path: root/modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources')
7 files changed, 521 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources/svg/channel_analysis.svg b/modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources/svg/channel_analysis.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f01075d0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources/svg/channel_analysis.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
+<svg width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" xmlns="">
+ <polyline id="rx" points="" style="fill:blue;fill-opacity:0.4;stroke:blue;stroke-width:1" />
+ <polyline id="tx" points="" style="fill:green;fill-opacity:0.4;stroke:green;stroke-width:1" />
+ <line x1="0" y1="25%" x2="100%" y2="25%" style="stroke:black;stroke-width:0.1" />
+ <text id="label_75" x="10" y="24%" style="fill:#eee; font-size:9pt; font-family:sans-serif; text-shadow:1px 1px 1px #000">-25 dbm</text>
+ <line x1="0" y1="50%" x2="100%" y2="50%" style="stroke:black;stroke-width:0.1" />
+ <text id="label_50" x="10" y="49%" style="fill:#eee; font-size:9pt; font-family:sans-serif; text-shadow:1px 1px 1px #000">-50 dbm</text>
+ <line x1="0" y1="75%" x2="100%" y2="75%" style="stroke:black;stroke-width:0.1" />
+ <text id="label_25" x="10" y="74%" style="fill:#eee; font-size:9pt; font-family:sans-serif; text-shadow:1px 1px 1px #000">-75 dbm</text>
+ <line x1="0" y1="90%" x2="100%" y2="90%" style="stroke:black;stroke-width:0.1" />
+ <text id="label_10" x="10" y="89%" style="fill:#eee; font-size:9pt; font-family:sans-serif; text-shadow:1px 1px 1px #000">-90 dbm</text>
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/channel_analysis.js b/modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/channel_analysis.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5f838108ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/channel_analysis.js
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+'use strict';
+'require view';
+'require poll';
+'require request';
+'require network';
+'require ui';
+'require rpc';
+'require tools.prng as random';
+return view.extend({
+ callFrequencyList : rpc.declare({
+ object: 'iwinfo',
+ method: 'freqlist',
+ params: [ 'device' ],
+ expect: { results: [] }
+ }),
+ callInfo : rpc.declare({
+ object: 'iwinfo',
+ method: 'info',
+ params: [ 'device' ],
+ expect: { }
+ }),
+ render_signal_badge: function(signalPercent, signalValue) {
+ var icon, title, value;
+ if (signalPercent < 0)
+ icon = L.resource('icons/signal-none.png');
+ else if (signalPercent == 0)
+ icon = L.resource('icons/signal-0.png');
+ else if (signalPercent < 25)
+ icon = L.resource('icons/signal-0-25.png');
+ else if (signalPercent < 50)
+ icon = L.resource('icons/signal-25-50.png');
+ else if (signalPercent < 75)
+ icon = L.resource('icons/signal-50-75.png');
+ else
+ icon = L.resource('icons/signal-75-100.png');
+ value = '%d\xa0%s'.format(signalValue, _('dBm'));
+ title = '%s: %d %s'.format(_('Signal'), signalValue, _('dBm'));
+ return E('div', {
+ 'class': 'ifacebadge',
+ 'title': title,
+ 'data-signal': signalValue
+ }, [
+ E('img', { 'src': icon }),
+ value
+ ]);
+ },
+ add_wifi_to_graph: function(chan_analysis, res, scanCache, channels, channel_width) {
+ var offset_tbl = chan_analysis.offset_tbl,
+ height = chan_analysis.graph.offsetHeight - 2,
+ step = chan_analysis.col_width,
+ height_diff = (height-(height-(res.signal*-4)));
+ if (scanCache[res.bssid].color == null)
+ scanCache[res.bssid].color = random.derive_color(res.bssid);
+ if (scanCache[res.bssid].graph == null)
+ scanCache[res.bssid].graph = [];
+ channels.forEach(function(channel) {
+ var chan_offset = offset_tbl[channel],
+ points = [
+ (chan_offset-(step*channel_width))+','+height,
+ (chan_offset-(step*(channel_width-1)))+','+height_diff,
+ (chan_offset+(step*(channel_width-1)))+','+height_diff,
+ (chan_offset+(step*(channel_width)))+','+height
+ ];
+ if (scanCache[res.bssid].graph[i] == null) {
+ var group = document.createElementNS('', 'g'),
+ line = document.createElementNS('', 'polyline'),
+ text = document.createElementNS('', 'text'),
+ color = scanCache[res.bssid].color;
+ line.setAttribute('style', 'fill:'+color+'4f'+';stroke:'+color+';stroke-width:0.5');
+ text.setAttribute('style', 'fill:'+color+';font-size:9pt; font-family:sans-serif; text-shadow:1px 1px 1px #000');
+ text.appendChild(document.createTextNode(res.ssid || res.bssid));
+ group.appendChild(line)
+ group.appendChild(text)
+ chan_analysis.graph.firstElementChild.appendChild(group);
+ scanCache[res.bssid].graph[i] = { group : group, line : line, text : text };
+ }
+ scanCache[res.bssid].graph[i].text.setAttribute('x', chan_offset-step);
+ scanCache[res.bssid].graph[i].text.setAttribute('y', height_diff - 2);
+ scanCache[res.bssid].graph[i].line.setAttribute('points', points);
+ scanCache[res.bssid].graph[i] = res.signal*-1;
+ scanCache[res.bssid].graph[i] = res.stale ? '0.5' : null;
+ })
+ },
+ create_channel_graph: function(chan_analysis, freq_tbl, freq) {
+ var is5GHz = freq == '5GHz',
+ columns = is5GHz ? freq_tbl.length * 4 : freq_tbl.length + 3,
+ chan_graph = chan_analysis.graph,
+ G = chan_graph.firstElementChild,
+ step = (chan_graph.offsetWidth - 2) / columns,
+ curr_offset = step;
+ function createGraphHLine(graph, pos) {
+ var elem = document.createElementNS('', 'line');
+ elem.setAttribute('x1', pos);
+ elem.setAttribute('y1', 0);
+ elem.setAttribute('x2', pos);
+ elem.setAttribute('y2', '100%');
+ elem.setAttribute('style', 'stroke:black;stroke-width:0.1');
+ graph.appendChild(elem);
+ }
+ function createGraphText(graph, pos, text) {
+ var elem = document.createElementNS('', 'text');
+ elem.setAttribute('y', 15);
+ elem.setAttribute('style', 'fill:#eee; font-size:9pt; font-family:sans-serif; text-shadow:1px 1px 1px #000');
+ elem.setAttribute('x', pos + 5);
+ elem.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text));
+ graph.appendChild(elem);
+ }
+ chan_analysis.col_width = step;
+ createGraphHLine(G,curr_offset);
+ for (var i=0; i< freq_tbl.length;i++) {
+ var channel = freq_tbl[i]
+ chan_analysis.offset_tbl[channel] = curr_offset+step;
+ createGraphHLine(G,curr_offset+step);
+ createGraphText(G,curr_offset+step, channel);
+ curr_offset += step;
+ if (is5GHz && freq_tbl[i+1]) {
+ var next_channel = freq_tbl[i+1];
+ /* Check if we are transitioning to another 5Ghz band range */
+ if ((next_channel - channel) == 4) {
+ for (var j=1; j < 4; j++) {
+ chan_analysis.offset_tbl[channel+j] = curr_offset+step;
+ createGraphHLine(G,curr_offset+step);
+ curr_offset += step;
+ }
+ } else {
+ chan_analysis.offset_tbl[channel+1] = curr_offset+step;
+ createGraphHLine(G,curr_offset+step);
+ curr_offset += step;
+ chan_analysis.offset_tbl[next_channel-2] = curr_offset+step;
+ createGraphHLine(G,curr_offset+step);
+ curr_offset += step;
+ chan_analysis.offset_tbl[next_channel-1] = curr_offset+step;
+ createGraphHLine(G,curr_offset+step);
+ curr_offset += step;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ createGraphHLine(G,curr_offset+step);
+'cbi-tab-active', L.bind(function(ev) {
+ this.active_tab =;
+ }, this));
+ },
+ handleScanRefresh: function() {
+ if (!this.active_tab)
+ return;
+ var radioDev = this.radios[this.active_tab].dev,
+ table = this.radios[this.active_tab].table,
+ chan_analysis = this.radios[this.active_tab].graph,
+ scanCache = this.radios[this.active_tab].scanCache;
+ return Promise.all([
+ radioDev.getScanList(),
+ this.callInfo(radioDev.getName())
+ ]).then(L.bind(function(data) {
+ var results = data[0],
+ local_wifi = data[1];
+ var rows = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
+ if (scanCache[results[i].bssid] == null)
+ scanCache[results[i].bssid] = {};
+ scanCache[results[i].bssid].data = results[i];
+ }
+ if (scanCache[local_wifi.bssid] == null)
+ scanCache[local_wifi.bssid] = {};
+ scanCache[local_wifi.bssid].data = local_wifi;
+ if (chan_analysis.offset_tbl[] != null) {
+ var center_channels = [local_wifi.center_chan1],
+ chan_width_text = local_wifi.htmode.replace(/(V)*HT/,''),
+ chan_width = parseInt(chan_width_text)/10;
+ if (local_wifi.center_chan2) {
+ center_channels.push(local_wifi.center_chan2);
+ chan_width = 8;
+ }
+ local_wifi.signal = -10;
+ local_wifi.ssid = 'Local Interface';
+ this.add_wifi_to_graph(chan_analysis, local_wifi, scanCache, center_channels, chan_width);
+ rows.push([
+ this.render_signal_badge(q, local_wifi.signal),
+ [
+ E('span', { 'style': 'color:'+scanCache[local_wifi.bssid].color }, '⬤ '),
+ local_wifi.ssid
+ ],
+ '%d'.format(,
+ '%h MHz'.format(chan_width_text),
+ '%h'.format(local_wifi.mode),
+ '%h'.format(local_wifi.bssid)
+ ]);
+ }
+ for (var k in scanCache)
+ if (scanCache[k].stale)
+ results.push(scanCache[k].data);
+ results.sort(function(a, b) {
+ var diff = (b.quality - a.quality) || ( -;
+ if (diff)
+ return diff;
+ if (a.ssid < b.ssid)
+ return -1;
+ else if (a.ssid > b.ssid)
+ return 1;
+ if (a.bssid < b.bssid)
+ return -1;
+ else if (a.bssid > b.bssid)
+ return 1;
+ });
+ for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
+ var res = results[i],
+ qv = res.quality || 0,
+ qm = res.quality_max || 0,
+ q = (qv > 0 && qm > 0) ? Math.floor((100 / qm) * qv) : 0,
+ s = res.stale ? 'opacity:0.5' : '',
+ center_channels = [],
+ chan_width = 2;
+ /* Skip WiFi not supported by the current band */
+ if (chan_analysis.offset_tbl[] == null)
+ continue;
+ res.channel_width = "20 MHz";
+ if (res.ht_operation != null)
+ if (res.ht_operation.channel_width == 2040) { /* 40 MHz Channel Enabled */
+ if (res.ht_operation.secondary_channel_offset == "below") {
+ res.channel_width = "40 MHz";
+ chan_width = 4; /* 40 MHz Channel Used */
+ center_channels[0] -= 2;
+ } else if (res.ht_operation.secondary_channel_offset == "above") {
+ res.channel_width = "40 MHz";
+ chan_width = 4; /* 40 MHz Channel Used */
+ center_channels[0] += 2;
+ } else {
+ res.channel_width = "20 MHz (40 MHz Intolerant)";
+ }
+ }
+ if (res.vht_operation != null) {
+ center_channels[0] = res.vht_operation.center_freq_1;
+ if (res.vht_operation.channel_width == 80) {
+ chan_width = 8;
+ res.channel_width = "80 MHz";
+ } else if (res.vht_operation.channel_width == 8080) {
+ res.channel_width = "80+80 MHz";
+ chan_width = 8;
+ center_channels.push(res.vht_operation.center_freq_2);
+ } else if (res.vht_operation.channel_width == 160) {
+ res.channel_width = "160 MHz";
+ chan_width = 16;
+ }
+ }
+ this.add_wifi_to_graph(chan_analysis, res, scanCache, center_channels, chan_width);
+ rows.push([
+ E('span', { 'style': s }, this.render_signal_badge(q, res.signal)),
+ E('span', { 'style': s }, [
+ E('span', { 'style': 'color:'+scanCache[results[i].bssid].color }, '⬤ '),
+ (res.ssid != null) ? '%h'.format(res.ssid) : E('em', _('hidden'))
+ ]),
+ E('span', { 'style': s }, '%d'.format(,
+ E('span', { 'style': s }, '%h'.format(res.channel_width)),
+ E('span', { 'style': s }, '%h'.format(res.mode)),
+ E('span', { 'style': s }, '%h'.format(res.bssid))
+ ]);
+ res.stale = true;
+ }
+ cbi_update_table(table, rows);
+ }, this))
+ },
+ radios : {},
+ loadSVG : function(src) {
+ return request.get(src).then(function(response) {
+ if (!response.ok)
+ throw new Error(response.statusText);
+ return E('div', {
+ 'id': 'channel_graph',
+ 'style': 'width:100%;height:400px;border:1px solid #000;background:#fff'
+ }, E(response.text()));
+ });
+ },
+ load: function() {
+ return Promise.all([
+ this.loadSVG(L.resource('svg/channel_analysis.svg')),
+ network.getWifiDevices().then(L.bind(function(data) {
+ var tasks = [], ret = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ ret[data[i].getName()] = { dev : data[i] };
+ tasks.push(this.callFrequencyList(data[i].getName())
+ .then(L.bind(function(radio, data) {
+ ret[radio.getName()].freq = data;
+ }, this, data[i])));
+ }
+ return Promise.all(tasks).then(function() { return ret; })
+ }, this))
+ ]);
+ },
+ render: function(data) {
+ var svg = data[0],
+ wifiDevs = data[1];
+ var v = E('div', {}, E('div'));
+ for (var ifname in wifiDevs) {
+ var freq_tbl = {
+ ['2.4GHz'] : [],
+ ['5GHz'] : [],
+ };
+ /* Split FrequencyList in Bands */
+ wifiDevs[ifname].freq.forEach(function(freq) {
+ if (freq.mhz >= 5000) {
+ freq_tbl['5GHz'].push(;
+ } else {
+ freq_tbl['2.4GHz'].push(;
+ }
+ });
+ for (var freq in freq_tbl) {
+ if (freq_tbl[freq].length == 0)
+ continue;
+ var csvg = svg.cloneNode(true),
+ table = E('div', { 'class': 'table' }, [
+ E('div', { 'class': 'tr table-titles' }, [
+ E('div', { 'class': 'th col-2 middle center' }, _('Signal')),
+ E('div', { 'class': 'th col-4 middle left' }, _('SSID')),
+ E('div', { 'class': 'th col-2 middle center hide-xs' }, _('Channel')),
+ E('div', { 'class': 'th col-3 middle left' }, _('Channel Width')),
+ E('div', { 'class': 'th col-2 middle left hide-xs' }, _('Mode')),
+ E('div', { 'class': 'th col-3 middle left hide-xs' }, _('BSSID'))
+ ])
+ ]),
+ tab = E('div', { 'data-tab': ifname+freq, 'data-tab-title': ifname+' ('+freq+')' },
+ [E('br'),csvg,E('br'),table,E('br')]),
+ graph_data = {
+ graph: csvg,
+ offset_tbl: {},
+ col_width: 0,
+ tab: tab,
+ };
+ this.radios[ifname+freq] = {
+ dev: wifiDevs[ifname].dev,
+ graph: graph_data,
+ table: table,
+ scanCache: {}
+ };
+ cbi_update_table(table, [], E('em', { class: 'spinning' }, _('Starting wireless scan...')));
+ v.firstElementChild.appendChild(tab)
+ requestAnimationFrame(L.bind(this.create_channel_graph, this, graph_data, freq_tbl[freq], freq));
+ }
+ }
+ ui.tabs.initTabGroup(v.firstElementChild.childNodes);
+ this.pollFn = L.bind(this.handleScanRefresh, this);
+ poll.add(this.pollFn);
+ poll.start();
+ return v;
+ },
+ handleSaveApply: null,
+ handleSave: null,
+ handleReset: null
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/50_dsl.js b/modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/50_dsl.js
index 4150b55133..714086f0d7 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/50_dsl.js
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/50_dsl.js
@@ -2,40 +2,39 @@
'require baseclass';
'require rpc';
-var callLuciDSLStatus = rpc.declare({
- object: 'luci-rpc',
- method: 'getDSLStatus',
+var callDSLMetrics = rpc.declare({
+ object: 'dsl',
+ method: 'metrics',
expect: { '': {} }
function renderbox(dsl) {
return E('div', { class: 'ifacebox' }, [
- E('div', { class: 'ifacebox-head center ' + ((dsl.line_state === 'UP') ? 'active' : '') },
+ E('div', { class: 'ifacebox-head center ' + (dsl.up ? 'active' : '') },
E('strong', _('DSL Status'))),
E('div', { class: 'ifacebox-body left' }, [
L.itemlist(E('span'), [
- _('Line State'), '%s [0x%x]'.format(dsl.line_state, dsl.line_state_detail),
- _('Line Mode'), dsl.line_mode_s || '-',
- _('Line Uptime'), '%t'.format(dsl.line_uptime),
- _('Annex'), dsl.annex_s || '-',
- _('Profile'), dsl.profile_s || '-',
- _('Data Rate'), '%1000.3mb/s / %1000.3mb/s'.format(dsl.data_rate_down, dsl.data_rate_up),
- _('Max. Attainable Data Rate (ATTNDR)'), '%1000.3mb/s / %1000.3mb/s'.format(dsl.max_data_rate_down, dsl.max_data_rate_up),
- _('Latency'), '%.2f ms / %.2f ms'.format(dsl.latency_down / 1000, dsl.latency_up / 1000),
- _('Line Attenuation (LATN)'), '%.1f dB / %.1f dB'.format(dsl.line_attenuation_down, dsl.line_attenuation_up),
- _('Signal Attenuation (SATN)'), '%.1f dB / %.1f dB'.format(dsl.signal_attenuation_down, dsl.signal_attenuation_up),
- _('Noise Margin (SNR)'), '%.1f dB / %.1f dB'.format(dsl.noise_margin_down, dsl.noise_margin_up),
- _('Aggregate Transmit Power (ACTATP)'), '%.1f dB / %.1f dB'.format(dsl.actatp_down, dsl.actatp_up),
- _('Forward Error Correction Seconds (FECS)'), '%d / %d'.format(dsl.errors_fecs_near, dsl.errors_fecs_far),
- _('Errored seconds (ES)'), '%d / %d'.format(dsl.errors_es_near, dsl.errors_es_far),
- _('Severely Errored Seconds (SES)'), '%d / %d'.format(dsl.errors_ses_near, dsl.errors_ses_far),
- _('Loss of Signal Seconds (LOSS)'), '%d / %d'.format(dsl.errors_loss_near, dsl.errors_loss_far),
- _('Unavailable Seconds (UAS)'), '%d / %d'.format(dsl.errors_uas_near, dsl.errors_uas_far),
- _('Header Error Code Errors (HEC)'), '%d / %d'.format(dsl.errors_hec_near, dsl.errors_hec_far),
- _('Non Pre-emptive CRC errors (CRC_P)'), '%d / %d'.format(dsl.errors_crc_p_near, dsl.errors_crc_p_far),
- _('Pre-emptive CRC errors (CRCP_P)'), '%d / %d'.format(dsl.errors_crcp_p_near, dsl.errors_crcp_p_far),
- _('ATU-C System Vendor ID'), dsl.atuc_vendor_id,
- _('Power Management Mode'), dsl.power_mode_s
+ _('Line State'), dsl.state || '-',
+ _('Line Mode'), dsl.mode || '-',
+ _('Line Uptime'), '%t'.format(dsl.uptime),
+ _('Annex'), dsl.annex || '-',
+ _('Data Rate'), '%1000.3mb/s / %1000.3mb/s'.format(dsl.downstream.data_rate, dsl.upstream.data_rate),
+ _('Max. Attainable Data Rate (ATTNDR)'), '%1000.3mb/s / %1000.3mb/s'.format(dsl.downstream.attndr, dsl.upstream.attndr),
+ _('Latency'), '%.2f ms / %.2f ms'.format(dsl.downstream.interleave_delay / 1000, dsl.upstream.interleave_delay / 1000),
+ _('Line Attenuation (LATN)'), '%.1f dB / %.1f dB'.format(dsl.downstream.latn, dsl.upstream.latn),
+ _('Signal Attenuation (SATN)'), '%.1f dB / %.1f dB'.format(dsl.downstream.satn, dsl.upstream.satn),
+ _('Noise Margin (SNR)'), '%.1f dB / %.1f dB'.format(dsl.downstream.snr, dsl.upstream.snr),
+ _('Aggregate Transmit Power (ACTATP)'), '%.1f dB / %.1f dB'.format(dsl.downstream.actatp, dsl.upstream.actatp),
+ _('Forward Error Correction Seconds (FECS)'), '%d / %d'.format(dsl.errors.near.fecs, dsl.errors.far.fecs),
+ _('Errored seconds (ES)'), '%d / %d'.format(,,
+ _('Severely Errored Seconds (SES)'), '%d / %d'.format(,,
+ _('Loss of Signal Seconds (LOSS)'), '%d / %d'.format(dsl.errors.near.loss, dsl.errors.far.loss),
+ _('Unavailable Seconds (UAS)'), '%d / %d'.format(dsl.errors.near.uas, dsl.errors.far.uas),
+ _('Header Error Code Errors (HEC)'), '%d / %d'.format(dsl.errors.near.hec, dsl.errors.far.hec),
+ _('Non Pre-emptive CRC errors (CRC_P)'), '%d / %d'.format(dsl.errors.near.crc_p, dsl.errors.far.crc_p),
+ _('Pre-emptive CRC errors (CRCP_P)'), '%d / %d'.format(dsl.errors.near.crcp_p, dsl.errors.far.crcp_p),
+ _('ATU-C System Vendor ID'), dsl.atu_c.vendor || dsl.atu_c.vendor_id,
+ _('Power Management Mode'), dsl.power_state
@@ -45,11 +44,11 @@ return baseclass.extend({
title: _('DSL'),
load: function() {
- return L.resolveDefault(callLuciDSLStatus(), {});
+ return L.resolveDefault(callDSLMetrics(), {});
render: function(dsl) {
- if (!dsl.line_state)
+ if (!dsl.state)
return null;
return E('div', { 'id': 'dsl_status_table', 'class': 'network-status-table' }, renderbox(dsl));
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/60_wifi.js b/modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/60_wifi.js
index 9a956a72fe..18172aae94 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/60_wifi.js
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/60_wifi.js
@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ return baseclass.extend({
ht =, vht = rt.vht,
mhz = rt.mhz, nss = rt.nss,
mcs = rt.mcs, sgi = rt.short_gi;
if (ht || vht) {
if (vht) s += ', VHT-MCS\xa0%d'.format(mcs);
if (nss) s += ', VHT-NSS\xa0%d'.format(nss);
if (ht) s += ', MCS\xa0%s'.format(mcs);
if (sgi) s += ', ' + _('Short GI').replace(/ /g, '\xa0');
return s;
@@ -99,12 +99,12 @@ return baseclass.extend({
freq = null,
rate = null,
badges = [];
for (var i = 0; i < networks.length; i++) {
var net = networks[i],
is_assoc = (net.getBSSID() != '00:00:00:00:00:00' && net.getChannel() && !net.isDisabled()),
quality = net.getSignalPercent();
var icon;
if (net.isDisabled())
icon = L.resource('icons/signal-none.png');
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ return baseclass.extend({
}, [ _('Start WPS') ])
var badge = renderBadge(
'%s: %d dBm / %s: %d%%'.format(_('Signal'), net.getSignal(), _('Quality'), quality),
@@ -147,14 +147,14 @@ return baseclass.extend({
_('WPS status'), this.WPSTranslateTbl[net.wps_status],
'', WPS_button
chan = (chan != null) ? chan : net.getChannel();
freq = (freq != null) ? freq : net.getFrequency();
rate = (rate != null) ? rate : net.getBitRate();
return E('div', { class: 'ifacebox' }, [
E('div', { class: 'ifacebox-head center ' + (radio.isUp() ? 'active' : '') },
E('strong', radio.getName())),
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ return baseclass.extend({
- else {
+ else {
row.push(E('button', {
'class': 'cbi-button cbi-button-remove',
'click': L.bind(this.handleDelClient, this, networks[i], bss.mac)
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/iptables.js b/modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/iptables.js
index 2ce744c60e..dd58670694 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/iptables.js
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/iptables.js
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
'require fs';
'require ui';
-var table_names = [ 'Filter', 'NAT', 'Mangle', 'Raw' ];
+var table_names = [ 'Filter', 'NAT', 'Mangle', 'Raw' ],
+ raw_style = 'font-family:monospace;font-size:smaller;text-align:right';
return view.extend({
load: function() {
@@ -60,8 +61,8 @@ return view.extend({
E('h4', { 'id': 'rule_%s-%s_%s'.format(is_ipv6 ? 'ipv6' : 'ipv4', table.toLowerCase(), chain) }, title),
E('table', { 'class': 'table' }, [
E('tr', { 'class': 'tr table-titles' }, [
- E('th', { 'class': 'th center' }, _('Pkts.')),
- E('th', { 'class': 'th center' }, _('Traffic')),
+ E('th', { 'class': 'th' }, _('Pkts.')),
+ E('th', { 'class': 'th' }, _('Traffic')),
E('th', { 'class': 'th' }, _('Target')),
E('th', { 'class': 'th' }, _('Prot.')),
E('th', { 'class': 'th' }, _('In')),
@@ -105,6 +106,7 @@ return view.extend({
var chain_refs = {};
var re = /([^\n]*)\n/g;
var m, m2;
+ var raw = document.querySelector('[data-raw-counters="true"]');
while ((m = re.exec(s)) != null) {
if (m[1].match(/^Chain (.+) \(policy (\w+) (\d+) packets, (\d+) bytes\)$/)) {
@@ -152,12 +154,22 @@ return view.extend({
}) || '-';
- '%.2m'.format(pkts).nobr(),
- '%.2mB'.format(bytes).nobr(),
+ E('div', {
+ 'class': 'nowrap',
+ 'style': raw ? raw_style : null,
+ 'data-format': '%.2m',
+ 'data-value': pkts
+ }, (raw ? '%d' : '%.2m').format(pkts)),
+ E('div', {
+ 'class': 'nowrap',
+ 'style': raw ? raw_style : null,
+ 'data-format': '%.2mB',
+ 'data-value': bytes
+ }, (raw ? '%d' : '%.2mB').format(bytes)),
target ? '<span class="target">%s</span>'.format(target) : '-',
- (indev !== '*') ? '<span class="ifacebadge">%s</span>'.format(indev) : '*',
- (outdev !== '*') ? '<span class="ifacebadge">%s</span>'.format(outdev) : '*',
+ (indev !== '*') ? '<span class="ifacebadge nowrap">%s</span>'.format(indev) : '*',
+ (outdev !== '*') ? '<span class="ifacebadge nowrap">%s</span>'.format(outdev) : '*',
@@ -256,6 +268,23 @@ return view.extend({
+ handleRawCounters: function(ev) {
+ var btn = ev.currentTarget,
+ raw = (btn.getAttribute('data-raw-counters') === 'false');
+ btn.setAttribute('data-raw-counters', raw);
+ = raw ? _('Human-readable counters') : _('Show raw counters');
+ btn.blur();
+ document.querySelectorAll('[data-value]')
+ .forEach(function(div) {
+ var fmt = raw ? '%d' : div.getAttribute('data-format');
+ = raw ? raw_style : '';
+ div.innerText = fmt.format(div.getAttribute('data-value'));
+ });
+ },
handleHideEmpty: function(ev) {
var btn = ev.currentTarget,
hide = (btn.getAttribute('data-hide-empty') === 'false');
@@ -303,6 +332,11 @@ return view.extend({
}, [ _('Hide empty chains') ]),
' ',
E('button', {
+ 'data-raw-counters': false,
+ 'click': ui.createHandlerFn(this, 'handleRawCounters')
+ }, [ _('Show raw counters') ]),
+ ' ',
+ E('button', {
'class': 'cbi-button',
'click': ui.createHandlerFn(this, 'handleCounterReset', has_ip6tables)
}, [ _('Reset Counters') ]),
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/routes.js b/modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/routes.js
index 9d959f34a5..ac512bb849 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/routes.js
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/routes.js
@@ -215,4 +215,3 @@ return view.extend({
handleSave: null,
handleReset: null
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/wireless.js b/modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/wireless.js
index a7fa69095c..0fdd3d56e7 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/wireless.js
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/wireless.js
@@ -286,13 +286,13 @@ return view.extend({
E('table', { 'class': 'table', 'style': 'width:100%;table-layout:fixed' }, [
E('tr', { 'class': 'tr' }, [
E('td', { 'class': 'td right top' }, E('strong', { 'style': 'border-bottom:2px solid green' }, [ _('Phy Rate:') ])),
- E('td', { 'class': 'td', 'id': 'rate_bw_cur' }, [ '0 MBit/s' ]),
+ E('td', { 'class': 'td', 'id': 'rate_bw_cur' }, [ '0 Mbit/s' ]),
E('td', { 'class': 'td right top' }, E('strong', {}, [ _('Average:') ])),
- E('td', { 'class': 'td', 'id': 'rate_bw_avg' }, [ '0 MBit/s' ]),
+ E('td', { 'class': 'td', 'id': 'rate_bw_avg' }, [ '0 Mbit/s' ]),
E('td', { 'class': 'td right top' }, E('strong', {}, [ _('Peak:') ])),
- E('td', { 'class': 'td', 'id': 'rate_bw_peak' }, [ '0 MBit/s' ])
+ E('td', { 'class': 'td', 'id': 'rate_bw_peak' }, [ '0 Mbit/s' ])
@@ -318,9 +318,9 @@ return view.extend({
this.updateGraph(ifname, csvg2, [ { line: 'rate', multiply: 0.001 } ], function(svg, info) {
var G = svg.firstElementChild, tab = svg.parentNode;
- G.getElementById('label_25') = '%.2f %s'.format(info.label_25, _('MBit/s'));
- G.getElementById('label_50') = '%.2f %s'.format(info.label_50, _('MBit/s'));
- G.getElementById('label_75') = '%.2f %s'.format(info.label_75, _('MBit/s'));
+ G.getElementById('label_25') = '%.2f %s'.format(info.label_25, _('Mbit/s'));
+ G.getElementById('label_50') = '%.2f %s'.format(info.label_50, _('Mbit/s'));
+ G.getElementById('label_75') = '%.2f %s'.format(info.label_75, _('Mbit/s'));
tab.querySelector('#scale2') = _('(%d minute window, %d second interval)').format(info.timeframe, info.interval);