path: root/modules/luci-mod-network
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/luci-mod-network')
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/routes.js b/modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/routes.js
index 982e607369..b5785197dc 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/routes.js
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/routes.js
@@ -25,7 +25,9 @@ return view.extend({
return e && e[0] > 0;
- m = new form.Map('network', _('Routing'), _('Routing defines over which interface and gateway a certain host or network can be reached.'));
+ m = new form.Map('network', _('Routing'), _('Routing defines over which interface and gateway a certain host or network can be reached.') +
+ '<br/>' + _('Routes go in routing tables and define the specific path to reach destinations.') +
+ '<br/>' + _('Rules determine which routing table to use, based on conditions like source address or interface.'));
m.tabbed = true;
for (var family = 4; family <= 6; family += 2) {
@@ -78,19 +80,21 @@ return view.extend({
o.datatype = (family == 6) ? 'ip6addr("nomask")' : 'ip4addr("nomask")';
o.placeholder = (family == 6) ? 'fe80::1' : '';
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'metric', _('Metric'), _('Specifies the route metric to use'));
+ o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'metric', _('Metric'), _('Ordinal: routes with the lowest metric match first'));
o.datatype = 'uinteger';
o.placeholder = 0;
o.textvalue = function(section_id) {
return this.cfgvalue(section_id) || E('em', _('auto'));
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'mtu', _('MTU'), _('Defines a specific MTU for this route'));
+ o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'mtu', _('MTU'), _('Packets exceeding this value may be fragmented'));
o.modalonly = true;
o.datatype = 'and(uinteger,range(64,9000))';
o.placeholder = 1500;
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'table', _('Table'), _('The rule target is a table lookup ID: a numeric table index ranging from 0 to 65535 or symbol alias declared in /etc/iproute2/rt_tables. Special aliases local (255), main (254) and default (253) are also valid'));
+ o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'table', _('Table'), _('Routing table into which to insert this rule.') + '<br/>' +
+ _('A numeric table index, or symbol alias declared in %s. Special aliases local (255), main (254) and default (253) are also valid'.format('<code>/etc/iproute2/rt_tables</code>'))
+ + '<br/>' + _('Only interfaces using this table (via override) will use this route.'));
o.datatype = 'or(uinteger, string)';
for (var i = 0; i < rtTables.length; i++)
o.value(rtTables[i][1], '%s (%d)'.format(rtTables[i][1], rtTables[i][0]));
@@ -98,7 +102,8 @@ return view.extend({
return this.cfgvalue(section_id) || E('em', _('auto'));
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'source', _('Source'), _('Specifies the preferred source address when sending to destinations covered by the target'));
+ o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'source', _('Source'), _('Specifies the preferred source address when sending to destinations covered by the target')
+ + '<br/>' + _('This is only used if no default route matches the destination gateway'));
o.modalonly = true;
o.datatype = (family == 6) ? 'ip6addr' : 'ip4addr';
for (var i = 0; i < netDevs.length; i++) {
@@ -127,7 +132,7 @@ return view.extend({'general', _('General Settings'));'advanced', _('Advanced Settings'));
- o = s.taboption('general', form.Value, 'priority', _('Priority'), _('Specifies the ordering of the IP rules'));
+ o = s.taboption('general', form.Value, 'priority', _('Priority'), _('Execution order of this IP rule: lower numbers go first'));
o.datatype = 'uinteger';
o.placeholder = 30000;
o.textvalue = function(section_id) {
@@ -142,34 +147,36 @@ return view.extend({
- o = s.taboption('general', widgets.NetworkSelect, 'in', _('Incoming interface'), _('Specifies the incoming logical interface name'));
+ o = s.taboption('general', widgets.NetworkSelect, 'in', _('Incoming interface'), _('Match traffic from this interface'));
o.loopback = true;
o.nocreate = true;
- o = s.taboption('general', form.Value, 'src', _('Source'), _('Specifies the source subnet to match (CIDR notation)'));
+ o = s.taboption('general', form.Value, 'src', _('Source'), _('Match traffic from this source subnet (CIDR notation)'));
o.datatype = (family == 6) ? 'cidr6' : 'cidr4';
o.placeholder = (family == 6) ? '::/0' : '';
o.textvalue = function(section_id) {
return this.cfgvalue(section_id) || E('em', _('any'));
- o = s.taboption('general', widgets.NetworkSelect, 'out', _('Outgoing interface'), _('Specifies the outgoing logical interface name'));
+ o = s.taboption('general', widgets.NetworkSelect, 'out', _('Outgoing interface'), _('Match traffic destined to this interface'));
o.loopback = true;
o.nocreate = true;
- o = s.taboption('general', form.Value, 'dest', _('Destination'), _('Specifies the destination subnet to match (CIDR notation)'));
+ o = s.taboption('general', form.Value, 'dest', _('Destination'), _('Match traffic destined to this subnet (CIDR notation)'));
o.datatype = (family == 6) ? 'cidr6' : 'cidr4';
o.placeholder = (family == 6) ? '::/0' : '';
o.textvalue = function(section_id) {
return this.cfgvalue(section_id) || E('em', _('any'));
- o = s.taboption('general', form.Value, 'lookup', _('Table'), _('The rule target is a table lookup ID: a numeric table index ranging from 0 to 65535 or symbol alias declared in /etc/iproute2/rt_tables. Special aliases local (255), main (254) and default (253) are also valid'));
+ o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'lookup', _('Table'), _('Routing table to use for traffic matching this rule.') + '<br/>' +
+ _('A numeric table index, or symbol alias declared in %s. Special aliases local (255), main (254) and default (253) are also valid'.format('<code>/etc/iproute2/rt_tables</code>'))
+ + '<br/>' + _('Matched traffic re-targets to an interface using this table.'));
o.datatype = 'or(uinteger, string)';
for (var i = 0; i < rtTables.length; i++)
o.value(rtTables[i][1], '%s (%d)'.format(rtTables[i][1], rtTables[i][0]));
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'goto', _('Jump to rule'), _('The rule target is a jump to another rule specified by its priority value'));
+ o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'goto', _('Jump to rule'), _('Jumps to another rule specified by its priority value'));
o.modalonly = true;
o.datatype = 'uinteger';
o.placeholder = 80000;
@@ -189,7 +196,8 @@ return view.extend({
o.datatype = 'string';
o.placeholder = '1000-1005';
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'suppress_prefixlength', _('Prefix suppressor'), _('Reject routing decisions that have a prefix length less than or equal to the specified value'));
+ o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'suppress_prefixlength', _('Prefix suppressor'), _('Reject routing decisions that have a prefix length less than or equal to the specified value')
+ + '<br/>' + _('Prevents overly broad routes being considered. Setting 16 would consider /17, /24, /28 or more specific routes yet ignore /16, /8, /0 (default) routes'));
o.modalonly = true;
o.datatype = (family == 6) ? 'ip6prefix' : 'ip4prefix';
o.placeholder = (family == 6) ? 64 : 24;