-- Copyright 2014-2016 Christian Schoenebeck <christian dot schoenebeck at gmail dot com> -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 module("luci.controller.radicale", package.seeall) local NX = require("nixio") local NXFS = require("nixio.fs") local DISP = require("luci.dispatcher") local HTTP = require("luci.http") local I18N = require("luci.i18n") -- not globally avalible here local IPKG = require("luci.model.ipkg") local UTIL = require("luci.util") local SYS = require("luci.sys") local srv_name = "radicale" local srv_ver_min = "1.1" -- minimum version of service required local srv_ver_cmd = [[/usr/bin/radicale --version]] local app_name = "luci-app-radicale" local app_title = I18N.translate("Radicale CalDAV/CardDAV Server") local app_version = "1.1.0-1" function index() entry( {"admin", "services", "radicale"}, alias("admin", "services", "radicale", "edit"), _("CalDAV/CardDAV"), 58).acl_depends = { "luci-app-radicale" } entry( {"admin", "services", "radicale", "edit"}, cbi("radicale") ).leaf = true entry( {"admin", "services", "radicale", "logview"}, call("_logread") ).leaf = true entry( {"admin", "services", "radicale", "startstop"}, post("_startstop") ).leaf = true entry( {"admin", "services", "radicale", "status"}, call("_status") ).leaf = true end -- Application / Service specific information functions function app_description() return I18N.translate("The Radicale Project is a complete CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server solution.") .. [[<br />]] .. I18N.translate("Calendars and address books are available for both local and remote access, possibly limited through authentication policies.") .. [[<br />]] .. I18N.translate("They can be viewed and edited by calendar and contact clients on mobile phones or computers.") end function app_title_main() return [[<a href="javascript:alert(']] .. I18N.translate("Version Information") .. [[\n\n]] .. app_name .. [[\n\t]] .. I18N.translate("Version") .. [[:\t]] .. app_version .. [[\n\n]] .. srv_name .. [[ ]] .. I18N.translate("required") .. [[:]] .. [[\n\t]] .. I18N.translate("Version") .. [[:\t]] .. srv_ver_min .. [[ ]] .. I18N.translate("or higher") .. [[\n\n]] .. srv_name .. [[ ]] .. I18N.translate("installed") .. [[:]] .. [[\n\t]] .. I18N.translate("Version") .. [[:\t]] .. (service_version() or I18N.translate("NOT installed")) .. [[\n\n]] .. [[')">]] .. I18N.translate(app_title) .. [[</a>]] end function app_title_back() return [[<a href="]] .. DISP.build_url("admin", "services", "radicale") .. [[">]] .. I18N.translate(app_title) .. [[</a>]] end function app_err_value() if not service_version() then return [[<h3><strong><br /><font color="red"> ]] .. I18N.translate("Software package '%s' is not installed." % srv_name) .. [[</font><br /><br /> ]] .. I18N.translate("required") .. [[: ]] .. srv_name .. [[ ]] .. srv_ver_min .. [[<br /><br /> ]] .. [[<a href="]] .. DISP.build_url("admin", "system", "packages") ..[[">]] .. I18N.translate("Please install current version !") .. [[</a><br /> </strong></h3>]] else return [[<h3><strong><br /><font color="red"> ]] .. I18N.translate("Software package '%s' is outdated." % srv_name) .. [[</font><br /><br /> ]] .. I18N.translate("installed") .. [[: ]] .. srv_name .. [[ ]] .. service_version() .. [[<br /> ]] .. I18N.translate("required") .. [[: ]] .. srv_name .. [[ ]] .. srv_ver_min .. [[<br /><br /> ]] .. [[<a href="]] .. DISP.build_url("admin", "system", "packages") ..[[">]] .. I18N.translate("Please update to current version !") .. [[</a><br /> </strong></h3>]] end end function service_version() local ver = nil IPKG.list_installed(srv_name, function(n, v, d) if v and (#v > 0) then ver = v end end ) if not ver or (#ver == 0) then ver = UTIL.exec(srv_ver_cmd) if #ver == 0 then ver = nil end end return ver end function service_ok() return IPKG.compare_versions((service_version() or "0"), ">=", srv_ver_min) end -- called by XHR.get from detail_logview.htm function _logread() -- read application settings local uci = UCI.cursor() local logfile = uci:get("radicale", "radicale", "logfile") or "/var/log/radicale" uci:unload("radicale") local ldata=NXFS.readfile(logfile) if not ldata or #ldata == 0 then ldata="_nodata_" end HTTP.write(ldata) end -- called by XHR.get from detail_startstop.htm function _startstop() local pid = get_pid() if pid > 0 then SYS.call("/etc/init.d/radicale stop") NX.nanosleep(1) -- sleep a second if NX.kill(pid, 0) then -- still running NX.kill(pid, 9) -- send SIGKILL end pid = 0 else SYS.call("/etc/init.d/radicale start") NX.nanosleep(1) -- sleep a second pid = get_pid() if pid > 0 and not NX.kill(pid, 0) then pid = 0 -- process did not start end end HTTP.write(tostring(pid)) -- HTTP needs string not number end -- called by XHR.poll from detail_startstop.htm function _status() local pid = get_pid() HTTP.write(tostring(pid)) -- HTTP needs string not number end --return pid of running process function get_pid() return tonumber(SYS.exec([[ps | grep "[p]ython.*[r]adicale" 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $1}']])) or 0 end -- replacement of build-in parse of "Value" -- modified AbstractValue.parse(self, section, novld) from cbi.lua -- validate is called if rmempty/optional true or false -- before write check if forcewrite, value eq default, and more function value_parse(self, section, novld) local fvalue = self:formvalue(section) local fexist = ( fvalue and (#fvalue > 0) ) -- not "nil" and "not empty" local cvalue = self:cfgvalue(section) local rm_opt = ( self.rmempty or self.optional ) local eq_cfg -- flag: equal cfgvalue -- If favlue and cvalue are both tables and have the same content -- make them identical if type(fvalue) == "table" and type(cvalue) == "table" then eq_cfg = (#fvalue == #cvalue) if eq_cfg then for i=1, #fvalue do if cvalue[i] ~= fvalue[i] then eq_cfg = false end end end if eq_cfg then fvalue = cvalue end end -- removed parameter "section" from function call because used/accepted nowhere -- also removed call to function "transfer" local vvalue, errtxt = self:validate(fvalue) -- error handling; validate return "nil" if not vvalue then if novld then -- and "novld" set return -- then exit without raising an error end if fexist then -- and there is a formvalue self:add_error(section, "invalid", errtxt) return -- so data are invalid elseif not rm_opt then -- and empty formvalue but NOT (rmempty or optional) set self:add_error(section, "missing", errtxt) return -- so data is missing elseif errtxt then self:add_error(section, "invalid", errtxt) return end -- error ("\n option: " .. self.option .. -- "\n fvalue: " .. tostring(fvalue) .. -- "\n fexist: " .. tostring(fexist) .. -- "\n cvalue: " .. tostring(cvalue) .. -- "\n vvalue: " .. tostring(vvalue) .. -- "\n vexist: " .. tostring(vexist) .. -- "\n rm_opt: " .. tostring(rm_opt) .. -- "\n eq_cfg: " .. tostring(eq_cfg) .. -- "\n eq_def: " .. tostring(eq_def) .. -- "\n novld : " .. tostring(novld) .. -- "\n errtxt: " .. tostring(errtxt) ) end -- lets continue with value returned from validate eq_cfg = ( vvalue == cvalue ) -- update equal_config flag local vexist = ( vvalue and (#vvalue > 0) ) and true or false -- not "nil" and "not empty" local eq_def = ( vvalue == self.default ) -- equal_default flag -- (rmempty or optional) and (no data or equal_default) if rm_opt and (not vexist or eq_def) then if self:remove(section) then -- remove data from UCI self.section.changed = true -- and push events end return end -- not forcewrite and no changes, so nothing to write if not self.forcewrite and eq_cfg then return end -- we should have a valid value here assert (vvalue, "\n option: " .. self.option .. "\n fvalue: " .. tostring(fvalue) .. "\n fexist: " .. tostring(fexist) .. "\n cvalue: " .. tostring(cvalue) .. "\n vvalue: " .. tostring(vvalue) .. "\n vexist: " .. tostring(vexist) .. "\n rm_opt: " .. tostring(rm_opt) .. "\n eq_cfg: " .. tostring(eq_cfg) .. "\n eq_def: " .. tostring(eq_def) .. "\n errtxt: " .. tostring(errtxt) ) -- write data to UCI; raise event only on changes if self:write(section, vvalue) and not eq_cfg then self.section.changed = true end end