.hostname() self._libdir = sections.collectd.PluginDir or "/usr/lib/collectd" self._rrddir = sections.collectd_rrdtool.DataDir or "/tmp/rrd" self._libdir = self._libdir:gsub("/$","") self._rrddir = self._rrddir:gsub("/$","") self._plugins = { } self:_scan() end function Instance._mkpath( self, plugin, pinstance ) local dir = self._rrddir .. "/" .. self._host if type(plugin) == "string" and plugin:len() > 0 then dir = dir .. "/" .. plugin if type(pinstance) == "string" and pinstance:len() > 0 then dir = dir .. "-" .. pinstance end end return dir end function Instance._ls( self, ... ) local ditr = fs.dir(self:_mkpath(...)) if ditr then local dirs = { } while true do local d = ditr() if not d then break end dirs[#dirs+1] = d end return dirs end end function Instance._notzero( self, table ) for k in pairs(table) do return true end return false end function Instance._scan( self ) local dirs = self:_ls() if not dirs then return end -- for i, plugin in ipairs( dirs ) do -- if plugin:match("%w+.so") then -- self._plugins[ plugin:gsub("%.so$", "") ] = { } -- end -- end for _, dir in ipairs(dirs) do if dir ~= "." and dir ~= ".." and fs.stat(self:_mkpath(dir)).type == "dir" then local plugin = dir:gsub("%-.+$", "") if not self._plugins[plugin] then self._plugins[plugin] = { } end end end for plugin, instances in pairs( self._plugins ) do local dirs = self:_ls() if type(dirs) == "table" then for i, dir in ipairs(dirs) do if dir:find( plugin .. "%-" ) or dir == plugin then local instance = "" if dir ~= plugin then instance = dir:gsub( plugin .. "%-", "", 1 ) end instances[instance] = { } end end end for instance, data_instances in pairs( instances ) do dirs = self:_ls(plugin, instance) if type(dirs) == "table" then for i, file in ipairs(dirs) do if file:find("%.rrd") then file = file:gsub("%.rrd","") local data_type local data_instance if file:find("%-") then data_type = file:gsub( "%-.+","" ) data_instance = file:gsub( "[^%-]-%-", "", 1 ) else data_type = file data_instance = "" end if not data_instances[data_type] then data_instances[data_type] = { data_instance } else table.insert( data_instances[data_type], data_instance ) end end end end end end end function Instance.plugins( self ) local rv = { } for plugin, val in pairs( self._plugins ) do if self:_notzero( val ) then table.insert( rv, plugin ) end end return rv end function Instance.plugin_instances( self, plugin ) local rv = { } for instance, val in pairs( self._plugins[plugin] ) do table.insert( rv, instance ) end return rv end function Instance.data_types( self, plugin, instance ) local rv = { } local p = self._plugins[plugin] if type(p) == "table" and type(p[instance]) == "table" then for type, val in pairs(p[instance]) do table.insert( rv, type ) end end return rv end function Instance.data_instances( self, plugin, instance, dtype ) local rv = { } local p = self._plugins[plugin] if type(p) == "table" and type(p[instance]) == "table" and type(p[instance][dtype]) == "table" then for i, instance in ipairs(p[instance][dtype]) do table.insert( rv, instance ) end end return rv end