--[[ Copyright 2011 Iordan Iordanov This file is part of luci-pbx. luci-pbx is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. luci-pbx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with luci-pbx. If not, see . ]]-- if nixio.fs.access("/etc/init.d/asterisk") then server = "asterisk" elseif nixio.fs.access("/etc/init.d/freeswitch") then server = "freeswitch" else server = "" end appname = "PBX" modulename = "pbx-advanced" defaultbindport = 5060 defaultrtpstart = 19850 defaultrtpend = 19900 -- Returns all the network related settings, including a constructed RTP range function get_network_info() externhost = m.uci:get(modulename, "advanced", "externhost") ipaddr = m.uci:get("network", "lan", "ipaddr") bindport = m.uci:get(modulename, "advanced", "bindport") rtpstart = m.uci:get(modulename, "advanced", "rtpstart") rtpend = m.uci:get(modulename, "advanced", "rtpend") if bindport == nil then bindport = defaultbindport end if rtpstart == nil then rtpstart = defaultrtpstart end if rtpend == nil then rtpend = defaultrtpend end if rtpstart == nil or rtpend == nil then rtprange = nil else rtprange = rtpstart .. "-" .. rtpend end return bindport, rtprange, ipaddr, externhost end -- If not present, insert empty rules in the given config & section named PBX-SIP and PBX-RTP function insert_empty_sip_rtp_rules(config, section) -- Add rules named PBX-SIP and PBX-RTP if not existing found_sip_rule = false found_rtp_rule = false m.uci:foreach(config, section, function(s1) if s1._name == 'PBX-SIP' then found_sip_rule = true elseif s1._name == 'PBX-RTP' then found_rtp_rule = true end end) if found_sip_rule ~= true then newrule=m.uci:add(config, section) m.uci:set(config, newrule, '_name', 'PBX-SIP') end if found_rtp_rule ~= true then newrule=m.uci:add(config, section) m.uci:set(config, newrule, '_name', 'PBX-RTP') end end -- Delete rules in the given config & section named PBX-SIP and PBX-RTP function delete_sip_rtp_rules(config, section) -- Remove rules named PBX-SIP and PBX-RTP commit = false m.uci:foreach(config, section, function(s1) if s1._name == 'PBX-SIP' or s1._name == 'PBX-RTP' then m.uci:delete(config, s1['.name']) commit = true end end) -- If something changed, then we commit the config. if commit == true then m.uci:commit(config) end end -- Deletes QoS rules associated with this PBX. function delete_qos_rules() delete_sip_rtp_rules ("qos", "classify") end function insert_qos_rules() -- Insert empty PBX-SIP and PBX-RTP rules if not present. insert_empty_sip_rtp_rules ("qos", "classify") -- Get the network information bindport, rtprange, ipaddr, externhost = get_network_info() -- Iterate through the QoS rules, and if there is no other rule with the same port -- range at the express service level, insert this rule. commit = false m.uci:foreach("qos", "classify", function(s1) if s1._name == 'PBX-SIP' then if s1.ports ~= bindport or s1.target ~= "Express" or s1.proto ~= "udp" then m.uci:set("qos", s1['.name'], "ports", bindport) m.uci:set("qos", s1['.name'], "proto", "udp") m.uci:set("qos", s1['.name'], "target", "Express") commit = true end elseif s1._name == 'PBX-RTP' then if s1.ports ~= rtprange or s1.target ~= "Express" or s1.proto ~= "udp" then m.uci:set("qos", s1['.name'], "ports", rtprange) m.uci:set("qos", s1['.name'], "proto", "udp") m.uci:set("qos", s1['.name'], "target", "Express") commit = true end end end) -- If something changed, then we commit the qos config. if commit == true then m.uci:commit("qos") end end -- This function is a (so far) unsuccessful attempt to manipulate the firewall rules from here -- Need to do more testing and eventually move to this mode. function maintain_firewall_rules() -- Get the network information bindport, rtprange, ipaddr, externhost = get_network_info() commit = false -- Only if externhost is set, do we control firewall rules. if externhost ~= nil and bindport ~= nil and rtprange ~= nil then -- Insert empty PBX-SIP and PBX-RTP rules if not present. insert_empty_sip_rtp_rules ("firewall", "rule") -- Iterate through the firewall rules, and if the dest_port and dest_ip setting of the\ -- SIP and RTP rule do not match what we want configured, set all the entries in the rule\ -- appropriately. m.uci:foreach("firewall", "rule", function(s1) if s1._name == 'PBX-SIP' then if s1.dest_port ~= bindport then m.uci:set("firewall", s1['.name'], "dest_port", bindport) m.uci:set("firewall", s1['.name'], "src", "wan") m.uci:set("firewall", s1['.name'], "proto", "udp") m.uci:set("firewall", s1['.name'], "target", "ACCEPT") commit = true end elseif s1._name == 'PBX-RTP' then if s1.dest_port ~= rtprange then m.uci:set("firewall", s1['.name'], "dest_port", rtprange) m.uci:set("firewall", s1['.name'], "src", "wan") m.uci:set("firewall", s1['.name'], "proto", "udp") m.uci:set("firewall", s1['.name'], "target", "ACCEPT") commit = true end end end) else -- We delete the firewall rules if one or more of the necessary parameters are not set. sip_rule_name=nil rtp_rule_name=nil -- First discover the configuration names of the rules. m.uci:foreach("firewall", "rule", function(s1) if s1._name == 'PBX-SIP' then sip_rule_name = s1['.name'] elseif s1._name == 'PBX-RTP' then rtp_rule_name = s1['.name'] end end) -- Then, using the names, actually delete the rules. if sip_rule_name ~= nil then m.uci:delete("firewall", sip_rule_name) commit = true end if rtp_rule_name ~= nil then m.uci:delete("firewall", rtp_rule_name) commit = true end end -- If something changed, then we commit the firewall config. if commit == true then m.uci:commit("firewall") end end m = Map (modulename, translate("Advanced Settings"), translate("This section contains settings which do not need to be changed under\ normal circumstances. In addition, here you can configure your system\ for use with remote SIP devices, and resolve call quality issues by enabling\ the insertion of QoS rules.")) -- Recreate the voip server config, and restart necessary services after changes are commited -- to the advanced configuration. The firewall must restart because of "Remote Usage". function m.on_after_commit(self) -- Make sure firewall rules are in place maintain_firewall_rules() -- If insertion of QoS rules is enabled if m.uci:get(modulename, "advanced", "qos_enabled") == "yes" then insert_qos_rules() else delete_qos_rules() end luci.sys.call("/etc/init.d/pbx-" .. server .. " restart 1\>/dev/null 2\>/dev/null") luci.sys.call("/etc/init.d/" .. server .. " restart 1\>/dev/null 2\>/dev/null") luci.sys.call("/etc/init.d/firewall restart 1\>/dev/null 2\>/dev/null") end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- s = m:section(NamedSection, "advanced", "settings", translate("Advanced Settings")) s.anonymous = true s:tab("general", translate("General Settings")) s:tab("remote_usage", translate("Remote Usage"), translatef("You can use your SIP devices/softphones with this system from a remote location\ as well, as long as your Internet Service Provider gives you a public IP.\ You will be able to call other local users for free (e.g. other Analog Telephone Adapters (ATAs))\ and use your VoIP providers to make calls as if you were at local to the PBX.\ After configuring this tab, go back to where users are configured and see the new\ Server and Port setting you need to configure the SIP devices with. Please note that by default\ %s uses UDP port range %d to %d for RTP traffic (which carries voice), in case you need to configure\ NAT or QoS on another device.", appname, defaultrtpstart, defaultrtpend)) s:tab("qos", translate("QoS Settings"), translate("If you experience jittery or high latency audio during heavy downloads, you may want to enable QoS.\ QoS prioritizes traffic to and from your network for specified ports and IP addresses, resulting in\ better latency and throughput for sound in our case. If enabled below, a QoS rule for this service will\ be configured by the PBX automatically, but you must visit the QoS configuration page (Network->QoS) to\ configure other critical QoS settings like Download and Upload speed.")) ua = s:taboption("general", Value, "useragent", translate("User Agent String"), translate("This is the name that the VoIP server will use to identify itself when\ registering to VoIP (SIP) providers. Some providers require this to a specific\ string matching a hardware SIP device.")) ua.default = appname h = s:taboption("remote_usage", Value, "externhost", translate("Domain Name/Dynamic Domain Name"), translate("You should either have registered a domain name and have a static IP\ address, or have configured Dynamic DNS on this router. Enter a\ domain name which resolves to your external IP address.")) h.datatype = "hostname" p = s:taboption("remote_usage", Value, "bindport", translate("External SIP Port"), translate("Pick a random port number between 6500 and 9500 for the service to listen on.\ Do not pick the standard 5060, because it is often subject to brute-force attacks.\ When finished, (1) click \"Save and Apply\", and (2) click the \"Restart VoIP Service\"\ button above. Finally, (3) look in the \"SIP Device/Softphone Accounts\" section for\ updated Server and Port settings for your SIP Devices/Softphones.")) p.datatype = "port" p = s:taboption("remote_usage", Value, "rtpstart", translate("RTP Port Range Start"), translate("RTP traffic carries actual voice packets. This is the start of the port range\ which will be used for setting up RTP communication. It's usually OK to leave this\ at the default value.")) p.datatype = "port" p.default = defaultrtpstart p = s:taboption("remote_usage", Value, "rtpend", translate("RTP Port Range End")) p.datatype = "port" p.default = defaultrtpend p = s:taboption("qos", ListValue, "qos_enabled", translate("Insert QoS Rules")) p:value("yes", translate("Yes")) p:value("no", translate("No")) p.default = "yes" return m