module("luci.controller.olsr", package.seeall) function index() if not nixio.fs.access("/etc/config/olsrd") then return end require("luci.model.uci") local uci = luci.model.uci.cursor_state() uci:foreach("olsrd", "olsrd", function(s) if s.SmartGateway and s.SmartGateway == "yes" then has_smartgw = true end end) local page = node("admin", "status", "olsr") = template("status-olsr/overview") page.title = _("OLSR") page.subindex = true local page = node("admin", "status", "olsr", "json") = call("action_json") page.title = nil page.leaf = true local page = node("admin", "status", "olsr", "neighbors") = call("action_neigh") page.title = _("Neighbours") page.subindex = true page.order = 5 local page = node("admin", "status", "olsr", "routes") = call("action_routes") page.title = _("Routes") page.order = 10 local page = node("admin", "status", "olsr", "topology") = call("action_topology") page.title = _("Topology") page.order = 20 local page = node("admin", "status", "olsr", "hna") = call("action_hna") page.title = _("HNA") page.order = 30 local page = node("admin", "status", "olsr", "mid") = call("action_mid") page.title = _("MID") page.order = 50 if has_smartgw then local page = node("admin", "status", "olsr", "smartgw") = call("action_smartgw") page.title = _("SmartGW") page.order = 60 end local page = node("admin", "status", "olsr", "interfaces") = call("action_interfaces") page.title = _("Interfaces") page.order = 70 local ol = entry( {"admin", "services", "olsrd"}, cbi("olsr/olsrd"), "OLSR" ) ol.subindex = true entry( {"admin", "services", "olsrd", "iface"}, cbi("olsr/olsrdiface") ).leaf = true entry( {"admin", "services", "olsrd", "hna"}, cbi("olsr/olsrdhna"), _("HNA Announcements") ) oplg = entry( {"admin", "services", "olsrd", "plugins"}, cbi("olsr/olsrdplugins"), _("Plugins") ) odsp = entry( {"admin", "services", "olsrd", "display"}, cbi("olsr/olsrddisplay"), _("Display") ) oplg.leaf = true oplg.subindex = true local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor() uci:foreach("olsrd", "LoadPlugin", function (section) local lib = section.library entry( {"admin", "services", "olsrd", "plugins", lib }, cbi("olsr/olsrdplugins"), nil --'Plugin "%s"' % lib:gsub("^olsrd_",""):gsub("$","") ) end ) end function action_json() local http = require "luci.http" local utl = require "luci.util" local jsonreq4 = utl.exec("echo /status | nc 9090") local jsonreq6 = utl.exec("echo /status | nc ::1 9090") http.prepare_content("application/json") if #jsonreq4 < 1 then jsonreq4 = "{}" end if #jsonreq6 < 1 then jsonreq6 = "{}" end http.write("{v4:" .. jsonreq4 .. ", v6:" .. jsonreq6 .. "}") end function action_neigh(json) local data, has_v4, has_v6, error = fetch_jsoninfo('links') if error then return end local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor_state() local resolve = uci:get("luci_olsr", "general", "resolve") if r.dest:prefix() == 0 then defaultgw = r.gateway:string() end end) local function compare(a,b) if a.proto == b.proto then return a.linkCost < b.linkCost else return a.proto < b.proto end end for k, v in ipairs(data) do if resolve == "1" then hostname = nixio.getnameinfo(v.remoteIP, nil, 100) if hostname then v.hostname = hostname end end if defaultgw == v.remoteIP then v.defaultgw = 1 end end table.sort(data, compare) luci.template.render("status-olsr/neighbors", {links=data, has_v4=has_v4, has_v6=has_v6}) end function action_routes() local data, has_v4, has_v6, error = fetch_jsoninfo('routes') if error then return end local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor_state() local resolve = uci:get("luci_olsr", "general", "resolve") for k, v in ipairs(data) do if resolve == "1" then local hostname = nixio.getnameinfo(v.gateway, nil, 100) if hostname then v.hostname = hostname end end end local function compare(a,b) if a.proto == b.proto then return a.rtpMetricCost < b.rtpMetricCost else return a.proto < b.proto end end table.sort(data, compare) luci.template.render("status-olsr/routes", {routes=data, has_v4=has_v4, has_v6=has_v6}) end function action_topology() local data, has_v4, has_v6, error = fetch_jsoninfo('topology') if error then return end local function compare(a,b) if a.proto == b.proto then return a.tcEdgeCost < b.tcEdgeCost else return a.proto < b.proto end end table.sort(data, compare) luci.template.render("status-olsr/topology", {routes=data, has_v4=has_v4, has_v6=has_v6}) end function action_hna() local data, has_v4, has_v6, error = fetch_jsoninfo('hna') if error then return end local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor_state() local resolve = uci:get("luci_olsr", "general", "resolve") local function compare(a,b) if a.proto == b.proto then return a.genmask < b.genmask else return a.proto < b.proto end end for k, v in ipairs(data) do if resolve == "1" then hostname = nixio.getnameinfo(v.gateway, nil, 100) if hostname then v.hostname = hostname end end if v.validityTime then v.validityTime = tonumber(string.format("%.0f", v.validityTime / 1000)) end end table.sort(data, compare) luci.template.render("status-olsr/hna", {hna=data, has_v4=has_v4, has_v6=has_v6}) end function action_mid() local data, has_v4, has_v6, error = fetch_jsoninfo('mid') if error then return end local function compare(a,b) if a.proto == b.proto then return a.ipAddress < b.ipAddress else return a.proto < b.proto end end table.sort(data, compare) luci.template.render("status-olsr/mid", {mids=data, has_v4=has_v4, has_v6=has_v6}) end function action_smartgw() local data, has_v4, has_v6, error = fetch_jsoninfo('gateways') if error then return end local function compare(a,b) if a.proto == b.proto then return a.tcPathCost < b.tcPathCost else return a.proto < b.proto end end table.sort(data, compare) luci.template.render("status-olsr/smartgw", {gws=data, has_v4=has_v4, has_v6=has_v6}) end function action_interfaces() local data, has_v4, has_v6, error = fetch_jsoninfo('interfaces') if error then return end local function compare(a,b) return a.proto < b.proto end table.sort(data, compare) luci.template.render("status-olsr/interfaces", {iface=data, has_v4=has_v4, has_v6=has_v6}) end -- Internal function fetch_jsoninfo(otable) local utl = require "luci.util" local json = require "luci.json" local jsonreq4 = utl.exec("echo /" .. otable .. " | nc 9090") local jsondata4 = {} local jsonreq6 = utl.exec("echo /" .. otable .. " | nc ::1 9090") local jsondata6 = {} local data4 = {} local data6 = {} local has_v4 = False local has_v6 = False if jsonreq4 == '' and jsonreq6 == '' then luci.template.render("status-olsr/error_olsr") return nil, 0, 0, true end if #jsonreq4 ~= 0 then has_v4 = 1 jsondata4 = json.decode(jsonreq4) if otable == 'status' then data4 = jsondata4 else data4 = jsondata4[otable] end for k, v in ipairs(data4) do data4[k]['proto'] = '4' end end if #jsonreq6 ~= 0 then has_v6 = 1 jsondata6 = json.decode(jsonreq6) if otable == 'status' then data6 = jsondata6 else data6 = jsondata6[otable] end for k, v in ipairs(data6) do data6[k]['proto'] = '6' end end for k, v in ipairs(data6) do table.insert(data4, v) end return data4, has_v4, has_v6, false end