path: root/modules/admin-mini/luasrc/controller/mini
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2008-08-15Added missing value escapingSteven Barth
2008-08-15modules/*: Reintroduced the broadcom sanity checkSteven Barth
2008-08-10* libs/web: Reworked authenticationSteven Barth
2008-08-09Added missing dependency which broke LuCISteven Barth
2008-08-06Moved luci.sys.exec, luci.sys.execl and luci.sys.bigendian to luci.utilSteven Barth
2008-08-03modules/admin-*: Fixes for firmware upgrade and system resetSteven Barth
2008-08-03admin-full, admin-mini: Added configuration backup, restore, reset pageSteven Barth
2008-07-29modules: Redesigned configuration save, apply, save & apply menu optionsSteven Barth
2008-07-19modules/admin-mini: Add "general" submenu linksSteven Barth
2008-07-19modules/admin-mini: Added WLAN-Scan pageSteven Barth
2008-07-18modules/admin-full: Improved system configuration pageSteven Barth
2008-07-17Added new application luci-ntpc to luci-full and luci-miniSteven Barth
2008-07-16modules/admin-mini: Added Wifi configurationSteven Barth
2008-07-16Added a note to the Freifunk menu for OpenWRTSteven Barth
2008-07-16libs/web: Prevent luci.http to prematurely parse the POST dataSteven Barth
2008-07-16Several small cleanups and improvementsSteven Barth
2008-07-16applications/luci-fw: Added support for luci-miniSteven Barth
2008-07-15modules/admin-mini: Added DHCP pageSteven Barth
2008-07-15modules/admin-mini: some work on lan and wan configurationSteven Barth
2008-07-15lib/cbi: Added support for multiple CBI maps per modelSteven Barth