/************************************************************************* * * Copyright (C) 2018-2023 Ruilin Peng (Nick) <pymumu@gmail.com>. * * smartdns is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * smartdns is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ 'use strict'; 'require fs'; 'require uci'; 'require form'; 'require view'; 'require poll'; 'require rpc'; 'require ui'; var conf = 'smartdns'; var callServiceList = rpc.declare({ object: 'service', method: 'list', params: ['name'], expect: { '': {} } }); var pollAdded = false; function getServiceStatus() { return L.resolveDefault(callServiceList(conf), {}) .then(function (res) { var is_running = false; try { is_running = res[conf]['instances']['smartdns']['running']; } catch (e) { } return is_running; }); } function smartdnsServiceStatus() { return Promise.all([ getServiceStatus() ]); } function smartdnsRenderStatus(res) { var renderHTML = ""; var isRunning = res[0]; var autoSetDnsmasq = uci.get_first('smartdns', 'smartdns', 'auto_set_dnsmasq'); var smartdnsPort = uci.get_first('smartdns', 'smartdns', 'port'); var dnsmasqServer = uci.get_first('dhcp', 'dnsmasq', 'server'); if (isRunning) { renderHTML += "<span style=\"color:green;font-weight:bold\">SmartDNS - " + _("RUNNING") + "</span>"; } else { renderHTML += "<span style=\"color:red;font-weight:bold\">SmartDNS - " + _("NOT RUNNING") + "</span>"; return renderHTML; } if (autoSetDnsmasq === '1' && smartdnsPort != '53') { var matchLine = "" + smartdnsPort; uci.unload('dhcp'); uci.load('dhcp'); if (dnsmasqServer == undefined || dnsmasqServer.indexOf(matchLine) < 0) { renderHTML += "<br /><span style=\"color:red;font-weight:bold\">" + _("Dnsmasq Forwarded To Smartdns Failure") + "</span>"; } } return renderHTML; } return view.extend({ load: function () { return Promise.all([ uci.load('dhcp'), uci.load('smartdns'), ]); }, render: function (stats) { var m, s, o; var ss, so; var servers, download_files; m = new form.Map('smartdns', _('SmartDNS')); m.title = _("SmartDNS Server"); m.description = _("SmartDNS is a local high-performance DNS server, supports finding fastest IP, " + "supports ad filtering, and supports avoiding DNS poisoning."); s = m.section(form.NamedSection, '_status'); s.anonymous = true; s.render = function (section_id) { var renderStatus = function () { return L.resolveDefault(smartdnsServiceStatus()).then(function (res) { var view = document.getElementById("service_status"); if (view == null) { return; } view.innerHTML = smartdnsRenderStatus(res); }); } if (pollAdded == false) { poll.add(renderStatus, 1); pollAdded = true; } return E('div', { class: 'cbi-section' }, [ E('div', { id: 'service_status' }, _('Collecting data ...')) ]); } //////////////// // Basic; //////////////// s = m.section(form.TypedSection, "smartdns", _("Settings"), _("General Settings")); s.anonymous = true; s.tab("settings", _("General Settings")); s.tab("advanced", _('Advanced Settings')); s.tab("seconddns", _("Second Server Settings")); s.tab("dns64", _("DNS64 Server Settings")); s.tab("files", _("Download Files Setting"), _("Download domain list files for domain-rule and include config files, please refresh the page after download to take effect.")); s.tab("proxy", _("Proxy Server Settings")); s.tab("custom", _("Custom Settings")); /////////////////////////////////////// // Basic Settings /////////////////////////////////////// o = s.taboption("settings", form.Flag, "enabled", _("Enable"), _("Enable or disable smartdns server")); o.rmempty = false; o.default = o.disabled; // server name; o = s.taboption("settings", form.Value, "server_name", _("Server Name"), _("Smartdns server name")); o.default = "smartdns"; o.datatype = "hostname"; o.rempty = false; // Port; o = s.taboption("settings", form.Value, "port", _("Local Port"), _("Smartdns local server port, smartdns will be automatically set as main dns when the port is 53.")); o.placeholder = 53; o.default = 53; o.datatype = "port"; o.rempty = false; // auto-conf-dnsmasq; o = s.taboption("settings", form.Flag, "auto_set_dnsmasq", _("Automatically Set Dnsmasq"), _("Automatically set as upstream of dnsmasq when port changes.")); o.rmempty = false; o.default = o.enabled; /////////////////////////////////////// // advanced settings; /////////////////////////////////////// // Speed check mode; o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Value, "speed_check_mode", _("Speed Check Mode"), _("Smartdns speed check mode.")); o.rmempty = true; o.placeholder = "default"; o.value("", _("default")); o.value("ping,tcp:80,tcp:443"); o.value("ping,tcp:443,tcp:80"); o.value("tcp:80,tcp:443,ping"); o.value("tcp:443,tcp:80,ping"); o.value("none", _("None")); o.validate = function (section_id, value) { if (value == "") { return true; } if (value == "none") { return true; } var check_mode = value.split(",") for (var i = 0; i < check_mode.length; i++) { if (check_mode[i] == "ping") { continue; } if (check_mode[i].indexOf("tcp:") == 0) { var port = check_mode[i].split(":")[1]; if (port == "") { return _("TCP port is empty"); } continue; } return _("Speed check mode is invalid."); } return true; } // response mode; o = s.taboption("advanced", form.ListValue, "response_mode", _("Response Mode"), _("Smartdns response mode, First Ping: return the first ping IP, Fastest IP: return the fastest IP, Fastest Response: return the fastest DNS response.")); o.rmempty = true; o.placeholder = "default"; o.value("", _("default")); o.value("first-ping", _("First Ping")); o.value("fastest-ip", _("Fastest IP")); o.value("fastest-response", _("Fastest Response")); // Enable TCP server; o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Flag, "tcp_server", _("TCP Server"), _("Enable TCP DNS Server")); o.rmempty = false; o.default = o.enabled; // Support IPV6; o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Flag, "ipv6_server", _("IPV6 Server"), _("Enable IPV6 DNS Server")); o.rmempty = false; o.default = o.enabled; // bind to device; o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Flag, "bind_device", _("Bind Device"), _("Listen only on the specified interfaces.")); o.rmempty = false; o.default = o.enabled; // bind device name; o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Value, "bind_device_name", _("Bind Device Name"), _("Name of device name listen on.")); o.placeholder = "default"; o.rempty = true; o.datatype = "string"; // Support DualStack ip selection; o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Flag, "dualstack_ip_selection", _("Dual-stack IP Selection"), _("Enable IP selection between IPV4 and IPV6")); o.rmempty = false; o.default = o.enabled; // Domain prefetch load ; o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Flag, "prefetch_domain", _("Domain prefetch"), _("Enable domain prefetch, accelerate domain response speed.")); o.rmempty = true; o.default = o.disabled; // Domain Serve expired o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Flag, "serve_expired", _("Serve expired"), _("Attempts to serve old responses from cache with a TTL of 0 in the response without waiting for the actual resolution to finish.")); o.rmempty = false; o.default = o.enabled; // cache-size; o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Value, "cache_size", _("Cache Size"), _("DNS domain result cache size")); o.rempty = true; // cache-persist; o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Flag, "cache_persist", _("Cache Persist"), _("Write cache to disk on exit and load on startup.")); o.rmempty = false; o.default = o.enabled; // cache-size; o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Flag, "resolve_local_hostnames", _("Resolve Local Hostnames"), _("Resolve local hostnames by reading Dnsmasq lease file.")); o.rmempty = false; o.default = o.enabled; // Force AAAA SOA o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Flag, "force_aaaa_soa", _("Force AAAA SOA"), _("Force AAAA SOA.")); o.rmempty = true; o.default = o.disabled; // Force HTTPS SOA o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Flag, "force_https_soa", _("Force HTTPS SOA"), _("Force HTTPS SOA.")); o.rmempty = false; o.default = o.enabled; // Ipset no speed. o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Value, "ipset_no_speed", _("No Speed IPset Name"), _("Ipset name, Add domain result to ipset when speed check fails.")); o.rmempty = true; o.datatype = "string"; o.rempty = true; o.validate = function (section_id, value) { if (value == "") { return true; } var ipset = value.split(",") for (var i = 0; i < ipset.length; i++) { if (!ipset[i].match(/^(#[4|6]:)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+$/)) { return _("ipset name format error, format: [#[4|6]:]ipsetname"); } } return true; } // NFTset no speed. o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Value, "nftset_no_speed", _("No Speed NFTset Name"), _("Nftset name, Add domain result to nftset when speed check fails, format: [#[4|6]:[family#table#set]]")); o.rmempty = true; o.datatype = "string"; o.rempty = true; o.validate = function (section_id, value) { if (value == "") { return true; } var nftset = value.split(",") for (var i = 0; i < nftset.length; i++) { if (!nftset[i].match(/^#[4|6]:[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+#[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+#[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+$/)) { return _("NFTset name format error, format: [#[4|6]:[family#table#set]]"); } } return true; } // rr-ttl; o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Value, "rr_ttl", _("Domain TTL"), _("TTL for all domain result.")); o.rempty = true; // rr-ttl-min; o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Value, "rr_ttl_min", _("Domain TTL Min"), _("Minimum TTL for all domain result.")); o.rempty = true; o.placeholder = "600"; o.default = 600; o.optional = true; // rr-ttl-max; o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Value, "rr_ttl_max", _("Domain TTL Max"), _("Maximum TTL for all domain result.")); o.rempty = true; // rr-ttl-reply-max; o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Value, "rr_ttl_reply_max", _("Reply Domain TTL Max"), _("Reply maximum TTL for all domain result.")); o.rempty = true; // other args o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Value, "server_flags", _("Additional Server Args"), _("Additional server args, refer to the help description of the bind option.")) o.default = "" o.rempty = true // include config download_files = uci.sections('smartdns', 'download-file'); o = s.taboption("advanced", form.DynamicList, "conf_files", _("Include Config Files<br>/etc/smartdns/conf.d"), _("Include other config files from /etc/smartdns/conf.d or custom path, can be downloaded from the download page.")); for (var i = 0; i < download_files.length; i++) { if (download_files[i].type == undefined) { continue; } if (download_files[i].type != 'config') { continue } o.value(download_files[i].name); } /////////////////////////////////////// // second dns server; /////////////////////////////////////// // Enable; o = s.taboption("seconddns", form.Flag, "seconddns_enabled", _("Enable"), _("Enable or disable second DNS server.")); o.default = o.disabled; o.rempty = true; // Port; o = s.taboption("seconddns", form.Value, "seconddns_port", _("Local Port"), _("Smartdns local server port")); o.placeholder = 6553; o.default = 6553; o.datatype = "port"; o.rempty = false; // Enable TCP server; o = s.taboption("seconddns", form.Flag, "seconddns_tcp_server", _("TCP Server"), _("Enable TCP DNS Server")); o.rmempty = false; o.default = o.enabled; // dns server group; o = s.taboption("seconddns", form.Value, "seconddns_server_group", _("Server Group"), _("Query DNS through specific dns server group, such as office, home.")); o.rmempty = true; o.placeholder = "default"; o.datatype = "hostname"; o.rempty = true; o = s.taboption("seconddns", form.Flag, "seconddns_no_speed_check", _("Skip Speed Check"), _("Do not check speed.")); o.rmempty = true; o.default = o.disabled; // skip address rules; o = s.taboption("seconddns", form.Flag, "seconddns_no_rule_addr", _("Skip Address Rules"), _("Skip address rules.")); o.rmempty = true; o.default = o.disabled; // skip name server rules; o = s.taboption("seconddns", form.Flag, "seconddns_no_rule_nameserver", _("Skip Nameserver Rule"), _("Skip nameserver rules.")); o.rmempty = true; o.default = o.disabled; // skip ipset rules; o = s.taboption("seconddns", form.Flag, "seconddns_no_rule_ipset", _("Skip Ipset Rule"), _("Skip ipset rules.")); o.rmempty = true; o.default = o.disabled; // skip soa address rule; o = s.taboption("seconddns", form.Flag, "seconddns_no_rule_soa", _("Skip SOA Address Rule"), _("Skip SOA address rules.")); o.rmempty = true; o.default = o.disabled; o = s.taboption("seconddns", form.Flag, "seconddns_no_dualstack_selection", _("Skip Dualstack Selection"), _("Skip Dualstack Selection.")); o.rmempty = true; o.default = o.disabled; // skip cache; o = s.taboption("seconddns", form.Flag, "seconddns_no_cache", _("Skip Cache"), _("Skip Cache.")); o.rmempty = true; o.default = o.disabled; // Force AAAA SOA o = s.taboption("seconddns", form.Flag, "seconddns_force_aaaa_soa", _("Force AAAA SOA"), _("Force AAAA SOA.")); o.rmempty = true; o.default = o.disabled; o = s.taboption("seconddns", form.Value, "seconddns_ipset_name", _("IPset Name"), _("IPset name.")); o.rmempty = true; o.datatype = "string"; o.rempty = true; o.validate = function (section_id, value) { if (value == "") { return true; } var ipset = value.split(",") for (var i = 0; i < ipset.length; i++) { if (!ipset[i].match(/^(#[4|6]:)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+$/)) { return _("ipset name format error, format: [#[4|6]:]ipsetname"); } } return true; } o = s.taboption("seconddns", form.Value, "seconddns_nftset_name", _("NFTset Name"), _("NFTset name, format: [#[4|6]:[family#table#set]]")); o.rmempty = true; o.datatype = "string"; o.rempty = true; o.validate = function (section_id, value) { if (value == "") { return true; } var nftset = value.split(",") for (var i = 0; i < nftset.length; i++) { if (!nftset[i].match(/^#[4|6]:[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+#[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+#[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+$/)) { return _("NFTset name format error, format: [#[4|6]:[family#table#set]]"); } } return true; } // other args o = s.taboption("seconddns", form.Value, "seconddns_server_flags", _("Additional Server Args"), _("Additional server args, refer to the help description of the bind option.")) o.default = "" o.rempty = true /////////////////////////////////////// // DNS64 Settings /////////////////////////////////////// o = s.taboption("dns64", form.Value, "dns64", _("DNS64")); o.placeholder = "64:ff9b::/96"; o.datatype = "ip6addr"; o.rempty = true; /////////////////////////////////////// // download Files Settings /////////////////////////////////////// o = s.taboption("files", form.Flag, "enable_auto_update", _("Enable Auto Update"), _("Enable daily auto update.")); o.rmempty = true; o.default = o.disabled; o.rempty = true; o = s.taboption("files", form.FileUpload, "upload_conf_file", _("Upload Config File"), _("Upload smartdns config file to /etc/smartdns/conf.d")); o.rmempty = true o.datatype = "file" o.rempty = true o.root_directory = "/etc/smartdns/conf.d" o = s.taboption("files", form.FileUpload, "upload_list_file", _("Upload Domain List File"), _("Upload domain list file to /etc/smartdns/domain-set")); o.rmempty = true o.datatype = "file" o.rempty = true o.root_directory = "/etc/smartdns/domain-set" o = s.taboption('files', form.DummyValue, "_update", _("Update Files")); o.renderWidget = function () { return E('button', { 'class': 'btn cbi-button cbi-button-apply', 'id': 'btn_update', 'click': ui.createHandlerFn(this, function () { return fs.exec('/etc/init.d/smartdns', ['updatefiles']) .catch(function (e) { ui.addNotification(null, E('p', e.message), 'error') }); }) }, [_("Update")]); } o = s.taboption('files', form.SectionValue, '__files__', form.GridSection, 'download-file', _('Download Files'), _('List of files to download.')); ss = o.subsection; ss.addremove = true; ss.anonymous = true; ss.sortable = true; so = ss.option(form.Value, 'name', _('File Name'), _('File Name')); so.rmempty = true; so.datatype = 'file'; so = ss.option(form.Value, 'url', _('URL'), _('URL')); so.rmempty = true; so.datatype = 'string'; so.validate = function (section_id, value) { if (value == "") { return true; } if (!value.match(/^(http|https|ftp|sftp):\/\//)) { return _("URL format error, format: http:// or https://"); } return true; } so = ss.option(form.ListValue, "type", _("type"), _("File Type")); so.value("list", _("domain list (/etc/smartdns/domain-set)")); so.value("config", _("smartdns config (/etc/smartdns/conf.d)")); so.default = "list"; so.rempty = false; so = ss.option(form.Value, 'desc', _('Description'), _('Description')); so.rmempty = true; so.datatype = 'string'; /////////////////////////////////////// // Proxy server settings; /////////////////////////////////////// o = s.taboption("proxy", form.Value, "proxy_server", _("Proxy Server"), _("Proxy Server URL, format: [socks5|http]://user:pass@ip:port.")); o.datatype = 'string'; o.validate = function (section_id, value) { if (value == "") { return true; } if (!value.match(/^(socks5|http):\/\//)) { return _("Proxy server URL format error, format: [socks5|http]://user:pass@ip:port."); } return true; } /////////////////////////////////////// // custom settings; /////////////////////////////////////// o = s.taboption("custom", form.TextValue, "custom_conf", "", _("smartdns custom settings")); o.rows = 20; o.cfgvalue = function (section_id) { return fs.trimmed('/etc/smartdns/custom.conf'); }; o.write = function (section_id, formvalue) { return this.cfgvalue(section_id).then(function (value) { if (value == formvalue) { return } return fs.write('/etc/smartdns/custom.conf', formvalue.trim().replace(/\r\n/g, '\n') + '\n'); }); }; o = s.taboption("custom", form.Flag, "coredump", _("Generate Coredump"), _("Generate Coredump file when smartdns crash, coredump file is located at /tmp/smartdns.xxx.core.")); o.rmempty = true; o.default = o.disabled; o = s.taboption("custom", form.Value, "log_size", _("Log Size")); o.rmempty = true; o.placeholder = "default"; o = s.taboption("custom", form.ListValue, "log_level", _("Log Level")); o.rmempty = true; o.placeholder = "default"; o.value("", _("default")); o.value("debug"); o.value("info"); o.value("notice"); o.value("warn"); o.value("error"); o.value("fatal"); o.value("off"); o = s.taboption("custom", form.Value, "log_num", _("Log Number")); o.rmempty = true; o.placeholder = "default"; o = s.taboption("custom", form.Value, "log_file", _("Log File")) o.rmempty = true o.placeholder = "/var/log/smartdns/smartdns.log" //////////////// // Upstream servers; //////////////// s = m.section(form.GridSection, "server", _("Upstream Servers"), _("Upstream Servers, support UDP, TCP protocol. Please configure multiple DNS servers, " + "including multiple foreign DNS servers.")); s.anonymous = true; s.addremove = true; s.sortable = true; s.tab('general', _('General Settings')); s.tab('advanced', _('Advanced Settings')); // enable flag; o = s.taboption("general", form.Flag, "enabled", _("Enable"), _("Enable")); o.rmempty = false; o.default = o.enabled; o.editable = true; // name; o = s.taboption("general", form.Value, "name", _("DNS Server Name"), _("DNS Server Name")); // IP address; o = s.taboption("general", form.Value, "ip", _("ip"), _("DNS Server ip")); o.datatype = "or(ipaddr, string)"; o.rmempty = false; // port; o = s.taboption("general", form.Value, "port", _("port"), _("DNS Server port")); o.placeholder = "default"; o.datatype = "port"; o.rempty = true; o.depends("type", "udp"); o.depends("type", "tcp"); o.depends("type", "tls"); // type; o = s.taboption("general", form.ListValue, "type", _("type"), _("DNS Server type")); o.placeholder = "udp"; o.value("udp", _("udp")); o.value("tcp", _("tcp")); o.value("tls", _("tls")); o.value("https", _("https")); o.default = "udp"; o.rempty = false; // server group o = s.taboption("general", form.Value, "server_group", _("Server Group"), _("DNS Server group")) o.rmempty = true; o.placeholder = "default"; o.datatype = "hostname"; o.rempty = true; servers = uci.sections('smartdns', 'server'); var groupnames = new Set(); for (var i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) { if (servers[i].server_group == undefined) { continue; } groupnames.add(servers[i].server_group); } for (const groupname of groupnames) { o.value(groupname); } // Advanced Options o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Flag, "exclude_default_group", _("Exclude Default Group"), _("Exclude DNS Server from default group.")) o.rmempty = true; o.default = o.disabled; o.editable = true; o.modalonly = true; // blacklist_ip o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Flag, "blacklist_ip", _("IP Blacklist Filtering"), _("Filtering IP with blacklist")) o.rmempty = true o.default = o.disabled o.modalonly = true; // TLS host verify o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Value, "tls_host_verify", _("TLS Hostname Verify"), _("Set TLS hostname to verify.")) o.default = "" o.datatype = "string" o.rempty = true o.modalonly = true; o.depends("type", "tls") o.depends("type", "https") // certificate verify o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Flag, "no_check_certificate", _("No check certificate"), _("Do not check certificate.")) o.rmempty = true o.default = o.disabled o.modalonly = true; o.depends("type", "tls") o.depends("type", "https") // SNI host name o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Value, "host_name", _("TLS SNI name"), _("Sets the server name indication for query. '-' for disable SNI name.")) o.default = "" o.datatype = "hostname" o.rempty = true o.modalonly = true; o.depends("type", "tls") o.depends("type", "https") // http host o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Value, "http_host", _("HTTP Host"), _("Set the HTTP host used for the query. Use this parameter when the host of the URL address is an IP address.")) o.default = "" o.datatype = "hostname" o.rempty = true o.modalonly = true; o.depends("type", "https") // SPKI pin o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Value, "spki_pin", _("TLS SPKI Pinning"), _("Used to verify the validity of the TLS server, The value is Base64 encoded SPKI fingerprint, " + "leaving blank to indicate that the validity of TLS is not verified.")) o.default = "" o.datatype = "string" o.rempty = true o.modalonly = true; o.depends("type", "tls") o.depends("type", "https") // mark o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Value, "set_mark", _("Marking Packets"), _("Set mark on packets.")) o.default = "" o.rempty = true o.datatype = "uinteger" o.modalonly = true; // use proxy o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Flag, "use_proxy", _("Use Proxy"), _("Use proxy to connect to upstream DNS server.")) o.default = o.disabled o.modalonly = true; o.optional = true; o.rempty = true; o.validate = function (section_id, value) { var flag = this.formvalue(section_id); if (flag == "0") { return true; } var proxy_server = uci.sections("smartdns", "smartdns")[0].proxy_server; var server_type = this.section.formvalue(section_id, "type"); if (proxy_server == "" || proxy_server == undefined) { return _("Please set proxy server first."); } if (server_type == "udp" && !proxy_server.match(/^(socks5):\/\//)) { return _("Only socks5 proxy support udp server."); } return true; } // other args o = s.taboption("advanced", form.Value, "addition_arg", _("Additional Server Args"), _("Additional Args for upstream dns servers")) o.default = "" o.rempty = true o.modalonly = true; //////////////// // domain rules; //////////////// s = m.section(form.TypedSection, "domain-rule", _("Domain Rules"), _("Domain Rules Settings")); s.anonymous = true; s.nodescriptions = true; s.tab("forwarding", _('DNS Forwarding Setting')); s.tab("block", _("DNS Block Setting")); s.tab("domain-rule-list", _("Domain Rule List"), _("Set Specific domain rule list.")); s.tab("domain-address", _("Domain Address"), _("Set Specific domain ip address.")); s.tab("blackip-list", _("IP Blacklist"), _("Set Specific ip blacklist.")); /////////////////////////////////////// // domain forwarding; /////////////////////////////////////// o = s.taboption("forwarding", form.Value, "server_group", _("Server Group"), _("DNS Server group belongs to, such as office, home.")) o.rmempty = true o.placeholder = "default" o.datatype = "hostname" o.rempty = true for (const groupname of groupnames) { o.value(groupname); } o.validate = function (section_id, value) { if (value == "") { return true; } var val = uci.sections('smartdns', 'server'); for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { if (value == val[i].server_group) { return true; } } return _('Server Group %s not exists').format(value); } o = s.taboption("forwarding", form.Flag, "no_speed_check", _("Skip Speed Check"), _("Do not check speed.")); o.rmempty = true; o.default = o.disabled; o = s.taboption("forwarding", form.Flag, "force_aaaa_soa", _("Force AAAA SOA"), _("Force AAAA SOA.")); o.rmempty = true; o.default = o.disabled; o = s.taboption("forwarding", form.Value, "ipset_name", _("IPset Name"), _("IPset name.")); o.rmempty = true; o.datatype = "string"; o.rempty = true; o.validate = function (section_id, value) { if (value == "") { return true; } var ipset = value.split(",") for (var i = 0; i < ipset.length; i++) { if (!ipset[i].match(/^(#[4|6]:)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+$/)) { return _("ipset name format error, format: [#[4|6]:]ipsetname"); } } return true; } o = s.taboption("forwarding", form.Value, "nftset_name", _("NFTset Name"), _("NFTset name, format: [#[4|6]:[family#table#set]]")); o.rmempty = true; o.datatype = "string"; o.rempty = true; o.validate = function (section_id, value) { if (value == "") { return true; } var nftset = value.split(",") for (var i = 0; i < nftset.length; i++) { if (!nftset[i].match(/^#[4|6]:[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+#[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+#[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+$/)) { return _("NFTset name format error, format: [#[4|6]:[family#table#set]]"); } } return true; } // other args o = s.taboption("forwarding", form.Value, "addition_flag", _("Additional Rule Flag"), _("Additional Flags for rules, read help on domain-rule for more information.")) o.default = "" o.rempty = true o.modalonly = true; o = s.taboption("forwarding", form.FileUpload, "forwarding_domain_set_file", _("Domain List File"), _("Upload domain list file, or configure auto download from Download File Setting page.")); o.rmempty = true o.datatype = "file" o.rempty = true o.editable = true o.root_directory = "/etc/smartdns/domain-set" o = s.taboption("forwarding", form.TextValue, "domain_forwarding_list", _("Domain List"), _("Configure forwarding domain name list.")); o.rows = 10; o.cols = 64; o.monospace = true; o.cfgvalue = function (section_id) { return fs.trimmed('/etc/smartdns/domain-forwarding.list').catch(function (e) { return ""; }); }; o.write = function (section_id, formvalue) { return this.cfgvalue(section_id).then(function (value) { if (value == formvalue) { return } return fs.write('/etc/smartdns/domain-forwarding.list', formvalue.trim().replace(/\r\n/g, '\n') + '\n'); }); }; /////////////////////////////////////// // domain block; /////////////////////////////////////// o = s.taboption("block", form.FileUpload, "block_domain_set_file", _("Domain List File"), _("Upload domain list file.")); o.rmempty = true o.datatype = "file" o.rempty = true o.editable = true o.root_directory = "/etc/smartdns/domain-set" o = s.taboption("block", form.TextValue, "domain_block_list", _("Domain List"), _("Configure block domain list.")); o.rows = 10; o.cols = 64; o.cfgvalue = function (section_id) { return fs.trimmed('/etc/smartdns/domain-block.list').catch(function (e) { return ""; }); }; o.write = function (section_id, formvalue) { return this.cfgvalue(section_id).then(function (value) { if (value == formvalue) { return } return fs.write('/etc/smartdns/domain-block.list', formvalue.trim().replace(/\r\n/g, '\n') + '\n'); }); }; /////////////////////////////////////// // domain rule list; /////////////////////////////////////// o = s.taboption('domain-rule-list', form.SectionValue, '__domain-rule-list__', form.GridSection, 'domain-rule-list', _('Domain Rule List'), _('Configure domain rule list.')); ss = o.subsection; ss.addremove = true; ss.anonymous = true; ss.sortable = true; // enable flag; so = ss.option(form.Flag, "enabled", _("Enable"), _("Enable")); so.rmempty = false; so.default = so.enabled; so.editable = true; // name; so = ss.option(form.Value, "name", _("Domain Rule Name"), _("Domain Rule Name")); so = ss.option(form.Value, "server_group", _("Server Group"), _("DNS Server group belongs to, such as office, home.")) so.rmempty = true so.placeholder = "default" so.datatype = "hostname" so.rempty = true for (const groupname of groupnames) { so.value(groupname); } so.validate = function (section_id, value) { if (value == "") { return true; } var val = uci.sections('smartdns', 'server'); for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { if (value == val[i].server_group) { return true; } } return _('Server Group %s not exists').format(value); } so = ss.option(form.FileUpload, "domain_list_file", _("Domain List File"), _("Upload domain list file, or configure auto download from Download File Setting page.")); so.rmempty = true so.datatype = "file" so.rempty = true so.root_directory = "/etc/smartdns/domain-set" so = ss.option(form.ListValue, "block_domain_type", _("Block domain"), _("Block domain.")); so.rmempty = true; so.value("none", _("None")); so.value("all", "IPv4/IPv6"); so.value("ipv4", "IPv4"); so.value("ipv6", "IPv6"); so.modalonly = true; // Support DualStack ip selection; so = ss.option(form.ListValue, "dualstack_ip_selection", _("Dual-stack IP Selection"), _("Enable IP selection between IPV4 and IPV6")); so.rmempty = true; so.default = "default"; so.modalonly = true; so.value("", _("default")); so.value("yes", _("Yes")); so.value("no", _("No")); so = ss.option(form.Value, "speed_check_mode", _("Speed Check Mode"), _("Smartdns speed check mode.")); so.rmempty = true; so.placeholder = "default"; so.modalonly = true; so.value("", _("default")); so.value("ping,tcp:80,tcp:443"); so.value("ping,tcp:443,tcp:80"); so.value("tcp:80,tcp:443,ping"); so.value("tcp:443,tcp:80,ping"); so.value("none", _("None")); so.validate = function (section_id, value) { if (value == "") { return true; } if (value == "none") { return true; } var check_mode = value.split(",") for (var i = 0; i < check_mode.length; i++) { if (check_mode[i] == "ping") { continue; } if (check_mode[i].indexOf("tcp:") == 0) { var port = check_mode[i].split(":")[1]; if (port == "") { return _("TCP port is empty"); } continue; } return _("Speed check mode is invalid."); } return true; } so = ss.option(form.Flag, "force_aaaa_soa", _("Force AAAA SOA"), _("Force AAAA SOA.")); so.rmempty = true; so.default = so.disabled; so.modalonly = true; so = ss.option(form.Value, "ipset_name", _("IPset Name"), _("IPset name.")); so.rmempty = true; so.datatype = "hostname"; so.rempty = true; so.modalonly = true; so = ss.option(form.Value, "nftset_name", _("NFTset Name"), _("NFTset name, format: [#[4|6]:[family#table#set]]")); so.rmempty = true; so.datatype = "string"; so.rempty = true; so.modalonly = true; so.validate = function (section_id, value) { if (value == "") { return true; } var nftset = value.split(",") for (var i = 0; i < nftset.length; i++) { if (!nftset[i].match(/#[4|6]:[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+#[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+#[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+$/)) { return _("NFTset name format error, format: [#[4|6]:[family#table#set]]"); } } return true; } // other args so = ss.option(form.Value, "addition_flag", _("Additional Rule Flag"), _("Additional Flags for rules, read help on domain-rule for more information.")) so.default = "" so.rempty = true so.modalonly = true; /////////////////////////////////////// // IP Blacklist; /////////////////////////////////////// // blacklist; o = s.taboption("blackip-list", form.TextValue, "blackip_ip_conf", "", _("Configure IP blacklists that will be filtered from the results of specific DNS server.")); o.rows = 20; o.cfgvalue = function (section_id) { return fs.trimmed('/etc/smartdns/blacklist-ip.conf'); }; o.write = function (section_id, formvalue) { return this.cfgvalue(section_id).then(function (value) { if (value == formvalue) { return } return fs.write('/etc/smartdns/blacklist-ip.conf', formvalue.trim().replace(/\r\n/g, '\n') + '\n'); }); }; /////////////////////////////////////// // domain address /////////////////////////////////////// o = s.taboption("domain-address", form.TextValue, "address_conf", "", _("Specify an IP address to return for any host in the given domains, Queries in the domains are never " + "forwarded and always replied to with the specified IP address which may be IPv4 or IPv6.")); o.rows = 20; o.cfgvalue = function (section_id) { return fs.trimmed('/etc/smartdns/address.conf'); }; o.write = function (section_id, formvalue) { return this.cfgvalue(section_id).then(function (value) { if (value == formvalue) { return } return fs.write('/etc/smartdns/address.conf', formvalue.trim().replace(/\r\n/g, '\n') + '\n'); }); }; //////////////// // Support //////////////// s = m.section(form.TypedSection, "smartdns", _("Technical Support"), _("If you like this software, please buy me a cup of coffee.")); s.anonymous = true; o = s.option(form.Button, "web"); o.title = _("SmartDNS official website"); o.inputtitle = _("open website"); o.inputstyle = "apply"; o.onclick = function () { window.open("https://pymumu.github.io/smartdns", '_blank'); }; o = s.option(form.Button, "report"); o.title = _("Report bugs"); o.inputtitle = _("Report bugs"); o.inputstyle = "apply"; o.onclick = function () { window.open("https://github.com/pymumu/smartdns/issues", '_blank'); }; o = s.option(form.Button, "Donate"); o.title = _("Donate to smartdns"); o.inputtitle = _("Donate"); o.inputstyle = "apply"; o.onclick = function () { window.open("https://pymumu.github.io/smartdns/#donate", '_blank'); }; o = s.option(form.DummyValue, "_restart", _("Restart Service")); o.renderWidget = function () { return E('button', { 'class': 'btn cbi-button cbi-button-apply', 'id': 'btn_restart', 'click': ui.createHandlerFn(this, function () { return fs.exec('/etc/init.d/smartdns', ['restart']) .catch(function (e) { ui.addNotification(null, E('p', e.message), 'error') }); }) }, [_("Restart")]); } return m.render(); } });