module("luci.controller.luci_ffwizard_leipzig.wizard", package.seeall) function index() entry({"admin", "index", "wizard"}, call("action_wizard"), "Freifunkassistent", 20).i18n="ffwizard-leipzig" end function action_wizard() if luci.http.formvalue("ip") then return configure_freifunk() end local ifaces = {} luci.model.uci.foreach("wireless", "wifi-device", function(section) table.insert(ifaces, section[".name"]) end) luci.template.render("freifunk/wizard", {ifaces=ifaces}) end function configure_freifunk() local ip = luci.http.formvalue("ip") local uci = luci.model.uci local cfg = { wireless = uci.load("wireless"), luci_fw = uci.load("luci_fw"), luci_splash = uci.load("luci_splash"), olsr = uci.load("olsr") } -- Configure FF-Interface uci.delete("network", "ff") uci.delete("network", "ffdhcp") uci.section("network", "interface", "ff", { type = "bridge", proto = "static", ipaddr = ip, netmask = uci.get("freifunk", "community", "mask"), dns = uci.get("freifunk", "community", "dns") }) -- Reset Routing uci.delete_all("luci_fw", "routing", function (section) return (section.iface == "ff" or section.oface == "ff") end) if cfg.luci_fw then uci.section("luci_fw", "routing", nil, { iface = "ff", oface = "ff", fwd = "1" }) end -- Routing from Internal local iface = luci.http.formvalue("frominternal") if iface and iface ~= "" then uci.delete_all("luci_fw", "routing", function (section) return (section.iface == iface and section.oface == "ff") end) if cfg.luci_fw then uci.section("luci_fw", "routing", nil, { iface = iface, oface = "ff", fwd = "1", nat = "1" }) end end -- Routing to External local iface = luci.http.formvalue("toexternal") if iface and iface ~= "" then uci.delete_all("luci_fw", "routing", function (section) return (section.oface == iface and section.iface == "ff") end) if cfg.luci_fw then uci.section("luci_fw", "routing", nil, { oface = iface, iface = "ff", fwd = "1", nat = "1" }) end end -- Configure DHCP if luci.http.formvalue("dhcp") then local dhcpnet = uci.get("freifunk", "community", "dhcp"):match("^([0-9]+)") local dhcpip = ip:gsub("^[0-9]+", dhcpnet) uci.section("network", "interface", "ffdhcp", { proto = "static", ifname = "br-ff:dhcp", ipaddr = dhcpip, netmask = uci.get("freifunk", "community", "dhcpmask") }) uci.delete_all("dhcp", "dhcp", function (section) return (section.interface == "ffdhcp") end) local dhcpbeg = 48 + tonumber(ip:match("[0-9]+$")) * 4 uci.section("dhcp", "dhcp", nil, { interface = "ffdhcp", start = dhcpbeg, limit = ((dhcpbeg < 252) and 3 or 2), leasetime = "30m" }) uci.delete_all("luci_splash", "iface", function (section) return ( == "ffdhcp") end) if cfg.luci_splash then uci.section("luci_splash", "iface", nil, { network = "ffdhcp" }) end uci.delete_all("luci_fw", "routing", function (section) return (section.iface == "ffdhcp" or section.oface == "ffdhcp") end) if cfg.luci_fw then uci.section("luci_fw", "routing", nil, { iface = "ffdhcp", oface = "ff", nat = "1" }) local iface = luci.http.formvalue("toexternal") if iface and iface ~= "" then uci.section("luci_fw", "routing", nil, { iface = "ffdhcp", oface = iface, nat = "1" }) end end end -- Configure OLSR if luci.http.formvalue("olsr") and cfg.olsr then uci.delete_all("olsr", "Interface") uci.delete_all("olsr", "LoadPlugin") if luci.http.formvalue("shareinet") then uci.section("olsr", "LoadPlugin", "dyn_gw", { Library = "" }) end uci.section("olsr", "LoadPlugin", "nameservice", { Library = "", name = ip:gsub("%.", "-"), hosts_file = "/var/etc/hosts", suffix = ".olsr", latlon_infile = "/tmp/latlon.txt" }) uci.section("olsr", "LoadPlugin", "txtinfo", { Library = "", Accept = "" }) uci.section("olsr", "Interface", nil, { Interface = "ff", HelloInterval = "6.0", HelloValidityTime = "108.0", TcInterval = "4.0", TcValidityTime = "324.0", MidInterval = "18.0", MidValidityTime = "324.0", HnaInterval = "18.0", HnaValidityTime = "108.0" }) end -- Configure Wifi if cfg.wireless then uci.foreach("wireless", "wifi-device", function (section) local device = section[".name"] if luci.http.formvalue("wifi."..device) then uci.delete_all("wireless", "wifi-iface", function (section) return (section.device == device) end) uci.tset("wireless", device, { disabled = "0", mode = "11g", txantenna = "1", rxantenna = "1", channel = uci.get("freifunk", "community", "channel") }) uci.section("wireless", "wifi-iface", nil, { device = device, network = "ff", mode = "adhoc", ssid = uci.get("freifunk", "community", "essid"), bssid = uci.get("freifunk", "community", "bssid"), txpower = 13 }) end end) end -- Save UCI luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "uci", "changes")) end