--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2019 lisaac ]]-- require "luci.util" local uci = luci.model.uci.cursor() local docker = require "luci.model.docker" local dk = docker.new() local cmd_line = table.concat(arg, '/') local create_body = {} local images = dk.images:list().body local networks = dk.networks:list().body local containers = dk.containers:list({query = {all=true}}).body local is_quot_complete = function(str) require "math" if not str then return true end local num = 0, w for w in str:gmatch("\"") do num = num + 1 end if math.fmod(num, 2) ~= 0 then return false end num = 0 for w in str:gmatch("\'") do num = num + 1 end if math.fmod(num, 2) ~= 0 then return false end return true end local resolve_cli = function(cmd_line) local config = {advance = 1} local key_no_val = '|t|d|i|tty|rm|read_only|interactive|init|help|detach|privileged|P|publish_all|' local key_with_val = '|sysctl|add_host|a|attach|blkio_weight_device|cap_add|cap_drop|device|device_cgroup_rule|device_read_bps|device_read_iops|device_write_bps|device_write_iops|dns|dns_option|dns_search|e|env|env_file|expose|group_add|l|label|label_file|link|link_local_ip|log_driver|log_opt|network_alias|p|publish|security_opt|storage_opt|tmpfs|v|volume|volumes_from|blkio_weight|cgroup_parent|cidfile|cpu_period|cpu_quota|cpu_rt_period|cpu_rt_runtime|c|cpu_shares|cpus|cpuset_cpus|cpuset_mems|detach_keys|disable_content_trust|domainname|entrypoint|gpus|health_cmd|health_interval|health_retries|health_start_period|health_timeout|h|hostname|ip|ip6|ipc|isolation|kernel_memory|log_driver|mac_address|m|memory|memory_reservation|memory_swap|memory_swappiness|mount|name|network|no_healthcheck|oom_kill_disable|oom_score_adj|pid|pids_limit|restart|runtime|shm_size|sig_proxy|stop_signal|stop_timeout|ulimit|u|user|userns|uts|volume_driver|w|workdir|' local key_abb = {net='network',a='attach',c='cpu-shares',d='detach',e='env',h='hostname',i='interactive',l='label',m='memory',p='publish',P='publish_all',t='tty',u='user',v='volume',w='workdir'} local key_with_list = '|sysctl|add_host|a|attach|blkio_weight_device|cap_add|cap_drop|device|device_cgroup_rule|device_read_bps|device_read_iops|device_write_bps|device_write_iops|dns|dns_option|dns_search|e|env|env_file|expose|group_add|l|label|label_file|link|link_local_ip|log_driver|log_opt|network_alias|p|publish|security_opt|storage_opt|tmpfs|v|volume|volumes_from|' local key = nil local _key = nil local val = nil local is_cmd = false cmd_line = cmd_line:match("^DOCKERCLI%s+(.+)") for w in cmd_line:gmatch("[^%s]+") do if w =='\\' then elseif not key and not _key and not is_cmd then --key=val key, val = w:match("^%-%-([%lP%-]-)=(.+)") if not key then --key val key = w:match("^%-%-([%lP%-]+)") if not key then -- -v val key = w:match("^%-([%lP%-]+)") if key then -- for -dit if key:match("i") or key:match("t") or key:match("d") then if key:match("i") then config[key_abb["i"]] = true key:gsub("i", "") end if key:match("t") then config[key_abb["t"]] = true key:gsub("t", "") end if key:match("d") then config[key_abb["d"]] = true key:gsub("d", "") end if key:match("P") then config[key_abb["P"]] = true key:gsub("P", "") end if key == "" then key = nil end end end end end if key then key = key:gsub("-","_") key = key_abb[key] or key if key_no_val:match("|"..key.."|") then config[key] = true val = nil key = nil elseif key_with_val:match("|"..key.."|") then -- if key == "cap_add" then config.privileged = true end else key = nil val = nil end else config.image = w key = nil val = nil is_cmd = true end elseif (key or _key) and not is_cmd then if key == "mount" then -- we need resolve mount options here -- type=bind,source=/source,target=/app local _type = w:match("^type=([^,]+),") or "bind" local source = (_type ~= "tmpfs") and (w:match("source=([^,]+),") or w:match("src=([^,]+),")) or "" local target = w:match(",target=([^,]+)") or w:match(",dst=([^,]+)") or w:match(",destination=([^,]+)") or "" local ro = w:match(",readonly") and "ro" or nil if source and target then if _type ~= "tmpfs" then -- bind or volume local bind_propagation = (_type == "bind") and w:match(",bind%-propagation=([^,]+)") or nil val = source..":"..target .. ((ro or bind_propagation) and (":" .. (ro and ro or "") .. (((ro and bind_propagation) and "," or "") .. (bind_propagation and bind_propagation or ""))or "")) else -- tmpfs local tmpfs_mode = w:match(",tmpfs%-mode=([^,]+)") or nil local tmpfs_size = w:match(",tmpfs%-size=([^,]+)") or nil key = "tmpfs" val = target .. ((tmpfs_mode or tmpfs_size) and (":" .. (tmpfs_mode and ("mode=" .. tmpfs_mode) or "") .. ((tmpfs_mode and tmpfs_size) and "," or "") .. (tmpfs_size and ("size=".. tmpfs_size) or "")) or "") if not config[key] then config[key] = {} end table.insert( config[key], val ) key = nil val = nil end end else val = w end elseif is_cmd then config["command"] = (config["command"] and (config["command"] .. " " )or "") .. w end if (key or _key) and val then key = _key or key if key_with_list:match("|"..key.."|") then if not config[key] then config[key] = {} end if _key then config[key][#config[key]] = config[key][#config[key]] .. " " .. w else table.insert( config[key], val ) end if is_quot_complete(config[key][#config[key]]) then -- clear quotation marks config[key][#config[key]] = config[key][#config[key]]:gsub("[\"\']", "") _key = nil else _key = key end else config[key] = (config[key] and (config[key] .. " ") or "") .. val if is_quot_complete(config[key]) then -- clear quotation marks config[key] = config[key]:gsub("[\"\']", "") _key = nil else _key = key end end key = nil val = nil end end return config end -- reslvo default config local default_config = {} if cmd_line and cmd_line:match("^DOCKERCLI.+") then default_config = resolve_cli(cmd_line) elseif cmd_line and cmd_line:match("^duplicate/[^/]+$") then local container_id = cmd_line:match("^duplicate/(.+)") create_body = dk:containers_duplicate_config({id = container_id}) or {} if not create_body.HostConfig then create_body.HostConfig = {} end if next(create_body) ~= nil then default_config.name = nil default_config.image = create_body.Image default_config.hostname = create_body.Hostname default_config.tty = create_body.Tty and true or false default_config.interactive = create_body.OpenStdin and true or false default_config.privileged = create_body.HostConfig.Privileged and true or false default_config.restart = create_body.HostConfig.RestartPolicy and create_body.HostConfig.RestartPolicy.name or nil -- default_config.network = create_body.HostConfig.NetworkMode == "default" and "bridge" or create_body.HostConfig.NetworkMode -- if container has leave original network, and add new network, .HostConfig.NetworkMode is INcorrect, so using first child of .NetworkingConfig.EndpointsConfig default_config.network = create_body.NetworkingConfig and create_body.NetworkingConfig.EndpointsConfig and next(create_body.NetworkingConfig.EndpointsConfig) or nil default_config.ip = default_config.network and default_config.network ~= "bridge" and default_config.network ~= "host" and default_config.network ~= "null" and create_body.NetworkingConfig.EndpointsConfig[default_config.network].IPAMConfig and create_body.NetworkingConfig.EndpointsConfig[default_config.network].IPAMConfig.IPv4Address or nil default_config.link = create_body.HostConfig.Links default_config.env = create_body.Env default_config.dns = create_body.HostConfig.Dns default_config.volume = create_body.HostConfig.Binds default_config.cap_add = create_body.HostConfig.CapAdd default_config.publish_all = create_body.HostConfig.PublishAllPorts if create_body.HostConfig.Sysctls and type(create_body.HostConfig.Sysctls) == "table" then default_config.sysctl = {} for k, v in pairs(create_body.HostConfig.Sysctls) do table.insert( default_config.sysctl, k.."="..v ) end end if create_body.HostConfig.LogConfig and create_body.HostConfig.LogConfig.Config and type(create_body.HostConfig.LogConfig.Config) == "table" then default_config.log_opt = {} for k, v in pairs(create_body.HostConfig.LogConfig.Config) do table.insert( default_config.log_opt, k.."="..v ) end end if create_body.HostConfig.PortBindings and type(create_body.HostConfig.PortBindings) == "table" then default_config.publish = {} for k, v in pairs(create_body.HostConfig.PortBindings) do table.insert( default_config.publish, v[1].HostPort..":"..k:match("^(%d+)/.+").."/"..k:match("^%d+/(.+)") ) end end default_config.user = create_body.User or nil default_config.command = create_body.Cmd and type(create_body.Cmd) == "table" and table.concat(create_body.Cmd, " ") or nil default_config.advance = 1 default_config.cpus = create_body.HostConfig.NanoCPUs default_config.cpu_shares = create_body.HostConfig.CpuShares default_config.memory = create_body.HostConfig.Memory default_config.blkio_weight = create_body.HostConfig.BlkioWeight if create_body.HostConfig.Devices and type(create_body.HostConfig.Devices) == "table" then default_config.device = {} for _, v in ipairs(create_body.HostConfig.Devices) do table.insert( default_config.device, v.PathOnHost..":"..v.PathInContainer..(v.CgroupPermissions ~= "" and (":" .. v.CgroupPermissions) or "") ) end end if create_body.HostConfig.Tmpfs and type(create_body.HostConfig.Tmpfs) == "table" then default_config.tmpfs = {} for k, v in pairs(create_body.HostConfig.Tmpfs) do table.insert( default_config.tmpfs, k .. (v~="" and ":" or "")..v ) end end end end local m = SimpleForm("docker", translate("Docker")) m.redirect = luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "docker", "containers") -- m.reset = false -- m.submit = false -- new Container docker_status = m:section(SimpleSection) docker_status.template = "dockerman/apply_widget" docker_status.err=docker:read_status() docker_status.err=docker_status.err and docker_status.err:gsub("\n","
"):gsub(" "," ") if docker_status.err then docker:clear_status() end local s = m:section(SimpleSection, translate("New Container")) s.addremove = true s.anonymous = true local d = s:option(DummyValue,"cmd_line", translate("Resolve CLI")) d.rawhtml = true d.template = "dockerman/newcontainer_resolve" d = s:option(Value, "name", translate("Container Name")) d.rmempty = true d.default = default_config.name or nil d = s:option(Flag, "interactive", translate("Interactive (-i)")) d.rmempty = true d.disabled = 0 d.enabled = 1 d.default = default_config.interactive and 1 or 0 d = s:option(Flag, "tty", translate("TTY (-t)")) d.rmempty = true d.disabled = 0 d.enabled = 1 d.default = default_config.tty and 1 or 0 d = s:option(Value, "image", translate("Docker Image")) d.rmempty = true d.default = default_config.image or nil for _, v in ipairs (images) do if v.RepoTags then d:value(v.RepoTags[1], v.RepoTags[1]) end end d = s:option(Flag, "_force_pull", translate("Always pull image first")) d.rmempty = true d.disabled = 0 d.enabled = 1 d.default = 0 d = s:option(Flag, "privileged", translate("Privileged")) d.rmempty = true d.disabled = 0 d.enabled = 1 d.default = default_config.privileged and 1 or 0 d = s:option(ListValue, "restart", translate("Restart Policy")) d.rmempty = true d:value("no", "No") d:value("unless-stopped", "Unless stopped") d:value("always", "Always") d:value("on-failure", "On failure") d.default = default_config.restart or "unless-stopped" local d_network = s:option(ListValue, "network", translate("Networks")) d_network.rmempty = true d_network.default = default_config.network or "bridge" local d_ip = s:option(Value, "ip", translate("IPv4 Address")) d_ip.datatype="ip4addr" d_ip:depends("network", "nil") d_ip.default = default_config.ip or nil d = s:option(DynamicList, "link", translate("Links with other containers")) d.placeholder = "container_name:alias" d.rmempty = true d:depends("network", "bridge") d.default = default_config.link or nil d = s:option(DynamicList, "dns", translate("Set custom DNS servers")) d.placeholder = "" d.rmempty = true d.default = default_config.dns or nil d = s:option(Value, "user", translate("User(-u)"), translate("The user that commands are run as inside the container.(format: name|uid[:group|gid])")) d.placeholder = "1000:1000" d.rmempty = true d.default = default_config.user or nil d = s:option(DynamicList, "env", translate("Environmental Variable(-e)"), translate("Set environment variables to inside the container")) d.placeholder = "TZ=Asia/Shanghai" d.rmempty = true d.default = default_config.env or nil d = s:option(DynamicList, "volume", translate("Bind Mount(-v)"), translate("Bind mount a volume")) d.placeholder = "/media:/media:slave" d.rmempty = true d.default = default_config.volume or nil local d_publish = s:option(DynamicList, "publish", translate("Exposed Ports(-p)"), translate("Publish container's port(s) to the host")) d_publish.placeholder = "2200:22/tcp" d_publish.rmempty = true d_publish.default = default_config.publish or nil d = s:option(Value, "command", translate("Run command")) d.placeholder = "/bin/sh init.sh" d.rmempty = true d.default = default_config.command or nil d = s:option(Flag, "advance", translate("Advance")) d.rmempty = true d.disabled = 0 d.enabled = 1 d.default = default_config.advance or 0 d = s:option(Value, "hostname", translate("Host Name"), translate("The hostname to use for the container")) d.rmempty = true d.default = default_config.hostname or nil d:depends("advance", 1) d = s:option(Flag, "publish_all", translate("Exposed All Ports(-P)"), translate("Allocates an ephemeral host port for all of a container's exposed ports")) d.rmempty = true d.disabled = 0 d.enabled = 1 d.default = default_config.publish_all and 1 or 0 d:depends("advance", 1) d = s:option(DynamicList, "device", translate("Device(--device)"), translate("Add host device to the container")) d.placeholder = "/dev/sda:/dev/xvdc:rwm" d.rmempty = true d:depends("advance", 1) d.default = default_config.device or nil d = s:option(DynamicList, "tmpfs", translate("Tmpfs(--tmpfs)"), translate("Mount tmpfs directory")) d.placeholder = "/run:rw,noexec,nosuid,size=65536k" d.rmempty = true d:depends("advance", 1) d.default = default_config.tmpfs or nil d = s:option(DynamicList, "sysctl", translate("Sysctl(--sysctl)"), translate("Sysctls (kernel parameters) options")) d.placeholder = "net.ipv4.ip_forward=1" d.rmempty = true d:depends("advance", 1) d.default = default_config.sysctl or nil d = s:option(DynamicList, "cap_add", translate("CAP-ADD(--cap-add)"), translate("A list of kernel capabilities to add to the container")) d.placeholder = "NET_ADMIN" d.rmempty = true d:depends("advance", 1) d.default = default_config.cap_add or nil d = s:option(Value, "cpus", translate("CPUs"), translate("Number of CPUs. Number is a fractional number. 0.000 means no limit")) d.placeholder = "1.5" d.rmempty = true d:depends("advance", 1) d.datatype="ufloat" d.default = default_config.cpus or nil d = s:option(Value, "cpu_shares", translate("CPU Shares Weight"), translate("CPU shares relative weight, if 0 is set, the system will ignore the value and use the default of 1024")) d.placeholder = "1024" d.rmempty = true d:depends("advance", 1) d.datatype="uinteger" d.default = default_config.cpu_shares or nil d = s:option(Value, "memory", translate("Memory"), translate("Memory limit (format: []). Number is a positive integer. Unit can be one of b, k, m, or g. Minimum is 4M")) d.placeholder = "128m" d.rmempty = true d:depends("advance", 1) d.default = default_config.memory or nil d = s:option(Value, "blkio_weight", translate("Block IO Weight"), translate("Block IO weight (relative weight) accepts a weight value between 10 and 1000")) d.placeholder = "500" d.rmempty = true d:depends("advance", 1) d.datatype="uinteger" d.default = default_config.blkio_weight or nil d = s:option(DynamicList, "log_opt", translate("Log driver options"), translate("The logging configuration for this container")) d.placeholder = "max-size=1m" d.rmempty = true d:depends("advance", 1) d.default = default_config.log_opt or nil for _, v in ipairs (networks) do if v.Name then local parent = v.Options and v.Options.parent or nil local ip = v.IPAM and v.IPAM.Config and v.IPAM.Config[1] and v.IPAM.Config[1].Subnet or nil ipv6 = v.IPAM and v.IPAM.Config and v.IPAM.Config[2] and v.IPAM.Config[2].Subnet or nil local network_name = v.Name .. " | " .. v.Driver .. (parent and (" | " .. parent) or "") .. (ip and (" | " .. ip) or "").. (ipv6 and (" | " .. ipv6) or "") d_network:value(v.Name, network_name) if v.Name ~= "none" and v.Name ~= "bridge" and v.Name ~= "host" then d_ip:depends("network", v.Name) end if v.Driver == "bridge" then d_publish:depends("network", v.Name) end end end m.handle = function(self, state, data) if state ~= FORM_VALID then return end local tmp local name = data.name or ("luci_" .. os.date("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")) local hostname = data.hostname local tty = type(data.tty) == "number" and (data.tty == 1 and true or false) or default_config.tty or false local publish_all = type(data.publish_all) == "number" and (data.publish_all == 1 and true or false) or default_config.publish_all or false local interactive = type(data.interactive) == "number" and (data.interactive == 1 and true or false) or default_config.interactive or false local image = data.image local user = data.user if image and not image:match(".-:.+") then image = image .. ":latest" end local privileged = type(data.privileged) == "number" and (data.privileged == 1 and true or false) or default_config.privileged or false local restart = data.restart local env = data.env local dns = data.dns local cap_add = data.cap_add local sysctl = {} tmp = data.sysctl if type(tmp) == "table" then for i, v in ipairs(tmp) do local k,v1 = v:match("(.-)=(.+)") if k and v1 then sysctl[k]=v1 end end end local log_opt = {} tmp = data.log_opt if type(tmp) == "table" then for i, v in ipairs(tmp) do local k,v1 = v:match("(.-)=(.+)") if k and v1 then log_opt[k]=v1 end end end local network = data.network local ip = (network ~= "bridge" and network ~= "host" and network ~= "none") and data.ip or nil local volume = data.volume local memory = data.memory or 0 local cpu_shares = data.cpu_shares or 0 local cpus = data.cpus or 0 local blkio_weight = data.blkio_weight or 500 local portbindings = {} local exposedports = {} local tmpfs = {} tmp = data.tmpfs if type(tmp) == "table" then for i, v in ipairs(tmp)do local k= v:match("([^:]+)") local v1 = v:match(".-:([^:]+)") or "" if k then tmpfs[k]=v1 end end end local device = {} tmp = data.device if type(tmp) == "table" then for i, v in ipairs(tmp) do local t = {} local _,_, h, c, p = v:find("(.-):(.-):(.+)") if h and c then t['PathOnHost'] = h t['PathInContainer'] = c t['CgroupPermissions'] = p or "rwm" else local _,_, h, c = v:find("(.-):(.+)") if h and c then t['PathOnHost'] = h t['PathInContainer'] = c t['CgroupPermissions'] = "rwm" else t['PathOnHost'] = v t['PathInContainer'] = v t['CgroupPermissions'] = "rwm" end end if next(t) ~= nil then table.insert( device, t ) end end end tmp = data.publish or {} for i, v in ipairs(tmp) do for v1 ,v2 in string.gmatch(v, "(%d+):([^%s]+)") do local _,_,p= v2:find("^%d+/(%w+)") if p == nil then v2=v2..'/tcp' end portbindings[v2] = {{HostPort=v1}} exposedports[v2] = {HostPort=v1} end end local link = data.link tmp = data.command local command = {} if tmp ~= nil then for v in string.gmatch(tmp, "[^%s]+") do command[#command+1] = v end end if memory ~= 0 then _,_,n,unit = memory:find("([%d%.]+)([%l%u]+)") if n then unit = unit and unit:sub(1,1):upper() or "B" if unit == "M" then memory = tonumber(n) * 1024 * 1024 elseif unit == "G" then memory = tonumber(n) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 elseif unit == "K" then memory = tonumber(n) * 1024 else memory = tonumber(n) end end end create_body.Hostname = network ~= "host" and (hostname or name) or nil create_body.Tty = tty and true or false create_body.OpenStdin = interactive and true or false create_body.User = user create_body.Cmd = command create_body.Env = env create_body.Image = image create_body.ExposedPorts = exposedports create_body.HostConfig = create_body.HostConfig or {} create_body.HostConfig.Dns = dns create_body.HostConfig.Binds = volume create_body.HostConfig.RestartPolicy = { Name = restart, MaximumRetryCount = 0 } create_body.HostConfig.Privileged = privileged and true or false create_body.HostConfig.PortBindings = portbindings create_body.HostConfig.Memory = tonumber(memory) create_body.HostConfig.CpuShares = tonumber(cpu_shares) create_body.HostConfig.NanoCPUs = tonumber(cpus) * 10 ^ 9 create_body.HostConfig.BlkioWeight = tonumber(blkio_weight) create_body.HostConfig.PublishAllPorts = publish_all if create_body.HostConfig.NetworkMode ~= network then -- network mode changed, need to clear duplicate config create_body.NetworkingConfig = nil end create_body.HostConfig.NetworkMode = network if ip then if create_body.NetworkingConfig and create_body.NetworkingConfig.EndpointsConfig and type(create_body.NetworkingConfig.EndpointsConfig) == "table" then -- ip + duplicate config for k, v in pairs (create_body.NetworkingConfig.EndpointsConfig) do if k == network and v.IPAMConfig and v.IPAMConfig.IPv4Address then v.IPAMConfig.IPv4Address = ip else create_body.NetworkingConfig.EndpointsConfig = { [network] = { IPAMConfig = { IPv4Address = ip } } } end break end else -- ip + no duplicate config create_body.NetworkingConfig = { EndpointsConfig = { [network] = { IPAMConfig = { IPv4Address = ip } } } } end elseif not create_body.NetworkingConfig then -- no ip + no duplicate config create_body.NetworkingConfig = nil end create_body["HostConfig"]["Tmpfs"] = tmpfs create_body["HostConfig"]["Devices"] = device create_body["HostConfig"]["Sysctls"] = sysctl create_body["HostConfig"]["CapAdd"] = cap_add create_body["HostConfig"]["LogConfig"] = next(log_opt) ~= nil and { Config = log_opt } or nil if network == "bridge" then create_body["HostConfig"]["Links"] = link end local pull_image = function(image) local json_stringify = luci.jsonc and luci.jsonc.stringify docker:append_status("Images: " .. "pulling" .. " " .. image .. "...\n") local res = dk.images:create({query = {fromImage=image}}, docker.pull_image_show_status_cb) if res and res.code == 200 and (res.body[#res.body] and not res.body[#res.body].error and res.body[#res.body].status and (res.body[#res.body].status == "Status: Downloaded newer image for ".. image or res.body[#res.body].status == "Status: Image is up to date for ".. image)) then docker:append_status("done\n") else res.code = (res.code == 200) and 500 or res.code docker:append_status("code:" .. res.code.." ".. (res.body[#res.body] and res.body[#res.body].error or (res.body.message or res.message)).. "\n") luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/docker/newcontainer")) end end docker:clear_status() local exist_image = false if image then for _, v in ipairs (images) do if v.RepoTags and v.RepoTags[1] == image then exist_image = true break end end if not exist_image then pull_image(image) elseif data._force_pull == 1 then pull_image(image) end end create_body = docker.clear_empty_tables(create_body) docker:append_status("Container: " .. "create" .. " " .. name .. "...") local res = dk.containers:create({name = name, body = create_body}) if res and res.code == 201 then docker:clear_status() luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/docker/containers")) else docker:append_status("code:" .. res.code.." ".. (res.body.message and res.body.message or res.message)) luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/docker/newcontainer")) end end return m