# Contributing Guidelines ## Patches and Pull requests: If you want to contribute a change to LuCI, please either send a patch using git send-email or open a "pull request" against the openwrt/luci repository. Regardless of whether you send a patch or open a pull request, please try to follow these rules: * Have a useful subject prefixed with the component name (E.g.: "luci-mod-admin-full: fix wifi channel selection on multiple STA networks") * Shortly explain the changes made and - if applicable - the reasoning behind them * Commit message of each commit should include a Signed-off-by line (See <https://openwrt.org/submitting-patches#sign_your_work>) In case you like to send patches by mail, please use the [LuCI mailinglist](https://lists.subsignal.org/mailman/listinfo/luci) or the [OpenWrt Development List](https://lists.openwrt.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openwrt-devel). If you send via the OpenWrt list, include a `[luci]` tag in your subject line. For general information on patch submission, follow the [OpenWrt patch submission guideline](https://openwrt.org/submitting-patches). ## Advice on pull requests: Pull requests are the easiest way to contribute changes to git repos at Github. They are the preferred contribution method, as they offer a nice way for commenting and amending the proposed changes. * You need a local "fork" of the Github repo. * Use a "feature branch" for your changes. That separates the changes in the pull request from your other changes and makes it easy to edit/amend commits in the pull request. Workflow using `feature_x` as the example: - Update your local git fork to the tip (of the master, usually) - Create the feature branch with `git checkout -b feature_x` - Edit changes and commit them locally - Push them to your Github fork by `git push -u origin feature_x`. That creates the `feature_x` branch at your Github fork and sets it as the remote of this branch - When you now visit Github, you should see a proposal to create a pull request * If you later need to add new commits to the pull request, you can simply commit the changes to the local branch and then use `git push` to automatically update the pull request. * If you need to change something in the existing pull request (e.g. to add a missing signed-off-by line to the commit message), you can use `git push -f` to overwrite the original commits. That is easy and safe when using a feature branch. Example workflow: - Checkout the feature branch by `git checkout feature_x` - Edit changes and commit them locally. If you are just updating the commit message in the last commit, you can use `git commit --amend` to do that - If you added several new commits or made other changes that require cleaning up, you can use `git rebase -i HEAD~X` (X = number of commits to edit) to possibly squash some commits - Push the changed commits to Github with `git push -f` to overwrite the original commits in the "feature_x" branch with the new ones. The pull request gets automatically updated ## If you have commit access: * Do NOT use `git push --force`. * Use Pull Requests if you are unsure and to suggest changes to other developers. ## Gaining commit access: * Commit access will be granted to responsible contributors who have made useful pull requests and / or feedback or patches to this repository or OpenWrt in general. Please include your request for commit access in your next pull request or ticket. ## Release Branches: * Branches named `openwrt-xx.yy` (e.g. `openwrt-18.06`) are release branches. * These branches are built with the respective OpenWrt release and are created during the release stabilisation phase. * Please ONLY cherry-pick or commit security and bug-fixes to these branches. * Do NOT add new packages and do NOT do major upgrades of packages here. * If you are unsure if your change is suitable, please use a pull request.