--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2011 Manuel Munz Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ]]-- m = Map("luci_statistics", translate("OLSRd Plugin Configuration"), translate("The OLSRd plugin reads information about meshed networks from the txtinfo plugin of OLSRd.")) s = m:section(NamedSection, "collectd_olsrd", "luci_statistics" ) enable = s:option(Flag, "enable", translate("Enable this plugin")) enable.default = 0 host = s:option(Value, "Host", translate("Host"), translate("IP or hostname where to get the txtinfo output from")) host.placeholder = "" host.datatype = "host" host.rmempty = true port = s:option(Value, "Port", translate("Port")) port.placeholder = "2006" port.datatype = "range(0,65535)" port.rmempty = true port.cast = "string" cl = s:option(ListValue, "CollectLinks", translate("CollectLinks"), translate("Specifies what information to collect about links.")) cl:value("No") cl:value("Summary") cl:value("Detail") cl.default = "Detail" cr = s:option(ListValue, "CollectRoutes", translate("CollectRoutes"), translate("Specifies what information to collect about routes.")) cr:value("No") cr:value("Summary") cr:value("Detail") cr.default = "Summary" ct = s:option(ListValue, "CollectTopology", translate("CollectTopology"), translate("Specifies what information to collect about the global topology.")) ct:value("No") ct:value("Summary") ct:value("Detail") ct.default = "Summary" return m