--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2008 Steven Barth Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id$ ]]-- require("luci.tools.webadmin") m = Map("olsrd", translate("OLSR Daemon")) s = m:section(TypedSection, "olsrd", translate("General settings")) s.dynamic = true s.anonymous = true debug = s:option(ListValue, "DebugLevel", translate("Debugmode")) for i=0, 9 do debug:value(i) end debug.optional = true ipv = s:option(ListValue, "IpVersion", translate("Internet protocol")) ipv:value("4", "IPv4") ipv:value("6", "IPv6") noint = s:option(Flag, "AllowNoInt", translate("Start without network")) noint.enabled = "yes" noint.disabled = "no" noint.optional = true s:option(Value, "Pollrate", translate("Pollrate")).optional = true tcr = s:option(ListValue, "TcRedundancy", translate("TC redundancy")) tcr:value("0", translate("MPR selectors")) tcr:value("1", translate("MPR selectors and MPR")) tcr:value("2", translate("all neighbours")) tcr.optional = true s:option(Value, "MprCoverage", translate("MPR coverage")).optional = true lql = s:option(ListValue, "LinkQualityLevel", translate("LQ level")) lql:value("0", translate("disable")) lql:value("1", translate("MPR selection")) lql:value("2", translate("MPR selection and routing")) lql.optional = true s:option(Value, "LinkQualityAging", translate("LQ aging")).optional = true lqa = s:option(ListValue, "LinkQualityAlgorithm", translate("LQ algorithm")) lqa.optional = true lqa:value("etx_fpm", translate("fixed point math")) lqa:value("etx_float", translate("floating point")) lqa:value("etx_ff", translate("Freifunk")) lqa.optional = true lqfish = s:option(Flag, "LinkQualityFishEye", translate("LQ fisheye")) lqfish.optional = true s:option(Value, "LinkQualityWinSize", translate("LQ window size")).optional = true s:option(Value, "LinkQualityDijkstraLimit", translate("LQ Dijkstra limit")).optional = true hyst = s:option(Flag, "UseHysteresis", translate("Use hysteresis")) hyst.enabled = "yes" hyst.disabled = "no" hyst.optional = true fib = s:option(ListValue, "FIBMetric", translate("FIB metric")) fib.optional = true fib:value("flat") fib:value("correct") fib:value("approx") fib.optional = true clrscr = s:option(Flag, "ClearScreen", translate ("Clear screen")) clrscr.enabled = "yes" clrscr.disabled = "no" clrscr.optional = true willingness = s:option(ListValue, "Willingness", translate("Willingness")) for i=0,7 do willingness:value(i) end willingness.optional = true natthr = s:option(Value, "NatThreshold", translate("NAT threshold")) natthr.optional = true i = m:section(TypedSection, "Interface", translate("Interfaces")) i.anonymous = true i.addremove = true i.dynamic = true ign = i:option(Flag, "ignore", translate("Enable")) ign.enabled = "0" ign.disabled = "1" ign.rmempty = false function ign.cfgvalue(self, section) return Flag.cfgvalue(self, section) or "0" end network = i:option(ListValue, "interface", translate("Network")) luci.tools.webadmin.cbi_add_networks(network) i:option(Value, "Ip4Broadcast", translate("IPv4 broadcast")).optional = true ip6t = i:option(ListValue, "Ip6AddrType", translate("IPv6 address type")) ip6t:value("", translate("-- Please choose --")) ip6t:value("auto") ip6t:value("site-local") ip6t:value("unique-local") ip6t:value("global") ip6t.optional = true i:option(Value, "HelloInterval", translate("Hello interval")).optional = true i:option(Value, "HelloValidityTime", translate("Hello validity time")).optional = true i:option(Value, "TcInterval", translate("TC interval")).optional = true i:option(Value, "TcValidityTime", translate("TC validity time")).optional = true i:option(Value, "MidInterval", translate("MID interval")).optional = true i:option(Value, "MidValidityTime", translate("MID validity time")).optional = true i:option(Value, "HnaInterval", translate("HNA interval")).optional = true i:option(Value, "HnaValidityTime", translate("HNA validity time")).optional = true adc = i:option(Flag, "AutoDetectChanges", translate("Autodetect changes")) adc.enabled = "yes" adc.disabled = "no" adc.optional = true --[[ ipc = m:section(TypedSection, "IpcConnect") ipc.anonymous = true conns = ipc:option(Value, "MaxConnections") conns.isInteger = true nets = ipc:option(Value, "Net") nets.optional = true hosts = ipc:option(Value, "Host") hosts.optional = true ]] return m