path: root/modules/luci-mod-system/luasrc/controller/admin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/luci-mod-system/luasrc/controller/admin')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-system/luasrc/controller/admin/system.lua b/modules/luci-mod-system/luasrc/controller/admin/system.lua
index 07d916c0aa..68ca88b980 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-system/luasrc/controller/admin/system.lua
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-system/luasrc/controller/admin/system.lua
@@ -11,12 +11,6 @@ function index()
entry({"admin", "system", "clock_status"}, post_on({ set = true }, "action_clock_status"))
entry({"admin", "system", "admin"}, cbi("admin_system/admin"), _("Administration"), 2)
- if fs.access("/bin/opkg") then
- entry({"admin", "system", "packages"}, post_on({ exec = "1" }, "action_packages"), _("Software"), 10)
- entry({"admin", "system", "packages", "ipkg"}, form("admin_system/ipkg"))
- end
entry({"admin", "system", "startup"}, form("admin_system/startup"), _("Startup"), 45)
entry({"admin", "system", "crontab"}, form("admin_system/crontab"), _("Scheduled Tasks"), 46)
@@ -61,124 +55,6 @@ function action_clock_status()
luci.http.write_json({ timestring ="%c") })
-function action_packages()
- local fs = require "nixio.fs"
- local ipkg = require "luci.model.ipkg"
- local submit = (luci.http.formvalue("exec") == "1")
- local update, upgrade
- local changes = false
- local install = { }
- local remove = { }
- local stdout = { "" }
- local stderr = { "" }
- local out, err
- -- Display
- local display = luci.http.formvalue("display") or "available"
- -- Letter
- local letter = string.byte(luci.http.formvalue("letter") or "A", 1)
- letter = (letter == 35 or (letter >= 65 and letter <= 90)) and letter or 65
- -- Search query
- local query = luci.http.formvalue("query")
- query = (query ~= '') and query or nil
- -- Modifying actions
- if submit then
- -- Packets to be installed
- local ninst = luci.http.formvalue("install")
- local uinst = nil
- -- Install from URL
- local url = luci.http.formvalue("url")
- if url and url ~= '' then
- uinst = url
- end
- -- Do install
- if ninst then
- install[ninst], out, err = ipkg.install(ninst)
- stdout[#stdout+1] = out
- stderr[#stderr+1] = err
- changes = true
- end
- if uinst then
- local pkg
- for pkg in luci.util.imatch(uinst) do
- install[uinst], out, err = ipkg.install(pkg)
- stdout[#stdout+1] = out
- stderr[#stderr+1] = err
- changes = true
- end
- end
- -- Remove packets
- local rem = luci.http.formvalue("remove")
- if rem then
- remove[rem], out, err = ipkg.remove(rem)
- stdout[#stdout+1] = out
- stderr[#stderr+1] = err
- changes = true
- end
- -- Update all packets
- update = luci.http.formvalue("update")
- if update then
- update, out, err = ipkg.update()
- stdout[#stdout+1] = out
- stderr[#stderr+1] = err
- end
- -- Upgrade all packets
- upgrade = luci.http.formvalue("upgrade")
- if upgrade then
- upgrade, out, err = ipkg.upgrade()
- stdout[#stdout+1] = out
- stderr[#stderr+1] = err
- end
- end
- -- List state
- local no_lists = true
- local old_lists = false
- if fs.access("/var/opkg-lists/") then
- local list
- for list in fs.dir("/var/opkg-lists/") do
- no_lists = false
- if (fs.stat("/var/opkg-lists/"..list, "mtime") or 0) < (os.time() - (24 * 60 * 60)) then
- old_lists = true
- break
- end
- end
- end
- luci.template.render("admin_system/packages", {
- display = display,
- letter = letter,
- query = query,
- install = install,
- remove = remove,
- update = update,
- upgrade = upgrade,
- no_lists = no_lists,
- old_lists = old_lists,
- stdout = table.concat(stdout, ""),
- stderr = table.concat(stderr, "")
- })
- -- Remove index cache
- if changes then
- fs.unlink("/tmp/luci-indexcache")
- end
local function image_supported(image)
return (os.execute("sysupgrade -T %q >/dev/null" % image) == 0)