-- Copyright 2017 Dirk Brenken (dev@brenken.org) -- This is free software, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 local nw = require("luci.model.network").init() local fw = require("luci.model.firewall").init() local util = require("luci.util") local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor() m = SimpleForm("network", translate("Interface Setup"), translate("Automatically create a new wireless wan interface, configure it to use dhcp and " .. "add it to the wan zone of the firewall. This step has only to be done once.")) m.reset = false iface = m:field(Value, "netname", translate("Name of the new wireless wan interface"), translate("The allowed characters are: A-Z, a-z, " .. "0-9 and _ (3-15 characters).")) iface.default = "wwan" iface.datatype = "and(uciname,minlength(3),maxlength(15))" function iface.validate(self, value, section) local value = iface:formvalue(section) local name = uci.get("network", value) if name then iface:add_error(section, translate("The given network interface name already exist")) else iface.datatype = false iface.default = iface.disabled f = m:field(DummyValue, "textfield", " ", translate("Direct Link: " .. [[]] .. "Wireless Setup" .. [[]])) f.default = translate("Network Interface '" .. value .. "' created successfully." .. " Feel free to scan & add new stations via standard wireless setup.") f.disabled = true end return value end function iface.write(self, section, value) local name = iface:formvalue(section) if name then local net = nw:add_network(name, { proto = "dhcp" }) if net then nw:save("network") nw:commit("network") local zone = fw:get_zone_by_network("wan") if zone then zone:add_network(name) fw:save("firewall") fw:commit("firewall") end end end end return m