From fc90e666dc01620cdb8de3d466a9e3c27209c8f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hosted Weblate Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2024 07:41:58 +0100 Subject: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Currently translated at 2.5% (1 of 40 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/cloudflared Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 12.3% (10 of 81 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/email Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 3.0% (1 of 33 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/v2raya Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 2.7% (2 of 74 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/xinetd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 5.0% (1 of 20 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 6.6% (1 of 15 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/snmpd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (83 of 83 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (26 of 26 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dcwapd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (2370 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 80.6% (50 of 62 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/acme Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 5.8% (2 of 34 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/wifischedule Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 1.6% (3 of 186 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/unbound Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 8.6% (16 of 186 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/unbound Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (7 of 7 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/squid Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 18.2% (15 of 82 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/shadowsocks-libev Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 9.6% (12 of 125 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/privoxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 9.6% (6 of 62 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ocserv Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 32.2% (20 of 62 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ocserv Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 20.1% (25 of 124 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/nlbwmon Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 15.3% (19 of 124 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/nlbwmon Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 10.1% (6 of 59 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/nft-qos Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 21.7% (37 of 170 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/mwan3 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 20.4% (10 of 49 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/mjpg-streamer Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 51.6% (16 of 31 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dynapoint Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 8.9% (5 of 56 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dump1090 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 4.6% (3 of 65 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dnscrypt-proxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 42.3% (11 of 26 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dcwapd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 48.0% (12 of 25 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/cshark Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 24.4% (12 of 49 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/bmx7 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 11.0% (27 of 244 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/banip Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 19.0% (32 of 168 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/aria2 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 32.9% (65 of 197 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ddns Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 98.3% (61 of 62 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 30.4% (7 of 23 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 17.6% (20 of 113 strings) Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 34.0% (46 of 135 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 15.6% (16 of 102 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (46 of 46 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 16.9% (31 of 183 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 17.5% (13 of 74 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (33 of 33 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (83 of 83 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 15.5% (9 of 58 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 81.5% (1932 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 1.3% (1 of 74 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/xinetd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 2.0% (1 of 48 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/openwisp Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 2.1% (1 of 46 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/xfrpc Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 5.8% (1 of 17 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/eoip Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 2.5% (1 of 40 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/example Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 3.0% (2 of 66 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/sshtunnel Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 1.1% (1 of 88 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/mosquitto Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 5.2% (1 of 19 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/irqbalance Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 1.0% (2 of 198 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/smartdns Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 4.7% (1 of 21 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/tor Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 3.0% (1 of 33 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/alist Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 13.3% (17 of 127 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/pbr Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 21.3% (19 of 89 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/frpc Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 21.5% (14 of 65 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/https-dns-proxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 50.0% (1 of 2 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/olsr-viz Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (6 of 6 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/olsr-services Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 96.0% (49 of 51 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 78.3% (29 of 37 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 75.0% (210 of 280 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 81.1% (1923 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (280 of 280 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (2370 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (2370 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (2370 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (2370 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 95.1% (156 of 164 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/adblock-fast Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 78.4% (51 of 65 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/https-dns-proxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (194 of 194 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (376 of 376 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (211 of 211 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dockerman Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 89.6% (174 of 194 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 97.8% (2320 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (164 of 164 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/adblock-fast Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 89.6% (174 of 194 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (37 of 37 strings) Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (37 of 37 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (83 of 83 strings) Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (83 of 83 strings) Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 91.6% (2173 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (74 of 74 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/xinetd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (81 of 81 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/email Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 89.1% (173 of 194 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (48 of 48 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (177 of 177 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/adblock Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (197 of 197 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ddns Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (183 of 183 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (194 of 194 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (2370 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (40 of 40 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/cloudflared Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (33 of 33 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/v2raya Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (15 of 15 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/snmpd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (17 of 17 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/eoip Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (120 of 120 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/usteer Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (88 of 88 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/mosquitto Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (20 of 20 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (33 of 33 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/alist Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Romanian) Currently translated at 98.5% (66 of 67 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (17 of 17 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/udpxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (82 of 82 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/shadowsocks-libev Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (40 of 40 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/clamav Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (168 of 168 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/aria2 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (186 of 186 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/unbound Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (2370 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (2370 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Romanian) Currently translated at 91.5% (2170 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 94.9% (2250 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Co-authored-by: Džiugas J Co-authored-by: Franco Castillo Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate Co-authored-by: Tianling Shen Co-authored-by: Yaron Shahrabani Co-authored-by: ssantos Co-authored-by: try496 Co-authored-by: Костянтин Серьогін Signed-off-by: Džiugas J Signed-off-by: Franco Castillo Signed-off-by: Tianling Shen Signed-off-by: Yaron Shahrabani Signed-off-by: ssantos Signed-off-by: try496 Signed-off-by: Костянтин Серьогін Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ahcp Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/firewall Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/minidlna Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/natmap Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/nut Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/olsr Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/openvpn Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/opkg Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/polipo Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/radicale2 Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/rp-pppoe-server Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/statistics Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/tinyproxy Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/transmission Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/uhttpd Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/upnp Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/watchcat Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-mod-dashboard Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-mod-dsl --- applications/luci-app-openvpn/po/lt/openvpn.po | 63 +++++++++------------- .../luci-app-openvpn/po/zh_Hans/openvpn.po | 7 ++- 2 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-) (limited to 'applications/luci-app-openvpn/po') diff --git a/applications/luci-app-openvpn/po/lt/openvpn.po b/applications/luci-app-openvpn/po/lt/openvpn.po index 5b0194019e..16ffd95b22 100644 --- a/applications/luci-app-openvpn/po/lt/openvpn.po +++ b/applications/luci-app-openvpn/po/lt/openvpn.po @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-02-20 15:12+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-02-23 21:10+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Džiugas J \n" "Language-Team: Lithuanian \n" @@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ msgid "Allowed maximum of connected clients" msgstr "Leidžiamas maksimalus prijungtų klientų skaičius" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:474 -#, fuzzy msgid "Allowed maximum of internal" msgstr "Maksimalus vidinių maršrutų į klientą skaičius" @@ -87,7 +86,7 @@ msgstr "" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:120 msgid "Call down cmd/script before TUN/TAP close" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Iškviesti komandos/skriptą prieš uždarant „TUN/TAP“" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:665 #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-basic.lua:77 @@ -126,9 +125,8 @@ msgstr "Konfigūruoti kliento režimą" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:389 #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-basic.lua:37 -#, fuzzy msgid "Configure server bridge" -msgstr "Konfigūruoti serverio tinklo tiltą" +msgstr "Konfigūruoti serverio tinklo jungimą" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:384 #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-basic.lua:33 @@ -144,7 +142,6 @@ msgid "Connect to remote host through an HTTP proxy" msgstr "Prisijungti į nuotolinį skleidėją/p.k – vedėją per „HTTP“ įgaliotinį" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:522 -#, fuzzy msgid "Connection retry interval" msgstr "Prisijungimo kartojimo intervalas" @@ -183,12 +180,10 @@ msgstr "Išjungti parinkčių nuoseklumo tikrinimą" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:201 #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-basic.lua:41 -#, fuzzy msgid "Do not bind to local address and port" msgstr "Nesusieti/Neįrišti į vietinį adresą ir prievadą" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:225 -#, fuzzy msgid "Don't actually execute ifconfig" msgstr "Aktualiai nevykdykite „ifconfig“ komandos" @@ -231,9 +226,8 @@ msgid "Don't warn on ifconfig inconsistencies" msgstr "Neįspėti apie „ifconfig“ neatitikimus" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:88 -#, fuzzy msgid "Echo parameters to log" -msgstr "Aido parametrai į žurnalą/įrašant" +msgstr "Aido parametrai į žurnalą" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:261 msgid "Empirically measure MTU" @@ -385,7 +379,6 @@ msgid "Local private key" msgstr "Vietinis privatus raktas" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:173 -#, fuzzy msgid "Major mode" msgstr "Pagrindinis režimas" @@ -395,7 +388,7 @@ msgstr "Maksimalus eilėje esančių „TCP“ išvesties paketų skaičius" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:168 msgid "Networking" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tinklavimas" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:459 msgid "Number of allocated broadcast buffers" @@ -442,19 +435,19 @@ msgstr "„PKCS#12“ failas su raktais" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:137 msgid "Pass environment variables to script" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Perduoti aplinkos kintamuosius į skriptą/-us" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:651 msgid "Persist replay-protection state" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Išlaikyti pakartojimo-apsaugos būsena" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:414 msgid "Persist/unpersist ifconfig-pool" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Išlaikyti/Neišlaikyti „ifconfig-pool“" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:320 msgid "Ping remote every n seconds over TCP/UDP port" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Siųsti ryšio atsakas kas n sekundės per „TCP/UDP“ prievadą" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-file.lua:32 msgid "Please edit this file directly in a terminal session." @@ -471,7 +464,7 @@ msgstr "Prašome pasirinkti tinkamą „VPN“ šabloną!" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:161 msgid "Policy level over usage of external programs and scripts" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Išorinių programų ir skriptų naudojimo politikos lygis" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn.lua:141 msgid "Port" @@ -490,7 +483,6 @@ msgid "Push an ifconfig option to remote" msgstr "Stumti „ifconfig“ parinktį į nuotolinį būdą" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:394 -#, fuzzy msgid "Push options to peer" msgstr "Stumti parinktys į lygiarangį" @@ -507,7 +499,6 @@ msgid "Refuse connection if no custom client config" msgstr "Atsisakyti prisijungimo, jei nėra pasirinktinės kliento konfigūracijos" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:92 -#, fuzzy msgid "Remap SIGUSR1 signals" msgstr "Pertvarkyti „SIGUSR1“ signalus" @@ -559,13 +550,12 @@ msgid "Retransmit timeout on TLS control channel" msgstr "Retransliuoti pasibaigusio užklausos laiką ant „TLS“ valdymo kanalo" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:532 -#, fuzzy msgid "Retry indefinitely on HTTP proxy errors" msgstr "Bandyti dar kartą neapibrėžtai ant „HTTP“ įgaliotojo klaidų" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:553 msgid "Retry indefinitely on Socks proxy errors" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bandyti dar kartą neapibrėžtai ant „Socks“ įgaliotojo klaidų" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:424 msgid "Route subnet to client" @@ -580,7 +570,6 @@ msgid "Run script cmd on client disconnection" msgstr "Vykdyti skripto komandą klientui atsijungus" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:124 -#, fuzzy msgid "Run up/down scripts for all restarts" msgstr "Vykdyti įjungimo/išjungimo skriptus visiems paleidimams iš naujo" @@ -606,7 +595,7 @@ msgid "" "this parameter to `no`" msgstr "" "Saugos rekomendacija: rekomenduojama ne Įjungti/ne Įgalinti glaudinimo ir " -"nustatyti šį parametrą į „ne“." +"nustatyti šį parametrą į „ne“" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:165 msgid "" @@ -614,7 +603,7 @@ msgid "" "this parameter to `stub-v2`" msgstr "" "Saugos rekomendacija: rekomenduojama ne Įjungti/ne Įgalinti glaudinimo ir " -"nustatyti šį parametrą į „stub-v2“." +"nustatyti šį parametrą į „stub-v2“" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/view/openvpn/cbi-select-input-add.htm:85 msgid "Select template ..." @@ -637,13 +626,11 @@ msgid "Set aside a pool of subnets" msgstr "Atidėti į šalį potinklių telkinį" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:542 -#, fuzzy msgid "Set extended HTTP proxy options" msgstr "Nustatyti išplėstines „HTTP“ įgaliotinio serverio parinktys" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:20 #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-basic.lua:13 -#, fuzzy msgid "Set output verbosity" msgstr "Nustatyti išvesties daugiakalbiškumą/daugiažodiškumą" @@ -666,14 +653,13 @@ msgstr "Nustatyti „TUN/TAP“ nusiųsto reaktyviai eilės ilgį" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:221 #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-basic.lua:29 msgid "Set tun/tap adapter parameters" -msgstr "Nustatyti „TUN/TAP“ adapterio parametrus" +msgstr "Nustatyti „TUN/TAP“ pritaikytojo parametrus" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:278 msgid "Set tun/tap device MTU" msgstr "Nustatyti „TUN/TAP“ įrenginio „MTU“" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:282 -#, fuzzy msgid "Set tun/tap device overhead" msgstr "Nustatyti „TUN/TAP“ įrenginio papildomąjį" @@ -687,18 +673,17 @@ msgstr "Formavimas lygiarangio pralaidumu" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:108 msgid "Shell cmd to execute after tun device open" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Apvalkalo komandos vykdymas po „TUN“ įrenginio atidarymo" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:116 msgid "Shell cmd to run after tun device close" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Apvalkalo komandos vykdymas po „TUN“ įrenginio išjungimo/uždarymo" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:141 msgid "Shell command to verify X509 name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Apvalkalo komandą patvirtinant „X509“ pavadinimą" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:647 -#, fuzzy msgid "Silence the output of replay warnings" msgstr "Nutildyti pakartojimo perspėjimų išvestį" @@ -716,7 +701,7 @@ msgstr "Nurodyti, ar klientui yra reikalaujamą pateikti tinkamą sertifikatą" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:363 msgid "Start OpenVPN in a hibernating state" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Paleisti „OpenVPN“ žiemojimo/įrašų migdymo būsenoje" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn.lua:117 msgid "Start/Stop" @@ -728,7 +713,7 @@ msgstr "Pradėta" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:100 msgid "Status file format version" -msgstr "Būsenos failo formato versija" +msgstr "Būklės/Būsenos failo formato versija" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/view/openvpn/pageswitch.htm:15 msgid "Switch to advanced configuration" @@ -797,13 +782,12 @@ msgid "The lowest supported TLS version" msgstr "Žemiausia palaikoma „TLS“ versija" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-file.lua:31 -#, fuzzy msgid "" "The size of the OVPN config file (%s) is too large for online editing in " "LuCI (≥ 100 KB)." msgstr "" "„OVPN“ konfigūracijos failo dydis (%s) yra per didelis, kad būtų galima " -"redaguoti internetu/prisijungus per „LuCI“ (≥ 100 KB)." +"redaguoti prisijungus per „LuCI“ (≥ 100 KB)." #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:803 msgid "This completely disables cipher negotiation" @@ -811,7 +795,7 @@ msgstr "Tai visiškai išjungia šifro derinimą" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:739 msgid "Timeframe for key exchange" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Raktų keitimo laikotarpis/terminas" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:213 #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-basic.lua:25 @@ -850,6 +834,9 @@ msgid "" "secondary IP addresses), and do not use --local to force binding to one " "specific address only" msgstr "" +"Kai turite daugiau nei vieną IP adresą (pvz., kelias sąsajas arba antrinius " +"IP adresus) ir nenaudojate „--local“, kad priverstinai susietumėte tik su " +"vienu konkrečiu adresu" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:64 msgid "Write log to file" @@ -857,7 +844,7 @@ msgstr "Įrašyti žurnalą į failą" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:96 msgid "Write status to file every n seconds" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rašyti būklė/būsena į failą kas n sekundžių" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn.lua:112 #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn.lua:114 diff --git a/applications/luci-app-openvpn/po/zh_Hans/openvpn.po b/applications/luci-app-openvpn/po/zh_Hans/openvpn.po index 07c00c5e6a..d3888e7918 100644 --- a/applications/luci-app-openvpn/po/zh_Hans/openvpn.po +++ b/applications/luci-app-openvpn/po/zh_Hans/openvpn.po @@ -6,9 +6,8 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: \n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-05-19 19:35+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-02-14 05:17+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: 大王叫我来巡山 \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-02-22 18:08+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: try496 \n" "Language-Team: Chinese (Simplified) \n" "Language: zh_Hans\n" @@ -16,7 +15,7 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.4-dev\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.5-dev\n" #: applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua:372 msgid "'net30', 'p2p', or 'subnet'" -- cgit v1.2.3