path: root/modules
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules')
46 files changed, 1392 insertions, 15714 deletions
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/Makefile b/modules/luci-base/Makefile
index a9c5e71cba..972a451c69 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/Makefile
+++ b/modules/luci-base/Makefile
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ define Host/Compile
define Host/Install
- $(INSTALL_BIN) src/po2lmo $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/po2lmo
- $(INSTALL_BIN) $(HOST_BUILD_DIR)/bin/LuaSrcDiet.lua $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/LuaSrcDiet
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/bin
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) src/po2lmo $(1)/bin/po2lmo
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) $(HOST_BUILD_DIR)/bin/LuaSrcDiet.lua $(1)/bin/LuaSrcDiet
$(eval $(call HostBuild))
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/cbi.js b/modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/cbi.js
index b285ee26cc..5790e303dd 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/cbi.js
+++ b/modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/cbi.js
@@ -1300,6 +1300,9 @@ String.prototype.format = function()
var quot_esc = [/"/g, '"', /'/g, '''];
function esc(s, r) {
+ if (typeof(s) !== 'string' && !(s instanceof String))
+ return '';
for( var i = 0; i < r.length; i += 2 )
s = s.replace(r[i], r[i+1]);
return s;
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/luasrc/model/network.lua b/modules/luci-base/luasrc/model/network.lua
index 9cd7c87c0c..2d8336bf33 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/luasrc/model/network.lua
+++ b/modules/luci-base/luasrc/model/network.lua
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ protocol = utl.class()
local _protocols = { }
-local _interfaces, _bridge, _switch, _tunnel
+local _interfaces, _bridge, _switch, _tunnel, _swtopo
local _ubusnetcache, _ubusdevcache, _ubuswificache
local _uci
@@ -193,7 +193,6 @@ function _iface_ignore(x)
return false
function init(cursor)
_uci = cursor or _uci or uci.cursor()
@@ -201,6 +200,7 @@ function init(cursor)
_bridge = { }
_switch = { }
_tunnel = { }
+ _swtopo = { }
_ubusnetcache = { }
_ubusdevcache = { }
@@ -210,7 +210,6 @@ function init(cursor)
local n, i
for n, i in ipairs(nxo.getifaddrs()) do
local name ="[^:]+")
- local prnt = name:match("^([^%.]+)%.")
if _iface_virtual(name) then
_tunnel[name] = true
@@ -226,11 +225,6 @@ function init(cursor)
ip6addrs = { }
- if prnt then
- _switch[name] = true
- _switch[prnt] = true
- end
if == "packet" then
_interfaces[name].flags = i.flags
_interfaces[name].stats =
@@ -266,6 +260,79 @@ function init(cursor)
+ -- read switch topology
+ local boardinfo = jsc.parse(nfs.readfile("/etc/board.json") or "")
+ if type(boardinfo) == "table" and type(boardinfo.switch) == "table" then
+ local switch, layout
+ for switch, layout in pairs(boardinfo.switch) do
+ if type(layout) == "table" and type(layout.ports) == "table" then
+ local _, port
+ local ports = { }
+ local nports = { }
+ local netdevs = { }
+ for _, port in ipairs(layout.ports) do
+ if type(port) == "table" and
+ type(port.num) == "number" and
+ (type(port.role) == "string" or
+ type(port.device) == "string")
+ then
+ local spec = {
+ num = port.num,
+ role = port.role or "cpu",
+ index = port.index or port.num
+ }
+ if port.device then
+ spec.device = port.device
+ spec.tagged = port.need_tag
+ netdevs[tostring(port.num)] = port.device
+ end
+ ports[#ports+1] = spec
+ if port.role then
+ nports[port.role] = (nports[port.role] or 0) + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(ports, function(a, b)
+ if a.role ~= b.role then
+ return (a.role < b.role)
+ end
+ return (a.index < b.index)
+ end)
+ local pnum, role
+ for _, port in ipairs(ports) do
+ if port.role ~= role then
+ role = port.role
+ pnum = 1
+ end
+ if role == "cpu" then
+ port.label = "CPU (%s)" % port.device
+ elseif nports[role] > 1 then
+ port.label = "%s %d" %{ role:upper(), pnum }
+ pnum = pnum + 1
+ else
+ port.label = role:upper()
+ end
+ port.role = nil
+ port.index = nil
+ end
+ _swtopo[switch] = {
+ ports = ports,
+ netdevs = netdevs
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ end
return _M
@@ -474,41 +541,23 @@ function get_interface(self, i)
-local function swdev_from_board_json()
- local boardinfo = jsc.parse(nfs.readfile("/etc/board.json") or "")
- if type(boardinfo) == "table" and type( == "table" then
- local net, val
- for net, val in pairs( do
- if type(val) == "table" and type(val.ifname) == "string" and
- val.create_vlan == true
- then
- return val.ifname
- end
- end
- end
- return nil
function get_interfaces(self)
local iface
local ifaces = { }
- local seen = { }
local nfs = { }
- local baseof = { }
-- find normal interfaces
_uci:foreach("network", "interface",
for iface in utl.imatch(s.ifname) do
if not _iface_ignore(iface) and not _iface_virtual(iface) and not _wifi_iface(iface) then
- seen[iface] = true
nfs[iface] = interface(iface)
for iface in utl.kspairs(_interfaces) do
- if not (seen[iface] or _iface_ignore(iface) or _iface_virtual(iface) or _wifi_iface(iface)) then
+ if not (nfs[iface] or _iface_ignore(iface) or _iface_virtual(iface) or _wifi_iface(iface)) then
nfs[iface] = interface(iface)
@@ -516,34 +565,32 @@ function get_interfaces(self)
-- find vlan interfaces
_uci:foreach("network", "switch_vlan",
- if not s.device then
+ if type(s.ports) ~= "string" or
+ type(s.device) ~= "string" or
+ type(_swtopo[s.device]) ~= "table"
+ then
- local base = baseof[s.device]
- if not base then
- if not s.device:match("^eth%d") then
- local l
- for l in utl.execi("swconfig dev %q help 2>/dev/null" % s.device) do
- if not base then
- base = l:match("^%w+: (%w+)")
- end
+ local pnum, ptag
+ for pnum, ptag in s.ports:gmatch("(%d+)([tu]?)") do
+ local netdev = _swtopo[s.device].netdevs[pnum]
+ if netdev then
+ if not nfs[netdev] then
+ nfs[netdev] = interface(netdev)
- if not base or not base:match("^eth%d") then
- base = swdev_from_board_json() or "eth0"
+ _switch[netdev] = true
+ if ptag == "t" then
+ local vid = tonumber(s.vid or s.vlan)
+ if vid ~= nil and vid >= 0 and vid <= 4095 then
+ local iface = "%s.%d" %{ netdev, vid }
+ if not nfs[iface] then
+ nfs[iface] = interface(iface)
+ end
+ _switch[iface] = true
+ end
- else
- base = s.device
- end
- baseof[s.device] = base
- end
- local vid = tonumber(s.vid or s.vlan)
- if vid ~= nil and vid >= 0 and vid <= 4095 then
- local iface = "%s.%d" %{ base, vid }
- if not seen[iface] then
- seen[iface] = true
- nfs[iface] = interface(iface)
@@ -685,6 +732,10 @@ function get_wan6dev(self)
return stat and interface(stat.l3_device or stat.device)
+function get_switch_topologies(self)
+ return _swtopo
function network(name, proto)
if name then
@@ -1140,10 +1191,7 @@ end
function interface.shortname(self)
if self.wif then
- return "%s %q" %{
- self.wif:active_mode(),
- self.wif:active_ssid() or self.wif:active_bssid()
- }
+ return self.wif:shortname()
return self.ifname
@@ -1154,7 +1202,7 @@ function interface.get_i18n(self)
return "%s: %s %q" %{
lng.translate("Wireless Network"),
- self.wif:active_ssid() or self.wif:active_bssid()
+ self.wif:active_ssid() or self.wif:active_bssid() or self.wif:id()
return "%s: %q" %{ self:get_type_i18n(), self:name() }
@@ -1170,7 +1218,11 @@ function interface.get_type_i18n(self)
elseif x == "switch" then
return lng.translate("Ethernet Switch")
elseif x == "vlan" then
- return lng.translate("VLAN Interface")
+ if _switch[self.ifname] then
+ return lng.translate("Switch VLAN")
+ else
+ return lng.translate("Software VLAN")
+ end
elseif x == "tunnel" then
return lng.translate("Tunnel Interface")
@@ -1593,7 +1645,7 @@ end
function wifinet.shortname(self)
return "%s %q" %{
- self:active_ssid() or self:active_bssid()
+ self:active_ssid() or self:active_bssid() or self:id()
@@ -1601,7 +1653,7 @@ function wifinet.get_i18n(self)
return "%s: %s %q (%s)" %{
lng.translate("Wireless Network"),
- self:active_ssid() or self:active_bssid(),
+ self:active_ssid() or self:active_bssid() or self:id(),
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/luasrc/sys/iptparser.lua b/modules/luci-base/luasrc/sys/iptparser.lua
index 64353956b0..a9dbc30826 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/luasrc/sys/iptparser.lua
+++ b/modules/luci-base/luasrc/sys/iptparser.lua
@@ -39,15 +39,15 @@ function IptParser.__init__( self, family )
self._nulladdr = "::/0"
self._tables = { "filter", "mangle", "raw" }
- local ok, lines = pcall(io.lines, "/proc/net/ip6_tables_names")
- if ok and lines then
- local line
- for line in lines do
- if line == "nat" then
- self._tables = { "filter", "nat", "mangle", "raw" }
- end
- end
- end
+ local ok, lines = pcall(io.lines, "/proc/net/ip6_tables_names")
+ if ok and lines then
+ local line
+ for line in lines do
+ if line == "nat" then
+ self._tables = { "filter", "nat", "mangle", "raw" }
+ end
+ end
+ end
self._command = "ip6tables -t %s --line-numbers -nxvL"
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/luasrc/util.lua b/modules/luci-base/luasrc/util.lua
index 896e36b45f..0e7334be87 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/luasrc/util.lua
+++ b/modules/luci-base/luasrc/util.lua
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ local _ubus_connection = nil
local getmetatable, setmetatable = getmetatable, setmetatable
local rawget, rawset, unpack = rawget, rawset, unpack
-local tostring, type, assert = tostring, type, assert
+local tostring, type, assert, error = tostring, type, assert, error
local ipairs, pairs, next, loadstring = ipairs, pairs, next, loadstring
local require, pcall, xpcall = require, pcall, xpcall
local collectgarbage, get_memory_limit = collectgarbage, get_memory_limit
@@ -27,14 +27,27 @@ module "luci.util"
-- Pythonic string formatting extension
getmetatable("").__mod = function(a, b)
+ local ok, res
if not b then
return a
elseif type(b) == "table" then
+ local k, _
for k, _ in pairs(b) do if type(b[k]) == "userdata" then b[k] = tostring(b[k]) end end
- return a:format(unpack(b))
+ ok, res = pcall(a.format, a, unpack(b))
+ if not ok then
+ error(res, 2)
+ end
+ return res
if type(b) == "userdata" then b = tostring(b) end
- return a:format(b)
+ ok, res = pcall(a.format, a, b)
+ if not ok then
+ error(res, 2)
+ end
+ return res
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/luasrc/view/sysauth.htm b/modules/luci-base/luasrc/view/sysauth.htm
index e207504911..f6b0f5706a 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/luasrc/view/sysauth.htm
+++ b/modules/luci-base/luasrc/view/sysauth.htm
@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@
<form method="post" action="<%=pcdata(luci.http.getenv("REQUEST_URI"))%>">
+ <%- if fuser then %>
+ <div class="errorbox"><%:Invalid username and/or password! Please try again.%></div>
+ <% end -%>
<div class="cbi-map">
<h2 name="content"><%:Authorization Required%></h2>
<div class="cbi-map-descr">
<%:Please enter your username and password.%>
- <%- if fuser then %>
- <div class="error"><%:Invalid username and/or password! Please try again.%></div>
- <br />
- <% end -%>
<fieldset class="cbi-section"><fieldset class="cbi-section-node">
<div class="cbi-value">
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/po/ca/base.po b/modules/luci-base/po/ca/base.po
index 77486062de..1e44147752 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/po/ca/base.po
+++ b/modules/luci-base/po/ca/base.po
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.0.6\n"
+msgid "%s is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+msgstr ""
msgid "(%d minute window, %d second interval)"
msgstr "(finestra de %d minuts, interval de %d segons)"
@@ -243,6 +246,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Alert"
msgstr "Alerta"
+msgid ""
+"Allocate IP addresses sequentially, starting from the lowest available "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Allocate IP sequentially"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
msgstr ""
"Permet autenticació <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> per contrasenya"
@@ -526,9 +537,6 @@ msgstr "Botons"
msgid "CA certificate; if empty it will be saved after the first connection."
msgstr ""
-msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "CPU"
msgid "CPU usage (%)"
msgstr "Ús de CPU (%)"
@@ -1046,6 +1054,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "External system log server port"
msgstr ""
+msgid "External system log server protocol"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Extra SSH command options"
msgstr ""
@@ -1744,6 +1755,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "MB/s"
msgstr "MB/s"
+msgid "MD5"
+msgstr ""
msgid "MHz"
msgstr "MHz"
@@ -2243,12 +2257,6 @@ msgstr "Política"
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Port"
-msgid "Port %d"
-msgstr "Port %d"
-msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
-msgstr ""
msgid "Port status:"
msgstr "Estatus de port"
@@ -2530,6 +2538,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Run filesystem check"
msgstr ""
+msgid "SHA256"
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"SIXXS supports TIC only, for static tunnels using IP protocol 41 (RFC4213) "
"use 6in4 instead"
@@ -2669,6 +2680,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Software"
msgstr "Programari"
+msgid "Software VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!"
msgstr "No es pot desar els valors perquè alguns camps estan invàlids!"
@@ -2760,6 +2774,12 @@ msgstr "Ordre estricte"
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Envia"
+msgid "Suppress logging"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging of the routine operation of these protocols"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Swap"
msgstr ""
@@ -2775,6 +2795,13 @@ msgstr "Commutador %q"
msgid "Switch %q (%s)"
msgstr "Commutador %q (%s)"
+msgid ""
+"Switch %q has an unknown topology - the VLAN settings might not be accurate."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Switch VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Switch protocol"
msgstr "Protocol de commutador"
@@ -3249,9 +3276,6 @@ msgstr "VC-Mux"
msgid "VDSL"
msgstr ""
-msgid "VLAN Interface"
-msgstr "Interfície VLAN"
msgid "VLANs on %q"
msgstr "VLANs en %q"
@@ -3347,9 +3371,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Wifi"
-msgstr "Wifi"
msgid "Wireless"
msgstr "Sense fils"
@@ -3386,6 +3407,9 @@ msgstr "Sense fils aturat"
msgid "Write received DNS requests to syslog"
msgstr "Escriure les peticions DNS rebudes al syslog"
+msgid "Write system log to file"
+msgstr ""
msgid "XR Support"
msgstr "Suport XR"
@@ -3569,854 +3593,11 @@ msgstr "sí"
msgid "« Back"
msgstr "« Enrere"
-#~ msgid "Delete this interface"
-#~ msgstr "Suprimeix aquesta interfície"
-#~ msgid "Flags"
-#~ msgstr "Flags"
-#~ msgid "Path"
-#~ msgstr "Ruta"
-#~ msgid "Please wait: Device rebooting..."
-#~ msgstr "Si us plau espera: Dispositiu arrancant-se de nou"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Warning: There are unsaved changes that will be lost while rebooting!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Advertència: Hi ha canvis que no s'han desat i que es perdran mentre "
-#~ "s'arranca de nou!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Always use 40MHz channels even if the secondary channel overlaps. Using "
-#~ "this option does not comply with IEEE 802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Utilitza sempre canals de 40 MHz fins i tot si el canal secundari se "
-#~ "solapa. L'ús d'aquesta opció no compleix amb l'IEEE 802.11n-2009."
-#~ msgid "Cached"
-#~ msgstr "En memòria cau"
-#~ msgid "Force 40MHz mode"
-#~ msgstr "Força el mode 40MHz"
-#~ msgid "Frequency Hopping"
-#~ msgstr "Salts de freqüència"
-#~ msgid " user ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID d'usuari de"
-#~ msgid "This is the 32 byte hex encoded user ID, not the login name"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Això és la ID d'usuari de 32 bytes codificat en hex, no el nom d'inici"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel above"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz, 2n canal per sobre"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel below"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz, 2n canal per sota"
-#~ msgid "Accept router advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "Accepta les publicitats d'encaminador"
-#~ msgid "Advertise IPv6 on network"
-#~ msgstr "Anuncia IPv6 a la xarxa"
-#~ msgid "Advertised network ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID de xarxa anunciat"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to 65535"
-#~ msgstr "El rang permès és entre 1 i 65535"
-#~ msgid "HT capabilities"
-#~ msgstr "Capacitats HT"
-#~ msgid "HT mode"
-#~ msgstr "Mode HT"
-#~ msgid "Router Model"
-#~ msgstr "Model de l'encaminador"
-#~ msgid "Router Name"
-#~ msgstr "Nom de l'encaminador"
-#~ msgid "Waiting for router..."
-#~ msgstr "Esperant un encaminador..."
-#~ msgid "Active Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Leases Actius"
-#~ msgid "MAC"
-#~ msgstr "MAC"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">Encr.</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Encriptat\">Encr.</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-Scan"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Escaneig <abbr title=\"Xarxa sense fils d&#39;àrea local\">WLAN</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "Create Network"
-#~ msgstr "Crea Xarxa"
-#~ msgid "Networks"
-#~ msgstr "Xarxes"
-#~ msgid "Power"
-#~ msgstr "Potència"
-#~ msgid "Wifi networks in your local environment"
-#~ msgstr "Xarxes sense fils del teu entorn local"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>-Notation: "
-#~ "address/prefix"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Notació <abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>: "
-#~ "adreça/prefix"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Servidor <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Broadcast"
-#~ msgstr "Broadcast <abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Address"
-#~ msgstr "Adreça <abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The network ports on your router can be combined to several <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s in which computers can "
-#~ "communicate directly with each other. <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area "
-#~ "Network\">VLAN</abbr>s are often used to separate different network "
-#~ "segments. Often there is by default one Uplink port for a connection to "
-#~ "the next greater network like the internet and other ports for a local "
-#~ "network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Els ports de xarxa del teu router es poden combinar amb diverses <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s en les que els "
-#~ "ordinador es poden comunicar directament entre ells. Les <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s es fan servir normalment per "
-#~ "separar segments de xarxa diferents. Normalment, hi ha un port de Pujada "
-#~ "per defecte per la següent xarxa major, com Internet, i altres ports per "
-#~ "una xarxa local."
-#~ msgid "Files to be kept when flashing a new firmware"
-#~ msgstr "Fitxers a guardar quan s&#39;actualitzi un nou firmware"
-#~ msgid "General"
-#~ msgstr "General"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can customize the settings and the functionality of <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aquí pots personalitzar la configuració i funcionalitats de <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Interfície de configuració Lua\">LuCI</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "Post-commit actions"
-#~ msgstr "Accions Post-commit"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "These commands will be executed automatically when a given <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Unified Configuration Interface\">UCI</abbr> configuration is committed "
-#~ "allowing changes to be applied instantly."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aquestes comandes s&#39;executaran automàticament quan es publiqui una "
-#~ "configuració <abbr title=\"Configuració d&#39;Interfície Unificada\">UCI</"
-#~ "abbr> determinada, permetent que els canvis s&#39;apliquin a l&#39;"
-#~ "instant."
-#~ msgid "Web <abbr title=\"User Interface\">UI</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "Web <abbr title=\"Interfície d'Usuari\">UI</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Servidor <abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "Access point (APN)"
-#~ msgstr "Punt d'accés (APN)"
-#~ msgid "Additional pppd options"
-#~ msgstr "Opcions pppd addicionals"
-#~ msgid "Automatic Disconnect"
-#~ msgstr "Desconnexió Automàtica"
-#~ msgid "Backup Archive"
-#~ msgstr "Arxiu de seguretat"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Configure the local DNS server to use the name servers adverticed by the "
-#~ "PPP peer"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Configura el servidor DNS local per fer servir els servidors anunciats "
-#~ "pel peer PPP"
-#~ msgid "Connect script"
-#~ msgstr "Script de connexió"
-#~ msgid "Create backup"
-#~ msgstr "Crea còpia de seguretat"
-#~ msgid "Disconnect script"
-#~ msgstr "Script de desconnexió"
-#~ msgid "Edit package lists and installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "Edita llistes de paquets i destins d&#39;instal·lació"
-#~ msgid "Enable IPv6 on PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "Habilita IPv6 a l'enllaç PPP"
-#~ msgid "Firmware image"
-#~ msgstr "Imatge de firmware"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can backup and restore your router configuration and - if "
-#~ "possible - reset the router to the default settings."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ací pots crear una còpia de seguretat i restaurar la teva configuració "
-#~ "del router i - si és possible - reiniciar el router als paràmetres per "
-#~ "defecte."
-#~ msgid "Installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "Objectius d'instal·lació"
-#~ msgid "Keep configuration files"
-#~ msgstr "Mantingues els fitxers de configuració"
-#~ msgid "Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Let pppd replace the current default route to use the PPP interface after "
-#~ "successful connect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Permet que el pppd reemplaci la ruta per defecte actual per fer servir "
-#~ "les interfícies PPP després de connectar-se amb èxit"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script after establishing the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Permet que el pppd executi aquest script abans d'establir l'enllaç PPP"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script before tearing down the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Permet que el pppd executi aquest script abans de desconnectar l'enllaç "
-#~ "PPP"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Make sure that you provide the correct pin code here or you might lock "
-#~ "your sim card!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Assegura't d'introduir el codi pin correcte o pots bloquejar la teva "
-#~ "targeta SIM!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Most of them are network servers, that offer a certain service for your "
-#~ "device or network like shell access, serving webpages like <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>, doing mesh routing, sending "
-#~ "e-mails, ..."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La majoria d'ells són servidors de xarxa, que ofereixen un cert servei "
-#~ "pel teu dispositiu o xarxa, com l'accés a consola, servir pàgines web com "
-#~ "el <abbr title=\"Interfície de configuració Lua\">LuCI</abbr>, fer "
-#~ "enrutament mesh, enviar e-mails, ..."
-#~ msgid "Number of failed connection tests to initiate automatic reconnect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Número de connexions de test fallades per iniciar reconnexió automàtica"
-#~ msgid "PIN code"
-#~ msgstr "Codi PIN"
-#~ msgid "Package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Llistes de paquets"
-#~ msgid "Proceed reverting all settings and resetting to firmware defaults?"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Continua desfent tots els paràmetres i reiniciant els valors per defecte "
-#~ "del firmware?"
-#~ msgid "Processor"
-#~ msgstr "Processador"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Port"
-#~ msgstr "Port Radius"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Radius-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Servidor Radius"
-#~ msgid "Replace default route"
-#~ msgstr "Reemplaça la ruta per defecte"
-#~ msgid "Reset router to defaults"
-#~ msgstr "Reinicia els valors per defecte del router"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Seconds to wait for the modem to become ready before attempting to connect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Segons a esperar per tal que el modem estigui apunt abans de provar de "
-#~ "connectar-se"
-#~ msgid "Service type"
-#~ msgstr "Tipus de servei"
-#~ msgid "Services and daemons perform certain tasks on your device."
-#~ msgstr "Els serveis i dimonis realitzen certes tasques al teu dispositiu."
-#~ msgid "Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Configuració"
-#~ msgid "Setup wait time"
-#~ msgstr "Temps d'espera de configuració"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Sorry. OpenWrt does not support a system upgrade on this platform.<br /> "
-#~ "You need to manually flash your device."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ho sento, l'OpenWRT no suporta una actualització del sistema en aquesdta "
-#~ "plataforma.<br />Has actualitzar manualment el teu dispositiu."
-#~ msgid "Specify additional command line arguments for pppd here"
-#~ msgstr "Especifica arguments de línia de comanda addicionals pel pppd"
-#~ msgid "The device node of your modem, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgstr "El node de dispositiu del teu modem, p.e. /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgid "Time (in seconds) after which an unused connection will be closed"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Temps (en segons) després del qual les connexions sense fer servir es "
-#~ "tancaran"
-#~ msgid "Update package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Actualitza llistes de paquets"
-#~ msgid "Upload an OpenWrt image file to reflash the device."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Penja una imatge d'OpenWRT per actualitzar el firmware del dispositiu."
-#~ msgid "Upload image"
-#~ msgstr "Penja imatge"
-#~ msgid "Use peer DNS"
-#~ msgstr "Fes servir peer DNS"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"comgt\" for UMTS/GPRS, \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE, "
-#~ "\"ppp-mod-pppoa\" for PPPoA or \"pptp\" for PPtP support"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Necessites instal·lar \"comgt\" per suport UMTS/GPRS, \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" "
-#~ "per suport PPPoE, \"ppp-mod-pppoa\" per suport PPPoA o \"pptp\" per "
-#~ "suport PPtP"
-#~ msgid "back"
-#~ msgstr "enrere"
-#~ msgid "buffered"
-#~ msgstr "emmagatzemat en memòria intermèdia"
-#~ msgid "cached"
-#~ msgstr "emmagatzemat en memòria cau"
-#~ msgid "free"
-#~ msgstr "lliure"
-#~ msgid "static"
-#~ msgstr "estàtic"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a collection "
-#~ "of free Lua software including an <abbr title=\"Model-View-Controller"
-#~ "\">MVC</abbr>-Webframework and webinterface for embedded devices. <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is licensed under the "
-#~ "Apache-License."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Interfície de configuració Lua\">LuCI</abbr> és una "
-#~ "col·lecció de programari lliure Lua, incloent un framework web <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Model-Vista-Control·lador\">MVC</abbr> i una interfície web per "
-#~ "dispositius empotrats. <abbr title=\"Interfície de configuració Lua"
-#~ "\">LuCI</abbr> està llicenciada sota la Apache-License."
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys"
-#~ msgstr "Claus <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A lightweight HTTP/1.1 webserver written in C and Lua designed to serve "
-#~ "LuCI"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Un servidor web HTTP/1.1 lleuger escrit en C i LUA dissenyat per servir "
-#~ "LuCI"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A small webserver which can be used to serve <abbr title=\"Lua "
-#~ "Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Un servidor web petit, que es pot fer servir per servir el <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Interfície de configuració Lua\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgid "About"
-#~ msgstr "Sobre"
-#~ msgid "Addresses"
-#~ msgstr "Addreces"
-#~ msgid "Admin Password"
-#~ msgstr "Contrasenya d&#39;administrador"
-#~ msgid "Alias"
-#~ msgstr "Àlies"
-#~ msgid "Authentication Realm"
-#~ msgstr "Reialme d'Autenticació"
-#~ msgid "Bridge Port"
-#~ msgstr "Port de pont"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Change the password of the system administrator (User <code>root</code>)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Canvia la contrasenya de l'administrador del sistema (Usuari <code>root</"
-#~ "code>)"
-#~ msgid "Client + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "Client + WDS"
-#~ msgid "Configuration file"
-#~ msgstr "Fitxer de configuració"
-#~ msgid "Connection timeout"
-#~ msgstr "Temps d'espera de la connexió excedit"
-#~ msgid "Contributing Developers"
-#~ msgstr "Desenvolupadors Contribuïdors"
-#~ msgid "DHCP assigned"
-#~ msgstr "DHCP assignat"
-#~ msgid "Document root"
-#~ msgstr "Arrel del document"
-#~ msgid "Enable Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "Activa el Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgid "Ethernet Bridge"
-#~ msgstr "Pont Ethernet"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can paste public <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys "
-#~ "(one per line) for <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> public-key "
-#~ "authentication."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ací pots enganxar les claus públiques <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</"
-#~ "abbr> (una per línia) per l'autenticació <abbr title=\"Secure Shell"
-#~ "\">SSH</abbr> per clau pública."
-#~ msgid "ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID"
-#~ msgid "IP Configuration"
-#~ msgstr "Configuració IP"
-#~ msgid "Interface Status"
-#~ msgstr "Estat d'Interfície"
-#~ msgid "Lead Development"
-#~ msgstr "Desenvolupadors principals"
-#~ msgid "Master"
-#~ msgstr "Master"
-#~ msgid "Master + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "Master + WDS"
-#~ msgid "Not configured"
-#~ msgstr "No configurat"
-#~ msgid "Password successfully changed"
-#~ msgstr "Contrasenya canviada amb èxit"
-#~ msgid "Plugin path"
-#~ msgstr "Directori de connectors"
-#~ msgid "Ports"
-#~ msgstr "Ports"
-#~ msgid "Primary"
-#~ msgstr "Primari"
-#~ msgid "Project Homepage"
-#~ msgstr "Pàgina d&#39;inici del projecte"
-#~ msgid "Pseudo Ad-Hoc"
-#~ msgstr "Pseudo Ad-Hoc"
-#~ msgid "STP"
-#~ msgstr "STP"
-#~ msgid "Thanks To"
-#~ msgstr "Gràcies a"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The realm which will be displayed at the authentication prompt for "
-#~ "protected pages."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "El reialme que es mostrarà a la sol·licitiu d'autenticació per pàgines "
-#~ "protegides."
-#~ msgid "Unknown Error"
-#~ msgstr "Error desconegut"
-#~ msgid "VLAN"
-#~ msgstr "VLAN"
-#~ msgid "defaults to <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgstr "per defecte a <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgid "Package lists updated"
-#~ msgstr "Llistes de paquets actualitzades"
-#~ msgid "Upgrade installed packages"
-#~ msgstr "Actualitza paquets instal·lats"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Also kernel or service logfiles can be viewed here to get an overview "
-#~ "over their current state."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ací també es poden veure els registres del kernel o dels serveis, per "
-#~ "tenir una vista general del seu estat actual.'iwscan = 'Escaneig <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Xarxa sense fils d&#39;àrea local\">WLAN</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can find information about the current system status like <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Central Processing Unit\">CPU</abbr> clock frequency, memory "
-#~ "usage or network interface data."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ací pots trobar informació sobre l&#39;estat actual del sistema, com la "
-#~ "freqüència de rellotge de la <abbr title=\"Unitat Central de Processament"
-#~ "\">CPU</abbr>, l&#39;ús de memòria o les dades d&#39;interfície de xarxa."
-#~ msgid "Search file..."
-#~ msgstr "Cerca fitxer..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a free, "
-#~ "flexible, and user friendly graphical interface for configuring OpenWrt "
-#~ "Kamikaze."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Interfície de configuració Lua\">LuCI</abbr> és una "
-#~ "interfície gràfica amigable, lliure i flexible per configurar l&#39;"
-#~ "OpenWRT Kamikaze."
-#~ msgid "And now have fun with your router!"
-#~ msgstr "I ara diverteix-te amb el teu router!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "As we always want to improve this interface we are looking forward to "
-#~ "your feedback and suggestions."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Com que volem millorar aquesta interfície sempre, volem la teva opinió i "
-#~ "els teus suggeriments."
-#~ msgid "Hello!"
-#~ msgstr "Hola!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Notice: In <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> "
-#~ "changes have to be confirmed by clicking Changes - Save &amp; Apply "
-#~ "before being applied."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Alerta: A <abbr title=\"Interfície de configuració Lua\">LuCI</abbr> els "
-#~ "canvis s&#39;han de confirmar clicant \"Canvis --> Desa &amp; Aplica\" "
-#~ "abans que s&#39;apliquin."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "On the following pages you can adjust all important settings of your "
-#~ "router."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "A les pàgines següents podràs ajustar tots els paràmetres importants del "
-#~ "teu router."
-#~ msgid "The <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> Team"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "L&#39;equip de <abbr title=\"Interfície de configuració Lua\">LuCI</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This is the administration area of <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aquesta és l&#39;àrea d&#39;administració de <abbr title=\"Interfície de "
-#~ "configuració Lua\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgid "User Interface"
-#~ msgstr "Interfície d&#39;usuari"
-#~ msgid "enable"
-#~ msgstr "habilita"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "(optional)"
-#~ msgstr "(opcional)"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Port"
-#~ msgstr "Port <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server will be queried in "
-#~ "the order of the resolvfile"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Es consultarà el servidor <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr> "
-#~ "en l'ordre del fitxer de Resolució"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host "
-#~ "Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>-Leases"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"màxims\">max.</abbr> leases <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host "
-#~ "Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Extension Mechanisms "
-#~ "for Domain Name System\">EDNS0</abbr> packet size"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"màxima\">max.</abbr> mida de paquet <abbr title=\"Extension "
-#~ "Mechanisms for Domain Name System\">EDNS0</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "AP-Isolation"
-#~ msgstr "Aïllament d'AP"
-#~ msgid "Add the Wifi network to physical network"
-#~ msgstr "Afegeix la xarxa sense fils a la xarxa física"
-#~ msgid "Aliases"
-#~ msgstr "Aliases"
-#~ msgid "Clamp Segment Size"
-#~ msgstr "Mida de segment Clamp"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Create Or Attach Network"
-#~ msgstr "Crea Xarxa"
-#~ msgid "Devices"
-#~ msgstr "Dispositius"
-#~ msgid "Don't forward reverse lookups for local networks"
-#~ msgstr "No reenviïs les cerques inverses per la xarxa local"
-#~ msgid "Enable TFTP-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Habilita el Servidor TFTP"
-#~ msgid "Errors"
-#~ msgstr "Errors"
-#~ msgid "Essentials"
-#~ msgstr "Essencials"
-#~ msgid "Expand Hosts"
-#~ msgstr "Expandeix els Noms de Domini"
-#~ msgid "First leased address"
-#~ msgstr "Primera adreça de lease"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Fixes problems with unreachable websites, submitting forms or other "
-#~ "unexpected behaviour for some ISPs."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Resol problemes amb llocs web inassolibles, enviant formularis o altres "
-#~ "comportaments inesperats d'alguns ISPs."
-#~ msgid "Hardware Address"
-#~ msgstr "Adreça <abbr title=\"Media Access Control\">MAC</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "Here you can configure installed wifi devices."
-#~ msgstr "Ací pots configurar els dispositius sense fils instal·lats."
-#~ msgid "Independent (Ad-Hoc)"
-#~ msgstr "Independent (Ad-Hoc)"
-#~ msgid "Internet Connection"
-#~ msgstr "Connexió a Internet"
-#~ msgid "Join (Client)"
-#~ msgstr "Uneix-te (Client)"
-#~ msgid "Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Leases"
-#~ msgid "Local Domain"
-#~ msgstr "Domini Local"
-#~ msgid "Local Network"
-#~ msgstr "Xarxa Local"
-#~ msgid "Local Server"
-#~ msgstr "Servidor Local"
-#~ msgid "Network Boot Image"
-#~ msgstr "Imatge de Càrrega de Xarxa"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Network Name (<abbr title=\"Extended Service Set Identifier\">ESSID</"
-#~ "abbr>)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Nom de Xarxa (<abbr title=\"Extended Service Set Identifier\">ESSID</"
-#~ "abbr>)"
-#~ msgid "Number of leased addresses"
-#~ msgstr "Número d'adreces de lease"
-#~ msgid "Perform Actions"
-#~ msgstr "Realitza accions"
-#~ msgid "Prevents Client to Client communication"
-#~ msgstr "Evita la comunicació Client a Client"
-#~ msgid "Provide (Access Point)"
-#~ msgstr "Proveeix (Punt d'Accés)"
-#~ msgid "Resolvfile"
-#~ msgstr "Fitxer de Resolució"
-#~ msgid "TFTP-Server Root"
-#~ msgstr "Arrel del Servidor TFTP"
-#~ msgid "TX / RX"
-#~ msgstr "TX / RX"
-#~ msgid "The following changes have been applied"
-#~ msgstr "S&#39;han aplicat els següents canvis"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When flashing a new firmware with <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr> these files will be added to the new firmware "
-#~ "installation."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Quan s&#39;actualitza un nou firmware amb un <abbr title=\"Interfície de "
-#~ "configuració Lua\">LuCI</abbr> aquests fitxers s&#39;afegiran a la "
-#~ "instal·lació del nou firmware."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Wireless Scan"
-#~ msgstr "Wireless"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "network members can automatically receive their network settings (<abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Internet Protocol\">IP</abbr>-address, netmask, <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-server, ...)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Amb el <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "els membres d'una xarxa poden rebre automàticament els seus paràmetres de "
-#~ "xarxa (adreça <abbr title=\"Internet Protocol\">IP</abbr>, màscara de "
-#~ "xarxa, servidor <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>, ...)."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You can run several wifi networks with one device. Be aware that there "
-#~ "are certain hardware and driverspecific restrictions. Normally you can "
-#~ "operate 1 Ad-Hoc or up to 3 Master-Mode and 1 Client-Mode network "
-#~ "simultaneously."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Pots fer servir diverses xarxes sense fils amb un sol dispositiu. Tingues "
-#~ "en compte que hi ha certes restriccions específiques del maquinari i dels "
-#~ "controlados. Normalment, pots operar 1 xarxa Ad-Hoc o fins a 3 xarxes en "
-#~ "mode Master i 1 xarxa en mode Client simultàniament.\"a_w_netid = \"Nom "
-#~ "de la xarxa (<abbr title=\"Extended Service Set Identifier\">ESSID</abbr>)"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE or \"pptp\" for PPtP "
-#~ "support"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Necessites instal·lar \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" per suport PPPoE o \"pptp\" per "
-#~ "suport PPtP"
-#~ msgid "Zone"
-#~ msgstr "Zona"
-#~ msgid "additional hostfile"
-#~ msgstr "fitxer de noms addicional"
-#~ msgid "adds domain names to hostentries in the resolv file"
-#~ msgstr "afegeix Noms de Domini a les entrades de noms al fitxer resolv"
-#~ msgid "automatically reconnect"
-#~ msgstr "reconnecta automàticament"
-#~ msgid "concurrent queries"
-#~ msgstr "consultes concurrents"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "disable <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "for this interface"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "deshabilita el <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</"
-#~ "abbr> per aquesta interfície"
-#~ msgid "disconnect when idle for"
-#~ msgstr "desconnecta per inactivitat durant"
-#~ msgid "don't cache unknown"
-#~ msgstr "no emmagatzemis en memòria cau els desconeguts"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "filter useless <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-queries of "
-#~ "Windows-systems"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "filtra les consultes <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr> no "
-#~ "útils de sistemes Windows"
-#~ msgid "installed"
-#~ msgstr "instal·lat"
-#~ msgid "localises the hostname depending on its subnet"
-#~ msgstr "localitza el nom de màquina depenent de la seva subxarxa"
-#~ msgid "not installed"
-#~ msgstr "no instal·lat"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "prevents caching of negative <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</"
-#~ "abbr>-replies"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "evita emmagatzemar en memòria cau les respostes <abbr title=\"Domain Name "
-#~ "System\">DNS</abbr> negatives"
-#~ msgid "query port"
-#~ msgstr "port de consulta"
-#~ msgid "transmitted / received"
-#~ msgstr "transmès / rebut"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Join network"
-#~ msgstr "Xarxes contingudes"
-#~ msgid "all"
-#~ msgstr "tots"
-#~ msgid "Code"
-#~ msgstr "Codi"
-#~ msgid "Distance"
-#~ msgstr "Distància"
-#~ msgid "Legend"
-#~ msgstr "Llegenda"
-#~ msgid "Library"
-#~ msgstr "Llibreria"
-#~ msgid "see '%s' manpage"
-#~ msgstr "pàgina de manual de &#39;%s&#39;"
-#~ msgid "Package Manager"
-#~ msgstr "Gestor de paquets"
-#~ msgid "Service"
-#~ msgstr "Servei"
+#~ msgid "CPU"
+#~ msgstr "CPU"
-#~ msgid "Statistics"
-#~ msgstr "Estadístiques"
+#~ msgid "Port %d"
+#~ msgstr "Port %d"
-#~ msgid "zone"
-#~ msgstr "Zona"
+#~ msgid "VLAN Interface"
+#~ msgstr "Interfície VLAN"
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/po/cs/base.po b/modules/luci-base/po/cs/base.po
index 6ff3ea8a8f..b0ab326d00 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/po/cs/base.po
+++ b/modules/luci-base/po/cs/base.po
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.0.6\n"
+msgid "%s is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+msgstr ""
msgid "(%d minute window, %d second interval)"
msgstr "(%d minutové okno, %d sekundový interval)"
@@ -243,6 +246,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Alert"
msgstr "Upozornění"
+msgid ""
+"Allocate IP addresses sequentially, starting from the lowest available "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Allocate IP sequentially"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
msgstr "Povolit <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> autentizaci heslem"
@@ -525,9 +536,6 @@ msgstr "Tlačítka"
msgid "CA certificate; if empty it will be saved after the first connection."
msgstr ""
-msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "CPU"
msgid "CPU usage (%)"
msgstr "Vytížení CPU (%)"
@@ -1058,6 +1066,9 @@ msgstr "Externí protokolovací server"
msgid "External system log server port"
msgstr "Port externího protokolovacího serveru"
+msgid "External system log server protocol"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Extra SSH command options"
msgstr ""
@@ -1766,6 +1777,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "MB/s"
msgstr "MB/s"
+msgid "MD5"
+msgstr ""
msgid "MHz"
msgstr "MHz"
@@ -2266,12 +2280,6 @@ msgstr "Politika"
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Port"
-msgid "Port %d"
-msgstr "Port %d"
-msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
-msgstr "Port %d je neoznačený ve více VLAN!"
msgid "Port status:"
msgstr "Stav portu:"
@@ -2568,6 +2576,9 @@ msgstr "Spustit kontrolu souborového systému před připojením zařízení"
msgid "Run filesystem check"
msgstr "Spustit kontrolu souborového systému"
+msgid "SHA256"
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"SIXXS supports TIC only, for static tunnels using IP protocol 41 (RFC4213) "
"use 6in4 instead"
@@ -2709,6 +2720,9 @@ msgstr "Time sloty"
msgid "Software"
msgstr "Software"
+msgid "Software VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!"
msgstr "Některá pole obsahují neplatné hodnoty, nelze uložit!"
@@ -2809,6 +2823,12 @@ msgstr "Striktní výběr"
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Odeslat"
+msgid "Suppress logging"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging of the routine operation of these protocols"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Swap"
msgstr ""
@@ -2824,6 +2844,13 @@ msgstr "Směrovač číslo %q"
msgid "Switch %q (%s)"
msgstr "Směrovač číslo %q (%s)"
+msgid ""
+"Switch %q has an unknown topology - the VLAN settings might not be accurate."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Switch VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Switch protocol"
msgstr "Směrovací protokol"
@@ -3322,9 +3349,6 @@ msgstr "VC-Mux"
msgid "VDSL"
msgstr ""
-msgid "VLAN Interface"
-msgstr "Rozhraní VLAN"
msgid "VLANs on %q"
msgstr "VLANy na %q"
@@ -3420,9 +3444,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Wifi"
-msgstr "Wifi"
msgid "Wireless"
msgstr "Bezdrátová síť"
@@ -3459,6 +3480,9 @@ msgstr "Bezdrátová síť vypnuta"
msgid "Write received DNS requests to syslog"
msgstr "Zapisovat přijaté požadavky DNS do systemového logu"
+msgid "Write system log to file"
+msgstr ""
msgid "XR Support"
msgstr "Podpora XR"
@@ -3639,205 +3663,14 @@ msgstr "ano"
msgid "« Back"
msgstr "« Zpět"
-#~ msgid "Delete this interface"
-#~ msgstr "Odstranit toto rozhraní"
-#~ msgid "Flags"
-#~ msgstr "Příznaky"
-#~ msgid "Rule #"
-#~ msgstr "Pravidlo #"
-#~ msgid "Ignore Hosts files"
-#~ msgstr "Ignorovat soubory Hosts"
-#~ msgid "Please wait: Device rebooting..."
-#~ msgstr "Prosím počkejte: Provádím reboot..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Warning: There are unsaved changes that will be lost while rebooting!"
-#~ msgstr "Varování: Existují neuložené změny, které budou rebootem ztraceny!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Always use 40MHz channels even if the secondary channel overlaps. Using "
-#~ "this option does not comply with IEEE 802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Vždy použije kanál 40 MHz , i když překrývá sekundární kanál . Tato volba "
-#~ "není v souladu s IEEE 802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgid "Cached"
-#~ msgstr "V cache"
-#~ msgid "Configures this mount as overlay storage for block-extroot"
-#~ msgstr "Použít tento přípojný bod jako překryvné úložiště pro block-extroot"
-#~ msgid "Force 40MHz mode"
-#~ msgstr "Vynutit 40MHz mód"
-#~ msgid "Frequency Hopping"
-#~ msgstr "Kmitočtové skákání"
-#~ msgid "Locked to channel %d used by %s"
-#~ msgstr "Uzamknout kanál %d používaný %s"
-#~ msgid "Use as root filesystem"
-#~ msgstr "Použít jako kořenový souborový systém"
-#~ msgid " user ID"
-#~ msgstr "Uživatelské ID"
-#~ msgid "This is the 32 byte hex encoded user ID, not the login name"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Toto je 32 bajtové uživatelské ID, zapsané v hex tvaru, ne přihlašovací "
-#~ "jméno"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel above"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz druhý kanál nad hlavním"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel below"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz druhý kanál pod hlavním"
-#~ msgid "Accept router advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "Přijímat oznámení směrovačů"
-#~ msgid "Advertise IPv6 on network"
-#~ msgstr "Na síti oznamovat IPv6"
-#~ msgid "Advertised network ID"
-#~ msgstr "Oznamované ID sítě"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to 65535"
-#~ msgstr "Hodnota musí ležet v intervalu 1 až 65535"
-#~ msgid "HT capabilities"
-#~ msgstr "Možnosti HT"
-#~ msgid "HT mode"
-#~ msgstr "Režim HT"
-#~ msgid "Router Model"
-#~ msgstr "Model routeru"
-#~ msgid "Router Name"
-#~ msgstr "Název routeru"
-#~ msgid "Send router solicitations"
-#~ msgstr "Posílat žádosti o informace o směrování"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised preferred prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Určuje dobu za kterou interface požádá o prodloužení životnosti prefixu v "
-#~ "sekundách"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised valid prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr "Určuje dobu životnosti prefixu v sekundách"
-#~ msgid "Use preferred lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "Použít preferovanou životnost"
-#~ msgid "Use valid lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "Použít platnou životnost"
-#~ msgid "Waiting for router..."
-#~ msgstr "Čekám na router.."
-#~ msgid "Enable builtin NTP server"
-#~ msgstr "Povolit zabudovaný NTP server"
-#~ msgid "Active Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Aktivní výpůjčky"
-#~ msgid "Open"
-#~ msgstr "Otevřít"
-#~ msgid "Bit Rate"
-#~ msgstr "Přenosová rychlost"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Apply"
-#~ msgstr "Nastavení / Použít"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Changes"
-#~ msgstr "Nastavení / Změny"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Revert"
-#~ msgstr "Nastavení / Zrušit změny"
-#~ msgid "MAC"
-#~ msgstr "MAC"
-#~ msgid "MAC Address"
-#~ msgstr "MAC adresa"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">Encr.</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Šifrováno\">Šifr.</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-Scan"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-Scanování"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Choose the network you want to attach to this wireless interface. Select "
-#~ "<em>unspecified</em> to not attach any network or fill out the "
-#~ "<em>create</em> field to define a new network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Síť přiřazená k tomuto bezdrátovému rozhraní. Pro nepřiřazování rozhraní "
-#~ "k žádné síti vyberte volbu \"<em>nespecifikovaná</em>\". Pro vytvoření "
-#~ "nové sítě vyplňte pole \"<em>vytvořit</em>\"."
-#~ msgid "Create Network"
-#~ msgstr "Vytvořit síť"
-#~ msgid "Networks"
-#~ msgstr "Sítě"
-#~ msgid "Power"
-#~ msgstr "Výkon"
-#~ msgid "Wifi networks in your local environment"
-#~ msgstr "Wifi sítě v místním prostředí"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>-Notation: "
-#~ "address/prefix"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>-notace : "
-#~ "adresa/prefix"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Broadcast"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Internet Protokol Verze 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Všesměrové vysílání"
+#~ msgid "CPU"
+#~ msgstr "CPU"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Address"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Internet Protokol Verze 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Adresa"
+#~ msgid "Port %d"
+#~ msgstr "Port %d"
-#~ msgid "IPv6 Setup"
-#~ msgstr "Nastavení IPv6"
+#~ msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+#~ msgstr "Port %d je neoznačený ve více VLAN!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Note: If you choose an interface here which is part of another network, "
-#~ "it will be moved into this network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Pozn: Pokud zde zvolíte rozhraní, které již je součástí jiné sítě, bude "
-#~ "přesunuto do této sítě."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The network ports on your router can be combined to several <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s in which computers can "
-#~ "communicate directly with each other. <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area "
-#~ "Network\">VLAN</abbr>s are often used to separate different network "
-#~ "segments. Often there is by default one Uplink port for a connection to "
-#~ "the next greater network like the internet and other ports for a local "
-#~ "network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Síťové porty na vašem routeru mohou být kombinovány do několika <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>, ve kterých mohou "
-#~ "počítače navzájem komunikovat přímo. <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area "
-#~ "Network\">VLAN</abbr> jsou často používány za účelem oddělení různých "
-#~ "síťových segmentů. Často je zde jeden Uplink port, sloužící pro připojení "
-#~ "do větší sítě (třeba Internetu) a ostatní porty jsou využity pro místní "
-#~ "síť."
-#~ msgid "Enable buffering"
-#~ msgstr "Povolit bufferování"
+#~ msgid "VLAN Interface"
+#~ msgstr "Rozhraní VLAN"
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/po/de/base.po b/modules/luci-base/po/de/base.po
index 2c7be6c104..8d72612134 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/po/de/base.po
+++ b/modules/luci-base/po/de/base.po
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.0.6\n"
+msgid "%s is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+msgstr ""
msgid "(%d minute window, %d second interval)"
msgstr "(%d Minuten Abschnitt, %d Sekunden Intervall)"
@@ -240,6 +243,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Alert"
msgstr "Alarm"
+msgid ""
+"Allocate IP addresses sequentially, starting from the lowest available "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Allocate IP sequentially"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
msgstr "Erlaube Anmeldung per Passwort"
@@ -526,9 +537,6 @@ msgstr "Knöpfe"
msgid "CA certificate; if empty it will be saved after the first connection."
msgstr ""
-msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "Prozessor"
msgid "CPU usage (%)"
msgstr "CPU-Nutzung (%)"
@@ -1055,6 +1063,9 @@ msgstr "Externer Protokollserver IP"
msgid "External system log server port"
msgstr "Externer Protokollserver Port"
+msgid "External system log server protocol"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Extra SSH command options"
msgstr ""
@@ -1770,6 +1781,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "MB/s"
msgstr "MB/s"
+msgid "MD5"
+msgstr ""
msgid "MHz"
msgstr "MHz"
@@ -2272,12 +2286,6 @@ msgstr "Standardregel"
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Port"
-msgid "Port %d"
-msgstr "Port %d"
-msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
-msgstr "Port %d ist untagged in mehreren VLANs!"
msgid "Port status:"
msgstr "Port-Status:"
@@ -2576,6 +2584,9 @@ msgstr "Vor dem Einhängen Dateisystemprüfung starten "
msgid "Run filesystem check"
msgstr "Dateisystemprüfung durchführen"
+msgid "SHA256"
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"SIXXS supports TIC only, for static tunnels using IP protocol 41 (RFC4213) "
"use 6in4 instead"
@@ -2717,6 +2728,9 @@ msgstr "Zeitslot"
msgid "Software"
msgstr "Paketverwaltung"
+msgid "Software VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!"
msgstr "Einige Felder sind ungültig, kann das Formular nicht speichern!"
@@ -2821,6 +2835,12 @@ msgstr "Strikte Reihenfolge"
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Absenden"
+msgid "Suppress logging"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging of the routine operation of these protocols"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Swap"
msgstr ""
@@ -2836,6 +2856,13 @@ msgstr "Switch %q"
msgid "Switch %q (%s)"
msgstr "Switch %q (%s)"
+msgid ""
+"Switch %q has an unknown topology - the VLAN settings might not be accurate."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Switch VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Switch protocol"
msgstr "Wechsle Protokoll"
@@ -3347,9 +3374,6 @@ msgstr "VC-Mux"
msgid "VDSL"
msgstr ""
-msgid "VLAN Interface"
-msgstr "VLAN Schnittstelle"
msgid "VLANs on %q"
msgstr "VLANs auf %q"
@@ -3445,9 +3469,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Wifi"
-msgstr "Drahtlos"
msgid "Wireless"
msgstr "WLAN"
@@ -3484,6 +3505,9 @@ msgstr "WLAN heruntergefahren"
msgid "Write received DNS requests to syslog"
msgstr "Empfangene DNS-Anfragen in das Systemprotokoll schreiben"
+msgid "Write system log to file"
+msgstr ""
msgid "XR Support"
msgstr "XR-Unterstützung"
@@ -3664,1120 +3688,14 @@ msgstr "ja"
msgid "« Back"
msgstr "« Zurück"
-#~ msgid "Delete this interface"
-#~ msgstr "Diese Schnittstelle löschen"
-#~ msgid "Flags"
-#~ msgstr "Parameter"
-#~ msgid "Rule #"
-#~ msgstr "Regel #"
-#~ msgid "Ignore Hosts files"
-#~ msgstr "Hosts-Dateien ignorieren"
-#~ msgid "Path"
-#~ msgstr "Pfad"
-#~ msgid "Please wait: Device rebooting..."
-#~ msgstr "Bitte warten: Neustart wird durchgeführt..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Warning: There are unsaved changes that will be lost while rebooting!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Warnung: Es gibt ungespeicherte Änderungen, die bei einem Neustart "
-#~ "verloren gehen!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Always use 40MHz channels even if the secondary channel overlaps. Using "
-#~ "this option does not comply with IEEE 802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Immer 40MHz Kanalbreite nutzen, auch wenn der sekundäre Kanal andere "
-#~ "Netzwerke überschneidet. Die Benutzung dieser Option verletzt den IEEE "
-#~ "802.11n-2009 Standard!"
-#~ msgid "Cached"
-#~ msgstr "Zwischengespeichert"
-#~ msgid "Configures this mount as overlay storage for block-extroot"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Konfiguriert diesen Mountpunkt als Overlay-Speicher für <em>block-"
-#~ "extroot</em>"
-#~ msgid "Force 40MHz mode"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz-Modus erzwingen"
-#~ msgid "Frequency Hopping"
-#~ msgstr "Frequenzsprung"
-#~ msgid "Locked to channel %d used by %s"
-#~ msgstr "Festgelegt auf Kanal %d benutzt von %s"
-#~ msgid "Use as root filesystem"
-#~ msgstr "Als Wurzeldateisystem benutzen"
-#~ msgid " user ID"
-#~ msgstr " Benutzer-ID"
-#~ msgid "This is the 32 byte hex encoded user ID, not the login name"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Die ist die 32 Zeichen lange, hexadezimal kodierte Nutzer-ID, nicht der "
-#~ "Benutzername."
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel above"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz, Sekundärkanal oberhalb"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel below"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz, Sekundärkanal unterhalb"
-#~ msgid "Accept router advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "Routerankündigungen (RAs) akzeptieren"
-#~ msgid "Advertise IPv6 on network"
-#~ msgstr "IPv6 auf folgendem Netzwerk ankündigen"
-#~ msgid "Advertised network ID"
-#~ msgstr "Angekündigte Subnetz-ID"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to 65535"
-#~ msgstr "Erlaubter Bereich 1 bis 65535"
-#~ msgid "HT capabilities"
-#~ msgstr "HT-Fähigkeiten"
-#~ msgid "HT mode"
-#~ msgstr "HT-Modus"
-#~ msgid "Router Model"
-#~ msgstr "Routermodell"
-#~ msgid "Router Name"
-#~ msgstr "Routername"
-#~ msgid "Send router solicitations"
-#~ msgstr "Sende Router-Solicitations"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised preferred prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr "Bestimmt die bevorzugte angekündigte Prefix-Lebenszeit in Sekunden"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised valid prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr "Bestimmt die gültige angeündigte Prefix-Lebenszeit in Sekunden"
-#~ msgid "Use preferred lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "Benutze bevorzugte Lebenszeit"
-#~ msgid "Use valid lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "Benutze gültige Lebenszeit"
-#~ msgid "Waiting for router..."
-#~ msgstr "Warte auf den Router..."
-#~ msgid "Enable builtin NTP server"
-#~ msgstr "NTP Server aktivieren"
-#~ msgid "Active Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Aktive Zuweisungen"
-#~ msgid "Open"
-#~ msgstr "Offen"
-#~ msgid "KB"
-#~ msgstr "KB"
-#~ msgid "Bit Rate"
-#~ msgstr "Bitrate"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Apply"
-#~ msgstr "Konfiguration / Anwenden"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Changes"
-#~ msgstr "Konfiguration / Änderungen"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Revert"
-#~ msgstr "Konfiguration / Zurücksetzen"
-#~ msgid "MAC"
-#~ msgstr "MAC-Adresse"
-#~ msgid "MAC Address"
-#~ msgstr "MAC-Adresse"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">Encr.</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Verschlüsselung\">Vers.</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-Scan"
-#~ msgstr "WLAN-Scan"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Choose the network you want to attach to this wireless interface. Select "
-#~ "<em>unspecified</em> to not attach any network or fill out the "
-#~ "<em>create</em> field to define a new network."
-#~ msgstr "Wählt die Schnittstelle die diesem Netzwerk zugeordnet wird."
-#~ msgid "Create Network"
-#~ msgstr "Netzwerk anlegen"
-#~ msgid "Link"
-#~ msgstr "Verbindung"
-#~ msgid "Networks"
-#~ msgstr "Netzwerke"
-#~ msgid "Power"
-#~ msgstr "Leistung"
-#~ msgid "Wifi networks in your local environment"
-#~ msgstr "Drahtlosnetzwerke in der lokalen Umgebung des Routers:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>-Notation: "
-#~ "address/prefix"
-#~ msgstr "CIDR-Notation: Adresse/Prefix"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr "DNS-Server"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Broadcast"
-#~ msgstr "IPv4-Broadcast"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Address"
-#~ msgstr "IPv6-Adresse"
-#~ msgid "IP-Aliases"
-#~ msgstr "IP Aliase"
-#~ msgid "IPv6 Setup"
-#~ msgstr "IPv6 Einstellungen"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Note: If you choose an interface here which is part of another network, "
-#~ "it will be moved into this network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Hinweis: When eine Schnittstelle gewählt wird, welche Mitglied eines "
-#~ "anderen Netzwerkes ist, wird sie in dieses Netzwerk verschoben"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really delete this interface? The deletion cannot be undone!\\nYou might "
-#~ "lose access to this router if you are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Diese Schnittstelle wirklich löschen? Der Schritt kann nicht rückgängig "
-#~ "gemacht werden!\\nDer Zugriff auf den Router könnte verlorengehen wenn "
-#~ "Sie über diese Schnittstelle verbunden sind."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really delete this wireless network? The deletion cannot be undone!\\nYou "
-#~ "might lose access to this router if you are connected via this network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Dieses Drahtlosnetzwerk wirklich löschen? Der Schritt kann nicht "
-#~ "rückgängig gemacht werden!\\nDer Zugriff auf den Router könnte "
-#~ "verlorengehen wenn Sie über dieses Netzwerk verbunden sind."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really shutdown interface \"%s\" ?\\nYou might lose access to this router "
-#~ "if you are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Die Schnitstelle \"%s\" wirklich herunterfahren?\\nDer Zugriff auf den "
-#~ "Router könnte verlorengehen wenn Sie über diese Schnittstelle verbunden "
-#~ "sind."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really shutdown network ?\\nYou might lose access to this router if you "
-#~ "are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Das Netzwerk wirklich herunterfahren?\\nDer Zugriff auf den Router könnte "
-#~ "verlorengehen wenn Sie über diese Schnittstelle verbunden sind."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The network ports on your router can be combined to several <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s in which computers can "
-#~ "communicate directly with each other. <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area "
-#~ "Network\">VLAN</abbr>s are often used to separate different network "
-#~ "segments. Often there is by default one Uplink port for a connection to "
-#~ "the next greater network like the internet and other ports for a local "
-#~ "network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Die Netzwerkschnittstellen am Router können zu verschienden VLANs "
-#~ "zusammengefasst werden, in denen Geräte miteinander direkt kommunizieren "
-#~ "können. VLANs werden auch häufig dazu genutzt, um Netzwerke voneinander "
-#~ "zu trennen. So ist oftmals eine Schnittstelle als Uplink zu einem "
-#~ "größeren Netz, wie dem Internet, vorkonfiguriert und die anderen "
-#~ "Schnittstellen bilden ein VLAN für das lokale Netzwerk."
-#~ msgid "Enable buffering"
-#~ msgstr "Pufferung aktivieren"
-#~ msgid "IPv6-over-IPv4"
-#~ msgstr "IPv6-über-IPv4"
-#~ msgid "Custom Files"
-#~ msgstr "Benutzerdefinierte Dateien"
-#~ msgid "Custom files"
-#~ msgstr "Benutzerdefinierte Dateien"
-#~ msgid "Detected Files"
-#~ msgstr "Erkannte Dateien"
-#~ msgid "Detected files"
-#~ msgstr "Erkannte Dateien"
-#~ msgid "Files to be kept when flashing a new firmware"
-#~ msgstr "Zu übernehmende Dateien bei Firmwareupgrade"
-#~ msgid "General"
-#~ msgstr "Allgemeines"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can customize the settings and the functionality of <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Hier können Eigenschaften und die Funktionalität der Oberfläche angepasst "
-#~ "werden."
-#~ msgid "Post-commit actions"
-#~ msgstr "UCI-Befehle beim Anwenden"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The following files are detected by the system and will be kept "
-#~ "automatically during sysupgrade"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Die folgenden Dateien wurden vom System erkannt und werden bei einen "
-#~ "System-Update automatisch beibehalten"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "These commands will be executed automatically when a given <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Unified Configuration Interface\">UCI</abbr> configuration is committed "
-#~ "allowing changes to be applied instantly."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Beim Anwenden der Konfiguration aus der Oberflächliche heraus können "
-#~ "automatisch die relevanten Dienste neugestart werden, sodass Änderungen "
-#~ "sofort nach dem Anwenden aktiv werden und der Router nicht erst "
-#~ "neugestartet werden muss."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This is a list of shell glob patterns for matching files and directories "
-#~ "to include during sysupgrade"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Dies ist eine Liste von Shell-Glob-Mustern um Dateien und Verzeichnisse "
-#~ "zu wählen welche bei einem Systemupgrade beibehalten werden sollen"
-#~ msgid "Web <abbr title=\"User Interface\">UI</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "Weboberfläche"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgid "AHCP Settings"
-#~ msgstr "AHCP-Einstellungen"
-#~ msgid "ARP ping retries"
-#~ msgstr "ARP-Ping Versuche"
-#~ msgid "ATM Settings"
-#~ msgstr "ATM Einstellungen"
-#~ msgid "Accept Router Advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "Router Advertisements akzeptieren"
-#~ msgid "Access point (APN)"
-#~ msgstr "Zugriffspunkt (APN)"
-#~ msgid "Additional pppd options"
-#~ msgstr "Weitere pppd Optionen"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to FFFF"
-#~ msgstr "Der Erlaubte Bereich liegt zwischen 1 und FFFF"
-#~ msgid "Automatic Disconnect"
-#~ msgstr "Automatische Trennung"
-#~ msgid "Backup Archive"
-#~ msgstr "Sicherungsarchiv"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Configure the local DNS server to use the name servers adverticed by the "
-#~ "PPP peer"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Konfiguriert den lokalen DNS-Server so, dass er die von der Gegenstelle "
-#~ "angekündigten Nameserver-Adressen nutzt"
-#~ msgid "Connect script"
-#~ msgstr "Verbindungs-Script"
-#~ msgid "Create backup"
-#~ msgstr "Sicherung erstellen"
-#~ msgid "Default"
-#~ msgstr "Standard"
-#~ msgid "Disconnect script"
-#~ msgstr "Trennuns-Script"
-#~ msgid "Edit package lists and installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "Paketlisten und Installationsziele bearbeiten"
-#~ msgid "Enable 4K VLANs"
-#~ msgstr "Aktiviere 4K VLANs"
-#~ msgid "Enable IPv6 on PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "IPv6 für die PPP-Verbindung aktivieren"
-#~ msgid "Firmware image"
-#~ msgstr "Firmware-Image"
-#~ msgid "Forward DHCP"
-#~ msgstr "DHCP weiterleiten"
-#~ msgid "Forward broadcasts"
-#~ msgstr "Broadcasts weiterleiten"
-#~ msgid " Tunnel ID"
-#~ msgstr " Tunnel ID"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can backup and restore your router configuration and - if "
-#~ "possible - reset the router to the default settings."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Auf dieser Seite können Sicherungen der Konfiguration erstellt und "
-#~ "eingespielt werden und - wenn möglich - die Grundeinstellungen "
-#~ "wiederhergestellt werden."
-#~ msgid "Installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "Installationsziele"
-#~ msgid "Keep configuration files"
-#~ msgstr "Konfigurationsdateien erhalten"
-#~ msgid "Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgid "Kernel"
-#~ msgstr "Kernel"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Let pppd replace the current default route to use the PPP interface after "
-#~ "successful connect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Lässt pppd die aktuelle Standardroute ersetzen und über die PPP "
-#~ "Schnittstelle leiten"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script after establishing the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Lässt pppd das angegebene Script nach dem Aufbau der PPP Verbindung "
-#~ "abarbeiten"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script before tearing down the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Lässt pppd das angegebene Script vor dem Trennen der PPP Verbindung "
-#~ "abarbeiten"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Make sure that you provide the correct pin code here or you might lock "
-#~ "your sim card!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Stellen Sie sicher das die richtige PIN hier eingetragen wird, sonst "
-#~ "könnte die SIM-Karte gesperrt werden!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Most of them are network servers, that offer a certain service for your "
-#~ "device or network like shell access, serving webpages like <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>, doing mesh routing, sending "
-#~ "e-mails, ..."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Es handelt sich hierbei meist um Netzwerkserver, die verschiedene "
-#~ "Aufgaben auf dem Router erfüllen, beispielsweise Shell-Zugang ermöglichen "
-#~ "oder diese Weboberfläche über HTTP zur Verfügung stellen."
-#~ msgid "Number of failed connection tests to initiate automatic reconnect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Anzahl fehlgeschlagener Verbindungstests nach der automatisch neu "
-#~ "verbunden wird"
-#~ msgid "Override Gateway"
-#~ msgstr "Gateway erzwingen"
-#~ msgid "PIN code"
-#~ msgstr "PIN-Code"
-#~ msgid "PPP Settings"
-#~ msgstr "PPP Einstellungen"
-#~ msgid "Package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Paketlisten"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Port <abbr title=\"Primary VLAN IDs\">PVIDs</abbr> specify the default "
-#~ "VLAN ID added to received untagged frames."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Port <abbr title=\"Primary VLAN IDs\">PVIDs</abbr> definieren die "
-#~ "Standard-VLAN ID welche zu empfangenen, untagged Ethernet-Frames "
-#~ "hinzugefügt wird."
-#~ msgid "Port PVIDs on %q"
-#~ msgstr "Port PVIDs auf %q"
-#~ msgid "Proceed reverting all settings and resetting to firmware defaults?"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Alle aktuellen Einstellungen verwerfen und Grundeinstellungen "
-#~ "wiederherstellen?"
-#~ msgid "Processor"
+#~ msgid "CPU"
#~ msgstr "Prozessor"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Port"
-#~ msgstr "Radius-Port"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Radius-Server"
-#~ msgid "Relay Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Relay-Einstellungen"
-#~ msgid "Replace default route"
-#~ msgstr "Standardroute ersetzen"
-#~ msgid "Reset router to defaults"
-#~ msgstr "Grundeinstellungen wiederherstellen"
-#~ msgid "Routing table ID"
-#~ msgstr "Nr. der Routingtabelle"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Seconds to wait for the modem to become ready before attempting to connect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Zeit in Sekunden um auf die Initialisierung des Modems zu warten bevor "
-#~ "ein Verbindungsversuch unternommen wird"
-#~ msgid "Send Router Solicitiations"
-#~ msgstr "Router Solicititaions senden"
-#~ msgid "Server IPv4-Address"
-#~ msgstr "Server IPv4-Adresse"
-#~ msgid "Service type"
-#~ msgstr "Dienstart"
-#~ msgid "Services and daemons perform certain tasks on your device."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Dienste und Hintergrundprozesse stellen den Großteil der Funktionalitäten "
-#~ "auf dem Router zur Verfügung."
-#~ msgid "Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Einstellungen"
-#~ msgid "Setup wait time"
-#~ msgstr "Initialisierungszeit"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Sorry. OpenWrt does not support a system upgrade on this platform.<br /> "
-#~ "You need to manually flash your device."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Sorry. OpenWrt unterstützt kein Systemupdate auf dieser Platform.<br /> "
-#~ "Sie müssen das Gerät manuell neu flashen."
-#~ msgid "Specify additional command line arguments for pppd here"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Hier können zusätzliche Kommandozeilenargumente für pppd angegeben werden"
-#~ msgid "TTL"
-#~ msgstr "TTL"
-#~ msgid "The device node of your modem, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgstr "Geräteknoten des Modems, z.B. /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgid "Time (in seconds) after which an unused connection will be closed"
-#~ msgstr "Zeit (in s) nach der die Verbindung bei Inaktivität getrennt wird"
-#~ msgid "Time Server (rdate)"
-#~ msgstr "Zeit-Server (rdate)"
-#~ msgid "Tunnel Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Tunnel-Einstellungen"
-#~ msgid "Update package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Paketlisten aktualisieren"
-#~ msgid "Upload an OpenWrt image file to reflash the device."
-#~ msgstr "Firmware-Image hochladen um das Gerät neu zu flashen."
-#~ msgid "Upload image"
-#~ msgstr "Image hochladen"
-#~ msgid "Use peer DNS"
-#~ msgstr "DNS der Gegenstelle nutzen"
-#~ msgid "VLAN %d"
-#~ msgstr "VLAN %d"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You can specify multiple DNS servers here, press enter to add a new "
-#~ "entry. Servers entered here will override automatically assigned ones."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Hier können mehrere DNS-Server angegeben werden. Enter fügt ein neues "
-#~ "Eingabefeld hinzu. Hier angegebene Server überschreiben autmatisch "
-#~ "zugewiesene Adressen."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"comgt\" for UMTS/GPRS, \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE, "
-#~ "\"ppp-mod-pppoa\" for PPPoA or \"pptp\" for PPtP support"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Für die Unterstützung von UMTS/GPRS muss \"comgt\", für PPPoE \"ppp-mod-"
-#~ "pppoe\", für PPPoA \"ppp-mod-pppoa\" und für PPtP \"pptp\" installiert "
-#~ "sein"
-#~ msgid "back"
-#~ msgstr "zurück"
-#~ msgid "buffered"
-#~ msgstr "gepuffert"
-#~ msgid "cached"
-#~ msgstr "gecached"
-#~ msgid "free"
-#~ msgstr "frei"
-#~ msgid "static"
-#~ msgstr "statisch"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a collection "
-#~ "of free Lua software including an <abbr title=\"Model-View-Controller"
-#~ "\">MVC</abbr>-Webframework and webinterface for embedded devices. <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is licensed under the "
-#~ "Apache-License."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "LuCI ist eine Sammlung freier Lua-Software einschließlich eines MVC-"
-#~ "Webframeworks und einer Weboberfläche für eingebettete Geräte. Luci steht "
-#~ "unter der Apache-Lizenz."
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys"
-#~ msgstr "SSH-Schlüssel"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A lightweight HTTP/1.1 webserver written in C and Lua designed to serve "
-#~ "LuCI"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ein schlanker HTTP/1.1 Webserver in C und Lua geschrieben um LuCI zu "
-#~ "betreiben."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A small webserver which can be used to serve <abbr title=\"Lua "
-#~ "Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ein kleiner Webserver, der für die Bereitstellung von LuCI genutzt werden "
-#~ "kann."
-#~ msgid "About"
-#~ msgstr "Über"
-#~ msgid "Active IP Connections"
-#~ msgstr "Aktive IP Verbindungen"
-#~ msgid "Addresses"
-#~ msgstr "Adressen"
-#~ msgid "Admin Password"
-#~ msgstr "Passwort ändern"
-#~ msgid "Alias"
-#~ msgstr "Alias"
-#~ msgid "Authentication Realm"
-#~ msgstr "Anmeldeaufforderung"
-#~ msgid "Bridge Port"
-#~ msgstr "Port"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Change the password of the system administrator (User <code>root</code>)"
-#~ msgstr "Ändert das Passwort des Systemverwalters (Benutzer \"root\")"
-#~ msgid "Client + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "Client mit WDS"
-#~ msgid "Configuration file"
-#~ msgstr "Konfigurationsdatei"
-#~ msgid "Connection timeout"
-#~ msgstr "Verbindungszeitlimit"
-#~ msgid "Contributing Developers"
-#~ msgstr "Mitwirkende Entwickler"
-#~ msgid "DHCP assigned"
-#~ msgstr "durch DHCP zugewiesen"
-#~ msgid "Document root"
-#~ msgstr "Wurzelverzeichnis"
-#~ msgid "Enable Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "Keep-Alive aktivieren"
-#~ msgid "Enable device"
-#~ msgstr "Gerät aktivieren"
-#~ msgid "Ethernet Bridge"
-#~ msgstr "Netzwerkbrücke"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can paste public <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys "
-#~ "(one per line) for <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> public-key "
-#~ "authentication."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Hier können öffentliche SSH-Schlüssel (einer pro Zeile) zur "
-#~ "Authentifizierung abgelegt werden."
-#~ msgid "ID"
-#~ msgstr "Bezeichner"
-#~ msgid "IP Configuration"
-#~ msgstr "IP Konfiguration"
-#~ msgid "Interface Status"
-#~ msgstr "Netzwerkschnittstellen-Status"
-#~ msgid "Lead Development"
-#~ msgstr "Leitende Entwicklung"
-#~ msgid "Master"
-#~ msgstr "Master"
-#~ msgid "Master + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "Master mit WDS"
-#~ msgid "No address configured on this interface."
-#~ msgstr "Keine Adresse auf dieser Schnittstelle konfiguriert"
-#~ msgid "Not configured"
-#~ msgstr "nicht konfiguriert"
-#~ msgid "Password successfully changed"
-#~ msgstr "Passwort erfolgreich geändert"
-#~ msgid "Plugin path"
-#~ msgstr "Pluginpfad"
-#~ msgid "Ports"
-#~ msgstr "Ports"
-#~ msgid "Primary"
-#~ msgstr "primär"
-#~ msgid "Project Homepage"
-#~ msgstr "Projekt Homepage"
-#~ msgid "Pseudo Ad-Hoc"
-#~ msgstr "Pseudo-Ad-Hoc (Atheros)"
-#~ msgid "STP"
-#~ msgstr "Spanning-Tree-Protokoll"
-#~ msgid "Thanks To"
-#~ msgstr "Dank an"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The realm which will be displayed at the authentication prompt for "
-#~ "protected pages."
-#~ msgstr "Aufforderungstext zum Anmelden im Administrationsbereich"
-#~ msgid "Unknown Error"
-#~ msgstr "Unbekannter Fehler"
-#~ msgid "VLAN"
-#~ msgstr "VLAN"
-#~ msgid "defaults to <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgstr "nutzt <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code> wenn leer"
-#~ msgid "Enable this switch"
-#~ msgstr "Switch aktivieren"
-#~ msgid "OPKG error code %i"
-#~ msgstr "OPKG Fehlercode %i"
-#~ msgid "Package lists updated"
-#~ msgstr "Paketlisten wurden aktualisiert"
-#~ msgid "Reset switch during setup"
-#~ msgstr "Switch während der Einrichtung zurücksetzen"
-#~ msgid "Upgrade installed packages"
-#~ msgstr "Installierte Pakete aktualisieren"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Also kernel or service logfiles can be viewed here to get an overview "
-#~ "over their current state."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Zusätzlich können hier Protokolldaten, des Kernels und diverser "
-#~ "Systemdienste eingesehen werden, um deren Zustand zu kontrollieren."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can find information about the current system status like <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Central Processing Unit\">CPU</abbr> clock frequency, memory "
-#~ "usage or network interface data."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Hier finden sich Informationen über den aktuellen Status des Systems, "
-#~ "beispielsweise Prozessortakt, Speicherauslastung und "
-#~ "Netzwerkschnittstellen."
-#~ msgid "Search file..."
-#~ msgstr "Datei suchen..."
-#~ msgid "Server"
-#~ msgstr "Server"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a free, "
-#~ "flexible, and user friendly graphical interface for configuring OpenWrt "
-#~ "Kamikaze."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "LuCI ist eine freie, flexible und benutzerfreundliche grafische "
-#~ "Oberfläche zur Konfiguration von OpenWrt Kamikaze."
-#~ msgid "And now have fun with your router!"
-#~ msgstr "Und nun wünschen wir viel Spaß mit dem Router!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "As we always want to improve this interface we are looking forward to "
-#~ "your feedback and suggestions."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Wir sind natürlich stets darum bemüht, diese Oberfläche noch besser und "
-#~ "intuitiver zu Gestalten und freuen uns über jegliche Art von Feedback "
-#~ "oder Verbesserungsvorschlägen."
-#~ msgid "Hello!"
-#~ msgstr "Hallo!"
-#~ msgid "LuCI Components"
-#~ msgstr "LuCI Komponenten"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Notice: In <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> "
-#~ "changes have to be confirmed by clicking Changes - Save &amp; Apply "
-#~ "before being applied."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Hinweis: In LuCI werden getätigte Änderungen erst nach einem Klick auf "
-#~ "Änderungen - Speichern &amp; Anwenden angewandt."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "On the following pages you can adjust all important settings of your "
-#~ "router."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Auf den folgenden Seiten können alle wichtigen Einstellungen des Routers "
-#~ "vorgenommen werden."
-#~ msgid "The <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> Team"
-#~ msgstr "Das LuCI-Team"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This is the administration area of <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr "Dies ist der Administrationsbereich von LuCI."
-#~ msgid "User Interface"
-#~ msgstr "Benutzeroberfläche"
-#~ msgid "used"
-#~ msgstr "benutzt"
-#~ msgid "enable"
-#~ msgstr "aktivieren"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Port <abbr title=\"Primary VLAN IDs\">PVIDs</abbr> specify the default "
-#~ "VLAN ID added to received untagged frames.<br />Leave the ID field empty "
-#~ "to disable auto tagging on the associated port."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Port <abbr title=\"Primary VLAN IDs\">PVIDs</abbr> definieren die "
-#~ "standard VLAN-ID welche zu empfangen, nicht getaggten Ethernet-Frames "
-#~ "hinzugefügt wird.<br />Dieses Feld leer lassen um Auto-Tagging auf dem "
-#~ "zugehörigen Port zu deaktivieren."
-#~ msgid "(hidden)"
-#~ msgstr "(versteckt)"
-#~ msgid "(optional)"
-#~ msgstr "(optional)"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Port"
-#~ msgstr "DNS-Port"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server will be queried in "
-#~ "the order of the resolvfile"
-#~ msgstr "DNS-Server werden gemäß der Reihenfolge der Resolvdatei abgefragt"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host "
-#~ "Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>-Leases"
-#~ msgstr "maximale Anzahl von DHCP-Leases"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Extension Mechanisms "
-#~ "for Domain Name System\">EDNS0</abbr> packet size"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "maximale <abbr title=\"Extension Mechanisms for Domain Name System"
-#~ "\">EDNS.0</abbr> Paketgröße"
-#~ msgid "AP-Isolation"
-#~ msgstr "AP-Isolation"
-#~ msgid "Add the Wifi network to physical network"
-#~ msgstr "WLAN-Netz zu Netzwerk hinzufügen"
-#~ msgid "Aliases"
-#~ msgstr "Aliasse"
-#~ msgid "Attach to existing network"
-#~ msgstr "Zu bestehendem Netzwerk hinzufügen"
-#~ msgid "Clamp Segment Size"
-#~ msgstr "MSS-Korrektur"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Create Or Attach Network"
-#~ msgstr "Netzwerk anlegen"
-#~ msgid "DHCP"
-#~ msgstr "DHCP"
-#~ msgid "Devices"
-#~ msgstr "Geräte"
-#~ msgid "Don't forward reverse lookups for local networks"
-#~ msgstr "Reverse DNS-Anfragen für lokale Netze nicht weiterleiten"
-#~ msgid "Enable TFTP-Server"
-#~ msgstr "TFTP-Server aktivieren"
-#~ msgid "Errors"
-#~ msgstr "Fehler"
-#~ msgid "Essentials"
-#~ msgstr "Vereinfacht"
-#~ msgid "Expand Hosts"
-#~ msgstr "Erweitere Hosts"
-#~ msgid "First leased address"
-#~ msgstr "Erste vergebene Adresse"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Fixes problems with unreachable websites, submitting forms or other "
-#~ "unexpected behaviour for some ISPs."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Behebt Probleme bei nicht erreichbaren Webseiten, Absenden von Formularen "
-#~ "oder anderes unerwartetes Verhalten für einige ISPs."
-#~ msgid "Hardware Address"
-#~ msgstr "Hardware Adresse"
-#~ msgid "Here you can configure installed wifi devices."
-#~ msgstr "An dieser Stelle können eingebaute WLAN-Geräte konfiguriert werden."
-#~ msgid "Independent (Ad-Hoc)"
-#~ msgstr "Unabhängig (Ad-Hoc)"
-#~ msgid "Internet Connection"
-#~ msgstr "Internetverbindung"
-#~ msgid "Join (Client)"
-#~ msgstr "Einklinken (Client)"
-#~ msgid "Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Zuweisungen"
-#~ msgid "Local Domain"
-#~ msgstr "Lokale Domain"
-#~ msgid "Local Network"
-#~ msgstr "Lokales Netz"
-#~ msgid "Local Server"
-#~ msgstr "Lokale Server"
-#~ msgid "Network Boot Image"
-#~ msgstr "Netzwerk-Boot Abbild"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Network Name (<abbr title=\"Extended Service Set Identifier\">ESSID</"
-#~ "abbr>)"
-#~ msgstr "Netzkennung (ESSID)"
-#~ msgid "Number of leased addresses"
-#~ msgstr "Anzahl vergebener Adressen"
-#~ msgid "Perform Actions"
-#~ msgstr "Aktionen ausführen"
-#~ msgid "Prevents Client to Client communication"
-#~ msgstr "Unterbindet Client-Client-Verkehr"
-#~ msgid "Provide (Access Point)"
-#~ msgstr "Anbieten (Access Point)"
-#~ msgid "Resolvfile"
-#~ msgstr "Resolvdatei"
-#~ msgid "TFTP-Server Root"
-#~ msgstr "TFTP-Server Wurzelverzeichnis"
-#~ msgid "TX / RX"
-#~ msgstr "TX / RX"
-#~ msgid "The following changes have been applied"
-#~ msgstr "Die folgenden Änderungen wurden übernommen"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When flashing a new firmware with <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr> these files will be added to the new firmware "
-#~ "installation."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Die folgenden Dateien und Verzeichnisse werden beim Aktualisieren der "
-#~ "Firmware über die Oberfläche automatisch in die neue Firmware übernommen."
-#~ msgid "Wireless Scan"
-#~ msgstr "WLAN-Scan"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "network members can automatically receive their network settings (<abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Internet Protocol\">IP</abbr>-address, netmask, <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-server, ...)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Mit <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "können Netzwerkteilnehmer automatisch Einstellungen wie <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Internet Protocol\">IP</abbr>-Adresse, Präfix, <abbr title=\"Domain "
-#~ "Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server, usw. beziehen."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You are about to join the wireless network <em><strong>%s</strong></em>. "
-#~ "In order to complete the process, you need to provide some additional "
-#~ "details."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Sie sind dabei dem Drahtlosnetzwerk <em><strong>%s</strong></em> "
-#~ "beizutreten.Um den Prozess zu beenden müssen einige weitere Angaben "
-#~ "gemacht werden."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You can run several wifi networks with one device. Be aware that there "
-#~ "are certain hardware and driverspecific restrictions. Normally you can "
-#~ "operate 1 Ad-Hoc or up to 3 Master-Mode and 1 Client-Mode network "
-#~ "simultaneously."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Pro WLAN-Gerät können mehrere Netze bereitgestellt werden. Es sollte "
-#~ "beachtet werden, dass es hardware- / treiberspezifische Einschränkungen "
-#~ "gibt. So kann pro WLAN-Gerät in der Regel entweder 1 Ad-Hoc-Zugang ODER "
-#~ "bis zu 3 Access-Point und 1 Client-Zugang gleichzeitig erstellt werden."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE or \"pptp\" for PPtP "
-#~ "support"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Für die Unterstützung von PPPoE muss \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" und für PPtP \"pptp"
-#~ "\" installiert sein"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install <a href='%s'><em>wpa-supplicant</em></a> to use WPA!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Sie müssen <a href='%s'><em>wpa-supplicant</em></a> isntallieren um WPA "
-#~ "nutzen zu können!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install the <a href='%s'>Broadcom <em>nas</em> supplicant</a> "
-#~ "to use WPA!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Sie müssen den <a href='%s'>Broadcom <em>nas</em> Supplikaten "
-#~ "installieren um WPA nutzen zu können!"
-#~ msgid "Zone"
-#~ msgstr "Zone"
-#~ msgid "additional hostfile"
-#~ msgstr "Zusätzliche Hostdatei"
-#~ msgid "adds domain names to hostentries in the resolv file"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Fügt Domainnamen zu einfachen Hosteinträgen in der Resolvdatei hinzu"
-#~ msgid "automatically reconnect"
-#~ msgstr "automatisch neu verbinden"
-#~ msgid "concurrent queries"
-#~ msgstr "gleichzeitige Abfragen"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "disable <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "for this interface"
-#~ msgstr "DHCP für dieses Netzwerk deaktivieren"
-#~ msgid "disconnect when idle for"
-#~ msgstr "trennen bei Inaktivität nach"
-#~ msgid "don't cache unknown"
-#~ msgstr "Unbekannte nicht cachen"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "filter useless <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-queries of "
-#~ "Windows-systems"
-#~ msgstr "nutzlose DNS-Anfragen aktueller Windowssysteme filtern"
-#~ msgid "installed"
-#~ msgstr "installiert"
-#~ msgid "localises the hostname depending on its subnet"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Gibt die Adresse eines Hostnamen entsprechend seines Subnetzes zurück"
-#~ msgid "manual"
-#~ msgstr "manuell"
-#~ msgid "not installed"
-#~ msgstr "nicht installiert"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "prevents caching of negative <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</"
-#~ "abbr>-replies"
-#~ msgstr "Negative DNS-Antworten nicht zwischenspeichern"
-#~ msgid "query port"
-#~ msgstr "Abfrageport"
-#~ msgid "transmitted / received"
-#~ msgstr "gesendet / empfangen"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Join network"
-#~ msgstr "verbundene Netzwerke"
-#~ msgid "all"
-#~ msgstr "alle"
-#~ msgid "Code"
-#~ msgstr "Code"
-#~ msgid "Distance"
-#~ msgstr "Distanz"
-#~ msgid "Legend"
-#~ msgstr "Legende"
-#~ msgid "Library"
-#~ msgstr "Bibliothek"
-#~ msgid "see '%s' manpage"
-#~ msgstr "siehe &#39;%s&#39; manpage"
-#~ msgid "Package Manager"
-#~ msgstr "Packet-Manager"
-#~ msgid "Service"
-#~ msgstr "Dienst"
+#~ msgid "Port %d"
+#~ msgstr "Port %d"
-#~ msgid "Statistics"
-#~ msgstr "Statistiken"
+#~ msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+#~ msgstr "Port %d ist untagged in mehreren VLANs!"
-#~ msgid "zone"
-#~ msgstr "Zone"
+#~ msgid "VLAN Interface"
+#~ msgstr "VLAN Schnittstelle"
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/po/el/base.po b/modules/luci-base/po/el/base.po
index 537ee8bb52..7b716ada36 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/po/el/base.po
+++ b/modules/luci-base/po/el/base.po
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.0.4\n"
+msgid "%s is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+msgstr ""
msgid "(%d minute window, %d second interval)"
msgstr "(παράθυρο %d λεπτών, διάστημα %d δευτερολέπτων)"
@@ -245,6 +248,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Alert"
msgstr "Ειδοποίηση"
+msgid ""
+"Allocate IP addresses sequentially, starting from the lowest available "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Allocate IP sequentially"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
msgstr ""
"Επιτρέπει την εξουσιοδότηση <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> με "
@@ -534,9 +545,6 @@ msgstr "Κουμπιά"
msgid "CA certificate; if empty it will be saved after the first connection."
msgstr ""
-msgid "CPU"
-msgstr ""
msgid "CPU usage (%)"
msgstr "Χρήση CPU (%)"
@@ -1071,6 +1079,9 @@ msgstr "Εξωτερικός εξυπηρετητής καταγραφής συ
msgid "External system log server port"
msgstr ""
+msgid "External system log server protocol"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Extra SSH command options"
msgstr ""
@@ -1772,6 +1783,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "MB/s"
msgstr ""
+msgid "MD5"
+msgstr ""
msgid "MHz"
msgstr ""
@@ -2273,12 +2287,6 @@ msgstr "Πολιτική"
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Θύρα"
-msgid "Port %d"
-msgstr "Θύρα %d"
-msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
-msgstr ""
msgid "Port status:"
msgstr ""
@@ -2562,6 +2570,9 @@ msgstr "Εκτέλεση ελέγχου του συστήματος αρχείω
msgid "Run filesystem check"
msgstr "Εκτέλεση ελέγχου συστήματος αρχείων"
+msgid "SHA256"
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"SIXXS supports TIC only, for static tunnels using IP protocol 41 (RFC4213) "
"use 6in4 instead"
@@ -2701,6 +2712,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Software"
msgstr "Λογισμικό"
+msgid "Software VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!"
msgstr "Κάποια πεδία δεν είναι έγκυρα, δεν μπορούν να αποθηκευτούν οι τιμές!"
@@ -2794,6 +2808,12 @@ msgstr "Αυστηρή σειρά"
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Υποβολή"
+msgid "Suppress logging"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging of the routine operation of these protocols"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Swap"
msgstr ""
@@ -2809,6 +2829,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Switch %q (%s)"
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Switch %q has an unknown topology - the VLAN settings might not be accurate."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Switch VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Switch protocol"
msgstr ""
@@ -3274,9 +3301,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "VDSL"
msgstr ""
-msgid "VLAN Interface"
-msgstr "Διεπαφή VLAN"
msgid "VLANs on %q"
msgstr ""
@@ -3370,9 +3394,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Wifi"
-msgstr "Ασύρματο"
msgid "Wireless"
msgstr "Ασύρματο"
@@ -3409,6 +3430,9 @@ msgstr "Το ασύρματο δίκτυο τερματίστηκε"
msgid "Write received DNS requests to syslog"
msgstr "Καταγραφή των ληφθέντων DNS αιτήσεων στο syslog"
+msgid "Write system log to file"
+msgstr ""
msgid "XR Support"
msgstr "Υποστήριξη XR"
@@ -3591,886 +3615,8 @@ msgstr "ναι"
msgid "« Back"
msgstr "« Πίσω"
-#~ msgid "Delete this interface"
-#~ msgstr "Διαγραφή αυτής της διεπαφής"
-#~ msgid "Flags"
-#~ msgstr "Σημαίες"
-#~ msgid "Rule #"
-#~ msgstr "Κανόνας #"
-#~ msgid "Path"
-#~ msgstr "Διαδρομή"
-#~ msgid "Please wait: Device rebooting..."
-#~ msgstr "Παρακαλώ περιμένετε: Η συσκευή επανεκκινεί..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Warning: There are unsaved changes that will be lost while rebooting!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Προειδοποίηση: Υπάρχουν μη-αποθηκευμένες αλλαγές που θα χαθούν κατά την "
-#~ "επανεκκίνηση!"
-#~ msgid "Configures this mount as overlay storage for block-extroot"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ορίζει το συγκεκριμένο σημείο προσάρτησης ως επικαλύπτον αποθηκευτικό "
-#~ "χώρο για το block-extroot"
-#~ msgid "Frequency Hopping"
-#~ msgstr "Frequency Hopping"
-#~ msgid "Locked to channel %d used by %s"
-#~ msgstr "Κλειδωμένο στο κανάλι %d που χρησιμοποιείται απ' το %s"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel above"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz με δεύτερο κανάλι υψηλότερα"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel below"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz με δεύτερο κανάλι χαμηλότερα"
-#~ msgid "Accept router advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "Αποδοχή διαφημίσεων δρομολογητή"
-#~ msgid "Advertise IPv6 on network"
-#~ msgstr "Διαφήμιση IPv6 στο δίκτυο"
-#~ msgid "Advertised network ID"
-#~ msgstr "Διαφημιζόμενο αναγνωριστικό δικτύου"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to 65535"
-#~ msgstr "Το επιτρεπόμενο εύρος είναι από 1 έως 65535"
-#~ msgid "Router Model"
-#~ msgstr "Μοντέλο Δρομολογητή"
-#~ msgid "Router Name"
-#~ msgstr "Όνομα Δρομολογητή"
-#~ msgid "Waiting for router..."
-#~ msgstr "Αναμονή για δρομολογητή..."
-#~ msgid "Enable builtin NTP server"
-#~ msgstr "Ενεργοποίηση ενσωματωμένου εξυπηρετητή NTP"
-#~ msgid "Active Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Ενεργά Leases"
-#~ msgid "Open"
-#~ msgstr "Άνοιγμα"
-#~ msgid "Bit Rate"
-#~ msgstr "Ρυθμός Δεδομένων"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Apply"
-#~ msgstr "Παραμετροποίηση / Εφαρμογή"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Changes"
-#~ msgstr "Παραμετροποίηση / Αλλαγές"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Revert"
-#~ msgstr "Παραμετροποίηση / Επαναφορά"
-#~ msgid "MAC"
-#~ msgstr "MAC"
-#~ msgid "MAC Address"
-#~ msgstr "Διεύθυνση MAC"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">Encr.</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">Κρυπτ.</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-Scan"
-#~ msgstr "Σάρωση <abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Choose the network you want to attach to this wireless interface. Select "
-#~ "<em>unspecified</em> to not attach any network or fill out the "
-#~ "<em>create</em> field to define a new network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Επιλέξατε το δίκτυο που επιθυμείτε να προσαρτήσετε σε αυτήν την ασύρματη "
-#~ "διεπαφή. Επιλέξτε <em>απροσδιόριστο</em> για να μην προσαρτηθεί "
-#~ "οποιοδήποτε ή συμπληρώστε το πεδίο <em>δημιουργία</em> για να "
-#~ "προσδιορίσετε ένα νέο δίκτυο."
-#~ msgid "Create Network"
-#~ msgstr "Δημιουργία Δικτύου"
-#~ msgid "Link"
-#~ msgstr "Ζεύξη"
-#~ msgid "Networks"
-#~ msgstr "Δίκτυα"
-#~ msgid "Power"
-#~ msgstr "Ισχύς"
-#~ msgid "Wifi networks in your local environment"
-#~ msgstr "Τοπικά Ασύρματα δίκτυα"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>-Notation: "
-#~ "address/prefix"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Παράσταση <abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>: "
-#~ "διεύθυνση/πρόθεμα"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Εξυπηρετητής <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Broadcast"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Broadcast"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Address"
-#~ msgstr "Διεύθυνση <abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "IPv6 Setup"
-#~ msgstr "Διαχείριση IPv6"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Note: If you choose an interface here which is part of another network, "
-#~ "it will be moved into this network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Σημείωση: Εάν επιλέξετε μια διεπαφή εδώ η οποία είναι μέρος ενός άλλου "
-#~ "δικτύου, θα μετακινηθεί σε αυτό το δίκτυο."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The network ports on your router can be combined to several <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s in which computers can "
-#~ "communicate directly with each other. <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area "
-#~ "Network\">VLAN</abbr>s are often used to separate different network "
-#~ "segments. Often there is by default one Uplink port for a connection to "
-#~ "the next greater network like the internet and other ports for a local "
-#~ "network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Οι πόρτες δικτύου του δρομολογητή σας μπορούν να συνδυαστούν σε πολλά "
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s όπου οι "
-#~ "υπολογιστές να επικοινωνούν απευθείας μεταξύ τους. Τα <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s συχνά χρησιμοποιούνται για να "
-#~ "διαχωρίσουν διαφορετικά τμήματα του δικτύου. Συχνά υπάρχει μία "
-#~ "προεπιλεγμένη πόρτα Uplink για σύνδεση με ένα μεγαλύτερο δίκτυο όπως το "
-#~ "internet και άλλες πόρτες για σύνδεση με το τοπικό δίκτυο."
-#~ msgid "Enable buffering"
-#~ msgstr "Ενεργοποίηση buffering"
-#~ msgid "IPv6-over-IPv4"
-#~ msgstr "IPv6-over-IPv4"
-#~ msgid "Files to be kept when flashing a new firmware"
-#~ msgstr "Αρχεία που θα διατηρηθούν κατά το φλασάρισμα του firmware"
-#~ msgid "General"
-#~ msgstr "Γενικά"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can customize the settings and the functionality of <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Εδώ μπορείτε να προσαρμόσετε τις ρυθμίσεις και την λειτουργία του <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgid "Post-commit actions"
-#~ msgstr "Ενέργειες μετά το commit"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "These commands will be executed automatically when a given <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Unified Configuration Interface\">UCI</abbr> configuration is committed "
-#~ "allowing changes to be applied instantly."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Αυτές οι εντολές θα εκτελεστούν αυτόματα όταν μία ρύθμιση <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Unified Configuration Interface\">UCI</abbr> γίνει commit επιτρέποντας "
-#~ "τις αλλαγές να εφαρμόζονται ακαριαία."
-#~ msgid "Web <abbr title=\"User Interface\">UI</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "Web <abbr title=\"User Interface\">UI</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Εξυπηρετητής <abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "Access point (APN)"
-#~ msgstr "Σημείο πρόσβασης (APN)"
-#~ msgid "Additional pppd options"
-#~ msgstr "Επιπλέον επιλογές pppd"
-#~ msgid "Automatic Disconnect"
-#~ msgstr "Αυτόματη Αποσύνδεση"
-#~ msgid "Backup Archive"
-#~ msgstr "Αρχείο αντιγράφων ασφαλείας"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Configure the local DNS server to use the name servers adverticed by the "
-#~ "PPP peer"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ρύθμιση του τοπικού εξυπηρετητή DNS να χρησιμοποιεί τους εξυπηρετητές "
-#~ "ονόματος που διαφημίζει ο ομότιμος PPP"
-#~ msgid "Connect script"
-#~ msgstr "Σενάριο σύνδεσης"
-#~ msgid "Create backup"
-#~ msgstr "Δημιουργία αντίγραφου ασφαλείας"
-#~ msgid "Disconnect script"
-#~ msgstr "Σενάριο αποσύνδεσης"
-#~ msgid "Edit package lists and installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "Επεξεργασία λίστας πακέτων και προορισμών εγκατάστασης"
-#~ msgid "Enable IPv6 on PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "Ενεργοποίηση IPv6 σε ζεύξη PPP"
-#~ msgid "Firmware image"
-#~ msgstr "Εικόνα firmware"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can backup and restore your router configuration and - if "
-#~ "possible - reset the router to the default settings."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Εδώ μπορείτε να κρατήσετε και να επαναφέρετε αντίγραφα ασφαλείας των "
-#~ "παραμέτρων του δρομολογητή σας και - αν είναι δυνατόν - να επαναφέρετε "
-#~ "τον δρομολογητή στις προεπιλεγμένες ρυθμίσεις."
-#~ msgid "Installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "Προορισμοί εγκατάστασης"
-#~ msgid "Keep configuration files"
-#~ msgstr "Διατήρηση αρχείων παραμετροποίησης"
-#~ msgid "Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Let pppd replace the current default route to use the PPP interface after "
-#~ "successful connect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Το pppd να αντικαθιστά την τρέχουσα προεπιλεγμένη διαδρομή για να "
-#~ "χρησιμοποιείται η διεπαφή PPP μετά από επιτυχημένη σύνδεση"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script after establishing the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "Το pppd να τρέχει αυτό το σενάριο όταν η ζεύξη PPP εγκαθιδρύεται"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script before tearing down the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "Το pppd να τρέχει αυτό το σενάριο πριν η ζεύξη PPP κλείσει"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Make sure that you provide the correct pin code here or you might lock "
-#~ "your sim card!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Εξασφαλίστε ότι δηλώνετε το σωστό κωδικό pin εδώ αλλιώς μπορεί να "
-#~ "κλειδώσετε την κάρτα sim σας!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Most of them are network servers, that offer a certain service for your "
-#~ "device or network like shell access, serving webpages like <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>, doing mesh routing, sending "
-#~ "e-mails, ..."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Οι περισσότεροι είναι εξυπηρετητές δικτύου που προσφέρουν κάποιες "
-#~ "συγκεκριμένες υπηρεσίες για την συσκευή ή το δίκτυο σας όπως πρόσβαση στο "
-#~ "κέλυφος, υπηρεσίες ιστοσελίδων σαν το <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr>, δρομολόγηση mesh, αποστολή ηλ. ταχυδρομείου, ..."
-#~ msgid "Number of failed connection tests to initiate automatic reconnect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Αριθμός αποτυχημένων δοκιμών για την εφαρμογή της αυτόματης επανασύνδεσης"
-#~ msgid "PIN code"
-#~ msgstr "Κωδικός PIN"
-#~ msgid "Package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Λίστες Πακέτων"
-#~ msgid "Proceed reverting all settings and resetting to firmware defaults?"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Θέλετε να προχωρήσετε στην αναίρεση όλων των ρυθμίσεων και την επαναφορά "
-#~ "στις προεπιλεγμένες για το firmware;"
-#~ msgid "Processor"
-#~ msgstr "Επεξεργαστής"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Port"
-#~ msgstr "Θύρα Radius"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Εξυπηρετητής Radius"
-#~ msgid "Replace default route"
-#~ msgstr "Αντικατάσταση προεπιλεγμένης διαδρομής"
-#~ msgid "Reset router to defaults"
-#~ msgstr "Επαναφορά δρομολογητή στα προεπιλεγμένα"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Seconds to wait for the modem to become ready before attempting to connect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Δευτερόλεπτα αναμονής ώστε το modem να προετοιμαστεί πριν την προσπάθεια "
-#~ "για σύνδεση"
-#~ msgid "Service type"
-#~ msgstr "Τύπος υπηρεσίες"
-#~ msgid "Services and daemons perform certain tasks on your device."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Οι υπηρεσίες και οι δαίμονες εκτελούν κάποιες συγκεκριμένες εργασίες στην "
-#~ "συσκευή σας."
-#~ msgid "Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις"
-#~ msgid "Setup wait time"
-#~ msgstr "Καθορισμός χρόνου αναμονής"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Sorry. OpenWrt does not support a system upgrade on this platform.<br /> "
-#~ "You need to manually flash your device."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Συγνώμη. Το OpenWrt δεν υποστηρίζει αναβάθμιση συστήματος σε αυτή την "
-#~ "πλατφόρμα.<br /> Χρειάζεται να φλασάρετε την συσκευή σας χειροκίνητα."
-#~ msgid "Specify additional command line arguments for pppd here"
-#~ msgstr "Ορισμός επιπλέον επιλογών pppd στην γραμμή εντολών"
-#~ msgid "The device node of your modem, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgstr "Ο κόμβος συσκευής του modem σας, π.χ. /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgid "Time (in seconds) after which an unused connection will be closed"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Χρόνος (σε δευτερόλεπτα) ύστερα από τον οποίο οι αχρησιμοποίητες "
-#~ "συνδέσεις θα κλείνουν"
-#~ msgid "Update package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Ενημέρωση λίστας πακέτων"
-#~ msgid "Upload an OpenWrt image file to reflash the device."
-#~ msgstr "Ανεβάστε ένα αρχείο εικόνας OpenWrt για να φλασάρετε τη συσκευή."
-#~ msgid "Upload image"
-#~ msgstr "Ανέβασμα εικόνας"
-#~ msgid "Use peer DNS"
-#~ msgstr "Χρήση DNS ομότιμου"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"comgt\" for UMTS/GPRS, \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE, "
-#~ "\"ppp-mod-pppoa\" for PPPoA or \"pptp\" for PPtP support"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Θα πρέπει να εγκαταστήσετε το \"comgt\" για υποστήριξη UMTS/GPRS, το "
-#~ "\"ppp-mod-pppoe\" για PPPoE, το \"ppp-mod-pppoa\" για PPPoA ή το \"pptp\" "
-#~ "για PPtP"
-#~ msgid "back"
-#~ msgstr "πίσω"
-#~ msgid "buffered"
-#~ msgstr "ενδιάμεση"
-#~ msgid "cached"
-#~ msgstr "λανθάνουσα"
-#~ msgid "free"
-#~ msgstr "ελεύθερη"
-#~ msgid "static"
-#~ msgstr "στατικό"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a collection "
-#~ "of free Lua software including an <abbr title=\"Model-View-Controller"
-#~ "\">MVC</abbr>-Webframework and webinterface for embedded devices. <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is licensed under the "
-#~ "Apache-License."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Το <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> είναι μία "
-#~ "συλλογή από ελεύθερο λογισμικό Lua που συμπεριλαμβάνει ένα <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Model-View-Controller\">MVC</abbr>-Webframework και ένα περιβάλλον web "
-#~ "για embedded συσκευές. Το <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface"
-#~ "\">LuCI</abbr> έχει άδεια λογισμικού Apache."
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys"
-#~ msgstr "Κλειδιά <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A lightweight HTTP/1.1 webserver written in C and Lua designed to serve "
-#~ "LuCI"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ένας ελαφρύς εξυπηρετητής web HTTP/1.1 webserver γραμμένος σε C και Lua "
-#~ "και σχεδιασμένος να εξυπηρετεί το LuCI"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A small webserver which can be used to serve <abbr title=\"Lua "
-#~ "Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ένας μικρός εξυπηρετητής web που μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για να "
-#~ "εξυπηρετεί το <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgid "About"
-#~ msgstr "Περί"
-#~ msgid "Addresses"
-#~ msgstr "Διευθύνσεις"
-#~ msgid "Admin Password"
-#~ msgstr "Κωδικός Διαχειριστή"
-#~ msgid "Alias"
-#~ msgstr "Ψευδώνυμο"
-#~ msgid "Authentication Realm"
-#~ msgstr "Realm Εξουσιοδότησης"
-#~ msgid "Bridge Port"
-#~ msgstr "Πόρτα Γέφυρας"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Change the password of the system administrator (User <code>root</code>)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Αλλαγή κωδικού πρόσβασης του διαχειριστή του συστήματος (Χρήστης "
-#~ "<code>root</code>)"
-#~ msgid "Client + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "Πελάτης + WDS"
-#~ msgid "Configuration file"
-#~ msgstr "Αρχείο Παραμετροποίησης"
-#~ msgid "Connection timeout"
-#~ msgstr "Χρόνος λήξης σύνδεσης"
-#~ msgid "Contributing Developers"
-#~ msgstr "Συνεισφορές στην Ανάπτυξη"
-#~ msgid "DHCP assigned"
-#~ msgstr "Ανάθεση από DHCP"
-#~ msgid "Document root"
-#~ msgstr "Ρίζα εγγράφων"
-#~ msgid "Enable Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "Ενεργοποίηση Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgid "Ethernet Bridge"
-#~ msgstr "Γέφυρα Ethernet"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can paste public <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys "
-#~ "(one per line) for <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> public-key "
-#~ "authentication."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Εδώ μπορείτε να επικολλήσετε δημόσια <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</"
-#~ "abbr>-κλειδιά (ένα ανά γραμμή) για εξουσιοδότηση δημόσιου-κλειδιού <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>."
-#~ msgid "ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID"
-#~ msgid "IP Configuration"
-#~ msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις IP"
-#~ msgid "Interface Status"
-#~ msgstr "Κατάσταση Διεπαφής"
-#~ msgid "Lead Development"
-#~ msgstr "Επικεφαλής Ανάπτυξης"
-#~ msgid "Master"
-#~ msgstr "Σημείο Πρόσβασης"
-#~ msgid "Master + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "Σημείο Πρόσβασης + WDS"
-#~ msgid "Not configured"
-#~ msgstr "Μη-ρυθμισμένο"
-#~ msgid "Password successfully changed"
-#~ msgstr "Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης αλλάχτηκε επιτυχώς"
-#~ msgid "Plugin path"
-#~ msgstr "Διαδρομή προσθέτων"
-#~ msgid "Ports"
-#~ msgstr "Θύρες"
-#~ msgid "Primary"
-#~ msgstr "Κύριο"
-#~ msgid "Project Homepage"
-#~ msgstr "Ιστοσελίδα του Πρότζεκτ"
-#~ msgid "Pseudo Ad-Hoc"
-#~ msgstr "Ψευδό Ad-Hoc"
-#~ msgid "STP"
-#~ msgstr "STP"
-#~ msgid "Thanks To"
-#~ msgstr "Ευχαριστίες"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The realm which will be displayed at the authentication prompt for "
-#~ "protected pages."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Το realm που θα εμφανίζεται κατά την προτροπή για εξουσιοδότηση για τις "
-#~ "προστατευμένες σελίδες."
-#~ msgid "Unknown Error"
-#~ msgstr "Άγνωστο Σφάλμα"
-#~ msgid "VLAN"
-#~ msgstr "VLAN"
-#~ msgid "defaults to <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgstr "προεπιλεγμένο <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgid "Package lists updated"
-#~ msgstr "Η λίστα πακέτων ενημερώθηκε"
-#~ msgid "Upgrade installed packages"
-#~ msgstr "Αναβάθμιση εγκατεστημένων πακέτων"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Also kernel or service logfiles can be viewed here to get an overview "
-#~ "over their current state."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Επίσης εδώ μπορείτε να δείτε τα αρχεία καταγραφής του πυρήνα ή των "
-#~ "υπηρεσιών ώστε να έχετε μια εικόνα για την τρέχουσα κατάσταση."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can find information about the current system status like <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Central Processing Unit\">CPU</abbr> clock frequency, memory "
-#~ "usage or network interface data."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Εδώ μπορείτε να βρείτε πληροφορίες για την τρέχουσα κατάσταση του "
-#~ "συστήματος όπως την συχνότητα της <abbr title=\"Central Processing Unit"
-#~ "\">CPU</abbr>, τη χρήση μνήμης ή τον όγκο δεδομένων των διεπαφών δικτύου."
-#~ msgid "Search file..."
-#~ msgstr "Εύρεση αρχείου..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a free, "
-#~ "flexible, and user friendly graphical interface for configuring OpenWrt "
-#~ "Kamikaze."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Το <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> είναι ένα "
-#~ "ελεύθερο, ευέλικτο, και φιλικό προς το χρήστη γραφικό περιβάλλον για την "
-#~ "παραμετροποίηση του OpenWrt Kamikaze."
-#~ msgid "And now have fun with your router!"
-#~ msgstr "Και τώρα διασκεδάστε με τον δρομολογητή σας!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "As we always want to improve this interface we are looking forward to "
-#~ "your feedback and suggestions."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Θέλοντας πάντα να βελτιώνουμε αυτό το περιβάλλον, περιμένουμε την "
-#~ "ανάδραση και τις προτάσεις σας."
-#~ msgid "Hello!"
-#~ msgstr "Γεια σας!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Notice: In <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> "
-#~ "changes have to be confirmed by clicking Changes - Save &amp; Apply "
-#~ "before being applied."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Σημείωση: Πριν εφαρμοστούν οι αλλαγές στο <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr> πρέπει να επιβεβαιωθούν κλικάροντας το Αλλαγές - "
-#~ "Αποθήκευση &amp; Εφαρμογή."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "On the following pages you can adjust all important settings of your "
-#~ "router."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Στις επόμενες σελίδες μπορείτε να προσαρμόζετε τις πιο σημαντικές "
-#~ "ρυθμίσεις του δρομολογητή σας."
-#~ msgid "The <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> Team"
-#~ msgstr "Η ομάδα του <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This is the administration area of <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Αυτός είναι ο χώρος διαχείρισης του <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgid "User Interface"
-#~ msgstr "Περιβάλλον Χρήστη"
-#~ msgid "enable"
-#~ msgstr "ενεργό"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "(optional)"
-#~ msgstr " (προαιρετικό)"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Port"
-#~ msgstr "Θύρα <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server will be queried in "
-#~ "the order of the resolvfile"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ο εξυπηρετητής <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr> θα ερωτάται "
-#~ "με την σειρά που δηλώνεται στο αρχείο resolv"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host "
-#~ "Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>-Leases"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"μέγιστα\">μεγ.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host "
-#~ "Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>-Leases"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Extension Mechanisms "
-#~ "for Domain Name System\">EDNS0</abbr> packet size"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"μέγιστο\">μεγ.</abbr> μέγεθος πακέτου <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Extension Mechanisms for Domain Name System\">EDNS0</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "AP-Isolation"
-#~ msgstr "Απομόνωση AP"
-#~ msgid "Add the Wifi network to physical network"
-#~ msgstr "Προσθήκη Ασύρματου δικτύου σε φυσικό δίκτυο"
-#~ msgid "Aliases"
-#~ msgstr "Ψευδώνυμα"
-#~ msgid "Clamp Segment Size"
-#~ msgstr "Μέγεθος Τμήματος Τεμαχισμού"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Create Or Attach Network"
-#~ msgstr "Δημιουργία Δικτύου"
-#~ msgid "Devices"
-#~ msgstr "Συσκευές"
-#~ msgid "Don't forward reverse lookups for local networks"
-#~ msgstr "Να μην προωθούνται αντίστροφες αναζητήσεις για τοπικά δίκτυα"
-#~ msgid "Enable TFTP-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Ενεργός εξυπηρετητής TFTP"
-#~ msgid "Errors"
-#~ msgstr "Λάθη"
-#~ msgid "Essentials"
-#~ msgstr "Βασικά"
-#~ msgid "Expand Hosts"
-#~ msgstr "Ανάπτυξη ονομάτων υπολογιστών"
-#~ msgid "First leased address"
-#~ msgstr "Πρώτη διεύθυνση lease"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Fixes problems with unreachable websites, submitting forms or other "
-#~ "unexpected behaviour for some ISPs."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Επιλύει προβλήματα με μη-προσβάσιμους ιστοχώρους, την υποβολή φορμών ή "
-#~ "άλλες απροσδόκητες συμπεριφορές κάποιων ISP."
-#~ msgid "Hardware Address"
-#~ msgstr "Διεύθυνση Υλικού"
-#~ msgid "Here you can configure installed wifi devices."
-#~ msgstr "Εδώ μπορείτε να ρυθμίσετε τις εγκατεστημένες ασύρματες συσκευές."
-#~ msgid "Independent (Ad-Hoc)"
-#~ msgstr "Ανεξάρτητο (Ad-Hoc)"
-#~ msgid "Internet Connection"
-#~ msgstr "Σύνδεση με Διαδίκτυο"
-#~ msgid "Join (Client)"
-#~ msgstr "Συμμετοχή (Πελάτης)"
-#~ msgid "Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Leases"
-#~ msgid "Local Domain"
-#~ msgstr "Τοπικό Όνομα Τομέα"
-#~ msgid "Local Network"
-#~ msgstr "Τοπικό Δίκτυο"
-#~ msgid "Local Server"
-#~ msgstr "Τοπικός Διακομιστής"
-#~ msgid "Network Boot Image"
-#~ msgstr "Εικόνα Εκκίνησης Δικτύου"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Network Name (<abbr title=\"Extended Service Set Identifier\">ESSID</"
-#~ "abbr>)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Όνομα Δικτύου (<abbr title=\"Extended Service Set Identifier\">ESSID</"
-#~ "abbr>)"
-#~ msgid "Number of leased addresses"
-#~ msgstr "Αριθμός διευθύνσεων lease"
-#~ msgid "Perform Actions"
-#~ msgstr "Εκτέλεση Ενεργειών"
-#~ msgid "Prevents Client to Client communication"
-#~ msgstr "Αποτρέπει την επικοινωνία μεταξύ Πελατών"
-#~ msgid "Provide (Access Point)"
-#~ msgstr "Παροχή (Σημείο Πρόσβασης)"
-#~ msgid "Resolvfile"
-#~ msgstr "Αρχείο Resolv"
-#~ msgid "TFTP-Server Root"
-#~ msgstr "Ρίζα εξυπηρετητή TFTP"
-#~ msgid "TX / RX"
-#~ msgstr "TX / RX"
-#~ msgid "The following changes have been applied"
-#~ msgstr "Οι παρακάτω αλλαγές έχουν εφαρμοστεί"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When flashing a new firmware with <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr> these files will be added to the new firmware "
-#~ "installation."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Τα παρακάτω αρχεία θα διατηρούνται όταν φλασάρεται το firmware μέσω του "
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Wireless Scan"
-#~ msgstr "Ασύρματο"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "network members can automatically receive their network settings (<abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Internet Protocol\">IP</abbr>-address, netmask, <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-server, ...)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Με τον <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> τα "
-#~ "μέλη του δικτύου μπορούν αυτόματα να λάβουν τις ρυθμίσεις δικτύου τους "
-#~ "(διεύθυνση <abbr title=\"Internet Protocol\">IP</abbr>, μάσκα δικτύου, "
-#~ "εξυπηρετητή <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>, ...)."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You can run several wifi networks with one device. Be aware that there "
-#~ "are certain hardware and driverspecific restrictions. Normally you can "
-#~ "operate 1 Ad-Hoc or up to 3 Master-Mode and 1 Client-Mode network "
-#~ "simultaneously."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Μια συσκευή μπορεί να λειτουργεί σε πολλά ασύρματα δίκτυα. Προσοχή όμως "
-#~ "γιατί υπάρχουν κάποιοι περιορισμοί από το υλικό και τον οδηγό. Κανονικά, "
-#~ "μπορούν να λειτουργούν: 1 δίκτυο Ad-Hoc ή μέχρι 3 δίκτυα AP και 1 πελάτη "
-#~ "ταυτόχρονα."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE or \"pptp\" for PPtP "
-#~ "support"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Χρειάζεται να εγκαταστήσετε το \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" για υποστήριξη PPPoE ή "
-#~ "το \"pptp\" για υποστήριξη PPtP"
-#~ msgid "additional hostfile"
-#~ msgstr "επιπλέον αρχείο ονομάτων υπολογιστών"
-#~ msgid "adds domain names to hostentries in the resolv file"
-#~ msgstr "προσθέτει τα ονόματα τομέα στις καταχωρήσεις του αρχείου resolv"
-#~ msgid "automatically reconnect"
-#~ msgstr "αυτόματη επανασύνδεση"
-#~ msgid "concurrent queries"
-#~ msgstr "ταυτόχρονα ερωτήματα"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "disable <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "for this interface"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "απενεργοποίηση <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</"
-#~ "abbr> για αυτή τη διεπαφή"
-#~ msgid "disconnect when idle for"
-#~ msgstr "αποσύνδεση όταν είναι αδρανές για"
-#~ msgid "don't cache unknown"
-#~ msgstr "να μην διατηρούνται στην λανθάνουσα μνήμη τα άγνωστα"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "filter useless <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-queries of "
-#~ "Windows-systems"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "φιλτράρισμα άχρηστων ερωτημάτων <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</"
-#~ "abbr> των συστημάτων Windows"
-#~ msgid "installed"
-#~ msgstr "εγκατεστημένο"
-#~ msgid "localises the hostname depending on its subnet"
-#~ msgstr "επιτρέπει τοπικό όνομα υπολογιστή με βάση το υποδίκτυο του"
-#~ msgid "not installed"
-#~ msgstr "μη-εγκατεστημένο"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "prevents caching of negative <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</"
-#~ "abbr>-replies"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "αποτρέπει τη διατήρηση των αρνητικών απαντήσεων <abbr title=\"Domain Name "
-#~ "System\">DNS</abbr> στην λανθάνουσα μνήμη"
-#~ msgid "query port"
-#~ msgstr "θύρα ερωτημάτων"
-#~ msgid "transmitted / received"
-#~ msgstr "απεσταλμένα / ληφθέντα"
-#~ msgid "Console Log Level"
-#~ msgstr "Επίπεδο Καταγραφής Τερματικού"
-#~ msgid "Log Size"
-#~ msgstr "Μέγεθος Αρχείου Καταγραφής"
-#~ msgid "Remote Syslog IP"
-#~ msgstr "Διεύθυνση Απομακρυσμένου Syslog"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Join network"
-#~ msgstr "Δίκτυο"
-#~ msgid "all"
-#~ msgstr "όλα"
-#~ msgid "Code"
-#~ msgstr "Κωδικός"
-#~ msgid "Distance"
-#~ msgstr "Απόσταση"
-#~ msgid "Legend"
-#~ msgstr "Υπόμνημα"
-#~ msgid "Library"
-#~ msgstr "Βιβλιοθήκη"
-#~ msgid "see '%s' manpage"
-#~ msgstr "βλέπε &#39;%s&#39; manpage"
-#~ msgid "Package Manager"
-#~ msgstr "Διαχειριστής Πακέτων"
-#~ msgid "Service"
-#~ msgstr "Υπηρεσία"
-#~ msgid "Statistics"
-#~ msgstr "Στατιστικά"
+#~ msgid "Port %d"
+#~ msgstr "Θύρα %d"
-#~ msgid "zone"
-#~ msgstr "Ζώνη"
+#~ msgid "VLAN Interface"
+#~ msgstr "Διεπαφή VLAN"
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/po/en/base.po b/modules/luci-base/po/en/base.po
index 0e457a90e4..82a4e72542 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/po/en/base.po
+++ b/modules/luci-base/po/en/base.po
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.0.4\n"
+msgid "%s is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+msgstr ""
msgid "(%d minute window, %d second interval)"
msgstr "(%d minute window, %d second interval)"
@@ -242,6 +245,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Alert"
msgstr "Alert"
+msgid ""
+"Allocate IP addresses sequentially, starting from the lowest available "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Allocate IP sequentially"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
msgstr "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
@@ -523,9 +534,6 @@ msgstr "Buttons"
msgid "CA certificate; if empty it will be saved after the first connection."
msgstr ""
-msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "CPU"
msgid "CPU usage (%)"
msgstr "CPU usage (%)"
@@ -1047,6 +1055,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "External system log server port"
msgstr ""
+msgid "External system log server protocol"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Extra SSH command options"
msgstr ""
@@ -1741,6 +1752,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "MB/s"
msgstr ""
+msgid "MD5"
+msgstr ""
msgid "MHz"
msgstr ""
@@ -2240,12 +2254,6 @@ msgstr "Policy"
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Port"
-msgid "Port %d"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
-msgstr ""
msgid "Port status:"
msgstr ""
@@ -2527,6 +2535,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Run filesystem check"
msgstr ""
+msgid "SHA256"
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"SIXXS supports TIC only, for static tunnels using IP protocol 41 (RFC4213) "
"use 6in4 instead"
@@ -2665,6 +2676,9 @@ msgstr "Slot time"
msgid "Software"
msgstr "Software"
+msgid "Software VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!"
msgstr ""
@@ -2756,6 +2770,12 @@ msgstr "Strict order"
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Submit"
+msgid "Suppress logging"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging of the routine operation of these protocols"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Swap"
msgstr ""
@@ -2771,6 +2791,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Switch %q (%s)"
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Switch %q has an unknown topology - the VLAN settings might not be accurate."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Switch VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Switch protocol"
msgstr ""
@@ -3231,9 +3258,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "VDSL"
msgstr ""
-msgid "VLAN Interface"
-msgstr ""
msgid "VLANs on %q"
msgstr ""
@@ -3329,9 +3353,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Wifi"
-msgstr "Wifi"
msgid "Wireless"
msgstr ""
@@ -3368,6 +3389,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Write received DNS requests to syslog"
msgstr ""
+msgid "Write system log to file"
+msgstr ""
msgid "XR Support"
msgstr "XR Support"
@@ -3547,890 +3571,5 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "« Back"
msgstr "« Back"
-#~ msgid "Delete this interface"
-#~ msgstr "Delete this interface"
-#~ msgid "Flags"
-#~ msgstr "Flags"
-#~ msgid "Rule #"
-#~ msgstr "Rule #"
-#~ msgid "Path"
-#~ msgstr "Path"
-#~ msgid "Please wait: Device rebooting..."
-#~ msgstr "Please wait: Device rebooting..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Warning: There are unsaved changes that will be lost while rebooting!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Warning: There are unsaved changes that will be lost while rebooting!"
-#~ msgid "Cached"
-#~ msgstr "Cached"
-#~ msgid "Configures this mount as overlay storage for block-extroot"
-#~ msgstr "Configures this mount as overlay storage for block-extroot"
-#~ msgid "Frequency Hopping"
-#~ msgstr "Frequency Hopping"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel above"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz 2nd channel above"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel below"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz 2nd channel below"
-#~ msgid "Accept router advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "Accept router advertisements"
-#~ msgid "Advertise IPv6 on network"
-#~ msgstr "Advertise IPv6 on network"
-#~ msgid "Advertised network ID"
-#~ msgstr "Advertised network ID"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to 65535"
-#~ msgstr "Allowed range is 1 to 65535"
-#~ msgid "Active Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Active Leases"
-#~ msgid "Bit Rate"
-#~ msgstr "Bit Rate"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Apply"
-#~ msgstr "Configuration / Apply"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Changes"
-#~ msgstr "Configuration / Changes"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Revert"
-#~ msgstr "Configuration / Revert"
-#~ msgid "MAC"
-#~ msgstr "MAC"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">Encr.</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">Encr.</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-Scan"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-Scan"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Choose the network you want to attach to this wireless interface. Select "
-#~ "<em>unspecified</em> to not attach any network or fill out the "
-#~ "<em>create</em> field to define a new network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Choose the network you want to attach to this wireless interface. Select "
-#~ "<em>unspecified</em> to not attach any network or fill out the "
-#~ "<em>create</em> field to define a new network."
-#~ msgid "Create Network"
-#~ msgstr "Create Network"
-#~ msgid "Link"
-#~ msgstr "Link"
-#~ msgid "Networks"
-#~ msgstr "Networks"
-#~ msgid "Power"
-#~ msgstr "Power"
-#~ msgid "Wifi networks in your local environment"
-#~ msgstr "Wifi networks in your local environment"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>-Notation: "
-#~ "address/prefix"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>-Notation: "
-#~ "address/prefix"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Broadcast"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Broadcast"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Address"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Address"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The network ports on your router can be combined to several <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s in which computers can "
-#~ "communicate directly with each other. <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area "
-#~ "Network\">VLAN</abbr>s are often used to separate different network "
-#~ "segments. Often there is by default one Uplink port for a connection to "
-#~ "the next greater network like the internet and other ports for a local "
-#~ "network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "The network ports on your router can be combined to several <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s in which computers can "
-#~ "communicate directly with each other. <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area "
-#~ "Network\">VLAN</abbr>s are often used to separate different network "
-#~ "segments. Often there is by default one Uplink port for a connection to "
-#~ "the next greater network like the internet and other ports for a local "
-#~ "network."
-#~ msgid "Files to be kept when flashing a new firmware"
-#~ msgstr "Files to be kept when flashing a new firmware"
-#~ msgid "General"
-#~ msgstr "General"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can customize the settings and the functionality of <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Here you can customize the settings and the functionality of <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgid "Post-commit actions"
-#~ msgstr "Post-commit actions"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "These commands will be executed automatically when a given <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Unified Configuration Interface\">UCI</abbr> configuration is committed "
-#~ "allowing changes to be applied instantly."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "These commands will be executed automatically when a given <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Unified Configuration Interface\">UCI</abbr> configuration is committed "
-#~ "allowing changes to be applied instantly."
-#~ msgid "Web <abbr title=\"User Interface\">UI</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "Web <abbr title=\"User Interface\">UI</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgid "ARP ping retries"
-#~ msgstr "ARP ping retries"
-#~ msgid "ATM Settings"
-#~ msgstr "ATM Settings"
-#~ msgid "Accept Router Advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "Accept Router Advertisements"
-#~ msgid "Access point (APN)"
-#~ msgstr "Access point (APN)"
-#~ msgid "Additional pppd options"
-#~ msgstr "Additional pppd options"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to FFFF"
-#~ msgstr "Allowed range is 1 to FFFF"
-#~ msgid "Automatic Disconnect"
-#~ msgstr "Automatic Disconnect"
-#~ msgid "Backup Archive"
-#~ msgstr "Backup Archive"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Configure the local DNS server to use the name servers adverticed by the "
-#~ "PPP peer"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Configure the local DNS server to use the name servers adverticed by the "
-#~ "PPP peer"
-#~ msgid "Connect script"
-#~ msgstr "Connect script"
-#~ msgid "Create backup"
-#~ msgstr "Create backup"
-#~ msgid "Disconnect script"
-#~ msgstr "Disconnect script"
-#~ msgid "Edit package lists and installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "Edit package lists and installation targets"
-#~ msgid "Enable IPv6 on PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "Enable IPv6 on PPP link"
-#~ msgid "Firmware image"
-#~ msgstr "Firmware image"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can backup and restore your router configuration and - if "
-#~ "possible - reset the router to the default settings."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Here you can backup and restore your router configuration and - if "
-#~ "possible - reset the router to the default settings."
-#~ msgid "Installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "Installation targets"
-#~ msgid "Keep configuration files"
-#~ msgstr "Keep configuration files"
-#~ msgid "Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Let pppd replace the current default route to use the PPP interface after "
-#~ "successful connect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Let pppd replace the current default route to use the PPP interface after "
-#~ "successful connect"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script after establishing the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "Let pppd run this script after establishing the PPP link"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script before tearing down the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "Let pppd run this script before tearing down the PPP link"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Make sure that you provide the correct pin code here or you might lock "
-#~ "your sim card!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Make sure that you provide the correct pin code here or you might lock "
-#~ "your sim card!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Most of them are network servers, that offer a certain service for your "
-#~ "device or network like shell access, serving webpages like <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>, doing mesh routing, sending "
-#~ "e-mails, ..."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Most of them are network servers, that offer a certain service for your "
-#~ "device or network like shell access, serving webpages like <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>, doing mesh routing, sending "
-#~ "e-mails, ..."
-#~ msgid "Number of failed connection tests to initiate automatic reconnect"
-#~ msgstr "Number of failed connection tests to initiate automatic reconnect"
-#~ msgid "PIN code"
-#~ msgstr "PIN code"
-#~ msgid "PPP Settings"
-#~ msgstr "PPP Settings"
-#~ msgid "Package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Package lists"
-#~ msgid "Proceed reverting all settings and resetting to firmware defaults?"
-#~ msgstr "Proceed reverting all settings and resetting to firmware defaults?"
-#~ msgid "Processor"
-#~ msgstr "Processor"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Port"
-#~ msgstr "Radius-Port"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Radius-Server"
-#~ msgid "Replace default route"
-#~ msgstr "Replace default route"
-#~ msgid "Reset router to defaults"
-#~ msgstr "Reset router to defaults"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Seconds to wait for the modem to become ready before attempting to connect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Seconds to wait for the modem to become ready before attempting to connect"
-#~ msgid "Service type"
-#~ msgstr "Service type"
-#~ msgid "Services and daemons perform certain tasks on your device."
-#~ msgstr "Services and daemons perform certain tasks on your device."
-#~ msgid "Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Settings"
-#~ msgid "Setup wait time"
-#~ msgstr "Setup wait time"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Sorry. OpenWrt does not support a system upgrade on this platform.<br /> "
-#~ "You need to manually flash your device."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Sorry. OpenWrt does not support a system upgrade on this platform.<br /> "
-#~ "You need to manually flash your device."
-#~ msgid "Specify additional command line arguments for pppd here"
-#~ msgstr "Specify additional command line arguments for pppd here"
-#~ msgid "The device node of your modem, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgstr "The device node of your modem, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgid "Time (in seconds) after which an unused connection will be closed"
-#~ msgstr "Time (in seconds) after which an unused connection will be closed"
-#~ msgid "Update package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Update package lists"
-#~ msgid "Upload an OpenWrt image file to reflash the device."
-#~ msgstr "Upload an OpenWrt image file to reflash the device."
-#~ msgid "Upload image"
-#~ msgstr "Upload image"
-#~ msgid "Use peer DNS"
-#~ msgstr "Use peer DNS"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"comgt\" for UMTS/GPRS, \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE, "
-#~ "\"ppp-mod-pppoa\" for PPPoA or \"pptp\" for PPtP support"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "You need to install \"comgt\" for UMTS/GPRS, \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE, "
-#~ "\"ppp-mod-pppoa\" for PPPoA or \"pptp\" for PPtP support"
-#~ msgid "back"
-#~ msgstr "back"
-#~ msgid "buffered"
-#~ msgstr "buffered"
-#~ msgid "cached"
-#~ msgstr "cached"
-#~ msgid "free"
-#~ msgstr "free"
-#~ msgid "static"
-#~ msgstr "static"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a collection "
-#~ "of free Lua software including an <abbr title=\"Model-View-Controller"
-#~ "\">MVC</abbr>-Webframework and webinterface for embedded devices. <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is licensed under the "
-#~ "Apache-License."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a collection "
-#~ "of free Lua software including an <abbr title=\"Model-View-Controller"
-#~ "\">MVC</abbr>-Webframework and webinterface for embedded devices. <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is licensed under the "
-#~ "Apache-License."
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A lightweight HTTP/1.1 webserver written in C and Lua designed to serve "
-#~ "LuCI"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "A lightweight HTTP/1.1 webserver written in C and Lua designed to serve "
-#~ "LuCI"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A small webserver which can be used to serve <abbr title=\"Lua "
-#~ "Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "A small webserver which can be used to serve <abbr title=\"Lua "
-#~ "Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgid "About"
-#~ msgstr "About"
-#~ msgid "Active IP Connections"
-#~ msgstr "Active IP Connections"
-#~ msgid "Addresses"
-#~ msgstr "Addresses"
-#~ msgid "Admin Password"
-#~ msgstr "Admin Password"
-#~ msgid "Alias"
-#~ msgstr "Alias"
-#~ msgid "Authentication Realm"
-#~ msgstr "Authentication Realm"
-#~ msgid "Bridge Port"
-#~ msgstr "Bridge Port"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Change the password of the system administrator (User <code>root</code>)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Change the password of the system administrator (User <code>root</code>)"
-#~ msgid "Client + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "Client + WDS"
-#~ msgid "Configuration file"
-#~ msgstr "Configuration file"
-#~ msgid "Connection timeout"
-#~ msgstr "Connection timeout"
-#~ msgid "Contributing Developers"
-#~ msgstr "Contributing Developers"
-#~ msgid "DHCP assigned"
-#~ msgstr "DHCP assigned"
-#~ msgid "Document root"
-#~ msgstr "Document root"
-#~ msgid "Enable Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "Enable Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgid "Ethernet Bridge"
-#~ msgstr "Ethernet Bridge"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can paste public <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys "
-#~ "(one per line) for <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> public-key "
-#~ "authentication."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Here you can paste public <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys "
-#~ "(one per line) for <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> public-key "
-#~ "authentication."
-#~ msgid "ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID"
-#~ msgid "IP Configuration"
-#~ msgstr "IP Configuration"
-#~ msgid "Interface Status"
-#~ msgstr "Interface Status"
-#~ msgid "Lead Development"
-#~ msgstr "Lead Development"
-#~ msgid "Master"
-#~ msgstr "Master"
-#~ msgid "Master + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "Master + WDS"
-#~ msgid "Not configured"
-#~ msgstr "Not configured"
-#~ msgid "Password successfully changed"
-#~ msgstr "Password successfully changed"
-#~ msgid "Plugin path"
-#~ msgstr "Plugin path"
-#~ msgid "Ports"
-#~ msgstr "Ports"
-#~ msgid "Primary"
-#~ msgstr "Primary"
-#~ msgid "Project Homepage"
-#~ msgstr "Project Homepage"
-#~ msgid "Pseudo Ad-Hoc"
-#~ msgstr "Pseudo Ad-Hoc"
-#~ msgid "STP"
-#~ msgstr "STP"
-#~ msgid "Thanks To"
-#~ msgstr "Thanks To"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The realm which will be displayed at the authentication prompt for "
-#~ "protected pages."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "The realm which will be displayed at the authentication prompt for "
-#~ "protected pages."
-#~ msgid "Unknown Error"
-#~ msgstr "Unknown Error"
-#~ msgid "VLAN"
-#~ msgstr "VLAN"
-#~ msgid "defaults to <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgstr "defaults to <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgid "OPKG error code %i"
-#~ msgstr "OPKG error code %i"
-#~ msgid "Package lists updated"
-#~ msgstr "Package lists updated"
-#~ msgid "Upgrade installed packages"
-#~ msgstr "Upgrade installed packages"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Also kernel or service logfiles can be viewed here to get an overview "
-#~ "over their current state."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Also kernel or service logfiles can be viewed here to get an overview "
-#~ "over their current state."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can find information about the current system status like <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Central Processing Unit\">CPU</abbr> clock frequency, memory "
-#~ "usage or network interface data."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Here you can find information about the current system status like <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Central Processing Unit\">CPU</abbr> clock frequency, memory "
-#~ "usage or network interface data."
-#~ msgid "Search file..."
-#~ msgstr "Search file..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a free, "
-#~ "flexible, and user friendly graphical interface for configuring OpenWrt "
-#~ "Kamikaze."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a free, "
-#~ "flexible, and user friendly graphical interface for configuring OpenWrt "
-#~ "Kamikaze."
-#~ msgid "And now have fun with your router!"
-#~ msgstr "And now have fun with your router!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "As we always want to improve this interface we are looking forward to "
-#~ "your feedback and suggestions."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "As we always want to improve this interface we are looking forward to "
-#~ "your feedback and suggestions."
-#~ msgid "Hello!"
-#~ msgstr "Hello!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Notice: In <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> "
-#~ "changes have to be confirmed by clicking Changes - Save &amp; Apply "
-#~ "before being applied."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Notice: In <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> "
-#~ "changes have to be confirmed by clicking Changes - Save &amp; Apply "
-#~ "before being applied."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "On the following pages you can adjust all important settings of your "
-#~ "router."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "On the following pages you can adjust all important settings of your "
-#~ "router."
-#~ msgid "The <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> Team"
-#~ msgstr "The <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> Team"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This is the administration area of <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "This is the administration area of <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgid "User Interface"
-#~ msgstr "User Interface"
-#~ msgid "enable"
-#~ msgstr "enable"
-#~ msgid "(hidden)"
-#~ msgstr "(hidden)"
-#~ msgid "(optional)"
-#~ msgstr "(optional)"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Port"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Port"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server will be queried in "
-#~ "the order of the resolvfile"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server will be queried in "
-#~ "the order of the resolvfile"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host "
-#~ "Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>-Leases"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host "
-#~ "Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>-Leases"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Extension Mechanisms "
-#~ "for Domain Name System\">EDNS0</abbr> packet size"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Extension Mechanisms "
-#~ "for Domain Name System\">EDNS0</abbr> packet size"
-#~ msgid "AP-Isolation"
-#~ msgstr "AP-Isolation"
-#~ msgid "Add the Wifi network to physical network"
-#~ msgstr "Add the Wifi network to physical network"
-#~ msgid "Aliases"
-#~ msgstr "Aliases"
-#~ msgid "Attach to existing network"
-#~ msgstr "Attach to existing network"
-#~ msgid "Clamp Segment Size"
-#~ msgstr "Clamp Segment Size"
-#~ msgid "Create Or Attach Network"
-#~ msgstr "Create Or Attach Network"
-#~ msgid "DHCP"
-#~ msgstr "DHCP"
-#~ msgid "Devices"
-#~ msgstr "Devices"
-#~ msgid "Don't forward reverse lookups for local networks"
-#~ msgstr "Don&#39;t forward reverse lookups for local networks"
-#~ msgid "Enable TFTP-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Enable TFTP-Server"
-#~ msgid "Errors"
-#~ msgstr "Errors"
-#~ msgid "Essentials"
-#~ msgstr "Essentials"
-#~ msgid "Expand Hosts"
-#~ msgstr "Expand Hosts"
-#~ msgid "First leased address"
-#~ msgstr "First leased address"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Fixes problems with unreachable websites, submitting forms or other "
-#~ "unexpected behaviour for some ISPs."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Fixes problems with unreachable websites, submitting forms or other "
-#~ "unexpected behaviour for some ISPs."
-#~ msgid "Hardware Address"
-#~ msgstr "Hardware Address"
-#~ msgid "Here you can configure installed wifi devices."
-#~ msgstr "Here you can configure installed wifi devices."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If the interface is attached to an existing network it will be "
-#~ "<em>bridged</em> to the existing interfaces and is covered by the "
-#~ "firewall zone of the choosen network.<br />Uncheck the attach option to "
-#~ "define a new standalone network for this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "If the interface is attached to an existing network it will be "
-#~ "<em>bridged</em> to the existing interfaces and is covered by the "
-#~ "firewall zone of the choosen network.<br />Uncheck the attach option to "
-#~ "define a new standalone network for this interface."
-#~ msgid "Independent (Ad-Hoc)"
-#~ msgstr "Independent (Ad-Hoc)"
-#~ msgid "Internet Connection"
-#~ msgstr "Internet Connection"
-#~ msgid "Join (Client)"
-#~ msgstr "Join (Client)"
-#~ msgid "Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Leases"
-#~ msgid "Local Domain"
-#~ msgstr "Local Domain"
-#~ msgid "Local Network"
-#~ msgstr "Local Network"
-#~ msgid "Local Server"
-#~ msgstr "Local Server"
-#~ msgid "Network Boot Image"
-#~ msgstr "Network Boot Image"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Network Name (<abbr title=\"Extended Service Set Identifier\">ESSID</"
-#~ "abbr>)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Network Name (<abbr title=\"Extended Service Set Identifier\">ESSID</"
-#~ "abbr>)"
-#~ msgid "Number of leased addresses"
-#~ msgstr "Number of leased addresses"
-#~ msgid "Perform Actions"
-#~ msgstr "Perform Actions"
-#~ msgid "Prevents Client to Client communication"
-#~ msgstr "Prevents Client to Client communication"
-#~ msgid "Provide (Access Point)"
-#~ msgstr "Provide (Access Point)"
-#~ msgid "Resolvfile"
-#~ msgstr "Resolvfile"
-#~ msgid "TFTP-Server Root"
-#~ msgstr "TFTP-Server Root"
-#~ msgid "TX / RX"
-#~ msgstr "TX / RX"
-#~ msgid "The following changes have been applied"
-#~ msgstr "The following changes have been applied"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When flashing a new firmware with <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr> these files will be added to the new firmware "
-#~ "installation."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "When flashing a new firmware with <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr> these files will be added to the new firmware "
-#~ "installation."
-#~ msgid "Wireless Scan"
-#~ msgstr "Wireless Scan"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "network members can automatically receive their network settings (<abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Internet Protocol\">IP</abbr>-address, netmask, <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-server, ...)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "With <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "network members can automatically receive their network settings (<abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Internet Protocol\">IP</abbr>-address, netmask, <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-server, ...)."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You are about to join the wireless network <em><strong>%s</strong></em>. "
-#~ "In order to complete the process, you need to provide some additional "
-#~ "details."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "You are about to join the wireless network <em><strong>%s</strong></em>. "
-#~ "In order to complete the process, you need to provide some additional "
-#~ "details."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You can run several wifi networks with one device. Be aware that there "
-#~ "are certain hardware and driverspecific restrictions. Normally you can "
-#~ "operate 1 Ad-Hoc or up to 3 Master-Mode and 1 Client-Mode network "
-#~ "simultaneously."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "You can run several wifi networks with one device. Be aware that there "
-#~ "are certain hardware and driverspecific restrictions. Normally you can "
-#~ "operate 1 Ad-Hoc or up to 3 Master-Mode and 1 Client-Mode network "
-#~ "simultaneously."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE or \"pptp\" for PPtP "
-#~ "support"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "You need to install \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE or \"pptp\" for PPtP "
-#~ "support"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install <a href='%s'><em>wpa-supplicant</em></a> to use WPA!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "You need to install <a href='%s'><em>wpa-supplicant</em></a> to use WPA!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install the <a href='%s'>Broadcom <em>nas</em> supplicant</a> "
-#~ "to use WPA!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "You need to install the <a href='%s'>Broadcom <em>nas</em> supplicant</a> "
-#~ "to use WPA!"
-#~ msgid "Zone"
-#~ msgstr "Zone"
-#~ msgid "additional hostfile"
-#~ msgstr "additional hostfile"
-#~ msgid "adds domain names to hostentries in the resolv file"
-#~ msgstr "adds domain names to hostentries in the resolv file"
-#~ msgid "automatically reconnect"
-#~ msgstr "automatically reconnect"
-#~ msgid "concurrent queries"
-#~ msgstr "concurrent queries"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "disable <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "for this interface"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "disable <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "for this interface"
-#~ msgid "disconnect when idle for"
-#~ msgstr "disconnect when idle for"
-#~ msgid "don't cache unknown"
-#~ msgstr "don&#39;t cache unknown"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "filter useless <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-queries of "
-#~ "Windows-systems"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "filter useless <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-queries of "
-#~ "Windows-systems"
-#~ msgid "installed"
-#~ msgstr "installed"
-#~ msgid "localises the hostname depending on its subnet"
-#~ msgstr "localises the hostname depending on its subnet"
-#~ msgid "manual"
-#~ msgstr "manual"
-#~ msgid "not installed"
-#~ msgstr "not installed"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "prevents caching of negative <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</"
-#~ "abbr>-replies"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "prevents caching of negative <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</"
-#~ "abbr>-replies"
-#~ msgid "query port"
-#~ msgstr "query port"
-#~ msgid "transmitted / received"
-#~ msgstr "transmitted / received"
-#~ msgid "all"
-#~ msgstr "all"
-#~ msgid "Code"
-#~ msgstr "Code"
-#~ msgid "Distance"
-#~ msgstr "Distance"
-#~ msgid "Legend"
-#~ msgstr "Legend"
-#~ msgid "Library"
-#~ msgstr "Library"
-#~ msgid "see '%s' manpage"
-#~ msgstr "see &#39;%s&#39; manpage"
-#~ msgid "Package Manager"
-#~ msgstr "Package Manager"
-#~ msgid "Service"
-#~ msgstr "Service"
-#~ msgid "Statistics"
-#~ msgstr "Statistics"
-#~ msgid "zone"
-#~ msgstr "Zone"
+#~ msgid "CPU"
+#~ msgstr "CPU"
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/po/es/base.po b/modules/luci-base/po/es/base.po
index 9a5ff2e2f5..de9a645324 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/po/es/base.po
+++ b/modules/luci-base/po/es/base.po
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.0.6\n"
+msgid "%s is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+msgstr ""
msgid "(%d minute window, %d second interval)"
msgstr "(ventana de %d minutos, intervalo de %d segundos)"
@@ -246,6 +249,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Alert"
msgstr "Alerta"
+msgid ""
+"Allocate IP addresses sequentially, starting from the lowest available "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Allocate IP sequentially"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
msgstr ""
"Permitir autenticación de contraseña via <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</"
@@ -530,9 +541,6 @@ msgstr "Botones"
msgid "CA certificate; if empty it will be saved after the first connection."
msgstr ""
-msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "CPU"
msgid "CPU usage (%)"
msgstr "Uso de CPU (%)"
@@ -1065,6 +1073,9 @@ msgstr "Servidor externo de registro del sistema"
msgid "External system log server port"
msgstr "Puerto del servidor externo de registro del sistema"
+msgid "External system log server protocol"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Extra SSH command options"
msgstr ""
@@ -1780,6 +1791,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "MB/s"
msgstr "MB/s"
+msgid "MD5"
+msgstr ""
msgid "MHz"
msgstr "MHz"
@@ -2280,12 +2294,6 @@ msgstr "Política"
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Puerto"
-msgid "Port %d"
-msgstr "Puerto %d"
-msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
-msgstr "¡El puerto %d está desmarcado en múltiples VLANs!"
msgid "Port status:"
msgstr "Estado del puerto:"
@@ -2581,6 +2589,9 @@ msgstr "Comprobar el sistema de ficheros antes de montar el dispositivo"
msgid "Run filesystem check"
msgstr "Comprobar el sistema de ficheros"
+msgid "SHA256"
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"SIXXS supports TIC only, for static tunnels using IP protocol 41 (RFC4213) "
"use 6in4 instead"
@@ -2722,6 +2733,9 @@ msgstr "Tiempo asignado"
msgid "Software"
msgstr "Instalación de programas"
+msgid "Software VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!"
msgstr "Algunos campos no son válidos, ¡no se pueden guardar!"
@@ -2826,6 +2840,12 @@ msgstr "Orden estricto"
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Guardar"
+msgid "Suppress logging"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging of the routine operation of these protocols"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Swap"
msgstr ""
@@ -2841,6 +2861,13 @@ msgstr "Switch %q"
msgid "Switch %q (%s)"
msgstr "Switch %q (%s)"
+msgid ""
+"Switch %q has an unknown topology - the VLAN settings might not be accurate."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Switch VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Switch protocol"
msgstr "Intercambiar protocolo"
@@ -3348,9 +3375,6 @@ msgstr "VC-Mux"
msgid "VDSL"
msgstr ""
-msgid "VLAN Interface"
-msgstr "Interfaz VLAN"
msgid "VLANs on %q"
msgstr "VLANs en %q"
@@ -3446,9 +3470,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Wifi"
-msgstr "Wifi"
msgid "Wireless"
msgstr "Red inalámbrica"
@@ -3485,6 +3506,9 @@ msgstr "Apagando red inalámbrica"
msgid "Write received DNS requests to syslog"
msgstr "Escribir las peticiones de DNS recibidas en el registro del sistema"
+msgid "Write system log to file"
+msgstr ""
msgid "XR Support"
msgstr "Soporte de XR"
@@ -3667,913 +3691,14 @@ msgstr "sí"
msgid "« Back"
msgstr "« Volver"
-#~ msgid "Delete this interface"
-#~ msgstr "Borrar esta interfaz"
-#~ msgid "Flags"
-#~ msgstr "Indicadores"
-#~ msgid "Rule #"
-#~ msgstr "Nº de regla"
-#~ msgid "Ignore Hosts files"
-#~ msgstr "Ignorar fichero de máquinas"
-#~ msgid "Path"
-#~ msgstr "Ruta (path)"
-#~ msgid "Please wait: Device rebooting..."
-#~ msgstr "Espere por favor: Rearrancando dispositivo..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Warning: There are unsaved changes that will be lost while rebooting!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Advertencia: Hay cambios realizados que no han sido guardados, los mismos "
-#~ "se perderán mientras se rearranca!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Always use 40MHz channels even if the secondary channel overlaps. Using "
-#~ "this option does not comply with IEEE 802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Usar canales de 40MHz aunque el canal secundario solape con otro. ¡El "
-#~ "estándar IEEE 802.11n-2009 indica que no es correcto hacer esto!"
-#~ msgid "Cached"
-#~ msgstr "En caché"
-#~ msgid "Configures this mount as overlay storage for block-extroot"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Configura este punto de montaje como almacenamiento de overlay para block-"
-#~ "extroot"
-#~ msgid "Force 40MHz mode"
-#~ msgstr "Forzar modo 40MHz"
-#~ msgid "Frequency Hopping"
-#~ msgstr "Saltos de Frecuencia"
-#~ msgid "Locked to channel %d used by %s"
-#~ msgstr "Bloqueado al canal %d usado por %s"
-#~ msgid "Use as root filesystem"
-#~ msgstr "Usar como raíz del sistema de ficheros"
-#~ msgid " user ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID de usuario de"
-#~ msgid "This is the 32 byte hex encoded user ID, not the login name"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Esto es el ID de usuario codificado como hexadecimal de 32 bytes, no el "
-#~ "nombre de conexión"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel above"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz 2º canal por encima"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel below"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz 2º canal por debajo"
-#~ msgid "Accept router advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "Aceptar anuncios del router"
-#~ msgid "Advertise IPv6 on network"
-#~ msgstr "Anunciar IPv6 en la red"
-#~ msgid "Advertised network ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID de red anunciado"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to 65535"
-#~ msgstr "El rango permitido es desde 1 hasta 65535"
-#~ msgid "HT capabilities"
-#~ msgstr "Habilidades HT"
-#~ msgid "HT mode"
-#~ msgstr "Modo HT"
-#~ msgid "Router Model"
-#~ msgstr "Modelo de router"
-#~ msgid "Router Name"
-#~ msgstr "Nombre del router"
-#~ msgid "Send router solicitations"
-#~ msgstr "Enviar solicitudes de router"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised preferred prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr "Especifica el tiempo de prefijo anunciado preferido en segundos"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised valid prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr "Especifica el tiempo de prefijo válido preferido en segundos"
-#~ msgid "Use preferred lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "Usar tiempo de vida preferido"
-#~ msgid "Use valid lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "Usar tiempo de vida válido"
-#~ msgid "Waiting for router..."
-#~ msgstr "Esperando al router..."
-#~ msgid "Enable builtin NTP server"
-#~ msgstr "Activar el servidor integrado NTP"
-#~ msgid "Active Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Cesiones activas"
-#~ msgid "Bit Rate"
-#~ msgstr "Bitrate"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Apply"
-#~ msgstr "Configuración / Aplicar"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Changes"
-#~ msgstr "Configuración / Cambios"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Revert"
-#~ msgstr "Configuración / Anular"
-#~ msgid "MAC"
-#~ msgstr "MAC"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">Encr.</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "Encriptado"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-Scan"
-#~ msgstr "Explorar-<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "Create Network"
-#~ msgstr "Crear red"
-#~ msgid "Link"
-#~ msgstr "Enlace"
-#~ msgid "Networks"
-#~ msgstr "Redes"
-#~ msgid "Power"
-#~ msgstr "Potencia"
-#~ msgid "Wifi networks in your local environment"
-#~ msgstr "Redes inalámbricas en un entorno local"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>-Notation: "
-#~ "address/prefix"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Notación-<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>: "
-#~ "dirección/prefijo"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Servidor <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Broadcast"
-#~ msgstr "Difusión-<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Address"
-#~ msgstr "Dirección <abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "IP-Aliases"
-#~ msgstr "Alias IP"
-#~ msgid "IPv6 Setup"
-#~ msgstr "Configuración IPv6"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The network ports on your router can be combined to several <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s in which computers can "
-#~ "communicate directly with each other. <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area "
-#~ "Network\">VLAN</abbr>s are often used to separate different network "
-#~ "segments. Often there is by default one Uplink port for a connection to "
-#~ "the next greater network like the internet and other ports for a local "
-#~ "network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Los puertos de red de su router pueden ser combinados en diferentes <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s donde las computadoras "
-#~ "pueden comunicarse directamente con otras. Las <abbr title=\"Virtual "
-#~ "Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s a menu son usadas para separar "
-#~ "diferentes segmentos de red. Además, usualmente hay un puerto de enlace "
-#~ "de subida (Uplink) para conectar a una red mas grande, por ejemplo "
-#~ "Internet y otro(s) puerto(s) para el acceso a la red local."
-#~ msgid "Enable buffering"
-#~ msgstr "Activar buffering"
-#~ msgid "IPv6-over-IPv4"
-#~ msgstr "IPv6-sobre-IPv4"
-#~ msgid "Files to be kept when flashing a new firmware"
-#~ msgstr "Archivos protegidos al instalar un nuevo firmware"
-#~ msgid "General"
-#~ msgstr "General"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can customize the settings and the functionality of <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aquí puede personalizar las configuraciones y funcionalidad de <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgid "Post-commit actions"
-#~ msgstr "Acciones luego de \"Post-commit\""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "These commands will be executed automatically when a given <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Unified Configuration Interface\">UCI</abbr> configuration is committed "
-#~ "allowing changes to be applied instantly."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Estos comandos se ejecutan automáticamente cuando una determinada "
-#~ "configuración de la <abbr title=\"Unified configuración Interface\"> UCI "
-#~ "</abbr> es aplicada permitiendo que los cambios sean efectivos "
-#~ "inmediatamente."
-#~ msgid "Web <abbr title=\"User Interface\">UI</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"User Interface\">Interfaz de Usuario</abbr> Web"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Servidor <abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "Access point (APN)"
-#~ msgstr "Punto de acceso (APN)"
-#~ msgid "Additional pppd options"
-#~ msgstr "Opciones adicional de pppd"
-#~ msgid "Automatic Disconnect"
-#~ msgstr "Desconectar automáticamente"
-#~ msgid "Backup Archive"
-#~ msgstr "Archivo de copia de seguridad"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Configure the local DNS server to use the name servers adverticed by the "
-#~ "PPP peer"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Configurar el servidor DNS local para usar servidores de nombre sugeridos "
-#~ "por el par PPP"
-#~ msgid "Connect script"
-#~ msgstr "Script de conexión"
-#~ msgid "Create backup"
-#~ msgstr "Crear copia de respaldo"
-#~ msgid "Disconnect script"
-#~ msgstr "Script de desconexión"
-#~ msgid "Edit package lists and installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "Editar listas de paquetes de instalación y los objetivos "
-#~ msgid "Enable IPv6 on PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "Ativar IPv6 sobre enlace PPP"
-#~ msgid "Firmware image"
-#~ msgstr "Imágen del firmware"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can backup and restore your router configuration and - if "
-#~ "possible - reset the router to the default settings."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aquí puede realizar una copia de respaldo o bien restaurar la "
-#~ "configuración de su ruter y, si es posible, reiniciar el ruter a su "
-#~ "configuración de fábrica."
-#~ msgid "Installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "Destinos de instalación"
-#~ msgid "Keep configuration files"
-#~ msgstr "Mantener archivos de configuración"
-#~ msgid "Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "Mantener conectada"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Let pppd replace the current default route to use the PPP interface after "
-#~ "successful connect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Permite que pppd reemplace la ruta por defecto actual para usar la "
-#~ "interfaz ppp como ruta por defecto luego de una conexión satisfactoria"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script after establishing the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Permite a pppd ejecutar este script luego de establecer un enlace PPP"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script before tearing down the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "Permite a pppd ejecutar este script antes de terminar el enlace PPP"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Make sure that you provide the correct pin code here or you might lock "
-#~ "your sim card!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Asegurese de escribir correctamente el código pin aquí caso contrario "
-#~ "bloqueará su tarjeta sim!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Most of them are network servers, that offer a certain service for your "
-#~ "device or network like shell access, serving webpages like <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>, doing mesh routing, sending "
-#~ "e-mails, ..."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La mayoría de ellos son servidores de red, que ofrezcen un determinado "
-#~ "servicio para el dispositivo o la red como el acceso shell, servicio de "
-#~ "páginas web como <abbr title=\"Lua configuración Interface\"> LuCI </"
-#~ "abbr>, haciendo mesh-routing, el envío de mensajes de correo "
-#~ "electrónico, ..."
-#~ msgid "Number of failed connection tests to initiate automatic reconnect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Número de tests de conexión fallida para iniciar la reconexión automática"
-#~ msgid "PIN code"
-#~ msgstr "Código PIN"
-#~ msgid "Package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Listas de paquetes"
-#~ msgid "Proceed reverting all settings and resetting to firmware defaults?"
-#~ msgstr "Proceder a configurar su router a los valores de fábrica?"
-#~ msgid "Processor"
-#~ msgstr "Procesador"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Port"
-#~ msgstr "Puerto servidor Radius"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Radius-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Servidor Radius"
-#~ msgid "Replace default route"
-#~ msgstr "Reemplazar la ruta por defecto"
-#~ msgid "Reset router to defaults"
-#~ msgstr "Reiniciar router a su configuración de fábrica"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Seconds to wait for the modem to become ready before attempting to connect"
-#~ msgstr "Segundos a esperar al modem antes iniciar el intento de conexión"
-#~ msgid "Service type"
-#~ msgstr "Tipo de servicio"
-#~ msgid "Services and daemons perform certain tasks on your device."
-#~ msgstr "Los servicios y demonios ejecutan ciertas tareas en su dispositivo."
-#~ msgid "Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Configuraciones"
-#~ msgid "Setup wait time"
-#~ msgstr "Configurar tiempo de espera"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Sorry. OpenWrt does not support a system upgrade on this platform.<br /> "
-#~ "You need to manually flash your device."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Lo lamento. OpenWrt y derivados no permite la actualización de esta "
-#~ "plataforma. <br /> Para poder flashear este dispositivo deberá hacerlo en "
-#~ "forma manual."
-#~ msgid "Specify additional command line arguments for pppd here"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Especifique aquí argumentos adicionales para la línea de comando de pppd"
-#~ msgid "The device node of your modem, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgstr "El nodo de dispositivo de su modem, ej. /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgid "Time (in seconds) after which an unused connection will be closed"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Tiempo (en segundos) luego de que una conexión no usada será cerrada"
-#~ msgid "Update package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Acutlizar listas de paquetes"
-#~ msgid "Upload an OpenWrt image file to reflash the device."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Subir un archivo de imágen de OpenWrt o derivado para re-flashear el "
-#~ "dispositivo."
-#~ msgid "Upload image"
-#~ msgstr "Subir imágen"
-#~ msgid "Use peer DNS"
-#~ msgstr "Uso de pares de DNS "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"comgt\" for UMTS/GPRS, \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE, "
-#~ "\"ppp-mod-pppoa\" for PPPoA or \"pptp\" for PPtP support"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Es necesario instalar &amp;quot;comgt&amp;quot; para UMTS/GPRS, &amp;quot;"
-#~ "ppp-mod-pppoe&amp;quot; para PPPoE, &amp;quot;ppp-mod-pppoa&amp;quot; "
-#~ "para PPPoA o &amp;quot;pptp&amp;quot; para porte PPtP"
-#~ msgid "back"
-#~ msgstr "volver"
-#~ msgid "buffered"
-#~ msgstr "buffered"
-#~ msgid "cached"
-#~ msgstr "en caché "
-#~ msgid "free"
-#~ msgstr "libre"
-#~ msgid "static"
-#~ msgstr "estático"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a collection "
-#~ "of free Lua software including an <abbr title=\"Model-View-Controller"
-#~ "\">MVC</abbr>-Webframework and webinterface for embedded devices. <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is licensed under the "
-#~ "Apache-License."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> es una colección "
-#~ "libre de software Lua incluyendo un <abbr title=\"Model-View-Controller"
-#~ "\">MVC</abbr>-Webframework y una interfaz web para dispositivos embebidos."
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> se encuentra "
-#~ "licenciado bajo la licencia Apache (Apache-License)."
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A lightweight HTTP/1.1 webserver written in C and Lua designed to serve "
-#~ "LuCI"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Un servidor web HTTP/1.1 liviano escrito en C y Lua, diseñado para servir "
-#~ "LUCI "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A small webserver which can be used to serve <abbr title=\"Lua "
-#~ "Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Un pequeño servidor web que puede ser usado para servir <abbr title=\"Lua "
-#~ "configuración Interface\"> LuCI </abbr>. "
-#~ msgid "About"
-#~ msgstr "Acerca de"
-#~ msgid "Addresses"
-#~ msgstr "Direcciones"
-#~ msgid "Admin Password"
-#~ msgstr "Contraseña de Admin"
-#~ msgid "Alias"
-#~ msgstr "Alias"
-#~ msgid "Authentication Realm"
-#~ msgstr "Autenticación Realm"
-#~ msgid "Bridge Port"
-#~ msgstr "Puerto del puente"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Change the password of the system administrator (User <code>root</code>)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Cambiar la clave del administrador del sistema (Usuario <code>root</code>)"
-#~ msgid "Client + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "Cliente + WDS"
-#~ msgid "Configuration file"
-#~ msgstr "Fichero configuración"
-#~ msgid "Connection timeout"
-#~ msgstr "Tiempo de conexión agotado"
-#~ msgid "Contributing Developers"
-#~ msgstr "Desarrolladores que contribuyen"
-#~ msgid "DHCP assigned"
-#~ msgstr "DHCP asignado"
-#~ msgid "Document root"
-#~ msgstr "Raíz de documentos"
-#~ msgid "Enable Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "Habilitar Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgid "Ethernet Bridge"
-#~ msgstr "Puente ethernet"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can paste public <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys "
-#~ "(one per line) for <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> public-key "
-#~ "authentication."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aquí puede pegar las claves públicas de <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</"
-#~ "abbr> (una por línea) para la autenticación de claves públicas de <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>."
-#~ msgid "ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID"
-#~ msgid "IP Configuration"
-#~ msgstr "Configuración IP"
-#~ msgid "Interface Status"
-#~ msgstr "Interfaz de Estado "
-#~ msgid "Lead Development"
-#~ msgstr "Lider del desarrollo"
-#~ msgid "Master"
-#~ msgstr "Master"
-#~ msgid "Master + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "Master + WDS"
-#~ msgid "Not configured"
-#~ msgstr "No configurado"
-#~ msgid "Password successfully changed"
-#~ msgstr "Contraseña cambiada satisfactoriamente"
-#~ msgid "Plugin path"
-#~ msgstr "Ruta del plugin"
-#~ msgid "Ports"
-#~ msgstr "Puertos"
-#~ msgid "Primary"
-#~ msgstr "Primario"
-#~ msgid "Project Homepage"
-#~ msgstr "Página del proyecto "
-#~ msgid "Pseudo Ad-Hoc"
-#~ msgstr "Pseudo Ad-Hoc"
-#~ msgid "STP"
-#~ msgstr "STP"
-# Thanks to --> Gracias a -> Agradecemientos --> Agregadecemos a
-#~ msgid "Thanks To"
-#~ msgstr "Agregadecemos a"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The realm which will be displayed at the authentication prompt for "
-#~ "protected pages."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "El nombre Realm el cual será mostrado en el símbolo de autenticación para "
-#~ "páginas protegidas. "
-#~ msgid "Unknown Error"
-#~ msgstr "Error desconocido"
-#~ msgid "VLAN"
-#~ msgstr "VLAN"
-#~ msgid "defaults to <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgstr "por defecto a <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgid "Package lists updated"
-#~ msgstr "Listas de paquetes actualizada"
-#~ msgid "Upgrade installed packages"
-#~ msgstr "Actualizar los paquetes instalados"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Also kernel or service logfiles can be viewed here to get an overview "
-#~ "over their current state."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "También los archivos de registro del núcleo (kernel) o servicio se pueden "
-#~ "ver aquí para obtener una visión general sobre su estado actual."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can find information about the current system status like <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Central Processing Unit\">CPU</abbr> clock frequency, memory "
-#~ "usage or network interface data."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aquí pude encontrar información acerca del estado actual del sistema como "
-#~ "la frecuencia del reloj de la <abbr title=\"Central Processing Unit"
-#~ "\">CPU</abbr> clock frequency, uso de la memoria o datos de la interfaz "
-#~ "de red."
-#~ msgid "Search file..."
-#~ msgstr "Buscar archivo..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a free, "
-#~ "flexible, and user friendly graphical interface for configuring OpenWrt "
-#~ "Kamikaze."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> interfaz gráfica "
-#~ "libre, flexible y amigable para configurar la distro OpenWrt (Kamikaze) y "
-#~ "derivados."
-#~ msgid "And now have fun with your router!"
-#~ msgstr "Y ahora disfrute su router!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "As we always want to improve this interface we are looking forward to "
-#~ "your feedback and suggestions."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Como siempre queremos mejorar esta interfaz estamos esperando con interés "
-#~ "sus comentarios y sugerencias. "
-#~ msgid "Hello!"
-#~ msgstr "Hola !"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Notice: In <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> "
-#~ "changes have to be confirmed by clicking Changes - Save &amp; Apply "
-#~ "before being applied."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aviso: En <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> los "
-#~ "cambios deben ser confirmados haciendo clic en \"Cambios\" y luego en "
-#~ "\"Guardar &amp; aplicar\" para que los cambios sean efectivos."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "On the following pages you can adjust all important settings of your "
-#~ "router."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "En las páginas siguientes puede realizar todos los ajustes importantes de "
-#~ "su router."
-#~ msgid "The <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> Team"
-#~ msgstr "El grupo de <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This is the administration area of <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Éste es el área de administración de <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgid "User Interface"
-#~ msgstr "Interfaz de usuario"
-#~ msgid "enable"
-#~ msgstr "habilitar"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "(optional)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<span class=\"translation-space\"> </span>\r\n"
-#~ "(opcional)"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Port"
-#~ msgstr "Puerto <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server will be queried in "
-#~ "the order of the resolvfile"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "El Servidor <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr> serán "
-#~ "consultados de acuerdo al orden explicitado en el archivo \"resolv\""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host "
-#~ "Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>-Leases"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host "
-#~ "Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>-Leases"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Extension Mechanisms "
-#~ "for Domain Name System\">EDNS0</abbr> packet size"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Tamaño <abbr title=\"máximo\">máx.</abbr> de paquete <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Extension Mechanisms for Domain Name System\">EDNS0</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "AP-Isolation"
-#~ msgstr "Aislamiento AP"
-#~ msgid "Add the Wifi network to physical network"
-#~ msgstr "Añadir una red WiFi a la red física"
-#~ msgid "Aliases"
-#~ msgstr "Aliases"
-#~ msgid "Clamp Segment Size"
-#~ msgstr "Tamaño del segmento de la abrazadera"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Create Or Attach Network"
-#~ msgstr "Crear red"
-#~ msgid "Devices"
-#~ msgstr "Dispositivos"
-#~ msgid "Don't forward reverse lookups for local networks"
-#~ msgstr "Hacer búqueda inversa para redes locales"
-#~ msgid "Enable TFTP-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Activar Servidor TFTP"
-#~ msgid "Errors"
-#~ msgstr "Errores"
-#~ msgid "Essentials"
-#~ msgstr "Esencial"
-#~ msgid "Expand Hosts"
-#~ msgstr "Expandir hosts"
-#~ msgid "First leased address"
-#~ msgstr "Primer dirección otorgada"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Fixes problems with unreachable websites, submitting forms or other "
-#~ "unexpected behaviour for some ISPs."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Correge problemas con los sitios web inaccesibles, envío de formularios o "
-#~ "una conducta inesperada para algunos proveedores de servicios de Internet."
-#~ msgid "Hardware Address"
-#~ msgstr "Dirección de Hardware"
-#~ msgid "Here you can configure installed wifi devices."
-#~ msgstr "Aquí puede configurar los dispositivos Wi-Fi instalados."
-#~ msgid "Independent (Ad-Hoc)"
-#~ msgstr "Independiente (ad hoc) "
-#~ msgid "Internet Connection"
-#~ msgstr "Conexión a Internet "
-#~ msgid "Join (Client)"
-#~ msgstr "Únete (Cliente) "
-#~ msgid "Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Brindadas"
-#~ msgid "Local Domain"
-#~ msgstr "Dominio local"
-#~ msgid "Local Network"
-#~ msgstr "Red local"
-#~ msgid "Local Server"
-#~ msgstr "Servidor local"
-#~ msgid "Network Boot Image"
-#~ msgstr "Imágen de inicio en red"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Network Name (<abbr title=\"Extended Service Set Identifier\">ESSID</"
-#~ "abbr>)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Nombre de la red (<abbr title=\"Extended Service Set Identifier\">ESSID</"
-#~ "abbr>)"
-#~ msgid "Number of leased addresses"
-#~ msgstr "Número de direcciones otorogada"
-#~ msgid "Perform Actions"
-#~ msgstr "Ejectuar acciones"
-#~ msgid "Prevents Client to Client communication"
-#~ msgstr "Impide la comunicación de cliente a cliente "
-#~ msgid "Provide (Access Point)"
-#~ msgstr "Proporcionar (Punto de Acceso) "
-#~ msgid "Resolvfile"
-#~ msgstr "Archivo \"resolv\""
-#~ msgid "TFTP-Server Root"
-#~ msgstr "Raíz del Servidor TFTP"
-#~ msgid "TX / RX"
-#~ msgstr "Tx / Rx"
-#~ msgid "The following changes have been applied"
-#~ msgstr "Los siguientes cambios se han aplicado"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When flashing a new firmware with <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr> these files will be added to the new firmware "
-#~ "installation."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Cuando un nuevo firmware ha sido instalado con <abbr title=\"Lua "
-#~ "Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> estos archivos serán agregados a la "
-#~ "nueva instalación automáticamente."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Wireless Scan"
-#~ msgstr "Inalámbrico"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "network members can automatically receive their network settings (<abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Internet Protocol\">IP</abbr>-address, netmask, <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-server, ...)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Con <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "miembros de la red pueden automáticamente recibir su configuración (<abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Internet Protocol\">IP</abbr>-address, máscara de red, servidor "
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>, ...)."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You can run several wifi networks with one device. Be aware that there "
-#~ "are certain hardware and driverspecific restrictions. Normally you can "
-#~ "operate 1 Ad-Hoc or up to 3 Master-Mode and 1 Client-Mode network "
-#~ "simultaneously."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Puede correr varias redes Wi-Fi con un solo dispositivo. Tenga en cuenta "
-#~ "que hay restricciones que se aplican al propio hardware y al driver "
-#~ "específicamente. Normalmente puede operar 1 red Ad-Hoc o hasta 3 modo "
-#~ "Master y un Cliente de forma simultanea."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE or \"pptp\" for PPtP "
-#~ "support"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Es necesario instalar &amp;quot;ppp-mod-pppoe&amp;quot; para PPPoE o &amp;"
-#~ "quot;pptp&amp;quot; para PPtP support"
-#~ msgid "Zone"
-#~ msgstr "Zona"
-#~ msgid "additional hostfile"
-#~ msgstr "archivo de host adicional"
-#~ msgid "adds domain names to hostentries in the resolv file"
-#~ msgstr "añadir nombre de dominios a entradas de host en el archivo resolv"
-#~ msgid "automatically reconnect"
-#~ msgstr "reconectar automáticamente"
-#~ msgid "concurrent queries"
-#~ msgstr "consultas simultaneas"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "disable <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "for this interface"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "desactivar <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</"
-#~ "abbr> para esta interfaz"
-#~ msgid "disconnect when idle for"
-#~ msgstr "desconecte cuando esté inactivo durante "
-#~ msgid "don't cache unknown"
-#~ msgstr "do cachear desconocido"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "filter useless <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-queries of "
-#~ "Windows-systems"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "filter useless <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-queries of "
-#~ "Windows-systems"
-#~ msgid "installed"
-#~ msgstr "instalado"
-#~ msgid "localises the hostname depending on its subnet"
-#~ msgstr "Localización de nombre de host dependiendo de su subred"
-#~ msgid "not installed"
-#~ msgstr "no instalado"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "prevents caching of negative <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</"
-#~ "abbr>-replies"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "impedir cacheo de respuestas negativas de <abbr title=\"Domain Name System"
-#~ "\">DNS</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "query port"
-#~ msgstr "puerto de consulta"
-#~ msgid "transmitted / received"
-#~ msgstr "transmitido / recibido"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Join network"
-#~ msgstr "redes contenidas"
-#~ msgid "all"
-#~ msgstr "todo"
-#~ msgid "Code"
-#~ msgstr "Código"
-#~ msgid "Distance"
-#~ msgstr "Distancia"
-#~ msgid "Legend"
-#~ msgstr "Leyenda"
-#~ msgid "Library"
-#~ msgstr "Biblioteca"
-#~ msgid "see '%s' manpage"
-#~ msgstr "ver las páginas de man de &amp;#39;%s&amp;#39;"
-#~ msgid "Package Manager"
-#~ msgstr "Gestor de Paquetes"
+#~ msgid "CPU"
+#~ msgstr "CPU"
-#~ msgid "Service"
-#~ msgstr "Servicio"
+#~ msgid "Port %d"
+#~ msgstr "Puerto %d"
-#~ msgid "Statistics"
-#~ msgstr "Estadísticas"
+#~ msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+#~ msgstr "¡El puerto %d está desmarcado en múltiples VLANs!"
-#~ msgid "zone"
-#~ msgstr "Zona"
+#~ msgid "VLAN Interface"
+#~ msgstr "Interfaz VLAN"
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/po/fr/base.po b/modules/luci-base/po/fr/base.po
index f64cbce793..fcde931c79 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/po/fr/base.po
+++ b/modules/luci-base/po/fr/base.po
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.0.6\n"
+msgid "%s is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+msgstr ""
msgid "(%d minute window, %d second interval)"
msgstr "(fenêtre de %d minutes, intervalle de %d secondes)"
@@ -248,6 +251,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Alert"
msgstr "Alerte"
+msgid ""
+"Allocate IP addresses sequentially, starting from the lowest available "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Allocate IP sequentially"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
msgstr ""
"Autoriser l'authentification <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> par mot "
@@ -535,9 +546,6 @@ msgstr "Boutons"
msgid "CA certificate; if empty it will be saved after the first connection."
msgstr ""
-msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "CPU"
msgid "CPU usage (%)"
msgstr "Utilisation CPU (%)"
@@ -1077,6 +1085,9 @@ msgstr "Serveur distant de journaux système"
msgid "External system log server port"
msgstr "Port du serveur distant de journaux système"
+msgid "External system log server protocol"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Extra SSH command options"
msgstr ""
@@ -1794,6 +1805,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "MB/s"
msgstr "MB/s"
+msgid "MD5"
+msgstr ""
msgid "MHz"
msgstr "MHz"
@@ -2293,12 +2307,6 @@ msgstr "Politique"
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Port"
-msgid "Port %d"
-msgstr "Port %d"
-msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
-msgstr "Le port %d n'est pas marqué dans plusieurs VLANs !"
msgid "Port status:"
msgstr "Statut du port :"
@@ -2595,6 +2603,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Run filesystem check"
msgstr "Faire une vérification du système de fichiers"
+msgid "SHA256"
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"SIXXS supports TIC only, for static tunnels using IP protocol 41 (RFC4213) "
"use 6in4 instead"
@@ -2736,6 +2747,9 @@ msgstr "Tranche de temps"
msgid "Software"
msgstr "Logiciels"
+msgid "Software VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!"
msgstr "Certains champs sont invalides, ne peut sauvegarder les valeurs !"
@@ -2838,6 +2852,12 @@ msgstr "Ordre stricte"
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Soumettre"
+msgid "Suppress logging"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging of the routine operation of these protocols"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Swap"
msgstr ""
@@ -2853,6 +2873,13 @@ msgstr "Commutateur %q"
msgid "Switch %q (%s)"
msgstr "Commutateur %q (%s)"
+msgid ""
+"Switch %q has an unknown topology - the VLAN settings might not be accurate."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Switch VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Switch protocol"
msgstr "Protocole du commutateur"
@@ -3367,9 +3394,6 @@ msgstr "VC-Mux"
msgid "VDSL"
msgstr ""
-msgid "VLAN Interface"
-msgstr "Interface du VLAN"
msgid "VLANs on %q"
msgstr "VLANs sur %q"
@@ -3465,9 +3489,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Wifi"
-msgstr "Wi-Fi"
msgid "Wireless"
msgstr "Sans-fil"
@@ -3504,6 +3525,9 @@ msgstr "Wi-Fi arrêté"
msgid "Write received DNS requests to syslog"
msgstr "Écrire les requêtes DNS reçues dans syslog"
+msgid "Write system log to file"
+msgstr ""
msgid "XR Support"
msgstr "Gestion du mode XR"
@@ -3685,1059 +3709,14 @@ msgstr "oui"
msgid "« Back"
msgstr "« Retour"
-#~ msgid "Delete this interface"
-#~ msgstr "Supprimer cette interface"
-#~ msgid "Flags"
-#~ msgstr "Options"
-#~ msgid "Rule #"
-#~ msgstr "N° de règle"
-#~ msgid "Ignore Hosts files"
-#~ msgstr "Ignorer le fichiers Hosts"
-#~ msgid "Path"
-#~ msgstr "Chemin"
-#~ msgid "Please wait: Device rebooting..."
-#~ msgstr "Patientez s'il vous plaît: équipement en cours de redémarrage..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Warning: There are unsaved changes that will be lost while rebooting!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Attention : il reste des changements non appliqués qui seront perdus "
-#~ "après redémarrage !"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Always use 40MHz channels even if the secondary channel overlaps. Using "
-#~ "this option does not comply with IEEE 802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Toujours utiliser des canaux de 40MHz même si les canaux secondaires "
-#~ "peuvent chevaucher d'autres réseaux. Activer cette option n'est pas "
-#~ "compatible avec l'amendement IEEE 802.11n-2009 !"
-#~ msgid "Cached"
-#~ msgstr "Mis en cache"
-#~ msgid "Configures this mount as overlay storage for block-extroot"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Configure ce point de montage comme remplacement externe du système de "
-#~ "fichier racine"
-#~ msgid "Force 40MHz mode"
-#~ msgstr "Forcer le mode 40MHz"
-#~ msgid "Frequency Hopping"
-#~ msgstr "Sauts en fréquence"
-#~ msgid "Locked to channel %d used by %s"
-#~ msgstr "Verrouilé sur le canal %d utilisé par %s"
-#~ msgid "Use as root filesystem"
-#~ msgstr "Utiliser comme racine du système de fichiers"
-#~ msgid " user ID"
-#~ msgstr "Identifiant"
-#~ msgid "This is the 32 byte hex encoded user ID, not the login name"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Il s'agit de l'identifiant de 32 octets codés en hexa, pas du nom de "
-#~ "connexion"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel above"
-#~ msgstr "2ème canal 40MHz supérieur"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel below"
-#~ msgstr "2ème canal 40MHz inférieur"
-#~ msgid "Accept router advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "Accepter les publications du routeur"
-#~ msgid "Advertise IPv6 on network"
-#~ msgstr "Publier l'adressage IPv6 sur le réseau"
-#~ msgid "Advertised network ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID réseau publiée"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to 65535"
-#~ msgstr "La gamme autorisée va de 1 à 65535"
-#~ msgid "HT capabilities"
-#~ msgstr "Capacités HT"
-#~ msgid "HT mode"
-#~ msgstr "Mode HT"
-#~ msgid "Router Model"
-#~ msgstr "Modèle de routeur"
-#~ msgid "Router Name"
-#~ msgstr "Nom du routeur"
-#~ msgid "Send router solicitations"
-#~ msgstr "Envoyer des sollicitations au routeur"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised preferred prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr "Indique la durée de préférence du préfixe publiée, en secondes"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised valid prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr "Indique la durée de validité du préfixe publiée, en secondes"
-#~ msgid "Use preferred lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "Utiliser la durée de préférence"
-#~ msgid "Use valid lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "Utiliser la durée de validité"
-#~ msgid "Waiting for router..."
-#~ msgstr "Attente du routeur…"
-#~ msgid "Enable builtin NTP server"
-#~ msgstr "Activer le serveur NTP intégré"
-#~ msgid "Active Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Baux actifs"
-#~ msgid "Open"
-#~ msgstr "Ouvert"
-#~ msgid "KB"
-#~ msgstr "Ko"
-#~ msgid "Bit Rate"
-#~ msgstr "Débit"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Apply"
-#~ msgstr "Configuration / Appliquer"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Changes"
-#~ msgstr "Configuration / Changements"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Revert"
-#~ msgstr "Configuration / Annuler les changements"
-#~ msgid "MAC"
-#~ msgstr "MAC"
-#~ msgid "MAC Address"
-#~ msgstr "Adresse MAC"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">Encr.</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "Chiffré"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-Scan"
-#~ msgstr "Recherche <abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Choose the network you want to attach to this wireless interface. Select "
-#~ "<em>unspecified</em> to not attach any network or fill out the "
-#~ "<em>create</em> field to define a new network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Choisissez le réseau auquel vous voulez affecter cette interface sans-"
-#~ "fil. Sélectionnez <em>non précisé</em> pour ne pas l'affecter à un réseau "
-#~ "ou remplissez le champ <em>créer</em> pour définir un nouveau réseau."
-#~ msgid "Create Network"
-#~ msgstr "Créer un réseau"
-#~ msgid "Link"
-#~ msgstr "Lien"
-#~ msgid "Networks"
-#~ msgstr "Réseaux"
-#~ msgid "Power"
-#~ msgstr "Puissance"
-#~ msgid "Wifi networks in your local environment"
-#~ msgstr "Réseaux Wi-Fi dans votre environnement"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>-Notation: "
-#~ "address/prefix"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Adresse/préfixe en notation <abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing"
-#~ "\">CIDR</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Serveur <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Broadcast"
-#~ msgstr "Diffusion <abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Address"
-#~ msgstr "Adresse <abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "IP-Aliases"
-#~ msgstr "Alias IP"
-#~ msgid "IPv6 Setup"
-#~ msgstr "Configuration IPv6"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Note: If you choose an interface here which is part of another network, "
-#~ "it will be moved into this network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Note : si vous choisissez ici une interface faisant partie d'un autre "
-#~ "réseau, il sera déplacé dans ce réseau."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really delete this interface? The deletion cannot be undone!\\nYou might "
-#~ "lose access to this router if you are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Vraiment supprimer cet interface ? L'effacement ne peut être annulé !"
-#~ "\\nVous pourriez perdre l'accès à ce routeur si vous y êtes connecté par "
-#~ "cette interface."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really delete this wireless network? The deletion cannot be undone!\\nYou "
-#~ "might lose access to this router if you are connected via this network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Vraiment supprimer ce réseau sans-fil ? effacement ne peut être annulé !"
-#~ "\\nVous pourriez perdre l'accès à ce routeur si vous y êtes connecté par "
-#~ "ce réseau."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really shutdown interface \"%s\" ?\\nYou might lose access to this router "
-#~ "if you are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Vraiment arrêter cet interface « %s » ?\\nVous pourriez perdre l'accès à "
-#~ "ce routeur si vous y êtes connecté par cette interface."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really shutdown network ?\\nYou might lose access to this router if you "
-#~ "are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Vraiment arrêter ce réseau ?\\nVous pourriez perdre l'accès à ce routeur "
-#~ "si vous y êtes connecté par ce réseau."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The network ports on your router can be combined to several <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s in which computers can "
-#~ "communicate directly with each other. <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area "
-#~ "Network\">VLAN</abbr>s are often used to separate different network "
-#~ "segments. Often there is by default one Uplink port for a connection to "
-#~ "the next greater network like the internet and other ports for a local "
-#~ "network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Les ports de votre routeur peuvent être configurés pour combiner "
-#~ "plusieurs VLANs dans lesquels les machines connectées peuvent dialoguer "
-#~ "directement l'une avec l'autre. Les VLANs sont souvent utilisés pour "
-#~ "séparer différences sous-réseaux. Bien souvent il y a un port d'uplink "
-#~ "pour une connexion vers un réseau plus vaste, comme internet et les "
-#~ "autres ports sont réservés au réseau local."
-#~ msgid "Enable buffering"
-#~ msgstr "Activer l'utilisation de tampons"
-#~ msgid "IPv6-over-IPv4"
-#~ msgstr "IPv6 par dessus IPv4"
-#~ msgid "Custom Files"
-#~ msgstr "Fichiers spécifiques"
-#~ msgid "Custom files"
-#~ msgstr "Fichiers spécifiques"
-#~ msgid "Detected Files"
-#~ msgstr "Fichiers détectés"
-#~ msgid "Detected files"
-#~ msgstr "Fichiers détectés"
-#~ msgid "Files to be kept when flashing a new firmware"
-#~ msgstr "Fichiers à conserver lors d'une mise à jour du micrologiciel"
-#~ msgid "General"
-#~ msgstr "Général"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can customize the settings and the functionality of <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ici, vous pouvez personnaliser les réglages et les fonctionnalités de "
-#~ "LuCI."
-#~ msgid "Post-commit actions"
-#~ msgstr "Actions post-changements"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The following files are detected by the system and will be kept "
-#~ "automatically during sysupgrade"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Les fichiers suivants ont été détectés par le système et seront "
-#~ "automatiquement préservés pendant la mise à jour"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "These commands will be executed automatically when a given <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Unified Configuration Interface\">UCI</abbr> configuration is committed "
-#~ "allowing changes to be applied instantly."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ces commandes seront executées automatiquement lorsqu'une configuration "
-#~ "UCI est appliquée, les changement prenant effet immédiatement."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This is a list of shell glob patterns for matching files and directories "
-#~ "to include during sysupgrade"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Voici une liste de motifs de sélection shell pour sélectionner les "
-#~ "fichiers et répertoires à inclure durant une mise à jour"
-#~ msgid "Web <abbr title=\"User Interface\">UI</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "IU Web"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Serveur <abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "AHCP Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Paramètres AHCP"
-#~ msgid "ARP ping retries"
-#~ msgstr "Essais de ping ARP"
-#~ msgid "ATM Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Paramètres ATM"
-#~ msgid "Accept Router Advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "Accepter les publications du routeur"
-#~ msgid "Access point (APN)"
-#~ msgstr "Point d'accès (APN)"
-#~ msgid "Additional pppd options"
-#~ msgstr "Options pppd supplémentaires"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to FFFF"
-#~ msgstr "Plage autorisée de 1 à FFFF"
-#~ msgid "Automatic Disconnect"
-#~ msgstr "Déconnexion automatique"
-#~ msgid "Backup Archive"
-#~ msgstr "Archive à restaurer"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Configure the local DNS server to use the name servers adverticed by the "
-#~ "PPP peer"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Configurer le serveur DNS local pour utiliser le serveur de nom fourni "
-#~ "par le pair PPP"
-#~ msgid "Connect script"
-#~ msgstr "Script de Connexion"
-#~ msgid "Create backup"
-#~ msgstr "Créer une archive de sauvegarde"
-#~ msgid "Default"
-#~ msgstr "Défaut"
-#~ msgid "Disconnect script"
-#~ msgstr "Script de Déconnexion"
-#~ msgid "Edit package lists and installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "Editer la liste des paquets et le répertoire de destination"
-#~ msgid "Enable 4K VLANs"
-#~ msgstr "Activer les VLANs 4K"
-#~ msgid "Enable IPv6 on PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "Activer l'IPv6 sur le lien PPP"
-#~ msgid "Firmware image"
-#~ msgstr "Firmware image"
-#~ msgid "Forward DHCP"
-#~ msgstr "Transmission du DHCP"
-#~ msgid "Forward broadcasts"
-#~ msgstr "Transmission des diffusions"
-#~ msgid " Tunnel ID"
-#~ msgstr "Identifiant du tunnel"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can backup and restore your router configuration and - if "
-#~ "possible - reset the router to the default settings."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ici, vous pouvez sauvegarder et restaurer la configuration de votre "
-#~ "routeur et, si possible, restaurer la configuration par défaut du routeur."
-#~ msgid "Installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "Répertoires de destination"
-#~ msgid "Keep configuration files"
-#~ msgstr "Keep configuration files"
-#~ msgid "Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "Maintenir la connexion"
-#~ msgid "Kernel"
-#~ msgstr "Noyau"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Let pppd replace the current default route to use the PPP interface after "
-#~ "successful connect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Laisser pppd remplacer la route par défaut courante pour utiliser "
-#~ "l'interface PPP après l'établissement de la connexion"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script after establishing the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "pppd exécutera ce script après l'établissement du lien PPP"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script before tearing down the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "pppd exécutera ce script avant de déconnecter le lien PPP"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Make sure that you provide the correct pin code here or you might lock "
-#~ "your sim card!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Assurez-vous de fournir le bon code PIN ou vous pourriez bloquer votre "
-#~ "carte SIM !"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Most of them are network servers, that offer a certain service for your "
-#~ "device or network like shell access, serving webpages like <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>, doing mesh routing, sending "
-#~ "e-mails, ..."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La plupart d'entre eux sont des serveurs réseaux, qui vous offrent "
-#~ "certains services comme un accès shell, accéder à des pages comme LuCI, "
-#~ "faire du routage mesh, envoyer des e-mails ..."
-#~ msgid "Number of failed connection tests to initiate automatic reconnect"
-#~ msgstr "Reconnexion si la connexion est perdue"
-#~ msgid "Override Gateway"
-#~ msgstr "Remplacer la passerelle"
-#~ msgid "PIN code"
-#~ msgstr "code PIN"
-#~ msgid "PPP Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Paramètres PPP"
-#~ msgid "Package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Listes de paquets"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Port <abbr title=\"Primary VLAN IDs\">PVIDs</abbr> specify the default "
-#~ "VLAN ID added to received untagged frames."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Le numéro de port <abbr title=\"Primary VLAN IDs\">PVIDs</abbr> indique "
-#~ "l'identifiant VLAN attribué aux trames non marquées"
-#~ msgid "Port PVIDs on %q"
-#~ msgstr "Port PVIDs sur %q"
-#~ msgid "Proceed reverting all settings and resetting to firmware defaults?"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Etes-vous sûr de vouloir revenir à la configuration par défaut du "
-#~ "firmware ?"
-#~ msgid "Processor"
-#~ msgstr "Processeur"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Port"
-#~ msgstr "Port Radius"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Serveur Radius"
-#~ msgid "Relay Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Paramètres du relais"
-#~ msgid "Replace default route"
-#~ msgstr "Remplacer la route par défaut"
-#~ msgid "Reset router to defaults"
-#~ msgstr "Revenir à la configuration par défaut du routeur"
-#~ msgid "Routing table ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID de la table de routage"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Seconds to wait for the modem to become ready before attempting to connect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Secondes à attendre pour que le modem soit prêt avant d'essayer de se "
-#~ "connecter"
-#~ msgid "Send Router Solicitiations"
-#~ msgstr "Envoyer des sollicitations de routeur"
-#~ msgid "Server IPv4-Address"
-#~ msgstr "Adresse IPv4 du serveur"
-#~ msgid "Service type"
-#~ msgstr "Type de service"
-#~ msgid "Services and daemons perform certain tasks on your device."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Les services et démons accomplissent certaines tâches sur votre "
-#~ "équipement."
-#~ msgid "Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Réglages"
-#~ msgid "Setup wait time"
-#~ msgstr "Délai d'initialisation"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Sorry. OpenWrt does not support a system upgrade on this platform.<br /> "
-#~ "You need to manually flash your device."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Sorry. OpenWrt does not support a system upgrade on this platform.<br /> "
-#~ "You need to manually flash your device."
-#~ msgid "Specify additional command line arguments for pppd here"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Spécifiez ici des arguments de ligne de commande supplémentaire pour pppd"
-#~ msgid "TTL"
-#~ msgstr "TTL"
-#~ msgid "The device node of your modem, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgstr "Le noeud d'interface de votre modem, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgid "Time (in seconds) after which an unused connection will be closed"
-#~ msgstr "Délai d'inactivité à partir duquel la connexion est coupée"
-#~ msgid "Time Server (rdate)"
-#~ msgstr "Serveur de temps (rdate)"
-#~ msgid "Tunnel Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Configurion du tunnel"
-#~ msgid "Update package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Mettre à jour la liste des paquets"
-#~ msgid "Upload an OpenWrt image file to reflash the device."
-#~ msgstr "Upload an OpenWrt image file to reflash the device."
-#~ msgid "Upload image"
-#~ msgstr "Upload image"
-#~ msgid "Use peer DNS"
-#~ msgstr "Utiliser le DNS fourni"
-#~ msgid "VLAN %d"
-#~ msgstr "VLAN %d"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You can specify multiple DNS servers here, press enter to add a new "
-#~ "entry. Servers entered here will override automatically assigned ones."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Vous pouvez indiquer plusieurs serveurs DNS ici, tapez Entrée pour "
-#~ "ajouter un nouvel élément. Les serveurs ajoutés ici remplaceront ceux "
-#~ "attribués automatiquement."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"comgt\" for UMTS/GPRS, \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE, "
-#~ "\"ppp-mod-pppoa\" for PPPoA or \"pptp\" for PPtP support"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Vous avez besoin d'installer \"comgt\" pour le support UMTS/GPRS, \"ppp-"
-#~ "mod-pppoe\" pour le PPPoE, \"ppp-mod-pppoa\" pour le PPPoA ou \"pptp\" "
-#~ "pour le PPtP"
-#~ msgid "back"
-#~ msgstr "retour"
-#~ msgid "buffered"
-#~ msgstr "bufferisé"
-#~ msgid "cached"
-#~ msgstr "mis en cache"
-#~ msgid "free"
-#~ msgstr "libre"
-#~ msgid "static"
-#~ msgstr "statique"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a collection "
-#~ "of free Lua software including an <abbr title=\"Model-View-Controller"
-#~ "\">MVC</abbr>-Webframework and webinterface for embedded devices. <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is licensed under the "
-#~ "Apache-License."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> est une suite "
-#~ "logicielle d'applications Lua incluant un <abbr title=\"Model-View-"
-#~ "Controller\">MVC</abbr>-Webframework et une interface web pour "
-#~ "équipements embarqués. <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</"
-#~ "abbr> est sous license Apache."
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys"
-#~ msgstr "Clés <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A lightweight HTTP/1.1 webserver written in C and Lua designed to serve "
-#~ "LuCI"
-#~ msgstr "Un serveur web HTTP/1.1 léger écrit en C et en Lua, créé pour LuCI"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A small webserver which can be used to serve <abbr title=\"Lua "
-#~ "Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr "Un serveur web léger qui peut être utilisé pour LuCI."
-#~ msgid "About"
-#~ msgstr "A propos"
-#~ msgid "Active IP Connections"
-#~ msgstr "Connexions IP actives"
-#~ msgid "Addresses"
-#~ msgstr "Adresses"
-#~ msgid "Admin Password"
-#~ msgstr "Mot de passe administrateur"
-#~ msgid "Alias"
-#~ msgstr "Alias"
-#~ msgid "Authentication Realm"
-#~ msgstr "Domaine d'authentification"
-#~ msgid "Bridge Port"
-#~ msgstr "Port du pont"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Change the password of the system administrator (User <code>root</code>)"
-#~ msgstr "Changer le mot de passe du système (Utilisateur \"root\")"
-#~ msgid "Client + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "Client + WDS"
-#~ msgid "Configuration file"
-#~ msgstr "Fichier de configuration"
-#~ msgid "Connection timeout"
-#~ msgstr "Délai de connexion"
-#~ msgid "Contributing Developers"
-#~ msgstr "Contributeurs"
-#~ msgid "DHCP assigned"
-#~ msgstr "DHCP désigné"
-#~ msgid "Document root"
-#~ msgstr "Page racine"
-#~ msgid "Enable Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "Activer le maintien (Keep-Alive)"
-#~ msgid "Enable device"
-#~ msgstr "Activer ce périphérique"
-#~ msgid "Ethernet Bridge"
-#~ msgstr "Pont Ethernet"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can paste public <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys "
-#~ "(one per line) for <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> public-key "
-#~ "authentication."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Vous pouvez copier ici des clés SSH publiques (une par ligne) pour une "
-#~ "authentification SSH sur clés publiques."
-#~ msgid "ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID"
-#~ msgid "IP Configuration"
-#~ msgstr "Configuration IP"
-#~ msgid "Interface Status"
-#~ msgstr "État de l'interface"
-#~ msgid "Lead Development"
-#~ msgstr "Développeurs principaux"
-#~ msgid "Master"
-#~ msgstr "Point d'accès"
-#~ msgid "Master + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "Point d'accès + WDS"
-#~ msgid "No address configured on this interface."
-#~ msgstr "Cette interface n'a Aucune adresse configurée."
-#~ msgid "Not configured"
-#~ msgstr "Pas configuré"
-#~ msgid "Password successfully changed"
-#~ msgstr "Mot de passe changé avec succès"
-#~ msgid "Plugin path"
-#~ msgstr "Chemin du greffon"
-#~ msgid "Ports"
-#~ msgstr "Ports"
-#~ msgid "Primary"
-#~ msgstr "Primaire"
-#~ msgid "Project Homepage"
-#~ msgstr "Page d'accueil du projet"
-#~ msgid "Pseudo Ad-Hoc"
-#~ msgstr "Pseudo Ad-Hoc"
-#~ msgid "STP"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Spanning Tree Protocol\">STP</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "Thanks To"
-#~ msgstr "Merci à"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The realm which will be displayed at the authentication prompt for "
-#~ "protected pages."
-#~ msgstr "Le domaine qui sera affiché lors de la fenêtre d'authentification."
-#~ msgid "Unknown Error"
-#~ msgstr "Erreur inconnue"
-#~ msgid "VLAN"
-#~ msgstr "VLAN"
-#~ msgid "defaults to <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgstr "fichier de configuration par défaut : /etc/httpd.conf"
-#~ msgid "Enable this switch"
-#~ msgstr "Activer ce switch"
-#~ msgid "OPKG error code %i"
-#~ msgstr "Code d'erreur OPKG %i"
-#~ msgid "Package lists updated"
-#~ msgstr "Liste des paquets mise à jour"
-#~ msgid "Reset switch during setup"
-#~ msgstr "Ré-initialiser le switch pendant la configuration"
-#~ msgid "Upgrade installed packages"
-#~ msgstr "Mettre à jour les paquets installés"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Also kernel or service logfiles can be viewed here to get an overview "
-#~ "over their current state."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Les journaux des services ou du noyau peuvent être vus ici afin d'obtenir "
-#~ "un aperçu de leur état."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can find information about the current system status like <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Central Processing Unit\">CPU</abbr> clock frequency, memory "
-#~ "usage or network interface data."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ici, vous trouverez des informations sur l'état actuel du système comme "
-#~ "la fréquence processeur, utilisation mémoire et trafic réseau."
-#~ msgid "Search file..."
-#~ msgstr "Chercher un fichier..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a free, "
-#~ "flexible, and user friendly graphical interface for configuring OpenWrt "
-#~ "Kamikaze."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> est une interface "
-#~ "graphique libre, flexible, et orientée utilisateur pour configurer "
-#~ "OpenWrt Kamikaze."
-#~ msgid "And now have fun with your router!"
-#~ msgstr "Et maintenant que la fête commence !"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "As we always want to improve this interface we are looking forward to "
-#~ "your feedback and suggestions."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Nous souhaitons améliorer l'interface de manière permanente, vos retours "
-#~ "et suggestions sont primordiaux."
-#~ msgid "Hello!"
-#~ msgstr "Bonjour !"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Notice: In <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> "
-#~ "changes have to be confirmed by clicking Changes - Save &amp; Apply "
-#~ "before being applied."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Vous trouverez une page de navigation sur le côté gauche permettant "
-#~ "d'accèder aux différentes pages de configuration."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "On the following pages you can adjust all important settings of your "
-#~ "router."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Dans les pages suivantes vous pouvez ajuster tous les réglages importants "
-#~ "de votre routeur."
-#~ msgid "The <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> Team"
-#~ msgstr "L'équipe LuCI"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This is the administration area of <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr "Voici la page d'administration de LuCI."
-#~ msgid "User Interface"
-#~ msgstr "Interface utilisateur"
-#~ msgid "enable"
-#~ msgstr "activer"
-#~ msgid "(hidden)"
-#~ msgstr "(caché)"
-#~ msgid "(optional)"
-#~ msgstr "(optionnel)"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Port"
-#~ msgstr "Port <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server will be queried in "
-#~ "the order of the resolvfile"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Les serveurs <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr> du fichier de "
-#~ "résolution seront interrogés dans l'ordre"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host "
-#~ "Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>-Leases"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Nombre <abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> d'attributions <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Extension Mechanisms "
-#~ "for Domain Name System\">EDNS0</abbr> packet size"
-#~ msgstr "taille maximum du paquet. EDNS.0 "
-#~ msgid "AP-Isolation"
-#~ msgstr "Isolation AP"
-#~ msgid "Add the Wifi network to physical network"
-#~ msgstr "Ajouter ce réseau Wi-Fi au réseau physique"
-#~ msgid "Aliases"
-#~ msgstr "Alias"
-#~ msgid "Clamp Segment Size"
-#~ msgstr "Clamp Segment Size"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Create Or Attach Network"
-#~ msgstr "Créer un réseau"
-#~ msgid "Devices"
-#~ msgstr "Equipements"
-#~ msgid "Don't forward reverse lookups for local networks"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ne pas transmettre les requêtes de recherche inverse pour les réseaux "
-#~ "locaux"
-#~ msgid "Enable TFTP-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Activer le serveur TFTP"
-#~ msgid "Errors"
-#~ msgstr "Erreurs"
-#~ msgid "Essentials"
-#~ msgstr "Essentiel"
-#~ msgid "Expand Hosts"
-#~ msgstr "Etendre le nom d'hôte"
-#~ msgid "First leased address"
-#~ msgstr "Première adresse attribuée"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Fixes problems with unreachable websites, submitting forms or other "
-#~ "unexpected behaviour for some ISPs."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Fixes problems with unreachable websites, submitting forms or other "
-#~ "unexpected behaviour for some ISPs."
-#~ msgid "Hardware Address"
-#~ msgstr "Addresse matériel"
-#~ msgid "Here you can configure installed wifi devices."
-#~ msgstr "Ici vous pouvez configurer les équipements Wi-Fi installés."
-#~ msgid "Independent (Ad-Hoc)"
-#~ msgstr "Ad-Hoc"
-#~ msgid "Internet Connection"
-#~ msgstr "Connexion Internet"
-#~ msgid "Join (Client)"
-#~ msgstr "Client"
-#~ msgid "Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Baux"
-#~ msgid "Local Domain"
-#~ msgstr "Domaine local"
-#~ msgid "Local Network"
-#~ msgstr "Réseau Local"
-#~ msgid "Local Server"
-#~ msgstr "Serveur local"
-#~ msgid "Network Boot Image"
-#~ msgstr "Image de démarrage réseau"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Network Name (<abbr title=\"Extended Service Set Identifier\">ESSID</"
-#~ "abbr>)"
-#~ msgstr "Nom du réseau (ESSID)"
-#~ msgid "Number of leased addresses"
-#~ msgstr "Nombre d'adresses attribuées"
-#~ msgid "Perform Actions"
-#~ msgstr "Accomplir les actions"
-#~ msgid "Prevents Client to Client communication"
-#~ msgstr "Empêche la communication directe Client à Client"
-#~ msgid "Provide (Access Point)"
-#~ msgstr "Point d'accès"
-#~ msgid "Resolvfile"
-#~ msgstr "Fichier de résolution"
-#~ msgid "TFTP-Server Root"
-#~ msgstr "Racine du serveur TFTP"
-#~ msgid "TX / RX"
-#~ msgstr "TX / RX"
-#~ msgid "The following changes have been applied"
-#~ msgstr "Les changements suivants ont été appliqués"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When flashing a new firmware with <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr> these files will be added to the new firmware "
-#~ "installation."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Lors d'une nouvelle installation, ces fichiers seront ajoutés à la "
-#~ "nouvelle installation."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "network members can automatically receive their network settings (<abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Internet Protocol\">IP</abbr>-address, netmask, <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-server, ...)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Avec DHCP, les machines connectées au réseau peuvent recevoir leurs "
-#~ "réglages réseau directement (adresse IP, masque de réseau, serveur "
-#~ "DNS, ...)"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You can run several wifi networks with one device. Be aware that there "
-#~ "are certain hardware and driverspecific restrictions. Normally you can "
-#~ "operate 1 Ad-Hoc or up to 3 Master-Mode and 1 Client-Mode network "
-#~ "simultaneously."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Vous pouvez faire fonctionner plusieurs réseaux Wi-Fi sur un seul "
-#~ "équipement. Il existe des limitations matérielles et liées au pilote. En "
-#~ "général vous pouvez faire fonctionner simultanément 1 réseau Ad-Hoc et 3 "
-#~ "points d'accès simultanément."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE or \"pptp\" for PPtP "
-#~ "support"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Vous avez besoin d'installer \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" pour le support PPPoE ou "
-#~ "\"pptp\" pour le PPtP"
-#~ msgid "Zone"
-#~ msgstr "Zone"
-#~ msgid "additional hostfile"
-#~ msgstr "fichiers de noms d'hôtes supplémentaires"
-#~ msgid "adds domain names to hostentries in the resolv file"
-#~ msgstr "concatène le nom de domaine aux noms d'hôtes"
-#~ msgid "automatically reconnect"
-#~ msgstr "reconnecter automatiquement"
-#~ msgid "concurrent queries"
-#~ msgstr "Requêtes concurrentes maximum"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "disable <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "for this interface"
-#~ msgstr "désactiver DHCP sur cette interface"
-#~ msgid "disconnect when idle for"
-#~ msgstr "déconnecter après une inactivité de"
-#~ msgid "don't cache unknown"
-#~ msgstr "Ne pas mettre en cache les requêtes négatives"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "filter useless <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-queries of "
-#~ "Windows-systems"
-#~ msgstr "filtre les requêtes inutiles émises par les systèmes Windows"
-#~ msgid "installed"
-#~ msgstr "installé"
-#~ msgid "localises the hostname depending on its subnet"
-#~ msgstr "localiser la réponse suivant l'émetteur de la requête"
-#~ msgid "not installed"
-#~ msgstr "pas installé"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "prevents caching of negative <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</"
-#~ "abbr>-replies"
-#~ msgstr "empêche la mise en cache de requêtes DNS erronnées"
-#~ msgid "query port"
-#~ msgstr "port de requête"
-#~ msgid "transmitted / received"
-#~ msgstr "transmis / reçu"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Join network"
-#~ msgstr "réseaux compris"
-#~ msgid "all"
-#~ msgstr "tous"
-#~ msgid "Code"
-#~ msgstr "Code"
-#~ msgid "Distance"
-#~ msgstr "Distance"
-#~ msgid "Legend"
-#~ msgstr "Légende"
-#~ msgid "Library"
-#~ msgstr "Bibliothèque"
-#~ msgid "see '%s' manpage"
-#~ msgstr "voir la page de man de '%s'"
-#~ msgid "Package Manager"
-#~ msgstr "Gestionnaire de paquets"
+#~ msgid "CPU"
+#~ msgstr "CPU"
-#~ msgid "Service"
-#~ msgstr "Service"
+#~ msgid "Port %d"
+#~ msgstr "Port %d"
-#~ msgid "Statistics"
-#~ msgstr "Statistiques"
+#~ msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+#~ msgstr "Le port %d n'est pas marqué dans plusieurs VLANs !"
-#~ msgid "zone"
-#~ msgstr "Zone"
+#~ msgid "VLAN Interface"
+#~ msgstr "Interface du VLAN"
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/po/he/base.po b/modules/luci-base/po/he/base.po
index 482c751868..3c2d784707 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/po/he/base.po
+++ b/modules/luci-base/po/he/base.po
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.0.6\n"
+msgid "%s is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+msgstr ""
msgid "(%d minute window, %d second interval)"
msgstr ""
@@ -240,6 +243,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Alert"
msgstr "אזעקה"
+msgid ""
+"Allocate IP addresses sequentially, starting from the lowest available "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Allocate IP sequentially"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
msgstr ""
@@ -526,9 +537,6 @@ msgstr "כפתורים"
msgid "CA certificate; if empty it will be saved after the first connection."
msgstr ""
-msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "מעבד"
msgid "CPU usage (%)"
msgstr "שימוש מעבד (%)"
@@ -1033,6 +1041,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "External system log server port"
msgstr ""
+msgid "External system log server protocol"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Extra SSH command options"
msgstr ""
@@ -1717,6 +1728,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "MB/s"
msgstr ""
+msgid "MD5"
+msgstr ""
msgid "MHz"
msgstr ""
@@ -2208,12 +2222,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Port"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Port %d"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
-msgstr ""
msgid "Port status:"
msgstr ""
@@ -2494,6 +2502,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Run filesystem check"
msgstr "הרץ בדיקת מערכת קבצים"
+msgid "SHA256"
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"SIXXS supports TIC only, for static tunnels using IP protocol 41 (RFC4213) "
"use 6in4 instead"
@@ -2633,6 +2644,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Software"
msgstr "תוכנה"
+msgid "Software VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!"
msgstr "חלק מהשדות אינם תקינים, אין אפשרות לשמור את הערכים!"
@@ -2730,6 +2744,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "שלח"
+msgid "Suppress logging"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging of the routine operation of these protocols"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Swap"
msgstr ""
@@ -2745,6 +2765,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Switch %q (%s)"
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Switch %q has an unknown topology - the VLAN settings might not be accurate."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Switch VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Switch protocol"
msgstr ""
@@ -3191,9 +3218,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "VDSL"
msgstr ""
-msgid "VLAN Interface"
-msgstr ""
msgid "VLANs on %q"
msgstr ""
@@ -3287,9 +3311,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Wifi"
-msgstr "Wifi"
msgid "Wireless"
msgstr ""
@@ -3326,6 +3347,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Write received DNS requests to syslog"
msgstr ""
+msgid "Write system log to file"
+msgstr ""
msgid "XR Support"
msgstr ""
@@ -3500,44 +3524,5 @@ msgstr "כן"
msgid "« Back"
msgstr "<< אחורה"
-#~ msgid "Delete this interface"
-#~ msgstr "מחק ממשק זה"
-#~ msgid "Please wait: Device rebooting..."
-#~ msgstr "אנא המתן: המכשיר מאותחל מחדש..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Warning: There are unsaved changes that will be lost while rebooting!"
-#~ msgstr "אזהרה: ישנם שינויים שלא נשמרו ויאבדו בעת הפעלה מחדש!"
-#~ msgid "Cached"
-#~ msgstr "שמור במטמון"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel above"
-#~ msgstr "40Mhz, הערוץ הנוסף מעל"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel below"
-#~ msgstr "40Mhz, הערוץ הנוסף מתחת"
-#~ msgid "Accept router advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "אפשר פרסומות נתב"
-#~ msgid "Advertise IPv6 on network"
-#~ msgstr "פרסם IPv6 ברשת"
-# זהות?
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Advertised network ID"
-#~ msgstr "פרסם פרטי זהות של הרשת"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to 65535"
-#~ msgstr "הטווח המורשה הוא 1 עד 65535"
-#~ msgid "Freifunk"
-#~ msgstr "אריג"
-#~ msgid "Wifi networks in your local environment"
-#~ msgstr "רשתות Wifi בסביבתך"
-#~ msgid "static"
-#~ msgstr "סטטי"
+#~ msgid "CPU"
+#~ msgstr "מעבד"
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/po/hu/base.po b/modules/luci-base/po/hu/base.po
index b10e8d0ddc..d71bd6907a 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/po/hu/base.po
+++ b/modules/luci-base/po/hu/base.po
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.0.6\n"
+msgid "%s is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+msgstr ""
msgid "(%d minute window, %d second interval)"
msgstr "(%d perces ablak, %d másodperces intervallum)"
@@ -243,6 +246,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Alert"
msgstr "Riasztás"
+msgid ""
+"Allocate IP addresses sequentially, starting from the lowest available "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Allocate IP sequentially"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
msgstr ""
"<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> jelszó hitelesítés engedélyezése"
@@ -529,9 +540,6 @@ msgstr "Gombok"
msgid "CA certificate; if empty it will be saved after the first connection."
msgstr ""
-msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "Processzor"
msgid "CPU usage (%)"
msgstr "Processzor használat (%)"
@@ -1066,6 +1074,9 @@ msgstr "Külső rendszernapló kiszolgáló"
msgid "External system log server port"
msgstr "Külső rendszernapló kiszolgáló port"
+msgid "External system log server protocol"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Extra SSH command options"
msgstr ""
@@ -1783,6 +1794,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "MB/s"
msgstr "MB/s"
+msgid "MD5"
+msgstr ""
msgid "MHz"
msgstr "MHz"
@@ -2283,12 +2297,6 @@ msgstr "Szabály"
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Port"
-msgid "Port %d"
-msgstr "Port %d"
-msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
-msgstr "A %d port egyszerre több VLAN-ban is cimkézetlen!"
msgid "Port status:"
msgstr "Port állapot:"
@@ -2586,6 +2594,9 @@ msgstr "Fájlrendszer ellenőrzés futtatása az eszköz csatolása előtt"
msgid "Run filesystem check"
msgstr "Fájlrendszer ellenőrzés futtatása"
+msgid "SHA256"
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"SIXXS supports TIC only, for static tunnels using IP protocol 41 (RFC4213) "
"use 6in4 instead"
@@ -2727,6 +2738,9 @@ msgstr "Időrés"
msgid "Software"
msgstr "Szoftver"
+msgid "Software VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!"
msgstr "Néhán mező érvénytelen, az értékek nem menthetők!"
@@ -2829,6 +2843,12 @@ msgstr "Kötött sorrend"
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Elküldés"
+msgid "Suppress logging"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging of the routine operation of these protocols"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Swap"
msgstr ""
@@ -2844,6 +2864,13 @@ msgstr "Kapcsoló %q"
msgid "Switch %q (%s)"
msgstr "Kapcsoló %q (%s)"
+msgid ""
+"Switch %q has an unknown topology - the VLAN settings might not be accurate."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Switch VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Switch protocol"
msgstr "Protokoll csere"
@@ -3355,9 +3382,6 @@ msgstr "VC-Mux"
msgid "VDSL"
msgstr ""
-msgid "VLAN Interface"
-msgstr "VLAN interfész"
msgid "VLANs on %q"
msgstr "VLAN-ok %q-n"
@@ -3453,9 +3477,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Wifi"
-msgstr "Wifi"
msgid "Wireless"
msgstr "Vezetéknélküli rész"
@@ -3492,6 +3513,9 @@ msgstr "Vezetéknélküli rész leállítása"
msgid "Write received DNS requests to syslog"
msgstr "A kapott DNS kéréseket írja a rendszernaplóba"
+msgid "Write system log to file"
+msgstr ""
msgid "XR Support"
msgstr "XR támogatás"
@@ -3674,294 +3698,14 @@ msgstr "igen"
msgid "« Back"
msgstr "« Vissza"
-#~ msgid "Delete this interface"
-#~ msgstr "Interfész törlése"
-#~ msgid "Flags"
-#~ msgstr "Flag-ek"
-#~ msgid "Rule #"
-#~ msgstr "Szabály #"
-#~ msgid "Ignore Hosts files"
-#~ msgstr "A hosts fájlok figyelmen kívül hagyása"
-#~ msgid "Please wait: Device rebooting..."
-#~ msgstr "Kérem várjon: az eszköz újraindul..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Warning: There are unsaved changes that will be lost while rebooting!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Figyelem: vannak el nem mentett változások melyek el fognak veszni az "
-#~ "újraindítás során!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Always use 40MHz channels even if the secondary channel overlaps. Using "
-#~ "this option does not comply with IEEE 802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "40 MHz csatornaszélesség használata akkor is, ha a másodlagos csatorna "
-#~ "átfedésben van. Ezen opció használata nem felel meg az IEE 902.11n-2009 "
-#~ "szabványnak!"
-#~ msgid "Cached"
-#~ msgstr "Gyorsítótárban van"
-#~ msgid "Configures this mount as overlay storage for block-extroot"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Beállítja ezt a csatlakozási pontot block-extroot részére mint overlay "
-#~ "tároló"
-#~ msgid "Force 40MHz mode"
-#~ msgstr "40 MHz mód erőltetése"
-#~ msgid "Frequency Hopping"
-#~ msgstr "Frekvencia ugrás"
-#~ msgid "Locked to channel %d used by %s"
-#~ msgstr "Zárolt a %d csatornára az %s által."
-#~ msgid "Use as root filesystem"
-#~ msgstr "Gyökér fájlrenszerként történő használat"
-#~ msgid " user ID"
-#~ msgstr " felhasználói azonosító"
-#~ msgid "This is the 32 byte hex encoded user ID, not the login name"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ez a 32 bájtos hexadecimálan kódolt felhasználói azonosító, nem a "
-#~ "bejelentkezési név"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel above"
-#~ msgstr "40 MHz, második csatorna felette"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel below"
-#~ msgstr "40 MHz, második csatorna alatta"
-#~ msgid "Accept router advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "Router hirdetések elfogadása"
-#~ msgid "Advertise IPv6 on network"
-#~ msgstr "IPv6 hirdetése a hálózaton"
-#~ msgid "Advertised network ID"
-#~ msgstr "Hirdetett hálózati azonosító"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to 65535"
-#~ msgstr "Engedélyezett tartomány 1-től 65535-ig"
-#~ msgid "HT capabilities"
-#~ msgstr "HT képességek"
-#~ msgid "HT mode"
-#~ msgstr "HT mód"
-#~ msgid "Router Model"
-#~ msgstr "Router modell"
-#~ msgid "Router Name"
-#~ msgstr "Router név"
-#~ msgid "Send router solicitations"
-#~ msgstr "Router kérelmezések küldése"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised preferred prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Meghatározza a kihirdetett preferált előtag élettartamát másodpercben"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised valid prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Meghatározza a kihirdetett érvényes előtag élettartamát másodpercben"
-#~ msgid "Use preferred lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "Előnyben részesített élettartam használata"
-#~ msgid "Use valid lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "Érvényességi időtartam használata"
-#~ msgid "Waiting for router..."
-#~ msgstr "Várakozás a routerre..."
-#~ msgid "Enable builtin NTP server"
-#~ msgstr "Beépített NTP kiszolgáló engedélyezése"
-#~ msgid "Active Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Aktív bérletek"
-#~ msgid "Open"
-#~ msgstr "Megnyitás"
-#~ msgid "Bit Rate"
-#~ msgstr "Bit ráta"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Apply"
-#~ msgstr "Beállítások / Alkalmaz"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Changes"
-#~ msgstr "Beállítások / Módosítások"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Revert"
-#~ msgstr "Beállítások / Visszavonás"
-#~ msgid "MAC"
-#~ msgstr "MAC"
-#~ msgid "MAC Address"
-#~ msgstr "MAC cím"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">Encr.</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">Titkosított</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-Scan"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-felderítés"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Choose the network you want to attach to this wireless interface. Select "
-#~ "<em>unspecified</em> to not attach any network or fill out the "
-#~ "<em>create</em> field to define a new network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Válassza ki azt a hálózatot amihez ezt a vezetéknélküli interfészt "
-#~ "csatlakoztatni akarja. Válassza a <em>nincs megadva</em> elemet ha nem "
-#~ "akarja semmilyen hálózathoz csatlakoztatni vagy töltse ki az <em>új</em> "
-#~ "mezőt új hálózat létrehozásához."
-#~ msgid "Create Network"
-#~ msgstr "Új hálózat"
-#~ msgid "Link"
-#~ msgstr "Kapcsolat"
-#~ msgid "Networks"
-#~ msgstr "Hálózatok"
-#~ msgid "Power"
-#~ msgstr "Teljesítmény"
-#~ msgid "Wifi networks in your local environment"
-#~ msgstr "Wifi hálózatok az Ön környezetében"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>-Notation: "
-#~ "address/prefix"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>-jelölés: cím/"
-#~ "előtag"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Szerver"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Broadcast"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Broadcast"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Address"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-cím"
-#~ msgid "IP-Aliases"
-#~ msgstr "Alternatív IP címek"
-#~ msgid "IPv6 Setup"
-#~ msgstr "IPv6 beállítás"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Note: If you choose an interface here which is part of another network, "
-#~ "it will be moved into this network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Megjegyzés: ha olyan interfészt választ ami másik hálózat része, akkor az "
-#~ "ebbe a hálózatba lesz áthelyezve."
+#~ msgid "CPU"
+#~ msgstr "Processzor"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really delete this interface? The deletion cannot be undone!\\nYou might "
-#~ "lose access to this router if you are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Biztos, hogy törölni akarja ezt az interfészt? A törlés nem "
-#~ "visszavonható! Elvesztheti a hozzáférést ehhez a routerhez, ha ezen az "
-#~ "interfészen keresztül kapcsolódik hozzá."
+#~ msgid "Port %d"
+#~ msgstr "Port %d"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really delete this wireless network? The deletion cannot be undone!\\nYou "
-#~ "might lose access to this router if you are connected via this network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Biztos, hogy törölni akarja ezt a vezetéknélküli hálózatot? A törlés nem "
-#~ "visszavonható! Elvesztheti a hozzáférést ehhez a routerhez, ha ezen a "
-#~ "vezetéknélküli hálózaton keresztül kapcsolódik hozzá. "
+#~ msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+#~ msgstr "A %d port egyszerre több VLAN-ban is cimkézetlen!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really shutdown interface \"%s\" ?\\nYou might lose access to this router "
-#~ "if you are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Biztos, hogy leállítja a \"%s\" interfészt? Elvesztheti a hozzáféreést "
-#~ "ehhez a routerher ha ezen az interfészen kapcsolódik hozzá."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really shutdown network ?\\nYou might lose access to this router if you "
-#~ "are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Biztos, hogy leállítja a hálózatot? Elvesztheti a hozzáférést ehhez a "
-#~ "routerhez, ha ezen a hálózaton keresztül pacsolódik hozzá."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The network ports on your router can be combined to several <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s in which computers can "
-#~ "communicate directly with each other. <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area "
-#~ "Network\">VLAN</abbr>s are often used to separate different network "
-#~ "segments. Often there is by default one Uplink port for a connection to "
-#~ "the next greater network like the internet and other ports for a local "
-#~ "network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "A hálózati portok a routeren összekapcsolhatók több <abbr title=\"Virtual "
-#~ "Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>-ba, melyeken belül a számítógépek "
-#~ "közvetlenül tudnak kommunikálni egymással. A <abbr title=\"Virtual Local "
-#~ "Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>-okat gyakran használják különböző "
-#~ "hálózatrészek szétválasztására. Általában van egy felmenő port a "
-#~ "következő nagyobb hálózathoz mint az internet, és további portok a helyi "
-#~ "hálózathoz."
-#~ msgid "Enable buffering"
-#~ msgstr "Átmeneti tárazás engedélyezése"
-#~ msgid "IPv6-over-IPv4"
-#~ msgstr "IPv6 IPv4 felett"
-#~ msgid "Time Synchronisation"
-#~ msgstr "Idő szinkronizálás"
-#~ msgid "Client Port"
-#~ msgstr "Ügyfél port"
-#~ msgid "Statistics"
-#~ msgstr "Statisztikák"
-#~ msgid "Client Address"
-#~ msgstr "Ügyfél cím"
-#~ msgid "Active UPnP Redirects"
-#~ msgstr "Aktív UPnP átirányítások"
-#~ msgid "Age"
-#~ msgstr "Kor"
-#~ msgid "The AHCP Service is not running."
-#~ msgstr "Az AHCP szolgáltatás nem fut."
-#~ msgid "VnStat Traffic Monitor"
-#~ msgstr "VnStat forgalom figyelő"
-#~ msgid "AHCP Server"
-#~ msgstr "AHCP kiszolgáló"
-#~ msgid "The AHCP Service is running with ID %s."
-#~ msgstr "Az AHCP szolgáltatás fut, azonosítója: %s."
-#~ msgid "SIP devices on Network"
-#~ msgstr "SIP eszközök a hálózaton"
-#~ msgid "Devices on Network"
-#~ msgstr "Eszközök a hálózaton"
-#~ msgid "There are no active redirects."
-#~ msgstr "Nincsenek aktív átirányítások."
-#~ msgid "SIP Devices on Network"
-#~ msgstr "SIP eszközök a hálózaton"
-#~ msgid "Active AHCP Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Aktív AHCP bérletek"
+#~ msgid "VLAN Interface"
+#~ msgstr "VLAN interfész"
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/po/it/base.po b/modules/luci-base/po/it/base.po
index fe0e692f7a..2bc5ddabf4 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/po/it/base.po
+++ b/modules/luci-base/po/it/base.po
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.10\n"
+msgid "%s is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+msgstr ""
msgid "(%d minute window, %d second interval)"
msgstr "(%d finestra in minuti , %d secondi intervallo)"
@@ -250,6 +253,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Alert"
msgstr "Avviso"
+msgid ""
+"Allocate IP addresses sequentially, starting from the lowest available "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Allocate IP sequentially"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
msgstr ""
"Permetti autenticazione <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> tramite "
@@ -535,9 +546,6 @@ msgstr "Pulsanti"
msgid "CA certificate; if empty it will be saved after the first connection."
msgstr ""
-msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "CPU"
msgid "CPU usage (%)"
msgstr "Uso CPU (%)"
@@ -1068,6 +1076,9 @@ msgstr "Server Log di Sistema esterno"
msgid "External system log server port"
msgstr "Porta Server Log di Sistema esterno"
+msgid "External system log server protocol"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Extra SSH command options"
msgstr ""
@@ -1223,7 +1234,7 @@ msgid "Global Settings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Global network options"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Opzioni rete globale"
msgid "Go to password configuration..."
msgstr "Vai alla configurazione della password..."
@@ -1469,7 +1480,7 @@ msgid "Inactivity timeout"
msgstr "Tempo di Inattività"
msgid "Inbound:"
-msgstr "in entrata:"
+msgstr "In entrata:"
msgid "Info"
msgstr "Informazioni"
@@ -1588,7 +1599,7 @@ msgid "L2TP Server"
msgstr "Server L2TP"
msgid "LCP echo failure threshold"
-msgstr "fallimento soglia echo LCP"
+msgstr "Fallimento soglia echo LCP"
msgid "LCP echo interval"
msgstr "Intervallo echo LCP"
@@ -1755,7 +1766,7 @@ msgid "Login"
msgstr "Login"
msgid "Logout"
-msgstr "Logout"
+msgstr "Slogga"
msgid "Loss of Signal Seconds (LOSS)"
msgstr ""
@@ -1781,6 +1792,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "MB/s"
msgstr ""
+msgid "MD5"
+msgstr ""
msgid "MHz"
msgstr ""
@@ -1961,7 +1975,7 @@ msgid "Network boot image"
msgstr ""
msgid "Network without interfaces."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rete senza interfaccia"
msgid "Next »"
msgstr "Prossimo »"
@@ -2119,7 +2133,7 @@ msgid "Out"
msgstr ""
msgid "Outbound:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "In uscita:"
msgid "Outdoor Channels"
msgstr ""
@@ -2131,7 +2145,7 @@ msgid "Override MAC address"
msgstr ""
msgid "Override MTU"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sovrascivi MTU"
msgid "Override default interface name"
msgstr ""
@@ -2279,12 +2293,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Porta"
-msgid "Port %d"
-msgstr "Porta %d"
-msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
-msgstr ""
msgid "Port status:"
msgstr ""
@@ -2569,6 +2577,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Run filesystem check"
msgstr ""
+msgid "SHA256"
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"SIXXS supports TIC only, for static tunnels using IP protocol 41 (RFC4213) "
"use 6in4 instead"
@@ -2707,6 +2718,9 @@ msgstr "Slot time"
msgid "Software"
msgstr "Software"
+msgid "Software VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!"
msgstr "Alcuni campi non sono validi, non è possibile salvare i valori!"
@@ -2811,6 +2825,12 @@ msgstr "Ordine severo"
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Invia"
+msgid "Suppress logging"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging of the routine operation of these protocols"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Swap"
msgstr ""
@@ -2826,6 +2846,13 @@ msgstr "Switch %q"
msgid "Switch %q (%s)"
msgstr "Switch %q (%s)"
+msgid ""
+"Switch %q has an unknown topology - the VLAN settings might not be accurate."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Switch VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Switch protocol"
msgstr "Cambia protocollo"
@@ -3306,9 +3333,6 @@ msgstr "VC-Mux"
msgid "VDSL"
msgstr ""
-msgid "VLAN Interface"
-msgstr "Interfaccia VLAN"
msgid "VLANs on %q"
msgstr "VLANs su %q"
@@ -3404,9 +3428,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Wifi"
-msgstr "Wifi"
msgid "Wireless"
msgstr "Wireless"
@@ -3443,6 +3464,9 @@ msgstr "Wireless spento"
msgid "Write received DNS requests to syslog"
msgstr "Scrittura delle richiesta DNS ricevute nel syslog"
+msgid "Write system log to file"
+msgstr ""
msgid "XR Support"
msgstr "Supporto XR"
@@ -3627,928 +3651,11 @@ msgstr "Sì"
msgid "« Back"
msgstr "« Indietro"
-#~ msgid "Delete this interface"
-#~ msgstr "Rimuovi questa interfaccia"
-#~ msgid "Flags"
-#~ msgstr "Flags"
-#~ msgid "Ignore Hosts files"
-#~ msgstr "Ignora i files Hosts"
-#~ msgid "Path"
-#~ msgstr "Percorso"
-#~ msgid "Please wait: Device rebooting..."
-#~ msgstr "Per favore attendi: Riavvio del dispositivo..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Warning: There are unsaved changes that will be lost while rebooting!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Attenzione: Ci sono modifiche non salvate che verranno persi riavviando!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Always use 40MHz channels even if the secondary channel overlaps. Using "
-#~ "this option does not comply with IEEE 802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Usare sempre i canali a 40MHz anche se con le sovrapposizioni dei canali "
-#~ "secondari. Utilizzando questa opzione non è conforme con gli standard "
-#~ "IEEE 802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgid "Cached"
-#~ msgstr "Nella cache"
-#~ msgid "Configures this mount as overlay storage for block-extroot"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Configura questo mount come memoria di sovrapposizione per il blocco-"
-#~ "extroot"
-#~ msgid "Force 40MHz mode"
-#~ msgstr "Forza la modalità a 40MHz"
-#~ msgid "Frequency Hopping"
-#~ msgstr "Frequency Hopping"
-#~ msgid "Locked to channel %d used by %s"
-#~ msgstr "Bloccato al canale %d utilizzato da %s"
-#~ msgid "Use as root filesystem"
-#~ msgstr "Utilizzare come filesystem di root"
-#~ msgid " user ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID Utente"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel above"
-#~ msgstr "secondo canale superiore a 40MHz"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel below"
-#~ msgstr "secondo canale inferiore a 40MHz"
-#~ msgid "Accept router advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "Accetta gli annunci di router"
-#~ msgid "Advertise IPv6 on network"
-#~ msgstr "Annuncia IPv6 sulla rete"
-#~ msgid "Advertised network ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID di Rete Annunciato"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to 65535"
-#~ msgstr "Intervallo permesso 1-65535"
-#~ msgid "HT capabilities"
-#~ msgstr "capacità HT"
-#~ msgid "HT mode"
-#~ msgstr "Modalità HT"
-#~ msgid "Router Model"
-#~ msgstr "Modello Router"
-#~ msgid "Router Name"
-#~ msgstr "Nome Router"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised preferred prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Specifica la durata dell'annuncio con prefisso preferito della durata in "
-#~ "secondi"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised valid prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Specifica la validità dell'annuncio con prefisso preferito della durata "
-#~ "in secondi"
-#~ msgid "Use preferred lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "Utilizzare durata preferita"
-#~ msgid "Use valid lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "Utilizzare durata valida"
-#~ msgid "Active Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Lease attivi"
-#~ msgid "Open"
-#~ msgstr "Apri"
-#~ msgid "KB"
-#~ msgstr "KB"
-#~ msgid "Bit Rate"
-#~ msgstr "Bit Rate"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Apply"
-#~ msgstr "Configurazione / Applica"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Changes"
-#~ msgstr "Configurazioni / cambiamenti"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Revert"
-#~ msgstr "Configuration / Annullali"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">Encr.</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">Encr.</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-Scan"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">Scansione WLAN</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Choose the network you want to attach to this wireless interface. Select "
-#~ "<em>unspecified</em> to not attach any network or fill out the "
-#~ "<em>create</em> field to define a new network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Scegli quale rete vuoi attaccare all'interfaccia wireless. Selezionando "
-#~ "<em>unspecified</em> per non associarne alcuna o <em>create</em> per "
-#~ "definirne una nuova ora."
-#~ msgid "Create Network"
-#~ msgstr "Crea rete"
-#~ msgid "Link"
-#~ msgstr "Collegamento"
-#~ msgid "Networks"
-#~ msgstr "Reti"
-#~ msgid "Power"
-#~ msgstr "Potenza"
-#~ msgid "Wifi networks in your local environment"
-#~ msgstr "Reti Wifi nell&#39;ambiente circostante"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>-Notation: "
-#~ "address/prefix"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Notazione <abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>: "
-#~ "indirizzo/prefisso"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Broadcast"
-#~ msgstr "Broadcast <abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Address"
-#~ msgstr "Indirizzo <abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Note: If you choose an interface here which is part of another network, "
-#~ "it will be moved into this network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Nota: Se scegli un interfaccia qui che fa parte di un altro network, sarà "
-#~ "spostata in questo network."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really delete this interface? The deletion cannot be undone!\\nYou might "
-#~ "lose access to this router if you are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Vuoi davvero cancellare questa interfaccia? Non potrai tornare indietro!"
-#~ "\\nPotresti perdere l'accesso a questo router se stai usando questa "
-#~ "interfaccia."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really delete this wireless network? The deletion cannot be undone!\\nYou "
-#~ "might lose access to this router if you are connected via this network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Vuoi davvero cancellare questa rete wireless? Non potrai tornare indietro!"
-#~ "\\nPotresti perdere l'accesso a questo router se stai usando questa rete."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The network ports on your router can be combined to several <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s in which computers can "
-#~ "communicate directly with each other. <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area "
-#~ "Network\">VLAN</abbr>s are often used to separate different network "
-#~ "segments. Often there is by default one Uplink port for a connection to "
-#~ "the next greater network like the internet and other ports for a local "
-#~ "network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Le porte di rete del tuo router possono essere combinate in molte <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr> nelle quali i computer "
-#~ "possono comunicare direttamente fra di loro. Le <abbr title=\"Virtual "
-#~ "Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr> sono spesso usate per separare segmenti "
-#~ "di rete differenti. Spesso c&#39;è come predefinita una porta per la "
-#~ "connessione alla prossiam rete più grande come Internet e altre porte per "
-#~ "le reti locali."
-#~ msgid "Custom Files"
-#~ msgstr "Files personalizzati"
-#~ msgid "Custom files"
-#~ msgstr "Files personalizzati"
-#~ msgid "Files to be kept when flashing a new firmware"
-#~ msgstr "Files da conservare quando si aggiorna un nuovo firmware"
-#~ msgid "General"
-#~ msgstr "Generale"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can customize the settings and the functionality of <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Qui puoi personalizzare i settaggi e le funzionalità di <abbr title=\"Lua "
-#~ "Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgid "Post-commit actions"
-#~ msgstr "Azioni post-modifica"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "These commands will be executed automatically when a given <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Unified Configuration Interface\">UCI</abbr> configuration is committed "
-#~ "allowing changes to be applied instantly."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Questi comandi verranno eseguiti automaticamente quando un comando di "
-#~ "configurazione <abbr title=\"Unified Configuration Interface\">UCI</abbr> "
-#~ "viene applicato permettendo alle modifiche di essere applicate "
-#~ "immediatamente."
-#~ msgid "Web <abbr title=\"User Interface\">UI</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"User Interface\">UI</abbr> web"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Server <abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "ARP ping retries"
-#~ msgstr "tentativi ping ARP "
-#~ msgid "ATM Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Impostazioni ATM"
-#~ msgid "Accept Router Advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "Accetta annunciamenti router"
-#~ msgid "Access point (APN)"
-#~ msgstr "Access point (APN)"
-#~ msgid "Additional pppd options"
-#~ msgstr "Opzioni pppd aggiuntive"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to FFFF"
-#~ msgstr "Intervallo ammesso è tra 1 e FFFF"
-#~ msgid "Automatic Disconnect"
-#~ msgstr "Disconnetti automaticamente"
-#~ msgid "Backup Archive"
-#~ msgstr "Archivio di backup"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Configure the local DNS server to use the name servers adverticed by the "
-#~ "PPP peer"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Configura il server DNS locale per usare i server DNS negoziati da PPP"
-#~ msgid "Connect script"
-#~ msgstr "Script connessione"
-#~ msgid "Create backup"
-#~ msgstr "Crea un backup"
-#~ msgid "Default"
-#~ msgstr "Default"
-#~ msgid "Disconnect script"
-#~ msgstr "Script disconnessione"
-#~ msgid "Edit package lists and installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "Modifica lista dei pacchetti e destinazione dell'installazione"
-#~ msgid "Enable 4K VLANs"
-#~ msgstr "Abilita 4K VLANs"
-#~ msgid "Enable IPv6 on PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "Attiva IPv6 sul collegamento PPP"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Firmware image"
-#~ msgstr "Firmware image"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can backup and restore your router configuration and - if "
-#~ "possible - reset the router to the default settings."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Qui puoi salvare e ripristinare la configurazione del tuo router e - se "
-#~ "possibile - resettare il router con le impostazioni predefinite."
-#~ msgid "Installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "Destinazione installazione"
-#~ msgid "Keep configuration files"
-#~ msgstr "Conserva i files di configurazione"
-#~ msgid "Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgid "Kernel"
-#~ msgstr "Kernel"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Let pppd replace the current default route to use the PPP interface after "
-#~ "successful connect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Consenti a pppd di sostituire la route di default con la route corrente "
-#~ "per usare l&#39;interfaccia PPP dopo una connessione riuscita"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script after establishing the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Permette a pppd di avviare questo script dopo l&#39;avvenuta connessione "
-#~ "PPP"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script before tearing down the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Permette a pppd di avviare questo script prima della disconnessione PPP"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Make sure that you provide the correct pin code here or you might lock "
-#~ "your sim card!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Fai attenzione di inserire il codice PIN corretto qui o potresti bloccare "
-#~ "la tua sim card!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Most of them are network servers, that offer a certain service for your "
-#~ "device or network like shell access, serving webpages like <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>, doing mesh routing, sending "
-#~ "e-mails, ..."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Molti di loro sono servers, che offrono un determinato servizio al tuo "
-#~ "dispositivo o alla tua rete come accesso shell, servire pagine web come "
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>, fare mesh "
-#~ "routing, inviare e-mails, ..."
-#~ msgid "Number of failed connection tests to initiate automatic reconnect"
-#~ msgstr "Numero di test di connettività falliti prima di una riconnessione"
-#~ msgid "PIN code"
-#~ msgstr "Codice PIN"
-#~ msgid "PPP Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Opzioni PPP"
-#~ msgid "Package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Lista pacchetti"
-#~ msgid "Proceed reverting all settings and resetting to firmware defaults?"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Procedi annullando tutte le modifiche e resettando ai predefiniti del "
-#~ "firmware?"
-#~ msgid "Processor"
-#~ msgstr "Processore"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Port"
-#~ msgstr "Porta Radius"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Server Radius"
-#~ msgid "Relay Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Opzioni Relay"
-#~ msgid "Replace default route"
-#~ msgstr "Sostituisci route di default"
-#~ msgid "Reset router to defaults"
-#~ msgstr "Ripristina il router come predefinito"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Seconds to wait for the modem to become ready before attempting to connect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Secondi da attendere prima che il modem diventi pronto prima di provare a "
-#~ "connettersi"
-#~ msgid "Service type"
-#~ msgstr "Tipo di servizio"
-#~ msgid "Services and daemons perform certain tasks on your device."
-#~ msgstr "Servizi e demoni svolgono alcune azioni sul tuo dispositivo."
-#~ msgid "Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Impostazioni"
-#~ msgid "Setup wait time"
-#~ msgstr "Tempo di attesa inizializzazione"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Sorry. OpenWrt does not support a system upgrade on this platform.<br /> "
-#~ "You need to manually flash your device."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Sorry. OpenWrt does not support a system upgrade on this platform.<br /> "
-#~ "You need to manually flash your device."
-#~ msgid "Specify additional command line arguments for pppd here"
-#~ msgstr "Specifica opzioni linea di comando aggiuntive per pppd qui"
-#~ msgid "The device node of your modem, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgstr "Il device node del tuo modem, e.s. /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgid "Time (in seconds) after which an unused connection will be closed"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Tempo (in secondi) dopo il quale una connessione inattiva verrà chiusa"
-#~ msgid "Update package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Aggiorna lista pacchetti"
-#~ msgid "Upload an OpenWrt image file to reflash the device."
-#~ msgstr "Upload an OpenWrt image file to reflash the device."
-#~ msgid "Upload image"
-#~ msgstr "Upload image"
-#~ msgid "Use peer DNS"
-#~ msgstr "Usa DNS ottenuti"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"comgt\" for UMTS/GPRS, \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE, "
-#~ "\"ppp-mod-pppoa\" for PPPoA or \"pptp\" for PPtP support"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Devi installare \"comgt\" per il supporto UMTS/GPRS, \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" "
-#~ "per PPPoE, \"ppp-mod-pppoa\" per PPPoA e \"pptp\" per PPtP"
-#~ msgid "back"
-#~ msgstr "indietro"
-#~ msgid "buffered"
-#~ msgstr "in buffer"
-#~ msgid "cached"
-#~ msgstr "in cache"
-#~ msgid "free"
-#~ msgstr "libera"
-#~ msgid "static"
-#~ msgstr "statico"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a collection "
-#~ "of free Lua software including an <abbr title=\"Model-View-Controller"
-#~ "\">MVC</abbr>-Webframework and webinterface for embedded devices. <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is licensed under the "
-#~ "Apache-License."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> è una collezione "
-#~ "di software libero scritto in Lua comprendente un Webframework e "
-#~ "interfaccia web <abbr title=\"Model-View-Controller\">MVC</abbr> per "
-#~ "dispositivi integrati. <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</"
-#~ "abbr> è rilasciato sotto la Apache-License."
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys"
-#~ msgstr "Chiavi <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>s"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A lightweight HTTP/1.1 webserver written in C and Lua designed to serve "
-#~ "LuCI"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Un piccolo e leggero web-server scritto in C è disegnato per integrarsi "
-#~ "con LuCi"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A small webserver which can be used to serve <abbr title=\"Lua "
-#~ "Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Un piccolo webserver che può essere usato per servire <abbr title=\"Lua "
-#~ "Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgid "About"
-#~ msgstr "Informazioni su"
-#~ msgid "Active IP Connections"
-#~ msgstr "Connessioni IP attive"
-#~ msgid "Addresses"
-#~ msgstr "Indirizzi"
-#~ msgid "Admin Password"
-#~ msgstr "Password di Amministratore"
-#~ msgid "Alias"
-#~ msgstr "Alias"
-#~ msgid "Authentication Realm"
-#~ msgstr "Authentication Realm"
-#~ msgid "Bridge Port"
-#~ msgstr "Porta Bridge"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Change the password of the system administrator (User <code>root</code>)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Cambia la password dell'amministratore di sistema (Utente <code>root</"
-#~ "code>)"
-#~ msgid "Client + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "Client + WDS"
-#~ msgid "Configuration file"
-#~ msgstr "File di configurazione"
-#~ msgid "Connection timeout"
-#~ msgstr "Timeout Connessione"
-#~ msgid "Contributing Developers"
-#~ msgstr "Contributing Developers"
-#~ msgid "DHCP assigned"
-#~ msgstr "DHCP assegnato"
-#~ msgid "Document root"
-#~ msgstr "Radice dei documenti"
-#~ msgid "Enable Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "Abilita Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgid "Enable device"
-#~ msgstr "Abilita dispositivo"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can paste public <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys "
-#~ "(one per line) for <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> public-key "
-#~ "authentication."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Qui puoi incollare le tue chiavi <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> "
-#~ "(una per linea) per l&#39;autenticazione <abbr title=\"Secure Shell"
-#~ "\">SSH</abbr> a chiave pubblica."
-#~ msgid "Interface Status"
-#~ msgstr "Stato Interfaccia"
-#~ msgid "Lead Development"
-#~ msgstr "Lead Development"
-#~ msgid "No address configured on this interface."
-#~ msgstr "Nessun indirizzo è configurato su questa interfaccia."
-#~ msgid "Not configured"
-#~ msgstr "Non configurato"
-#~ msgid "Password successfully changed"
-#~ msgstr "Password cambiata con successo"
-#~ msgid "Plugin path"
-#~ msgstr "Percorso plugin"
-#~ msgid "Ports"
-#~ msgstr "Porte"
-#~ msgid "Project Homepage"
-#~ msgstr "Sito del progetto"
-#~ msgid "Thanks To"
-#~ msgstr "Ringraziamenti"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The realm which will be displayed at the authentication prompt for "
-#~ "protected pages."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Il realm che verrà visualizzato al prompt di autenticazione per le pagine "
-#~ "protette."
-#~ msgid "Unknown Error"
-#~ msgstr "Errore sconosciuto"
-#~ msgid "defaults to <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgstr "predefinito <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgid "Enable this switch"
-#~ msgstr "Abilita questo switch"
-#~ msgid "OPKG error code %i"
-#~ msgstr "OPKG codice di errore %i"
-#~ msgid "Package lists updated"
-#~ msgstr "Lista pacchetti aggiornata"
-#~ msgid "Upgrade installed packages"
-#~ msgstr "Upgrade installed packages"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Also kernel or service logfiles can be viewed here to get an overview "
-#~ "over their current state."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Inoltre i log del kernel o dei servizi sono visualizzabili qui per avere "
-#~ "un riassunto dello stato attuale."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can find information about the current system status like <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Central Processing Unit\">CPU</abbr> clock frequency, memory "
-#~ "usage or network interface data."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Qui puoi trovare informazione sullo stato del sistema come frequenza di "
-#~ "clock della <abbr title=\"Central Processing Unit\">CPU</abbr>, uso della "
-#~ "memoria o dati della scheda di rete."
-#~ msgid "Search file..."
-#~ msgstr "Cerca file..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a free, "
-#~ "flexible, and user friendly graphical interface for configuring OpenWrt "
-#~ "Kamikaze."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> è un&#39;"
-#~ "interfaccia grafica gratuita, flessibile, e amichevole per configurare "
-#~ "OpenWrt Kamikaze."
-#~ msgid "And now have fun with your router!"
-#~ msgstr "Ed ora buon divertimento con il tuo router!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "As we always want to improve this interface we are looking forward to "
-#~ "your feedback and suggestions."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "dal momento che vogliamo migliorare quest&#39;interfaccia accettiamo "
-#~ "suggerimenti."
-#~ msgid "Hello!"
-#~ msgstr "Ciao!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Notice: In <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> "
-#~ "changes have to be confirmed by clicking Changes - Save &amp; Apply "
-#~ "before being applied."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Nota: Le modifiche devono essere confermate in <abbr title=\"Lua "
-#~ "Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> cliccando Modifiche - Salva e "
-#~ "Applica prima di essere applicate."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "On the following pages you can adjust all important settings of your "
-#~ "router."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Nelle seguenti pagine puoi impostare tutti i settaggi più importanti del "
-#~ "tuo router"
-#~ msgid "The <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> Team"
-#~ msgstr "Il Team di <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This is the administration area of <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Questa è l&#39;area d&#39;amministrazione di <abbr title=\"Lua "
-#~ "Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgid "User Interface"
-#~ msgstr "Interfaccia utente"
-#~ msgid "enable"
-#~ msgstr "abilita"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "(optional)"
-#~ msgstr " (opzionale)"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Port"
-#~ msgstr "Porta <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server will be queried in "
-#~ "the order of the resolvfile"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "I server <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr> verranno "
-#~ "contattati nell&#39;ordine del file resolv"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host "
-#~ "Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>-Leases"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Numero massimo di lease <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol"
-#~ "\">DHCP</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Extension Mechanisms "
-#~ "for Domain Name System\">EDNS0</abbr> packet size"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Dimensione massima pacchetto <abbr title=\"Extension Mechanisms for "
-#~ "Domain Name System\">EDNS0</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "AP-Isolation"
-#~ msgstr "Isolazione AP"
-#~ msgid "Add the Wifi network to physical network"
-#~ msgstr "Aggiungi la rete Wifi alla rete fisica"
-#~ msgid "Aliases"
-#~ msgstr "Alias"
-#~ msgid "Clamp Segment Size"
-#~ msgstr "Clamp Segment Size"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Create Or Attach Network"
-#~ msgstr "Crea rete"
-#~ msgid "Devices"
-#~ msgstr "Dispositivi"
-#~ msgid "Don't forward reverse lookups for local networks"
-#~ msgstr "Non inoltrare richieste per le reti locali"
-#~ msgid "Enable TFTP-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Abilita server TFTP"
-#~ msgid "Errors"
-#~ msgstr "Errori"
-#~ msgid "Essentials"
-#~ msgstr "Essenziali"
-#~ msgid "Expand Hosts"
-#~ msgstr "Espandi host"
-#~ msgid "First leased address"
-#~ msgstr "Primo indirizzo offerto"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Fixes problems with unreachable websites, submitting forms or other "
-#~ "unexpected behaviour for some ISPs."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Fixes problems with unreachable websites, submitting forms or other "
-#~ "unexpected behaviour for some ISPs."
-#~ msgid "Hardware Address"
-#~ msgstr "Hardware Address"
-#~ msgid "Here you can configure installed wifi devices."
-#~ msgstr "Qui puoi configurare i tuoi dispositivi wireless installati."
-#~ msgid "Independent (Ad-Hoc)"
-#~ msgstr "Independente (Ad-Hoc)"
-#~ msgid "Internet Connection"
-#~ msgstr "Connessione Internet"
-#~ msgid "Join (Client)"
-#~ msgstr "Partecipa (Client)"
-#~ msgid "Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Lease"
-#~ msgid "Local Domain"
-#~ msgstr "Dominio locale"
-#~ msgid "Local Network"
-#~ msgstr "Rete locale"
-#~ msgid "Local Server"
-#~ msgstr "Server locale"
-#~ msgid "Network Boot Image"
-#~ msgstr "Immagine boot da rete"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Network Name (<abbr title=\"Extended Service Set Identifier\">ESSID</"
-#~ "abbr>)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Nome rete (<abbr title=\"Extended Service Set Identifier\">ESSID</abbr>)"
-#~ msgid "Number of leased addresses"
-#~ msgstr "Numero di indirizzi offerti"
-#~ msgid "Perform Actions"
-#~ msgstr "Esegui azioni"
-#~ msgid "Prevents Client to Client communication"
-#~ msgstr "Impedisci la comunicazione fra Client"
-#~ msgid "Provide (Access Point)"
-#~ msgstr "Offri (Access Point)"
-#~ msgid "Resolvfile"
-#~ msgstr "File resolv"
-#~ msgid "TFTP-Server Root"
-#~ msgstr "Radice del server TFTP"
-#~ msgid "TX / RX"
-#~ msgstr "TX / RX"
-#~ msgid "The following changes have been applied"
-#~ msgstr "Le seguenti modifiche sono state applicate"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When flashing a new firmware with <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr> these files will be added to the new firmware "
-#~ "installation."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Quando si aggiorna un firmware con <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr> questi files verranno aggiunti al nuovo firmware."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "network members can automatically receive their network settings (<abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Internet Protocol\">IP</abbr>-address, netmask, <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-server, ...)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Con <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> i "
-#~ "membri della rete possono ricevere automaticamente le loro impostazioni "
-#~ "di rete (indirizzi <abbr title=\"Internet Protocol\">IP</abbr>, maschere "
-#~ "di rete, server <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>, ...)."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You can run several wifi networks with one device. Be aware that there "
-#~ "are certain hardware and driverspecific restrictions. Normally you can "
-#~ "operate 1 Ad-Hoc or up to 3 Master-Mode and 1 Client-Mode network "
-#~ "simultaneously."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Puoi avere più reti wifi con un solo dispositivo. Sappi ceh ci sono "
-#~ "alcune restrizioni relative all&#39;hardware ed al driver.Normalmente "
-#~ "puoi avere 1 rete Ad-Hoc o fino a 3 reti Master e uan rete in modalità "
-#~ "Client contemporaneamente."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE or \"pptp\" for PPtP "
-#~ "support"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Devi installare \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" per il supporto PPPoE e \"pptp\" per "
-#~ "PPtP"
-#~ msgid "additional hostfile"
-#~ msgstr "file hosts aggiuntivo"
-#~ msgid "adds domain names to hostentries in the resolv file"
-#~ msgstr "aggiungi nomi di dominio nel file resolv"
-#~ msgid "automatically reconnect"
-#~ msgstr "riconnetti automaticamente"
-#~ msgid "concurrent queries"
-#~ msgstr "richieste contemporanee"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "disable <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "for this interface"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "disabilita <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</"
-#~ "abbr> per queste interfacce"
-#~ msgid "disconnect when idle for"
-#~ msgstr "disconnetti quando non usata per"
-#~ msgid "don't cache unknown"
-#~ msgstr "non tenere sconosciuti in cache"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "filter useless <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-queries of "
-#~ "Windows-systems"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Filtra richieste <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr> inutili di "
-#~ "sistemi windows"
-#~ msgid "installed"
-#~ msgstr "installato"
-#~ msgid "localises the hostname depending on its subnet"
-#~ msgstr "localizza l&#39;hostname a seconda delle sue sottoreti"
-#~ msgid "not installed"
-#~ msgstr "non installato"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "prevents caching of negative <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</"
-#~ "abbr>-replies"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "impedisci la cache di risposte <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</"
-#~ "abbr> negative"
-#~ msgid "query port"
-#~ msgstr "porta per le richieste"
-#~ msgid "transmitted / received"
-#~ msgstr "transmessi / ricevuti"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Join network"
-#~ msgstr "Rete"
-#~ msgid "all"
-#~ msgstr "tutti"
-#~ msgid "Code"
-#~ msgstr "Codice"
-#~ msgid "Distance"
-#~ msgstr "Distanza"
-#~ msgid "Legend"
-#~ msgstr "Legenda"
-#~ msgid "Library"
-#~ msgstr "Libreria"
-#~ msgid "see '%s' manpage"
-#~ msgstr "leggi il manuale di &#39;%s&#39;"
-#~ msgid "Package Manager"
-#~ msgstr "Gestore pacchetti"
-#~ msgid "Service"
-#~ msgstr "Servizio"
+#~ msgid "CPU"
+#~ msgstr "CPU"
-#~ msgid "Statistics"
-#~ msgstr "Statistiche"
+#~ msgid "Port %d"
+#~ msgstr "Porta %d"
-#~ msgid "zone"
-#~ msgstr "Zona"
+#~ msgid "VLAN Interface"
+#~ msgstr "Interfaccia VLAN"
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/po/ja/base.po b/modules/luci-base/po/ja/base.po
index da5663cf21..740c676a8b 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/po/ja/base.po
+++ b/modules/luci-base/po/ja/base.po
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.0.6\n"
+msgid "%s is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+msgstr ""
msgid "(%d minute window, %d second interval)"
msgstr "(%d 分幅, %d 秒間隔)"
@@ -241,6 +244,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Alert"
msgstr "警告"
+msgid ""
+"Allocate IP addresses sequentially, starting from the lowest available "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Allocate IP sequentially"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
msgstr "<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> パスワード認証を許可します"
@@ -522,9 +533,6 @@ msgstr "ボタン"
msgid "CA certificate; if empty it will be saved after the first connection."
msgstr ""
-msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "CPU"
msgid "CPU usage (%)"
msgstr "CPU使用率 (%)"
@@ -1057,6 +1065,9 @@ msgstr "外部システムログ・サーバー"
msgid "External system log server port"
msgstr "外部システムログ・サーバーポート"
+msgid "External system log server protocol"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Extra SSH command options"
msgstr ""
@@ -1759,6 +1770,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "MB/s"
msgstr "MB/s"
+msgid "MD5"
+msgstr ""
msgid "MHz"
msgstr "MHz"
@@ -2260,12 +2274,6 @@ msgstr "ポリシー"
msgid "Port"
msgstr "ポート"
-msgid "Port %d"
-msgstr "ポート %d"
-msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
-msgstr ""
msgid "Port status:"
msgstr "ポート ステータス:"
@@ -2564,6 +2572,9 @@ msgstr "デバイスのマウントを行う前にファイルシステムチェ
msgid "Run filesystem check"
msgstr "ファイルシステムチェックを行う"
+msgid "SHA256"
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"SIXXS supports TIC only, for static tunnels using IP protocol 41 (RFC4213) "
"use 6in4 instead"
@@ -2705,6 +2716,9 @@ msgstr "スロット時間"
msgid "Software"
msgstr "ソフトウェア"
+msgid "Software VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!"
msgstr "無効な値が設定されているフィールドがあるため、保存できません。"
@@ -2803,6 +2817,12 @@ msgstr "問い合わせの制限"
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "送信"
+msgid "Suppress logging"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging of the routine operation of these protocols"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Swap"
msgstr ""
@@ -2818,6 +2838,13 @@ msgstr "スイッチ %q"
msgid "Switch %q (%s)"
msgstr "スイッチ %q (%s)"
+msgid ""
+"Switch %q has an unknown topology - the VLAN settings might not be accurate."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Switch VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Switch protocol"
msgstr "プロトコルの切り替え"
@@ -3318,9 +3345,6 @@ msgstr "VC-Mux"
msgid "VDSL"
msgstr ""
-msgid "VLAN Interface"
-msgstr "VLANインターフェース"
msgid "VLANs on %q"
msgstr "%q上のVLANs"
@@ -3417,9 +3441,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Wifi"
-msgstr "無線LAN"
msgid "Wireless"
msgstr "無線"
@@ -3456,6 +3477,9 @@ msgstr "無線LAN機能停止"
msgid "Write received DNS requests to syslog"
msgstr "受信したDNSリクエストをsyslogへ記録します"
+msgid "Write system log to file"
+msgstr ""
msgid "XR Support"
msgstr "XRサポート"
@@ -3637,1061 +3661,11 @@ msgstr "はい"
msgid "« Back"
msgstr "« 戻る"
-#~ msgid "Delete this interface"
-#~ msgstr "インターフェースを削除します"
-#~ msgid "Flags"
-#~ msgstr "フラグ"
-#~ msgid "Rule #"
-#~ msgstr "ルール #"
-#~ msgid "Ignore Hosts files"
-#~ msgstr "ホストファイルを無視する"
-#~ msgid "Path"
-#~ msgstr "パス"
-#~ msgid "Please wait: Device rebooting..."
-#~ msgstr "しばらくお待ちください: 再起動中です..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Warning: There are unsaved changes that will be lost while rebooting!"
-#~ msgstr "警告: 保存されていない変更は再起動後に失われます!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Always use 40MHz channels even if the secondary channel overlaps. Using "
-#~ "this option does not comply with IEEE 802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "第2チャネルが重複しても、常に40MHz帯域幅を使用します。ただし本オプションは"
-#~ "IEEE 802.11n-2009を満たしていません!"
-#~ msgid "Cached"
-#~ msgstr "キャッシュ"
-#~ msgid "Configures this mount as overlay storage for block-extroot"
-#~ msgstr "このマウント設定をblock-extrootのオーバーレイ記憶領域として設定する"
-#~ msgid "Force 40MHz mode"
-#~ msgstr "強制的に40MHzモードで動作する"
-#~ msgid "Frequency Hopping"
-#~ msgstr "周波数ホッピング"
-#~ msgid "Locked to channel %d used by %s"
-#~ msgstr "%sが使用しているためチャネル%dはロックされています"
-#~ msgid "Use as root filesystem"
-#~ msgstr "ルート・ファイルシステムとして使用する"
-#~ msgid " user ID"
-#~ msgstr " ユーザーID"
-#~ msgid "This is the 32 byte hex encoded user ID, not the login name"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ログイン名ではなく、32バイト、16進数でエンコードされたユーザーIDを設定して"
-#~ "ください"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel above"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz 上側第2チャネル"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel below"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz 下側第2チャネル"
-#~ msgid "Accept router advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "ルーター広告の受信を許可する"
-#~ msgid "Advertise IPv6 on network"
-#~ msgstr "ネットワーク上のにIPv6 アドレスを広告する"
-#~ msgid "Advertised network ID"
-#~ msgstr "ネットワークIDを広告する"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to 65535"
-#~ msgstr "設定可能な範囲は1から65535です"
-#~ msgid "HT capabilities"
-#~ msgstr "HT機能"
-#~ msgid "HT mode"
-#~ msgstr "HTモード"
-#~ msgid "Router Model"
-#~ msgstr "ルーターモデル"
-#~ msgid "Router Name"
-#~ msgstr "ルーター名"
-#~ msgid "Send router solicitations"
-#~ msgstr "ルータ要請を送信する"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised preferred prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr "通知する推奨有効時間を設定してください。(秒単位)"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised valid prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr "通知する最終有効時間を設定してください。(秒単位)"
-#~ msgid "Use preferred lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "推奨有効時間"
-#~ msgid "Use valid lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "最終有効時間"
-#~ msgid "Waiting for router..."
-#~ msgstr "ルーターに接続中..."
-#~ msgid "Enable builtin NTP server"
-#~ msgstr "内蔵のNTPサーバーを有効にする"
-#~ msgid "Active Leases"
-#~ msgstr "有効なリース"
-#~ msgid "Open"
-#~ msgstr "開く"
-#~ msgid "KB"
-#~ msgstr "キロバイト"
-#~ msgid "Bit Rate"
-#~ msgstr "ビットレート"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Apply"
-#~ msgstr "設定 / 適用"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Changes"
-#~ msgstr "設定 / 変更箇所"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Revert"
-#~ msgstr "設定 / 変更箇所の復元"
-#~ msgid "MAC"
-#~ msgstr "MAC"
-#~ msgid "MAC Address"
-#~ msgstr "MACアドレス"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">Encr.</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">暗号化</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-Scan"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-スキャン"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Choose the network you want to attach to this wireless interface. Select "
-#~ "<em>unspecified</em> to not attach any network or fill out the "
-#~ "<em>create</em> field to define a new network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "この無線インターフェースを接続するネットワークを選択してください。<em>設定"
-#~ "しない</em>を選択すると、設定済みのネットワークを削除します。また、<em>作"
-#~ "成</em>フィールドにネットワーク名を入力すると、新しくネットワークを設定し"
-#~ "ます。"
-#~ msgid "Create Network"
-#~ msgstr "ネットワークの作成"
-#~ msgid "Link"
-#~ msgstr "リンク"
-#~ msgid "Networks"
-#~ msgstr "ネットワーク"
-#~ msgid "Power"
-#~ msgstr "出力"
-#~ msgid "Wifi networks in your local environment"
-#~ msgstr "ローカル環境内の無線ネットワーク"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>-Notation: "
-#~ "address/prefix"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>表記: アドレス/"
-#~ "プレフィクス"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-サーバー"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Broadcast"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-ブロードキャスト"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Address"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-アドレス"
-#~ msgid "IP-Aliases"
-#~ msgstr "IPエイリアス"
-#~ msgid "IPv6 Setup"
-#~ msgstr "IPv6設定"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Note: If you choose an interface here which is part of another network, "
-#~ "it will be moved into this network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "注意: 他のネットワークに属するインターフェースを指定した場合, 選択したネッ"
-#~ "トワークへ移動します。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really delete this interface? The deletion cannot be undone!\\nYou might "
-#~ "lose access to this router if you are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "本当にこのインターフェースを削除しますか? 削除すると元に戻すことはできませ"
-#~ "ん!\\nこのインターフェースを介してルーターにアクセスしている場合、ルーター"
-#~ "に接続できなくなる可能性があります。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really delete this wireless network? The deletion cannot be undone!\\nYou "
-#~ "might lose access to this router if you are connected via this network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "本当にこの無線ネットワークを削除しますか? 削除すると元に戻すことはできま"
-#~ "せん!\\nこのネットワークを介してルーターにアクセスしている場合、ルーターに"
-#~ "接続できなくなる可能性があります。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really shutdown interface \"%s\" ?\\nYou might lose access to this router "
-#~ "if you are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "本当にインターフェース \"%s\" を削除しますか?\\nこのインターフェースを介し"
-#~ "てルーターにアクセスしている場合、ルーターに接続できなくなる可能性がありま"
-#~ "す。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really shutdown network ?\\nYou might lose access to this router if you "
-#~ "are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "本当にこのネットワークを終了しますか?\\nこのインターフェースを介してルー"
-#~ "ターにアクセスしている場合、接続できなくなる可能性があります。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The network ports on your router can be combined to several <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s in which computers can "
-#~ "communicate directly with each other. <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area "
-#~ "Network\">VLAN</abbr>s are often used to separate different network "
-#~ "segments. Often there is by default one Uplink port for a connection to "
-#~ "the next greater network like the internet and other ports for a local "
-#~ "network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ルーターのネットワークポートはコンピューターがお互いに直接通信することが出"
-#~ "来る幾つかの <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s を組"
-#~ "み合わせることが出来ます。<abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area Network"
-#~ "\">VLAN</abbr> は異なるネットワークセグメントに別ける際によく使われます。"
-#~ "例えばデフォルトの1つをインターネットの用な大きなネットワークの為のアップ"
-#~ "リンクポート接続に使用し、その他のポートをローカルネットワークに使用しま"
-#~ "す。"
-#~ msgid "Enable buffering"
-#~ msgstr "バッファリングを有効にする"
-#~ msgid "IPv6-over-IPv4"
-#~ msgstr "IPv6-over-IPv4"
-#~ msgid "Custom Files"
-#~ msgstr "手動で指定したファイル"
-#~ msgid "Custom files"
-#~ msgstr "手動指定ファイル"
-#~ msgid "Detected Files"
-#~ msgstr "検出されたファイル"
-#~ msgid "Detected files"
-#~ msgstr "検出されたファイル"
-#~ msgid "Files to be kept when flashing a new firmware"
-#~ msgstr "新しいファームウェアを書き込んだ時に維持するファイル"
-#~ msgid "General"
-#~ msgstr "一般"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can customize the settings and the functionality of <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "このページでは<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> の機"
-#~ "能と設定をカスタマイズ出来ます。"
-#~ msgid "Post-commit actions"
-#~ msgstr "Post-commit actions"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The following files are detected by the system and will be kept "
-#~ "automatically during sysupgrade"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "以下のファイルがシステムによって検出されました。これらのファイルはファーム"
-#~ "ウェア更新時に自動的に保存されます。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "These commands will be executed automatically when a given <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Unified Configuration Interface\">UCI</abbr> configuration is committed "
-#~ "allowing changes to be applied instantly."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "これらのコマンドはコミットされた <abbr title=\"Unified Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">UCI</abbr>設定の変更を即座に適応する為に、自動的に実行されま"
-#~ "す。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This is a list of shell glob patterns for matching files and directories "
-#~ "to include during sysupgrade"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "This is a list of shell glob patterns for matching files and directories "
-#~ "to include during sysupgrade"
-#~ msgid "Web <abbr title=\"User Interface\">UI</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "Web <abbr title=\"User Interface\">UI</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Hypertext Transfer Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>-サーバー"
-#~ msgid "AHCP Settings"
-#~ msgstr "AHCP 設定"
-#~ msgid "ARP ping retries"
-#~ msgstr "ARP pingリトライ"
-#~ msgid "ATM Settings"
-#~ msgstr "ATM設定"
-#~ msgid "Accept Router Advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "ルーターアドバタイズを許可する"
-#~ msgid "Access point (APN)"
-#~ msgstr "アクセスポイント (APN)"
-#~ msgid "Additional pppd options"
-#~ msgstr "pppd 追加オプション"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to FFFF"
-#~ msgstr "1からFFFFまで使用可能です。"
-#~ msgid "Automatic Disconnect"
-#~ msgstr "自動切断"
-#~ msgid "Backup Archive"
-#~ msgstr "バックアップアーカイブ"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Configure the local DNS server to use the name servers adverticed by the "
-#~ "PPP peer"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ローカルDNSサーバーにPPP接続先から通知されたネームサーバーを使用するように"
-#~ "設定します"
-#~ msgid "Connect script"
-#~ msgstr "接続スクリプト"
-#~ msgid "Create backup"
-#~ msgstr "バックアップの作成"
-#~ msgid "Default"
-#~ msgstr "標準"
-#~ msgid "Disconnect script"
-#~ msgstr "切断スクリプト"
-#~ msgid "Edit package lists and installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "パッケージリストとインストールターゲットの編集"
-#~ msgid "Enable 4K VLANs"
-#~ msgstr "4K VLANを有効にする"
-#~ msgid "Enable IPv6 on PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "IPv6のPPPリンクを有効にする"
-#~ msgid "Firmware image"
-#~ msgstr "ファームウェア・イメージ"
-#~ msgid "Forward DHCP"
-#~ msgstr "DHCPパケットの転送"
-#~ msgid "Forward broadcasts"
-#~ msgstr "ブロードキャストの転送"
-#~ msgid " Tunnel ID"
-#~ msgstr " トンネルID"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can backup and restore your router configuration and - if "
-#~ "possible - reset the router to the default settings."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "このページではルーターの設定のバックアップと復元と、可能であればルーターを"
-#~ "初期状態にリセットします。"
-#~ msgid "Installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "インストールターゲット"
-#~ msgid "Keep configuration files"
-#~ msgstr "設定ファイルを保持する"
-#~ msgid "Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "キープアライブ"
-#~ msgid "Kernel"
-#~ msgstr "カーネル"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Let pppd replace the current default route to use the PPP interface after "
-#~ "successful connect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "接続に成功した後、pppdはデフォルトの経路をPPPインターフェースを使用する様"
-#~ "に変更します"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script after establishing the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "PPPリンクの確立後、pppd はこのスクリプトを実行します。"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script before tearing down the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "PPPリンクの切断後、pppd はこのスクリプトを実行します。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Make sure that you provide the correct pin code here or you might lock "
-#~ "your sim card!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "PINコードが正しく入力されていることと、SIMカードがロックされていないことを"
-#~ "確認してください!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Most of them are network servers, that offer a certain service for your "
-#~ "device or network like shell access, serving webpages like <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>, doing mesh routing, sending "
-#~ "e-mails, ..."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "デーモンやサービスは、シェルアクセス、<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr>のようなWEBアクセス機能、メッシュルーティング機能、"
-#~ "メール送信機能など、デバイスやネットワークの機能を提供します。"
-#~ msgid "Number of failed connection tests to initiate automatic reconnect"
-#~ msgstr "自動再接続時に行う接続テストの失敗数"
-#~ msgid "Override Gateway"
-#~ msgstr "ゲートウェイアドレスを上書きする"
-#~ msgid "PIN code"
-#~ msgstr "PINコード"
-#~ msgid "PPP Settings"
-#~ msgstr "PPP設定"
-#~ msgid "Package lists"
-#~ msgstr "パッケージリスト"
-#~ msgid "Port PVIDs on %q"
-#~ msgstr "ポート PVIDs on %q"
-#~ msgid "Proceed reverting all settings and resetting to firmware defaults?"
-#~ msgstr "全ての設定を元に戻し、ファームウェアを初期状態にリセットしますか?"
-#~ msgid "Processor"
-#~ msgstr "プロセッサ"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Port"
-#~ msgstr "Radiusポート"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Radiusサーバー"
-#~ msgid "Relay Settings"
-#~ msgstr "リレー設定"
-#~ msgid "Replace default route"
-#~ msgstr "デフォルトルートを置換する"
-#~ msgid "Reset router to defaults"
-#~ msgstr "ルーターを初期状態にリセット"
-#~ msgid "Routing table ID"
-#~ msgstr "経路テーブルID"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Seconds to wait for the modem to become ready before attempting to connect"
-#~ msgstr "接続する前に、モデムの準備が完了するための待ち時間を設けます(秒)"
-#~ msgid "Server IPv4-Address"
-#~ msgstr "IPv4-アドレス サーバー"
-#~ msgid "Service type"
-#~ msgstr "サービス・タイプ"
-#~ msgid "Services and daemons perform certain tasks on your device."
-#~ msgstr "サービスとデーモンはデバイス上で、様々な処理を行ないます。"
-#~ msgid "Settings"
-#~ msgstr "設定"
-#~ msgid "Setup wait time"
-#~ msgstr "待ち時間の設定"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Sorry. OpenWrt does not support a system upgrade on this platform.<br /> "
-#~ "You need to manually flash your device."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "申し訳ありません。OpenWrtではこのプラットフォーム上でのシステムアップレー"
-#~ "ドを行うことができません。<br />手動でデバイスを更新してください。"
-#~ msgid "Specify additional command line arguments for pppd here"
-#~ msgstr "pppd の追加のコマンドライン引数を指定します。"
-#~ msgid "TTL"
-#~ msgstr "TTL"
-#~ msgid "The device node of your modem, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgstr "モデムのデバイスファイルを設定してください。(例: /dev/ttyUSB0)"
-#~ msgid "Time (in seconds) after which an unused connection will be closed"
-#~ msgstr "指定した期間(秒)コネクションが使用されない場合に接続を閉じます"
-#~ msgid "Time Server (rdate)"
-#~ msgstr "時刻サーバー (rdate)"
-#~ msgid "Tunnel Settings"
-#~ msgstr "トンネリング設定"
-#~ msgid "Update package lists"
-#~ msgstr "パッケージリストの更新"
-#~ msgid "Upload an OpenWrt image file to reflash the device."
-#~ msgstr "更新用のOpenWrtイメージファイルをアップロードしてください。"
-#~ msgid "Upload image"
-#~ msgstr "アップロード"
-#~ msgid "Use peer DNS"
-#~ msgstr "ピアDNSを使用する"
-#~ msgid "VLAN %d"
-#~ msgstr "VLAN %d"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You can specify multiple DNS servers here, press enter to add a new "
-#~ "entry. Servers entered here will override automatically assigned ones."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "複数のDNSサーバーを設定することができます。Enterキーを押すと、エントリーを"
-#~ "追加できます。また、自動的に割り当てられたアドレスを、入力されたサーバーの"
-#~ "アドレスで上書きします。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"comgt\" for UMTS/GPRS, \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE, "
-#~ "\"ppp-mod-pppoa\" for PPPoA or \"pptp\" for PPtP support"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "サービスを追加して使用する場合、それぞれ対応するパッケージをインストールす"
-#~ "る必要があります。(UMTS/GPRS - \"comgt\"、PPPoE - \"ppp-mod-pppoe\"、"
-#~ "PPPoA - \"ppp-mod-pppoa\"、PPTP - \"pptp\")"
-#~ msgid "back"
-#~ msgstr "戻る"
-#~ msgid "buffered"
-#~ msgstr "バッファキャッシュ"
-#~ msgid "cached"
-#~ msgstr "ページキャッシュ"
-#~ msgid "free"
-#~ msgstr "空き"
-#~ msgid "static"
-#~ msgstr "静的"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a collection "
-#~ "of free Lua software including an <abbr title=\"Model-View-Controller"
-#~ "\">MVC</abbr>-Webframework and webinterface for embedded devices. <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is licensed under the "
-#~ "Apache-License."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> は <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Model-View-Controller\">MVC</abbr> ウェブフレームワークや組み込みデバイ"
-#~ "スの為のウェブインターフェースを含む、フリーの Lua ソフトウェアコレクショ"
-#~ "ンです。<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> は Apache-"
-#~ "License の元で配布されています。"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-キー"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A lightweight HTTP/1.1 webserver written in C and Lua designed to serve "
-#~ "LuCI"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "軽量な HTTP/1.1 WEBサーバーはCとLuaで書かれ LuCI に役立つ様に設計されてい"
-#~ "ます"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A small webserver which can be used to serve <abbr title=\"Lua "
-#~ "Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>を動作させるのに使"
-#~ "用することが出来る小さな WEBサーバーです。"
-#~ msgid "About"
-#~ msgstr "情報"
-#~ msgid "Active IP Connections"
-#~ msgstr "有効なIP接続"
-#~ msgid "Addresses"
-#~ msgstr "アドレス"
-#~ msgid "Admin Password"
-#~ msgstr "管理者パスワード"
-#~ msgid "Alias"
-#~ msgstr "エイリアス"
-#~ msgid "Authentication Realm"
-#~ msgstr "認証レルム"
-#~ msgid "Bridge Port"
-#~ msgstr "ブリッジポート"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Change the password of the system administrator (User <code>root</code>)"
-#~ msgstr "システム管理者のパスワードを変更します(ユーザー <code>root</code>)"
-#~ msgid "Client + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "クライアント + WDS"
-#~ msgid "Configuration file"
-#~ msgstr "設定ファイル"
-#~ msgid "Connection timeout"
-#~ msgstr "接続タイムアウト"
-#~ msgid "Contributing Developers"
-#~ msgstr "貢献者"
-#~ msgid "DHCP assigned"
-#~ msgstr "DHCP アサイン"
-#~ msgid "Document root"
-#~ msgstr "ドキュメントルート"
-#~ msgid "Enable Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "キープアライブ機能を有効にする"
-#~ msgid "Enable device"
-#~ msgstr "デバイスを有効にする"
-#~ msgid "Ethernet Bridge"
-#~ msgstr "イーサネットブリッジ"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can paste public <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys "
-#~ "(one per line) for <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> public-key "
-#~ "authentication."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>公開鍵認証で使用する <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>公開鍵を1行づつ貼り付けてください。"
-#~ msgid "ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID"
-#~ msgid "IP Configuration"
-#~ msgstr "IP 設定"
-#~ msgid "Interface Status"
-#~ msgstr "インターフェース・ステータス"
-#~ msgid "Lead Development"
-#~ msgstr "開発リーダー"
-#~ msgid "Master"
-#~ msgstr "マスター"
-#~ msgid "Master + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "マスター + WDS"
-#~ msgid "No address configured on this interface."
-#~ msgstr "アドレスが設定されていません"
-#~ msgid "Not configured"
-#~ msgstr "未設定"
-#~ msgid "Password successfully changed"
-#~ msgstr "パスワードを変更しました"
-#~ msgid "Plugin path"
-#~ msgstr "プラグインパス"
-#~ msgid "Ports"
-#~ msgstr "ポート"
-#~ msgid "Primary"
-#~ msgstr "プライマリ"
-#~ msgid "Project Homepage"
-#~ msgstr "プロジェクトホームページ"
-#~ msgid "Pseudo Ad-Hoc"
-#~ msgstr "擬似アドホック"
-#~ msgid "STP"
-#~ msgstr "STP"
-#~ msgid "Thanks To"
-#~ msgstr "ありがとう"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The realm which will be displayed at the authentication prompt for "
-#~ "protected pages."
-#~ msgstr "レルムは保護されたページで認証プロンプトを表示します。"
-#~ msgid "Unknown Error"
-#~ msgstr "不明なエラー"
-#~ msgid "VLAN"
-#~ msgstr "VLAN"
-#~ msgid "defaults to <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgstr "デフォルトは <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgid "Enable this switch"
-#~ msgstr "スイッチを有効にする"
-#~ msgid "OPKG error code %i"
-#~ msgstr "OPKGエラーコード %i"
-#~ msgid "Package lists updated"
-#~ msgstr "パッケージリストを更新しました"
-#~ msgid "Reset switch during setup"
-#~ msgstr "起動時にスイッチをリセットする"
-#~ msgid "Upgrade installed packages"
-#~ msgstr "インストールされているパッケージのアップグレード"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Also kernel or service logfiles can be viewed here to get an overview "
-#~ "over their current state."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "また、カーネルやサービスのログファイルも現在の状態を得るために参照する事が"
-#~ "出来ます。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can find information about the current system status like <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Central Processing Unit\">CPU</abbr> clock frequency, memory "
-#~ "usage or network interface data."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ここでは、<abbr title=\"Central Processing Unit\">CPU</abbr>クロック周波"
-#~ "数、メモリ使用量やネットワークインターフェースデータなどの現在のシステムの"
-#~ "状態に関する情報を見つけることが出来ます。"
-#~ msgid "Search file..."
-#~ msgstr "Search file..."
-#~ msgid "Server"
-#~ msgstr "サーバー"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a free, "
-#~ "flexible, and user friendly graphical interface for configuring OpenWrt "
-#~ "Kamikaze."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> は OpenWrt "
-#~ "Kamikaze の為の自由で、柔軟で、ユーザーフレンドリなグラフィカルインター"
-#~ "フェースです。"
-#~ msgid "And now have fun with your router!"
-#~ msgstr "それでは、あなたのルーターを楽しんでください!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "As we always want to improve this interface we are looking forward to "
-#~ "your feedback and suggestions."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "私たちとしては、いつでもこのインターフェースを改良したいと望んでおり、あな"
-#~ "たからのフィードバックと提案をお待ちしています。"
-#~ msgid "Hello!"
-#~ msgstr "こんにちは!"
-#~ msgid "LuCI Components"
-#~ msgstr "LuCIコンポーネント"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Notice: In <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> "
-#~ "changes have to be confirmed by clicking Changes - Save &amp; Apply "
-#~ "before being applied."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "注意: <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> で変更を行う"
-#~ "には適用前に「保存 &amp; 適用」をクリックして確認する必要があります。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "On the following pages you can adjust all important settings of your "
-#~ "router."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "以下のページからルーターの全ての重要な設定を調整することが出来ます。"
-#~ msgid "The <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> Team"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> チーム"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This is the administration area of <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> の管理パネルです。"
-#~ msgid "User Interface"
-#~ msgstr "ユーザーインターフェース"
-#~ msgid "enable"
-#~ msgstr "有効"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "(optional)"
-#~ msgstr " (任意)"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Port"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Port"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server will be queried in "
-#~ "the order of the resolvfile"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>サーバーはリゾルバファイルの"
-#~ "順に問い合わせを行います。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host "
-#~ "Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>-Leases"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host "
-#~ "Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>リース"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Extension Mechanisms "
-#~ "for Domain Name System\">EDNS0</abbr> packet size"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Extension Mechanisms "
-#~ "for Domain Name System\">EDNS0</abbr> packet size"
-#~ msgid "AP-Isolation"
-#~ msgstr "APの分離"
-#~ msgid "Add the Wifi network to physical network"
-#~ msgstr "物理ネットワークに無線ネットワークを追加します"
-#~ msgid "Aliases"
-#~ msgstr "エイリアス"
-#~ msgid "Clamp Segment Size"
-#~ msgstr "Clamp Segment Size"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Create Or Attach Network"
-#~ msgstr "ネットワークの作成"
-#~ msgid "Devices"
-#~ msgstr "デバイス"
-#~ msgid "Don't forward reverse lookups for local networks"
-#~ msgstr "ローカルネットワークの為の逆引きを転送しません"
-#~ msgid "Enable TFTP-Server"
-#~ msgstr "TFTPサーバーを有効にする"
-#~ msgid "Errors"
-#~ msgstr "エラー"
-#~ msgid "Essentials"
-#~ msgstr "簡易設定"
-#~ msgid "Expand Hosts"
-#~ msgstr "ホスト名展開"
-#~ msgid "First leased address"
-#~ msgstr "先頭リースアドレス"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Fixes problems with unreachable websites, submitting forms or other "
-#~ "unexpected behaviour for some ISPs."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Fixes problems with unreachable websites, submitting forms or other "
-#~ "unexpected behaviour for some ISPs."
-#~ msgid "Hardware Address"
-#~ msgstr "ハードウェアアドレス"
-#~ msgid "Here you can configure installed wifi devices."
-#~ msgstr "ここではインストールされた無線デバイスの設定を行うことが出来ます。"
-#~ msgid "Independent (Ad-Hoc)"
-#~ msgstr "アドホック"
-#~ msgid "Internet Connection"
-#~ msgstr "インターネット接続"
-#~ msgid "Join (Client)"
-#~ msgstr "クライアント"
-#~ msgid "Leases"
-#~ msgstr "リース"
-#~ msgid "Local Domain"
-#~ msgstr "ローカルドメイン"
-#~ msgid "Local Network"
-#~ msgstr "ローカルネットワーク"
-#~ msgid "Local Server"
-#~ msgstr "ローカルサーバー"
-#~ msgid "Network Boot Image"
-#~ msgstr "ネットワークブートイメージ"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Network Name (<abbr title=\"Extended Service Set Identifier\">ESSID</"
-#~ "abbr>)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ネットワーク名(<abbr title=\"Extended Service Set Identifier\">ESSID</"
-#~ "abbr>)"
-#~ msgid "Number of leased addresses"
-#~ msgstr "リースアドレス数"
-#~ msgid "Perform Actions"
-#~ msgstr "実行"
-#~ msgid "Prevents Client to Client communication"
-#~ msgstr "クライアント同士の通信を制限します"
-#~ msgid "Provide (Access Point)"
-#~ msgstr "アクセスポイント"
-#~ msgid "Resolvfile"
-#~ msgstr "リゾルバファイル"
-#~ msgid "TFTP-Server Root"
-#~ msgstr "TFTPサーバールート"
-#~ msgid "TX / RX"
-#~ msgstr "TX / RX"
-#~ msgid "The following changes have been applied"
-#~ msgstr "以下の変更が適用されました"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When flashing a new firmware with <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr> these files will be added to the new firmware "
-#~ "installation."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> によって新しい"
-#~ "ファームウェアを書き込んだ時に、これらのファイルは新しいファームウェアイン"
-#~ "ストールでも追加されます。"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Wireless Scan"
-#~ msgstr "無線アダプタ"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "network members can automatically receive their network settings (<abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Internet Protocol\">IP</abbr>-address, netmask, <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-server, ...)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> によって"
-#~ "ネットワークメンバは自動的にネットワーク設定(<abbr title=\"Internet "
-#~ "Protocol\">IP</abbr>アドレス、netmask, <abbr title=\"Domain Name System"
-#~ "\">DNS</abbr>サーバー、...)を受信します。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You can run several wifi networks with one device. Be aware that there "
-#~ "are certain hardware and driverspecific restrictions. Normally you can "
-#~ "operate 1 Ad-Hoc or up to 3 Master-Mode and 1 Client-Mode network "
-#~ "simultaneously."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "1つのデバイスで複数の無線ネットワークを運用することが出来ます。特定のハー"
-#~ "ドウェアとドライバの仕様の制限が在ることに注意してください。通常では1つの"
-#~ "アドホックモード、もしくは3つまでのマスターモードと1つのクライアントモード"
-#~ "ネットワークを同時に稼働できます。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE or \"pptp\" for PPtP "
-#~ "support"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "PPPoE をサポートする為には \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" を、PPtP をサポートする為に "
-#~ "\"pptp\" をインストールする必要があります。"
-#~ msgid "additional hostfile"
-#~ msgstr "追加のホストファイル"
-#~ msgid "adds domain names to hostentries in the resolv file"
-#~ msgstr "リゾルバファイルのホストエントリにドメイン名を追加します"
-#~ msgid "automatically reconnect"
-#~ msgstr "自動再接続"
-#~ msgid "concurrent queries"
-#~ msgstr "並列問い合わせ"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "disable <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "for this interface"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "このインターフェースで <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol"
-#~ "\">DHCP</abbr> を無効にします。"
-#~ msgid "disconnect when idle for"
-#~ msgstr "disconnect when idle for"
-#~ msgid "don't cache unknown"
-#~ msgstr "ネガティブキャッシュを行わない"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "filter useless <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-queries of "
-#~ "Windows-systems"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Windowsシステムの無駄な <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>クエ"
-#~ "リをフィルタします"
-#~ msgid "installed"
-#~ msgstr "インストール済み"
-#~ msgid "localises the hostname depending on its subnet"
-#~ msgstr "サブネットに依存したホスト名をローカライズします"
-#~ msgid "not installed"
-#~ msgstr "未インストール"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "prevents caching of negative <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</"
-#~ "abbr>-replies"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ネガティブキャッシュの<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>応答を"
-#~ "防ぎます"
-#~ msgid "query port"
-#~ msgstr "問い合わせポート"
-#~ msgid "transmitted / received"
-#~ msgstr "送信 / 受信"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Join network"
-#~ msgstr "ネットワーク"
-#~ msgid "all"
-#~ msgstr "全て"
-#~ msgid "Code"
-#~ msgstr "コード"
-#~ msgid "Distance"
-#~ msgstr "Distance"
-#~ msgid "Legend"
-#~ msgstr "Legend"
-#~ msgid "Library"
-#~ msgstr "Library"
-#~ msgid "see '%s' manpage"
-#~ msgstr "see &#39;%s&#39; manpage"
-#~ msgid "Package Manager"
-#~ msgstr "パッケージ管理"
-#~ msgid "Service"
-#~ msgstr "サービス"
+#~ msgid "CPU"
+#~ msgstr "CPU"
-#~ msgid "Statistics"
-#~ msgstr "統計"
+#~ msgid "Port %d"
+#~ msgstr "ポート %d"
-#~ msgid "zone"
-#~ msgstr "ゾーン"
+#~ msgid "VLAN Interface"
+#~ msgstr "VLANインターフェース"
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/po/ms/base.po b/modules/luci-base/po/ms/base.po
index f1251d16f4..5e348d69fe 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/po/ms/base.po
+++ b/modules/luci-base/po/ms/base.po
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Translate Toolkit 1.1.1\n"
+msgid "%s is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+msgstr ""
msgid "(%d minute window, %d second interval)"
msgstr ""
@@ -232,6 +235,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Alert"
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Allocate IP addresses sequentially, starting from the lowest available "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Allocate IP sequentially"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
msgstr "Membenarkan pengesahan kata laluan SSH"
@@ -509,9 +520,6 @@ msgstr "Butang"
msgid "CA certificate; if empty it will be saved after the first connection."
msgstr ""
-msgid "CPU"
-msgstr ""
msgid "CPU usage (%)"
msgstr "Penggunaan CPU (%)"
@@ -1017,6 +1025,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "External system log server port"
msgstr ""
+msgid "External system log server protocol"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Extra SSH command options"
msgstr ""
@@ -1712,6 +1723,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "MB/s"
msgstr ""
+msgid "MD5"
+msgstr ""
msgid "MHz"
msgstr ""
@@ -2212,12 +2226,6 @@ msgstr "Dasar"
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Port"
-msgid "Port %d"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
-msgstr ""
msgid "Port status:"
msgstr ""
@@ -2498,6 +2506,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Run filesystem check"
msgstr ""
+msgid "SHA256"
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"SIXXS supports TIC only, for static tunnels using IP protocol 41 (RFC4213) "
"use 6in4 instead"
@@ -2636,6 +2647,9 @@ msgstr "Slot masa"
msgid "Software"
msgstr "Perisian"
+msgid "Software VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!"
msgstr ""
@@ -2728,6 +2742,12 @@ msgstr "Order Ketat"
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Menyerahkan"
+msgid "Suppress logging"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging of the routine operation of these protocols"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Swap"
msgstr ""
@@ -2743,6 +2763,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Switch %q (%s)"
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Switch %q has an unknown topology - the VLAN settings might not be accurate."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Switch VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Switch protocol"
msgstr ""
@@ -3207,9 +3234,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "VDSL"
msgstr ""
-msgid "VLAN Interface"
-msgstr ""
msgid "VLANs on %q"
msgstr ""
@@ -3305,9 +3329,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Wifi"
-msgstr "Wifi"
msgid "Wireless"
msgstr ""
@@ -3344,6 +3365,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Write received DNS requests to syslog"
msgstr ""
+msgid "Write system log to file"
+msgstr ""
msgid "XR Support"
msgstr "Sokongan XR"
@@ -3517,813 +3541,3 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "« Back"
msgstr "« Kembali"
-#~ msgid "Flags"
-#~ msgstr "Parameter"
-#~ msgid "Rule #"
-#~ msgstr "Peraturan #"
-#~ msgid "Path"
-#~ msgstr "Path"
-#~ msgid "Please wait: Device rebooting..."
-#~ msgstr "Sila tunggu: Peranti sedang reboot..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Warning: There are unsaved changes that will be lost while rebooting!"
-#~ msgstr "Amaran: Ada perubahan yang belum disimpan akan hilang saat reboot!"
-#~ msgid "Frequency Hopping"
-#~ msgstr "Melompat Frekuensi"
-#~ msgid "Active Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Penyewaan Aktif"
-#~ msgid "MAC"
-#~ msgstr "Alamat MAC"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">Encr.</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Disulitkan\">Vers.</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-Scan"
-#~ msgstr "WLAN-Scan"
-#~ msgid "Create Network"
-#~ msgstr "Buat Jaringan"
-#~ msgid "Link"
-#~ msgstr "Link"
-#~ msgid "Networks"
-#~ msgstr "Rangkaian"
-#~ msgid "Power"
-#~ msgstr "Daya"
-#~ msgid "Wifi networks in your local environment"
-#~ msgstr "Rangkaian wifi di lingkungan tempatan"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>-Notation: "
-#~ "address/prefix"
-#~ msgstr "CIDR-Notation: Adresse/Prefix"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr "DNS-Server"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Broadcast"
-#~ msgstr "IPv4-Siaran"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Address"
-#~ msgstr "IPv6-Alamat"
-#~ msgid "IPv6 Setup"
-#~ msgstr "Setup IPv6"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The network ports on your router can be combined to several <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s in which computers can "
-#~ "communicate directly with each other. <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area "
-#~ "Network\">VLAN</abbr>s are often used to separate different network "
-#~ "segments. Often there is by default one Uplink port for a connection to "
-#~ "the next greater network like the internet and other ports for a local "
-#~ "network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Rangkaian port pada router anda boleh digabungkan untuk beberapa VLAN di "
-#~ "mana komputer dapat berkomunikasi secara langsung dengan satu sama lain. "
-#~ "VLAN sering digunakan untuk memisahkan segmen rangkaian yang berbeza. "
-#~ "Seringkali ada secara default satu port Uplink untuk sambungan kepada "
-#~ "rangkaian yang lebih besar seterusnya seperti internet dan port lain "
-#~ "untuk rangkaian tempatan."
-#~ msgid "Files to be kept when flashing a new firmware"
-#~ msgstr "Fail yang akan disimpan saat flash firmware baru"
-#~ msgid "General"
-#~ msgstr "Umum"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can customize the settings and the functionality of <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr "Di sini anda boleh melaraskan tetapan dan fungsi Luci"
-#~ msgid "Post-commit actions"
-#~ msgstr "UCI-komit tindakan"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "These commands will be executed automatically when a given <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Unified Configuration Interface\">UCI</abbr> configuration is committed "
-#~ "allowing changes to be applied instantly."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Perintah-perintah ini akan dijalankan secara automatik apabila tatarajah "
-#~ "UCI diberikan komited membolehkan perubahan yang akan diterapkan langsung."
-#~ msgid "Web <abbr title=\"User Interface\">UI</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "Antarmuka pengguna Web"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgid "Access point (APN)"
-#~ msgstr "Pusat akses (APN)"
-#~ msgid "Additional pppd options"
-#~ msgstr "Pilihan Tambahan Pppd"
-#~ msgid "Automatic Disconnect"
-#~ msgstr "Pemutusan automatik"
-#~ msgid "Backup Archive"
-#~ msgstr "Arkib Sandaran"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Configure the local DNS server to use the name servers adverticed by the "
-#~ "PPP peer"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Mengkonfigurasi pelayan DNS tempatan untuk menggunakan pelayan nama "
-#~ "diiklan oleh rakan PPP"
-#~ msgid "Connect script"
-#~ msgstr "Menyambung script"
-#~ msgid "Create backup"
-#~ msgstr "Buat Sandaran"
-#~ msgid "Disconnect script"
-#~ msgstr "Putuskan naskah"
-#~ msgid "Edit package lists and installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "Edit senarai pakej dan target pemasangan"
-#~ msgid "Enable IPv6 on PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "Aktifkan IPv6 di PPP link"
-#~ msgid "Firmware image"
-#~ msgstr "Gambar Firmware"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can backup and restore your router configuration and - if "
-#~ "possible - reset the router to the default settings."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Di sini anda boleh sandaran dan mengembalikan konfigurasi router dan - "
-#~ "jika mungkin - Reset router ke tetapan lalai."
-#~ msgid "Installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "Target pemasangan"
-#~ msgid "Keep configuration files"
-#~ msgstr "Simpan fail konfigurasi"
-#~ msgid "Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Let pppd replace the current default route to use the PPP interface after "
-#~ "successful connect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Biarkan pppd menggantikan laluan asal saat ini untuk menggunakan "
-#~ "antaramuka PPP selepas berjaya menyambung"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script after establishing the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "Biarkan pppd menjalankan naskah ini setelah menetapkan link PPP"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script before tearing down the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "Biarkan pppd menjalankan naskah ini sebelum menghancurkan link PPP"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Make sure that you provide the correct pin code here or you might lock "
-#~ "your sim card!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Pastikan bahawa anda mempunyai kod pin yang sah. Kalau tidak anda mungkin "
-#~ "akan terkunci kad sim anda!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Most of them are network servers, that offer a certain service for your "
-#~ "device or network like shell access, serving webpages like <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>, doing mesh routing, sending "
-#~ "e-mails, ..."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Kebanyakan dari mereka adalah pelayan rangkaian, yang menawarkan "
-#~ "perkhidmatan tertentu untuk peranti anda atau rangkaian seperti akses "
-#~ "shell, melayani laman web seperti LuCI, melakukan mesh routing, "
-#~ "menghantar e-mel, dan lain-lain"
-#~ msgid "Number of failed connection tests to initiate automatic reconnect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Jumlah ujian sambungan gagal sebelum memulakan semula sambungan automatik"
-#~ msgid "PIN code"
-#~ msgstr "PIN-Code"
-#~ msgid "PPP Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Tetapan PPP"
-#~ msgid "Package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Senarai pakej"
-#~ msgid "Proceed reverting all settings and resetting to firmware defaults?"
-#~ msgstr "Teruskan mengembalikan semua tatacara dan ulang ke firmware asal?"
-#~ msgid "Processor"
-#~ msgstr "Processor"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Port"
-#~ msgstr "Radius-Port"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Radius-Server"
-#~ msgid "Replace default route"
-#~ msgstr "Tukar laluan asal"
-#~ msgid "Reset router to defaults"
-#~ msgstr "Reset router ke tetapan lalai"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Seconds to wait for the modem to become ready before attempting to connect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Detik untuk menunggu modem bersedia sebelum mencuba untuk menyambung"
-#~ msgid "Service type"
-#~ msgstr "Jenis Perkhidmatan"
-#~ msgid "Services and daemons perform certain tasks on your device."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Perkhidmatan dan daemon melakukan tugas tertentu dalam peranti anda."
-#~ msgid "Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Tetapan"
-#~ msgid "Setup wait time"
-#~ msgstr "Menetapkan masa menunggu"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Sorry. OpenWrt does not support a system upgrade on this platform.<br /> "
-#~ "You need to manually flash your device."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Maafkan. OpenWRT tidak menyokong meningkatkan sistem pada peron ini. <br /"
-#~ ">Anda perlu flash peranti anda secara manual."
-#~ msgid "Specify additional command line arguments for pppd here"
-#~ msgstr "Tentukan arahan tambahan untuk pppd di sini"
-#~ msgid "The device node of your modem, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgstr "Node peranti modem anda, contohnya /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgid "Time (in seconds) after which an unused connection will be closed"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Waktu (dalam detik) selepas mana sambungan yang tidak terpakai akan "
-#~ "ditutup"
-#~ msgid "Update package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Mengemas kini senarai pakej"
-#~ msgid "Upload an OpenWrt image file to reflash the device."
-#~ msgstr "Upload fail gambar OpenWRT untuk flash semula peranti."
-#~ msgid "Upload image"
-#~ msgstr "Upload fail gambar"
-#~ msgid "Use peer DNS"
-#~ msgstr "Guna rakan DNS"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"comgt\" for UMTS/GPRS, \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE, "
-#~ "\"ppp-mod-pppoa\" for PPPoA or \"pptp\" for PPtP support"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Anda perlu memasang \"comgt\" untuk UMTS/GPRS, \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" untuk "
-#~ "PPPoE, \"ppp-mod-pppoa\" untuk PPPoA atau \"pptp\" untuk sokongan PPtP"
-#~ msgid "back"
-#~ msgstr "kembali"
-#~ msgid "buffered"
-#~ msgstr "buffer"
-#~ msgid "cached"
-#~ msgstr "cache"
-#~ msgid "free"
-#~ msgstr "Membebaskan"
-#~ msgid "static"
-#~ msgstr "statik"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a collection "
-#~ "of free Lua software including an <abbr title=\"Model-View-Controller"
-#~ "\">MVC</abbr>-Webframework and webinterface for embedded devices. <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is licensed under the "
-#~ "Apache-License."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Luci adalah kumpulan perisian bebas Lua termasuk MVC-Kerangka dan muka "
-#~ "web untuk peranti embedded. LuCI di lesen Lesen Apache."
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys"
-#~ msgstr "SSH-Kunci"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A lightweight HTTP/1.1 webserver written in C and Lua designed to serve "
-#~ "LuCI"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Sebuah webserver HTTP/1.1 ringan ditulis dalam C dan Lua direka untuk "
-#~ "melayani Luci"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A small webserver which can be used to serve <abbr title=\"Lua "
-#~ "Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Sebuah webserver kecil yang boleh digunakan untuk melayani muka "
-#~ "Konfigurasi Lua LuCI"
-#~ msgid "About"
-#~ msgstr "Tentang"
-#~ msgid "Addresses"
-#~ msgstr "Alamat"
-#~ msgid "Admin Password"
-#~ msgstr "Kata Laluan Admin"
-#~ msgid "Alias"
-#~ msgstr "Alias"
-#~ msgid "Authentication Realm"
-#~ msgstr "Anmeldeaufforderung"
-#~ msgid "Bridge Port"
-#~ msgstr "Bridge Port"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Change the password of the system administrator (User <code>root</code>)"
-#~ msgstr "Mengubah kata laluan sistem pentadbir (User \"root\")"
-#~ msgid "Client + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "Pelanggan + WDS"
-#~ msgid "Configuration file"
-#~ msgstr "fail konfigurasi"
-#~ msgid "Connection timeout"
-#~ msgstr "Sambungan timeout"
-#~ msgid "Contributing Developers"
-#~ msgstr "Menyumbang Pengembang"
-#~ msgid "DHCP assigned"
-#~ msgstr "DHCP ditugaskan"
-#~ msgid "Document root"
-#~ msgstr "Dokumen root"
-#~ msgid "Enable Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "Aktifkan Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgid "Ethernet Bridge"
-#~ msgstr "Jambatan Ethernet"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can paste public <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys "
-#~ "(one per line) for <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> public-key "
-#~ "authentication."
-#~ msgstr "Di sini anda boleh memasukkan kunci awam SSH untuk pengesahan."
-#~ msgid "ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID"
-#~ msgid "IP Configuration"
-#~ msgstr "Konfigurasi IP"
-#~ msgid "Interface Status"
-#~ msgstr "Status Interface"
-#~ msgid "Lead Development"
-#~ msgstr "Pemimpin Pengembangan"
-#~ msgid "Master"
-#~ msgstr "Master"
-#~ msgid "Master + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "Master + WDS"
-#~ msgid "Not configured"
-#~ msgstr "Belum dikonfigurasikan"
-#~ msgid "Password successfully changed"
-#~ msgstr "Kata laluan berjaya ditukar"
-#~ msgid "Plugin path"
-#~ msgstr "Tunjuk locasi Plugin"
-#~ msgid "Ports"
-#~ msgstr "Ports"
-#~ msgid "Primary"
-#~ msgstr "Primary"
-#~ msgid "Project Homepage"
-#~ msgstr "Tapak Web Projek"
-#~ msgid "Pseudo Ad-Hoc"
-#~ msgstr "Pseudo-Ad-Hoc (Atheros)"
-#~ msgid "STP"
-#~ msgstr "Spanning-Tree-Protokol"
-#~ msgid "Thanks To"
-#~ msgstr "Terima Kasih kepada"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The realm which will be displayed at the authentication prompt for "
-#~ "protected pages."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Wilayah yang akan dipaparkan di pengesahan prompt untuk laman yang "
-#~ "dilindungi."
-#~ msgid "Unknown Error"
-#~ msgstr "Kesalahan tidak diketahui"
-#~ msgid "VLAN"
-#~ msgstr "VLAN"
-#~ msgid "defaults to <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgstr "defaultnya <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgid "OPKG error code %i"
-#~ msgstr "OPKG kod kesalahan %i"
-#~ msgid "Package lists updated"
-#~ msgstr "Senarai pakej dikemaskini"
-#~ msgid "Upgrade installed packages"
-#~ msgstr "Mengemas kini pakej dipasang"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Also kernel or service logfiles can be viewed here to get an overview "
-#~ "over their current state."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "kernel atau perkhidmatan logfiles yang juga dapat dilihat di sini untuk "
-#~ "mendapatkan gambaran atassituasi kini."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can find information about the current system status like <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Central Processing Unit\">CPU</abbr> clock frequency, memory "
-#~ "usage or network interface data."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Di sini anda dapat mencari maklumat tentang sistem saat ini status "
-#~ "seperti frekuensi masa CPU, penggunaan memori atau antara muka rangkaian "
-#~ "data."
-#~ msgid "Search file..."
-#~ msgstr "Cari fail ..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a free, "
-#~ "flexible, and user friendly graphical interface for configuring OpenWrt "
-#~ "Kamikaze."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "LuCI adalah percuma, fleksibel, dan mempunyai muka pengguna grafik yang "
-#~ "ramah untuk mengkonfigurasikan OpenWRT Kamikaze."
-#~ msgid "And now have fun with your router!"
-#~ msgstr "Nikmati router anda!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "As we always want to improve this interface we are looking forward to "
-#~ "your feedback and suggestions."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Kami ingin selalu memperbaiki interface ini, kita berharap memperolehi "
-#~ "tanggapan dan cadangan anda"
-#~ msgid "Hello!"
-#~ msgstr "Halo!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Notice: In <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> "
-#~ "changes have to be confirmed by clicking Changes - Save &amp; Apply "
-#~ "before being applied."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Perhatikan: Pada perubahan Luci harus disahkan dengan mengklik Laman - "
-#~ "Simpan &amp; terap sebelum perubahan diterapkan"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "On the following pages you can adjust all important settings of your "
-#~ "router."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Pada halaman berikut, anda boleh menetapkan semua tatacara penting dari "
-#~ "router anda."
-#~ msgid "The <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> Team"
-#~ msgstr "Pasukan LuCI"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This is the administration area of <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr "Ini adalah wilayah pentadbiran LuCI."
-#~ msgid "User Interface"
-#~ msgstr "Antara muka pengguna"
-#~ msgid "enable"
-#~ msgstr "membolehkan"
-#~ msgid "(hidden)"
-#~ msgstr "(tersembunyi)"
-#~ msgid "(optional)"
-#~ msgstr "(pilihan)"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Port"
-#~ msgstr "DNS-Port"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server will be queried in "
-#~ "the order of the resolvfile"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "DNS-Pelayan akan dipertanyakan pada urutan menyelesaikan jumlah fail"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host "
-#~ "Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>-Leases"
-#~ msgstr "maksimum DHCP untuk disewa"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Extension Mechanisms "
-#~ "for Domain Name System\">EDNS0</abbr> packet size"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "maksimum <abbr title=\"Mekanisme perpanjangan untuk DNS\">EDNS.0</abbr> "
-#~ "saiz paket"
-#~ msgid "AP-Isolation"
-#~ msgstr "AP-Isolasi"
-#~ msgid "Add the Wifi network to physical network"
-#~ msgstr "Tambah rangkaian Wifi ke rangkaian fizikal"
-#~ msgid "Aliases"
-#~ msgstr "Aliases"
-#~ msgid "Attach to existing network"
-#~ msgstr "Lampir rangkaian yang ada"
-#~ msgid "Clamp Segment Size"
-#~ msgstr "Saiz Klip Segmen"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Create Or Attach Network"
-#~ msgstr "Buat Atau Lampir Rangkaian"
-#~ msgid "DHCP"
-#~ msgstr "DHCP"
-#~ msgid "Devices"
-#~ msgstr "Alat"
-#~ msgid "Don't forward reverse lookups for local networks"
-#~ msgstr "Jangan hantar reverse lookup untuk rangkaian tempatan"
-#~ msgid "Enable TFTP-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Aktifkan Tftp Server"
-#~ msgid "Errors"
-#~ msgstr "Kesalahan"
-#~ msgid "Essentials"
-#~ msgstr "Keperluan"
-#~ msgid "Expand Hosts"
-#~ msgstr "Memperluaskan Host"
-#~ msgid "First leased address"
-#~ msgstr "Alamat sewaan pertama"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Fixes problems with unreachable websites, submitting forms or other "
-#~ "unexpected behaviour for some ISPs."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Perbaikan masalah hubungan dengan laman web, menghantar bentuk atau "
-#~ "lainnya perilaku ISP yang tak terduga."
-#~ msgid "Hardware Address"
-#~ msgstr "Alamat Peranti"
-#~ msgid "Here you can configure installed wifi devices."
-#~ msgstr "Di sini anda boleh mengkonfigurasi peranti wifi dipasang."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If the interface is attached to an existing network it will be "
-#~ "<em>bridged</em> to the existing interfaces and is covered by the "
-#~ "firewall zone of the choosen network.<br />Uncheck the attach option to "
-#~ "define a new standalone network for this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Jika antara muka dipasang ke rangkaian yang ada akan dijembatani kepada "
-#~ "antara muka yang ada dan ditutupi oleh zon firewall dari rangkaian yang "
-#~ "dipilih. Hapus tanda pada pilihan untuk menentukan melampirkan rangkaian "
-#~ "mandiri baru untuk antara muka ini."
-#~ msgid "Independent (Ad-Hoc)"
-#~ msgstr "(Ad-Hoc) Tersendiri"
-#~ msgid "Internet Connection"
-#~ msgstr "Sambungan Internet"
-#~ msgid "Join (Client)"
-#~ msgstr "Gabung dengan (Client)"
-#~ msgid "Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Penyewaan"
-#~ msgid "Local Domain"
-#~ msgstr "Domain Tempatan"
-#~ msgid "Local Network"
-#~ msgstr "Rangkaian Tempatan"
-#~ msgid "Local Server"
-#~ msgstr "Server Tempatan"
-#~ msgid "Network Boot Image"
-#~ msgstr "Boot fail gambar rangkaian"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Network Name (<abbr title=\"Extended Service Set Identifier\">ESSID</"
-#~ "abbr>)"
-#~ msgstr "Nama Rangkaian (ESSID)"
-#~ msgid "Network to attach interface to"
-#~ msgstr "Rangkaian untuk melampirkan antara muka ke"
-#~ msgid "Number of leased addresses"
-#~ msgstr "Jumlah alamat disewakan"
-#~ msgid "Perform Actions"
-#~ msgstr "Lakukan Tindakan"
-#~ msgid "Prevents Client to Client communication"
-#~ msgstr "Mencegah komunikasi sesama Pelanggan"
-#~ msgid "Provide (Access Point)"
-#~ msgstr "Menyediakan (Access Point)"
-#~ msgid "Resolvfile"
-#~ msgstr "Resolvfail"
-#~ msgid "TFTP-Server Root"
-#~ msgstr "TFTP-Server Root"
-#~ msgid "TX / RX"
-#~ msgstr "TX / RX"
-#~ msgid "The following changes have been applied"
-#~ msgstr "Laman berikut telah dilaksanakan"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When flashing a new firmware with <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr> these files will be added to the new firmware "
-#~ "installation."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ketika flash firmware baru dengan LuCI semua fail akan ditambah ketika "
-#~ "pemasangan firmware baru."
-#~ msgid "Wireless Scan"
-#~ msgstr "WLAN-Scan"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "network members can automatically receive their network settings (<abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Internet Protocol\">IP</abbr>-address, netmask, <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-server, ...)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Dengan rangkaian <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol"
-#~ "\">DHCP</abbr> ahli boleh menerima tetapan rangkaian Alamat-<abbr title="
-#~ "\"Internet Protocol\">IP</abbr>, Awalan, Pelayan-<abbr title=\"Domain "
-#~ "Name System\">DNS</abbr>, dan lain-lain secara automatik"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You are about to join the wireless network <em><strong>%s</strong></em>. "
-#~ "In order to complete the process, you need to provide some additional "
-#~ "details."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Anda akan menyertai rangkaian wayarles <em><strong>%s</strong></em>.Untuk "
-#~ "melengkapkan proses, anda perlu memberi beberapa butiran tambahan."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You can run several wifi networks with one device. Be aware that there "
-#~ "are certain hardware and driverspecific restrictions. Normally you can "
-#~ "operate 1 Ad-Hoc or up to 3 Master-Mode and 1 Client-Mode network "
-#~ "simultaneously."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Anda boleh menjalankan beberapa rangkaian wifi dengan satu peranti. Perlu "
-#~ "diketahui bahawa ada peranti keras tertentu dan sekatan driverspecific. "
-#~ "Biasanya anda boleh beroperasi 1 Ad-Hoc atau sampai dengan 3 Master-Mode "
-#~ "dan 1 Client-Mode rangkaian secara serentak."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE or \"pptp\" for PPtP "
-#~ "support"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Anda perlu memasang \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" untuk PPPoE atau \"pptp\" untuk "
-#~ "sokongan PPtP"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install <a href='%s'><em>wpa-supplicant</em></a> to use WPA!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Anda perlu memasang <a href='%s'><em>pemohan-wpa</em></a> untuk "
-#~ "menggunakan WPA!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install the <a href='%s'>Broadcom <em>nas</em> supplicant</a> "
-#~ "to use WPA!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Anda perlu memasang pemohan <a href='%s'>Broadcom <em>nas</em> untuk "
-#~ "menggunakan WPA!"
-#~ msgid "Zone"
-#~ msgstr "Zon"
-#~ msgid "additional hostfile"
-#~ msgstr "tambahan hostfail"
-#~ msgid "adds domain names to hostentries in the resolv file"
-#~ msgstr "Menambah nama domain ke hostentries di resolv fail"
-#~ msgid "automatically reconnect"
-#~ msgstr "menyambung semula secara automatik"
-#~ msgid "concurrent queries"
-#~ msgstr "konkuren query"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "disable <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "for this interface"
-#~ msgstr "mematikan DHCP untuk antara muka ini"
-#~ msgid "disconnect when idle for"
-#~ msgstr "menamatkan sambungan apabila diam selama"
-#~ msgid "don't cache unknown"
-#~ msgstr "jangan cache yang tidak diketahui"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "filter useless <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-queries of "
-#~ "Windows-systems"
-#~ msgstr "menapis soalan-DNS yang tidak berguna untuk Windows-sistem"
-#~ msgid "installed"
-#~ msgstr "dipasang"
-#~ msgid "localises the hostname depending on its subnet"
-#~ msgstr "Menempatkan nama host yang bergantung pada subnetnya"
-#~ msgid "manual"
-#~ msgstr "manual"
-#~ msgid "not installed"
-#~ msgstr "tidak dipasang"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "prevents caching of negative <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</"
-#~ "abbr>-replies"
-#~ msgstr "mencegah caching untuk balasan negatif dari DNS"
-#~ msgid "query port"
-#~ msgstr "penyoalan port"
-#~ msgid "transmitted / received"
-#~ msgstr "dihantar / diterima"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Join network"
-#~ msgstr "Gabung rangkaian"
-#~ msgid "all"
-#~ msgstr "semua"
-#~ msgid "Code"
-#~ msgstr "Kod"
-#~ msgid "Distance"
-#~ msgstr "Jarak"
-#~ msgid "Legend"
-#~ msgstr "Legenda"
-#~ msgid "Library"
-#~ msgstr "Perpustakaan"
-#~ msgid "see '%s' manpage"
-#~ msgstr "Rujuk &#39;%s&#39; manpage"
-#~ msgid "Package Manager"
-#~ msgstr "Pengurus-Paket"
-#~ msgid "Service"
-#~ msgstr "Servis"
-#~ msgid "Statistics"
-#~ msgstr "Statistik"
-#~ msgid "zone"
-#~ msgstr "Zon"
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/po/no/base.po b/modules/luci-base/po/no/base.po
index 3c16e7809b..793d381c2e 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/po/no/base.po
+++ b/modules/luci-base/po/no/base.po
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.0.6\n"
+msgid "%s is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+msgstr ""
msgid "(%d minute window, %d second interval)"
msgstr "(%d minutters vindu, %d sekunds intervall)"
@@ -241,6 +244,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Alert"
msgstr "Varsle"
+msgid ""
+"Allocate IP addresses sequentially, starting from the lowest available "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Allocate IP sequentially"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
msgstr "Tillat <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> passord godkjenning"
@@ -521,9 +532,6 @@ msgstr "Knapper"
msgid "CA certificate; if empty it will be saved after the first connection."
msgstr ""
-msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "CPU"
msgid "CPU usage (%)"
msgstr "CPU forbruk (%)"
@@ -1053,6 +1061,9 @@ msgstr "Ekstern systemlogg server"
msgid "External system log server port"
msgstr "Ekstern systemlogg server port"
+msgid "External system log server protocol"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Extra SSH command options"
msgstr ""
@@ -1757,6 +1768,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "MB/s"
msgstr "MB/s"
+msgid "MD5"
+msgstr ""
msgid "MHz"
msgstr "MHz"
@@ -2258,12 +2272,6 @@ msgstr "Policy"
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Port"
-msgid "Port %d"
-msgstr "Port %d"
-msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
-msgstr "Port %d er utagget i flere VLANs!"
msgid "Port status:"
msgstr "Port status:"
@@ -2559,6 +2567,9 @@ msgstr "Kjør filsystem sjekk før montering av enheten"
msgid "Run filesystem check"
msgstr "Kjør filsystem sjekk"
+msgid "SHA256"
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"SIXXS supports TIC only, for static tunnels using IP protocol 41 (RFC4213) "
"use 6in4 instead"
@@ -2700,6 +2711,9 @@ msgstr "Slot tid"
msgid "Software"
msgstr "Programvare"
+msgid "Software VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!"
msgstr "Noen felt er ugyldige, kan ikke lagre verdier!"
@@ -2799,6 +2813,12 @@ msgstr "Streng overholdelse"
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Send"
+msgid "Suppress logging"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging of the routine operation of these protocols"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Swap"
msgstr ""
@@ -2814,6 +2834,13 @@ msgstr "Svitsj %q"
msgid "Switch %q (%s)"
msgstr "Svitsj %q (%s)"
+msgid ""
+"Switch %q has an unknown topology - the VLAN settings might not be accurate."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Switch VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Switch protocol"
msgstr "Svitsj protokoll"
@@ -3320,9 +3347,6 @@ msgstr "VC-Mux"
msgid "VDSL"
msgstr ""
-msgid "VLAN Interface"
-msgstr "VLAN grensesnitt"
msgid "VLANs on %q"
msgstr "VLANs på %q"
@@ -3418,9 +3442,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Wifi"
-msgstr "Trådløs"
msgid "Wireless"
msgstr "Trådløs"
@@ -3457,6 +3478,9 @@ msgstr "Trådløst er slått av"
msgid "Write received DNS requests to syslog"
msgstr "Skriv mottatte DNS forespørsler til syslog"
+msgid "Write system log to file"
+msgstr ""
msgid "XR Support"
msgstr "XR Støtte"
@@ -3639,708 +3663,14 @@ msgstr "ja"
msgid "« Back"
msgstr "« Tilbake"
-#~ msgid "Delete this interface"
-#~ msgstr "Fjern dette grensesnitt"
-#~ msgid "Flags"
-#~ msgstr "Flagg"
-#~ msgid "Rule #"
-#~ msgstr "Regel #"
-#~ msgid "Ignore Hosts files"
-#~ msgstr "Ignorer vertsfiler"
-#~ msgid "Please wait: Device rebooting..."
-#~ msgstr "Vent: Enheten starter på nytt..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Warning: There are unsaved changes that will be lost while rebooting!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Advarsel: Det er ulagrede endringer som vil gå tapt under omstarten!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Always use 40MHz channels even if the secondary channel overlaps. Using "
-#~ "this option does not comply with IEEE 802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Bruk alltid 40MHz kanaler selv om sekundær kanal overlapper. Dette "
-#~ "alternativet er ikke i samsvar med IEEE 802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgid "Cached"
-#~ msgstr "Hurtigbufret"
-#~ msgid "Configures this mount as overlay storage for block-extroot"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Konfigurerer dette monteringspunktet som overlay lagringspunkt for block-"
-#~ "extroot"
-#~ msgid "Force 40MHz mode"
-#~ msgstr "Bruk 40MHz modus"
-#~ msgid "Frequency Hopping"
-#~ msgstr "Frekvens Hopping"
-#~ msgid "Locked to channel %d used by %s"
-#~ msgstr "Låst til kanal %d brukt av %s"
-#~ msgid "Use as root filesystem"
-#~ msgstr "Bruk som rot filsystem"
-#~ msgid " user ID"
-#~ msgstr " bruker ID"
-#~ msgid "This is the 32 byte hex encoded user ID, not the login name"
-#~ msgstr "Dette er det 32 byte hexkodede bruker ID'en, ikke påloggingsnavnet"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel above"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz, Sekundær kanal over"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel below"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz, Sekundær kanal under"
-#~ msgid "Accept router advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "Godta ruterkunngjøringer"
-#~ msgid "Advertise IPv6 on network"
-#~ msgstr "Annonser IPv6 på nettverket"
-#~ msgid "Advertised network ID"
-#~ msgstr "Annonsert nettverks ID"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to 65535"
-#~ msgstr "Det tillatte området er fra 1 til 65535"
-#~ msgid "HT capabilities"
-#~ msgstr "HT Muligheter"
-#~ msgid "HT mode"
-#~ msgstr "HT Modus"
-#~ msgid "Router Model"
-#~ msgstr "Ruter Modell"
-#~ msgid "Router Name"
-#~ msgstr "Ruter Navn"
-#~ msgid "Send router solicitations"
-#~ msgstr "Send ruter anmodninger"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised preferred prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr "Angir den annonserte foretrukne prefikslevetiden i sekunder"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised valid prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr "Angir den annonserte gyldige prefikslevetiden i sekunder"
-#~ msgid "Use preferred lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "Bruk foretrukket levetid"
-#~ msgid "Use valid lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "Bruk gyldig levetid"
-#~ msgid "Waiting for router..."
-#~ msgstr "Venter på ruter..."
-#~ msgid "Active Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Aktive leier"
-#~ msgid "Open"
-#~ msgstr "Åpne"
-#~ msgid "KB"
-#~ msgstr "KB"
-#~ msgid "Bit Rate"
-#~ msgstr "Bithastighet"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Apply"
-#~ msgstr "Konfigurasjon / Bruk"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Changes"
-#~ msgstr "Konfigurasjon / Endringer"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Revert"
-#~ msgstr "Konfigurasjon / Tilbakestill"
-#~ msgid "MAC"
-#~ msgstr "MAC"
-#~ msgid "MAC Address"
-#~ msgstr "MAC adresse"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">Encr.</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">Kryptert</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-Scan"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-Skanning"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Choose the network you want to attach to this wireless interface. Select "
-#~ "<em>unspecified</em> to not attach any network or fill out the "
-#~ "<em>create</em> field to define a new network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Velg det nettverket du ønsker å knytte til dette trådløse grensesnittet. "
-#~ "Velg <em>uspesifisert</em> for ikke tilknytte noe nettverk, eller fyll ut "
-#~ "<em>opprett</em> feltet for å definere et nytt nettverk."
-#~ msgid "Create Network"
-#~ msgstr "Opprett Nettverk"
-#~ msgid "Link"
-#~ msgstr "Link"
-#~ msgid "Networks"
-#~ msgstr "Nettverk"
-#~ msgid "Power"
-#~ msgstr "Styrke"
-#~ msgid "Wifi networks in your local environment"
-#~ msgstr "Trådløse nettverk i nærheten av deg"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>-Notation: "
-#~ "address/prefix"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>-Notasjon: "
-#~ "adresse/prefiks"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Broadcast"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Kringkasting"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Address"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Adresse"
-#~ msgid "IP-Aliases"
-#~ msgstr "IP aliaser"
-#~ msgid "IPv6 Setup"
-#~ msgstr "IPv6 oppsett"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Note: If you choose an interface here which is part of another network, "
-#~ "it will be moved into this network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Vær oppmerksom på at om du velger et grensesnitt som allerede er med et "
-#~ "annet nettverk, blir det flyttet til dette nettverket"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really delete this interface? The deletion cannot be undone!\\nYou might "
-#~ "lose access to this router if you are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Fjerne dette grensesnittet? Slettingen kan ikke omgjøres!\\nDu kan miste "
-#~ "kontakten med ruteren om du er tilkoblet via dette grensesnittet."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really delete this wireless network? The deletion cannot be undone!\\nYou "
-#~ "might lose access to this router if you are connected via this network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Fjerne dette trådløse nettverket? Slettingen kan ikke omgjøres!\\nDu kan "
-#~ "miste kontakten med ruteren om du er tilkoblet via dette nettverket."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really shutdown interface \"%s\" ?\\nYou might lose access to this router "
-#~ "if you are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Slå av dette grensesnittet? \"%s\" ?\\nDu kan miste kontakten med ruteren "
-#~ "om du er tilkoblet via dette grensesnittet."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The network ports on your router can be combined to several <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s in which computers can "
-#~ "communicate directly with each other. <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area "
-#~ "Network\">VLAN</abbr>s are often used to separate different network "
-#~ "segments. Often there is by default one Uplink port for a connection to "
-#~ "the next greater network like the internet and other ports for a local "
-#~ "network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Nettverks portene på ruteren kan kombineres til flere <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Virtual Lokal Network\">VLAN</abbr>s der datamaskiner kan kommunisere "
-#~ "direkte med hverandre. <abbr title=\"Virtual Lokal Network\">VLAN</abbr>s "
-#~ "brukes ofte for å skille ulike nettverk segmenter. Det er vanlig og ha en "
-#~ "uplink-port for tilkobling til større nettverk som internett og andre "
-#~ "porter til lokalt nettverk."
-#~ msgid "Custom Files"
-#~ msgstr "Egendefinerte Filer"
-#~ msgid "Custom files"
-#~ msgstr "Egendefinerte filer"
-#~ msgid "Detected Files"
-#~ msgstr "Filer funnet"
-#~ msgid "Detected files"
-#~ msgstr "Filer funnet"
-#~ msgid "Files to be kept when flashing a new firmware"
-#~ msgstr "Beholde filer ved programvare oppgradering"
-#~ msgid "General"
-#~ msgstr "Generelt"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can customize the settings and the functionality of <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr "Her kan du endre innstillinger og funksjonaliteten til LuCI."
-#~ msgid "Post-commit actions"
-#~ msgstr "Aktiver endringer"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The following files are detected by the system and will be kept "
-#~ "automatically during sysupgrade"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Følgende filer er oppdaget av systemet og vil automatisk bli bevart under "
-#~ "systemoppgradering"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "These commands will be executed automatically when a given <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Unified Configuration Interface\">UCI</abbr> configuration is committed "
-#~ "allowing changes to be applied instantly."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Disse endringene vil bli utført automatisk når en <abbr title=\"Unified "
-#~ "Configuration Interface\">UCI</abbr> konfigurasjon brukes, endringen trer "
-#~ "i kraft umiddelbart."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This is a list of shell glob patterns for matching files and directories "
-#~ "to include during sysupgrade"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Dette er en liste med filer og regler som skal inkluderes ved "
-#~ "systemoppgradering"
-#~ msgid "Web <abbr title=\"User Interface\">UI</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "Web Brukergrensesnitt"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgid "AHCP Settings"
-#~ msgstr "AHCP Innstillinger"
-#~ msgid "ARP ping retries"
-#~ msgstr "ARP ping forsøk"
-#~ msgid "ATM Settings"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Asynchronous Transfer Mode\">ATM</abbr>Innstillinger"
-#~ msgid "Accept Router Advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "Godta Ruter Annonseringer"
-#~ msgid "Access point (APN)"
-#~ msgstr "Aksesspunkt (APN)"
-#~ msgid "Additional pppd options"
-#~ msgstr "Andre pppd alternativer"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to FFFF"
-#~ msgstr "Det tillatte området er 1 til FFFF"
-#~ msgid "Automatic Disconnect"
-#~ msgstr "Automatisk nedkobling"
-#~ msgid "Backup Archive"
-#~ msgstr "Sikkerhetskopi arkiv"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Configure the local DNS server to use the name servers adverticed by the "
-#~ "PPP peer"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Konfigurer den lokale DNS-serveren slik at den bruker navnetjeneren som "
-#~ "blir gitt av PPP peer"
-#~ msgid "Connect script"
-#~ msgstr "Oppkoblings skript"
-#~ msgid "Create backup"
-#~ msgstr "Lag sikkerhetskopi"
-#~ msgid "Default"
-#~ msgstr "Standard"
-#~ msgid "Disconnect script"
-#~ msgstr "Frakoblings skript"
-#~ msgid "Edit package lists and installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "Endre pakke-liste og installasjon mål"
-#~ msgid "Enable 4K VLANs"
-#~ msgstr "Aktiver 4K VLANs"
-#~ msgid "Enable IPv6 on PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "Aktiver IPv6 på PPP lenke"
-#~ msgid "Firmware image"
-#~ msgstr "Firmware fil"
-#~ msgid "Forward DHCP"
-#~ msgstr "Videresend DHCP"
-#~ msgid "Forward broadcasts"
-#~ msgstr "Videresend broadcast"
-#~ msgid " Tunnel ID"
-#~ msgstr " Tunnel ID"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can backup and restore your router configuration and - if "
-#~ "possible - reset the router to the default settings."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Her kan du ta sikkerhetskopi og gjenopprette ruterens konfigurasjon og -"
-#~ "om mulig- tilbakestille ruteren til standardinnstillingene."
-#~ msgid "Installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "Installasjon mål"
-#~ msgid "Keep configuration files"
-#~ msgstr "Behold konfigurasjonsfiler"
-#~ msgid "Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgid "Kernel"
-#~ msgstr "Kjerne"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Let pppd replace the current default route to use the PPP interface after "
-#~ "successful connect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Etter vellykket oppkobling, la pppd erstatte standard rute og sett den "
-#~ "opp for PPP-grensesnittet"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script after establishing the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "La pppd kjøre dette skriptet etter PPP oppkobling"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script before tearing down the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "La pppd kjøre dette skriptet før frakobling av PPP lenke"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Make sure that you provide the correct pin code here or you might lock "
-#~ "your sim card!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Pass på at du oppgir riktig PIN-kode her, om ikke kan du låse SIM-kortet!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Most of them are network servers, that offer a certain service for your "
-#~ "device or network like shell access, serving webpages like <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>, doing mesh routing, sending "
-#~ "e-mails, ..."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "De fleste av dem er nettverkstjenere som tilbyr tjenester på enheten "
-#~ "eller nettverket. Som f.eks. shell tilgang, webserver for <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>, mesh ruting, sende e-"
-#~ "post, ..."
-#~ msgid "Number of failed connection tests to initiate automatic reconnect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Antallet mislykkede forsøk på forbindelse før automatisk oppkobling blir "
-#~ "initiert."
-#~ msgid "Override Gateway"
-#~ msgstr "Overstyr Gateway"
-#~ msgid "PIN code"
-#~ msgstr "PIN kode"
-#~ msgid "PPP Settings"
-#~ msgstr "PPP Innstillinger"
-#~ msgid "Package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Pakke-lister"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Port <abbr title=\"Primary VLAN IDs\">PVIDs</abbr> specify the default "
-#~ "VLAN ID added to received untagged frames."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Port <abbr title=\"Primary VLAN IDs\">PVIDs</abbr> spesifiserer standard "
-#~ "VLAN ID som legges på mottatte utaggete ethernet-rammer.<br />"
-#~ msgid "Port PVIDs on %q"
-#~ msgstr "Port PVIDs på %q"
-#~ msgid "Proceed reverting all settings and resetting to firmware defaults?"
-#~ msgstr "Fortsette tilbakestilling av alle innstillinger til standard?"
-#~ msgid "Processor"
-#~ msgstr "Prosessor"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Port"
-#~ msgstr "Radius-Port"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Radius-Server"
-#~ msgid "Relay Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Relay Innstillinger"
-#~ msgid "Replace default route"
-#~ msgstr "Erstatt standard rute"
-#~ msgid "Reset router to defaults"
-#~ msgstr "Tilbakestill ruteren til standard innstilling"
-#~ msgid "Routing table ID"
-#~ msgstr "Ruting tabell ID"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Seconds to wait for the modem to become ready before attempting to connect"
-#~ msgstr "Antall sekunder en må vente før modemet er klar for oppkobling"
-#~ msgid "Send Router Solicitiations"
-#~ msgstr "Send Ruter Anmodninger"
-#~ msgid "Server IPv4-Address"
-#~ msgstr "Server IPv4-Adresse"
-#~ msgid "Service type"
-#~ msgstr "Tjeneste type"
-#~ msgid "Services and daemons perform certain tasks on your device."
-#~ msgstr "Tjenester og daemoner utfører forskjellige oppgaver på enheten."
-#~ msgid "Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Innstillinger"
-#~ msgid "Setup wait time"
-#~ msgstr "Initialiserings ventetid"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Sorry. OpenWrt does not support a system upgrade on this platform.<br /> "
-#~ "You need to manually flash your device."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Beklager. OpenWrt støtter ikke systemoppgradering på denne plattformen."
-#~ "<br /> Du må flashe enheten manuelt."
-#~ msgid "Specify additional command line arguments for pppd here"
-#~ msgstr "Angi flere kommandolinje argumenter for pppd her"
-#~ msgid "TTL"
-#~ msgstr "TTL"
-#~ msgid "The device node of your modem, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgstr "Node enheten for modemet, f.eks. /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgid "Time (in seconds) after which an unused connection will be closed"
-#~ msgstr "Tid (i sekunder) før ubrukt forbindelse vil bli frakoblet"
-#~ msgid "Time Server (rdate)"
-#~ msgstr "Tids Server (rdate)"
-#~ msgid "Tunnel Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Tunnel Innstillinger"
-#~ msgid "Update package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Oppdater pakke-listene"
-#~ msgid "Upload an OpenWrt image file to reflash the device."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Last opp en OpenWrt Firmware fil, som deretter blir brukt til å "
-#~ "oppgradere enheten."
-#~ msgid "Upload image"
-#~ msgstr "Last opp firmware"
-#~ msgid "Use peer DNS"
-#~ msgstr "Bruk peer DNS"
-#~ msgid "VLAN %d"
-#~ msgstr "VLAN %d"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You can specify multiple DNS servers here, press enter to add a new "
-#~ "entry. Servers entered here will override automatically assigned ones."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Her kan du definere flere DNS servere, trykk 'Enter' for å legge til en "
-#~ "ny oppføring. Servere definert her vil overstyre de automatisk tildelte."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"comgt\" for UMTS/GPRS, \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE, "
-#~ "\"ppp-mod-pppoa\" for PPPoA or \"pptp\" for PPtP support"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Du må installere \"comgt\" for UMTS/GPRS, \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE, "
-#~ "\"ppp-mod-pppoa\" for PPPoA eller \"pptp\" for PPtP støtte"
-#~ msgid "back"
-#~ msgstr "tilbake"
-#~ msgid "buffered"
-#~ msgstr "bufret"
-#~ msgid "cached"
-#~ msgstr "hurtigbufrede"
-#~ msgid "free"
-#~ msgstr "tilgjengelig"
-#~ msgid "static"
-#~ msgstr "Statisk"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a collection "
-#~ "of free Lua software including an <abbr title=\"Model-View-Controller"
-#~ "\">MVC</abbr>-Webframework and webinterface for embedded devices. <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is licensed under the "
-#~ "Apache-License."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> er en samling av "
-#~ "fri Lua programvare som inkluderer <abbr title=\"Model-View-Controller"
-#~ "\">MVC</abbr>-Webframework og webgrensnitt for innebygde enheter. <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> er lisensert under "
-#~ "Apache-lisensen."
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Nøkler"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A lightweight HTTP/1.1 webserver written in C and Lua designed to serve "
-#~ "LuCI"
-#~ msgstr "En lettvekts HTTP/1.1 webserver skrevet i C og Lua laget for LuCI"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A small webserver which can be used to serve <abbr title=\"Lua "
-#~ "Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "En lettvekts webserver som kan brukes til å tjene <abbr title=\"Lua "
-#~ "Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgid "About"
-#~ msgstr "Om"
-#~ msgid "Active IP Connections"
-#~ msgstr "Aktive IP tilkoblinger"
-#~ msgid "Addresses"
-#~ msgstr "Adresser"
-#~ msgid "Admin Password"
-#~ msgstr "Admin Passord"
-#~ msgid "Alias"
-#~ msgstr "Alias"
-#~ msgid "Authentication Realm"
-#~ msgstr "Passord beskyttet område"
-#~ msgid "Bridge Port"
-#~ msgstr "Bro Port"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Change the password of the system administrator (User <code>root</code>)"
-#~ msgstr "Endre passordet for systemansvarlig (Bruker <code>root</code>)"
-#~ msgid "Client + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "Klient + WDS"
-#~ msgid "Configuration file"
-#~ msgstr "Konfigurasjonsfil"
-#~ msgid "Connection timeout"
-#~ msgstr "Tidsavbrudd for tilkobling"
-#~ msgid "Contributing Developers"
-#~ msgstr "Medvirkende utviklere"
-#~ msgid "DHCP assigned"
-#~ msgstr "DHCP tildelt"
-#~ msgid "Document root"
-#~ msgstr "Dokument-roten"
-#~ msgid "Enable Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "Aktiver Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgid "Enable device"
-#~ msgstr "Aktiver enhet"
-#~ msgid "Ethernet Bridge"
-#~ msgstr "Ethernet Bro"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can paste public <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys "
-#~ "(one per line) for <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> public-key "
-#~ "authentication."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Her kan du lime inn felles <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-nøkler "
-#~ "(en per linje) for <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> godkjenning."
-#~ msgid "ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID"
-#~ msgid "IP Configuration"
-#~ msgstr "IP Konfigurasjon"
-#~ msgid "Interface Status"
-#~ msgstr "Grensesnitt Status"
-#~ msgid "Lead Development"
-#~ msgstr "Hovedutviklere"
-#~ msgid "Master"
-#~ msgstr "Aksesspunkt"
-#~ msgid "Master + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "Aksesspunkt + WDS"
-#~ msgid "No address configured on this interface."
-#~ msgstr "Ingen adresse er konfigurert på dette grensesnittet."
-#~ msgid "Not configured"
-#~ msgstr "Ikke konfigurert"
-#~ msgid "Password successfully changed"
-#~ msgstr "Passordet er endret"
-#~ msgid "Plugin path"
-#~ msgstr "Plugin sti"
-#~ msgid "Ports"
-#~ msgstr "Porter"
-#~ msgid "Primary"
-#~ msgstr "Primær"
-#~ msgid "Project Homepage"
-#~ msgstr "Prosjektets Hjemmeside"
-#~ msgid "Pseudo Ad-Hoc"
-#~ msgstr "Pseudo Ad-Hoc"
-#~ msgid "STP"
-#~ msgstr "STP"
-#~ msgid "Thanks To"
-#~ msgstr "Takk til"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The realm which will be displayed at the authentication prompt for "
-#~ "protected pages."
-#~ msgstr "Beskrivelse av passord beskyttet område, vises ved innlogging."
-#~ msgid "Unknown Error"
-#~ msgstr "Ukjent feil"
-#~ msgid "VLAN"
-#~ msgstr "VLAN"
-#~ msgid "defaults to <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgstr "Standard <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgid "Enable this switch"
-#~ msgstr "Aktiver denne svitsj"
-#~ msgid "OPKG error code %i"
-#~ msgstr "OPKG feil kode %i"
+#~ msgid "CPU"
+#~ msgstr "CPU"
-#~ msgid "Package lists updated"
-#~ msgstr "Pakke-listene oppdatert"
+#~ msgid "Port %d"
+#~ msgstr "Port %d"
-#~ msgid "Reset switch during setup"
-#~ msgstr "Nullstill svitsj under oppstart"
+#~ msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+#~ msgstr "Port %d er utagget i flere VLANs!"
-#~ msgid "Upgrade installed packages"
-#~ msgstr "Oppgrader installerte pakker"
+#~ msgid "VLAN Interface"
+#~ msgstr "VLAN grensesnitt"
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/po/pl/base.po b/modules/luci-base/po/pl/base.po
index 88681067b5..4e6152c033 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/po/pl/base.po
+++ b/modules/luci-base/po/pl/base.po
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ msgstr ""
"|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.0.6\n"
+msgid "%s is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+msgstr ""
msgid "(%d minute window, %d second interval)"
msgstr "(okno %d minut, interwał %d sekund)"
@@ -252,6 +255,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Alert"
msgstr "Alarm"
+msgid ""
+"Allocate IP addresses sequentially, starting from the lowest available "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Allocate IP sequentially"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
msgstr "Pozwól na logowanie <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>"
@@ -540,9 +551,6 @@ msgstr "Przyciski"
msgid "CA certificate; if empty it will be saved after the first connection."
msgstr ""
-msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "CPU"
msgid "CPU usage (%)"
msgstr "Użycie CPU (%)"
@@ -1085,6 +1093,9 @@ msgstr "Zewnętrzny serwer dla loga systemowego"
msgid "External system log server port"
msgstr "Port zewnętrznego serwera dla loga systemowego"
+msgid "External system log server protocol"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Extra SSH command options"
msgstr ""
@@ -1804,6 +1815,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "MB/s"
msgstr "MB/s"
+msgid "MD5"
+msgstr ""
msgid "MHz"
msgstr "MHz"
@@ -2306,12 +2320,6 @@ msgstr "Zasada"
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Port"
-msgid "Port %d"
-msgstr "Port %d"
-msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
-msgstr "Port %d jest nietagowany w wielu VLAN`ach!"
msgid "Port status:"
msgstr "Status portu:"
@@ -2610,6 +2618,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Run filesystem check"
msgstr "Sprawdź czy system plików nie zawiera błędów"
+msgid "SHA256"
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"SIXXS supports TIC only, for static tunnels using IP protocol 41 (RFC4213) "
"use 6in4 instead"
@@ -2752,6 +2763,9 @@ msgstr "Szczelina czasowa"
msgid "Software"
msgstr "Oprogramowanie"
+msgid "Software VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!"
msgstr "Wartości pewnych pól są niewłaściwe, nie mogę ich zachować!"
@@ -2854,6 +2868,12 @@ msgstr "Zachowaj kolejność"
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Wyślij"
+msgid "Suppress logging"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging of the routine operation of these protocols"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Swap"
msgstr ""
@@ -2869,6 +2889,13 @@ msgstr "Przełącznik %q"
msgid "Switch %q (%s)"
msgstr "Przełącznik %q (%s)"
+msgid ""
+"Switch %q has an unknown topology - the VLAN settings might not be accurate."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Switch VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Switch protocol"
msgstr "Protokół przełącznika"
@@ -3385,9 +3412,6 @@ msgstr "VC-Mux"
msgid "VDSL"
msgstr ""
-msgid "VLAN Interface"
-msgstr "Interfejs VLAN"
msgid "VLANs on %q"
msgstr "Sieci VLAN na %q"
@@ -3484,9 +3508,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Wifi"
-msgstr "Wifi"
msgid "Wireless"
msgstr "Sieć bezprzewodowa"
@@ -3523,6 +3544,9 @@ msgstr "Wyłączanie sieci bezprzewodowej"
msgid "Write received DNS requests to syslog"
msgstr "Zapisz otrzymane żądania DNS do syslog'a"
+msgid "Write system log to file"
+msgstr ""
msgid "XR Support"
msgstr "Wsparcie XR"
@@ -3706,132 +3730,14 @@ msgstr "tak"
msgid "« Back"
msgstr "« Wróć"
-#~ msgid "Delete this interface"
-#~ msgstr "Usuń ten interfejs"
-#~ msgid "Flags"
-#~ msgstr "Flagi"
-#~ msgid "Rule #"
-#~ msgstr "Zasada #"
-#~ msgid "Ignore Hosts files"
-#~ msgstr "Ignoruj pliki Hosts"
-#~ msgid "Please wait: Device rebooting..."
-#~ msgstr "Proszę czekać: Ponowne uruchamianie..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Warning: There are unsaved changes that will be lost while rebooting!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ostrzeżenie: Pozostały niezapisane zmian, które zostaną utracone podczas "
-#~ "restartu!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Always use 40MHz channels even if the secondary channel overlaps. Using "
-#~ "this option does not comply with IEEE 802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Zawsze używaj kanał 40MHz nawet jeśli drugi kanał pokrywa się. Użycie tej "
-#~ "opcji nie jest zgodne ze standardem IEEE 802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgid "Cached"
-#~ msgstr "Cache"
-#~ msgid "Configures this mount as overlay storage for block-extroot"
-#~ msgstr "Konfiguruje ten zasób jako zasób overlay dla block-extroot"
-#~ msgid "Force 40MHz mode"
-#~ msgstr "Wymuś tryb 40MHz"
-#~ msgid "Frequency Hopping"
-#~ msgstr "Skakanie po częstotliwościach"
-#~ msgid "Locked to channel %d used by %s"
-#~ msgstr "Zablokowano dla kanału %d używanego przez %s"
-#~ msgid "Use as root filesystem"
-#~ msgstr "Użyj systemu plików root'a"
-#~ msgid " user ID"
-#~ msgstr "Login (ID)"
-#~ msgid "This is the 32 byte hex encoded user ID, not the login name"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "To jest 32-bajtowy heksadecymalny zakodowany identyfikator użytkownika, a "
-#~ "nie login"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel above"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz drugi kanał powyżej"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel below"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz drugi kanał poniżej"
-#~ msgid "Accept router advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "Akceptuj rozgłoszenia routera"
-# Dosłowne tłumaczenie
-#~ msgid "Advertise IPv6 on network"
-#~ msgstr "Rozgłoś protokół IPv6 w sieci"
-#~ msgid "Advertised network ID"
-#~ msgstr "Rozgłoś identyfikator sieci (network ID)"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to 65535"
-#~ msgstr "Dopuszczalny zakres to 1 do 65535"
-#~ msgid "HT capabilities"
-#~ msgstr "Możliwości HT"
-#~ msgid "HT mode"
-#~ msgstr "Tryb HT"
-#~ msgid "Router Model"
-#~ msgstr "Model routera"
-#~ msgid "Router Name"
-#~ msgstr "Nazwa routera"
-#~ msgid "Send router solicitations"
-#~ msgstr "Wyślij pakiet wymuszający rozgłoszenia routera"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised preferred prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr "Określa czas życia rozgłoszenia preferowanego prefiksu w sekundach"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised valid prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr "Określa czas życia rozgłoszenia obowiązującego prefiksu w sekundach"
-#~ msgid "Use preferred lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "Użyj preferowanego czasu życia"
-#~ msgid "Use valid lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "Użyj prawidłowego czasu życia"
-#~ msgid "Waiting for router..."
-#~ msgstr "Czekanie na router..."
-#~ msgid "Enable builtin NTP server"
-#~ msgstr "Włącz wbudowany serwer NTP"
-#~ msgid "Active Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Aktywne dzierżawy"
-#~ msgid "Open"
-#~ msgstr "Otwórz"
-#~ msgid "Bit Rate"
-#~ msgstr "Przepływność"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Apply"
-#~ msgstr "Konfiguracja / Zastosuj"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Changes"
-#~ msgstr "Konfiguracja / zmiany"
+#~ msgid "CPU"
+#~ msgstr "CPU"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Revert"
-#~ msgstr "Konfiguracja / cofnięcie zmian"
+#~ msgid "Port %d"
+#~ msgstr "Port %d"
-#~ msgid "MAC"
-#~ msgstr "MAC"
+#~ msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+#~ msgstr "Port %d jest nietagowany w wielu VLAN`ach!"
-#~ msgid "MAC Address"
-#~ msgstr "Adres MAC"
+#~ msgid "VLAN Interface"
+#~ msgstr "Interfejs VLAN"
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/po/pt-br/base.po b/modules/luci-base/po/pt-br/base.po
index 29100f7094..fda160503c 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/po/pt-br/base.po
+++ b/modules/luci-base/po/pt-br/base.po
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.0.6\n"
+msgid "%s is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+msgstr ""
msgid "(%d minute window, %d second interval)"
msgstr "(janela de %d minutos, intervalo de %d segundos)"
@@ -251,6 +254,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Alert"
msgstr "Alerta"
+msgid ""
+"Allocate IP addresses sequentially, starting from the lowest available "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Allocate IP sequentially"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
msgstr ""
"Permitir autenticação <abbr title=\"Shell Seguro\">SSH</abbr> por senha"
@@ -536,9 +547,6 @@ msgstr "Botões"
msgid "CA certificate; if empty it will be saved after the first connection."
msgstr ""
-msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "CPU"
msgid "CPU usage (%)"
msgstr "Uso da CPU (%)"
@@ -1078,6 +1086,9 @@ msgstr "Servidor externo de registros do sistema (syslog)"
msgid "External system log server port"
msgstr "Porta do servidor externo de registro do sistema (syslog)"
+msgid "External system log server protocol"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Extra SSH command options"
msgstr ""
@@ -1805,6 +1816,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "MB/s"
msgstr "MB/s"
+msgid "MD5"
+msgstr ""
msgid "MHz"
msgstr "MHz"
@@ -2311,12 +2325,6 @@ msgstr "Política"
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Porta"
-msgid "Port %d"
-msgstr "Porta %d"
-msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
-msgstr "Porta %d está sem etiqueta para mútliplas VLANs!"
msgid "Port status:"
msgstr "Status da porta"
@@ -2615,6 +2623,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Run filesystem check"
msgstr "Execute a verificação do sistema de arquivos "
+msgid "SHA256"
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"SIXXS supports TIC only, for static tunnels using IP protocol 41 (RFC4213) "
"use 6in4 instead"
@@ -2756,6 +2767,9 @@ msgstr "Intervalo de tempo"
msgid "Software"
msgstr "Software"
+msgid "Software VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!"
msgstr "Alguns campos estão inválidos e os valores não podem ser salvos!"
@@ -2859,6 +2873,12 @@ msgstr "Ordem Exata"
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Enviar"
+msgid "Suppress logging"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging of the routine operation of these protocols"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Swap"
msgstr ""
@@ -2874,6 +2894,13 @@ msgstr "Switch %q"
msgid "Switch %q (%s)"
msgstr "Switch %q (%s)"
+msgid ""
+"Switch %q has an unknown topology - the VLAN settings might not be accurate."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Switch VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Switch protocol"
msgstr "Trocar o protocolo"
@@ -3387,9 +3414,6 @@ msgstr "VC-Mux"
msgid "VDSL"
msgstr ""
-msgid "VLAN Interface"
-msgstr "Interface VLAN"
msgid "VLANs on %q"
msgstr "VLANs em %q"
@@ -3485,9 +3509,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Wifi"
-msgstr "Wifi"
msgid "Wireless"
msgstr "Rede sem fio"
@@ -3524,6 +3545,9 @@ msgstr "Rede sem fio desligada"
msgid "Write received DNS requests to syslog"
msgstr "Escreva as requisições DNS para o servidor de registro (syslog)"
+msgid "Write system log to file"
+msgstr ""
msgid "XR Support"
msgstr "Suporte a XR"
@@ -3710,1074 +3734,14 @@ msgstr "sim"
msgid "« Back"
msgstr "« Voltar"
-#~ msgid "Delete this interface"
-#~ msgstr "Apagar esta interface"
-#~ msgid "Flags"
-#~ msgstr "Marcadores"
-#~ msgid "Rule #"
-#~ msgstr "Regra #"
-#~ msgid "Ignore Hosts files"
-#~ msgstr "Ignorar arquivos de equipamentos conhecidos (hosts)"
-#~ msgid "Path"
-#~ msgstr "Directório"
-#~ msgid "Please wait: Device rebooting..."
-#~ msgstr "Por favor aguarde: Equipamento reiniciando..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Warning: There are unsaved changes that will be lost while rebooting!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aviso: Existem alterações não salvas que serão perdidas durante a "
-#~ "reiniciação!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Always use 40MHz channels even if the secondary channel overlaps. Using "
-#~ "this option does not comply with IEEE 802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Sempre use canais 40MHz mesmo se o canal secundário estiver sobreposto. "
-#~ "Usando esta opção, você não estará de acordo com a norma IEEE "
-#~ "802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgid "Cached"
-#~ msgstr "Cached"
-#~ msgid "Configures this mount as overlay storage for block-extroot"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Configura esta montagem como um armazenamento sobreposto para o bloco-"
-#~ "extroot"
-#~ msgid "Force 40MHz mode"
-#~ msgstr "Forçar modo 40MHz"
-#~ msgid "Frequency Hopping"
-#~ msgstr "Salto de Frequência"
-#~ msgid "Locked to channel %d used by %s"
-#~ msgstr "Travado para o canal %d usado por %s"
-#~ msgid "Use as root filesystem"
-#~ msgstr "Usar como sistema de arquivos raiz"
-#~ msgid " user ID"
-#~ msgstr "Identificador do usuário"
-#~ msgid "This is the 32 byte hex encoded user ID, not the login name"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Este é o identificador do usuário de 32 bytes codificado em hexadecimal, "
-#~ "não o nome do usuário"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel above"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz, 2º canal acima"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel below"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz, 2º canal abaixo"
-#~ msgid "Accept router advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "Aceita anúncios de roteador"
-#~ msgid "Advertise IPv6 on network"
-#~ msgstr "Anuncie IPv6 na rede"
-#~ msgid "Advertised network ID"
-#~ msgstr "Identificador da rede anunciado"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to 65535"
-#~ msgstr "Faixa permitida de 1 a 65535"
-#~ msgid "HT capabilities"
-#~ msgstr "Capacidade de HT"
-#~ msgid "HT mode"
-#~ msgstr "Modo HT"
-#~ msgid "Router Model"
-#~ msgstr "Modelo do Roteador"
-#~ msgid "Router Name"
-#~ msgstr "Nome do Roteador"
-#~ msgid "Send router solicitations"
-#~ msgstr "Enviar solicitações de roteador"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised preferred prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Especifica o tempo de vida, em segundos, do prefixo preferencial anunciado"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised valid prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Especifica o tempo de vida, em segundos, do prefixo válido anunciado"
-#~ msgid "Use preferred lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "Use o tempo de vida preferencial"
-#~ msgid "Use valid lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "Use o tempo de vida válido"
-#~ msgid "Waiting for router..."
-#~ msgstr "Esperando pelo roteador..."
-#~ msgid "Enable builtin NTP server"
-#~ msgstr "Ativar o servidor NTP embutido"
-#~ msgid "Active Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Atribuições Ativas"
-#~ msgid "Open"
-#~ msgstr "Abrir"
-#~ msgid "Bit Rate"
-#~ msgstr "Taxa de Bits"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Apply"
-#~ msgstr "Configuração / Aplicar"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Changes"
-#~ msgstr "Configuração / Mudanças"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Revert"
-#~ msgstr "Configuração / Reverter"
-#~ msgid "MAC"
-#~ msgstr "MAC"
-#~ msgid "MAC Address"
-#~ msgstr "Endereço Físico (MAC)"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">Encr.</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Encriptado\">Encr.</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-Scan"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Rede Local Sem FIo\">WLAN</abbr>-Pesquisa"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Choose the network you want to attach to this wireless interface. Select "
-#~ "<em>unspecified</em> to not attach any network or fill out the "
-#~ "<em>create</em> field to define a new network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Escolha a rede que você quer associar com esta interface de rede sem fio. "
-#~ "Selecione <em>não especificado</em> para não ligar a interface a qualquer "
-#~ "rede ou preencha o campo <em>criar</em> para definir uma nova rede."
-#~ msgid "Create Network"
-#~ msgstr "Criar Rede"
-#~ msgid "Link"
-#~ msgstr "Enlace"
-#~ msgid "Networks"
-#~ msgstr "Redes"
-#~ msgid "Power"
-#~ msgstr "Potência"
-#~ msgid "Wifi networks in your local environment"
-#~ msgstr "Redes Wifi no seu ambiente local"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>-Notation: "
-#~ "address/prefix"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Notação <abbr title=\"Roteamento entre Domínios sem Classe\">CIDR</abbr>: "
-#~ "endereço/prefixo"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Servidor <abbr title=\"Sistema de Nomes de Domínios\">DNS</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Broadcast"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Broadcast <abbr title=\"Protocolo de Internet Versão 4\">IPv4</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Address"
-#~ msgstr "Endereço <abbr title=\"Protocolo de Internet Versão 6\">IPv6</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "IP-Aliases"
-#~ msgstr "Endereços IP alternativos"
-#~ msgid "IPv6 Setup"
-#~ msgstr "Configuração do IPv6"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Note: If you choose an interface here which is part of another network, "
-#~ "it will be moved into this network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Nota: Se você escolher a interface aqui que é pertencente a outra rede, "
-#~ "ela será movida para esta rede."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really delete this interface? The deletion cannot be undone!\\nYou might "
-#~ "lose access to this router if you are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Você realmente deseja apagar esta interface? A operação não pode ser "
-#~ "revertida!\\nVocê pode perder acesso a este roteador se voc6e está "
-#~ "conectado através desta interface."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really delete this wireless network? The deletion cannot be undone!\\nYou "
-#~ "might lose access to this router if you are connected via this network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Você realmente deseja apagar esta rede sem fio? A operação não pode ser "
-#~ "revertida!\\nVocê pode perder acesso a este roteador se voc6e está "
-#~ "conectado através desta interface."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really shutdown interface \"%s\" ?\\nYou might lose access to this router "
-#~ "if you are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Você realmente deseja desligar a interface \"%s\"?\\nVocê pode perder "
-#~ "acesso a este roteador se voc6e está conectado através desta interface."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really shutdown network ?\\nYou might lose access to this router if you "
-#~ "are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Você realmente deseja desligar a rede?\\nVocê pode perder acesso a este "
-#~ "roteador se voc6e está conectado através desta rede."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The network ports on your router can be combined to several <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s in which computers can "
-#~ "communicate directly with each other. <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area "
-#~ "Network\">VLAN</abbr>s are often used to separate different network "
-#~ "segments. Often there is by default one Uplink port for a connection to "
-#~ "the next greater network like the internet and other ports for a local "
-#~ "network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "As portas de rede do seu router podem ser combinadas com diversas <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Rede Local Virtual\">VLAN</abbr>s em que os computadores podem "
-#~ "comunicar diretamente entre si. As <abbr title=\"Rede Local Virtual"
-#~ "\">VLAN</abbr>s são frequentemente utilizadas para separar segmentos de "
-#~ "redes diferentes. Muitas vezes é padrão uma porta para o enlace superior "
-#~ "(Uplink) para a conexão com a próxima rede maior, como a Internet. As "
-#~ "outras portas são, por padrão, utilizadas para conectar uma rede local."
-#~ msgid "Enable buffering"
-#~ msgstr "Ativar bufferização"
-#~ msgid "IPv6-over-IPv4"
-#~ msgstr "IPv6-over-IPv4"
-#~ msgid "Custom Files"
-#~ msgstr "Arquivos Personalizados"
-#~ msgid "Custom files"
-#~ msgstr "Arquivos personalizados"
-#~ msgid "Detected Files"
-#~ msgstr "Arquivos Detectados"
-#~ msgid "Detected files"
-#~ msgstr "Arquivos detectados"
-#~ msgid "Files to be kept when flashing a new firmware"
-#~ msgstr "Arquivos que devem ser mantidos quando gravar um novo firmware"
-#~ msgid "General"
-#~ msgstr "Geral"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can customize the settings and the functionality of <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aqui você pode personalizar as configurações e funcionalidades do <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Interface de configuração Lua\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgid "Post-commit actions"
-#~ msgstr "Ações após a gravação"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The following files are detected by the system and will be kept "
-#~ "automatically during sysupgrade"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Os seguintes arquivos foram detectados pelo sistema e serão mantidos "
-#~ "automaticamente durante uma atualização do sistema"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "These commands will be executed automatically when a given <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Unified Configuration Interface\">UCI</abbr> configuration is committed "
-#~ "allowing changes to be applied instantly."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Estes comandos são executados automaticamente quando uma determinada "
-#~ "configuração da <abbr title=\"Interface de configuração unificada\">UCI</"
-#~ "abbr> está gravada, permitindo mudanças a serem aplicadas "
-#~ "instantaneamente."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This is a list of shell glob patterns for matching files and directories "
-#~ "to include during sysupgrade"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Esta é a lista dos padrões de expressão shell para casar com os arquivos "
-#~ "e diretórios incluídos durante a atualização do sistema"
-#~ msgid "Web <abbr title=\"User Interface\">UI</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "Interface Web"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Servidor <abbr title=\"Protocolo de Tunelamento Ponto a Ponto\">PPTP</"
-#~ "abbr>"
-#~ msgid "AHCP Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Configurações AHCP"
-#~ msgid "ARP ping retries"
-#~ msgstr "Retentativa de ping ARP"
-#~ msgid "ATM Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Configurações ATM"
-#~ msgid "Accept Router Advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "Aceita anúncios de roteador"
-#~ msgid "Access point (APN)"
-#~ msgstr "Ponto de acesso (APN)"
-#~ msgid "Additional pppd options"
-#~ msgstr "Opções adicionais do pppd"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to FFFF"
-#~ msgstr "A faixa permitida é de 1 a FFFF"
-#~ msgid "Automatic Disconnect"
-#~ msgstr "Desconexão automática"
-#~ msgid "Backup Archive"
-#~ msgstr "Arquivo de Backup"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Configure the local DNS server to use the name servers adverticed by the "
-#~ "PPP peer"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Configurar o servidor DNS local para usar o servidores de nomes "
-#~ "fornecidos pelo PPP"
-#~ msgid "Connect script"
-#~ msgstr "Script de conexão"
-#~ msgid "Create backup"
-#~ msgstr "Criar backup"
-#~ msgid "Default"
-#~ msgstr "Padrão"
-#~ msgid "Disconnect script"
-#~ msgstr "Script de desconexão"
-#~ msgid "Edit package lists and installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "Editar listas de pacotes e destinos da instalação"
-#~ msgid "Enable 4K VLANs"
-#~ msgstr "Ativar VLANs 4K"
-#~ msgid "Enable IPv6 on PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "Ativar IPv6 na conexão PPP"
-#~ msgid "Firmware image"
-#~ msgstr "Imagem de Firmware"
-#~ msgid "Forward DHCP"
-#~ msgstr "Encaminhar DHCP"
-#~ msgid "Forward broadcasts"
-#~ msgstr "Encaminhar broadcast"
-#~ msgid " Tunnel ID"
-#~ msgstr " Tunnel ID"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can backup and restore your router configuration and - if "
-#~ "possible - reset the router to the default settings."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aqui você pode fazer o backup e restaurar as configurações do router. "
-#~ "Também pode retornar o router para as configurações padrão."
-#~ msgid "Installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "Destinos da Instalação"
-#~ msgid "Keep configuration files"
-#~ msgstr "Manter arquivos de configuração"
-#~ msgid "Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "Manter conectada"
-#~ msgid "Kernel"
-#~ msgstr "Kernel"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Let pppd replace the current default route to use the PPP interface after "
-#~ "successful connect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Permitir o pppd substituir a rota padrão atual e usar a interface PPP "
-#~ "como padrão após a conexão ser efeuada com sucesso"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script after establishing the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Deixar o pppd executar este script após o estabelecimento do enlace PPP"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script before tearing down the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "Deixar o pppd executar este script antes de terminar o enlace PPP"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Make sure that you provide the correct pin code here or you might lock "
-#~ "your sim card!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Certifique-se que forneceu o código PIN correcto aqui, ou pode bloquear o "
-#~ "seu cartão SIM!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Most of them are network servers, that offer a certain service for your "
-#~ "device or network like shell access, serving webpages like <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>, doing mesh routing, sending "
-#~ "e-mails, ..."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "A maioria deles são servidores de rede, que oferecem um determinado "
-#~ "serviço para seu equipamento ou rede como acesso shell, servindo páginas "
-#~ "web como o <abbr title=\"Interface de configuração Lua\">LuCI</abbr>, "
-#~ "fazendo roteamento, enviando e-mails, ..."
-#~ msgid "Number of failed connection tests to initiate automatic reconnect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Número de testes de conexão falhadas para iniciar a reconexão automática"
-#~ msgid "Override Gateway"
-#~ msgstr "Sobrescrever Gateway"
-#~ msgid "PIN code"
-#~ msgstr "Código PIN"
-#~ msgid "PPP Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Configurações do PPP"
-#~ msgid "Package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Listas de pacotes"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Port <abbr title=\"Primary VLAN IDs\">PVIDs</abbr> specify the default "
-#~ "VLAN ID added to received untagged frames."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "O <abbr title=\"Primary VLAN IDs\">PVIDs</abbr> da porta especifica o ID "
-#~ "padrão da VLAN adicionado a quadros sem etiquetas."
-#~ msgid "Port PVIDs on %q"
-#~ msgstr "PVIDs da Porta em %q"
-#~ msgid "Proceed reverting all settings and resetting to firmware defaults?"
-#~ msgstr "Proceder com a restauração das configurações padrão do firmware?"
-#~ msgid "Processor"
-#~ msgstr "Processador"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Port"
-#~ msgstr "Porta RADIUS"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Servidor RADIUS"
-#~ msgid "Relay Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Configuração de Relay"
-#~ msgid "Replace default route"
-#~ msgstr "Substituir a rota padrão"
-#~ msgid "Reset router to defaults"
-#~ msgstr "Restaurar as configurações para o padrão"
-#~ msgid "Routing table ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID da tabela de roteamento"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Seconds to wait for the modem to become ready before attempting to connect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Segundos de espera para o modem ficar pronto antes de tentar uma conexão"
-#~ msgid "Send Router Solicitiations"
-#~ msgstr "Enviar Solicitações de Roteador"
-#~ msgid "Server IPv4-Address"
-#~ msgstr "Endereço IPv4 do Servidor"
-#~ msgid "Service type"
-#~ msgstr "Tipo de serviço"
-#~ msgid "Services and daemons perform certain tasks on your device."
-#~ msgstr "Serviços executam diversas tarefas no seu equipamento."
-#~ msgid "Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Configurações"
-#~ msgid "Setup wait time"
-#~ msgstr "Configurar tempo de espera"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Sorry. OpenWrt does not support a system upgrade on this platform.<br /> "
-#~ "You need to manually flash your device."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Lamentamos, mas o OpenWrt não suporta uma atualização do sistema para "
-#~ "esta plataforma.<br /> É necessário gravar manualmente seu equipamento."
-#~ msgid "Specify additional command line arguments for pppd here"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Especifique os argumentos adicionais de linha de comando para o pppd aqui"
-#~ msgid "TTL"
-#~ msgstr "TTL"
-#~ msgid "The device node of your modem, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgstr "O caminho do dispositivo do seu modem, ex. /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgid "Time (in seconds) after which an unused connection will be closed"
-#~ msgstr "Tempo (em segundos) para fim de uma conexão já não utilizada"
-#~ msgid "Time Server (rdate)"
-#~ msgstr "Servidor de Hora (rdate)"
-#~ msgid "Tunnel Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Configurações de Tunelamento"
-#~ msgid "Update package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Atualizar listas de pacotes"
-#~ msgid "Upload an OpenWrt image file to reflash the device."
-#~ msgstr "Carregar uma imagem OpenWrt para a gravar no roteador."
-#~ msgid "Upload image"
-#~ msgstr "Carregar imagem"
-#~ msgid "Use peer DNS"
-#~ msgstr "Utilizar DNS do parceiro"
-#~ msgid "VLAN %d"
-#~ msgstr "VLAN %d"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You can specify multiple DNS servers here, press enter to add a new "
-#~ "entry. Servers entered here will override automatically assigned ones."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Você pode especificar aqui múltiplos servidores DNS. Pressione \"enter\" "
-#~ "para adicionar uma nova entrada. Os servidores informados aqui "
-#~ "sobrescreverão automaticamente os designados."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"comgt\" for UMTS/GPRS, \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE, "
-#~ "\"ppp-mod-pppoa\" for PPPoA or \"pptp\" for PPtP support"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Você precisa instalar os pacotes \"comgt\" para usar UMTS/GPRS, \"ppp-mod-"
-#~ "pppoe\" para PPPoE, \"ppp-mod-pppoa\" para PPPoA ou \"pptp\" para o "
-#~ "suporte PPtP"
-#~ msgid "back"
-#~ msgstr "voltar"
-#~ msgid "buffered"
-#~ msgstr "em buffer"
-#~ msgid "cached"
-#~ msgstr "em cache"
-#~ msgid "free"
-#~ msgstr "livre"
-#~ msgid "static"
-#~ msgstr "estático"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a collection "
-#~ "of free Lua software including an <abbr title=\"Model-View-Controller"
-#~ "\">MVC</abbr>-Webframework and webinterface for embedded devices. <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is licensed under the "
-#~ "Apache-License."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Interface de configuração Lua\">LuCI</abbr> é uma colecção "
-#~ "gratuita de programas Lua incluindo um Framework Web <abbr title=\"Modelo-"
-#~ "Visualização-Controle\">MVC</abbr> e uma Interface Web para micro-"
-#~ "dispositivos. <abbr title=\"Interface de configuração Lua\">LuCI</abbr> é "
-#~ "licenciado sob a Licença Apache."
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys"
-#~ msgstr "Chaves-<abbr title=\"Shell Seguro\">SSH</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A lightweight HTTP/1.1 webserver written in C and Lua designed to serve "
-#~ "LuCI"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Um servidor web HTTP/1.1 ligeiro escrito em C e desenvolvido em Lua para "
-#~ "servir LuCI"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A small webserver which can be used to serve <abbr title=\"Lua "
-#~ "Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Um pequeno servidor web que pode ser utilizado para servir a interface "
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Interface de configuração Lua\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgid "About"
-#~ msgstr "Sobre"
-#~ msgid "Addresses"
-#~ msgstr "Endereços"
-#~ msgid "Admin Password"
-#~ msgstr "Password do Administrador"
-#~ msgid "Alias"
-#~ msgstr "Configuração IP alternativa"
-#~ msgid "Authentication Realm"
-#~ msgstr "Área de autenticação"
-#~ msgid "Bridge Port"
-#~ msgstr "Porta do interface em ponte"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Change the password of the system administrator (User <code>root</code>)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Altera a senha do administrador do sistema (Login <code>root</code>)"
-#~ msgid "Client + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "Cliente (WDS)"
-#~ msgid "Configuration file"
-#~ msgstr "Ficheiro de configuração"
-#~ msgid "Connection timeout"
-#~ msgstr "Esgotado o tempo de ligação"
-#~ msgid "Contributing Developers"
-#~ msgstr "Programadores Contribuintes"
-#~ msgid "DHCP assigned"
-#~ msgstr "DHCP atribuido"
-#~ msgid "Document root"
-#~ msgstr "Diretório raiz"
-#~ msgid "Enable Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "Activar keep-alive"
-#~ msgid "Ethernet Bridge"
-#~ msgstr "Ponte Ethernet"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can paste public <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys "
-#~ "(one per line) for <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> public-key "
-#~ "authentication."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aqui pode colar suas Chaves-<abbr title=\"Shell Seguro\">SSH</abbr> "
-#~ "públicas (uma por linha) para a autenticação <abbr title=\"Shell Seguro"
-#~ "\">SSH</abbr> por chave-pública."
-#~ msgid "ID"
-#~ msgstr "Identificação de interface em ponte"
-#~ msgid "IP Configuration"
-#~ msgstr "Configuração IP"
-#~ msgid "Interface Status"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aqui encontra informações sobre o estado actual do sistema, como <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Central Processing Unit\">CPU</abbr>, frequência do relógio, uso "
-#~ "de memória ou uso da interface de rede de dados."
-#~ msgid "Lead Development"
-#~ msgstr "Equipa de Desenvolvimento"
-#~ msgid "Master"
-#~ msgstr "AP"
-#~ msgid "Master + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "AP+WDS"
-#~ msgid "Not configured"
-#~ msgstr "Não configurado"
-#~ msgid "Password successfully changed"
-#~ msgstr "Senha alterada com sucesso"
-#~ msgid "Plugin path"
-#~ msgstr "Directorio de plugins"
-#~ msgid "Ports"
-#~ msgstr "Portas"
-#~ msgid "Primary"
-#~ msgstr "Primário"
-#~ msgid "Project Homepage"
-#~ msgstr "Página do Projecto"
-#~ msgid "Pseudo Ad-Hoc"
-#~ msgstr "Ahdemo"
-#~ msgid "STP"
-#~ msgstr "STP"
-#~ msgid "Thanks To"
-#~ msgstr "Obrigado a"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The realm which will be displayed at the authentication prompt for "
-#~ "protected pages."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "A área de autenticação (realm) que será mostrada na prompt de "
-#~ "autenticação das páginas protegidas."
-#~ msgid "Unknown Error"
-#~ msgstr "Erro Desconhecido"
-#~ msgid "VLAN"
-#~ msgstr "VLAN"
-#~ msgid "defaults to <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgstr "padrão é <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgid "Package lists updated"
-#~ msgstr "As listas de pacotes foram actualizadas"
-#~ msgid "Upgrade installed packages"
-#~ msgstr "Actualizar os pacotes instalados"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Also kernel or service logfiles can be viewed here to get an overview "
-#~ "over their current state."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Também os arquivos de logs do kernel ou dos serviços podem ser "
-#~ "consultados aqui para obter uma visão geral sobre o seu estado actual."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can find information about the current system status like <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Central Processing Unit\">CPU</abbr> clock frequency, memory "
-#~ "usage or network interface data."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aqui você pode encontrar informações sobre o estado actual do sistema, "
-#~ "tais como <abbr title=\"Central Processing Unit\">CPU</abbr>, frequência "
-#~ "do relógio, uso de memória ou da interface de rede de dados."
-#~ msgid "Search file..."
-#~ msgstr "Procurar ficheiro..."
-# "free as in freedom" equivale a "livre de liberdade" não de "grátis"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a free, "
-#~ "flexible, and user friendly graphical interface for configuring OpenWrt "
-#~ "Kamikaze."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "O <abbr title=\"Interface de configuração Lua\">LuCI</abbr> é um "
-#~ "interface gráfico livre, flexível e fácil de utilizar para configurar o "
-#~ "OpenWrt Kamikaze."
-#~ msgid "And now have fun with your router!"
-#~ msgstr "E agora divirta-se com o seu router!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "As we always want to improve this interface we are looking forward to "
-#~ "your feedback and suggestions."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Agradecemos os seus comentários e sugestões por forma a podermos "
-#~ "continuar a melhorar este interface."
-#~ msgid "Hello!"
-#~ msgstr "Olá!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Notice: In <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> "
-#~ "changes have to be confirmed by clicking Changes - Save &amp; Apply "
-#~ "before being applied."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aviso: No <abbr title=\"Interface de configuração Lua\">LuCI</abbr> as "
-#~ "alterações devem ser confirmadas clicando em Alterações - Salvar &amp; "
-#~ "Aplicar antes de serem aplicadas."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "On the following pages you can adjust all important settings of your "
-#~ "router."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Nas próximas páginas, pode ajustar todas as definições importantes do seu "
-#~ "router."
-#~ msgid "The <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> Team"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "A equipa do <abbr title=\"Interface de configuração Lua\">LuCI</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This is the administration area of <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Esta é a área de administração do <abbr title=\"Interface de configuração "
-#~ "Lua\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgid "User Interface"
-#~ msgstr "Interface do Utilizador"
-#~ msgid "enable"
-#~ msgstr "activar"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "(optional)"
-#~ msgstr " (opcional)"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Port"
-#~ msgstr "Porta do <abbr title=\"Sistema de Nomes de Domínios\">DNS</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server will be queried in "
-#~ "the order of the resolvfile"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Servidor <abbr title=\"Sistema de Nomes de Domínios\">DNS</abbr> será "
-#~ "consultado na ordem do arquivo resolv.conf"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host "
-#~ "Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>-Leases"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"máximo\">max.</abbr> de <abbr title=\"Protocolo de "
-#~ "Configuração Dinâmica de Hosts\">DHCP</abbr>-Leases"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Extension Mechanisms "
-#~ "for Domain Name System\">EDNS0</abbr> packet size"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "tamanho <abbr title=\"máximo\">max.</abbr> do pacote <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Mecanismos de Extensão do Sistema de Nomes de Domínios\">EDNS0</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "AP-Isolation"
-#~ msgstr "Isolamento do AP"
-#~ msgid "Add the Wifi network to physical network"
-#~ msgstr "Adicione a rede Wifi à rede física"
-#~ msgid "Aliases"
-#~ msgstr "Aliases"
-#~ msgid "Clamp Segment Size"
-#~ msgstr "Clamp Segment Size"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Create Or Attach Network"
-#~ msgstr "Criar Rede"
-#~ msgid "Devices"
-#~ msgstr "Dispositivos"
-#~ msgid "Don't forward reverse lookups for local networks"
-#~ msgstr "Não encaminhar as pesquisas reversas para redes locais"
-#~ msgid "Enable TFTP-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Activar servidor TFTP"
-#~ msgid "Errors"
-#~ msgstr "Erros"
-#~ msgid "Essentials"
-#~ msgstr "Básico"
-#~ msgid "Expand Hosts"
-#~ msgstr "Expandir Hosts"
-#~ msgid "First leased address"
-#~ msgstr "Primeiro endereço de atribuição"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Fixes problems with unreachable websites, submitting forms or other "
-#~ "unexpected behaviour for some ISPs."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Resolve problemas com websites indisponíveis, submissão de formulários ou "
-#~ "comportamentos inesperados de alguns ISP's."
-#~ msgid "Hardware Address"
-#~ msgstr "Endereço do Hardware"
-#~ msgid "Here you can configure installed wifi devices."
-#~ msgstr "Aqui pode configurar os dispositivos wifi instalados. "
-#~ msgid "Independent (Ad-Hoc)"
-#~ msgstr "Independente (Ad-Hoc)"
-#~ msgid "Internet Connection"
-#~ msgstr "Ligação Internet"
-#~ msgid "Join (Client)"
-#~ msgstr "Cliente (Client)"
-#~ msgid "Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Atribuições"
-#~ msgid "Local Domain"
-#~ msgstr "Domínio Local"
-#~ msgid "Local Network"
-#~ msgstr "Rede Local"
-#~ msgid "Local Server"
-#~ msgstr "Servidor Local"
-#~ msgid "Network Boot Image"
-#~ msgstr "Imagem para o boot remoto (PXE)"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Network Name (<abbr title=\"Extended Service Set Identifier\">ESSID</"
-#~ "abbr>)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Nome da Rede (<abbr title=\"Identificador de Conjunto de Serviços "
-#~ "Estendidos\">ESSID</abbr>)"
-#~ msgid "Number of leased addresses"
-#~ msgstr "Número de endereços atribuidos"
-#~ msgid "Perform Actions"
-#~ msgstr "Executar Acções"
-#~ msgid "Prevents Client to Client communication"
-#~ msgstr "Impede a comunicação de Cliente para Cliente"
-#~ msgid "Provide (Access Point)"
-#~ msgstr "Ponto de Acesso (Access Point)"
-#~ msgid "Resolvfile"
-#~ msgstr "Ficheiro resolv.conf"
-#~ msgid "TFTP-Server Root"
-#~ msgstr "Directório raiz do servidor TFTP"
-#~ msgid "TX / RX"
-#~ msgstr "TX / RX"
-#~ msgid "The following changes have been applied"
-#~ msgstr "Foram aplicadas as seguintes alterações "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When flashing a new firmware with <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr> these files will be added to the new firmware "
-#~ "installation."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Quando gravar um novo firmware com o <abbr title=\"Interface de "
-#~ "configuração Lua\">LuCI</abbr> estes arquivos serão adicionados ao novo "
-#~ "firmware instalado."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Wireless Scan"
-#~ msgstr "Wireless"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "network members can automatically receive their network settings (<abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Internet Protocol\">IP</abbr>-address, netmask, <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-server, ...)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Com o <abbr title=\"Protocolo de Configuração Dinâmica de Hosts\">DHCP</"
-#~ "abbr> os membros da rede podem automaticamente receber as suas "
-#~ "configurações de rede (endereço-<abbr title=\"Protocolo de Internet\">IP</"
-#~ "abbr>, netmask, servidor-<abbr title=\"Sistema de Nomes de Domínios"
-#~ "\">DNS</abbr>, ...)."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You can run several wifi networks with one device. Be aware that there "
-#~ "are certain hardware and driverspecific restrictions. Normally you can "
-#~ "operate 1 Ad-Hoc or up to 3 Master-Mode and 1 Client-Mode network "
-#~ "simultaneously."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Pode servir várias redes wifi com o mesmo dispositivo. Esteja ciente de "
-#~ "que existem certas restrições específicas do hardware e do controlador. "
-#~ "Pode normalmente operar 1 rede Ad-Hoc ou até 3 redes AP e 1 Cliente "
-#~ "simultaneamente."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE or \"pptp\" for PPtP "
-#~ "support"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Precisa de instalar os pacotes \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" para PPPoE ou \"pptp\" "
-#~ "para o suporte PPtP"
-#~ msgid "Zone"
-#~ msgstr "Zona"
-#~ msgid "additional hostfile"
-#~ msgstr "ficheiro de hosts adicional"
-#~ msgid "adds domain names to hostentries in the resolv file"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Adiciona os nomes dos domínios às entradas de hosts no arquivo resolv.conf"
-#~ msgid "automatically reconnect"
-#~ msgstr "ligação automática"
-#~ msgid "concurrent queries"
-#~ msgstr "Consultas simultâneas"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "disable <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "for this interface"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "desabilitar <abbr title=\"Protocolo de Configuração Dinâmica de Hosts"
-#~ "\">DHCP</abbr> para esta interface"
-#~ msgid "disconnect when idle for"
-#~ msgstr "desligar quando ocioso por"
-#~ msgid "don't cache unknown"
-#~ msgstr "Não fazer cache de desconhecidos"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "filter useless <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-queries of "
-#~ "Windows-systems"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Filtro de consultas inuteis-<abbr title=\"Sistema de Nomes de Domínios"
-#~ "\">DNS</abbr> de sistemas windows"
-#~ msgid "installed"
-#~ msgstr "instalado"
-#~ msgid "localises the hostname depending on its subnet"
-#~ msgstr "Localizar o hostname dependendo de sua sub-rede"
-#~ msgid "not installed"
-#~ msgstr "não instalado"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "prevents caching of negative <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</"
-#~ "abbr>-replies"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Impede o cache de respostas-<abbr title=\"Sistema de Nomes de Domínios"
-#~ "\">DNS</abbr> negativas"
-#~ msgid "query port"
-#~ msgstr "porta para consultas"
-#~ msgid "transmitted / received"
-#~ msgstr "transmitido / recebido"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Join network"
-#~ msgstr "redes contidas"
-#~ msgid "all"
-#~ msgstr "todos"
-#~ msgid "Code"
-#~ msgstr "Código"
-#~ msgid "Distance"
-#~ msgstr "Distância"
-#~ msgid "Legend"
-#~ msgstr "Legenda"
-#~ msgid "Library"
-#~ msgstr "Biblioteca"
-#~ msgid "see '%s' manpage"
-#~ msgstr "veja sobre &#39;%s&#39; na página de manual (man)"
-#~ msgid "Package Manager"
-#~ msgstr "Gestor de Pacotes"
+#~ msgid "CPU"
+#~ msgstr "CPU"
-#~ msgid "Service"
-#~ msgstr "Serviço"
+#~ msgid "Port %d"
+#~ msgstr "Porta %d"
-#~ msgid "Statistics"
-#~ msgstr "Estatísticas"
+#~ msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+#~ msgstr "Porta %d está sem etiqueta para mútliplas VLANs!"
-#~ msgid "zone"
-#~ msgstr "Zona"
+#~ msgid "VLAN Interface"
+#~ msgstr "Interface VLAN"
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/po/pt/base.po b/modules/luci-base/po/pt/base.po
index 0b046d8ec0..05bdb76ff9 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/po/pt/base.po
+++ b/modules/luci-base/po/pt/base.po
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.0.6\n"
+msgid "%s is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+msgstr ""
msgid "(%d minute window, %d second interval)"
msgstr "(janela de %d minutos, intervalo de %d segundos)"
@@ -251,6 +254,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Alert"
msgstr "Alerta"
+msgid ""
+"Allocate IP addresses sequentially, starting from the lowest available "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Allocate IP sequentially"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
msgstr ""
"Permitir autenticação <abbr title=\"Shell Seguro\">SSH</abbr> por senha"
@@ -534,9 +545,6 @@ msgstr "Botões"
msgid "CA certificate; if empty it will be saved after the first connection."
msgstr ""
-msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "CPU"
msgid "CPU usage (%)"
msgstr "Uso da CPU (%)"
@@ -1071,6 +1079,9 @@ msgstr "Servidor externo de logs de sistema"
msgid "External system log server port"
msgstr "Porta do Servidor externo de logs de sistema"
+msgid "External system log server protocol"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Extra SSH command options"
msgstr ""
@@ -1781,6 +1792,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "MB/s"
msgstr "MB/s"
+msgid "MD5"
+msgstr ""
msgid "MHz"
msgstr "MHz"
@@ -2280,12 +2294,6 @@ msgstr "Política"
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Porta"
-msgid "Port %d"
-msgstr "Porta %d"
-msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
-msgstr ""
msgid "Port status:"
msgstr "Estado da porta:"
@@ -2579,6 +2587,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Run filesystem check"
msgstr "Correr uma verificação do sistema de ficheiros"
+msgid "SHA256"
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"SIXXS supports TIC only, for static tunnels using IP protocol 41 (RFC4213) "
"use 6in4 instead"
@@ -2718,6 +2729,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Software"
msgstr "Software"
+msgid "Software VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!"
msgstr "Alguns campos são inválidos, não é possível gravar valores!"
@@ -2809,6 +2823,12 @@ msgstr "Ordem exacta"
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Enviar"
+msgid "Suppress logging"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging of the routine operation of these protocols"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Swap"
msgstr ""
@@ -2824,6 +2844,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Switch %q (%s)"
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Switch %q has an unknown topology - the VLAN settings might not be accurate."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Switch VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Switch protocol"
msgstr ""
@@ -3313,9 +3340,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "VDSL"
msgstr ""
-msgid "VLAN Interface"
-msgstr "Interface VLAN"
msgid "VLANs on %q"
msgstr "VLANs em %q"
@@ -3411,9 +3435,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Wifi"
-msgstr "Wifi"
msgid "Wireless"
msgstr "Rede Wireless"
@@ -3450,6 +3471,9 @@ msgstr "Desligar wireless"
msgid "Write received DNS requests to syslog"
msgstr "Escrever os pedidos de DNS para o syslog"
+msgid "Write system log to file"
+msgstr ""
msgid "XR Support"
msgstr "Suporte XR"
@@ -3635,851 +3659,11 @@ msgstr "sim"
msgid "« Back"
msgstr "« Voltar"
-#~ msgid "Delete this interface"
-#~ msgstr "Apagar esta interface"
-#~ msgid "Flags"
-#~ msgstr "Flags"
-#~ msgid "Rule #"
-#~ msgstr "Regra #"
-#~ msgid "Ignore Hosts files"
-#~ msgstr "Ignorar ficheiros de Hosts"
-#~ msgid "Path"
-#~ msgstr "Directório"
-#~ msgid "Please wait: Device rebooting..."
-#~ msgstr "Por favor aguarde: Equipamento a reiniciar..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Warning: There are unsaved changes that will be lost while rebooting!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aviso: Existem alterações não salvas que serão perdidas durante a "
-#~ "reinicialização!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Always use 40MHz channels even if the secondary channel overlaps. Using "
-#~ "this option does not comply with IEEE 802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Usar sempre os canais de 40MHz mesmo se o segundo canal se sobrepuser. "
-#~ "Usando esta opção não obdece com IEEE 802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgid "Cached"
-#~ msgstr "Em cache"
-#~ msgid "Force 40MHz mode"
-#~ msgstr "Forçar modo 40MHz"
-#~ msgid "Frequency Hopping"
-#~ msgstr "Salto de Frequência"
-#~ msgid "Locked to channel %d used by %s"
-#~ msgstr "Bloqueado ao canal %d usado por %s"
-#~ msgid " user ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID utilizador"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel above"
-#~ msgstr "40 Mhz 2.º canal acima"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel below"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz 2.º canal abaixo"
-#~ msgid "Accept router advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "Aceitar os avisos do router"
-#~ msgid "Advertise IPv6 on network"
-#~ msgstr "Anúnciar IPv6 na rede"
-#~ msgid "Advertised network ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID da rede anunciada"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to 65535"
-#~ msgstr "O intervalo permitido é de 1 até 65535"
-#~ msgid "HT capabilities"
-#~ msgstr "Capacidades HT"
-#~ msgid "HT mode"
-#~ msgstr "Modo HT"
-#~ msgid "Router Model"
-#~ msgstr "Modelo do Router"
-#~ msgid "Router Name"
-#~ msgstr "Nome do Router"
-#~ msgid "Active Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Atribuições Activas"
-#~ msgid "MAC"
-#~ msgstr "MAC"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">Encr.</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Encriptado\">Encr.</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-Scan"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Rede Local Wireless\">WLAN</abbr>-Pesquisa"
-#~ msgid "Create Network"
-#~ msgstr "Criar Rede"
-#~ msgid "Link"
-#~ msgstr "Link"
-#~ msgid "Networks"
-#~ msgstr "Redes"
-#~ msgid "Power"
-#~ msgstr "Potência"
-#~ msgid "Wifi networks in your local environment"
-#~ msgstr "Redes Wifi no seu ambiente local"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>-Notation: "
-#~ "address/prefix"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Notação <abbr title=\"Roteamento entre Domínios sem Classe\">CIDR</abbr>: "
-#~ "endereço/prefixo"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Servidor <abbr title=\"Sistema de Nomes de Domínios\">DNS</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Broadcast"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Broadcast <abbr title=\"Protocolo de Internet Versão 4\">IPv4</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Address"
-#~ msgstr "Endereço <abbr title=\"Protocolo de Internet Versão 6\">IPv6</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The network ports on your router can be combined to several <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s in which computers can "
-#~ "communicate directly with each other. <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area "
-#~ "Network\">VLAN</abbr>s are often used to separate different network "
-#~ "segments. Often there is by default one Uplink port for a connection to "
-#~ "the next greater network like the internet and other ports for a local "
-#~ "network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "As portas de rede do seu router podem ser combinadas com diversas <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Rede Local Virtual\">VLAN</abbr>s em que os computadores podem "
-#~ "comunicar directamente entre si. As <abbr title=\"Rede Local Virtual"
-#~ "\">VLAN</abbr>s são frequentemente utilizadas para separar segmentos de "
-#~ "redes diferentes. Muitas vezes é padrão uma porta Uplink para a ligação "
-#~ "com a próxima rede, como a Internet e outras portas para uma rede local."
-#~ msgid "Files to be kept when flashing a new firmware"
-#~ msgstr "Ficheiros que devem ser mantidos quando gravar um novo firmware."
-#~ msgid "General"
-#~ msgstr "Geral"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can customize the settings and the functionality of <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aqui pode personalizar as configurações e funcionalidades do <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Interface de configuração Lua\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgid "Post-commit actions"
-#~ msgstr "Acções pós-gravação"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "These commands will be executed automatically when a given <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Unified Configuration Interface\">UCI</abbr> configuration is committed "
-#~ "allowing changes to be applied instantly."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Estes comandos são executados automaticamente quando uma determinada "
-#~ "configuração da <abbr title=\"Interface de configuração unificada\">UCI</"
-#~ "abbr> está gravada, permitindo mudanças a serem aplicadas "
-#~ "instantaneamente."
-#~ msgid "Web <abbr title=\"User Interface\">UI</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "Web <abbr title=\"Interface do Utilizador\">UI</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "Access point (APN)"
-#~ msgstr "Ponto de acesso (APN)"
-#~ msgid "Additional pppd options"
-#~ msgstr "Opções adicionais do pppd"
-#~ msgid "Automatic Disconnect"
-#~ msgstr "Fim automático de ligação"
-#~ msgid "Backup Archive"
-#~ msgstr "Arquivo de backup"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Configure the local DNS server to use the name servers adverticed by the "
-#~ "PPP peer"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Configurar o servidor DNS local para usar o servidores de nomes "
-#~ "fornecidos pelo PPP"
-#~ msgid "Connect script"
-#~ msgstr "Script de ligação"
-#~ msgid "Create backup"
-#~ msgstr "Criar backup"
-#~ msgid "Disconnect script"
-#~ msgstr "Script de fim de ligação"
-#~ msgid "Edit package lists and installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "Editar listas de pacotes e destinos de instalação"
-#~ msgid "Enable IPv6 on PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "Activar IPv6 no link PPP"
-#~ msgid "Firmware image"
-#~ msgstr "Imagem de Firmware"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can backup and restore your router configuration and - if "
-#~ "possible - reset the router to the default settings."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aqui pode fazer o backup e restaurar as configurações do seu router. "
-#~ "Também pode restaurar seu router para as configurações pré-definidas."
-#~ msgid "Installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "Destino de Instalação"
-#~ msgid "Keep configuration files"
-#~ msgstr "Manter ficheiros de configuração"
-#~ msgid "Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "Manter em Actividade"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Let pppd replace the current default route to use the PPP interface after "
-#~ "successful connect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Permitir o pppd substituir a rota padrão actual e usar a interface PPP "
-#~ "como padrão após a ligação ser efectuada com sucesso"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script after establishing the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Deixar o pppd executar este script após o estabelecimento do link PPP"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script before tearing down the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "Deixar o pppd executar este script antes de terminar o link PPP"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Make sure that you provide the correct pin code here or you might lock "
-#~ "your sim card!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Certifique-se que forneceu o código PIN correcto aqui, ou pode bloquear o "
-#~ "seu cartão SIM"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Most of them are network servers, that offer a certain service for your "
-#~ "device or network like shell access, serving webpages like <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>, doing mesh routing, sending "
-#~ "e-mails, ..."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "A maioria deles são servidores de rede, que oferecem um determinado "
-#~ "serviço para seu equipamento ou rede como acesso shell, servindo páginas "
-#~ "web como o <abbr title=\"Interface de configuração Lua\">LuCI</abbr>, "
-#~ "fazendo roteamento, enviando e-mails, ..."
-#~ msgid "Number of failed connection tests to initiate automatic reconnect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Número de falhas do teste de ligação para reiniciar uma ligação automática"
-#~ msgid "PIN code"
-#~ msgstr "Código PIN"
-#~ msgid "Package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Listas de pacotes"
-#~ msgid "Proceed reverting all settings and resetting to firmware defaults?"
-#~ msgstr "Proceder com a restauração das configurações pré-definidas?"
-#~ msgid "Processor"
-#~ msgstr "Processador"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Port"
-#~ msgstr "Porta RADIUS"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Servidor RADIUS"
-#~ msgid "Replace default route"
-#~ msgstr "Substituir a rota padrão"
-#~ msgid "Reset router to defaults"
-#~ msgstr "Restaurar as configurações pré-definidas do router"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Seconds to wait for the modem to become ready before attempting to connect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Segundos de espera para o modem ficar pronto antes de tentar uma ligação"
-#~ msgid "Service type"
-#~ msgstr "Tipo do serviço"
-#~ msgid "Services and daemons perform certain tasks on your device."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Serviços e daemons que estão a executar diversas tarefas no seu "
-#~ "equipamento."
-#~ msgid "Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Definições"
-#~ msgid "Setup wait time"
-#~ msgstr "Configurar tempo de espera"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Sorry. OpenWrt does not support a system upgrade on this platform.<br /> "
-#~ "You need to manually flash your device."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Lamentamos, mas o OpenWrt não suporta uma actualização do sistema para "
-#~ "esta plataforma.<br /> É necessário carregar manualmente uma imagem para "
-#~ "a flash do seu equipamento."
-#~ msgid "Specify additional command line arguments for pppd here"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Especificar argumentos adicionais por linha de comando para o pppd aqui"
-#~ msgid "The device node of your modem, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgstr "O caminho do dispositivo do seu modem, ex. /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgid "Time (in seconds) after which an unused connection will be closed"
-#~ msgstr "Tempo (em segundos) para fim de uma ligação já não utilizada"
-#~ msgid "Update package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Actualizar listas de pacotes"
-#~ msgid "Upload an OpenWrt image file to reflash the device."
-#~ msgstr "Carregar uma imagem OpenWrt para a flash do router."
-#~ msgid "Upload image"
-#~ msgstr "Carregar imagem"
-#~ msgid "Use peer DNS"
-#~ msgstr "Utilizar DNS do peer"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"comgt\" for UMTS/GPRS, \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE, "
-#~ "\"ppp-mod-pppoa\" for PPPoA or \"pptp\" for PPtP support"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Precisa de instalar os pacotes \"comgt\" para UMTS/GPRS, \"ppp-mod-pppoe"
-#~ "\" para PPPoE, \"ppp-mod-pppoa\" para PPPoA ou \"pptp\" para o suporte "
-#~ "PPtP"
-#~ msgid "back"
-#~ msgstr "voltar"
-#~ msgid "buffered"
-#~ msgstr "em buffer"
-#~ msgid "cached"
-#~ msgstr "em cache"
-#~ msgid "free"
-#~ msgstr "livre"
-#~ msgid "static"
-#~ msgstr "estático"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a collection "
-#~ "of free Lua software including an <abbr title=\"Model-View-Controller"
-#~ "\">MVC</abbr>-Webframework and webinterface for embedded devices. <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is licensed under the "
-#~ "Apache-License."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Interface de configuração Lua\">LuCI</abbr> é uma colecção "
-#~ "gratuita de programas Lua incluindo um Framework Web <abbr title=\"Modelo-"
-#~ "Visualização-Controle\">MVC</abbr> e uma Interface Web para micro-"
-#~ "dispositivos. <abbr title=\"Interface de configuração Lua\">LuCI</abbr> é "
-#~ "licenciado sob a Licença Apache."
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys"
-#~ msgstr "Chaves-<abbr title=\"Shell Seguro\">SSH</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A lightweight HTTP/1.1 webserver written in C and Lua designed to serve "
-#~ "LuCI"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Um servidor web HTTP/1.1 ligeiro escrito em C e desenvolvido em Lua para "
-#~ "servir LuCI"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A small webserver which can be used to serve <abbr title=\"Lua "
-#~ "Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Um pequeno servidor web que pode ser utilizado para servir a interface "
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Interface de configuração Lua\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgid "About"
-#~ msgstr "Sobre"
-#~ msgid "Addresses"
-#~ msgstr "Endereços"
-#~ msgid "Admin Password"
-#~ msgstr "Password do Administrador"
-#~ msgid "Alias"
-#~ msgstr "Configuração IP alternativa"
-#~ msgid "Authentication Realm"
-#~ msgstr "Área de autenticação"
-#~ msgid "Bridge Port"
-#~ msgstr "Porta do interface em ponte"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Change the password of the system administrator (User <code>root</code>)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Altera a senha do administrador do sistema (Login <code>root</code>)"
-#~ msgid "Client + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "Cliente (WDS)"
-#~ msgid "Configuration file"
-#~ msgstr "Ficheiro de configuração"
-#~ msgid "Connection timeout"
-#~ msgstr "Esgotado o tempo de ligação"
-#~ msgid "Contributing Developers"
-#~ msgstr "Programadores Contribuintes"
-#~ msgid "DHCP assigned"
-#~ msgstr "DHCP atribuido"
-#~ msgid "Document root"
-#~ msgstr "Diretório raiz"
-#~ msgid "Enable Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "Activar keep-alive"
-#~ msgid "Ethernet Bridge"
-#~ msgstr "Ponte Ethernet"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can paste public <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys "
-#~ "(one per line) for <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> public-key "
-#~ "authentication."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aqui pode colar suas Chaves-<abbr title=\"Shell Seguro\">SSH</abbr> "
-#~ "públicas (uma por linha) para a autenticação <abbr title=\"Shell Seguro"
-#~ "\">SSH</abbr> por chave-pública."
-#~ msgid "ID"
-#~ msgstr "Identificação de interface em ponte"
-#~ msgid "IP Configuration"
-#~ msgstr "Configuração IP"
-#~ msgid "Interface Status"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aqui encontra informações sobre o estado actual do sistema, como <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Central Processing Unit\">CPU</abbr>, frequência do relógio, uso "
-#~ "de memória ou uso da interface de rede de dados."
-#~ msgid "Lead Development"
-#~ msgstr "Equipa de Desenvolvimento"
-#~ msgid "Master"
-#~ msgstr "AP"
-#~ msgid "Master + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "AP+WDS"
-#~ msgid "Not configured"
-#~ msgstr "Não configurado"
-#~ msgid "Password successfully changed"
-#~ msgstr "Senha alterada com sucesso"
-#~ msgid "Plugin path"
-#~ msgstr "Directorio de plugins"
-#~ msgid "Ports"
-#~ msgstr "Portas"
-#~ msgid "Primary"
-#~ msgstr "Primário"
-#~ msgid "Project Homepage"
-#~ msgstr "Página do Projecto"
-#~ msgid "Pseudo Ad-Hoc"
-#~ msgstr "Ahdemo"
-#~ msgid "STP"
-#~ msgstr "STP"
-#~ msgid "Thanks To"
-#~ msgstr "Obrigado a"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The realm which will be displayed at the authentication prompt for "
-#~ "protected pages."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "A área de autenticação (realm) que será mostrada na prompt de "
-#~ "autenticação das páginas protegidas."
-#~ msgid "Unknown Error"
-#~ msgstr "Erro Desconhecido"
-#~ msgid "VLAN"
-#~ msgstr "VLAN"
-#~ msgid "defaults to <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgstr "padrão é <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgid "Package lists updated"
-#~ msgstr "As listas de pacotes foram actualizadas"
-#~ msgid "Upgrade installed packages"
-#~ msgstr "Actualizar os pacotes instalados"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Also kernel or service logfiles can be viewed here to get an overview "
-#~ "over their current state."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Também os arquivos de logs do kernel ou dos serviços podem ser "
-#~ "consultados aqui para obter uma visão geral sobre o seu estado actual."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can find information about the current system status like <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Central Processing Unit\">CPU</abbr> clock frequency, memory "
-#~ "usage or network interface data."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aqui você pode encontrar informações sobre o estado actual do sistema, "
-#~ "tais como <abbr title=\"Central Processing Unit\">CPU</abbr>, frequência "
-#~ "do relógio, uso de memória ou da interface de rede de dados."
-#~ msgid "Search file..."
-#~ msgstr "Procurar ficheiro..."
-# "free as in freedom" equivale a "livre de liberdade" não de "grátis"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a free, "
-#~ "flexible, and user friendly graphical interface for configuring OpenWrt "
-#~ "Kamikaze."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "O <abbr title=\"Interface de configuração Lua\">LuCI</abbr> é um "
-#~ "interface gráfico livre, flexível e fácil de utilizar para configurar o "
-#~ "OpenWrt Kamikaze."
-#~ msgid "And now have fun with your router!"
-#~ msgstr "E agora divirta-se com o seu router!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "As we always want to improve this interface we are looking forward to "
-#~ "your feedback and suggestions."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Agradecemos os seus comentários e sugestões por forma a podermos "
-#~ "continuar a melhorar este interface."
-#~ msgid "Hello!"
-#~ msgstr "Olá!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Notice: In <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> "
-#~ "changes have to be confirmed by clicking Changes - Save &amp; Apply "
-#~ "before being applied."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aviso: No <abbr title=\"Interface de configuração Lua\">LuCI</abbr> as "
-#~ "alterações devem ser confirmadas clicando em Alterações - Salvar &amp; "
-#~ "Aplicar antes de serem aplicadas."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "On the following pages you can adjust all important settings of your "
-#~ "router."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Nas próximas páginas, pode ajustar todas as definições importantes do seu "
-#~ "router."
-#~ msgid "The <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> Team"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "A equipa do <abbr title=\"Interface de configuração Lua\">LuCI</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This is the administration area of <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Esta é a área de administração do <abbr title=\"Interface de configuração "
-#~ "Lua\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgid "User Interface"
-#~ msgstr "Interface do Utilizador"
-#~ msgid "enable"
-#~ msgstr "activar"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "(optional)"
-#~ msgstr " (opcional)"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Port"
-#~ msgstr "Porta do <abbr title=\"Sistema de Nomes de Domínios\">DNS</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server will be queried in "
-#~ "the order of the resolvfile"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Servidor <abbr title=\"Sistema de Nomes de Domínios\">DNS</abbr> será "
-#~ "consultado na ordem do arquivo resolv.conf"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host "
-#~ "Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>-Leases"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"máximo\">max.</abbr> de <abbr title=\"Protocolo de "
-#~ "Configuração Dinâmica de Hosts\">DHCP</abbr>-Leases"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Extension Mechanisms "
-#~ "for Domain Name System\">EDNS0</abbr> packet size"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "tamanho <abbr title=\"máximo\">max.</abbr> do pacote <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Mecanismos de Extensão do Sistema de Nomes de Domínios\">EDNS0</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "AP-Isolation"
-#~ msgstr "Isolamento do AP"
-#~ msgid "Add the Wifi network to physical network"
-#~ msgstr "Adicione a rede Wifi à rede física"
-#~ msgid "Aliases"
-#~ msgstr "Aliases"
-#~ msgid "Clamp Segment Size"
-#~ msgstr "Clamp Segment Size"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Create Or Attach Network"
-#~ msgstr "Criar Rede"
-#~ msgid "Devices"
-#~ msgstr "Dispositivos"
-#~ msgid "Don't forward reverse lookups for local networks"
-#~ msgstr "Não encaminhar as pesquisas reversas para redes locais"
-#~ msgid "Enable TFTP-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Activar servidor TFTP"
-#~ msgid "Errors"
-#~ msgstr "Erros"
-#~ msgid "Essentials"
-#~ msgstr "Básico"
-#~ msgid "Expand Hosts"
-#~ msgstr "Expandir Hosts"
-#~ msgid "First leased address"
-#~ msgstr "Primeiro endereço de atribuição"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Fixes problems with unreachable websites, submitting forms or other "
-#~ "unexpected behaviour for some ISPs."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Resolve problemas com websites indisponíveis, submissão de formulários ou "
-#~ "comportamentos inesperados de alguns ISP's."
-#~ msgid "Hardware Address"
-#~ msgstr "Endereço do Hardware"
-#~ msgid "Here you can configure installed wifi devices."
-#~ msgstr "Aqui pode configurar os dispositivos wifi instalados. "
-#~ msgid "Independent (Ad-Hoc)"
-#~ msgstr "Independente (Ad-Hoc)"
-#~ msgid "Internet Connection"
-#~ msgstr "Ligação Internet"
-#~ msgid "Join (Client)"
-#~ msgstr "Cliente (Client)"
-#~ msgid "Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Atribuições"
-#~ msgid "Local Domain"
-#~ msgstr "Domínio Local"
-#~ msgid "Local Network"
-#~ msgstr "Rede Local"
-#~ msgid "Local Server"
-#~ msgstr "Servidor Local"
-#~ msgid "Network Boot Image"
-#~ msgstr "Imagem para o boot remoto (PXE)"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Network Name (<abbr title=\"Extended Service Set Identifier\">ESSID</"
-#~ "abbr>)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Nome da Rede (<abbr title=\"Identificador de Conjunto de Serviços "
-#~ "Estendidos\">ESSID</abbr>)"
-#~ msgid "Number of leased addresses"
-#~ msgstr "Número de endereços atribuidos"
-#~ msgid "Perform Actions"
-#~ msgstr "Executar Acções"
-#~ msgid "Prevents Client to Client communication"
-#~ msgstr "Impede a comunicação de Cliente para Cliente"
-#~ msgid "Provide (Access Point)"
-#~ msgstr "Ponto de Acesso (Access Point)"
-#~ msgid "Resolvfile"
-#~ msgstr "Ficheiro resolv.conf"
-#~ msgid "TFTP-Server Root"
-#~ msgstr "Directório raiz do servidor TFTP"
-#~ msgid "TX / RX"
-#~ msgstr "TX / RX"
-#~ msgid "The following changes have been applied"
-#~ msgstr "Foram aplicadas as seguintes alterações "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When flashing a new firmware with <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr> these files will be added to the new firmware "
-#~ "installation."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Quando gravar um novo firmware com o <abbr title=\"Interface de "
-#~ "configuração Lua\">LuCI</abbr> estes arquivos serão adicionados ao novo "
-#~ "firmware instalado."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Wireless Scan"
-#~ msgstr "Wireless"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "network members can automatically receive their network settings (<abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Internet Protocol\">IP</abbr>-address, netmask, <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-server, ...)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Com o <abbr title=\"Protocolo de Configuração Dinâmica de Hosts\">DHCP</"
-#~ "abbr> os membros da rede podem automaticamente receber as suas "
-#~ "configurações de rede (endereço-<abbr title=\"Protocolo de Internet\">IP</"
-#~ "abbr>, netmask, servidor-<abbr title=\"Sistema de Nomes de Domínios"
-#~ "\">DNS</abbr>, ...)."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You can run several wifi networks with one device. Be aware that there "
-#~ "are certain hardware and driverspecific restrictions. Normally you can "
-#~ "operate 1 Ad-Hoc or up to 3 Master-Mode and 1 Client-Mode network "
-#~ "simultaneously."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Pode servir várias redes wifi com o mesmo dispositivo. Esteja ciente de "
-#~ "que existem certas restrições específicas do hardware e do controlador. "
-#~ "Pode normalmente operar 1 rede Ad-Hoc ou até 3 redes AP e 1 Cliente "
-#~ "simultaneamente."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE or \"pptp\" for PPtP "
-#~ "support"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Precisa de instalar os pacotes \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" para PPPoE ou \"pptp\" "
-#~ "para o suporte PPtP"
-#~ msgid "Zone"
-#~ msgstr "Zona"
-#~ msgid "additional hostfile"
-#~ msgstr "ficheiro de hosts adicional"
-#~ msgid "adds domain names to hostentries in the resolv file"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Adiciona os nomes dos domínios às entradas de hosts no arquivo resolv.conf"
-#~ msgid "automatically reconnect"
-#~ msgstr "ligação automática"
-#~ msgid "concurrent queries"
-#~ msgstr "Consultas simultâneas"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "disable <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "for this interface"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "desabilitar <abbr title=\"Protocolo de Configuração Dinâmica de Hosts"
-#~ "\">DHCP</abbr> para esta interface"
-#~ msgid "disconnect when idle for"
-#~ msgstr "desligar quando ocioso por"
-#~ msgid "don't cache unknown"
-#~ msgstr "Não fazer cache de desconhecidos"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "filter useless <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-queries of "
-#~ "Windows-systems"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Filtro de consultas inuteis-<abbr title=\"Sistema de Nomes de Domínios"
-#~ "\">DNS</abbr> de sistemas windows"
-#~ msgid "installed"
-#~ msgstr "instalado"
-#~ msgid "localises the hostname depending on its subnet"
-#~ msgstr "Localizar o hostname dependendo de sua sub-rede"
-#~ msgid "not installed"
-#~ msgstr "não instalado"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "prevents caching of negative <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</"
-#~ "abbr>-replies"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Impede o cache de respostas-<abbr title=\"Sistema de Nomes de Domínios"
-#~ "\">DNS</abbr> negativas"
-#~ msgid "query port"
-#~ msgstr "porta para consultas"
-#~ msgid "transmitted / received"
-#~ msgstr "transmitido / recebido"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Join network"
-#~ msgstr "redes contidas"
-#~ msgid "all"
-#~ msgstr "todos"
-#~ msgid "Code"
-#~ msgstr "Código"
-#~ msgid "Distance"
-#~ msgstr "Distância"
-#~ msgid "Legend"
-#~ msgstr "Legenda"
-#~ msgid "Library"
-#~ msgstr "Biblioteca"
-#~ msgid "see '%s' manpage"
-#~ msgstr "veja sobre &#39;%s&#39; na página de manual (man)"
-#~ msgid "Package Manager"
-#~ msgstr "Gestor de Pacotes"
-#~ msgid "Service"
-#~ msgstr "Serviço"
+#~ msgid "CPU"
+#~ msgstr "CPU"
-#~ msgid "Statistics"
-#~ msgstr "Estatísticas"
+#~ msgid "Port %d"
+#~ msgstr "Porta %d"
-#~ msgid "zone"
-#~ msgstr "Zona"
+#~ msgid "VLAN Interface"
+#~ msgstr "Interface VLAN"
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/po/ro/base.po b/modules/luci-base/po/ro/base.po
index 3c07360d0e..73f9fb19f2 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/po/ro/base.po
+++ b/modules/luci-base/po/ro/base.po
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ msgstr ""
"20)) ? 1 : 2);;\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.0.6\n"
+msgid "%s is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+msgstr ""
msgid "(%d minute window, %d second interval)"
msgstr "(%d fereastra minute, %d interval secunde)"
@@ -238,6 +241,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Alert"
msgstr "Alerta"
+msgid ""
+"Allocate IP addresses sequentially, starting from the lowest available "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Allocate IP sequentially"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
msgstr ""
"Permite autentificarea prin parola a <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> "
@@ -518,9 +529,6 @@ msgstr "Butoane"
msgid "CA certificate; if empty it will be saved after the first connection."
msgstr ""
-msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "Procesor"
msgid "CPU usage (%)"
msgstr "Utilizarea procesorului (%)"
@@ -1024,6 +1032,9 @@ msgstr "Server de log-uri extern"
msgid "External system log server port"
msgstr "Portul serverului de log-uri extern"
+msgid "External system log server protocol"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Extra SSH command options"
msgstr ""
@@ -1714,6 +1725,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "MB/s"
msgstr ""
+msgid "MD5"
+msgstr ""
msgid "MHz"
msgstr ""
@@ -2205,12 +2219,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Port"
-msgid "Port %d"
-msgstr "Port %d"
-msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
-msgstr ""
msgid "Port status:"
msgstr "Stare port:"
@@ -2490,6 +2498,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Run filesystem check"
msgstr ""
+msgid "SHA256"
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"SIXXS supports TIC only, for static tunnels using IP protocol 41 (RFC4213) "
"use 6in4 instead"
@@ -2629,6 +2640,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Software"
msgstr "Software"
+msgid "Software VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!"
msgstr ""
@@ -2720,6 +2734,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Trimite"
+msgid "Suppress logging"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging of the routine operation of these protocols"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Swap"
msgstr ""
@@ -2735,6 +2755,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Switch %q (%s)"
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Switch %q has an unknown topology - the VLAN settings might not be accurate."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Switch VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Switch protocol"
msgstr ""
@@ -3181,9 +3208,6 @@ msgstr "VC-Mux"
msgid "VDSL"
msgstr ""
-msgid "VLAN Interface"
-msgstr "Interfata VLAN"
msgid "VLANs on %q"
msgstr "VLANuri pe %q"
@@ -3279,9 +3303,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Wifi"
-msgstr "Wifi"
msgid "Wireless"
msgstr "Wireless"
@@ -3318,6 +3339,9 @@ msgstr "Wireless-ul oprit"
msgid "Write received DNS requests to syslog"
msgstr "Scrie cererile DNS primite in syslog"
+msgid "Write system log to file"
+msgstr ""
msgid "XR Support"
msgstr "Suport XR"
@@ -3492,255 +3516,11 @@ msgstr "da"
msgid "« Back"
msgstr "« Inapoi"
-#~ msgid "Delete this interface"
-#~ msgstr "Sterge aceasta interfata"
-#~ msgid "Rule #"
-#~ msgstr "Regula #"
-#~ msgid "Please wait: Device rebooting..."
-#~ msgstr "Asteapta: dispozitivul se restarteaza.."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Warning: There are unsaved changes that will be lost while rebooting!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Atentie: exista modificari nesalvate care vor fi pierdute la restart !"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Always use 40MHz channels even if the secondary channel overlaps. Using "
-#~ "this option does not comply with IEEE 802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Intotdeauna foloseste canalul de 40MHz chiar daca canalul secundar da "
-#~ "rateu. Folosirea acestei optiuni nu este compatibila cu IEEE 802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgid "Cached"
-#~ msgstr "Asimilat"
-#~ msgid "Use as root filesystem"
-#~ msgstr "Foloseste ca sistem de fisiere primar"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel above"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz 2 canale de mai jos"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel below"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz 2 canale de mai sus"
-#~ msgid "Accept router advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "Accepta anunturile routerului"
-#~ msgid "Advertise IPv6 on network"
-#~ msgstr "Anunta IPv6 in retea"
-#~ msgid "Advertised network ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID-ul retelei anuntate"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to 65535"
-#~ msgstr "Plaja permisa este de la 1 la 65535"
-#~ msgid "HT capabilities"
-#~ msgstr "Capabilitati HT"
-#~ msgid "HT mode"
-#~ msgstr "Mod HT"
-#~ msgid "Router Model"
-#~ msgstr "Modelul routerului"
-#~ msgid "Router Name"
-#~ msgstr "Numele routerului"
-#~ msgid "Waiting for router..."
-#~ msgstr "Asteptam dupa router.."
-#~ msgid "Active Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Conexiuni dhcp active"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Apply"
-#~ msgstr "Configurare / Aplica"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Changes"
-#~ msgstr "Configurare / Schimbari"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Revert"
-#~ msgstr "Configurare / Anuleaza schimbarile"
-#~ msgid "Create Network"
-#~ msgstr "Creaza retea"
-#~ msgid "Networks"
-#~ msgstr "Retele"
-#~ msgid "Wifi networks in your local environment"
-#~ msgstr "Retele wireless in apropiere"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Address"
-#~ msgstr "Adresa <abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "IP-Aliases"
-#~ msgstr "Aliasuri IP"
-#~ msgid "IPv6 Setup"
-#~ msgstr "Setarea IPv6"
-#~ msgid "Detected Files"
-#~ msgstr "Fisiere detectate"
-#~ msgid "Detected files"
-#~ msgstr "Fisiere detectate"
-#~ msgid "Files to be kept when flashing a new firmware"
-#~ msgstr "Fisiere de pastrat cand se rescrie firmware-ul"
-#~ msgid "General"
-#~ msgstr "General"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can customize the settings and the functionality of <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aici poti configura setarile si functionalitatea interfetei web <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgid "Web <abbr title=\"User Interface\">UI</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"User Interface\">Interfata</abbr> web"
-#~ msgid "Additional pppd options"
-#~ msgstr "Optiuni aditionale pentru pppd"
-#~ msgid "Automatic Disconnect"
-#~ msgstr "Deconectare automata"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Configure the local DNS server to use the name servers adverticed by the "
-#~ "PPP peer"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Configureaza serverul local de DNS sa foloseasca serverele de domeniu "
-#~ "anuntate la conexiunea PPP"
-#~ msgid "Connect script"
-#~ msgstr "Script de conectare"
-#~ msgid "Default"
-#~ msgstr "Implicit"
-#~ msgid "Disconnect script"
-#~ msgstr "Script pentru deconectare"
-#~ msgid "Edit package lists and installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "Editeaza lista de pachete si destinatiile de instalare"
-#~ msgid "Enable 4K VLANs"
-#~ msgstr "Activeaza 4 mii de VLAN-uri"
-#~ msgid "Enable IPv6 on PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "Activeaza IPv6 pe legatura PPP"
-#~ msgid "Firmware image"
-#~ msgstr "Imaginea de firmware"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can backup and restore your router configuration and - if "
-#~ "possible - reset the router to the default settings."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aici poti face backup si restore la configuratia routerului si daca e "
-#~ "posibil chiar resetarea routerului la modul implicit."
-#~ msgid "Keep configuration files"
-#~ msgstr "Pastreaza fisierele de configurare"
-#~ msgid "Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgid "Kernel"
-#~ msgstr "Kernel"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Let pppd replace the current default route to use the PPP interface after "
-#~ "successful connect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "PPPD va inlocui ruta default cu cea oferita de interfata PPP dupa "
-#~ "conectarea cu succes"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script after establishing the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "PPPD va rula acest script dupa stabilirea conexiunii PPP"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script before tearing down the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "PPPD va rula acest script inainte sa inchida conexiunea PPP"
-#~ msgid "Number of failed connection tests to initiate automatic reconnect"
-#~ msgstr "Numarul de teste de conexiune esuate pentru a reconecta"
-#~ msgid "Override Gateway"
-#~ msgstr "Suprascrie gateway"
-#~ msgid "PIN code"
-#~ msgstr "Codul PIN"
-#~ msgid "PPP Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Setari PPP"
-#~ msgid "Package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Lista de pachete"
-#~ msgid "Proceed reverting all settings and resetting to firmware defaults?"
-#~ msgstr "Continua anuland toate modificarile facute si resetand la default?"
-#~ msgid "Processor"
+#~ msgid "CPU"
#~ msgstr "Procesor"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Port"
-#~ msgstr "Portul radiusului"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Serverul radius"
-#~ msgid "Replace default route"
-#~ msgstr "Inlocuieste ruta default"
-#~ msgid "Reset router to defaults"
-#~ msgstr "Reseteaza routerul la default"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Seconds to wait for the modem to become ready before attempting to connect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Numarul de secunde de asteptat ca modemul sa devine pregatit inainte de "
-#~ "conectare"
-#~ msgid "Send Router Solicitiations"
-#~ msgstr "Trimite solicitari de Router"
-#~ msgid "Server IPv4-Address"
-#~ msgstr "Adresa IPv4 a serverului"
-#~ msgid "Service type"
-#~ msgstr "Tipul de serviciu"
-#~ msgid "Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Setari"
-#~ msgid "TTL"
-#~ msgstr "TTL"
-#~ msgid "Tunnel Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Setarile de tunel"
-#~ msgid "Update package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Updateaza lista de pachete"
-#~ msgid "Upload an OpenWrt image file to reflash the device."
-#~ msgstr "Uploadeaza o imagine OpenWRT pentru rescrierea firmware-ului."
-#~ msgid "Upload image"
-#~ msgstr "Uploadeaza firmware"
-#~ msgid "Use peer DNS"
-#~ msgstr "Foloseste DNS-urile primite pe conexiune"
-#~ msgid "VLAN %d"
-#~ msgstr "VLAN %d"
-#~ msgid "back"
-#~ msgstr "inapoi"
+#~ msgid "Port %d"
+#~ msgstr "Port %d"
-#~ msgid "static"
-#~ msgstr "static"
+#~ msgid "VLAN Interface"
+#~ msgstr "Interfata VLAN"
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/po/ru/base.po b/modules/luci-base/po/ru/base.po
index 348e578a77..34dde6bb10 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/po/ru/base.po
+++ b/modules/luci-base/po/ru/base.po
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.0.6\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
+msgid "%s is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+msgstr ""
msgid "(%d minute window, %d second interval)"
msgstr "(%d минутное окно, %d секундный интервал)"
@@ -248,6 +251,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Alert"
msgstr "Тревожная ситуация"
+msgid ""
+"Allocate IP addresses sequentially, starting from the lowest available "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Allocate IP sequentially"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
msgstr ""
"Разрешить <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-аутентификацию с помощью "
@@ -534,9 +545,6 @@ msgstr "Кнопки"
msgid "CA certificate; if empty it will be saved after the first connection."
msgstr ""
-msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "ЦП"
msgid "CPU usage (%)"
msgstr "Загрузка ЦП (%)"
@@ -1072,6 +1080,9 @@ msgstr "Сервер системного журнала"
msgid "External system log server port"
msgstr "Порт сервера системного журнала"
+msgid "External system log server protocol"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Extra SSH command options"
msgstr ""
@@ -1786,6 +1797,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "MB/s"
msgstr "МБ/с"
+msgid "MD5"
+msgstr ""
msgid "MHz"
msgstr "МГц"
@@ -2288,12 +2302,6 @@ msgstr "Политика"
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Порт"
-msgid "Port %d"
-msgstr "Порт %d"
-msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
-msgstr "Порт %d нетегирован в нескольких VLANах!"
msgid "Port status:"
msgstr "Состояние порта:"
@@ -2589,6 +2597,9 @@ msgstr "Проверять файловую систему перед монти
msgid "Run filesystem check"
msgstr "Проверять файловую систему"
+msgid "SHA256"
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"SIXXS supports TIC only, for static tunnels using IP protocol 41 (RFC4213) "
"use 6in4 instead"
@@ -2730,6 +2741,9 @@ msgstr "Время слота"
msgid "Software"
msgstr "Программное обеспечение"
+msgid "Software VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!"
msgstr "Некоторые значения полей недопустимы, невозможно сохранить информацию!"
@@ -2831,6 +2845,12 @@ msgstr "Строгий порядок"
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Применить"
+msgid "Suppress logging"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging of the routine operation of these protocols"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Swap"
msgstr ""
@@ -2846,6 +2866,13 @@ msgstr "Коммутатор %q"
msgid "Switch %q (%s)"
msgstr "Коммутатор %q (%s)"
+msgid ""
+"Switch %q has an unknown topology - the VLAN settings might not be accurate."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Switch VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Switch protocol"
msgstr "Изменить протокол"
@@ -3355,9 +3382,6 @@ msgstr "VC-Mux"
msgid "VDSL"
msgstr ""
-msgid "VLAN Interface"
-msgstr "Интерфейс VLAN"
msgid "VLANs on %q"
msgstr "VLANы на %q"
@@ -3454,9 +3478,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Wifi"
-msgstr "Wi-Fi"
msgid "Wireless"
msgstr "Wi-Fi"
@@ -3493,6 +3514,9 @@ msgstr "Выключение беспроводной сети"
msgid "Write received DNS requests to syslog"
msgstr "Записывать полученные DNS-запросы в системный журнал"
+msgid "Write system log to file"
+msgstr ""
msgid "XR Support"
msgstr "Поддержка XR"
@@ -3677,1041 +3701,14 @@ msgstr "да"
msgid "« Back"
msgstr "« Назад"
-#~ msgid "Delete this interface"
-#~ msgstr "Удалить этот интерфейс"
-#~ msgid "Flags"
-#~ msgstr "Флаги"
-#~ msgid "Rule #"
-#~ msgstr "Правило №"
-#~ msgid "Ignore Hosts files"
-#~ msgstr "Игнорировать файлы hosts"
-#~ msgid "Path"
-#~ msgstr "Путь"
-#~ msgid "Please wait: Device rebooting..."
-#~ msgstr "Пожалуйста подождите: устройство перезагружается..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Warning: There are unsaved changes that will be lost while rebooting!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Внимание: есть несохранённые изменения, которые потеряются после "
-#~ "перезагрузки!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Always use 40MHz channels even if the secondary channel overlaps. Using "
-#~ "this option does not comply with IEEE 802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Всегда использовать ширину каналов 40 МГц, даже если каналы "
-#~ "перекрываются. Использование этой опции не совместимо со стандартом IEEE "
-#~ "802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgid "Cached"
-#~ msgstr "Кэшировано"
-#~ msgid "Configures this mount as overlay storage for block-extroot"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Использовать эту точку монтирования в качестве overlay-хранилища для "
-#~ "block-extroot"
-#~ msgid "Force 40MHz mode"
-#~ msgstr "Принудительно установить режим 40 МГц ширины канала"
-#~ msgid "Frequency Hopping"
-#~ msgstr "Скачкообразная перестройка частоты"
-#~ msgid "Locked to channel %d used by %s"
-#~ msgstr "Привязка к каналу %d, используемому %s"
-#~ msgid "Use as root filesystem"
-#~ msgstr "Использовать в качестве корневой файловой системы"
-#~ msgid " user ID"
-#~ msgstr "Идентификатор пользователя"
-#~ msgid "This is the 32 byte hex encoded user ID, not the login name"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Это 32-байтный шестнадцатиричный идентификатор пользователя, не имя входа"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel above"
-#~ msgstr "Второй 40МГц канал сверху"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel below"
-#~ msgstr "Второй 40МГц канал снизу"
-#~ msgid "Accept router advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "Принимать извещения маршрутизатора"
-#~ msgid "Advertise IPv6 on network"
-#~ msgstr "Извещать об IPv6 в сети"
-#~ msgid "Advertised network ID"
-#~ msgstr "Идентификатор сети"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to 65535"
-#~ msgstr "Допустимый диапазон от 1 до 65535"
-#~ msgid "HT capabilities"
-#~ msgstr "Возможности HT"
-#~ msgid "HT mode"
-#~ msgstr "Режим HT"
-#~ msgid "Router Model"
-#~ msgstr "Модель маршрутизатора"
-#~ msgid "Router Name"
-#~ msgstr "Название маршрутизатора"
-#~ msgid "Send router solicitations"
-#~ msgstr "Отправлять извещения маршрутизатора"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised preferred prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr "Анонсируемое предпочитаемое время жизни префикса (сек.)"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised valid prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr "Анонсируемое действительное время жизни префикса (сек.)"
-#~ msgid "Use preferred lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "Использовать предпочитаемое время жизни"
-#~ msgid "Use valid lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "Использовать действительное время жизни"
-#~ msgid "Waiting for router..."
-#~ msgstr "Ожидание маршрутизатора..."
-#~ msgid "Enable builtin NTP server"
-#~ msgstr "Включить встроенный NTP-сервер"
-#~ msgid "Active Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Активные аренды"
-#~ msgid "Open"
-#~ msgstr "Открыть"
-#~ msgid "KB"
-#~ msgstr "KB"
-#~ msgid "Bit Rate"
-#~ msgstr "Скорость передачи в битах"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Apply"
-#~ msgstr "Конфигурация / Применить"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Changes"
-#~ msgstr "Конфигурация / Изменения"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Revert"
-#~ msgstr "Конфигурация / Обратить изменения"
-#~ msgid "MAC"
-#~ msgstr "MAC"
-#~ msgid "MAC Address"
-#~ msgstr "MAC Адрес"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">Encr.</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Зашифрованно\">Шифрование</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-Scan"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Беспроводная локальная сеть\">WLAN</abbr>-Сканирование"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Choose the network you want to attach to this wireless interface. Select "
-#~ "<em>unspecified</em> to not attach any network or fill out the "
-#~ "<em>create</em> field to define a new network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Укажите сеть, которую вы хотите прикрепить к этому беспроводному "
-#~ "интерфейсу. Выберите <em>не определено</em> чтобы не прикреплять сеть или "
-#~ "заполните поле <em>создать</em> чтобы определить новую сеть."
-#~ msgid "Create Network"
-#~ msgstr "Создать сеть"
-#~ msgid "Link"
-#~ msgstr "Соединение"
-#~ msgid "Networks"
-#~ msgstr "Сети"
-#~ msgid "Power"
-#~ msgstr "Мощность"
-#~ msgid "Wifi networks in your local environment"
-#~ msgstr "Обзор существующих Wi-Fi сетей"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>-Notation: "
-#~ "address/prefix"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Беcклассовая адресация\">CIDR</abbr>-Обозначение: адрес/"
-#~ "префикс"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Служба Доменных Имён\">DNS</abbr>-Сервер"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Broadcast"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Интернет протокол версии 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Широковещательный"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Address"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Интернет протокол версии 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Адрес"
-#~ msgid "IP-Aliases"
-#~ msgstr "IP псевдонимы"
-#~ msgid "IPv6 Setup"
-#~ msgstr "Установки IPv6"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Note: If you choose an interface here which is part of another network, "
-#~ "it will be moved into this network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Заметка: Если здесь вы выберете интерфейс, который является частью другой "
-#~ "сети, то он будет перемещен в эту сеть."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really delete this interface? The deletion cannot be undone!\\nYou might "
-#~ "lose access to this router if you are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Вы действительно хотите удалить этот интерфейс? Удаление невозможно "
-#~ "отменить!\\nВы можете потерять доступ к этому маршрутизатору, если ваш "
-#~ "компьютер подключен через этот интерфейс."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really delete this wireless network? The deletion cannot be undone!\\nYou "
-#~ "might lose access to this router if you are connected via this network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Вы действительно хотите удалить эту беспроводную сеть? Удаление "
-#~ "невозможно отменить!\\nВы можете потерять доступ к этому маршрутизатору, "
-#~ "если ваш компьютер подключен через этот интерфейс."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really shutdown interface \"%s\" ?\\nYou might lose access to this router "
-#~ "if you are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Вы действительно хотите выключить интерфейс \"%s\" ?\\nВы можете потерять "
-#~ "доступ к этому маршрутизатору, если ваш компьютер подключен через этот "
-#~ "интерфейс."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really shutdown network ?\\nYou might lose access to this router if you "
-#~ "are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Вы действительно хотите выключить сеть?\\nВы можете поторять соединения с "
-#~ "данным маршрутизатором при использовании этого интерфейса."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The network ports on your router can be combined to several <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s in which computers can "
-#~ "communicate directly with each other. <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area "
-#~ "Network\">VLAN</abbr>s are often used to separate different network "
-#~ "segments. Often there is by default one Uplink port for a connection to "
-#~ "the next greater network like the internet and other ports for a local "
-#~ "network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Сетевые порты на вашем маршрутизаторе могут быть объединены в несколько "
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Виртуальные локальные сети\">VLAN</abbr>&#32;ов, в которых "
-#~ "компьютеры могут напрямую общаться друг с другом. <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Виртуальные локальные сети\">VLAN</abbr>&#32;ы часто используются для "
-#~ "разделения сети на разные сегменты. Обычно один исходящий порт "
-#~ "используется для соединения с другой сетью, такой например, как интернет, "
-#~ "а остальные порты используются для локальной сети."
-#~ msgid "Enable buffering"
-#~ msgstr "Включить буферизацию"
-#~ msgid "IPv6-over-IPv4"
-#~ msgstr "IPv6 через IPv4"
-#~ msgid "Custom Files"
-#~ msgstr "Пользовательские файлы"
-#~ msgid "Custom files"
-#~ msgstr "Пользовательские файлы"
-#~ msgid "Detected Files"
-#~ msgstr "Найденные файлы"
-#~ msgid "Detected files"
-#~ msgstr "Найденные файлы"
-#~ msgid "Files to be kept when flashing a new firmware"
-#~ msgstr "Файлы которые необходимо сохранить при обновлении прошивки"
-#~ msgid "General"
-#~ msgstr "Основные"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can customize the settings and the functionality of <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Здесь вы можете изменить настройки и функциональность <abbr title=\"Lua "
-#~ "Конфигурационный Интерфейс\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgid "Post-commit actions"
-#~ msgstr "Запуск команд"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The following files are detected by the system and will be kept "
-#~ "automatically during sysupgrade"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Эти файлы были найдены системой и будут автоматически сохранены во время "
-#~ "обновления прошивки"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "These commands will be executed automatically when a given <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Unified Configuration Interface\">UCI</abbr> configuration is committed "
-#~ "allowing changes to be applied instantly."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Эти команды будут запущенны автоматически когда данная <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Единый Конфигурационный Интерфейс\">UCI</abbr> конфигурация добавлена и "
-#~ "изменения будут приняты."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This is a list of shell glob patterns for matching files and directories "
-#~ "to include during sysupgrade"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Это список дополнительных файлов и директорий (допустимо использование "
-#~ "регулярных выражений) которые будут сохранены во время обновления прошивки"
-#~ msgid "Web <abbr title=\"User Interface\">UI</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "Web <abbr title=\"Интерфейс пользователя\">UI</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Туннельный протокол типа точка-точка\">PPTP</abbr>-Сервер"
-#~ msgid "AHCP Settings"
-#~ msgstr "AHCP Настройки"
-#~ msgid "ARP ping retries"
-#~ msgstr "Количество ARP попыток"
-#~ msgid "ATM Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Настройки ATM"
-#~ msgid "Access point (APN)"
-#~ msgstr "Точка доступа (APN)"
-#~ msgid "Additional pppd options"
-#~ msgstr "Дополнительные настройки pppd"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to FFFF"
-#~ msgstr "Разрешен диапазон от 1 до FFFF"
-#~ msgid "Automatic Disconnect"
-#~ msgstr "Автоматическое разъединение"
-#~ msgid "Backup Archive"
-#~ msgstr "Резервная копия"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Configure the local DNS server to use the name servers adverticed by the "
-#~ "PPP peer"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Настроить локальный DNS сервер таким образом, чтобы он использовал DNS "
-#~ "серверы полученные от PPP пира"
-#~ msgid "Connect script"
-#~ msgstr "Скрипт подключения"
-#~ msgid "Create backup"
-#~ msgstr "Создать резервную копию"
-#~ msgid "Default"
-#~ msgstr "По умолчанию"
-#~ msgid "Disconnect script"
-#~ msgstr "Скрипт разъединения"
-#~ msgid "Edit package lists and installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "Изменить список пакетов и путей установки"
-#~ msgid "Enable 4K VLANs"
-#~ msgstr "Включить 4K VLANы"
-#~ msgid "Enable IPv6 on PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "Активировать IPv6 в PPP соединении"
-#~ msgid "Firmware image"
-#~ msgstr "Прошивка"
-#~ msgid "Forward DHCP"
-#~ msgstr "Перенаправлять DHCP"
-#~ msgid "Forward broadcasts"
-#~ msgstr "Перенаправлять широковещательные сообщения"
-#~ msgid " Tunnel ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID Туннеля"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can backup and restore your router configuration and - if "
-#~ "possible - reset the router to the default settings."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Здесь вы можете сделать резервную копию и восстановить конфигурацию "
-#~ "вашего маршрутизатора, если это возможно, или установить настройки по "
-#~ "умолчанию."
-#~ msgid "Installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "Путь установки"
-#~ msgid "Keep configuration files"
-#~ msgstr "Сохранить конфигурационные файлы"
-#~ msgid "Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgid "Kernel"
-#~ msgstr "Ядро"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Let pppd replace the current default route to use the PPP interface after "
-#~ "successful connect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Позволить pppd после успешного соединения изменить маршрут по умолчанию "
-#~ "для использования PPP интерфейса"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script after establishing the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "Позволить pppd запустить скрипт после установления PPP соединения"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script before tearing down the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "Позволить pppd запустить скрипт до установления PPP соединения"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Make sure that you provide the correct pin code here or you might lock "
-#~ "your sim card!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Удостоверьтесь, что вы ввели корректный пин код, иначе вы можете "
-#~ "заблокировать вашу сим карту!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Most of them are network servers, that offer a certain service for your "
-#~ "device or network like shell access, serving webpages like <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>, doing mesh routing, sending "
-#~ "e-mails, ..."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Большинство из них сетевые серверы, которые выполняют определённые задачи "
-#~ "для ваших устройств или сетей наподобие shell-доступа, web-страниц таких "
-#~ "как <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>, выполняют "
-#~ "mesh-маршрутизацию, отправляют письма , ..."
-#~ msgid "Number of failed connection tests to initiate automatic reconnect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Количество неудачных соединений для инициализации переподсоединения к "
-#~ "серверу"
-#~ msgid "Override Gateway"
-#~ msgstr "Переопределение шлюза"
-#~ msgid "PIN code"
-#~ msgstr "PIN код"
-#~ msgid "PPP Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Настройки PPP"
-#~ msgid "Package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Список пакетов"
-#~ msgid "Port PVIDs on %q"
-#~ msgstr "PVIDы порта на %q"
-#~ msgid "Proceed reverting all settings and resetting to firmware defaults?"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Перейти к возврашению всех настроек и установить настройки по умолчанию?"
-#~ msgid "Processor"
-#~ msgstr "Процессор"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Port"
-#~ msgstr "Radius-Порт"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Radius-Сервер"
-#~ msgid "Replace default route"
-#~ msgstr "Заменить маршрут по умолчанию"
-#~ msgid "Reset router to defaults"
-#~ msgstr "Сбросить маршрутизатор к настройкам по умолчанию"
-#~ msgid "Routing table ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID таблицы маршрутизации"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Seconds to wait for the modem to become ready before attempting to connect"
-#~ msgstr "Таймаут в секундах перед попыткой соединения"
-#~ msgid "Server IPv4-Address"
-#~ msgstr "IPv4-Адрес сервера"
-#~ msgid "Service type"
-#~ msgstr "Тип службы"
-#~ msgid "Services and daemons perform certain tasks on your device."
-#~ msgstr "Сервисы и демоны выполняют определённые задачи на вашем устройстве."
-#~ msgid "Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Настройки"
-#~ msgid "Setup wait time"
-#~ msgstr "Установить время ожидания"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Sorry. OpenWrt does not support a system upgrade on this platform.<br /> "
-#~ "You need to manually flash your device."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Извините. OpenWrt не поддерживает обновление прошивки на данном "
-#~ "устройстве.<br /> Вам необходимо вручную обновить прошивку."
-#~ msgid "Specify additional command line arguments for pppd here"
-#~ msgstr "Укажите дополнительные аргументы pppd"
-#~ msgid "TTL"
-#~ msgstr "TTL"
-#~ msgid "The device node of your modem, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgstr "Файл устройства вашего модема, например /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgid "Time (in seconds) after which an unused connection will be closed"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Время (в сек.) после которого неиспользованное соединение будет закрыто"
-#~ msgid "Time Server (rdate)"
-#~ msgstr "Серверы синхронизации времени (rdate)"
-#~ msgid "Tunnel Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Настройки туннелирования"
-#~ msgid "Update package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Обновить список пакетов"
-#~ msgid "Upload an OpenWrt image file to reflash the device."
-#~ msgstr "Загрузите образ OpenWRT чтобы обновить прошивку устройства."
-#~ msgid "Upload image"
-#~ msgstr "Загрузить образ"
-#~ msgid "Use peer DNS"
-#~ msgstr "Использовать DNS пиров"
-#~ msgid "VLAN %d"
-#~ msgstr "VLAN %d"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You can specify multiple DNS servers here, press enter to add a new "
-#~ "entry. Servers entered here will override automatically assigned ones."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Вы можете указать несколько DNS серверов, нажмите Enter чтобы добавить "
-#~ "новую запись. Введенные серверы переопределят адреса, назначенные "
-#~ "автоматически."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"comgt\" for UMTS/GPRS, \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE, "
-#~ "\"ppp-mod-pppoa\" for PPPoA or \"pptp\" for PPtP support"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Вам необходимо установить \"comgt\" для поддержки UMTS/GPRS, \"ppp-mod-"
-#~ "pppoe\" для PPPoE, \"ppp-mod-pppoa\" для PPPoA и \"pptp\" для PPtP"
-#~ msgid "back"
-#~ msgstr "назад"
-#~ msgid "buffered"
-#~ msgstr "буфферизовано"
-#~ msgid "cached"
-#~ msgstr "кэшировано"
-#~ msgid "free"
-#~ msgstr "свободно"
-#~ msgid "static"
-#~ msgstr "статический"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a collection "
-#~ "of free Lua software including an <abbr title=\"Model-View-Controller"
-#~ "\">MVC</abbr>-Webframework and webinterface for embedded devices. <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is licensed under the "
-#~ "Apache-License."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Конфигурационный Интерфейс\">LuCI</abbr> это свободное "
-#~ "Lua програмное обеспечение включая <abbr title=\"Model-View-Controller"
-#~ "\">MVC</abbr>-Вебфреймворк и веб интерфейс встраиваемый в устройства. "
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Конфигурационный Интерфейс\">LuCI</abbr> "
-#~ "распространяется под лицензией Apache-License."
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Ключи"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A lightweight HTTP/1.1 webserver written in C and Lua designed to serve "
-#~ "LuCI"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Простой HTTP/1.1 веб-сервер для LuCI, реализованный на \"Си\" и \"Lua\""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A small webserver which can be used to serve <abbr title=\"Lua "
-#~ "Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Маленький веб-сервер, служащий для предоставления <abbr title=\"Lua "
-#~ "Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgid "About"
-#~ msgstr "О программе"
-#~ msgid "Active IP Connections"
-#~ msgstr "Активные IP соединения"
-#~ msgid "Addresses"
-#~ msgstr "Адреса"
-#~ msgid "Admin Password"
-#~ msgstr "Пароль администратора"
-#~ msgid "Alias"
-#~ msgstr "Псевдоним"
-#~ msgid "Authentication Realm"
-#~ msgstr "Аутентификационная область"
-#~ msgid "Bridge Port"
-#~ msgstr "Порт моста"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Change the password of the system administrator (User <code>root</code>)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Изменение пароля системного администратора (Пользователь <code>root</"
-#~ "code>)"
-#~ msgid "Client + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "Клиент + WDS"
-#~ msgid "Configuration file"
-#~ msgstr "Файл конфигурации"
-#~ msgid "Connection timeout"
-#~ msgstr "Таймаут подключения"
-#~ msgid "Contributing Developers"
-#~ msgstr "Помогавшие в разработке"
-#~ msgid "DHCP assigned"
-#~ msgstr "Присвоенный DHCP"
-#~ msgid "Document root"
-#~ msgstr "Корневая папка"
-#~ msgid "Enable Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "Включить Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgid "Enable device"
-#~ msgstr "Включить устройство"
-#~ msgid "Ethernet Bridge"
-#~ msgstr "Ethernet Мост"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can paste public <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys "
-#~ "(one per line) for <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> public-key "
-#~ "authentication."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Здесь вы можете указать публичный <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-"
-#~ "Ключ (один на строку) для <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> "
-#~ "публичной-ключевой аутентификации."
-#~ msgid "ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID"
-#~ msgid "IP Configuration"
-#~ msgstr "IP Конфигурация"
-#~ msgid "Interface Status"
-#~ msgstr "Статус интерфейса"
-#~ msgid "Lead Development"
-#~ msgstr "Ведущие разработчики"
-#~ msgid "No address configured on this interface."
-#~ msgstr "На этом интерфейсе не сконфигурирован адрес."
-#~ msgid "Not configured"
-#~ msgstr "Не настроенный"
-#~ msgid "Password successfully changed"
-#~ msgstr "Пароль успешно изменён"
-#~ msgid "Plugin path"
-#~ msgstr "Путь к плагину"
-#~ msgid "Ports"
-#~ msgstr "Порты"
-#~ msgid "Primary"
-#~ msgstr "Первичный"
-#~ msgid "Project Homepage"
-#~ msgstr "Домашняя страница проекта"
-#~ msgid "Pseudo Ad-Hoc"
-#~ msgstr "Псевдо Ad-Hoc"
-#~ msgid "STP"
-#~ msgstr "STP"
-#~ msgid "Thanks To"
-#~ msgstr "Благодаря"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The realm which will be displayed at the authentication prompt for "
-#~ "protected pages."
-#~ msgstr "Что будет показано при авторизации на защищённых страницах."
-#~ msgid "Unknown Error"
-#~ msgstr "Неизвестная ошибка"
-#~ msgid "VLAN"
-#~ msgstr "VLAN"
-#~ msgid "defaults to <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgstr "по умолчанию <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgid "Enable this switch"
-#~ msgstr "Включить этот сетевой коммутатор"
-#~ msgid "OPKG error code %i"
-#~ msgstr "Код ошибки OPKG %i"
-#~ msgid "Package lists updated"
-#~ msgstr "Список пакетов обновлён"
-#~ msgid "Reset switch during setup"
-#~ msgstr "Сбросить коммутатор во время настройки"
-#~ msgid "Upgrade installed packages"
-#~ msgstr "Заменить установленные пакеты"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Also kernel or service logfiles can be viewed here to get an overview "
-#~ "over their current state."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "А так же ядра или сервисов, системный журнал может быть так же просмотрен "
-#~ "здесь для того что бы получить полный обзор текущего состояния системы."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can find information about the current system status like <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Central Processing Unit\">CPU</abbr> clock frequency, memory "
-#~ "usage or network interface data."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Здесь вы можете найти информацию о текущей статистики системы вроде "
-#~ "частоты процессора, использования памяти или сетевого интерфейса."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a free, "
-#~ "flexible, and user friendly graphical interface for configuring OpenWrt "
-#~ "Kamikaze."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Конфигурационный Интерфейс\">LuCI</abbr> свободный, "
-#~ "гибкий и дружелюбный графический интерфейс для настройки OpenWrt Kamikaze."
-#~ msgid "And now have fun with your router!"
-#~ msgstr "А теперь повеселитесь со своим роутером!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "As we always want to improve this interface we are looking forward to "
-#~ "your feedback and suggestions."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Так же мы всегда желаем улучшить этот интерфейс, мы всегда обратим "
-#~ "внимание на ваши вопросы и предложения."
-#~ msgid "Hello!"
-#~ msgstr "Добро пожаловать."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Notice: In <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> "
-#~ "changes have to be confirmed by clicking Changes - Save &amp; Apply "
-#~ "before being applied."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Внимание: В <abbr title=\"Lua Конфигурационный Интерфейс\">LuCI</abbr> "
-#~ "изменения принимаются после нажатия - Принять."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "On the following pages you can adjust all important settings of your "
-#~ "router."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "С помощью этих страниц вы можете изменить основные настройки вашего "
-#~ "роутера."
-#~ msgid "The <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> Team"
-#~ msgstr "Команда <abbr title=\"Lua Конфигурационный Интерфейс\">LuCI</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This is the administration area of <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Это зона управления <abbr title=\"Lua Конфигурационный Интерфейс\">LuCI</"
-#~ "abbr>."
-#~ msgid "User Interface"
-#~ msgstr "Пользовательский интерфейс"
-#~ msgid "enable"
-#~ msgstr "включено"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "(optional)"
-#~ msgstr " (дополнительно)"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Port"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Служба доменных имён\">DNS</abbr>-Port"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server will be queried in "
-#~ "the order of the resolvfile"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Служба доменных имён\">DNS</abbr>-Сервер будет обращаться к "
-#~ "resolvfile"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host "
-#~ "Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>-Leases"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Протокол динамической "
-#~ "конфигурации узла\">DHCP</abbr>-Leases"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Extension Mechanisms "
-#~ "for Domain Name System\">EDNS0</abbr> paket size"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Расширенный механизм "
-#~ "службы доменных имён\">EDNS0</abbr> размер пакета"
-#~ msgid "AP-Isolation"
-#~ msgstr "AP-Isolation"
-#~ msgid "Add the Wifi network to physical network"
-#~ msgstr "Добавить Wifi сеть в физическую сеть"
-#~ msgid "Aliases"
-#~ msgstr "Ссылка"
-#~ msgid "Clamp Segment Size"
-#~ msgstr "Clamp Segment Size"
-#~ msgid "Devices"
-#~ msgstr "Устройства"
-#~ msgid "Don't forward reverse lookups for local networks"
-#~ msgstr "не форвардить реверсные-днс запросы для локальной сети"
-#~ msgid "Errors"
-#~ msgstr "Ошибок"
-#~ msgid "Essentials"
-#~ msgstr "Essentials"
-#~ msgid "Expand Hosts"
-#~ msgstr "Expand Hosts"
-#~ msgid "First leased address"
-#~ msgstr "Первый арендованный адрес"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Fixes problems with unreachable websites, submitting forms or other "
-#~ "unexpected behaviour for some ISPs."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Fixes problems with unreachable websites, submitting forms or other "
-#~ "unexpected behaviour for some ISPs."
-#~ msgid "Hardware Address"
-#~ msgstr "Адрес устройства"
-#~ msgid "Here you can configure installed wifi devices."
-#~ msgstr "Здесь вы можете настроить установленные Wi-Fi устройства."
-#~ msgid "Independent (Ad-Hoc)"
-#~ msgstr "Незаыисимая (Ad-Hoc)"
-#~ msgid "Internet Connection"
-#~ msgstr "Интернет соединение"
-#~ msgid "Join (Client)"
-#~ msgstr "Присоединиться (Client)"
-#~ msgid "Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Leases"
-#~ msgid "Local Domain"
-#~ msgstr "Локальный домен"
-#~ msgid "Local Network"
-#~ msgstr "Локальная сеть"
-#~ msgid "Local Server"
-#~ msgstr "Локальный сервер"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Network Boot Image"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Служба доменных имён\">DNS</abbr>-Port"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Network Name (<abbr title=\"Extended Service Set Identifier\">ESSID</"
-#~ "abbr>)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Название сети (<abbr title=\"Расширенный идентификатор сети\">ESSID</"
-#~ "abbr>)"
-#~ msgid "Number of leased addresses"
-#~ msgstr "Количество арендованных адресов"
-#~ msgid "Perform Actions"
-#~ msgstr "Принять изменения"
-#~ msgid "Prevents Client to Client communication"
-#~ msgstr "Не позволяет клиентам обмениваться друг с другом информацией"
-#~ msgid "Provide (Access Point)"
-#~ msgstr "Обеспечивает (AP)"
-#~ msgid "Resolvfile"
-#~ msgstr "Resolvfile"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "TFTP-Server Root"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Служба доменных имён\">DNS</abbr>-Port"
-#~ msgid "TX / RX"
-#~ msgstr "Перед. / Получ."
-#~ msgid "The following changes have been applied"
-#~ msgstr "Данные изменения были приняты"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When flashing a new firmware with <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr> these files will be added to the new firmware "
-#~ "installation."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "После перепрошивки <abbr title=\"Lua Конфигурационный Интерфейс\">LuCI</"
-#~ "abbr> эти файлы будут добавлены в обновлённую систему ."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "network members can automatically receive their network settings (<abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Internet Protocol\">IP</abbr>-address, netmask, <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-server, ...)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "С помощью <abbr title=\"Протокол динамической конфигурации узла\">DHCP</"
-#~ "abbr> члены сетей могут автоматически получить такие настройки как (<abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Интернет протокол\">IP</abbr>-Адрес, сетевую маску, <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Служба доменных имён\">DNS</abbr>-имя, ...)."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You can run several wifi networks with one device. Be aware that there "
-#~ "are certain hardware and driverspecific restrictions. Normally you can "
-#~ "operate 1 Ad-Hoc or up to 3 Master-Mode and 1 Client-Mode network "
-#~ "simultaneously."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Вы можете настраивать различные wifi сети на одном устройстве. Помните "
-#~ "что есть определённые програмные и аппаратные ограничения. Нормально вы "
-#~ "можете использовать например 1 Ad-Hoc или до 3 Точек и симулированных 1 "
-#~ "Клиента."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE or \"pptp\" for PPtP "
-#~ "support"
-#~ msgstr "Ошибок"
-#~ msgid "additional hostfile"
-#~ msgstr "дополнительный hostfile"
-#~ msgid "adds domain names to hostentries in the resolv file"
-#~ msgstr "Добавлять доменные имена в хосты"
-#~ msgid "automatically reconnect"
-#~ msgstr "автоматически переподсоединятся"
-#~ msgid "concurrent queries"
-#~ msgstr "concurrent queries"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "disable <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "for this interface"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "отключить <abbr title=\"Протокол динамической конфигурации узла\">DHCP</"
-#~ "abbr> для данного интерфейса"
-#~ msgid "disconnect when idle for"
-#~ msgstr "отсоединиться когда простой для"
-#~ msgid "don't cache unknown"
-#~ msgstr "Don&#39;t cache unknown"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "filter useless <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-queries of "
-#~ "Windows-systems"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "фильтровать ненужные <abbr title=\"Служба доменных имён\">DNS</abbr>-"
-#~ "запросы Windows-систем"
-#~ msgid "installed"
-#~ msgstr "установленные"
-#~ msgid "localises the hostname depending on its subnet"
-#~ msgstr "локализировать имя хоста относящегося к данной подсети"
-#~ msgid "not installed"
-#~ msgstr "не установленно"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "prevents caching of negative <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</"
-#~ "abbr>-replies"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Запрещать кешировать негативные <abbr title=\"Служба доменных имён\">DNS</"
-#~ "abbr>-ответы"
-#~ msgid "query port"
-#~ msgstr "порт запросов"
-#~ msgid "transmitted / received"
-#~ msgstr "передано / получено"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Join network"
-#~ msgstr "Локальная сеть"
-#~ msgid "all"
-#~ msgstr "Все"
-#~ msgid "Code"
-#~ msgstr "Код"
-#~ msgid "Distance"
-#~ msgstr "Расстояние"
-#~ msgid "Legend"
-#~ msgstr "Надпись"
-#~ msgid "Library"
-#~ msgstr "Библиотека"
-#~ msgid "see '%s' manpage"
-#~ msgstr "смотрите &#39;%s&#39; руководство"
-#~ msgid "Package Manager"
-#~ msgstr "Менеджер пакетов"
+#~ msgid "CPU"
+#~ msgstr "ЦП"
-#~ msgid "Service"
-#~ msgstr "Сервис"
+#~ msgid "Port %d"
+#~ msgstr "Порт %d"
-#~ msgid "Statistics"
-#~ msgstr "Статистика"
+#~ msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+#~ msgstr "Порт %d нетегирован в нескольких VLANах!"
-#~ msgid "zone"
-#~ msgstr "Зона"
+#~ msgid "VLAN Interface"
+#~ msgstr "Интерфейс VLAN"
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/po/sk/base.po b/modules/luci-base/po/sk/base.po
index 4561d7fa16..0d87051247 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/po/sk/base.po
+++ b/modules/luci-base/po/sk/base.po
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
+msgid "%s is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+msgstr ""
msgid "(%d minute window, %d second interval)"
msgstr ""
@@ -226,6 +229,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Alert"
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Allocate IP addresses sequentially, starting from the lowest available "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Allocate IP sequentially"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
msgstr ""
@@ -503,9 +514,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "CA certificate; if empty it will be saved after the first connection."
msgstr ""
-msgid "CPU"
-msgstr ""
msgid "CPU usage (%)"
msgstr ""
@@ -1004,6 +1012,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "External system log server port"
msgstr ""
+msgid "External system log server protocol"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Extra SSH command options"
msgstr ""
@@ -1688,6 +1699,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "MB/s"
msgstr ""
+msgid "MD5"
+msgstr ""
msgid "MHz"
msgstr ""
@@ -2179,12 +2193,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Port"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Port %d"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
-msgstr ""
msgid "Port status:"
msgstr ""
@@ -2462,6 +2470,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Run filesystem check"
msgstr ""
+msgid "SHA256"
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"SIXXS supports TIC only, for static tunnels using IP protocol 41 (RFC4213) "
"use 6in4 instead"
@@ -2600,6 +2611,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Software"
msgstr ""
+msgid "Software VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!"
msgstr ""
@@ -2691,6 +2705,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Submit"
msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging of the routine operation of these protocols"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Swap"
msgstr ""
@@ -2706,6 +2726,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Switch %q (%s)"
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Switch %q has an unknown topology - the VLAN settings might not be accurate."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Switch VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Switch protocol"
msgstr ""
@@ -3150,9 +3177,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "VDSL"
msgstr ""
-msgid "VLAN Interface"
-msgstr ""
msgid "VLANs on %q"
msgstr ""
@@ -3246,9 +3270,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Wifi"
-msgstr ""
msgid "Wireless"
msgstr ""
@@ -3285,6 +3306,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Write received DNS requests to syslog"
msgstr ""
+msgid "Write system log to file"
+msgstr ""
msgid "XR Support"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/po/sv/base.po b/modules/luci-base/po/sv/base.po
index aeded9aea5..73a88b8616 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/po/sv/base.po
+++ b/modules/luci-base/po/sv/base.po
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.0.6\n"
+msgid "%s is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+msgstr ""
msgid "(%d minute window, %d second interval)"
msgstr ""
@@ -232,6 +235,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Alert"
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Allocate IP addresses sequentially, starting from the lowest available "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Allocate IP sequentially"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
msgstr ""
@@ -509,9 +520,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "CA certificate; if empty it will be saved after the first connection."
msgstr ""
-msgid "CPU"
-msgstr ""
msgid "CPU usage (%)"
msgstr ""
@@ -1010,6 +1018,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "External system log server port"
msgstr ""
+msgid "External system log server protocol"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Extra SSH command options"
msgstr ""
@@ -1694,6 +1705,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "MB/s"
msgstr ""
+msgid "MD5"
+msgstr ""
msgid "MHz"
msgstr ""
@@ -2185,12 +2199,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Port"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Port %d"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
-msgstr ""
msgid "Port status:"
msgstr ""
@@ -2468,6 +2476,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Run filesystem check"
msgstr ""
+msgid "SHA256"
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"SIXXS supports TIC only, for static tunnels using IP protocol 41 (RFC4213) "
"use 6in4 instead"
@@ -2606,6 +2617,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Software"
msgstr ""
+msgid "Software VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!"
msgstr ""
@@ -2697,6 +2711,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Submit"
msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging of the routine operation of these protocols"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Swap"
msgstr ""
@@ -2712,6 +2732,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Switch %q (%s)"
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Switch %q has an unknown topology - the VLAN settings might not be accurate."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Switch VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Switch protocol"
msgstr ""
@@ -3156,9 +3183,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "VDSL"
msgstr ""
-msgid "VLAN Interface"
-msgstr ""
msgid "VLANs on %q"
msgstr ""
@@ -3252,9 +3276,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Wifi"
-msgstr ""
msgid "Wireless"
msgstr ""
@@ -3291,6 +3312,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Write received DNS requests to syslog"
msgstr ""
+msgid "Write system log to file"
+msgstr ""
msgid "XR Support"
msgstr ""
@@ -3464,9 +3488,3 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "« Back"
msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel above"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz andra kanalen ovanför"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel below"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz andra kanalen nedanför"
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/po/templates/base.pot b/modules/luci-base/po/templates/base.pot
index 067812ddb4..df2892b88f 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/po/templates/base.pot
+++ b/modules/luci-base/po/templates/base.pot
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
+msgid "%s is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+msgstr ""
msgid "(%d minute window, %d second interval)"
msgstr ""
@@ -219,6 +222,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Alert"
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Allocate IP addresses sequentially, starting from the lowest available "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Allocate IP sequentially"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
msgstr ""
@@ -496,9 +507,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "CA certificate; if empty it will be saved after the first connection."
msgstr ""
-msgid "CPU"
-msgstr ""
msgid "CPU usage (%)"
msgstr ""
@@ -997,6 +1005,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "External system log server port"
msgstr ""
+msgid "External system log server protocol"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Extra SSH command options"
msgstr ""
@@ -1681,6 +1692,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "MB/s"
msgstr ""
+msgid "MD5"
+msgstr ""
msgid "MHz"
msgstr ""
@@ -2172,12 +2186,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Port"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Port %d"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
-msgstr ""
msgid "Port status:"
msgstr ""
@@ -2455,6 +2463,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Run filesystem check"
msgstr ""
+msgid "SHA256"
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"SIXXS supports TIC only, for static tunnels using IP protocol 41 (RFC4213) "
"use 6in4 instead"
@@ -2593,6 +2604,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Software"
msgstr ""
+msgid "Software VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!"
msgstr ""
@@ -2684,6 +2698,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Submit"
msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging of the routine operation of these protocols"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Swap"
msgstr ""
@@ -2699,6 +2719,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Switch %q (%s)"
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Switch %q has an unknown topology - the VLAN settings might not be accurate."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Switch VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Switch protocol"
msgstr ""
@@ -3143,9 +3170,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "VDSL"
msgstr ""
-msgid "VLAN Interface"
-msgstr ""
msgid "VLANs on %q"
msgstr ""
@@ -3239,9 +3263,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Wifi"
-msgstr ""
msgid "Wireless"
msgstr ""
@@ -3278,6 +3299,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Write received DNS requests to syslog"
msgstr ""
+msgid "Write system log to file"
+msgstr ""
msgid "XR Support"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/po/tr/base.po b/modules/luci-base/po/tr/base.po
index 3ab4e8210f..a5a5338979 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/po/tr/base.po
+++ b/modules/luci-base/po/tr/base.po
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.0.6\n"
+msgid "%s is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+msgstr ""
msgid "(%d minute window, %d second interval)"
msgstr "(%d dakika gösteriliyor, %d saniye aralıklı)"
@@ -237,6 +240,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Alert"
msgstr "Uyarı"
+msgid ""
+"Allocate IP addresses sequentially, starting from the lowest available "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Allocate IP sequentially"
+msgstr ""
# "Secure Shell" için ne kullanılabilinir bir fikrim yok.
msgid "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
msgstr ""
@@ -516,9 +527,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "CA certificate; if empty it will be saved after the first connection."
msgstr ""
-msgid "CPU"
-msgstr ""
msgid "CPU usage (%)"
msgstr ""
@@ -1017,6 +1025,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "External system log server port"
msgstr ""
+msgid "External system log server protocol"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Extra SSH command options"
msgstr ""
@@ -1701,6 +1712,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "MB/s"
msgstr ""
+msgid "MD5"
+msgstr ""
msgid "MHz"
msgstr ""
@@ -2192,12 +2206,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Port"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Port %d"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
-msgstr ""
msgid "Port status:"
msgstr ""
@@ -2475,6 +2483,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Run filesystem check"
msgstr ""
+msgid "SHA256"
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"SIXXS supports TIC only, for static tunnels using IP protocol 41 (RFC4213) "
"use 6in4 instead"
@@ -2613,6 +2624,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Software"
msgstr ""
+msgid "Software VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!"
msgstr ""
@@ -2704,6 +2718,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Submit"
msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging of the routine operation of these protocols"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Swap"
msgstr ""
@@ -2719,6 +2739,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Switch %q (%s)"
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Switch %q has an unknown topology - the VLAN settings might not be accurate."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Switch VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Switch protocol"
msgstr ""
@@ -3163,9 +3190,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "VDSL"
msgstr ""
-msgid "VLAN Interface"
-msgstr ""
msgid "VLANs on %q"
msgstr ""
@@ -3259,9 +3283,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Wifi"
-msgstr ""
msgid "Wireless"
msgstr ""
@@ -3298,6 +3319,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Write received DNS requests to syslog"
msgstr ""
+msgid "Write system log to file"
+msgstr ""
msgid "XR Support"
msgstr ""
@@ -3473,27 +3497,3 @@ msgstr "evet"
msgid "« Back"
msgstr "« Geri"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel above"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz 2. kanal üzerinde"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel below"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz 2. kanal altında"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">Encr.</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Şifrelenmiş\">Şifreli</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-Scan"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-Tara"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>-Notation: "
-#~ "address/prefix"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>-Not: adres/önek"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Broadcast"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Internet Protokolü Sürüm 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Broadcast"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Address"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Internet Protokolü Sürüm 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Address"
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/po/uk/base.po b/modules/luci-base/po/uk/base.po
index d1f3316989..95c686e282 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/po/uk/base.po
+++ b/modules/luci-base/po/uk/base.po
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ msgstr ""
"10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.0.6\n"
+msgid "%s is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+msgstr ""
msgid "(%d minute window, %d second interval)"
msgstr "(%d-хвилинне вікно, %d-секундний інтервал)"
@@ -258,6 +261,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Alert"
msgstr "Тривога"
+msgid ""
+"Allocate IP addresses sequentially, starting from the lowest available "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Allocate IP sequentially"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
msgstr ""
"Дозволити <abbr title=\"Secure Shell — безпечна оболонка\">SSH</abbr>-"
@@ -543,9 +554,6 @@ msgstr "Кнопки"
msgid "CA certificate; if empty it will be saved after the first connection."
msgstr ""
-msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "ЦП"
msgid "CPU usage (%)"
msgstr "Завантаження ЦП, %"
@@ -1080,6 +1088,9 @@ msgstr "Зовнішній сервер системного журналу"
msgid "External system log server port"
msgstr "Порт зовнішнього сервера системного журналу"
+msgid "External system log server protocol"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Extra SSH command options"
msgstr ""
@@ -1795,6 +1806,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "MB/s"
msgstr "MБ/с"
+msgid "MD5"
+msgstr ""
msgid "MHz"
msgstr "МГц"
@@ -2299,12 +2313,6 @@ msgstr "Політика"
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Порт"
-msgid "Port %d"
-msgstr "Порт %d"
-msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
-msgstr "Порт %d нетегований у кількох VLAN-ах!"
msgid "Port status:"
msgstr "Статус порту:"
@@ -2602,6 +2610,9 @@ msgstr "Виконати перевірку файлової системи пе
msgid "Run filesystem check"
msgstr "Виконати перевірку файлової системи"
+msgid "SHA256"
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"SIXXS supports TIC only, for static tunnels using IP protocol 41 (RFC4213) "
"use 6in4 instead"
@@ -2743,6 +2754,9 @@ msgstr "Час слота"
msgid "Software"
msgstr "Програмне забезпечення"
+msgid "Software VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!"
msgstr "Деякі поля є неприпустимими, неможливо зберегти значення!"
@@ -2846,6 +2860,12 @@ msgstr "Строгий порядок"
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Надіслати"
+msgid "Suppress logging"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging of the routine operation of these protocols"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Swap"
msgstr ""
@@ -2861,6 +2881,13 @@ msgstr "Комутатор %q"
msgid "Switch %q (%s)"
msgstr "Комутатор %q (%s)"
+msgid ""
+"Switch %q has an unknown topology - the VLAN settings might not be accurate."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Switch VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Switch protocol"
msgstr "Протокол комутатора"
@@ -3371,9 +3398,6 @@ msgstr "VC-Mux"
msgid "VDSL"
msgstr ""
-msgid "VLAN Interface"
-msgstr "VLAN-інтерфейс"
msgid "VLANs on %q"
msgstr "VLAN на %q"
@@ -3469,9 +3493,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Wifi"
-msgstr "Wi-Fi"
msgid "Wireless"
msgstr "Бездротові мережі"
@@ -3508,6 +3529,9 @@ msgstr "Бездротова мережа припинила роботу"
msgid "Write received DNS requests to syslog"
msgstr "Записувати отримані DNS-запити до системного журналу"
+msgid "Write system log to file"
+msgstr ""
msgid "XR Support"
msgstr "Підтримка XR"
@@ -3692,248 +3716,14 @@ msgstr "так"
msgid "« Back"
msgstr "« Назад"
-#~ msgid "Delete this interface"
-#~ msgstr "Видалити цей інтерфейс"
-#~ msgid "Flags"
-#~ msgstr "Позначки"
-#~ msgid "Rule #"
-#~ msgstr "Правило #"
-#~ msgid "Ignore Hosts files"
-#~ msgstr "Ігнорувати файли hosts"
-#~ msgid "Please wait: Device rebooting..."
-#~ msgstr "Зачекайте. Пристрій перезавантажується..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Warning: There are unsaved changes that will be lost while rebooting!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Увага: Є незбережені зміни, які будуть втрачені при перезавантаженні!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Always use 40MHz channels even if the secondary channel overlaps. Using "
-#~ "this option does not comply with IEEE 802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Завжди використовувати канали 40MHz, навіть якщо вторинний канал "
-#~ "перекривається. Використання цієї опції не відповідає стандарту IEEE "
-#~ "802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgid "Cached"
-#~ msgstr "Кешовано"
-#~ msgid "Configures this mount as overlay storage for block-extroot"
-#~ msgstr "Настроїти це монтування, як оверлейне сховище для block-extroot"
-#~ msgid "Force 40MHz mode"
-#~ msgstr "Примусово режим 40MHz"
-#~ msgid "Frequency Hopping"
-#~ msgstr "Frequency Hopping"
-#~ msgid "Locked to channel %d used by %s"
-#~ msgstr "Замкнено на канал %d, використовуваний %s"
-#~ msgid "Use as root filesystem"
-#~ msgstr "Використовувати як кореневу файлову систему"
-#~ msgid " user ID"
-#~ msgstr "Ідентифікатор користувача"
-#~ msgid "This is the 32 byte hex encoded user ID, not the login name"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Це 32-байтний шістнадцятковий закодований ідентифікатор користувача, не "
-#~ "ім'я для входу"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel above"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz (2-й канал вище)"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel below"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz (2-й канал нижче)"
-#~ msgid "Accept router advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "Отримувати оголошення маршрутизатора"
-#~ msgid "Advertise IPv6 on network"
-#~ msgstr "Оголошувати IPv6 у мережі"
-#~ msgid "Advertised network ID"
-#~ msgstr "Оголошуваний ідентифікатор мережі"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to 65535"
-#~ msgstr "Допустимий діапазон — від 1 до 65535"
-#~ msgid "HT capabilities"
-#~ msgstr "HT-можливості"
-#~ msgid "HT mode"
-#~ msgstr "HT-режим"
-#~ msgid "Router Model"
-#~ msgstr "Модель маршрутизатора"
-#~ msgid "Router Name"
-#~ msgstr "Назва (ім'я) маршрутизатора"
-#~ msgid "Send router solicitations"
-#~ msgstr "Надсилати клопотання маршрутизатора"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised preferred prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr "Визначає час життя оголошеного рекомендованого префіксу в секундах"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised valid prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr "Визначає час життя оголошеного чинного префіксу в секундах"
-#~ msgid "Use preferred lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "Використовувати час життя рекомендованого"
-#~ msgid "Use valid lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "Використовувати час життя чинного"
-#~ msgid "Waiting for router..."
-#~ msgstr "Очікування маршрутизатора..."
-#~ msgid "Enable builtin NTP server"
-#~ msgstr "Увімкнути вбудований NTP-сервер"
-#~ msgid "Active Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Активні оренди"
-#~ msgid "Open"
-#~ msgstr "Відкрити"
-#~ msgid "Bit Rate"
-#~ msgstr "Швидкість передачі даних"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Apply"
-#~ msgstr "Конфігурація / Застосування змін"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Changes"
-#~ msgstr "Конфігурація / Зміни"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Revert"
-#~ msgstr "Конфігурація / Скасування змін"
-#~ msgid "MAC"
-#~ msgstr "MAC"
-#~ msgid "MAC Address"
-#~ msgstr "MAC-адреса"
+#~ msgid "CPU"
+#~ msgstr "ЦП"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">Encr.</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Зашифровано\">Зашифр.</abbr>"
+#~ msgid "Port %d"
+#~ msgstr "Порт %d"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-Scan"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network — бездротова локальна мережа"
-#~ "\">WLAN</abbr>-сканування"
+#~ msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+#~ msgstr "Порт %d нетегований у кількох VLAN-ах!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Choose the network you want to attach to this wireless interface. Select "
-#~ "<em>unspecified</em> to not attach any network or fill out the "
-#~ "<em>create</em> field to define a new network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Оберіть мережу, яку ви хочете прикріпити до цього бездротового "
-#~ "інтерфейсу. Виберіть <em>не визначено</em>, щоб не прикріпляти ніякої "
-#~ "мережі, або заповніть поле <em>створити</em>, щоб визначити нову мережу."
-#~ msgid "Create Network"
-#~ msgstr "Створити мережу"
-#~ msgid "Link"
-#~ msgstr "З'єднання"
-#~ msgid "Networks"
-#~ msgstr "Мережі"
-#~ msgid "Power"
-#~ msgstr "Потужність"
-#~ msgid "Wifi networks in your local environment"
-#~ msgstr "Wi-Fi мережі у вашому оточенні"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>-Notation: "
-#~ "address/prefix"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing — безкласова міждоменна "
-#~ "маршрутизація\">CIDR</abbr>-запис: адреса/префікс "
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System — система доменних імен\">DNS</abbr>-"
-#~ "сервер"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Broadcast"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Інтернет-протокол версії 4\">IPv4</abbr>-широкомовний"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Address"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Інтернет-протокол версії 6\">IPv6</abbr>-адреса"
-#~ msgid "IP-Aliases"
-#~ msgstr "IP-псевдоніми"
-#~ msgid "IPv6 Setup"
-#~ msgstr "Настройки IPv6"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Note: If you choose an interface here which is part of another network, "
-#~ "it will be moved into this network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Примітка: Якщо ви тут оберете інтерфейс, який є частиною іншої мережі, "
-#~ "він буде переміщений до цієї мережі."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really delete this interface? The deletion cannot be undone!\\nYou might "
-#~ "lose access to this router if you are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Дійсно видалити цей інтерфейс? Скасувати видалення неможливо!\\nВи можете "
-#~ "втратити доступ до цього маршрутизатора, якщо ваш комп'ютер підключений "
-#~ "через цей інтерфейс."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really delete this wireless network? The deletion cannot be undone!\\nYou "
-#~ "might lose access to this router if you are connected via this network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Дійсно видалити цю бездротову мережу? Скасувати видалення неможливо!\\nВи "
-#~ "можете втратити доступ до цього маршрутизатора, якщо ваш комп'ютер "
-#~ "підключений через цю мережу."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really shutdown interface \"%s\" ?\\nYou might lose access to this router "
-#~ "if you are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Дійсно вимкнути інтерфейс \"%s\"?\\nВи можете втратити доступ до цього "
-#~ "маршрутизатора, якщо ваш комп'ютер підключений через цей інтерфейс."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really shutdown network ?\\nYou might lose access to this router if you "
-#~ "are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Дійсно вимкнути мережу?\\nВи можете втратити доступ до цього "
-#~ "маршрутизатора, якщо ваш комп'ютер підключений через цей інтерфейс."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The network ports on your router can be combined to several <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s in which computers can "
-#~ "communicate directly with each other. <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area "
-#~ "Network\">VLAN</abbr>s are often used to separate different network "
-#~ "segments. Often there is by default one Uplink port for a connection to "
-#~ "the next greater network like the internet and other ports for a local "
-#~ "network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Мережеві порти вашого маршрутизатора можуть бути об'єднані у декілька "
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area Network — віртуальна локальна "
-#~ "комп'ютерна мережа\">VLAN</abbr>, у яких комп'ютери можуть напряму "
-#~ "спілкуватися один з одним. <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area Network — "
-#~ "віртуальна локальна комп'ютерна мережа\">VLAN</abbr> часто "
-#~ "використовуються для розділення мережі на окремі сегменти. Зазвичай один "
-#~ "вихідний порт використовується для з'єднання з більшою мережею, такою "
-#~ "наприклад, як Інтернет, а інші порти — для локальної мережі."
-#~ msgid "Enable buffering"
-#~ msgstr "Увімкнути буферизацію"
-#~ msgid "IPv6-over-IPv4"
-#~ msgstr "IPv6 через IPv4"
+#~ msgid "VLAN Interface"
+#~ msgstr "VLAN-інтерфейс"
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/po/vi/base.po b/modules/luci-base/po/vi/base.po
index e03a7ab2c2..0e378565ae 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/po/vi/base.po
+++ b/modules/luci-base/po/vi/base.po
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 1.1.0\n"
+msgid "%s is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+msgstr ""
msgid "(%d minute window, %d second interval)"
msgstr ""
@@ -233,6 +236,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Alert"
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Allocate IP addresses sequentially, starting from the lowest available "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Allocate IP sequentially"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
msgstr "Cho phép <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> xác thực mật mã"
@@ -510,9 +521,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "CA certificate; if empty it will be saved after the first connection."
msgstr ""
-msgid "CPU"
-msgstr ""
msgid "CPU usage (%)"
msgstr "CPU usage (%)"
@@ -1022,6 +1030,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "External system log server port"
msgstr ""
+msgid "External system log server protocol"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Extra SSH command options"
msgstr ""
@@ -1716,6 +1727,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "MB/s"
msgstr ""
+msgid "MD5"
+msgstr ""
msgid "MHz"
msgstr ""
@@ -2215,12 +2229,6 @@ msgstr "Chính sách"
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Cửa "
-msgid "Port %d"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
-msgstr ""
msgid "Port status:"
msgstr ""
@@ -2502,6 +2510,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Run filesystem check"
msgstr ""
+msgid "SHA256"
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"SIXXS supports TIC only, for static tunnels using IP protocol 41 (RFC4213) "
"use 6in4 instead"
@@ -2640,6 +2651,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Software"
msgstr "Phần mềm"
+msgid "Software VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!"
msgstr ""
@@ -2731,6 +2745,12 @@ msgstr "Yêu cầu nghiêm ngặt"
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Trình "
+msgid "Suppress logging"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging of the routine operation of these protocols"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Swap"
msgstr ""
@@ -2746,6 +2766,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Switch %q (%s)"
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Switch %q has an unknown topology - the VLAN settings might not be accurate."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Switch VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Switch protocol"
msgstr ""
@@ -3205,9 +3232,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "VDSL"
msgstr ""
-msgid "VLAN Interface"
-msgstr ""
msgid "VLANs on %q"
msgstr ""
@@ -3301,9 +3325,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Wifi"
-msgstr "Wifi"
msgid "Wireless"
msgstr ""
@@ -3340,6 +3361,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Write received DNS requests to syslog"
msgstr ""
+msgid "Write system log to file"
+msgstr ""
msgid "XR Support"
msgstr "Hỗ trợ XR"
@@ -3520,779 +3544,3 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "« Back"
msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Flags"
-#~ msgstr "Cờ"
-#~ msgid "Path"
-#~ msgstr "Đường dẫn"
-#~ msgid "Please wait: Device rebooting..."
-#~ msgstr "Xin chờ: Công cụ đang reboot"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Warning: There are unsaved changes that will be lost while rebooting!"
-#~ msgstr "Cảnh báo: Các thay đổi chưa lưu sẽ bị mất trong khi khởi động lại!"
-#~ msgid "Frequency Hopping"
-#~ msgstr "Tần số Hopping"
-#~ msgid "Active Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Leases hoạt động"
-#~ msgid "MAC"
-#~ msgstr "MAC"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">Encr.</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Mã hóa\">Encr.</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-Scan"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Mạng lưới không dây địa phương\">WLAN</abbr>-Scan"
-#~ msgid "Create Network"
-#~ msgstr "Tạo network"
-#~ msgid "Link"
-#~ msgstr "Link"
-#~ msgid "Networks"
-#~ msgstr "mạng lưới"
-#~ msgid "Power"
-#~ msgstr "Power"
-#~ msgid "Wifi networks in your local environment"
-#~ msgstr "Mạng lưới wifi ở môi trường xung quanh bạn"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>-Notation: "
-#~ "address/prefix"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>-Notation: "
-#~ "address/prefix"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Hệ thông tên miền\">DNS</abbr>-Máy chủ"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Broadcast"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Broadcast"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Address"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Address"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The network ports on your router can be combined to several <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s in which computers can "
-#~ "communicate directly with each other. <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area "
-#~ "Network\">VLAN</abbr>s are often used to separate different network "
-#~ "segments. Often there is by default one Uplink port for a connection to "
-#~ "the next greater network like the internet and other ports for a local "
-#~ "network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Cổng network trên bộ định tuyến có thể phối hợp với nhiều <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s làm máy tính tự giao tiếp "
-#~ "trực tiếp với nhau. <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</"
-#~ "abbr>s thường được dùng để phân tách những phân đoạn network khác nhau. "
-#~ "Thông thường có một cổng Uplink mặc định cho một kết nối vào mạng lớn hơn "
-#~ "như Internet và các cổng khác cho một mạng lưới địa phương."
-#~ msgid "Files to be kept when flashing a new firmware"
-#~ msgstr "Tập tin được lưu giữ khi truyền tới một phần cứng mới"
-#~ msgid "General"
-#~ msgstr "Tổng quát"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can customize the settings and the functionality of <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ở đây bạn có thể tùy chỉnh các cài đặt và các chức năng của <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Cấu hình giao diện Lua\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgid "Post-commit actions"
-#~ msgstr "Đăng _ cam kết hành động"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "These commands will be executed automatically when a given <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Unified Configuration Interface\">UCI</abbr> configuration is committed "
-#~ "allowing changes to be applied instantly."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Những lệnh này sẽ được thực hiện tự động khi một <abbr title=\"Cấu hình "
-#~ "giao diện thống nhất \">UCI</abbr> được cam kết cho phép các thay đổi "
-#~ "được áp dụng ngay lập tức. "
-#~ msgid "Web <abbr title=\"User Interface\">UI</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "Web <abbr title=\"User Interface\">UI</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "Access point (APN)"
-#~ msgstr "Điểm truy cập (APN)"
-#~ msgid "Additional pppd options"
-#~ msgstr "Tùy chọn pppd bổ sung"
-#~ msgid "Automatic Disconnect"
-#~ msgstr "Tự động ngừng kết nối"
-#~ msgid "Backup Archive"
-#~ msgstr "Backup Archive"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Configure the local DNS server to use the name servers adverticed by the "
-#~ "PPP peer"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Định cấu hình DNS server địa phương để dùng tên servers adverticed bởi "
-#~ "PPP peer"
-#~ msgid "Connect script"
-#~ msgstr "Kết nối script"
-#~ msgid "Create backup"
-#~ msgstr "Tạo backup"
-#~ msgid "Disconnect script"
-#~ msgstr "Ngừng script"
-#~ msgid "Edit package lists and installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "Chỉnh sửa danh sách gói và mục tiêu cài đặt"
-#~ msgid "Enable IPv6 on PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "Kích hoạt IPv6 on PPP link"
-#~ msgid "Firmware image"
-#~ msgstr "HÌnh ảnh firmware"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can backup and restore your router configuration and - if "
-#~ "possible - reset the router to the default settings."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ở đây bạn có thể backup và khôi phục lại cấu hình bộ định tuyến và- nếu "
-#~ "có thể - reset bộ định tuyến ở cài đặt mặc định."
-#~ msgid "Installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "Mục tiêu cài đặt"
-#~ msgid "Keep configuration files"
-#~ msgstr "Giữ tập tin cấu hình"
-#~ msgid "Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "Giữ-alive"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Let pppd replace the current default route to use the PPP interface after "
-#~ "successful connect"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Để pppd thay thế route mặc định hiện tại để dùng giao diện PPP sau khi "
-#~ "kết nối thành công"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script after establishing the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "Để pppd chạy script này sau khi thành lập PPP link"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script before tearing down the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "Để pppd chạy trên script trước khi phá vỡ PPP link"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Make sure that you provide the correct pin code here or you might lock "
-#~ "your sim card!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Bảo đảm rằng bạn cung cấp pin code chính xác ở đây hoặc sim card của bạn "
-#~ "sẽ bị khóa"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Most of them are network servers, that offer a certain service for your "
-#~ "device or network like shell access, serving webpages like <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>, doing mesh routing, sending "
-#~ "e-mails, ..."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Đa số các mạng server mà cung cấp một service nhất định cho công cụ của "
-#~ "bạn hoặc mạng như shell access, phục vụ các trang web như <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Giao diện cấu hình Lua\">LuCI</abbr>, làm lưới định tuyến, gửi e-"
-#~ "mail, ..."
-#~ msgid "Number of failed connection tests to initiate automatic reconnect"
-#~ msgstr "Kiểm tra số lượng kết nối không thành công để tự động kết nối lại. "
-#~ msgid "PIN code"
-#~ msgstr "PIN code"
-#~ msgid "PPP Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Cài đặt "
-#~ msgid "Package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Danh sách đóng gói"
-#~ msgid "Proceed reverting all settings and resetting to firmware defaults?"
-#~ msgstr "Tiến trình này sẽ chuyển mọi thiết lập về firmware mặc định"
-#~ msgid "Processor"
-#~ msgstr "Bộ xử lý"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Port"
-#~ msgstr "Radius-Port"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Radius-Server"
-#~ msgid "Replace default route"
-#~ msgstr "Thay thế route mặc định"
-#~ msgid "Reset router to defaults"
-#~ msgstr "Đặt lại bộ định tuyến ở chế độ mặc định"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Seconds to wait for the modem to become ready before attempting to connect"
-#~ msgstr "Giây để chờ cho modem trở nên sẵn sàng trước khi kết nối"
-#~ msgid "Service type"
-#~ msgstr "Service type"
-#~ msgid "Services and daemons perform certain tasks on your device."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Services và daemons tiến hành nhưng công đoạn nhất định trên công cụ của "
-#~ "bạn"
-#~ msgid "Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Cài đặt "
-#~ msgid "Setup wait time"
-#~ msgstr "Cài đặt thời gian chờ"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Sorry. OpenWrt does not support a system upgrade on this platform.<br /> "
-#~ "You need to manually flash your device."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Xin lỗi. OpenWrt không hỗ trợ nâng cấp hệ thống trên platform này. <br /> "
-#~ "Bạn cần tự flash thiết bị của bạn. "
-#~ msgid "Specify additional command line arguments for pppd here"
-#~ msgstr "Chỉ định những dòng lệnh tranh cãi cho pppd ở đây"
-#~ msgid "The device node of your modem, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgstr "Thiết bị node của modem, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgid "Time (in seconds) after which an unused connection will be closed"
-#~ msgstr "Thời gian (giây) sau khi một kết nối không sử dụng sẽ bị đóng"
-#~ msgid "Update package lists"
-#~ msgstr "Cập nhật danh sách gói"
-#~ msgid "Upload an OpenWrt image file to reflash the device."
-#~ msgstr "Tải một tập tin hình ảnh OpenWrt để reflash thiết bị."
-#~ msgid "Upload image"
-#~ msgstr "Tải hình ảnh"
-#~ msgid "Use peer DNS"
-#~ msgstr "Dùng peer DNS"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"comgt\" for UMTS/GPRS, \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE, "
-#~ "\"ppp-mod-pppoa\" for PPPoA or \"pptp\" for PPtP support"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Bạn cần cài đặt &amp;quot;comgt&amp;quot; for UMTS/GPRS, &amp;quot;ppp-"
-#~ "mod-pppoe&amp;quot; for PPPoE, &amp;quot;ppp-mod-pppoa&amp;quot; for "
-#~ "PPPoA or &amp;quot;pptp&amp;quot; for PPtP support"
-#~ msgid "back"
-#~ msgstr "quay lại"
-#~ msgid "buffered"
-#~ msgstr "buffered"
-#~ msgid "cached"
-#~ msgstr "cached"
-#~ msgid "free"
-#~ msgstr "free"
-#~ msgid "static"
-#~ msgstr "thống kê"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a collection "
-#~ "of free Lua software including an <abbr title=\"Model-View-Controller"
-#~ "\">MVC</abbr>-Webframework and webinterface for embedded devices. <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is licensed under the "
-#~ "Apache-License."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Cấu hình giao diện Lua \">LuCI</abbr> là một tập hợp của "
-#~ "phần mềm Lua bao gồm <abbr title=\"Model-View-Controller\">MVC</abbr>-"
-#~ "Công cụ Web và giao diện Web cho thiết bị nhúng. <abbr title=\"Lua "
-#~ "Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> được lưu hành dưới giấy phép Apache."
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Vỏ bảo mậtl\">SSH</abbr>-Phím"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A lightweight HTTP/1.1 webserver written in C and Lua designed to serve "
-#~ "LuCI"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Một lightưeight HTTP/1.1 webserver viết bằng C và Lúa được thiết kế để "
-#~ "phục vụ LuCI"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A small webserver which can be used to serve <abbr title=\"Lua "
-#~ "Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Một webserver nhỏ có thể dùng để phục vụ <abbr title=\"Giao diện cấu "
-#~ "hình Lua\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgid "About"
-#~ msgstr "Về"
-#~ msgid "Addresses"
-#~ msgstr "Địa chỉ"
-#~ msgid "Admin Password"
-#~ msgstr "Mật khẩu quản lí"
-#~ msgid "Alias"
-#~ msgstr "Bí danh"
-#~ msgid "Authentication Realm"
-#~ msgstr "Realm xác định"
-#~ msgid "Bridge Port"
-#~ msgstr "Cổng cầu nối"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Change the password of the system administrator (User <code>root</code>)"
-#~ msgstr "Thay đổi mật mã của quản lí hệ thống (User <code>root</code>)"
-#~ msgid "Client + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "Đối tượng + WDS"
-#~ msgid "Configuration file"
-#~ msgstr "Tập tin cấu hình"
-#~ msgid "Connection timeout"
-#~ msgstr "Kết nối dừng"
-#~ msgid "Contributing Developers"
-#~ msgstr "Phát triển viên"
-#~ msgid "DHCP assigned"
-#~ msgstr "Gán DHCP"
-#~ msgid "Document root"
-#~ msgstr "Gốc tài liệu "
-#~ msgid "Enable Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "Kích hoạt Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgid "Ethernet Bridge"
-#~ msgstr "Cầu nối ethernet"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can paste public <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys "
-#~ "(one per line) for <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> public-key "
-#~ "authentication."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ở đây bạn có thể dán công khai <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\"> SSH</abbr>-"
-#~ "Keys (mỗi cái một dòng) for <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> xác "
-#~ "thực khóa công khai"
-#~ msgid "ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID"
-#~ msgid "IP Configuration"
-#~ msgstr "Cấu hình IP"
-#~ msgid "Interface Status"
-#~ msgstr "Tình trạng giao diện"
-#~ msgid "Lead Development"
-#~ msgstr "Dẫn đầu phát triển"
-#~ msgid "Master"
-#~ msgstr "Chủ"
-#~ msgid "Master + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "Chủ + WDS"
-#~ msgid "Not configured"
-#~ msgstr "Không định cấu hình"
-#~ msgid "Password successfully changed"
-#~ msgstr "Mật mã đã thay đổi thành công"
-#~ msgid "Plugin path"
-#~ msgstr "Đường dẫn Plugin"
-#~ msgid "Ports"
-#~ msgstr "Cửa"
-#~ msgid "Primary"
-#~ msgstr "Chính"
-#~ msgid "Project Homepage"
-#~ msgstr "Trang chủ dự án"
-#~ msgid "Pseudo Ad-Hoc"
-#~ msgstr "Pseudo Ad-Hoc"
-#~ msgid "STP"
-#~ msgstr "STP"
-#~ msgid "Thanks To"
-#~ msgstr "Cám ơn"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The realm which will be displayed at the authentication prompt for "
-#~ "protected pages."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Realm đó sẽ được hiển thị tại dấu nhắc xác thực cho các trang web được "
-#~ "bảo vệ."
-#~ msgid "Unknown Error"
-#~ msgstr "Không hiểu lỗi"
-#~ msgid "VLAN"
-#~ msgstr "VLAN"
-#~ msgid "defaults to <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgstr "Mặc định tới <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgid "Package lists updated"
-#~ msgstr "Danh sách gói đã được cập nhật"
-#~ msgid "Upgrade installed packages"
-#~ msgstr "nâng cấp gói cài đặt"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Also kernel or service logfiles can be viewed here to get an overview "
-#~ "over their current state."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Kernel hoặc service logfiles cũng có thể được view ở đây để lấy tầm nhìn "
-#~ "tổng quát của hình trạng hiện tại. "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can find information about the current system status like <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Central Processing Unit\">CPU</abbr> clock frequency, memory "
-#~ "usage or network interface data."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ở đây bạn có thể tìm thấy thông tin về tình trạng của hệ thống hiện hành "
-#~ "như là <abbr title=\"Bộ điều khiển trung tâm\">CPU</abbr> đồng hồ tần số, "
-#~ "bộ nhớ hoặc mạng lưới dữ liệu giao diện."
-#~ msgid "Search file..."
-#~ msgstr "Tìm tập tin..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a free, "
-#~ "flexible, and user friendly graphical interface for configuring OpenWrt "
-#~ "Kamikaze."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Cấu hình giao diện Lua \">LuCI</abbr> thì miễn phí, đa "
-#~ "dạng , và đồ họa thân thiện với sử dụng cho các cấu hình OpenWrt Kamikaze."
-#~ msgid "And now have fun with your router!"
-#~ msgstr "Và bây giờ hãy bắt đầu chơi với bộ định tuyến của bạn!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "As we always want to improve this interface we are looking forward to "
-#~ "your feedback and suggestions."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Vì chúng tôi luôn muốn cải thiện giao diện này, chúng tôi hy vọng nhận "
-#~ "được đóng góp và ý kiến của các bạn. "
-#~ msgid "Hello!"
-#~ msgstr "Xin chào"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Notice: In <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> "
-#~ "changes have to be confirmed by clicking Changes - Save &amp; Apply "
-#~ "before being applied."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ghi chú: Trong <abbr title=\"Cấu hình giao diện Lua \">LuCI</abbr> những "
-#~ "thay đổi phải được xác nhận bằng cách nhấn vào Changes - Save &amp; Áp "
-#~ "dụng trước khi được áp dụng."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "On the following pages you can adjust all important settings of your "
-#~ "router."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ở những trang kế tiếp, bạn có thể thay đổi những cài đặt quan trong của "
-#~ "bộ định tuyến."
-#~ msgid "The <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> Team"
-#~ msgstr "Nhóm <abbr title=\"Cấu hình giao diện Lua\">LuCI</abbr> "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This is the administration area of <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Đây là vùng quản trị của <abbr title=\"Cấu hình giao diện Lua\">LuCI</"
-#~ "abbr>."
-#~ msgid "User Interface"
-#~ msgstr "Giao diện người sử dụng"
-#~ msgid "enable"
-#~ msgstr "Kích hoạt"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "(optional)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<span class=\"translation-space\"> </span>\n"
-#~ "(tùy ý)"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Port"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Cổng"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server will be queried in "
-#~ "the order of the resolvfile"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server sẽ bị tra vấn theo "
-#~ "thứ tự của tập tin resolv. "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host "
-#~ "Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>-Leases"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host "
-#~ "Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>-Leases"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Extension Mechanisms "
-#~ "for Domain Name System\">EDNS0</abbr> packet size"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"tối đal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Mở rộng cơ chế cho hệ "
-#~ "thống tên miền\">EDNS0</abbr> dung lượng gói tin"
-#~ msgid "AP-Isolation"
-#~ msgstr "AP-Isolation"
-#~ msgid "Add the Wifi network to physical network"
-#~ msgstr "Thêm mạng Wifi vào màng vật lý"
-#~ msgid "Aliases"
-#~ msgstr "Aliases"
-#~ msgid "Clamp Segment Size"
-#~ msgstr "Clamp Segment Size"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Create Or Attach Network"
-#~ msgstr "Tạo network"
-#~ msgid "Devices"
-#~ msgstr "Những công cụ"
-#~ msgid "Don't forward reverse lookups for local networks"
-#~ msgstr "Don&amp;#39;t chuyển tiếp lookups đảo ngược cho các mạng địa phương"
-#~ msgid "Enable TFTP-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Kích hoạt TFTP-Server"
-#~ msgid "Errors"
-#~ msgstr "Lỗi"
-#~ msgid "Essentials"
-#~ msgstr "Essentials"
-#~ msgid "Expand Hosts"
-#~ msgstr "Mở rộng Hosts"
-#~ msgid "First leased address"
-#~ msgstr "Địa chỉ lease đầu tiên"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Fixes problems with unreachable websites, submitting forms or other "
-#~ "unexpected behaviour for some ISPs."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Chỉnh sửa vấn đề với những website không tiếp cận được, trình form hoặc "
-#~ "những hình thức bất ngờ cho một vài ISP."
-#~ msgid "Hardware Address"
-#~ msgstr "Địa chỉ phần cứng"
-#~ msgid "Here you can configure installed wifi devices."
-#~ msgstr "Ở đây bạn có thể định cấu hình của công cụ wifi được cài đặt."
-#~ msgid "Independent (Ad-Hoc)"
-#~ msgstr "Độc lập (Ad-Hoc)"
-#~ msgid "Internet Connection"
-#~ msgstr "Kết nối Internet"
-#~ msgid "Join (Client)"
-#~ msgstr "Tham gia (client)"
-#~ msgid "Leases"
-#~ msgstr "Leases"
-#~ msgid "Local Domain"
-#~ msgstr "Domain địa phương"
-#~ msgid "Local Network"
-#~ msgstr "Network địa phương"
-#~ msgid "Local Server"
-#~ msgstr "Server địa phương"
-#~ msgid "Network Boot Image"
-#~ msgstr "Hình ảnh khởi động mạng lưới"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Network Name (<abbr title=\"Extended Service Set Identifier\">ESSID</"
-#~ "abbr>)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Tên mạng (<abbr title=\"Mở rộng dịch vụ đặt Identifier\">ESSID</abbr>)"
-#~ msgid "Number of leased addresses"
-#~ msgstr "Số của địa chỉ lease"
-#~ msgid "Perform Actions"
-#~ msgstr "Trình bày hành động"
-#~ msgid "Prevents Client to Client communication"
-#~ msgstr "Ngăn chặn giao tiếp giữa client-và-client"
-#~ msgid "Provide (Access Point)"
-#~ msgstr "Cung cấp (Điểm truy cập)"
-#~ msgid "Resolvfile"
-#~ msgstr "Tập tin Resolv"
-#~ msgid "TFTP-Server Root"
-#~ msgstr "Gốc TFTP-Server "
-#~ msgid "TX / RX"
-#~ msgstr "TX / RX"
-#~ msgid "The following changes have been applied"
-#~ msgstr "Những thay đổi sau đây đã được tiến hành"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When flashing a new firmware with <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr> these files will be added to the new firmware "
-#~ "installation."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Khi truyền đến phần cứng với <abbr title=\"Cấu hình giao diện Lua "
-#~ "\">LuCI</abbr> Những tập tin này sẽ được bổ sung vào cài đặt phần cứng "
-#~ "mới."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Wireless Scan"
-#~ msgstr "Mạng không dây"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "network members can automatically receive their network settings (<abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Internet Protocol\">IP</abbr>-address, netmask, <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-server, ...)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Với <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> thành "
-#~ "viên network có thể tự động nhận cài đặt mạng (<abbr title=\"Internet "
-#~ "Protocol\">IP</abbr>-address, netmask, <abbr title=\"Domain Name System"
-#~ "\">DNS</abbr>-server, ...)."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You can run several wifi networks with one device. Be aware that there "
-#~ "are certain hardware and driverspecific restrictions. Normally you can "
-#~ "operate 1 Ad-Hoc or up to 3 Master-Mode and 1 Client-Mode network "
-#~ "simultaneously."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Bạn có thể chạy nhiều mạng wifi với một công cụ. Hãy chú ý rằng một số "
-#~ "phần cứng và driverspecific bị hạn chế. Thông thường, bạn có thể vận hành "
-#~ "1 Ad-Hoc hay tối đa là 3-chế độ master và 1-chế độ client mạng lưới cùng "
-#~ "một lúc."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE or \"pptp\" for PPtP "
-#~ "support"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Bạn cần cài đặt &amp;quot;ppp-mod-pppoe&amp;quot; for PPPoE or &amp;quot;"
-#~ "pptp&amp;quot; cho hỗ trợ PPtP "
-#~ msgid "Zone"
-#~ msgstr "Zone"
-#~ msgid "additional hostfile"
-#~ msgstr "Tập tin host bổ sung"
-#~ msgid "adds domain names to hostentries in the resolv file"
-#~ msgstr "Thêm tên miền vào hostentries trong tập tin resolv "
-#~ msgid "automatically reconnect"
-#~ msgstr "Tự động kết nối lại"
-#~ msgid "concurrent queries"
-#~ msgstr "Đồng truy vấn"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "disable <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "for this interface"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Vô hiệu hóa <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</"
-#~ "abbr> cho giao diện này"
-#~ msgid "disconnect when idle for"
-#~ msgstr "Ngừng kết nối khi idle cho"
-#~ msgid "don't cache unknown"
-#~ msgstr "don&amp;#39;t cache unknown"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "filter useless <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-queries of "
-#~ "Windows-systems"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "lọc không hữu dụng <abbr title=\"Hệ thống tên miền\">DNS</abbr>-các tra "
-#~ "vấn của hệ thống Windows"
-#~ msgid "installed"
-#~ msgstr "Đã cài đặt "
-#~ msgid "localises the hostname depending on its subnet"
-#~ msgstr "Địa phương hóa các hostname phụ thuộc vào subnet"
-#~ msgid "not installed"
-#~ msgstr "không cài đặt "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "prevents caching of negative <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</"
-#~ "abbr>-replies"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ngăn ngừa tiêu cực trong bộ nhớ đệm <abbr title=\"Hệ thống tên miền"
-#~ "\">DNS</abbr>-trả lời"
-#~ msgid "query port"
-#~ msgstr "cổng truy vấn"
-#~ msgid "transmitted / received"
-#~ msgstr "Đã truyền/ đã nhận"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Join network"
-#~ msgstr "contained networks"
-#~ msgid "all"
-#~ msgstr "tất cả"
-#~ msgid "Code"
-#~ msgstr "Mã"
-#~ msgid "Distance"
-#~ msgstr "Khoảng cách "
-#~ msgid "Legend"
-#~ msgstr "Legend"
-#~ msgid "Library"
-#~ msgstr "thư viện "
-#~ msgid "see '%s' manpage"
-#~ msgstr "xem &amp;#39;%s&amp;#39; trang chính"
-#~ msgid "Package Manager"
-#~ msgstr "Quản lí gói"
-#~ msgid "Service"
-#~ msgstr "Dịch vụ "
-#~ msgid "Statistics"
-#~ msgstr "Thống kê"
-#~ msgid "zone"
-#~ msgstr "Zone"
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/po/zh-cn/base.po b/modules/luci-base/po/zh-cn/base.po
index 9337c38c67..dbc4df8091 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/po/zh-cn/base.po
+++ b/modules/luci-base/po/zh-cn/base.po
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.5\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
+msgid "%s is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+msgstr ""
msgid "(%d minute window, %d second interval)"
msgstr "(%d分钟信息,%d秒刷新)"
@@ -237,6 +240,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Alert"
msgstr "警戒"
+msgid ""
+"Allocate IP addresses sequentially, starting from the lowest available "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Allocate IP sequentially"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
msgstr "允许<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>密码验证"
@@ -518,9 +529,6 @@ msgstr "按键"
msgid "CA certificate; if empty it will be saved after the first connection."
msgstr "CA证书.如果留空的话证书将在第一次连接时被保存."
-msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "CPU"
msgid "CPU usage (%)"
msgstr "CPU使用率(%)"
@@ -1026,6 +1034,9 @@ msgstr "远程log服务器"
msgid "External system log server port"
msgstr "远程log服务器端口"
+msgid "External system log server protocol"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Extra SSH command options"
msgstr "额外的SSH命令选项"
@@ -1714,6 +1725,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "MB/s"
msgstr "MB/s"
+msgid "MD5"
+msgstr ""
msgid "MHz"
msgstr "MHz"
@@ -2205,12 +2219,6 @@ msgstr "策略"
msgid "Port"
msgstr "端口"
-msgid "Port %d"
-msgstr "端口 %d"
-msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
-msgstr "端口 %d 在多个VLAN中均未关联!"
msgid "Port status:"
msgstr "端口状态:"
@@ -2499,6 +2507,9 @@ msgstr "挂载设备前运行文件系统检查"
msgid "Run filesystem check"
msgstr "文件系统检查"
+msgid "SHA256"
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"SIXXS supports TIC only, for static tunnels using IP protocol 41 (RFC4213) "
"use 6in4 instead"
@@ -2638,6 +2649,9 @@ msgstr "时隙"
msgid "Software"
msgstr "软件包"
+msgid "Software VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!"
msgstr "一些项目的值无效,无法保存!"
@@ -2734,6 +2748,12 @@ msgstr "严谨查序"
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "提交"
+msgid "Suppress logging"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging of the routine operation of these protocols"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Swap"
msgstr "交换区"
@@ -2749,6 +2769,13 @@ msgstr "交换机 %q"
msgid "Switch %q (%s)"
msgstr "交换机%q (%s)"
+msgid ""
+"Switch %q has an unknown topology - the VLAN settings might not be accurate."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Switch VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Switch protocol"
msgstr "切换协议"
@@ -3216,9 +3243,6 @@ msgstr "VC-Mux"
msgid "VDSL"
msgstr ""
-msgid "VLAN Interface"
-msgstr "VLAN接口"
msgid "VLANs on %q"
msgstr "%q上的VLAN"
@@ -3314,9 +3338,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Width"
msgstr "频宽"
-msgid "Wifi"
-msgstr "无线"
msgid "Wireless"
msgstr "无线"
@@ -3353,6 +3374,9 @@ msgstr "无线已关闭"
msgid "Write received DNS requests to syslog"
msgstr "将收到的DNS请求写入系统日志"
+msgid "Write system log to file"
+msgstr ""
msgid "XR Support"
msgstr "XR支持"
@@ -3532,1028 +3556,14 @@ msgstr "是"
msgid "« Back"
msgstr "« 后退"
-#~ msgid "ADSL Status"
-#~ msgstr "ADSL状态"
-#~ msgid "Line Speed"
-#~ msgstr "线路速率"
-#~ msgid "Noise Margin"
-#~ msgstr "噪声容限"
-#~ msgid "Delete this interface"
-#~ msgstr "删除此接口"
-#~ msgid "Flags"
-#~ msgstr "标识"
-#~ msgid "Rule #"
-#~ msgstr "规则 #"
-#~ msgid "Ignore Hosts files"
-#~ msgstr "忽略HOSTS文件"
-#~ msgid "Path"
-#~ msgstr "路径"
-#~ msgid "Please wait: Device rebooting..."
-#~ msgstr "请稍等:设备重启中..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Warning: There are unsaved changes that will be lost while rebooting!"
-#~ msgstr "警告: 有尚未保存的更改,重启将丢失!"
-#~ msgid "CPU frequency"
-#~ msgstr "CPU 频率"
-#~ msgid "Chip Model"
-#~ msgstr "芯片型号"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Always use 40MHz channels even if the secondary channel overlaps. Using "
-#~ "this option does not comply with IEEE 802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgstr "强制启用40MHz频宽并忽略辅助信道重叠。此选项不兼容IEEE 802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgid "Cached"
-#~ msgstr "已缓存"
-#~ msgid "Configures this mount as overlay storage for block-extroot"
-#~ msgstr "设置挂载为extroot"
-#~ msgid "Force 40MHz mode"
-#~ msgstr "强制40MHz频宽"
-#~ msgid "Frequency Hopping"
-#~ msgstr "跳频"
-#~ msgid "Locked to channel %d used by %s"
-#~ msgstr "信道已锁定为:%d ;源于:%s "
-#~ msgid "Use as root filesystem"
-#~ msgstr "设置为根文件系统"
-#~ msgid "Ad-hoc mode"
-#~ msgstr "Ad-hoc模式"
-#~ msgid " user ID"
-#~ msgstr "HE.net用户ID"
-#~ msgid "This is the 32 byte hex encoded user ID, not the login name"
-#~ msgstr "这是32 byte hex编码的用户ID,不是登录名"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel above"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz HT40+ (仅1-7频道可用)"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel below"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz HT40- (仅5-13频道可用)"
-#~ msgid "Accept router advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "接收路由通告"
-#~ msgid "Advertise IPv6 on network"
-#~ msgstr "在网络上通告IPv6"
-#~ msgid "Advertised network ID"
-#~ msgstr "通告的网络ID"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to 65535"
-#~ msgstr "允许的范围:1 到 65535"
-#~ msgid "HT capabilities"
-#~ msgstr "HT功能"
-#~ msgid "HT mode"
-#~ msgstr "HT模式"
-#~ msgid "Router Model"
-#~ msgstr "主机型号"
-#~ msgid "Router Name"
-#~ msgstr "系统名称"
-#~ msgid "Send router solicitations"
-#~ msgstr "发送路由请求"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised preferred prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr "指定通告的首选前缀生存时间(秒)"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised valid prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr "指定通告的有效前缀生存时间(秒)"
-#~ msgid "Use preferred lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "使用首选生存时间"
-#~ msgid "Use valid lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "使用有效生存时间"
-#~ msgid "Waiting for router..."
-#~ msgstr "等待路由器..."
-#~ msgid "Enable builtin NTP server"
-#~ msgstr "开启内置NTP服务器"
-#~ msgid "Active Leases"
-#~ msgstr "活动的租约"
-#~ msgid "Open"
-#~ msgstr "打开"
-#~ msgid "KB"
-#~ msgstr "KB"
-#~ msgid "Bit Rate"
-#~ msgstr "比特率"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Apply"
-#~ msgstr "设置 /应用"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Changes"
-#~ msgstr "设置 / 修改"
-#~ msgid "Configuration / Revert"
-#~ msgstr "设置 / 重置"
-#~ msgid "MAC"
-#~ msgstr "MAC"
-#~ msgid "MAC Address"
-#~ msgstr "MAC地址"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">Encr.</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">加密</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-Scan"
-#~ msgstr "搜索<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Choose the network you want to attach to this wireless interface. Select "
-#~ "<em>unspecified</em> to not attach any network or fill out the "
-#~ "<em>create</em> field to define a new network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "请选择你需要链接到无线网络接口的网络. 如果不链接到任何网络请选择 <em>未指"
-#~ "定</em>,如果需要创建新网络请点<em>创建</em>."
-#~ msgid "Create Network"
-#~ msgstr "创建一个网络"
-#~ msgid "Link"
-#~ msgstr "链接"
-#~ msgid "Networks"
-#~ msgstr "网络"
-#~ msgid "Power"
-#~ msgstr "Power"
-#~ msgid "Wifi networks in your local environment"
-#~ msgstr "扫描到的无线热点"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>-Notation: "
-#~ "address/prefix"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Classless Inter-Domain Routing\">CIDR</abbr>-Notation: "
-#~ "address/prefix"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-服务器"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Broadcast"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-广播"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Address"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-地址"
-#~ msgid "IP-Aliases"
-#~ msgstr "IP-Aliases"
-#~ msgid "IPv6 Setup"
-#~ msgstr "IPv6 设置"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Note: If you choose an interface here which is part of another network, "
-#~ "it will be moved into this network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "注意:当你选择一个已经存在与一个网络中的接口时,它将会被移除那个网络。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really delete this interface? The deletion cannot be undone!\\nYou might "
-#~ "lose access to this router if you are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Really delete this interface? The deletion cannot be undone!\n"
-#~ "You might lose access to this router if you are connected via this "
-#~ "interface."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really delete this wireless network? The deletion cannot be undone!\\nYou "
-#~ "might lose access to this router if you are connected via this network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Really delete this wireless network? The deletion cannot be undone!\n"
-#~ "You might lose access to this router if you are connected via this "
-#~ "network."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really shutdown interface \"%s\" ?\\nYou might lose access to this router "
-#~ "if you are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Really shutdown interface \"%s\" ?\n"
-#~ "You might lose access to this router if you are connected via this "
-#~ "interface."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really shutdown network ?\\nYou might lose access to this router if you "
-#~ "are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Really shutdown network ?\n"
-#~ "You might lose access to this router if you are connected via this "
-#~ "interface."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The network ports on your router can be combined to several <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s in which computers can "
-#~ "communicate directly with each other. <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area "
-#~ "Network\">VLAN</abbr>s are often used to separate different network "
-#~ "segments. Often there is by default one Uplink port for a connection to "
-#~ "the next greater network like the internet and other ports for a local "
-#~ "network."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "本设备可以划分为多个<abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</"
-#~ "abbr>,并支持电脑间的直接通讯;<abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area Network"
-#~ "\">VLAN</abbr>也常用于分割不同网段;默认通常是一条上传端口连接ISP,其余端"
-#~ "口为本地子网。"
-#~ msgid "Enable buffering"
-#~ msgstr "开启缓冲"
-#~ msgid "IPv6-over-IPv4"
-#~ msgstr "IPv6-over-IPv4"
-#~ msgid "Custom Files"
-#~ msgstr "自定义文件"
-#~ msgid "Custom files"
-#~ msgstr "自定义文件"
-#~ msgid "Detected Files"
-#~ msgstr "查询到的文件"
-#~ msgid "Detected files"
-#~ msgstr "查询到的文件"
-#~ msgid "Files to be kept when flashing a new firmware"
-#~ msgstr "更新固件时被保存的文件"
-#~ msgid "General"
-#~ msgstr "基本信息"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can customize the settings and the functionality of <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "这里可以自定义<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>的组"
-#~ "件和功能。"
-#~ msgid "Post-commit actions"
-#~ msgstr "Post-commit操作"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The following files are detected by the system and will be kept "
-#~ "automatically during sysupgrade"
-#~ msgstr "更新固件时要保存的文件"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "These commands will be executed automatically when a given <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Unified Configuration Interface\">UCI</abbr> configuration is committed "
-#~ "allowing changes to be applied instantly."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "当<abbr title=\"Unified Configuration Interface\">UCI</abbr>配置提交并生效"
-#~ "后,这些命令将被自动执行。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This is a list of shell glob patterns for matching files and directories "
-#~ "to include during sysupgrade"
-#~ msgstr "系统升级时要保存的配置文件以及目录的串列清单"
-#~ msgid "Web <abbr title=\"User Interface\">UI</abbr>"
-#~ msgstr "Web <abbr title=\"User Interface\">UI</abbr>"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>-Server"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>-服务器"
-#~ msgid "AHCP Settings"
-#~ msgstr "AHCP设置"
-#~ msgid "ARP ping retries"
-#~ msgstr "重试ARP ping"
-#~ msgid "ATM Settings"
-#~ msgstr "ATM设置"
-#~ msgid "Accept Router Advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "接收路由公告"
-#~ msgid "Access point (APN)"
-#~ msgstr "接入点(APN)"
-#~ msgid "Additional pppd options"
-#~ msgstr "附加pppd选项"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to FFFF"
-#~ msgstr "允许范围:1 ~ FFFF"
-#~ msgid "Automatic Disconnect"
-#~ msgstr "自动断开"
-#~ msgid "Backup Archive"
-#~ msgstr "备份的存档"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Configure the local DNS server to use the name servers adverticed by the "
-#~ "PPP peer"
-#~ msgstr "本地DNS服务器使用PPP端局提供的域名服务器"
-#~ msgid "Connect script"
-#~ msgstr "连接脚本"
-#~ msgid "Create backup"
-#~ msgstr "创建备份"
-#~ msgid "Default"
-#~ msgstr "默认"
-#~ msgid "Disconnect script"
-#~ msgstr "断开脚本"
-#~ msgid "Edit package lists and installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "修改软件包的同步源和安装地址"
-#~ msgid "Enable 4K VLANs"
-#~ msgstr "开启4K VLAN"
-#~ msgid "Enable IPv6 on PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "在PPP链路上启用IPv6"
-#~ msgid "Firmware image"
-#~ msgstr "固件文件"
-#~ msgid "Forward DHCP"
-#~ msgstr "转发DHCP"
-#~ msgid "Forward broadcasts"
-#~ msgstr "转发广播"
-#~ msgid " Tunnel ID"
-#~ msgstr "HE.net隧道ID"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can backup and restore your router configuration and - if "
-#~ "possible - reset the router to the default settings."
-#~ msgstr "这里可以备份和恢复路由器的配置,也可以恢复到系统出厂设置。"
-#~ msgid "Installation targets"
-#~ msgstr "安装位置"
-#~ msgid "Keep configuration files"
-#~ msgstr "保留配置文件"
-#~ msgid "Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "保持活动"
-#~ msgid "Kernel"
-#~ msgstr "内核"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Let pppd replace the current default route to use the PPP interface after "
-#~ "successful connect"
-#~ msgstr "PPP连接成功后替换当前默认路由为pppd"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script after establishing the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "PPP连接建立后运行此脚本"
-#~ msgid "Let pppd run this script before tearing down the PPP link"
-#~ msgstr "PPP连接断开前运行此脚本"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Make sure that you provide the correct pin code here or you might lock "
-#~ "your sim card!"
-#~ msgstr "请确认pin码正确,并且没有锁定sim卡!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Most of them are network servers, that offer a certain service for your "
-#~ "device or network like shell access, serving webpages like <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>, doing mesh routing, sending "
-#~ "e-mails, ..."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "这些大部分是为设备或网络提供特定服务的,比如shell访问,<abbr title=\"Lua "
-#~ "Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> App,网间漫游,发送E-mail等..."
-#~ msgid "Number of failed connection tests to initiate automatic reconnect"
-#~ msgstr "启动自动重连的失败连接次数"
-#~ msgid "Override Gateway"
-#~ msgstr "更新网关"
-#~ msgid "PIN code"
-#~ msgstr "PIN码"
-#~ msgid "PPP Settings"
-#~ msgstr "PPP设置"
-#~ msgid "Package lists"
-#~ msgstr "软件同步源"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Port <abbr title=\"Primary VLAN IDs\">PVIDs</abbr> specify the default "
-#~ "VLAN ID added to received untagged frames."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "端口的<abbr title=\"Primary VLAN IDs\">PVID</abbr>指定了添加到所接收的未标"
-#~ "记桢的默认VLAN ID。"
-#~ msgid "Port PVIDs on %q"
-#~ msgstr "分配%q的端口PVID"
-#~ msgid "Proceed reverting all settings and resetting to firmware defaults?"
-#~ msgstr "放弃所有配置并将路由复位到默认状态?"
-#~ msgid "Processor"
-#~ msgstr "处理器"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Port"
-#~ msgstr "Radius-端口"
-#~ msgid "Radius-Server"
-#~ msgstr "Radius-服务器"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Really shutdown network ?\\nYou might loose access to this router if you "
-#~ "are connected via this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "真的要关闭此网络?\n"
-#~ "如果正由此网络管理路由,可能导致无法再管理路由器!"
-#~ msgid "Relay Settings"
-#~ msgstr "中继设置"
-#~ msgid "Replace default route"
-#~ msgstr "重置默认路由"
-#~ msgid "Reset router to defaults"
-#~ msgstr "恢复出厂设置"
-#~ msgid "Routing table ID"
-#~ msgstr "路由表ID"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Seconds to wait for the modem to become ready before attempting to connect"
-#~ msgstr "Modem尝试连接的就绪准备时间"
-#~ msgid "Send Router Solicitiations"
-#~ msgstr "发送路由探测"
-#~ msgid "Server IPv4-Address"
-#~ msgstr "服务器IPv4-地址"
-#~ msgid "Service type"
-#~ msgstr "服务类型"
-#~ msgid "Services and daemons perform certain tasks on your device."
-#~ msgstr "路由器上运行的部分任务和服务。"
-#~ msgid "Settings"
-#~ msgstr "设置"
-#~ msgid "Setup wait time"
-#~ msgstr "设置缓冲时间"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Sorry. OpenWrt does not support a system upgrade on this platform.<br /> "
-#~ "You need to manually flash your device."
-#~ msgstr "抱歉,OpenWrt不支持本平台的系统升级。<br />请手动刷新设备。"
-#~ msgid "Specify additional command line arguments for pppd here"
-#~ msgstr "指定附加命令行参数到pppd"
-#~ msgid "TTL"
-#~ msgstr "TTL"
-#~ msgid "The device node of your modem, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgstr "modem的设备节点。例如/dev/ttyUSB0"
-#~ msgid "Time (in seconds) after which an unused connection will be closed"
-#~ msgstr "自动关闭空闲连接的延迟时间(秒)"
-#~ msgid "Time Server (rdate)"
-#~ msgstr "校时服务器(rdate)"
-#~ msgid "Tunnel Settings"
-#~ msgstr "隧道设置"
-#~ msgid "Update package lists"
-#~ msgstr "更新软件列表"
-#~ msgid "Upload an OpenWrt image file to reflash the device."
-#~ msgstr "上传OpenWrt固件以刷新设备。"
-#~ msgid "Upload image"
-#~ msgstr "上传固件"
-#~ msgid "Use peer DNS"
-#~ msgstr "使用对等DNS"
-#~ msgid "VLAN %d"
-#~ msgstr "VLAN %d"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You can specify multiple DNS servers here, press enter to add a new "
-#~ "entry. Servers entered here will override automatically assigned ones."
-#~ msgstr "这里可以指定多路DNS服务器。输入后会自动覆盖已分配的条目。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"comgt\" for UMTS/GPRS, \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE, "
-#~ "\"ppp-mod-pppoa\" for PPPoA or \"pptp\" for PPtP support"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "UMTS/GPRS功能需安装\"comgt\",PPPoE需安装\"ppp-mod-pppoe\",PPPoA需安装"
-#~ "\"ppp-mod-pppoa\",PPtP需安装\"pptp\"。"
-#~ msgid "back"
-#~ msgstr "后退"
-#~ msgid "buffered"
-#~ msgstr "已缓冲"
-#~ msgid "cached"
-#~ msgstr "已缓存"
-#~ msgid "free"
-#~ msgstr "空闲"
-#~ msgid "static"
-#~ msgstr "静态"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a collection "
-#~ "of free Lua software including an <abbr title=\"Model-View-Controller"
-#~ "\">MVC</abbr>-Webframework and webinterface for embedded devices. <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is licensed under the "
-#~ "Apache-License."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>是一款嵌入式设备使"
-#~ "用的免费Lua软件,包含web框架和web界面。<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr>遵循Apache-License."
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-密钥"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A lightweight HTTP/1.1 webserver written in C and Lua designed to serve "
-#~ "LuCI"
-#~ msgstr "一个用C语言和Lua实现的服务于LuCI的轻量级 HTTP/1.1 web服务器。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A small webserver which can be used to serve <abbr title=\"Lua "
-#~ "Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "一个用于<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>的小型web服"
-#~ "务器。"
-#~ msgid "About"
-#~ msgstr "关于"
-#~ msgid "Active IP Connections"
-#~ msgstr "活动IP连接"
-#~ msgid "Addresses"
-#~ msgstr "地址"
-#~ msgid "Admin Password"
-#~ msgstr "管理密码"
-#~ msgid "Alias"
-#~ msgstr "别名"
-#~ msgid "Authentication Realm"
-#~ msgstr "验证范围"
-#~ msgid "Bridge Port"
-#~ msgstr "桥接端口"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Change the password of the system administrator (User <code>root</code>)"
-#~ msgstr "修改管理员密码"
-#~ msgid "Client + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "客户端+WDS"
-#~ msgid "Configuration file"
-#~ msgstr "配置文件"
-#~ msgid "Connection timeout"
-#~ msgstr "连接超时"
-#~ msgid "Contributing Developers"
-#~ msgstr "特别致谢"
-#~ msgid "DHCP assigned"
-#~ msgstr "DHCP有效分配"
-#~ msgid "Document root"
-#~ msgstr "根文档"
-#~ msgid "Enable Keep-Alive"
-#~ msgstr "开启保持活动"
-#~ msgid "Enable device"
-#~ msgstr "开启设备"
-#~ msgid "Ethernet Bridge"
-#~ msgstr "以太网桥"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can paste public <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys "
-#~ "(one per line) for <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> public-key "
-#~ "authentication."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "这里可以粘贴公用<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>密钥以用于<abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>公共密钥认证(每行一个密钥)。"
-#~ msgid "ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID"
-#~ msgid "IP Configuration"
-#~ msgstr "IP设置"
-#~ msgid "Interface Status"
-#~ msgstr "接口状态"
-#~ msgid "Lead Development"
-#~ msgstr "开发向导"
-#~ msgid "Master"
-#~ msgstr "Master"
-#~ msgid "Master + WDS"
-#~ msgstr "Master + WDS"
-#~ msgid "No address configured on this interface."
-#~ msgstr "本接口未设置地址"
-#~ msgid "Not configured"
-#~ msgstr "未设置"
-#~ msgid "Password successfully changed"
-#~ msgstr "密码已修改"
-#~ msgid "Plugin path"
-#~ msgstr "插件路径"
-#~ msgid "Ports"
-#~ msgstr "端口"
-#~ msgid "Primary"
-#~ msgstr "主要的"
-#~ msgid "Project Homepage"
-#~ msgstr "项目主页"
-#~ msgid "Pseudo Ad-Hoc"
-#~ msgstr "伪装Ad-Hoc"
-#~ msgid "STP"
-#~ msgstr "STP"
-#~ msgid "Thanks To"
-#~ msgstr "感谢"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The realm which will be displayed at the authentication prompt for "
-#~ "protected pages."
-#~ msgstr "在有提示验证保护的网页时显示验证范围。"
-#~ msgid "Unknown Error"
-#~ msgstr "未知错误"
-#~ msgid "VLAN"
-#~ msgstr "VLAN"
-#~ msgid "defaults to <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgstr "默认为<code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
-#~ msgid "Enable this switch"
-#~ msgstr "开启交换机"
-#~ msgid "OPKG error code %i"
-#~ msgstr "OPKG 出错代码 %i"
-#~ msgid "Package lists updated"
-#~ msgstr "更新软件包列表"
-#~ msgid "Reset switch during setup"
-#~ msgstr "设置时复位交换机"
-#~ msgid "Upgrade installed packages"
-#~ msgstr "升级已安装软件"
-#~ msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Port"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-端口"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a free, "
-#~ "flexible, and user friendly graphical interface for configuring OpenWrt "
-#~ "Kamikaze."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>是一个免费的,灵活"
-#~ "的,可视化的用户界面,可用来配置OpenWrt。"
-#~ msgid "AP-Isolation"
-#~ msgstr "AP隔离"
-#~ msgid "Active IPv4-Routes"
-#~ msgstr "活动的IPv4链路"
-#~ msgid "adds domain names to hostentries in the resolv file"
-#~ msgstr "添加域名条目到主机解析文件"
-#~ msgid "Add the Wifi network to physical network"
-#~ msgstr "添加无线网络到物理网络"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Also kernel or service logfiles can be viewed here to get an overview "
-#~ "over their current state."
-#~ msgstr "这里显示了系统日志,可以了解系统当前的运行状态。"
-#~ msgid "And now have fun with your router!"
-#~ msgstr "现在开始体验路由带来的乐趣吧!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "As we always want to improve this interface we are looking forward to "
-#~ "your feedback and suggestions."
-#~ msgstr "我们一直在努力提升界面效果,并期待着您的意见与建议。"
-#~ msgid "Attach to existing network"
-#~ msgstr "连接现有网络"
-#~ msgid "Clamp Segment Size"
-#~ msgstr "固定段大小"
-#~ msgid "Configuration applied"
-#~ msgstr "设置已应用"
-#~ msgid "Create Or Attach Network"
-#~ msgstr "创建/连接 网络"
-#~ msgid "Devices"
-#~ msgstr "设备"
-#~ msgid "enable"
-#~ msgstr "启用"
-#~ msgid "Errors"
-#~ msgstr "错误"
-#~ msgid "Essentials"
-#~ msgstr "概要"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Fixes problems with unreachable websites, submitting forms or other "
-#~ "unexpected behaviour for some ISPs."
-#~ msgstr "修复某些ISP的不可达网站或其他未知错误"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "filter useless <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-queries of "
-#~ "Windows-systems"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "过滤无用的<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>Windows-systems查询"
-#~ msgid "Hardware Address"
-#~ msgstr "硬件地址"
-#~ msgid "Hello!"
-#~ msgstr "Hello!"
-#~ msgid "Here you can configure installed wifi devices."
-#~ msgstr "这里可以配置已安装的无线设备。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here you can find information about the current system status like <abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Central Processing Unit\">CPU</abbr> clock frequency, memory "
-#~ "usage or network interface data."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "这里可以查看系统当前的状态信息,比如<abbr title=\"Central Processing Unit"
-#~ "\">CPU</abbr>频率、内存使用率或网络链接数据。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If the interface is attached to an existing network it will be "
-#~ "<em>bridged</em> to the existing interfaces and is covered by the "
-#~ "firewall zone of the choosen network.<br />Uncheck the attach option to "
-#~ "define a new standalone network for this interface."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "如果连接在已有网络,那么它会被<em>桥接</em>到现有接口,并且被所选的防火墙"
-#~ "区域覆盖。取消附加选项可以重定义此接口为新的独立网络。"
-#~ msgid "Independent (Ad-Hoc)"
-#~ msgstr "独立(点对点Ad-Hoc)"
-#~ msgid "Internet Connection"
-#~ msgstr "网络连接"
-#~ msgid "Join (Client)"
-#~ msgstr "加入(客户端)"
-#~ msgid "Leases"
-#~ msgstr "租约"
-#~ msgid "localises the hostname depending on its subnet"
-#~ msgstr "根据子网本地化主机名"
-#~ msgid "LuCI Components"
-#~ msgstr "LuCI 组件"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Notice: In <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> "
-#~ "changes have to be confirmed by clicking Changes - Save &amp; Apply "
-#~ "before being applied."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "注意:在<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>中,点击 保"
-#~ "存&amp;应用 后设置才会生效。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "On the following pages you can adjust all important settings of your "
-#~ "router."
-#~ msgstr "本页可以设置路由器的重要参数。"
-#~ msgid "Perform Actions"
-#~ msgstr "执行操作"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "prevents caching of negative <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</"
-#~ "abbr>-replies"
-#~ msgstr "阻止缓存无效的<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>应答"
-#~ msgid "Prevents client to client communication"
-#~ msgstr "禁止客户端间的通信"
-#~ msgid "Provide (Access Point)"
-#~ msgstr "添加(接入点)"
-#~ msgid "Search file..."
-#~ msgstr "查找文件..."
-#~ msgid "Server"
-#~ msgstr "服务器"
-#~ msgid "TX / RX"
-#~ msgstr "发送 / 接收"
-#~ msgid "The <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> Team"
-#~ msgstr "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>开发团队"
-#~ msgid "The following changes have been comitted"
-#~ msgstr "以下更改已提交"
-#~ msgid "The following changes have been applied"
-#~ msgstr "以下更改已生效"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This is the administration area of <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "这是<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>的管理页面。"
-#~ msgid "transmitted / received"
-#~ msgstr "已传输 / 已接收"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When flashing a new firmware with <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
-#~ "Interface\">LuCI</abbr> these files will be added to the new firmware "
-#~ "installation."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "当刷写带<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>的新固件"
-#~ "时,这些文件将被加入到新的固件中。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
-#~ "network members can automatically receive their network settings (<abbr "
-#~ "title=\"Internet Protocol\">IP</abbr>-address, netmask, <abbr title="
-#~ "\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-server, ...)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "用户可以通过<abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</"
-#~ "abbr>自动接收网络的(<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol\">IP</abbr>地址,子网"
-#~ "掩码,<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>服务器, ...)等配置信"
-#~ "息。"
-#~ msgid "Wireless Scan"
-#~ msgstr "搜索无线"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You are about to join the wireless network <em><strong>%s</strong></em>. "
-#~ "In order to complete the process, you need to provide some additional "
-#~ "details."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "即将加入无线网络<em><strong>%s</strong></em>,这需要填写一些额外信息。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You can run several wifi networks with one device. Be aware that there "
-#~ "are certain hardware and driverspecific restrictions. Normally you can "
-#~ "operate 1 Ad-Hoc or up to 3 Master-Mode and 1 Client-Mode network "
-#~ "simultaneously."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "一台设备可以用虚拟方式同时运行几个无线网络。但注意会有硬件或软件限制。通常"
-#~ "可以运行一个点对点无线网络,或同时运行三个Master模式和一个客户端模式的无线"
-#~ "网络。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE or \"pptp\" for PPtP "
-#~ "support"
-#~ msgstr "需要安装\"ppp-mod-pppoe\"以支持PPPoe,\"pptp\"以支持PPtP"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install <a href='%s'><em>wpa-supplicant</em></a> to use WPA!"
-#~ msgstr "需要安装<a href='%s'><em>wpa-supplicant</em></a>以支持WPA加密!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You need to install the <a href='%s'>Broadcom <em>nas</em> supplicant</a> "
-#~ "to use WPA!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "需要安装<a href='%s'>Broadcom<em>nas</em> supplicant</a>以支持WPA加密!"
-#~ msgid "User Interface"
-#~ msgstr "用户界面"
-#~ msgid "(hidden)"
-#~ msgstr "(隐藏)"
-#~ msgid "(optional)"
-#~ msgstr "(任意)"
-#~ msgid "Aliases"
-#~ msgstr "别名"
-#~ msgid "First leased address"
-#~ msgstr "起始分配地址"
-#~ msgid "Local Network"
-#~ msgstr "本地网络"
-#~ msgid "Number of leased addresses"
-#~ msgstr "地址租用数"
-#~ msgid "Resolvfile"
-#~ msgstr "解析文件"
-#~ msgid "Zone"
-#~ msgstr "区域"
-#~ msgid "additional hostfile"
-#~ msgstr "附加的主机文件"
-#~ msgid "automatically reconnect"
-#~ msgstr "自动重连"
-#~ msgid "concurrent queries"
-#~ msgstr "并发查询"
-#~ msgid "disconnect when idle for"
-#~ msgstr "空闲自动断开"
-#~ msgid "don't cache unknown"
-#~ msgstr "不缓存未知数据"
-#~ msgid "installed"
-#~ msgstr "已安装"
-#~ msgid "manual"
-#~ msgstr "手册"
-#~ msgid "not installed"
-#~ msgstr "未安装"
-#~ msgid "query port"
-#~ msgstr "查询端口"
-#~ msgid "all"
-#~ msgstr "全部"
-#~ msgid "Code"
-#~ msgstr "代码"
-#~ msgid "Distance"
-#~ msgstr "距离"
-#~ msgid "Legend"
-#~ msgstr "图例"
-#~ msgid "Library"
-#~ msgstr "Library"
-#~ msgid "see '%s' manpage"
-#~ msgstr "详参 &#39;%s&#39; 联机帮助"
+#~ msgid "CPU"
+#~ msgstr "CPU"
-#~ msgid "Package Manager"
-#~ msgstr "软件包管理"
+#~ msgid "Port %d"
+#~ msgstr "端口 %d"
-#~ msgid "Service"
-#~ msgstr "服务"
+#~ msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+#~ msgstr "端口 %d 在多个VLAN中均未关联!"
-#~ msgid "Statistics"
-#~ msgstr "统计信息"
+#~ msgid "VLAN Interface"
+#~ msgstr "VLAN接口"
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/po/zh-tw/base.po b/modules/luci-base/po/zh-tw/base.po
index 5dd6468c3f..d1d17ad916 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/po/zh-tw/base.po
+++ b/modules/luci-base/po/zh-tw/base.po
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.0.6\n"
+msgid "%s is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+msgstr ""
msgid "(%d minute window, %d second interval)"
msgstr "(%d 分鐘訊息, %d 秒更新)"
@@ -236,6 +239,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Alert"
msgstr "警示"
+msgid ""
+"Allocate IP addresses sequentially, starting from the lowest available "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Allocate IP sequentially"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
msgstr "允許 <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> 密碼驗證"
@@ -515,9 +526,6 @@ msgstr "按鈕"
msgid "CA certificate; if empty it will be saved after the first connection."
msgstr ""
-msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "CPU"
msgid "CPU usage (%)"
msgstr "CPU 使用率 (%)"
@@ -1035,6 +1043,9 @@ msgstr "外部系統日誌伺服器"
msgid "External system log server port"
msgstr "外部系統日誌伺服器埠號"
+msgid "External system log server protocol"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Extra SSH command options"
msgstr ""
@@ -1725,6 +1736,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "MB/s"
msgstr "MB/s"
+msgid "MD5"
+msgstr ""
msgid "MHz"
msgstr "MHz"
@@ -2220,12 +2234,6 @@ msgstr "策略"
msgid "Port"
msgstr "埠"
-msgid "Port %d"
-msgstr "埠 %d"
-msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
-msgstr "埠 %d 尚未標記在多個VLANs中!"
msgid "Port status:"
msgstr "埠狀態:"
@@ -2514,6 +2522,9 @@ msgstr "掛載這個設備前先跑系統檢查"
msgid "Run filesystem check"
msgstr "執行系統檢查"
+msgid "SHA256"
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"SIXXS supports TIC only, for static tunnels using IP protocol 41 (RFC4213) "
"use 6in4 instead"
@@ -2653,6 +2664,9 @@ msgstr "插槽時間"
msgid "Software"
msgstr "軟體"
+msgid "Software VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!"
msgstr "有些欄位失效, 無法儲存數值!"
@@ -2749,6 +2763,12 @@ msgstr "嚴謹順序"
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "提交"
+msgid "Suppress logging"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Suppress logging of the routine operation of these protocols"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Swap"
msgstr ""
@@ -2764,6 +2784,13 @@ msgstr "交換器 %q"
msgid "Switch %q (%s)"
msgstr "交換器 %q (%s)"
+msgid ""
+"Switch %q has an unknown topology - the VLAN settings might not be accurate."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Switch VLAN"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Switch protocol"
msgstr "交換器協定"
@@ -3243,9 +3270,6 @@ msgstr "虛擬電路多工器VC-Mux"
msgid "VDSL"
msgstr ""
-msgid "VLAN Interface"
-msgstr "VLAN介面"
msgid "VLANs on %q"
msgstr "VLAN 在 %q"
@@ -3341,9 +3365,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Wifi"
-msgstr "WIFI無線"
msgid "Wireless"
msgstr "無線網路"
@@ -3380,6 +3401,9 @@ msgstr "無線網路關閉"
msgid "Write received DNS requests to syslog"
msgstr "寫入已接收的DNS請求到系統日誌中"
+msgid "Write system log to file"
+msgstr ""
msgid "XR Support"
msgstr "支援XR無線陣列"
@@ -3558,96 +3582,14 @@ msgstr "是的"
msgid "« Back"
msgstr "« 倒退"
-#~ msgid "Delete this interface"
-#~ msgstr "刪除這個介面"
-#~ msgid "Flags"
-#~ msgstr "旗標"
-#~ msgid "Rule #"
-#~ msgstr "規則 #"
-#~ msgid "Ignore Hosts files"
-#~ msgstr "被忽視的主機檔案"
-#~ msgid "Please wait: Device rebooting..."
-#~ msgstr "請稍等:設備正重開中..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Warning: There are unsaved changes that will be lost while rebooting!"
-#~ msgstr "警告:重開機後某些未存檔的修改將會漏失!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Always use 40MHz channels even if the secondary channel overlaps. Using "
-#~ "this option does not comply with IEEE 802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "強制啟用40MHz頻寬並忽略輔助通道重疊。此選項不相容於IEEE 802.11n-2009!"
-#~ msgid "Cached"
-#~ msgstr "已快取"
-#~ msgid "Configures this mount as overlay storage for block-extroot"
-#~ msgstr "要採用block-extroot功能,設定這個掛載點當作覆蓋儲存"
-#~ msgid "Force 40MHz mode"
-#~ msgstr "強制40MHz模式"
-#~ msgid "Frequency Hopping"
-#~ msgstr "跳頻"
-#~ msgid "Locked to channel %d used by %s"
-#~ msgstr "鎖定通道 由 %s 使用的 %d "
-#~ msgid "Use as root filesystem"
-#~ msgstr "當作root檔案系統"
-#~ msgid " user ID"
-#~ msgstr "HE.net用戶識別碼ID"
-#~ msgid "This is the 32 byte hex encoded user ID, not the login name"
-#~ msgstr "這是32字元16進制用戶ID編碼,並非登入名稱"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel above"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz的上述第二通道"
-#~ msgid "40MHz 2nd channel below"
-#~ msgstr "40MHz的下述第二通道"
-#~ msgid "Accept router advertisements"
-#~ msgstr "接收路由器通告"
-#~ msgid "Advertise IPv6 on network"
-#~ msgstr "在網路上通知IPv6"
-#~ msgid "Advertised network ID"
-#~ msgstr "通知網路ID"
-#~ msgid "Allowed range is 1 to 65535"
-#~ msgstr "允許範圍為1到65535"
-#~ msgid "HT capabilities"
-#~ msgstr "HT頻寬能力"
-#~ msgid "HT mode"
-#~ msgstr "HT頻寬模式"
-#~ msgid "Router Model"
-#~ msgstr "路由器型號Model"
-#~ msgid "Router Name"
-#~ msgstr "路由器名稱"
-#~ msgid "Send router solicitations"
-#~ msgstr "傳送路由器邀請封包"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised preferred prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr "指定這個公告較愛字首的生命週期以秒表示"
+#~ msgid "CPU"
+#~ msgstr "CPU"
-#~ msgid "Specifies the advertised valid prefix lifetime in seconds"
-#~ msgstr "指定這個公告有效字首的生命週期以秒表示"
+#~ msgid "Port %d"
+#~ msgstr "埠 %d"
-#~ msgid "Use preferred lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "使用首選的生命週期"
+#~ msgid "Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!"
+#~ msgstr "埠 %d 尚未標記在多個VLANs中!"
-#~ msgid "Use valid lifetime"
-#~ msgstr "使用正確的生命週期"
+#~ msgid "VLAN Interface"
+#~ msgstr "VLAN介面"
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/root/etc/config/ucitrack b/modules/luci-base/root/etc/config/ucitrack
index cd3cb8515c..c3741ba780 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/root/etc/config/ucitrack
+++ b/modules/luci-base/root/etc/config/ucitrack
@@ -52,6 +52,3 @@ config samba
config tinyproxy
option init tinyproxy
-config 6relayd
- option init 6relayd
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/controller/admin/network.lua b/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/controller/admin/network.lua
index aa533cb70b..3b5f3eb8de 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/controller/admin/network.lua
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/controller/admin/network.lua
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ function index()
page = entry({"admin", "network", "wireless_shutdown"}, post("wifi_shutdown"), nil)
page.leaf = true
- page = entry({"admin", "network", "wireless"}, arcombine(template("admin_network/wifi_overview"), cbi("admin_network/wifi")), _("Wifi"), 15)
+ page = entry({"admin", "network", "wireless"}, arcombine(template("admin_network/wifi_overview"), cbi("admin_network/wifi")), _("Wireless"), 15)
page.leaf = true
page.subindex = true
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/controller/admin/system.lua b/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/controller/admin/system.lua
index 5b80f20783..cf8cfb5d2d 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/controller/admin/system.lua
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/controller/admin/system.lua
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ function index()
entry({"admin", "system", "startup"}, form("admin_system/startup"), _("Startup"), 45)
entry({"admin", "system", "crontab"}, form("admin_system/crontab"), _("Scheduled Tasks"), 46)
- if fs.access("/sbin/block") then
+ if fs.access("/sbin/block") and fs.access("/etc/config/fstab") then
entry({"admin", "system", "fstab"}, cbi("admin_system/fstab"), _("Mount Points"), 50)
entry({"admin", "system", "fstab", "mount"}, cbi("admin_system/fstab/mount"), nil).leaf = true
entry({"admin", "system", "fstab", "swap"}, cbi("admin_system/fstab/swap"), nil).leaf = true
@@ -185,6 +185,10 @@ local function image_checksum(image)
return (luci.sys.exec("md5sum %q" % image):match("^([^%s]+)"))
+local function image_sha256_checksum(image)
+ return (luci.sys.exec("sha256sum %q" % image):match("^([^%s]+)"))
local function supports_sysupgrade()
return nixio.fs.access("/lib/upgrade/")
@@ -268,6 +272,7 @@ function action_sysupgrade()
if image_supported(image_tmp) then
luci.template.render("admin_system/upgrade", {
checksum = image_checksum(image_tmp),
+ sha256ch = image_sha256_checksum(image_tmp),
storage = storage_size(),
size = (fs.stat(image_tmp, "size") or 0),
keep = (not not http.formvalue("keep"))
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/model/cbi/admin_network/vlan.lua b/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/model/cbi/admin_network/vlan.lua
index ce3c3ef325..902767c903 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/model/cbi/admin_network/vlan.lua
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/model/cbi/admin_network/vlan.lua
@@ -5,8 +5,13 @@
m = Map("network", translate("Switch"), translate("The network ports on this device can be combined to several <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s in which computers can communicate directly with each other. <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s are often used to separate different network segments. Often there is by default one Uplink port for a connection to the next greater network like the internet and other ports for a local network."))
local fs = require "nixio.fs"
+local nw = require ""
local switches = { }
+local topologies = nw:get_switch_topologies() or {}
m.uci:foreach("network", "switch",
local sid = x['.name']
@@ -19,12 +24,26 @@ m.uci:foreach("network", "switch",
local min_vid = 0
local max_vid = 16
local num_vlans = 16
- local cpu_port = tonumber(fs.readfile("/proc/switch/eth0/cpuport") or 5)
- local num_ports = cpu_port + 1
local switch_title
local enable_vlan4k = false
+ local topo = topologies[switch_name]
+ if not topo then
+ m.message = translatef("Switch %q has an unknown topology - the VLAN settings might not be accurate.", switch_name)
+ topo = {
+ ports = {
+ { num = 0, label = "Port 1" },
+ { num = 1, label = "Port 2" },
+ { num = 2, label = "Port 3" },
+ { num = 3, label = "Port 4" },
+ { num = 4, label = "Port 5" },
+ { num = 5, label = "CPU (eth0)", tagged = false }
+ }
+ }
+ end
-- Parse some common switch properties from swconfig help output.
local swc = io.popen("swconfig dev %q help 2>/dev/null" % switch_name)
if swc then
@@ -45,12 +64,7 @@ m.uci:foreach("network", "switch",
elseif line:match("cpu @") then
switch_title = line:match("^switch%d: %w+%((.-)%)")
- num_ports, cpu_port, num_vlans =
- line:match("ports: (%d+) %(cpu @ (%d+)%), vlans: (%d+)")
- num_ports = tonumber(num_ports) or 6
- num_vlans = tonumber(num_vlans) or 16
- cpu_port = tonumber(cpu_port) or 5
+ num_vlans = tonumber(line:match("vlans: (%d+)")) or 16
min_vid = 1
elseif line:match(": pvid") or line:match(": tag") or line:match(": vid") then
@@ -113,14 +127,10 @@ m.uci:foreach("network", "switch",
mp:depends("enable_mirror_tx", "1")
mp:depends("enable_mirror_rx", "1")
- local pt
- for pt = 0, num_ports - 1 do
- local name
- name = (pt == cpu_port) and translate("CPU") or translatef("Port %d", pt)
- sp:value(pt, name)
- mp:value(pt, name)
+ local _, pt
+ for _, pt in ipairs(topo.ports) do
+ sp:value(pt.num, pt.label)
+ mp:value(pt.num, pt.label)
@@ -211,9 +221,9 @@ m.uci:foreach("network", "switch",
if value == "u" then
if not untagged[self.option] then
untagged[self.option] = true
- elseif min_vid > 0 or tonumber(self.option) ~= cpu_port then -- enable multiple untagged cpu ports due to weird broadcom default setup
+ else
return nil,
- translatef("Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!", tonumber(self.option) + 1)
+ translatef("%s is untagged in multiple VLANs!", self.title)
return value
@@ -276,20 +286,16 @@ m.uci:foreach("network", "switch",
or m:get(section, "vlan")
- -- Build per-port off/untagged/tagged choice lists.
- local pt
- for pt = 0, num_ports - 1 do
- local title
- if pt == cpu_port then
- title = translate("CPU")
- else
- title = translatef("Port %d", pt)
- end
- local po = s:option(ListValue, tostring(pt), title)
+ local _, pt
+ for _, pt in ipairs(topo.ports) do
+ local po = s:option(ListValue, tostring(pt.num), pt.label, '<div id="portstatus-%s-%d"></div>' %{ switch_name, pt.num })
po:value("", translate("off"))
- po:value("u", translate("untagged"))
+ if not pt.tagged then
+ po:value("u", translate("untagged"))
+ end
po:value("t", translate("tagged"))
po.cfgvalue = portvalue
@@ -299,6 +305,7 @@ m.uci:foreach("network", "switch",
port_opts[#port_opts+1] = po
+ table.sort(port_opts, function(a, b) return a.option < b.option end)
switches[#switches+1] = switch_name
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/model/cbi/admin_system/system.lua b/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/model/cbi/admin_system/system.lua
index 2874b5607e..c7fdfcddba 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/model/cbi/admin_system/system.lua
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/model/cbi/admin_system/system.lua
@@ -80,6 +80,14 @@ o.optional = true
o.placeholder = 514
o.datatype = "port"
+o = s:taboption("logging", ListValue, "log_proto", translate("External system log server protocol"))
+o:value("udp", "UDP")
+o:value("tcp", "TCP")
+o = s:taboption("logging", Value, "log_file", translate("Write system log to file"))
+o.optional = true
+o.placeholder = "/tmp/system.log"
o = s:taboption("logging", ListValue, "conloglevel", translate("Log output level"))
o:value(8, translate("Debug"))
o:value(7, translate("Info"))
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/view/admin_network/diagnostics.htm b/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/view/admin_network/diagnostics.htm
index 685082a335..f4adb26069 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/view/admin_network/diagnostics.htm
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/view/admin_network/diagnostics.htm
@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@
local fs = require "nixio.fs"
local has_ping6 = fs.access("/bin/ping6") or fs.access("/usr/bin/ping6")
local has_traceroute6 = fs.access("/usr/bin/traceroute6")
+local dns_host = luci.config.diag and luci.config.diag.dns or ""
+local ping_host = luci.config.diag and or ""
+local route_host = luci.config.diag and luci.config.diag.route or ""
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%=resource%>/cbi.js"></script>
@@ -63,7 +67,7 @@ local has_traceroute6 = fs.access("/usr/bin/traceroute6")
<br />
<div style="width:30%; float:left">
- <input style="margin: 5px 0" type="text" value="" name="ping" /><br />
+ <input style="margin: 5px 0" type="text" value="<%=ping_host%>" name="ping" /><br />
<% if has_ping6 then %>
<select name="ping_proto" style="width:auto">
<option value="" selected="selected"><%:IPv4%></option>
@@ -76,7 +80,7 @@ local has_traceroute6 = fs.access("/usr/bin/traceroute6")
<div style="width:33%; float:left">
- <input style="margin: 5px 0" type="text" value="" name="traceroute" /><br />
+ <input style="margin: 5px 0" type="text" value="<%=route_host%>" name="traceroute" /><br />
<% if has_traceroute6 then %>
<select name="traceroute_proto" style="width:auto">
<option value="" selected="selected"><%:IPv4%></option>
@@ -93,7 +97,7 @@ local has_traceroute6 = fs.access("/usr/bin/traceroute6")
<div style="width:33%; float:left;">
- <input style="margin: 5px 0" type="text" value="" name="nslookup" /><br />
+ <input style="margin: 5px 0" type="text" value="<%=dns_host%>" name="nslookup" /><br />
<input type="button" value="<%:Nslookup%>" class="cbi-button cbi-button-apply" onclick="update_status(this.form.nslookup)" />
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/view/admin_network/switch_status.htm b/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/view/admin_network/switch_status.htm
index 53c35ae59c..96fbffdb02 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/view/admin_network/switch_status.htm
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/view/admin_network/switch_status.htm
@@ -15,7 +15,10 @@
for (var j = 0; j < ports.length; j++)
- var th = th0.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[j+1];
+ var th = document.getElementById('portstatus-' + switches[i] + '-' + j);
+ if (!th)
+ continue;
if (ports[j].link)
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/view/admin_network/wifi_overview.htm b/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/view/admin_network/wifi_overview.htm
index 1df6b28846..9c351d3933 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/view/admin_network/wifi_overview.htm
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/view/admin_network/wifi_overview.htm
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@
<td class="cbi-value-field" style="width:310px;text-align:right">
<input id="<%=net:id()%>-iw-toggle" type="button" class="cbi-button cbi-button-reload" style="width:100px" onclick="wifi_shutdown('<%=net:id()%>', this)" title="<%:Delete this network%>" value="<%:Enable%>" />
<input type="button" class="cbi-button cbi-button-edit" style="width:100px" onclick="location.href='<%=net:adminlink()%>'" title="<%:Edit this network%>" value="<%:Edit%>" />
- <input type="button" class="cbi-button cbi-button-remove" style="width:100px" onclick="wifi_delete('<%=net:ifname()%>')" title="<%:Delete this network%>" value="<%:Remove%>" />
+ <input type="button" class="cbi-button cbi-button-remove" style="width:100px" onclick="wifi_delete('<%=net:id()%>')" title="<%:Delete this network%>" value="<%:Remove%>" />
<% end %>
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/view/admin_status/index.htm b/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/view/admin_status/index.htm
index 8c3e01e603..eb46488062 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/view/admin_status/index.htm
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/view/admin_status/index.htm
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@
'<strong><%:Bitrate%>:</strong> %s <%:Mbit/s%><br />',
icon, net.signal, net.noise,
-, net.ssid,
+, net.ssid || '?',
net.mode,, net.frequency,
net.bitrate || '?'
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@
s += String.format(
'<strong><%:BSSID%>:</strong> %s<br />' +
'<strong><%:Encryption%>:</strong> %s',
- net.bssid,
+ net.bssid || '?',
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/view/admin_system/upgrade.htm b/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/view/admin_system/upgrade.htm
index 5ca0398e13..7175248dbb 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/view/admin_system/upgrade.htm
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/luasrc/view/admin_system/upgrade.htm
@@ -24,7 +24,9 @@
<fieldset class="cbi-section">
- <li><%:Checksum%>: <code><%=checksum%></code></li>
+ <li><%:Checksum%><br />
+ <%:MD5%>: <code><%=checksum%></code><br />
+ <%:SHA256%>: <code><%=sha256ch%></code></li>
<li><%:Size%>: <%
local w = require ""
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/root/etc/uci-defaults/50_luci-mod-admin-full b/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/root/etc/uci-defaults/50_luci-mod-admin-full
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..372eb15122
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-admin-full/root/etc/uci-defaults/50_luci-mod-admin-full
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+if [ "$(uci -q get luci.diag)" != "internal" ]; then
+ host=""
+ if [ -s /etc/os-release ]; then
+ . /etc/os-release
+ host="${host#*://}"
+ host="${host%%/*}"
+ fi
+ uci -q batch <<-EOF >/dev/null
+ set luci.diag=internal
+ set luci.diag.dns='${}'
+ set'${}'
+ set luci.diag.route='${}'
+ commit luci
+exit 0
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-admin-mini/luasrc/controller/mini/network.lua b/modules/luci-mod-admin-mini/luasrc/controller/mini/network.lua
index 0b74c41ec4..92506e54f2 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-admin-mini/luasrc/controller/mini/network.lua
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-admin-mini/luasrc/controller/mini/network.lua
@@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ module("", package.seeall)
function index()
entry({"mini", "network"}, alias("mini", "network", "index"), _("Network"), 20).index = true
entry({"mini", "network", "index"}, cbi("mini/network", {autoapply=true}), _("General"), 1)
- entry({"mini", "network", "wifi"}, cbi("mini/wifi", {autoapply=true}), _("Wifi"), 10)
+ entry({"mini", "network", "wifi"}, cbi("mini/wifi", {autoapply=true}), _("Wireless"), 10)
entry({"mini", "network", "dhcp"}, cbi("mini/dhcp", {autoapply=true}), _("DHCP"), 20)
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-admin-mini/luasrc/model/cbi/mini/wifi.lua b/modules/luci-mod-admin-mini/luasrc/model/cbi/mini/wifi.lua
index 0729c44393..19952cd5dc 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-admin-mini/luasrc/model/cbi/mini/wifi.lua
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-admin-mini/luasrc/model/cbi/mini/wifi.lua
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ wlcursor:foreach("wireless", "wifi-device",
-- Main Map --
-m = Map("wireless", translate("Wifi"), translate("Here you can configure installed wifi devices."))
+m = Map("wireless", translate("Wireless"), translate("Here you can configure installed wifi devices."))
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-freifunk/luasrc/view/freifunk/public_status.htm b/modules/luci-mod-freifunk/luasrc/view/freifunk/public_status.htm
index fc3948ecc1..1dc1d8b0d1 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-freifunk/luasrc/view/freifunk/public_status.htm
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-freifunk/luasrc/view/freifunk/public_status.htm
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ end
netlist[#netlist+1] = net:ifname()
netdevs[net:ifname()] = dev:name()
- if net.iwdata.device then
+ if net.iwinfo.signal and net.iwinfo.bssid then
local signal = net.iwinfo.signal or "N/A"
local noise = net.iwinfo.noise or "N/A"
local q = net.iwinfo.quality or "0"