local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor() local sys = require "luci.sys" local util = require "luci.util" local packageName = "vpnbypass" local readmeURL = "https://docs.openwrt.melmac.net/" .. packageName .. "/" function getPackageVersion() local opkgFile = "/usr/lib/opkg/status" local line local flag = false for line in io.lines(opkgFile) do if flag then return line:match('[%d%.$-]+') or "" elseif line:find("Package: " .. packageName:gsub("%-", "%%%-")) then flag = true end end return "" end local packageVersion = getPackageVersion() local statusText = nil if packageVersion == "" then statusText = translatef("%s is not installed or not found", packageName) end local serviceRunning, serviceEnabled = false, false if uci:get(packageName, "config", "enabled") == "1" then serviceEnabled = true end if sys.call("iptables -t mangle -L | grep -q " .. packageName:upper()) == 0 then serviceRunning = true end if serviceRunning then statusText = translate("Running") else statusText = translate("Stopped") if not serviceEnabled then statusText = translatef("%s (disabled)", statusText) end end m = Map("vpnbypass", translate("VPN Bypass Settings")) h = m:section(NamedSection, "config", packageName, translatef("Service Status [%s %s]", packageName, packageVersion)) ss = h:option(DummyValue, "_dummy", translate("Service Status")) ss.template = packageName .. "/status" ss.value = statusText if packageVersion ~= "" then buttons = h:option(DummyValue, "_dummy") buttons.template = packageName .. "/buttons" end s = m:section(NamedSection, "config", "vpnbypass", translate("VPN Bypass Rules")) -- Local Ports p1 = s:option(DynamicList, "localport", translate("Local Ports to Bypass"), translate("Local ports to trigger VPN Bypass")) p1.datatype = "portrange" -- p1.placeholder = "0-65535" p1.addremove = false p1.optional = false -- Remote Ports p2 = s:option(DynamicList, "remoteport", translate("Remote Ports to Bypass"), translate("Remote ports to trigger VPN Bypass")) p2.datatype = "portrange" -- p2.placeholder = "0-65535" p2.addremove = false p2.optional = false -- Local Subnets r1 = s:option(DynamicList, "localsubnet", translate("Local IP Addresses to Bypass"), translate("Local IP addresses or subnets with direct internet access (outside of the VPN tunnel)")) r1.datatype = "ip4addr" -- r1.placeholder = ip.new(m.uci:get("network", "lan", "ipaddr"), m.uci:get("network", "lan", "netmask")) r1.addremove = false r1.optional = false -- Remote Subnets r2 = s:option(DynamicList, "remotesubnet", translate("Remote IP Addresses to Bypass"), translate("Remote IP addresses or subnets which will be accessed directly (outside of the VPN tunnel)")) r2.datatype = "ip4addr" -- r2.placeholder = "" r2.addremove = false r2.optional = false -- Domains d = Map("dhcp") s4 = d:section(TypedSection, "dnsmasq") s4.anonymous = true di = s4:option(DynamicList, "ipset", translate("Domains to Bypass"), translatef("Domains to be accessed directly (outside of the VPN tunnel), see %sREADME%s for syntax", "", "")) function d.on_after_commit(map) util.exec("/etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart >/dev/null 2>&1") end return m, d