// Copyright 2022 Stan Grishin // This code wouldn't have been possible without help from [@vsviridov](https://github.com/vsviridov) 'use strict'; 'require form'; 'require uci'; 'require view'; 'require simple-adblock.status as adb'; var pkg = { get Name() { return 'simple-adblock'; }, get URL() { return 'https://docs.openwrt.melmac.net/' + pkg.Name + '/'; } }; return view.extend({ load: function () { return Promise.all([ uci.load(pkg.Name) ]); }, render: function () { return Promise.all([ L.resolveDefault(adb.getPlatformSupport(), {}), ]).then(function (data) { var replyPlatform = data[0]; var status, m, s, o; status = new adb.status(); m = new form.Map(pkg.Name, _("Simple AdBlock - Configuration")); s = m.section(form.NamedSection, 'config', pkg.Name); s.tab("tab_basic", _("Basic Configuration")); s.tab("tab_advanced", _("Advanced Configuration")); o = s.taboption("tab_basic", form.ListValue, "config_update_enabled", _("Automatic Config Update"), _("Perform config update before downloading the block/allow-lists.")); o.value("0", _("Disable")); o.value("1", _("Enable")); o.default = ("0", _("Disable")); o = s.taboption("tab_basic", form.ListValue, "verbosity", _("Output Verbosity Setting"), _("Controls system log and console output verbosity.")); o.value("0", _("Suppress output")); o.value("1", _("Some output")); o.value("2", _("Verbose output")); o.default = ("2", _("Verbose output")); o = s.taboption("tab_basic", form.ListValue, "force_dns", _("Force Router DNS"), _("Forces Router DNS use on local devices, also known as DNS Hijacking.")); o.value("0", _("Let local devices use their own DNS servers if set")); o.value("1", _("Force Router DNS server to all local devices")); o.default = ("1", _("Force Router DNS server to all local devices")); if ((replyPlatform[pkg.Name].leds).length) { o = s.taboption("tab_basic", form.ListValue, "led", _("LED to indicate status"), _("Pick the LED not already used in %sSystem LED Configuration%s.").format("", "")); o.value("", _("none")); (replyPlatform[pkg.Name].leds).forEach(element => { o.value(element); }); o.rmempty = false; } var text = _("DNS resolution option, see the %sREADME%s for details.") .format("", ""); if (!(replyPlatform[pkg.Name].dnsmasq_installed)) { text += "
" + _("Please note that %s is not supported on this system.").format("dnsmasq.addnhosts"); text += "
" + _("Please note that %s is not supported on this system.").format("dnsmasq.conf"); text += "
" + _("Please note that %s is not supported on this system.").format("dnsmasq.ipset"); text += "
" + _("Please note that %s is not supported on this system.").format("dnsmasq.servers"); } else { if (!(replyPlatform[pkg.Name].dnsmasq_ipset_support)) { text += _("Please note that %s is not supported on this system.").format("dnsmasq.ipset") + "
"; } if (!(replyPlatform[pkg.Name].dnsmasq_nftset_support)) { text += _("Please note that %s is not supported on this system.").format("dnsmasq.nftset") + "
"; } } if (!(replyPlatform[pkg.Name].unbound_installed)) { text = text + "
" + _("Please note that %s is not supported on this system.") .format("unbound.adb_list"); } o = s.taboption("tab_advanced", form.ListValue, "dns", _("DNS Service"), text); if (replyPlatform[pkg.Name].dnsmasq_installed) { o.value("dnsmasq.addnhosts", _("dnsmasq additional hosts")); o.value("dnsmasq.conf", _("dnsmasq config")); if (replyPlatform[pkg.Name].dnsmasq_ipset_support) { o.value("dnsmasq.ipset", _("dnsmasq ipset")); } if (replyPlatform[pkg.Name].dnsmasq_nftset_support) { o.value("dnsmasq.nftset", _("dnsmasq nft set")); } o.value("dnsmasq.servers", _("dnsmasq servers file")); } if (replyPlatform[pkg.Name].unbound_installed) { o.value("unbound.adb_list", _("unbound adblock list")); } o.default = ("dnsmasq.servers", _("dnsmasq servers file")); o = s.taboption("tab_advanced", form.ListValue, "ipv6_enabled", _("IPv6 Support"), _("Add IPv6 entries to block-list.")); o.value("", _("Do not add IPv6 entries")); o.value("1", _("Add IPv6 entries")); o.depends('dns', 'dnsmasq.addnhosts'); o.depends('dns', 'dnsmasq.nftset'); o.default = ("", _("Do not add IPv6 entries")); o.rmempty = true; o = s.taboption("tab_advanced", form.Value, "download_timeout", _("Download time-out (in seconds)"), _("Stop the download if it is stalled for set number of seconds.")); o.default = "10"; o.datatype = "range(1,60)"; o = s.taboption("tab_advanced", form.Value, "curl_retry", _("Curl download retry"), _("If curl is installed and detected, it would retry download this many times on timeout/fail.")); o.default = "3"; o.datatype = "range(0,30)"; o = s.taboption("tab_advanced", form.ListValue, "parallel_downloads", _("Simultaneous processing"), _("Launch all lists downloads and processing simultaneously, reducing service start time.")); o.value("0", _("Do not use simultaneous processing")); o.value("1", _("Use simultaneous processing")); o.default = ("1", _("Use simultaneous processing")); o = s.taboption("tab_advanced", form.ListValue, "compressed_cache", _("Store compressed cache file on router"), _("Attempt to create a compressed cache of block-list in the persistent memory.")); o.value("0", _("Do not store compressed cache")); o.value("1", _("Store compressed cache")); o.default = ("0", _("Do not store compressed cache")); o = s.taboption("tab_advanced", form.ListValue, "debug", _("Enable Debugging"), _("Enables debug output to /tmp/simple-adblock.log.")); o.value("0", _("Disable Debugging")); o.value("1", _("Enable Debugging")); o.default = ("0", _("Disable Debugging")); s = m.section(form.NamedSection, "config", "simple-adblock", _("Allowed and Blocked Lists Management")); o = s.option(form.DynamicList, "allowed_domain", _("Allowed Domains"), _("Individual domains to be allowed.")); o.addremove = false; o = s.option(form.DynamicList, "allowed_domains_url", _("Allowed Domain URLs"), _("URLs to lists of domains to be allowed.")); o.addremove = false; o = s.option(form.DynamicList, "blocked_domain", _("Blocked Domains"), _("Individual domains to be blocked.")); o.addremove = false; o = s.option(form.DynamicList, "blocked_domains_url", _("Blocked Domain URLs"), _("URLs to lists of domains to be blocked.")); o.addremove = false; o = s.option(form.DynamicList, "blocked_hosts_url", _("Blocked Hosts URLs"), _("URLs to lists of hosts to be blocked.")); o.addremove = false; return Promise.all([status.render(), m.render()]); }) } });