// Copyright 2022 Stan Grishin // This code wouldn't have been possible without help from [@vsviridov](https://github.com/vsviridov) "require ui"; "require rpc"; "require form"; "require baseclass"; var pkg = { get Name() { return "pbr"; }, get ReadmeCompat() { return "1.1.7-1"; }, get URL() { return ( "https://docs.openwrt.melmac.net/" + pkg.Name + "/" + (pkg.ReadmeCompat ? pkg.ReadmeCompat + "/" : "") ); }, get DonateURL() { return ( "https://docs.openwrt.melmac.net/" + pkg.Name + "/" + (pkg.ReadmeCompat ? pkg.ReadmeCompat + "/" : "") + "#Donate" ); }, }; var getGateways = rpc.declare({ object: "luci." + pkg.Name, method: "getGateways", params: ["name"], }); var getInitList = rpc.declare({ object: "luci." + pkg.Name, method: "getInitList", params: ["name"], }); var getInitStatus = rpc.declare({ object: "luci." + pkg.Name, method: "getInitStatus", params: ["name"], }); var getInterfaces = rpc.declare({ object: "luci." + pkg.Name, method: "getInterfaces", params: ["name"], }); var getPlatformSupport = rpc.declare({ object: "luci." + pkg.Name, method: "getPlatformSupport", params: ["name"], }); var _setInitAction = rpc.declare({ object: "luci." + pkg.Name, method: "setInitAction", params: ["name", "action"], expect: { result: false }, }); var RPC = { listeners: [], on: function (event, callback) { var pair = { event: event, callback: callback }; this.listeners.push(pair); return function unsubscribe() { this.listeners = this.listeners.filter(function (listener) { return listener !== pair; }); }.bind(this); }, emit: function (event, data) { this.listeners.forEach(function (listener) { if (listener.event === event) { listener.callback(data); } }); }, getInitList: function (name) { getInitList(name).then( function (result) { this.emit("getInitList", result); }.bind(this) ); }, getInitStatus: function (name) { getInitStatus(name).then( function (result) { this.emit("getInitStatus", result); }.bind(this) ); }, getGateways: function (name) { getGateways(name).then( function (result) { this.emit("getGateways", result); }.bind(this) ); }, getPlatformSupport: function (name) { getPlatformSupport(name).then( function (result) { this.emit("getPlatformSupport", result); }.bind(this) ); }, getInterfaces: function (name) { getInterfaces(name).then( function (result) { this.emit("getInterfaces", result); }.bind(this) ); }, setInitAction: function (name, action) { _setInitAction(name, action).then( function (result) { this.emit("setInitAction", result); }.bind(this) ); }, }; var status = baseclass.extend({ render: function () { return Promise.all([ L.resolveDefault(getInitStatus(pkg.Name), {}), // L.resolveDefault(getGateways(pkg.Name), {}), ]).then(function (data) { // var replyStatus = data[0]; // var replyGateways = data[1]; var reply; var text; if (data[0] && data[0][pkg.Name]) { reply = data[0][pkg.Name]; } else { reply = { enabled: null, running: null, running_iptables: null, running_nft: null, running_nft_file: null, version: null, gateways: null, errors: [], warnings: [], }; } var header = E("h2", {}, _("Policy Based Routing - Status")); var statusTitle = E( "label", { class: "cbi-value-title" }, _("Service Status") ); if (reply.version) { text = _("Version %s").format(reply.version) + " - "; if (reply.running) { text += _("Running"); if (reply.running_iptables) { text += " (" + _("iptables mode") + ")."; } else if (reply.running_nft_file) { text += " (" + _("fw4 nft file mode") + ")."; } else if (reply.running_nft) { text += " (" + _("nft mode") + ")."; } else { text += "."; } } else { if (reply.enabled) { text += _("Stopped."); } else { text += _("Stopped (Disabled)."); } } } else { text = _("Not installed or not found"); } var statusText = E("div", {}, text); var statusField = E("div", { class: "cbi-value-field" }, statusText); var statusDiv = E("div", { class: "cbi-value" }, [ statusTitle, statusField, ]); var gatewaysDiv = []; if (reply.gateways) { var gatewaysTitle = E( "label", { class: "cbi-value-title" }, _("Service Gateways") ); text = _( "The %s indicates default gateway. See the %sREADME%s for details." ).format( "", '', "" ) + "
" + _("Please %sdonate%s to support development of this project.").format( "", "" ); var gatewaysDescr = E("div", { class: "cbi-value-description" }, text); var gatewaysText = E("div", {}, reply.gateways); var gatewaysField = E("div", { class: "cbi-value-field" }, [ gatewaysText, gatewaysDescr, ]); gatewaysDiv = E("div", { class: "cbi-value" }, [ gatewaysTitle, gatewaysField, ]); } var warningsDiv = []; if (reply.warnings && reply.warnings.length) { var textLabelsTable = { warningResolverNotSupported: _( "Resolver set (%s) is not supported on this system." ).format(L.uci.get(pkg.Name, "config", "resolver_set")), warningAGHVersionTooLow: _( "Installed AdGuardHome (%s) doesn't support 'ipset_file' option." ), warningPolicyProcessCMD: _("%s"), warningTorUnsetParams: _( "Please unset 'src_addr', 'src_port' and 'dest_port' for policy '%s'" ), warningTorUnsetProto: _( "Please unset 'proto' or set 'proto' to 'all' for policy '%s'" ), warningTorUnsetChainIpt: _( "Please unset 'chain' or set 'chain' to 'PREROUTING' for policy '%s'" ), warningTorUnsetChainNft: _( "Please unset 'chain' or set 'chain' to 'prerouting' for policy '%s'" ), warningInvalidOVPNConfig: _( "Invalid OpenVPN config for %s interface" ), warningOutdatedLuciPackage: _( "The WebUI application (luci-app-pbr) is outdated, please update it" ), warningOutdatedPrincipalPackage: _( "The principal package (pbr) is outdated, please update it" ), warningBadNftCallsInUserFile: _( "Incompatible nft calls detected in user include file, disabling fw4 nft file support." ), warningDnsmasqInstanceNoConfdir: _( "Dnsmasq instance (%s) targeted in settings, but it doesn't have its own confdir." ), }; var warningsTitle = E( "label", { class: "cbi-value-title" }, _("Service Warnings") ); var text = ""; reply.warnings.forEach((element) => { if (element.id && textLabelsTable[element.id]) { if (element.id !== "warningPolicyProcessCMD") { text += (textLabelsTable[element.id] + ".").format( element.extra || " " ) + "
"; } } else { text += _("Unknown warning") + "
"; } }); var warningsText = E("div", {}, text); var warningsField = E( "div", { class: "cbi-value-field" }, warningsText ); warningsDiv = E("div", { class: "cbi-value" }, [ warningsTitle, warningsField, ]); } var errorsDiv = []; if (reply.errors && reply.errors.length) { var textLabelsTable = { errorConfigValidation: _("Config (%s) validation failure").format( "/etc/config/" + pkg.Name ), errorNoIpFull: _("%s binary cannot be found").format("ip-full"), errorNoIptables: _("%s binary cannot be found").format("iptables"), errorNoIpset: _( "Resolver set support (%s) requires ipset, but ipset binary cannot be found" ).format(L.uci.get(pkg.Name, "config", "resolver_set")), errorNoNft: _( "Resolver set support (%s) requires nftables, but nft binary cannot be found" ).format(L.uci.get(pkg.Name, "config", "resolver_set")), errorResolverNotSupported: _( "Resolver set (%s) is not supported on this system" ).format(L.uci.get(pkg.Name, "config", "resolver_set")), errorServiceDisabled: _( "The %s service is currently disabled" ).format(pkg.Name), errorNoWanGateway: _( "The %s service failed to discover WAN gateway" ).format(pkg.Name), errorNoWanInterface: _( "The %s inteface not found, you need to set the 'pbr.config.procd_wan_interface' option" ), errorNoWanInterfaceHint: _( "Refer to https://docs.openwrt.melmac.net/pbr/#procd_wan_interface" ), errorIpsetNameTooLong: _( "The ipset name '%s' is longer than allowed 31 characters" ), errorNftsetNameTooLong: _( "The nft set name '%s' is longer than allowed 255 characters" ), errorUnexpectedExit: _( "Unexpected exit or service termination: '%s'" ), errorPolicyNoSrcDest: _( "Policy '%s' has no source/destination parameters" ), errorPolicyNoInterface: _("Policy '%s' has no assigned interface"), errorPolicyNoDns: _("Policy '%s' has no assigned DNS"), errorPolicyProcessNoInterfaceDns: _( "Interface '%s' has no assigned DNS" ), errorPolicyUnknownInterface: _( "Policy '%s' has an unknown interface" ), errorPolicyProcessCMD: _("%s"), errorFailedSetup: _("Failed to set up '%s'"), errorFailedReload: _("Failed to reload '%s'"), errorUserFileNotFound: _("Custom user file '%s' not found or empty"), errorUserFileSyntax: _("Syntax error in custom user file '%s'"), errorUserFileRunning: _("Error running custom user file '%s'"), errorUserFileNoCurl: _( "Use of 'curl' is detected in custom user file '%s', but 'curl' isn't installed" ), errorNoGateways: _("Failed to set up any gateway"), errorResolver: _("Resolver '%s'"), errorPolicyProcessNoIpv6: _( "Skipping IPv6 policy '%s' as IPv6 support is disabled" ), errorPolicyProcessUnknownFwmark: _( "Unknown packet mark for interface '%s'" ), errorPolicyProcessMismatchFamily: _( "Mismatched IP family between in policy '%s'" ), errorPolicyProcessUnknownProtocol: _( "Unknown protocol in policy '%s'" ), errorPolicyProcessInsertionFailed: _( "Insertion failed for both IPv4 and IPv6 for policy '%s'" ), errorPolicyProcessInsertionFailedIpv4: _( "Insertion failed for IPv4 for policy '%s'" ), errorInterfaceRoutingEmptyValues: _( "Received empty tid/mark or interface name when setting up routing" ), errorFailedToResolve: _("Failed to resolve '%s'"), errorInvalidOVPNConfig: _( "Invalid OpenVPN config for '%s' interface" ), errorNftFileInstall: _("Failed to install fw4 nft file '%s'"), errorNoDownloadWithSecureReload: _( "Policy '%s' refers to URL which can't be downloaded in 'secure_reload' mode" ), errorDownloadUrlNoHttps: _( "Failed to download '%s', HTTPS is not supported" ), errorDownloadUrl: _("Failed to download '%s'"), errorFileSchemaRequiresCurl: _( "The file:// schema requires curl, but it's not detected on this system" ), errorTryFailed: _("Command failed: '%s'"), errorIncompatibleUserFile: _( "Incompatible custom user file detected '%s'" ), }; var errorsTitle = E( "label", { class: "cbi-value-title" }, _("Service Errors") ); var text = ""; reply.errors.forEach((element) => { if (element.id && textLabelsTable[element.id]) { if (element.id !== "errorPolicyProcessCMD") { text += (textLabelsTable[element.id] + "!").format( element.extra || " " ) + "
"; } } else { text += _("Unknown error!") + "
"; } }); text += _("Errors encountered, please check the %sREADME%s").format( '', "!
" ); var errorsText = E("div", {}, text); var errorsField = E("div", { class: "cbi-value-field" }, errorsText); errorsDiv = E("div", { class: "cbi-value" }, [ errorsTitle, errorsField, ]); } var btn_gap = E("span", {}, "  "); var btn_gap_long = E( "span", {}, "        " ); var btn_start = E( "button", { class: "btn cbi-button cbi-button-apply", disabled: true, click: function (ev) { ui.showModal(null, [ E( "p", { class: "spinning" }, _("Starting %s service").format(pkg.Name) ), ]); return RPC.setInitAction(pkg.Name, "start"); }, }, _("Start") ); var btn_action = E( "button", { class: "btn cbi-button cbi-button-apply", disabled: true, click: function (ev) { ui.showModal(null, [ E( "p", { class: "spinning" }, _("Restarting %s service").format(pkg.Name) ), ]); return RPC.setInitAction(pkg.Name, "restart"); }, }, _("Restart") ); var btn_stop = E( "button", { class: "btn cbi-button cbi-button-reset", disabled: true, click: function (ev) { ui.showModal(null, [ E( "p", { class: "spinning" }, _("Stopping %s service").format(pkg.Name) ), ]); return RPC.setInitAction(pkg.Name, "stop"); }, }, _("Stop") ); var btn_enable = E( "button", { class: "btn cbi-button cbi-button-apply", disabled: true, click: function (ev) { ui.showModal(null, [ E( "p", { class: "spinning" }, _("Enabling %s service").format(pkg.Name) ), ]); return RPC.setInitAction(pkg.Name, "enable"); }, }, _("Enable") ); var btn_disable = E( "button", { class: "btn cbi-button cbi-button-reset", disabled: true, click: function (ev) { ui.showModal(null, [ E( "p", { class: "spinning" }, _("Disabling %s service").format(pkg.Name) ), ]); return RPC.setInitAction(pkg.Name, "disable"); }, }, _("Disable") ); if (reply.enabled) { btn_enable.disabled = true; btn_disable.disabled = false; if (reply.running) { btn_start.disabled = true; btn_action.disabled = false; btn_stop.disabled = false; } else { btn_start.disabled = false; btn_action.disabled = true; btn_stop.disabled = true; } } else { btn_start.disabled = true; btn_action.disabled = true; btn_stop.disabled = true; btn_enable.disabled = false; btn_disable.disabled = true; } var buttonsTitle = E( "label", { class: "cbi-value-title" }, _("Service Control") ); var buttonsText = E("div", {}, [ btn_start, btn_gap, btn_action, btn_gap, btn_stop, btn_gap_long, btn_enable, btn_gap, btn_disable, ]); var buttonsField = E("div", { class: "cbi-value-field" }, buttonsText); var buttonsDiv = reply.version ? E("div", { class: "cbi-value" }, [buttonsTitle, buttonsField]) : ""; var donateTitle = E( "label", { class: "cbi-value-title" }, _("Donate to the Project") ); var donateText = E( "div", { class: "cbi-value-field" }, E( "div", { class: "cbi-value-description" }, _("Please %sdonate%s to support development of this project.").format( "", "" ) ) ); var donateDiv = reply.version ? E("div", { class: "cbi-value" }, [donateTitle, donateText]) : ""; return E("div", {}, [ header, statusDiv, gatewaysDiv, warningsDiv, errorsDiv, buttonsDiv, // donateDiv, ]); }); }, }); RPC.on("setInitAction", function (reply) { ui.hideModal(); location.reload(); }); return L.Class.extend({ status: status, pkg: pkg, getInitStatus: getInitStatus, getInterfaces: getInterfaces, getPlatformSupport: getPlatformSupport, });