path: root/protocols/luci-proto-wireguard/luasrc
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Diffstat (limited to 'protocols/luci-proto-wireguard/luasrc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 179 deletions
diff --git a/protocols/luci-proto-wireguard/luasrc/model/cbi/admin_network/proto_wireguard.lua b/protocols/luci-proto-wireguard/luasrc/model/cbi/admin_network/proto_wireguard.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 64e256a517..0000000000
--- a/protocols/luci-proto-wireguard/luasrc/model/cbi/admin_network/proto_wireguard.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright 2016-2017 Dan Luedtke <>
--- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
-local map, section, net = ...
-local ifname = net:get_interface():name()
-local private_key, listen_port
-local metric, mtu, preshared_key, description
-local peers, public_key, allowed_ips, endpoint, persistent_keepalive
--- general ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-private_key = section:taboption(
- "general",
- Value,
- "private_key",
- translate("Private Key"),
- translate("Required. Base64-encoded private key for this interface.")
-private_key.password = true
-private_key.datatype = "and(base64,rangelength(44,44))"
-private_key.optional = false
-listen_port = section:taboption(
- "general",
- Value,
- "listen_port",
- translate("Listen Port"),
- translate("Optional. UDP port used for outgoing and incoming packets.")
-listen_port.datatype = "port"
-listen_port.placeholder = translate("random")
-listen_port.optional = true
-addresses = section:taboption(
- "general",
- DynamicList,
- "addresses",
- translate("IP Addresses"),
- translate("Recommended. IP addresses of the WireGuard interface.")
-addresses.datatype = "ipaddr"
-addresses.optional = true
--- advanced --------------------------------------------------------------------
-metric = section:taboption(
- "advanced",
- Value,
- "metric",
- translate("Metric"),
- translate("Optional")
-metric.datatype = "uinteger"
-metric.placeholder = "0"
-metric.optional = true
-mtu = section:taboption(
- "advanced",
- Value,
- "mtu",
- translate("MTU"),
- translate("Optional. Maximum Transmission Unit of tunnel interface.")
-mtu.datatype = "range(1280,1420)"
-mtu.placeholder = "1420"
-mtu.optional = true
-fwmark = section:taboption(
- "advanced",
- Value,
- "fwmark",
- translate("Firewall Mark"),
- translate("Optional. 32-bit mark for outgoing encrypted packets. " ..
- "Enter value in hex, starting with <code>0x</code>.")
-fwmark.datatype = "hex(4)"
-fwmark.optional = true
--- peers -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-peers = map:section(
- TypedSection,
- "wireguard_" .. ifname,
- translate("Peers"),
- translate("Further information about WireGuard interfaces and peers " ..
- "at <a href=\"\"></a>.")
-peers.template = "cbi/tsection"
-peers.anonymous = true
-peers.addremove = true
-description = peers:option(
- Value,
- "description",
- translate("Description"),
- translate("Optional. Description of peer."))
-description.placeholder = "My Peer"
-description.datatype = "string"
-description.optional = true
-public_key = peers:option(
- Value,
- "public_key",
- translate("Public Key"),
- translate("Required. Base64-encoded public key of peer.")
-public_key.datatype = "and(base64,rangelength(44,44))"
-public_key.optional = false
-preshared_key = peers:option(
- Value,
- "preshared_key",
- translate("Preshared Key"),
- translate("Optional. Base64-encoded preshared key. " ..
- "Adds in an additional layer of symmetric-key " ..
- "cryptography for post-quantum resistance.")
-preshared_key.password = true
-preshared_key.datatype = "and(base64,rangelength(44,44))"
-preshared_key.optional = true
-allowed_ips = peers:option(
- DynamicList,
- "allowed_ips",
- translate("Allowed IPs"),
- translate("Required. IP addresses and prefixes that this peer is allowed " ..
- "to use inside the tunnel. Usually the peer's tunnel IP " ..
- "addresses and the networks the peer routes through the tunnel.")
-allowed_ips.datatype = "ipaddr"
-allowed_ips.optional = false
-route_allowed_ips = peers:option(
- Flag,
- "route_allowed_ips",
- translate("Route Allowed IPs"),
- translate("Optional. Create routes for Allowed IPs for this peer.")
-endpoint_host = peers:option(
- Value,
- "endpoint_host",
- translate("Endpoint Host"),
- translate("Optional. Host of peer. Names are resolved " ..
- "prior to bringing up the interface."))
-endpoint_host.placeholder = ""
-endpoint_host.datatype = "host"
-endpoint_port = peers:option(
- Value,
- "endpoint_port",
- translate("Endpoint Port"),
- translate("Optional. Port of peer."))
-endpoint_port.placeholder = "51820"
-endpoint_port.datatype = "port"
-persistent_keepalive = peers:option(
- Value,
- "persistent_keepalive",
- translate("Persistent Keep Alive"),
- translate("Optional. Seconds between keep alive messages. " ..
- "Default is 0 (disabled). Recommended value if " ..
- "this device is behind a NAT is 25."))
-persistent_keepalive.datatype = "range(0,65535)"
-persistent_keepalive.placeholder = "0"