<!-- ++ BEGIN ++ Privoxy ++ detail_logview.htm ++ --> <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[ function onclick_logview(section, bottom) { // get elements var txt = document.getElementById("cbid.privoxy.privoxy._logview.txt"); // TextArea if ( !txt ) { return; } // security check var lvXHR = new XHR(); lvXHR.get('<%=url('admin/services/privoxy/logview')%>', null, function(x) { if (x.responseText == "_nodata_") txt.value = "<%:File not found or empty%>"; else txt.value = x.responseText; if (bottom) txt.scrollTop = txt.scrollHeight; else txt.scrollTop = 0; } ); } //]]></script> <%+cbi/valueheader%> <br /> <% -- one button on top, one at the buttom %> <input class="cbi-button cbi-input-button" style="align: center; width: 100%" type="button" onclick="onclick_logview(this.name, false)" <%= attr("name", section) .. attr("id", cbid .. ".btn1") .. attr("value", self.inputtitle) %> /> <br /><br /> <% -- set a readable style taken from openwrt theme for textarea#syslog -- in openwrt theme there are problems with a width of 100 so we check for theme and set to lower value %> <textarea style="width: <%if media == "/luci-static/openwrt.org" then%>98.7%<%else%>100%<%end%> ; min-height: 500px; border: 3px solid #cccccc; padding: 5px; font-family: monospace; resize: none;" wrap="off" readonly="readonly" <%= attr("name", cbid .. ".txt") .. attr("id", cbid .. ".txt") .. ifattr(self.rows, "rows") %> > <%-=pcdata(self:cfgvalue(section))-%> </textarea> <br /><br /> <% -- one button on top, one at the buttom %> <input class="cbi-button cbi-input-button" style="align: center; width: 100%" type="button" onclick="onclick_logview(this.name, true)" <%= attr("name", section) .. attr("id", cbid .. ".btn2") .. attr("value", self.inputtitle) %> /> <%+cbi/valuefooter%> <!-- ++ END ++ Privoxy ++ detail_logview.htm ++ -->