--[[ Luci statistics - statistics controller module (c) 2008 Freifunk Leipzig / Jo-Philipp Wich Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id$ ]]-- module("luci.controller.luci_statistics.luci_statistics", package.seeall) function index() require("luci.fs") require("luci.util") require("luci.i18n") require("luci.statistics.datatree") -- load language files luci.i18n.loadc("rrdtool") luci.i18n.loadc("statistics") -- get rrd data tree local tree = luci.statistics.datatree.Instance() -- override entry(): check for existance .so where is derived from the called path function _entry( path, ... ) local file = path[5] or path[4] if luci.fs.isfile( "/usr/lib/collectd/" .. file .. ".so" ) then entry( path, ... ) end end -- override i18n(): try to translate stat_ or fall back to function _i18n( str ) return luci.i18n.translate( "stat_" .. str, str ) end -- our collectd menu local collectd_menu = { output = { "rrdtool", "network", "unixsock", "csv" }, system = { "exec", "email", "cpu", "df", "disk", "irq", "processes", "load" }, network = { "interface", "netlink", "iptables", "tcpconns", "ping", "dns", "wireless" } } -- create toplevel menu nodes entry({"admin", "statistics"}, call("statistics_index"), _i18n("statistics"), 80).i18n = "statistics" entry({"admin", "statistics", "collectd"}, cbi("luci_statistics/collectd"), _i18n("collectd"), 10) -- populate collectd plugin menu local index = 1 for section, plugins in luci.util.kspairs( collectd_menu ) do entry( { "admin", "statistics", "collectd", section }, call( "statistics_" .. section .. "plugins" ), _i18n( section .. "plugins" ), index * 10 ) for j, plugin in luci.util.vspairs( plugins ) do _entry( { "admin", "statistics", "collectd", section, plugin }, cbi("luci_statistics/" .. plugin ), _i18n( plugin ), j * 10 ) end index = index + 1 end -- output views local page = entry( { "admin", "statistics", "graph" }, call("statistics_index"), _i18n("graphs"), 80) page.i18n = "statistics" page.setuser = "nobody" page.setgroup = "nogroup" local vars = luci.http.formvalue(nil, true) local span = vars.timespan or nil for i, plugin in luci.util.vspairs( tree:plugins() ) do -- get plugin instances local instances = tree:plugin_instances( plugin ) -- plugin menu entry entry( { "admin", "statistics", "graph", plugin }, call("statistics_render"), _i18n( plugin ), i ).query = { timespan = span } -- if more then one instance is found then generate submenu if #instances > 1 then for j, inst in luci.util.vspairs(instances) do -- instance menu entry entry( { "admin", "statistics", "graph", plugin, inst }, call("statistics_render"), inst, j ).query = { timespan = span } end end end end function statistics_index() luci.template.render("admin_statistics/index") end function statistics_outputplugins() local plugins = { } for i, p in ipairs({ "rrdtool", "network", "unixsock", "csv" }) do plugins[p] = luci.i18n.translate( "stat_" .. p, p ) end luci.template.render("admin_statistics/outputplugins", {plugins=plugins}) end function statistics_systemplugins() local plugins = { } for i, p in ipairs({ "exec", "email", "df", "disk", "irq", "processes", "cpu" }) do plugins[p] = luci.i18n.translate( "stat_" .. p, p ) end luci.template.render("admin_statistics/systemplugins", {plugins=plugins}) end function statistics_networkplugins() local plugins = { } for i, p in ipairs({ "interface", "netlink", "iptables", "tcpconns", "ping", "dns", "wireless" }) do plugins[p] = luci.i18n.translate( "stat_" .. p, p ) end luci.template.render("admin_statistics/networkplugins", {plugins=plugins}) end function statistics_render() require("luci.statistics.rrdtool") require("luci.template") require("luci.model.uci") local vars = luci.http.formvalue() local req = luci.dispatcher.context.request local path = luci.dispatcher.context.dispatched.path local uci = luci.model.uci.cursor() local spans = luci.util.split( uci:get( "luci_statistics", "collectd_rrdtool", "RRATimespans" ), "%s+", nil, true ) local span = vars.timespan or uci:get( "luci_statistics", "rrdtool", "default_timespan" ) or spans[1] local graph = luci.statistics.rrdtool.Graph( luci.util.parse_units( span ) ) local plugin, instances local images = { } -- find requested plugin and instance for i, p in ipairs( luci.dispatcher.context.dispatched.path ) do if luci.dispatcher.context.dispatched.path[i] == "graph" then plugin = luci.dispatcher.context.dispatched.path[i+1] instances = { luci.dispatcher.context.dispatched.path[i+2] } end end -- no instance requested, find all instances if #instances == 0 then instances = { graph.tree:plugin_instances( plugin )[1] } -- index instance requested elseif instances[1] == "-" then instances[1] = "" end -- render graphs for i, inst in ipairs( instances ) do for i, img in ipairs( graph:render( plugin, inst ) ) do table.insert( images, graph:strippngpath( img ) ) end end luci.template.render( "public_statistics/graph", { images = images, plugin = plugin, timespans = spans, current_timespan = span } ) end