local readmeURL = "https://github.com/openwrt/packages/tree/master/net/vpn-policy-routing/files/README.md" local packageName = "vpn-policy-routing" local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor() local sys = require "luci.sys" local util = require "luci.util" local ip = require "luci.ip" local fs = require "nixio.fs" local jsonc = require "luci.jsonc" local http = require "luci.http" local nutil = require "nixio.util" local dispatcher = require "luci.dispatcher" local enabledFlag = uci:get(packageName, "config", "enabled") local enc local ubusStatus = util.ubus("service", "list", { name = packageName }) if ubusStatus and ubusStatus[packageName] and ubusStatus[packageName]["instances"] and ubusStatus[packageName]["instances"]["main"] and ubusStatus[packageName]["instances"]["main"]["data"] and ubusStatus[packageName]["instances"]["main"]["data"]["status"] and ubusStatus[packageName]["instances"]["main"]["data"]["status"][1] then serviceGateways = ubusStatus[packageName]["instances"]["main"]["data"]["status"][1]["gateway"] serviceGateways = serviceGateways and serviceGateways:gsub('\\n', '\n') serviceGateways = serviceGateways and serviceGateways:gsub('\\033%[0;32m%[\\xe2\\x9c\\x93%]\\033%[0m', '✓') serviceErrors = ubusStatus[packageName]["instances"]["main"]["data"]["status"][1]["error"] serviceErrors = serviceErrors and serviceErrors:gsub('\\n', '\n') serviceErrors = serviceErrors and serviceErrors:gsub('\\033%[0;31mERROR\\033%[0m: ', '') serviceWarnings = ubusStatus[packageName]["instances"]["main"]["data"]["status"][1]["warning"] serviceWarnings = serviceWarnings and serviceWarnings:gsub('\\n', '\n') serviceWarnings = serviceWarnings and serviceWarnings:gsub('\\033%[0;33mWARNING\\033%[0m: ', '') serviceMode = ubusStatus[packageName]["instances"]["main"]["data"]["status"][1]["mode"] end local serviceRunning, statusText = false, nil local packageVersion = tostring(util.trim(sys.exec("opkg list-installed " .. packageName .. " | awk '{print $3}'"))) or "" if packageVersion == "" then statusText = translatef("%s is not installed or not found", packageName) end if sys.call("iptables -t mangle -L | grep -q VPR_PREROUTING") == 0 then serviceRunning = true statusText = translate("Running") if serviceMode and serviceMode == "strict" then statusText = translatef("%s (strict mode)", statusText) end else statusText = translate("Stopped") if uci:get(packageName, "config", "enabled") ~= "1" then statusText = translatef("%s (disabled)", statusText) end end local t = uci:get("vpn-policy-routing", "config", "supported_interface") if not t then supportedIfaces = "" elseif type(t) == "table" then for key,value in pairs(t) do supportedIfaces = supportedIfaces and supportedIfaces .. ' ' .. value or value end elseif type(t) == "string" then supportedIfaces = t end t = uci:get("vpn-policy-routing", "config", "ignored_interface") if not t then ignoredIfaces = "" elseif type(t) == "table" then for key,value in pairs(t) do ignoredIfaces = ignoredIfaces and ignoredIfaces .. ' ' .. value or value end elseif type(t) == "string" then ignoredIfaces = t end local lanIPAddr = uci:get("network", "lan", "ipaddr") local lanNetmask = uci:get("network", "lan", "netmask") -- if multiple ip addresses on lan interface, will be returned as table of CIDR notations i.e. {"",""} if (type(lanIPAddr) == "table") then first = true for i,line in ipairs(lanIPAddr) do lanIPAddr = lanIPAddr[i] break end lanIPAddr = lanIPAddr:match("[0-9.]+") end if lanIPAddr and lanNetmask then laPlaceholder = ip.new(lanIPAddr .. "/" .. lanNetmask ) end function is_wan(name) return name:sub(1,3) == "wan" or name:sub(-3) == "wan" end function is_supported_interface(arg) local name=arg['.name'] local proto=arg['proto'] local ifname=arg['ifname'] if name and is_wan(name) then return true end if name and supportedIfaces:match('%f[%w]' .. name .. '%f[%W]') then return true end if name and not ignoredIfaces:match('%f[%w]' .. name .. '%f[%W]') then if type(ifname) == "table" then for key,value in pairs(ifname) do if value and value:sub(1,3) == "tun" then return true end if value and value:sub(1,3) == "tap" then return true end if value and value:sub(1,3) == "tor" then return true end if value and fs.access("/sys/devices/virtual/net/" .. value .. "/tun_flags") then return true end end elseif type(ifname) == "string" then if ifname and ifname:sub(1,3) == "tun" then return true end if ifname and ifname:sub(1,3) == "tap" then return true end if ifname and ifname:sub(1,3) == "tor" then return true end if ifname and fs.access("/sys/devices/virtual/net/" .. ifname .. "/tun_flags") then return true end end if proto and proto:sub(1,11) == "openconnect" then return true end if proto and proto:sub(1,4) == "pptp" then return true end if proto and proto:sub(1,4) == "l2tp" then return true end if proto and proto:sub(1,9) == "wireguard" then return true end end end m = Map("vpn-policy-routing", translate("VPN and WAN Policy-Based Routing")) h = m:section(NamedSection, "config", packageName, translatef("Service Status [%s %s]", packageName, packageVersion)) status = h:option(DummyValue, "_dummy", translate("Service Status")) status.template = "vpn-policy-routing/status" status.value = statusText if serviceRunning and serviceGateways and serviceGateways ~= "" then gateways = h:option(DummyValue, "_dummy", translate("Service Gateways")) gateways.template = packageName .. "/status-gateways" gateways.value = serviceGateways end if serviceErrors and serviceErrors ~= "" then errors = h:option(DummyValue, "_dummy", translate("Service Errors")) errors.template = packageName .. "/status-textarea" errors.value = serviceErrors end if serviceWarnings and serviceWarnings ~= "" then warnings = h:option(DummyValue, "_dummy", translate("Service Warnings")) warnings.template = packageName .. "/status-textarea" warnings.value = serviceWarnings end if packageVersion ~= "" then buttons = h:option(DummyValue, "_dummy") buttons.template = packageName .. "/buttons" end -- General Options config = m:section(NamedSection, "config", "vpn-policy-routing", translate("Configuration")) config.override_values = true config.override_depends = true -- Basic Options config:tab("basic", translate("Basic Configuration")) verb = config:taboption("basic", ListValue, "verbosity", translate("Output verbosity"), translate("Controls both system log and console output verbosity.")) verb:value("0", translate("Suppress/No output")) verb:value("1", translate("Condensed output")) verb:value("2", translate("Verbose output")) verb.default = 2 se = config:taboption("basic", ListValue, "strict_enforcement", translate("Strict enforcement"), translatef("See the %sREADME%s for details.", "<a href=\"" .. readmeURL .. "#strict-enforcement" .. "\" target=\"_blank\">", "</a>")) se:value("0", translate("Do not enforce policies when their gateway is down")) se:value("1", translate("Strictly enforce policies when their gateway is down")) se.default = 1 dest_ipset = config:taboption("basic", ListValue, "dest_ipset", translate("The ipset option for remote policies"), translatef("Please check the %sREADME%s before changing this option.", "<a href=\"" .. readmeURL .. "#service-configuration-settings" .. "\" target=\"_blank\">", "</a>")) dest_ipset:value("", translate("Disabled")) dest_ipset:value("ipset", translate("Use ipset command")) dest_ipset:value("dnsmasq.ipset", translate("Use DNSMASQ ipset")) dest_ipset.default = "" dest_ipset.rmempty = true src_ipset = config:taboption("basic", ListValue, "src_ipset", translate("The ipset option for local policies"), translatef("Please check the %sREADME%s before changing this option.", "<a href=\"" .. readmeURL .. "#service-configuration-settings" .. "\" target=\"_blank\">", "</a>")) src_ipset:value("0", translate("Disabled")) src_ipset:value("1", translate("Use ipset command")) ipv6 = config:taboption("basic", ListValue, "ipv6_enabled", translate("IPv6 Support")) ipv6:value("0", translate("Disabled")) ipv6:value("1", translate("Enabled")) -- Advanced Options config:tab("advanced", translate("Advanced Configuration"), translatef("%sWARNING:%s Please make sure to check the %sREADME%s before changing anything in this section! Change any of the settings below with extreme caution!%s" , "<br/> <b>", "</b>", "<a href=\"" .. readmeURL .. "#service-configuration-settings" .. "\" target=\"_blank\">", "</a>", "<br/><br/>")) supportedIface = config:taboption("advanced", DynamicList, "supported_interface", translate("Supported Interfaces"), translate("Allows to specify the list of interface names (in lower case) to be explicitly supported by the service. Can be useful if your OpenVPN tunnels have dev option other than tun* or tap*.")) supportedIface.optional = false ignoredIface = config:taboption("advanced", DynamicList, "ignored_interface", translate("Ignored Interfaces"), translate("Allows to specify the list of interface names (in lower case) to be ignored by the service. Can be useful if running both VPN server and VPN client on the router.")) ignoredIface.optional = false timeout = config:taboption("advanced", Value, "boot_timeout", translate("Boot Time-out"), translate("Time (in seconds) for service to wait for WAN gateway discovery on boot.")) timeout.optional = false timeout.rmempty = true insert = config:taboption("advanced", ListValue, "iptables_rule_option", translate("IPTables rule option"), translate("Select Append for -A and Insert for -I.")) insert:value("append", translate("Append")) insert:value("insert", translate("Insert")) insert.default = "append" iprule = config:taboption("advanced", ListValue, "iprule_enabled", translate("IP Rules Support"), translate("Add an ip rule, not an iptables entry for policies with just the local address. Use with caution to manipulte policies priorities.")) iprule:value("0", translate("Disabled")) iprule:value("1", translate("Enabled")) icmp = config:taboption("advanced", ListValue, "icmp_interface", translate("Default ICMP Interface"), translate("Force the ICMP protocol interface.")) icmp:value("", translate("No Change")) icmp:value("wan", translate("WAN")) uci:foreach("network", "interface", function(s) local name=s['.name'] if is_supported_interface(s) then icmp:value(name, name:upper()) end end) icmp.rmempty = true append_local = config:taboption("advanced", Value, "append_src_rules", translate("Append local IP Tables rules"), translate("Special instructions to append iptables rules for local IPs/netmasks/devices.")) append_local.rmempty = true append_remote = config:taboption("advanced", Value, "append_dest_rules", translate("Append remote IP Tables rules"), translate("Special instructions to append iptables rules for remote IPs/netmasks.")) append_remote.rmempty = true wantid = config:taboption("advanced", Value, "wan_tid", translate("WAN Table ID"), translate("Starting (WAN) Table ID number for tables created by the service.")) wantid.rmempty = true wantid.placeholder = "201" wantid.datatype = 'and(uinteger, min(201))' wanmark = config:taboption("advanced", Value, "wan_mark", translate("WAN Table FW Mark"), translate("Starting (WAN) FW Mark for marks used by the service. High starting mark is used to avoid conflict with SQM/QoS. Change with caution together with") .. " " .. translate("Service FW Mask") .. ".") wanmark.rmempty = true wanmark.placeholder = "0x010000" wanmark.datatype = "hex(8)" fwmask = config:taboption("advanced", Value, "fw_mask", translate("Service FW Mask"), translate("FW Mask used by the service. High mask is used to avoid conflict with SQM/QoS. Change with caution together with") .. " " .. translate("WAN Table FW Mark") .. ".") fwmask.rmempty = true fwmask.placeholder = "0xff0000" fwmask.datatype = "hex(8)" config:tab("webui", translate("Web UI Configuration")) webui_enable_column = config:taboption("webui", ListValue, "webui_enable_column", translate("Show Enable Column"), translate("Shows the enable checkbox column for policies, allowing you to quickly enable/disable specific policy without deleting it.")) webui_enable_column:value("0", translate("Disabled")) webui_enable_column:value("1", translate("Enabled")) webui_protocol_column = config:taboption("webui", ListValue, "webui_protocol_column", translate("Show Protocol Column"), translate("Shows the protocol column for policies, allowing you to assign a specific protocol to a policy.")) webui_protocol_column:value("0", translate("Disabled")) webui_protocol_column:value("1", translate("Enabled")) webui_supported_protocol = config:taboption("webui", DynamicList, "webui_supported_protocol", translate("Supported Protocols"), translate("Display these protocols in protocol column in Web UI.")) webui_supported_protocol.optional = false webui_chain_column = config:taboption("webui", ListValue, "webui_chain_column", translate("Show Chain Column"), translate("Shows the chain column for policies, allowing you to assign a PREROUTING, FORWARD, INPUT or OUTPUT chain to a policy.")) webui_chain_column:value("0", translate("Disabled")) webui_chain_column:value("1", translate("Enabled")) webui_sorting = config:taboption("webui", ListValue, "webui_sorting", translate("Show Up/Down Buttons"), translate("Shows the Up/Down buttons for policies, allowing you to move a policy up or down in the list.")) webui_sorting:value("0", translate("Disabled")) webui_sorting:value("1", translate("Enabled")) webui_sorting.default = "1" -- Policies p = m:section(TypedSection, "policy", translate("Policies"), translate("Comment, interface and at least one other field are required. Multiple local and remote addresses/devices/domains and ports can be space separated. Placeholders below represent just the format/syntax and will not be used if fields are left blank.")) p.template = "cbi/tblsection" enc = tonumber(uci:get("vpn-policy-routing", "config", "webui_sorting")) if not enc or enc ~= 0 then p.sortable = true end p.anonymous = true p.addremove = true enc = tonumber(uci:get("vpn-policy-routing", "config", "webui_enable_column")) if enc and enc ~= 0 then le = p:option(Flag, "enabled", translate("Enabled")) le.default = "1" end local comment = uci:get_first("vpn-policy-routing", "policy", "comment") if comment then p:option(Value, "comment", translate("Comment")) else p:option(Value, "name", translate("Name")) end la = p:option(Value, "src_addr", translate("Local addresses / devices")) if laPlaceholder then la.placeholder = laPlaceholder end la.rmempty = true la.datatype = 'list(neg(or(host,network,macaddr,string)))' lp = p:option(Value, "src_port", translate("Local ports")) lp.datatype = 'list(neg(or(portrange, string)))' lp.placeholder = "0-65535" lp.rmempty = true ra = p:option(Value, "dest_addr", translate("Remote addresses / domains")) ra.datatype = 'list(neg(host))' ra.placeholder = "" ra.rmempty = true rp = p:option(Value, "dest_port", translate("Remote ports")) rp.datatype = 'list(neg(or(portrange, string)))' rp.placeholder = "0-65535" rp.rmempty = true enc = tonumber(uci:get("vpn-policy-routing", "config", "webui_protocol_column")) if enc and enc ~= 0 then proto = p:option(ListValue, "proto", translate("Protocol")) proto:value("", "AUTO") proto.default = "" proto.rmempty = true enc = uci:get_list("vpn-policy-routing", "config", "webui_supported_protocol") local count = 0 for key, value in pairs(enc) do count = count + 1 proto:value(value:lower(), value:gsub(" ", "/"):upper()) end if count == 0 then enc = { "tcp", "udp", "tcp udp", "icmp", "all" } for key,value in pairs(enc) do proto:value(value:lower(), value:gsub(" ", "/"):upper()) end end end enc = tonumber(uci:get("vpn-policy-routing", "config", "webui_chain_column")) if enc and enc ~= 0 then chain = p:option(ListValue, "chain", translate("Chain")) chain:value("", "PREROUTING") chain:value("FORWARD", "FORWARD") chain:value("INPUT", "INPUT") chain:value("OUTPUT", "OUTPUT") chain.default = "" chain.rmempty = true end gw = p:option(ListValue, "interface", translate("Interface")) gw.datatype = "network" gw.rmempty = false uci:foreach("network", "interface", function(s) local name=s['.name'] if is_wan(name) then gw:value(name, name:upper()) if not gw.default then gw.default = name end elseif is_supported_interface(s) then gw:value(name, name:upper()) end end) dscp = m:section(NamedSection, "config", "vpn-policy-routing", translate("DSCP Tagging"), translatef("Set DSCP tags (in range between 1 and 63) for specific interfaces. See the %sREADME%s for details.", "<a href=\"" .. readmeURL .. "#dscp-tag-based-policies" .. "\" target=\"_blank\">", "</a>")) uci:foreach("network", "interface", function(s) local name=s['.name'] if is_supported_interface(s) then local x = dscp:option(Value, name .. "_dscp", name:upper() .. " " .. translate("DSCP Tag")) x.rmempty = true x.datatype = "range(1,63)" end end) -- Includes inc = m:section(TypedSection, "include", translate("Custom User File Includes"), translatef("Run the following user files after setting up but before restarting DNSMASQ. See the %sREADME%s for details.", "<a href=\"" .. readmeURL .. "#custom-user-files" .. "\" target=\"_blank\">", "</a>")) inc.template = "cbi/tblsection" inc.sortable = true inc.anonymous = true inc.addremove = true finc = inc:option(Flag, "enabled", translate("Enabled")) finc.optional = false finc.default = "1" inc:option(Value, "path", translate("Path")).optional = false return m