From fc90e666dc01620cdb8de3d466a9e3c27209c8f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hosted Weblate Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2024 07:41:58 +0100 Subject: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Currently translated at 2.5% (1 of 40 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/cloudflared Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 12.3% (10 of 81 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/email Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 3.0% (1 of 33 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/v2raya Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 2.7% (2 of 74 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/xinetd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 5.0% (1 of 20 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 6.6% (1 of 15 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/snmpd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (83 of 83 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (26 of 26 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dcwapd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (2370 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 80.6% (50 of 62 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/acme Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 5.8% (2 of 34 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/wifischedule Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 1.6% (3 of 186 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/unbound Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 8.6% (16 of 186 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/unbound Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (7 of 7 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/squid Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 18.2% (15 of 82 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/shadowsocks-libev Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 9.6% (12 of 125 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/privoxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 9.6% (6 of 62 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ocserv Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 32.2% (20 of 62 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ocserv Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 20.1% (25 of 124 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/nlbwmon Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 15.3% (19 of 124 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/nlbwmon Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 10.1% (6 of 59 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/nft-qos Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 21.7% (37 of 170 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/mwan3 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 20.4% (10 of 49 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/mjpg-streamer Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 51.6% (16 of 31 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dynapoint Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 8.9% (5 of 56 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dump1090 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 4.6% (3 of 65 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dnscrypt-proxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 42.3% (11 of 26 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dcwapd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 48.0% (12 of 25 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/cshark Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 24.4% (12 of 49 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/bmx7 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 11.0% (27 of 244 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/banip Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 19.0% (32 of 168 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/aria2 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 32.9% (65 of 197 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ddns Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 98.3% (61 of 62 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 30.4% (7 of 23 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 17.6% (20 of 113 strings) Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 34.0% (46 of 135 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 15.6% (16 of 102 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (46 of 46 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 16.9% (31 of 183 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 17.5% (13 of 74 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (33 of 33 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (83 of 83 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 15.5% (9 of 58 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 81.5% (1932 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 1.3% (1 of 74 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/xinetd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 2.0% (1 of 48 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/openwisp Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 2.1% (1 of 46 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/xfrpc Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 5.8% (1 of 17 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/eoip Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 2.5% (1 of 40 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/example Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 3.0% (2 of 66 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/sshtunnel Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 1.1% (1 of 88 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/mosquitto Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 5.2% (1 of 19 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/irqbalance Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 1.0% (2 of 198 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/smartdns Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 4.7% (1 of 21 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/tor Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 3.0% (1 of 33 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/alist Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 13.3% (17 of 127 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/pbr Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 21.3% (19 of 89 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/frpc Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 21.5% (14 of 65 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/https-dns-proxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 50.0% (1 of 2 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/olsr-viz Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (6 of 6 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/olsr-services Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 96.0% (49 of 51 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 78.3% (29 of 37 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 75.0% (210 of 280 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 81.1% (1923 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (280 of 280 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (2370 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (2370 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (2370 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (2370 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 95.1% (156 of 164 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/adblock-fast Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 78.4% (51 of 65 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/https-dns-proxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (194 of 194 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (376 of 376 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (211 of 211 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dockerman Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 89.6% (174 of 194 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 97.8% (2320 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (164 of 164 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/adblock-fast Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 89.6% (174 of 194 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (37 of 37 strings) Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (37 of 37 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (83 of 83 strings) Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (83 of 83 strings) Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 91.6% (2173 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (74 of 74 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/xinetd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (81 of 81 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/email Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 89.1% (173 of 194 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (48 of 48 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (177 of 177 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/adblock Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (197 of 197 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ddns Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (183 of 183 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (194 of 194 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (2370 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (40 of 40 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/cloudflared Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (33 of 33 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/v2raya Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (15 of 15 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/snmpd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (17 of 17 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/eoip Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (120 of 120 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/usteer Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (88 of 88 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/mosquitto Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (20 of 20 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (33 of 33 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/alist Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Romanian) Currently translated at 98.5% (66 of 67 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (17 of 17 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/udpxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (82 of 82 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/shadowsocks-libev Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (40 of 40 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/clamav Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (168 of 168 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/aria2 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (186 of 186 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/unbound Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (2370 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (2370 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Romanian) Currently translated at 91.5% (2170 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 94.9% (2250 of 2370 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Co-authored-by: Džiugas J Co-authored-by: Franco Castillo Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate Co-authored-by: Tianling Shen Co-authored-by: Yaron Shahrabani Co-authored-by: ssantos Co-authored-by: try496 Co-authored-by: Костянтин Серьогін Signed-off-by: Džiugas J Signed-off-by: Franco Castillo Signed-off-by: Tianling Shen Signed-off-by: Yaron Shahrabani Signed-off-by: ssantos Signed-off-by: try496 Signed-off-by: Костянтин Серьогін Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ahcp Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/firewall Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/minidlna Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/natmap Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/nut Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/olsr Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/openvpn Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/opkg Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/polipo Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/radicale2 Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/rp-pppoe-server Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/statistics Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/tinyproxy Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/transmission Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/uhttpd Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/upnp Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/watchcat Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-mod-dashboard Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-mod-dsl --- applications/luci-app-mosquitto/po/uk/mosquitto.po | 11 +- .../luci-app-mosquitto/po/zh_Hans/mosquitto.po | 130 +++++++++++---------- 2 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-) (limited to 'applications/luci-app-mosquitto/po') diff --git a/applications/luci-app-mosquitto/po/uk/mosquitto.po b/applications/luci-app-mosquitto/po/uk/mosquitto.po index 69405f8eca..a714755a2f 100644 --- a/applications/luci-app-mosquitto/po/uk/mosquitto.po +++ b/applications/luci-app-mosquitto/po/uk/mosquitto.po @@ -1,18 +1,21 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" -"Language-Team: none\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-02-24 11:11+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Костянтин Серьогін \n" +"Language-Team: Ukrainian \n" "Language: uk\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && " "n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.5-dev\n" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:61 msgid "Allow anonymous connections" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Дозволити анонімні підключення" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:61 msgid "Allow to connect without providing a username and password" diff --git a/applications/luci-app-mosquitto/po/zh_Hans/mosquitto.po b/applications/luci-app-mosquitto/po/zh_Hans/mosquitto.po index 5fc4eb3f88..54b7b8b6d0 100644 --- a/applications/luci-app-mosquitto/po/zh_Hans/mosquitto.po +++ b/applications/luci-app-mosquitto/po/zh_Hans/mosquitto.po @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-02-20 15:13+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: huang207 \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-02-21 18:02+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: try496 \n" "Language-Team: Chinese (Simplified) \n" "Language: zh_Hans\n" @@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ msgstr "允许在不提供用户名和密码的情况下进行连接" msgid "" "Attempt to notify the local and remote broker of connection status, defaults " "to $SYS/broker/connections/<clientid>/state" -msgstr "" +msgstr "尝试通知本地和远程代理连接状态,默认为 $SYS/broker/connections/" +"<clientid>/state" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:177 msgid "Automatic, but no restarts" @@ -40,11 +41,11 @@ msgstr "自动,包括重启" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:82 msgid "Autosave interval" -msgstr "" +msgstr "自动保存间隔" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:80 msgid "Autosave interval applies to change counts instead of time" -msgstr "" +msgstr "自动保存间隔应用于更改计数而不是时间" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:80 msgid "Autosave on changes" @@ -52,11 +53,11 @@ msgstr "更改时自动保存" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:205 msgid "Bridge PSK" -msgstr "" +msgstr "桥接 PSK" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:165 msgid "Bridge connection states should only be published locally" -msgstr "" +msgstr "桥接连接状态应该只在本地发布" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:132 msgid "Bridges" @@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ msgstr "CA 文件路径" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:107 msgid "CA path to search" -msgstr "" +msgstr "CA 路径搜索" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:127 msgid "CRL to use if require_certificate is enabled" @@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ msgstr "启用 require_certificate 时要使用的 CRL" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:128 msgid "Ciphers control. Should match 'openssl ciphers' format" -msgstr "" +msgstr "密码控制。应与 'openssl ciphers' 格式匹配" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:161 msgid "Clean session" @@ -88,11 +89,11 @@ msgstr "客户端过期" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:168 msgid "Client id to use locally. Important when bridging to yourself" -msgstr "" +msgstr "在本地使用的客户端 ID。在进行本地桥接时很重要" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:167 msgid "Client id to use on remote end of this bridge connection" -msgstr "" +msgstr "此桥接连接远程端要使用的客户端 ID" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:137 msgid "Connection name" @@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ msgstr "CA 文件搜索目录" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:52 msgid "Disallow remote access to this broker" -msgstr "" +msgstr "禁止远程访问此代理" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/root/usr/share/rpcd/acl.d/luci-app-mosquitto.json:3 msgid "Grant UCI access for luci-app-mosquitto" @@ -124,11 +125,11 @@ msgstr "重新连接前的等待时间" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:184 msgid "How many messages to queue before restarting lazy bridge" -msgstr "" +msgstr "在重新启动懒惰桥接之前排队的消息数量" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:172 msgid "How should this bridge be started" -msgstr "" +msgstr "这个桥接应该如何启动" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:195 msgid "Identity for TLS-PSK" @@ -146,7 +147,7 @@ msgstr "" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:169 msgid "Keepalive interval for this bridge" -msgstr "" +msgstr "此桥接的保活间隔" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:205 msgid "Key for TLS-PSK" @@ -154,15 +155,15 @@ msgstr "TLS-PSK 密钥" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:62 msgid "Limit for message allowed inflight" -msgstr "" +msgstr "正在传输的消息数量限制" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:65 msgid "Limit for message queue when offline" -msgstr "" +msgstr "离线时消息队列的限制" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:68 msgid "Limit for message queue when offline, zero to disable)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "离线时消息队列的限制,设置为零以禁用)" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:92 msgid "Listeners" @@ -170,7 +171,7 @@ msgstr "监听器" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:44 msgid "Log destination" -msgstr "" +msgstr "目标日志" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:99 msgid "MQTT" @@ -178,15 +179,15 @@ msgstr "MQTT" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:62 msgid "Max Inflight Messages" -msgstr "" +msgstr "最大传输中消息数" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:65 msgid "Max Queued Messages" -msgstr "" +msgstr "最大排队消息数" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:68 msgid "Max Queued bytes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "最大排队字节数" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/root/usr/share/luci/menu.d/luci-app-mosquitto.json:3 msgid "Mosquitto" @@ -194,11 +195,11 @@ msgstr "Mosquitto" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:26 msgid "Mosquitto MQTT Broker" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mosquitto MQTT 代理" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:165 msgid "Notifications local only" -msgstr "" +msgstr "仅本地通知" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:202 msgid "Only hex numbers are allowed (use A-F characters and 0-9 digits)" @@ -208,15 +209,15 @@ msgstr "只允许使用十六进制数字(字符 A-F 和数字 0-9)" msgid "" "Outbound bridges will still work, but this will make the primary listener " "only available from localhost" -msgstr "" +msgstr "出站桥接仍然可以工作,但这样设置会使主要监听器仅从本地主机可用" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:195 msgid "PSK Bridge Identity" -msgstr "" +msgstr "PSK 桥接身份" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:129 msgid "PSK Hint to provide to connecting clients" -msgstr "" +msgstr "连接客户端提供的 PSK 提示" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:219 msgid "Path to CA file" @@ -224,39 +225,39 @@ msgstr "CA 文件路径" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:228 msgid "Path to PEM encoded keyfile" -msgstr "" +msgstr "PEM 编码密钥文件的路径" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:225 msgid "Path to PEM encoded server certificate file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "PEM 编码服务器证书文件的路径" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:88 msgid "Path to persistent file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "持久文件的路径" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:73 msgid "Persistence" -msgstr "" +msgstr "持久性" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:76 msgid "Persistence enabled" -msgstr "" +msgstr "持久性已启用" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:85 msgid "Persistent file name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "持久性文件名称" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:88 msgid "Persistent file path (with trailing/)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "持久文件路径(包括尾部/)" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:150 msgid "Please enter a hostname or an IP address" -msgstr "" +msgstr "请提供主机名或 IP 地址" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:145 msgid "Please enter a valid port after the :" -msgstr "" +msgstr "请在冒号后输入有效的端口 :" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:95 msgid "Port" @@ -264,102 +265,102 @@ msgstr "端口" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:97 msgid "Protocol to use when listening" -msgstr "" +msgstr "监听时使用的协议" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:191 msgid "Remote password" -msgstr "" +msgstr "远程密码" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:190 msgid "Remote username" -msgstr "" +msgstr "远程用户名" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:77 msgid "" "Remove persistent clients if they haven't reconnected in this period, eg 6h, " "3d, 2w" -msgstr "" +msgstr "在一段时间内客户端没有重新连接,则移除它们 6h, 3d, 2w" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:125 msgid "Require clients to present a certificate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "要求客户端提供证书" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:82 msgid "Save persistence file after this many seconds or changes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "在此之后多少秒或更改后保存持久性文件" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:57 msgid "Set to zero to disable" -msgstr "" +msgstr "设置为零以禁用" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:76 msgid "Should persistence to disk be enabled at all" -msgstr "" +msgstr "持久性磁盘是否应该启用" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:117 #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:211 msgid "TLS Version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "TLS 版本" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:212 msgid "" "The remote broker must support the same version of TLS for the connection to " "succeed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "远程代理必须支持相同版本的 TLS 才能成功建立连接。" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:57 msgid "Time in seconds between updates of the $SYS tree" -msgstr "" +msgstr "更新之间的时间间隔以秒为单位 $SYS" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:164 msgid "Topic to use for local+remote remote for notifications." -msgstr "" +msgstr "用于本地和远程通知的主题。" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:35 msgid "Use this LuCI configuration page" -msgstr "" +msgstr "使用此 LuCI 配置页面" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:100 msgid "WebSockets" -msgstr "" +msgstr "WebSockets" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:92 msgid "You can configure additional listeners here" -msgstr "" +msgstr "您可以在这里配置额外的监听器" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:133 msgid "You can configure multiple bridge connections here" -msgstr "" +msgstr "您可以在这里配置多个桥接连接" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:45 msgid "You can have multiple, but 'none' will override all others" -msgstr "" +msgstr "您可以有多个设置,但“none”将覆盖所有其他设置" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:153 msgid "address" -msgstr "" +msgstr "地址" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:153 msgid "address[:port] of remote broker" -msgstr "" +msgstr "地址[:端口]远程代理" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:189 msgid "" "attempt to notify the remote broker that this is a bridge, not all brokers " "support this." -msgstr "" +msgstr "尝试通知远程代理这是一个桥接连接,不是所有代理都支持这个功能。" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:159 msgid "full topic string for mosquitto.conf, eg: 'power/# out 2'" -msgstr "" +msgstr "在mosquitto.conf中的完整主题字符串,例如:'power/# out 2'" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:102 msgid "http_dir to serve on websockets listeners" -msgstr "" +msgstr "http_dir 在 WebSockets 监听器上提供服务的目录" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:113 msgid "keyfile (PEM encoded)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "keyfile (PEM 编码)" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:27 msgid "" @@ -369,19 +370,22 @@ msgid "" "this page, or the stock mosquitto configuration file in /etc/mosquitto/" "mosquitto.conf" msgstr "" +"mosquitto - 是一个名为 MQTT 消息代理。" +"请注意,目前仅支持一些可用的配置文件,请使用下面的复选框来使用本页面生成的配" +"置,或者使用默认的mosquitto配置文件 /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:162 msgid "notifications" -msgstr "" +msgstr "通知" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:110 msgid "server certificate file (PEM encoded)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "服务器证书文件(PEM 编码)" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:158 msgid "topic" -msgstr "" +msgstr "主题" #: applications/luci-app-mosquitto/luasrc/model/cbi/mosquitto.lua:138 msgid "unique name for this bridge configuration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "此桥接配置的唯一名称" -- cgit v1.2.3