path: root/modules/luci-compat
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/luci-compat')
21 files changed, 3065 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/Makefile b/modules/luci-compat/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d73ca070a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Jo-Philipp Wich <>
+# This is free software, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 .
+include $(TOPDIR)/
+LUCI_TITLE:=LuCI compatibility libraries
+include ../../
+# call BuildPackage - OpenWrt buildroot signature
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network.lua b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a36a23f321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1912 @@
+-- Copyright 2009-2015 Jo-Philipp Wich <>
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+local type, next, pairs, ipairs, loadfile, table, select
+ = type, next, pairs, ipairs, loadfile, table, select
+local tonumber, tostring, math = tonumber, tostring, math
+local pcall, require, setmetatable = pcall, require, setmetatable
+local nxo = require "nixio"
+local nfs = require "nixio.fs"
+local ipc = require "luci.ip"
+local utl = require "luci.util"
+local uci = require "luci.model.uci"
+local lng = require "luci.i18n"
+local jsc = require "luci.jsonc"
+module ""
+IFACE_PATTERNS_IGNORE = { "^wmaster%d", "^wifi%d", "^hwsim%d", "^imq%d", "^ifb%d", "^mon%.wlan%d", "^sit%d", "^gre%d", "^gretap%d", "^ip6gre%d", "^ip6tnl%d", "^tunl%d", "^lo$" }
+IFACE_PATTERNS_WIRELESS = { "^wlan%d", "^wl%d", "^ath%d", "^" }
+ CONNECT_FAILED = lng.translate("Connection attempt failed"),
+ INVALID_ADDRESS = lng.translate("IP address in invalid"),
+ INVALID_GATEWAY = lng.translate("Gateway address is invalid"),
+ INVALID_LOCAL_ADDRESS = lng.translate("Local IP address is invalid"),
+ MISSING_ADDRESS = lng.translate("IP address is missing"),
+ MISSING_PEER_ADDRESS = lng.translate("Peer address is missing"),
+ NO_DEVICE = lng.translate("Network device is not present"),
+ NO_IFACE = lng.translate("Unable to determine device name"),
+ NO_IFNAME = lng.translate("Unable to determine device name"),
+ NO_WAN_ADDRESS = lng.translate("Unable to determine external IP address"),
+ NO_WAN_LINK = lng.translate("Unable to determine upstream interface"),
+ PEER_RESOLVE_FAIL = lng.translate("Unable to resolve peer host name"),
+ PIN_FAILED = lng.translate("PIN code rejected")
+protocol = utl.class()
+local _protocols = { }
+local _interfaces, _bridge, _switch, _tunnel, _swtopo
+local _ubusnetcache, _ubusdevcache, _ubuswificache
+local _uci
+function _filter(c, s, o, r)
+ local val = _uci:get(c, s, o)
+ if val then
+ local l = { }
+ if type(val) == "string" then
+ for val in val:gmatch("%S+") do
+ if val ~= r then
+ l[#l+1] = val
+ end
+ end
+ if #l > 0 then
+ _uci:set(c, s, o, table.concat(l, " "))
+ else
+ _uci:delete(c, s, o)
+ end
+ elseif type(val) == "table" then
+ for _, val in ipairs(val) do
+ if val ~= r then
+ l[#l+1] = val
+ end
+ end
+ if #l > 0 then
+ _uci:set(c, s, o, l)
+ else
+ _uci:delete(c, s, o)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function _append(c, s, o, a)
+ local val = _uci:get(c, s, o) or ""
+ if type(val) == "string" then
+ local l = { }
+ for val in val:gmatch("%S+") do
+ if val ~= a then
+ l[#l+1] = val
+ end
+ end
+ l[#l+1] = a
+ _uci:set(c, s, o, table.concat(l, " "))
+ elseif type(val) == "table" then
+ local l = { }
+ for _, val in ipairs(val) do
+ if val ~= a then
+ l[#l+1] = val
+ end
+ end
+ l[#l+1] = a
+ _uci:set(c, s, o, l)
+ end
+function _stror(s1, s2)
+ if not s1 or #s1 == 0 then
+ return s2 and #s2 > 0 and s2
+ else
+ return s1
+ end
+function _get(c, s, o)
+ return _uci:get(c, s, o)
+function _set(c, s, o, v)
+ if v ~= nil then
+ if type(v) == "boolean" then v = v and "1" or "0" end
+ return _uci:set(c, s, o, v)
+ else
+ return _uci:delete(c, s, o)
+ end
+local function _wifi_state()
+ if not next(_ubuswificache) then
+ _ubuswificache = utl.ubus("network.wireless", "status", {}) or {}
+ end
+ return _ubuswificache
+local function _wifi_state_by_sid(sid)
+ local t1, n1 = _uci:get("wireless", sid)
+ if t1 == "wifi-iface" and n1 ~= nil then
+ local radioname, radiostate
+ for radioname, radiostate in pairs(_wifi_state()) do
+ if type(radiostate) == "table" and
+ type(radiostate.interfaces) == "table"
+ then
+ local netidx, netstate
+ for netidx, netstate in ipairs(radiostate.interfaces) do
+ if type(netstate) == "table" and
+ type(netstate.section) == "string"
+ then
+ local t2, n2 = _uci:get("wireless", netstate.section)
+ if t1 == t2 and n1 == n2 then
+ return radioname, radiostate, netstate
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function _wifi_state_by_ifname(ifname)
+ if type(ifname) == "string" then
+ local radioname, radiostate
+ for radioname, radiostate in pairs(_wifi_state()) do
+ if type(radiostate) == "table" and
+ type(radiostate.interfaces) == "table"
+ then
+ local netidx, netstate
+ for netidx, netstate in ipairs(radiostate.interfaces) do
+ if type(netstate) == "table" and
+ type(netstate.ifname) == "string" and
+ netstate.ifname == ifname
+ then
+ return radioname, radiostate, netstate
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function _wifi_iface(x)
+ local _, p
+ for _, p in ipairs(IFACE_PATTERNS_WIRELESS) do
+ if x:match(p) then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+local function _wifi_iwinfo_by_ifname(ifname, force_phy_only)
+ local stat, iwinfo = pcall(require, "iwinfo")
+ local iwtype = stat and type(ifname) == "string" and iwinfo.type(ifname)
+ local is_nonphy_op = {
+ bitrate = true,
+ quality = true,
+ quality_max = true,
+ mode = true,
+ ssid = true,
+ bssid = true,
+ assoclist = true,
+ encryption = true
+ }
+ if iwtype then
+ -- if we got a type but no real netdev, we're referring to a phy
+ local phy_only = force_phy_only or ( ~= 1)
+ return setmetatable({}, {
+ __index = function(t, k)
+ if k == "ifname" then
+ return ifname
+ elseif phy_only and is_nonphy_op[k] then
+ return nil
+ elseif iwinfo[iwtype][k] then
+ return iwinfo[iwtype][k](ifname)
+ end
+ end
+ })
+ end
+local function _wifi_sid_by_netid(netid)
+ if type(netid) == "string" then
+ local radioname, netidx = netid:match("^(%w+)$")
+ if radioname and netidx then
+ local i, n = 0, nil
+ netidx = tonumber(netidx)
+ _uci:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface",
+ function(s)
+ if s.device == radioname then
+ i = i + 1
+ if i == netidx then
+ n = s[".name"]
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ end)
+ return n
+ end
+ end
+function _wifi_sid_by_ifname(ifn)
+ local sid = _wifi_sid_by_netid(ifn)
+ if sid then
+ return sid
+ end
+ local _, _, netstate = _wifi_state_by_ifname(ifn)
+ if netstate and type(netstate.section) == "string" then
+ return netstate.section
+ end
+local function _wifi_netid_by_sid(sid)
+ local t, n = _uci:get("wireless", sid)
+ if t == "wifi-iface" and n ~= nil then
+ local radioname = _uci:get("wireless", n, "device")
+ if type(radioname) == "string" then
+ local i, netid = 0, nil
+ _uci:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface",
+ function(s)
+ if s.device == radioname then
+ i = i + 1
+ if s[".name"] == n then
+ netid = "" %{ radioname, i }
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ end)
+ return netid, radioname
+ end
+ end
+local function _wifi_netid_by_netname(name)
+ local netid = nil
+ _uci:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface",
+ function(s)
+ local net
+ for net in utl.imatch( do
+ if net == name then
+ netid = _wifi_netid_by_sid(s[".name"])
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ end)
+ return netid
+function _iface_virtual(x)
+ local _, p
+ for _, p in ipairs(IFACE_PATTERNS_VIRTUAL) do
+ if x:match(p) then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+function _iface_ignore(x)
+ local _, p
+ for _, p in ipairs(IFACE_PATTERNS_IGNORE) do
+ if x:match(p) then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+function init(cursor)
+ _uci = cursor or _uci or uci.cursor()
+ _interfaces = { }
+ _bridge = { }
+ _switch = { }
+ _tunnel = { }
+ _swtopo = { }
+ _ubusnetcache = { }
+ _ubusdevcache = { }
+ _ubuswificache = { }
+ -- read interface information
+ local n, i
+ for n, i in ipairs(nxo.getifaddrs()) do
+ local name ="[^:]+")
+ if _iface_virtual(name) then
+ _tunnel[name] = true
+ end
+ if _tunnel[name] or not (_iface_ignore(name) or _iface_virtual(name)) then
+ _interfaces[name] = _interfaces[name] or {
+ idx = i.ifindex or n,
+ name = name,
+ rawname =,
+ flags = { },
+ ipaddrs = { },
+ ip6addrs = { }
+ }
+ if == "packet" then
+ _interfaces[name].flags = i.flags
+ _interfaces[name].stats =
+ _interfaces[name].macaddr = ipc.checkmac(i.addr)
+ elseif == "inet" then
+ _interfaces[name].ipaddrs[#_interfaces[name].ipaddrs+1] = ipc.IPv4(i.addr, i.netmask)
+ elseif == "inet6" then
+ _interfaces[name].ip6addrs[#_interfaces[name].ip6addrs+1] = ipc.IPv6(i.addr, i.netmask)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- read bridge informaton
+ local b, l
+ for l in utl.execi("brctl show") do
+ if not l:match("STP") then
+ local r = utl.split(l, "%s+", nil, true)
+ if #r == 4 then
+ b = {
+ name = r[1],
+ id = r[2],
+ stp = r[3] == "yes",
+ ifnames = { _interfaces[r[4]] }
+ }
+ if b.ifnames[1] then
+ b.ifnames[1].bridge = b
+ end
+ _bridge[r[1]] = b
+ elseif b then
+ b.ifnames[#b.ifnames+1] = _interfaces[r[2]]
+ b.ifnames[#b.ifnames].bridge = b
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- read switch topology
+ local boardinfo = jsc.parse(nfs.readfile("/etc/board.json") or "")
+ if type(boardinfo) == "table" and type(boardinfo.switch) == "table" then
+ local switch, layout
+ for switch, layout in pairs(boardinfo.switch) do
+ if type(layout) == "table" and type(layout.ports) == "table" then
+ local _, port
+ local ports = { }
+ local nports = { }
+ local netdevs = { }
+ for _, port in ipairs(layout.ports) do
+ if type(port) == "table" and
+ type(port.num) == "number" and
+ (type(port.role) == "string" or
+ type(port.device) == "string")
+ then
+ local spec = {
+ num = port.num,
+ role = port.role or "cpu",
+ index = port.index or port.num
+ }
+ if port.device then
+ spec.device = port.device
+ spec.tagged = port.need_tag
+ netdevs[tostring(port.num)] = port.device
+ end
+ ports[#ports+1] = spec
+ if port.role then
+ nports[port.role] = (nports[port.role] or 0) + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(ports, function(a, b)
+ if a.role ~= b.role then
+ return (a.role < b.role)
+ end
+ return (a.index < b.index)
+ end)
+ local pnum, role
+ for _, port in ipairs(ports) do
+ if port.role ~= role then
+ role = port.role
+ pnum = 1
+ end
+ if role == "cpu" then
+ port.label = "CPU (%s)" % port.device
+ elseif nports[role] > 1 then
+ port.label = "%s %d" %{ role:upper(), pnum }
+ pnum = pnum + 1
+ else
+ port.label = role:upper()
+ end
+ port.role = nil
+ port.index = nil
+ end
+ _swtopo[switch] = {
+ ports = ports,
+ netdevs = netdevs
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return _M
+function save(self, ...)
+ _uci:save(...)
+ _uci:load(...)
+function commit(self, ...)
+ _uci:commit(...)
+ _uci:load(...)
+function ifnameof(self, x)
+ if utl.instanceof(x, interface) then
+ return x:name()
+ elseif utl.instanceof(x, protocol) then
+ return x:ifname()
+ elseif type(x) == "string" then
+ return x:match("^[^:]+")
+ end
+function get_protocol(self, protoname, netname)
+ local v = _protocols[protoname]
+ if v then
+ return v(netname or "__dummy__")
+ end
+function get_protocols(self)
+ local p = { }
+ local _, v
+ for _, v in ipairs(_protocols) do
+ p[#p+1] = v("__dummy__")
+ end
+ return p
+function register_protocol(self, protoname)
+ local proto = utl.class(protocol)
+ function proto.__init__(self, name)
+ self.sid = name
+ end
+ function proto.proto(self)
+ return protoname
+ end
+ _protocols[#_protocols+1] = proto
+ _protocols[protoname] = proto
+ return proto
+function register_pattern_virtual(self, pat)
+function register_error_code(self, code, message)
+ if type(code) == "string" and
+ type(message) == "string" and
+ not IFACE_ERRORS[code]
+ then
+ IFACE_ERRORS[code] = message
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+function has_ipv6(self)
+ return nfs.access("/proc/net/ipv6_route")
+function add_network(self, n, options)
+ local oldnet = self:get_network(n)
+ if n and #n > 0 and n:match("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$") and not oldnet then
+ if _uci:section("network", "interface", n, options) then
+ return network(n)
+ end
+ elseif oldnet and oldnet:is_empty() then
+ if options then
+ local k, v
+ for k, v in pairs(options) do
+ oldnet:set(k, v)
+ end
+ end
+ return oldnet
+ end
+function get_network(self, n)
+ if n and _uci:get("network", n) == "interface" then
+ return network(n)
+ elseif n then
+ local stat = utl.ubus("network.interface", "status", { interface = n })
+ if type(stat) == "table" and
+ type(stat.proto) == "string"
+ then
+ return network(n, stat.proto)
+ end
+ end
+function get_networks(self)
+ local nets = { }
+ local nls = { }
+ _uci:foreach("network", "interface",
+ function(s)
+ nls[s['.name']] = network(s['.name'])
+ end)
+ local dump = utl.ubus("network.interface", "dump", { })
+ if type(dump) == "table" and
+ type(dump.interface) == "table"
+ then
+ local _, net
+ for _, net in ipairs(dump.interface) do
+ if type(net) == "table" and
+ type(net.proto) == "string" and
+ type(net.interface) == "string"
+ then
+ if not nls[net.interface] then
+ nls[net.interface] = network(net.interface, net.proto)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local n
+ for n in utl.kspairs(nls) do
+ nets[#nets+1] = nls[n]
+ end
+ return nets
+function del_network(self, n)
+ local r = _uci:delete("network", n)
+ if r then
+ _uci:delete_all("luci", "ifstate",
+ function(s) return (s.interface == n) end)
+ _uci:delete_all("network", "alias",
+ function(s) return (s.interface == n) end)
+ _uci:delete_all("network", "route",
+ function(s) return (s.interface == n) end)
+ _uci:delete_all("network", "route6",
+ function(s) return (s.interface == n) end)
+ _uci:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface",
+ function(s)
+ local net
+ local rest = { }
+ for net in utl.imatch( do
+ if net ~= n then
+ rest[#rest+1] = net
+ end
+ end
+ if #rest > 0 then
+ _uci:set("wireless", s['.name'], "network",
+ table.concat(rest, " "))
+ else
+ _uci:delete("wireless", s['.name'], "network")
+ end
+ end)
+ local ok, fw = pcall(require, "luci.model.firewall")
+ if ok then
+ fw.init()
+ fw:del_network(n)
+ end
+ end
+ return r
+function rename_network(self, old, new)
+ local r
+ if new and #new > 0 and new:match("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$") and not self:get_network(new) then
+ r = _uci:section("network", "interface", new, _uci:get_all("network", old))
+ if r then
+ _uci:foreach("network", "alias",
+ function(s)
+ if s.interface == old then
+ _uci:set("network", s['.name'], "interface", new)
+ end
+ end)
+ _uci:foreach("network", "route",
+ function(s)
+ if s.interface == old then
+ _uci:set("network", s['.name'], "interface", new)
+ end
+ end)
+ _uci:foreach("network", "route6",
+ function(s)
+ if s.interface == old then
+ _uci:set("network", s['.name'], "interface", new)
+ end
+ end)
+ _uci:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface",
+ function(s)
+ local net
+ local list = { }
+ for net in utl.imatch( do
+ if net == old then
+ list[#list+1] = new
+ else
+ list[#list+1] = net
+ end
+ end
+ if #list > 0 then
+ _uci:set("wireless", s['.name'], "network",
+ table.concat(list, " "))
+ end
+ end)
+ _uci:delete("network", old)
+ end
+ end
+ return r or false
+function get_interface(self, i)
+ if _interfaces[i] or _wifi_iface(i) then
+ return interface(i)
+ else
+ local netid = _wifi_netid_by_sid(i)
+ return netid and interface(netid)
+ end
+function get_interfaces(self)
+ local iface
+ local ifaces = { }
+ local nfs = { }
+ -- find normal interfaces
+ _uci:foreach("network", "interface",
+ function(s)
+ for iface in utl.imatch(s.ifname) do
+ if not _iface_ignore(iface) and not _iface_virtual(iface) and not _wifi_iface(iface) then
+ nfs[iface] = interface(iface)
+ end
+ end
+ end)
+ for iface in utl.kspairs(_interfaces) do
+ if not (nfs[iface] or _iface_ignore(iface) or _iface_virtual(iface) or _wifi_iface(iface)) then
+ nfs[iface] = interface(iface)
+ end
+ end
+ -- find vlan interfaces
+ _uci:foreach("network", "switch_vlan",
+ function(s)
+ if type(s.ports) ~= "string" or
+ type(s.device) ~= "string" or
+ type(_swtopo[s.device]) ~= "table"
+ then
+ return
+ end
+ local pnum, ptag
+ for pnum, ptag in s.ports:gmatch("(%d+)([tu]?)") do
+ local netdev = _swtopo[s.device].netdevs[pnum]
+ if netdev then
+ if not nfs[netdev] then
+ nfs[netdev] = interface(netdev)
+ end
+ _switch[netdev] = true
+ if ptag == "t" then
+ local vid = tonumber(s.vid or s.vlan)
+ if vid ~= nil and vid >= 0 and vid <= 4095 then
+ local iface = "%s.%d" %{ netdev, vid }
+ if not nfs[iface] then
+ nfs[iface] = interface(iface)
+ end
+ _switch[iface] = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end)
+ for iface in utl.kspairs(nfs) do
+ ifaces[#ifaces+1] = nfs[iface]
+ end
+ -- find wifi interfaces
+ local num = { }
+ local wfs = { }
+ _uci:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface",
+ function(s)
+ if s.device then
+ num[s.device] = num[s.device] and num[s.device] + 1 or 1
+ local i = "" %{ s.device, num[s.device] }
+ wfs[i] = interface(i)
+ end
+ end)
+ for iface in utl.kspairs(wfs) do
+ ifaces[#ifaces+1] = wfs[iface]
+ end
+ return ifaces
+function ignore_interface(self, x)
+ return _iface_ignore(x)
+function get_wifidev(self, dev)
+ if _uci:get("wireless", dev) == "wifi-device" then
+ return wifidev(dev)
+ end
+function get_wifidevs(self)
+ local devs = { }
+ local wfd = { }
+ _uci:foreach("wireless", "wifi-device",
+ function(s) wfd[#wfd+1] = s['.name'] end)
+ local dev
+ for _, dev in utl.vspairs(wfd) do
+ devs[#devs+1] = wifidev(dev)
+ end
+ return devs
+function get_wifinet(self, net)
+ local wnet = _wifi_sid_by_ifname(net)
+ if wnet then
+ return wifinet(wnet)
+ end
+function add_wifinet(self, net, options)
+ if type(options) == "table" and options.device and
+ _uci:get("wireless", options.device) == "wifi-device"
+ then
+ local wnet = _uci:section("wireless", "wifi-iface", nil, options)
+ return wifinet(wnet)
+ end
+function del_wifinet(self, net)
+ local wnet = _wifi_sid_by_ifname(net)
+ if wnet then
+ _uci:delete("wireless", wnet)
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+function get_status_by_route(self, addr, mask)
+ local route_statuses = { }
+ local _, object
+ for _, object in ipairs(utl.ubus()) do
+ local net = object:match("^network%.interface%.(.+)")
+ if net then
+ local s = utl.ubus(object, "status", {})
+ if s and s.route then
+ local rt
+ for _, rt in ipairs(s.route) do
+ if not rt.table and == addr and rt.mask == mask then
+ route_statuses[net] = s
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return route_statuses
+function get_status_by_address(self, addr)
+ local _, object
+ for _, object in ipairs(utl.ubus()) do
+ local net = object:match("^network%.interface%.(.+)")
+ if net then
+ local s = utl.ubus(object, "status", {})
+ if s and s['ipv4-address'] then
+ local a
+ for _, a in ipairs(s['ipv4-address']) do
+ if a.address == addr then
+ return net, s
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if s and s['ipv6-address'] then
+ local a
+ for _, a in ipairs(s['ipv6-address']) do
+ if a.address == addr then
+ return net, s
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if s and s['ipv6-prefix-assignment'] then
+ local a
+ for _, a in ipairs(s['ipv6-prefix-assignment']) do
+ if a and a['local-address'] and a['local-address'].address == addr then
+ return net, s
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function get_wan_networks(self)
+ local k, v
+ local wan_nets = { }
+ local route_statuses = self:get_status_by_route("", 0)
+ for k, v in pairs(route_statuses) do
+ wan_nets[#wan_nets+1] = network(k, v.proto)
+ end
+ return wan_nets
+function get_wan6_networks(self)
+ local k, v
+ local wan6_nets = { }
+ local route_statuses = self:get_status_by_route("::", 0)
+ for k, v in pairs(route_statuses) do
+ wan6_nets[#wan6_nets+1] = network(k, v.proto)
+ end
+ return wan6_nets
+function get_switch_topologies(self)
+ return _swtopo
+function network(name, proto)
+ if name then
+ local p = proto or _uci:get("network", name, "proto")
+ local c = p and _protocols[p] or protocol
+ return c(name)
+ end
+function protocol.__init__(self, name)
+ self.sid = name
+function protocol._get(self, opt)
+ local v = _uci:get("network", self.sid, opt)
+ if type(v) == "table" then
+ return table.concat(v, " ")
+ end
+ return v or ""
+function protocol._ubus(self, field)
+ if not _ubusnetcache[self.sid] then
+ _ubusnetcache[self.sid] = utl.ubus("network.interface.%s" % self.sid,
+ "status", { })
+ end
+ if _ubusnetcache[self.sid] and field then
+ return _ubusnetcache[self.sid][field]
+ end
+ return _ubusnetcache[self.sid]
+function protocol.get(self, opt)
+ return _get("network", self.sid, opt)
+function protocol.set(self, opt, val)
+ return _set("network", self.sid, opt, val)
+function protocol.ifname(self)
+ local ifname
+ if self:is_floating() then
+ ifname = self:_ubus("l3_device")
+ else
+ ifname = self:_ubus("device")
+ end
+ if not ifname then
+ ifname = _wifi_netid_by_netname(self.sid)
+ end
+ return ifname
+function protocol.proto(self)
+ return "none"
+function protocol.get_i18n(self)
+ local p = self:proto()
+ if p == "none" then
+ return lng.translate("Unmanaged")
+ elseif p == "static" then
+ return lng.translate("Static address")
+ elseif p == "dhcp" then
+ return lng.translate("DHCP client")
+ else
+ return lng.translate("Unknown")
+ end
+function protocol.type(self)
+ return self:_get("type")
+ return self.sid
+function protocol.uptime(self)
+ return self:_ubus("uptime") or 0
+function protocol.expires(self)
+ local u = self:_ubus("uptime")
+ local d = self:_ubus("data")
+ if type(u) == "number" and type(d) == "table" and
+ type(d.leasetime) == "number"
+ then
+ local r = (d.leasetime - (u % d.leasetime))
+ return r > 0 and r or 0
+ end
+ return -1
+function protocol.metric(self)
+ return self:_ubus("metric") or 0
+function protocol.zonename(self)
+ local d = self:_ubus("data")
+ if type(d) == "table" and type( == "string" then
+ return
+ end
+ return nil
+function protocol.ipaddr(self)
+ local addrs = self:_ubus("ipv4-address")
+ return addrs and #addrs > 0 and addrs[1].address
+function protocol.ipaddrs(self)
+ local addrs = self:_ubus("ipv4-address")
+ local rv = { }
+ if type(addrs) == "table" then
+ local n, addr
+ for n, addr in ipairs(addrs) do
+ rv[#rv+1] = "%s/%d" %{ addr.address, addr.mask }
+ end
+ end
+ return rv
+function protocol.netmask(self)
+ local addrs = self:_ubus("ipv4-address")
+ return addrs and #addrs > 0 and
+ ipc.IPv4("" % addrs[1].mask):mask():string()
+function protocol.gwaddr(self)
+ local _, route
+ for _, route in ipairs(self:_ubus("route") or { }) do
+ if == "" and route.mask == 0 then
+ return route.nexthop
+ end
+ end
+function protocol.dnsaddrs(self)
+ local dns = { }
+ local _, addr
+ for _, addr in ipairs(self:_ubus("dns-server") or { }) do
+ if not addr:match(":") then
+ dns[#dns+1] = addr
+ end
+ end
+ return dns
+function protocol.ip6addr(self)
+ local addrs = self:_ubus("ipv6-address")
+ if addrs and #addrs > 0 then
+ return "%s/%d" %{ addrs[1].address, addrs[1].mask }
+ else
+ addrs = self:_ubus("ipv6-prefix-assignment")
+ if addrs and #addrs > 0 then
+ return "%s/%d" %{ addrs[1].address, addrs[1].mask }
+ end
+ end
+function protocol.ip6addrs(self)
+ local addrs = self:_ubus("ipv6-address")
+ local rv = { }
+ local n, addr
+ if type(addrs) == "table" then
+ for n, addr in ipairs(addrs) do
+ rv[#rv+1] = "%s/%d" %{ addr.address, addr.mask }
+ end
+ end
+ addrs = self:_ubus("ipv6-prefix-assignment")
+ if type(addrs) == "table" then
+ for n, addr in ipairs(addrs) do
+ if type(addr["local-address"]) == "table" and
+ type(addr["local-address"].mask) == "number" and
+ type(addr["local-address"].address) == "string"
+ then
+ rv[#rv+1] = "%s/%d" %{
+ addr["local-address"].address,
+ addr["local-address"].mask
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return rv
+function protocol.gw6addr(self)
+ local _, route
+ for _, route in ipairs(self:_ubus("route") or { }) do
+ if == "::" and route.mask == 0 then
+ return ipc.IPv6(route.nexthop):string()
+ end
+ end
+function protocol.dns6addrs(self)
+ local dns = { }
+ local _, addr
+ for _, addr in ipairs(self:_ubus("dns-server") or { }) do
+ if addr:match(":") then
+ dns[#dns+1] = addr
+ end
+ end
+ return dns
+function protocol.ip6prefix(self)
+ local prefix = self:_ubus("ipv6-prefix")
+ if prefix and #prefix > 0 then
+ return "%s/%d" %{ prefix[1].address, prefix[1].mask }
+ end
+function protocol.errors(self)
+ local _, err, rv
+ local errors = self:_ubus("errors")
+ if type(errors) == "table" then
+ for _, err in ipairs(errors) do
+ if type(err) == "table" and
+ type(err.code) == "string"
+ then
+ rv = rv or { }
+ rv[#rv+1] = IFACE_ERRORS[err.code] or lng.translatef("Unknown error (%s)", err.code)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return rv
+function protocol.is_bridge(self)
+ return (not self:is_virtual() and self:type() == "bridge")
+function protocol.opkg_package(self)
+ return nil
+function protocol.is_installed(self)
+ return true
+function protocol.is_virtual(self)
+ return false
+function protocol.is_floating(self)
+ return false
+function protocol.is_dynamic(self)
+ return (self:_ubus("dynamic") == true)
+function protocol.is_auto(self)
+ return (self:_get("auto") ~= "0")
+function protocol.is_alias(self)
+ local ifn, parent = nil, nil
+ for ifn in utl.imatch(_uci:get("network", self.sid, "ifname")) do
+ if #ifn > 1 and ifn:byte(1) == 64 then
+ parent = ifn:sub(2)
+ elseif parent ~= nil then
+ parent = nil
+ end
+ end
+ return parent
+function protocol.is_empty(self)
+ if self:is_floating() then
+ return false
+ else
+ local empty = true
+ if (self:_get("ifname") or ""):match("%S+") then
+ empty = false
+ end
+ if empty and _wifi_netid_by_netname(self.sid) then
+ empty = false
+ end
+ return empty
+ end
+function protocol.is_up(self)
+ return (self:_ubus("up") == true)
+function protocol.add_interface(self, ifname)
+ ifname = _M:ifnameof(ifname)
+ if ifname and not self:is_floating() then
+ -- if its a wifi interface, change its network option
+ local wif = _wifi_sid_by_ifname(ifname)
+ if wif then
+ _append("wireless", wif, "network", self.sid)
+ -- add iface to our iface list
+ else
+ _append("network", self.sid, "ifname", ifname)
+ end
+ end
+function protocol.del_interface(self, ifname)
+ ifname = _M:ifnameof(ifname)
+ if ifname and not self:is_floating() then
+ -- if its a wireless interface, clear its network option
+ local wif = _wifi_sid_by_ifname(ifname)
+ if wif then _filter("wireless", wif, "network", self.sid) end
+ -- remove the interface
+ _filter("network", self.sid, "ifname", ifname)
+ end
+function protocol.get_interface(self)
+ if self:is_virtual() then
+ _tunnel[self:proto() .. "-" .. self.sid] = true
+ return interface(self:proto() .. "-" .. self.sid, self)
+ elseif self:is_bridge() then
+ _bridge["br-" .. self.sid] = true
+ return interface("br-" .. self.sid, self)
+ else
+ local ifn = self:_ubus("l3_device") or self:_ubus("device")
+ if ifn then
+ return interface(ifn, self)
+ end
+ for ifn in utl.imatch(_uci:get("network", self.sid, "ifname")) do
+ ifn = ifn:match("^[^:/]+")
+ return ifn and interface(ifn, self)
+ end
+ ifn = _wifi_netid_by_netname(self.sid)
+ return ifn and interface(ifn, self)
+ end
+function protocol.get_interfaces(self)
+ if self:is_bridge() or (self:is_virtual() and not self:is_floating()) then
+ local ifaces = { }
+ local ifn
+ local nfs = { }
+ for ifn in utl.imatch(self:get("ifname")) do
+ ifn = ifn:match("^[^:/]+")
+ nfs[ifn] = interface(ifn, self)
+ end
+ for ifn in utl.kspairs(nfs) do
+ ifaces[#ifaces+1] = nfs[ifn]
+ end
+ local wfs = { }
+ _uci:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface",
+ function(s)
+ if s.device then
+ local net
+ for net in utl.imatch( do
+ if net == self.sid then
+ ifn = _wifi_netid_by_sid(s[".name"])
+ if ifn then
+ wfs[ifn] = interface(ifn, self)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end)
+ for ifn in utl.kspairs(wfs) do
+ ifaces[#ifaces+1] = wfs[ifn]
+ end
+ return ifaces
+ end
+function protocol.contains_interface(self, ifname)
+ ifname = _M:ifnameof(ifname)
+ if not ifname then
+ return false
+ elseif self:is_virtual() and self:proto() .. "-" .. self.sid == ifname then
+ return true
+ elseif self:is_bridge() and "br-" .. self.sid == ifname then
+ return true
+ else
+ local ifn
+ for ifn in utl.imatch(self:get("ifname")) do
+ ifn = ifn:match("[^:]+")
+ if ifn == ifname then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ local wif = _wifi_sid_by_ifname(ifname)
+ if wif then
+ local n
+ for n in utl.imatch(_uci:get("wireless", wif, "network")) do
+ if n == self.sid then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+function protocol.adminlink(self)
+ local stat, dsp = pcall(require, "luci.dispatcher")
+ return stat and dsp.build_url("admin", "network", "network", self.sid)
+interface = utl.class()
+function interface.__init__(self, ifname, network)
+ local wif = _wifi_sid_by_ifname(ifname)
+ if wif then
+ self.wif = wifinet(wif)
+ self.ifname = self.wif:ifname()
+ end
+ self.ifname = self.ifname or ifname
+ = _interfaces[self.ifname]
+ = network
+function interface._ubus(self, field)
+ if not _ubusdevcache[self.ifname] then
+ _ubusdevcache[self.ifname] = utl.ubus("network.device", "status",
+ { name = self.ifname })
+ end
+ if _ubusdevcache[self.ifname] and field then
+ return _ubusdevcache[self.ifname][field]
+ end
+ return _ubusdevcache[self.ifname]
+ return self.wif and self.wif:ifname() or self.ifname
+function interface.mac(self)
+ return ipc.checkmac(self:_ubus("macaddr"))
+function interface.ipaddrs(self)
+ return and or { }
+function interface.ip6addrs(self)
+ return and or { }
+function interface.type(self)
+ if self.ifname and self.ifname:byte(1) == 64 then
+ return "alias"
+ elseif self.wif or _wifi_iface(self.ifname) then
+ return "wifi"
+ elseif _bridge[self.ifname] then
+ return "bridge"
+ elseif _tunnel[self.ifname] then
+ return "tunnel"
+ elseif self.ifname:match("%.") then
+ return "vlan"
+ elseif _switch[self.ifname] then
+ return "switch"
+ else
+ return "ethernet"
+ end
+function interface.shortname(self)
+ if self.wif then
+ return self.wif:shortname()
+ else
+ return self.ifname
+ end
+function interface.get_i18n(self)
+ if self.wif then
+ return "%s: %s %q" %{
+ lng.translate("Wireless Network"),
+ self.wif:active_mode(),
+ self.wif:active_ssid() or self.wif:active_bssid() or self.wif:id() or "?"
+ }
+ else
+ return "%s: %q" %{ self:get_type_i18n(), self:name() }
+ end
+function interface.get_type_i18n(self)
+ local x = self:type()
+ if x == "alias" then
+ return lng.translate("Alias Interface")
+ elseif x == "wifi" then
+ return lng.translate("Wireless Adapter")
+ elseif x == "bridge" then
+ return lng.translate("Bridge")
+ elseif x == "switch" then
+ return lng.translate("Ethernet Switch")
+ elseif x == "vlan" then
+ if _switch[self.ifname] then
+ return lng.translate("Switch VLAN")
+ else
+ return lng.translate("Software VLAN")
+ end
+ elseif x == "tunnel" then
+ return lng.translate("Tunnel Interface")
+ else
+ return lng.translate("Ethernet Adapter")
+ end
+function interface.adminlink(self)
+ if self.wif then
+ return self.wif:adminlink()
+ end
+function interface.ports(self)
+ local members = self:_ubus("bridge-members")
+ if members then
+ local _, iface
+ local ifaces = { }
+ for _, iface in ipairs(members) do
+ ifaces[#ifaces+1] = interface(iface)
+ end
+ end
+function interface.bridge_id(self)
+ if then
+ return
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+function interface.bridge_stp(self)
+ if then
+ return
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+function interface.is_up(self)
+ local up = self:_ubus("up")
+ if up == nil then
+ up = (self:type() == "alias")
+ end
+ return up or false
+function interface.is_bridge(self)
+ return (self:type() == "bridge")
+function interface.is_bridgeport(self)
+ return and and true or false
+function interface.tx_bytes(self)
+ local stat = self:_ubus("statistics")
+ return stat and stat.tx_bytes or 0
+function interface.rx_bytes(self)
+ local stat = self:_ubus("statistics")
+ return stat and stat.rx_bytes or 0
+function interface.tx_packets(self)
+ local stat = self:_ubus("statistics")
+ return stat and stat.tx_packets or 0
+function interface.rx_packets(self)
+ local stat = self:_ubus("statistics")
+ return stat and stat.rx_packets or 0
+function interface.get_network(self)
+ return self:get_networks()[1]
+function interface.get_networks(self)
+ if not self.networks then
+ local nets = { }
+ local _, net
+ for _, net in ipairs(_M:get_networks()) do
+ if net:contains_interface(self.ifname) or
+ net:ifname() == self.ifname
+ then
+ nets[#nets+1] = net
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(nets, function(a, b) return a.sid < b.sid end)
+ self.networks = nets
+ return nets
+ else
+ return self.networks
+ end
+function interface.get_wifinet(self)
+ return self.wif
+wifidev = utl.class()
+function wifidev.__init__(self, name)
+ local t, n = _uci:get("wireless", name)
+ if t == "wifi-device" and n ~= nil then
+ self.sid = n
+ self.iwinfo = _wifi_iwinfo_by_ifname(self.sid, true)
+ end
+ self.sid = self.sid or name
+ self.iwinfo = self.iwinfo or { ifname = self.sid }
+function wifidev.get(self, opt)
+ return _get("wireless", self.sid, opt)
+function wifidev.set(self, opt, val)
+ return _set("wireless", self.sid, opt, val)
+ return self.sid
+function wifidev.hwmodes(self)
+ local l = self.iwinfo.hwmodelist
+ if l and next(l) then
+ return l
+ else
+ return { b = true, g = true }
+ end
+function wifidev.get_i18n(self)
+ local t = self.iwinfo.hardware_name or "Generic"
+ if self.iwinfo.type == "wl" then
+ t = "Broadcom"
+ end
+ local m = ""
+ local l = self:hwmodes()
+ if l.a then m = m .. "a" end
+ if l.b then m = m .. "b" end
+ if l.g then m = m .. "g" end
+ if l.n then m = m .. "n" end
+ if then m = "ac" end
+ return "%s 802.11%s Wireless Controller (%s)" %{ t, m, self:name() }
+function wifidev.is_up(self)
+ if _ubuswificache[self.sid] then
+ return (_ubuswificache[self.sid].up == true)
+ end
+ return false
+function wifidev.get_wifinet(self, net)
+ if _uci:get("wireless", net) == "wifi-iface" then
+ return wifinet(net)
+ else
+ local wnet = _wifi_sid_by_ifname(net)
+ if wnet then
+ return wifinet(wnet)
+ end
+ end
+function wifidev.get_wifinets(self)
+ local nets = { }
+ _uci:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface",
+ function(s)
+ if s.device == self.sid then
+ nets[#nets+1] = wifinet(s['.name'])
+ end
+ end)
+ return nets
+function wifidev.add_wifinet(self, options)
+ options = options or { }
+ options.device = self.sid
+ local wnet = _uci:section("wireless", "wifi-iface", nil, options)
+ if wnet then
+ return wifinet(wnet, options)
+ end
+function wifidev.del_wifinet(self, net)
+ if utl.instanceof(net, wifinet) then
+ net = net.sid
+ elseif _uci:get("wireless", net) ~= "wifi-iface" then
+ net = _wifi_sid_by_ifname(net)
+ end
+ if net and _uci:get("wireless", net, "device") == self.sid then
+ _uci:delete("wireless", net)
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+wifinet = utl.class()
+function wifinet.__init__(self, name, data)
+ local sid, netid, radioname, radiostate, netstate
+ -- lookup state by notation
+ sid = _wifi_sid_by_netid(name)
+ if sid then
+ netid = name
+ radioname, radiostate, netstate = _wifi_state_by_sid(sid)
+ else
+ -- lookup state by ifname (e.g. wlan0)
+ radioname, radiostate, netstate = _wifi_state_by_ifname(name)
+ if radioname and radiostate and netstate then
+ sid = netstate.section
+ netid = _wifi_netid_by_sid(sid)
+ else
+ -- lookup state by uci section id (e.g. cfg053579)
+ radioname, radiostate, netstate = _wifi_state_by_sid(name)
+ if radioname and radiostate and netstate then
+ sid = name
+ netid = _wifi_netid_by_sid(sid)
+ else
+ -- no state available, try to resolve from uci
+ netid, radioname = _wifi_netid_by_sid(name)
+ if netid and radioname then
+ sid = name
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local iwinfo =
+ (netstate and _wifi_iwinfo_by_ifname(netstate.ifname)) or
+ (radioname and _wifi_iwinfo_by_ifname(radioname)) or
+ { ifname = (netid or sid or name) }
+ self.sid = sid or name
+ self.wdev = iwinfo.ifname
+ self.iwinfo = iwinfo
+ self.netid = netid
+ self._ubusdata = {
+ radio = radioname,
+ dev = radiostate,
+ net = netstate
+ }
+function wifinet.ubus(self, ...)
+ local n, v = self._ubusdata
+ for n = 1, select('#', ...) do
+ if type(v) == "table" then
+ v = v[select(n, ...)]
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ return v
+function wifinet.get(self, opt)
+ return _get("wireless", self.sid, opt)
+function wifinet.set(self, opt, val)
+ return _set("wireless", self.sid, opt, val)
+function wifinet.mode(self)
+ return self:ubus("net", "config", "mode") or self:get("mode") or "ap"
+function wifinet.ssid(self)
+ return self:ubus("net", "config", "ssid") or self:get("ssid")
+function wifinet.bssid(self)
+ return self:ubus("net", "config", "bssid") or self:get("bssid")
+ local net, networks = nil, { }
+ for net in utl.imatch(self:ubus("net", "config", "network") or self:get("network")) do
+ networks[#networks+1] = net
+ end
+ return networks
+ return self.netid
+ return self.sid
+function wifinet.ifname(self)
+ local ifname = self:ubus("net", "ifname") or self.iwinfo.ifname
+ if not ifname or ifname:match("^wifi%d") or ifname:match("^radio%d") then
+ ifname = self.netid
+ end
+ return ifname
+function wifinet.get_device(self)
+ local dev = self:ubus("radio") or self:get("device")
+ return dev and wifidev(dev) or nil
+function wifinet.is_up(self)
+ local ifc = self:get_interface()
+ return (ifc and ifc:is_up() or false)
+function wifinet.active_mode(self)
+ local m = self.iwinfo.mode or self:ubus("net", "config", "mode") or self:get("mode") or "ap"
+ if m == "ap" then m = "Master"
+ elseif m == "sta" then m = "Client"
+ elseif m == "adhoc" then m = "Ad-Hoc"
+ elseif m == "mesh" then m = "Mesh"
+ elseif m == "monitor" then m = "Monitor"
+ end
+ return m
+function wifinet.active_mode_i18n(self)
+ return lng.translate(self:active_mode())
+function wifinet.active_ssid(self)
+ return self.iwinfo.ssid or self:ubus("net", "config", "ssid") or self:get("ssid")
+function wifinet.active_bssid(self)
+ return self.iwinfo.bssid or self:ubus("net", "config", "bssid") or self:get("bssid")
+function wifinet.active_encryption(self)
+ local enc = self.iwinfo and self.iwinfo.encryption
+ return enc and enc.description or "-"
+function wifinet.assoclist(self)
+ return self.iwinfo.assoclist or { }
+function wifinet.frequency(self)
+ local freq = self.iwinfo.frequency
+ if freq and freq > 0 then
+ return "%.03f" % (freq / 1000)
+ end
+function wifinet.bitrate(self)
+ local rate = self.iwinfo.bitrate
+ if rate and rate > 0 then
+ return (rate / 1000)
+ end
+ return or self:ubus("dev", "config", "channel") or
+ tonumber(self:get("channel"))
+function wifinet.signal(self)
+ return self.iwinfo.signal or 0
+function wifinet.noise(self)
+ return self.iwinfo.noise or 0
+ return or self:ubus("dev", "config", "country") or "00"
+function wifinet.txpower(self)
+ local pwr = (self.iwinfo.txpower or 0)
+ return pwr + self:txpower_offset()
+function wifinet.txpower_offset(self)
+ return self.iwinfo.txpower_offset or 0
+function wifinet.signal_level(self, s, n)
+ if self:active_bssid() ~= "00:00:00:00:00:00" then
+ local signal = s or self:signal()
+ local noise = n or self:noise()
+ if signal < 0 and noise < 0 then
+ local snr = -1 * (noise - signal)
+ return math.floor(snr / 5)
+ else
+ return 0
+ end
+ else
+ return -1
+ end
+function wifinet.signal_percent(self)
+ local qc = self.iwinfo.quality or 0
+ local qm = self.iwinfo.quality_max or 0
+ if qc > 0 and qm > 0 then
+ return math.floor((100 / qm) * qc)
+ else
+ return 0
+ end
+function wifinet.shortname(self)
+ return "%s %q" %{
+ lng.translate(self:active_mode()),
+ self:active_ssid() or self:active_bssid() or self:id()
+ }
+function wifinet.get_i18n(self)
+ return "%s: %s %q (%s)" %{
+ lng.translate("Wireless Network"),
+ lng.translate(self:active_mode()),
+ self:active_ssid() or self:active_bssid() or self:id(),
+ self:ifname()
+ }
+function wifinet.adminlink(self)
+ local stat, dsp = pcall(require, "luci.dispatcher")
+ return dsp and dsp.build_url("admin", "network", "wireless", self.netid)
+function wifinet.get_network(self)
+ return self:get_networks()[1]
+function wifinet.get_networks(self)
+ local nets = { }
+ local net
+ for net in utl.imatch(self:ubus("net", "config", "network") or self:get("network")) do
+ if _uci:get("network", net) == "interface" then
+ nets[#nets+1] = network(net)
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(nets, function(a, b) return a.sid < b.sid end)
+ return nets
+function wifinet.get_interface(self)
+ return interface(self:ifname())
+-- setup base protocols
+-- load protocol extensions
+local exts = nfs.dir(utl.libpath() .. "/model/network")
+if exts then
+ local ext
+ for ext in exts do
+ if ext:match("%.lua$") then
+ require("" .. ext:gsub("%.lua$", ""))
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_3g.lua b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_3g.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..60d8e2ebae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_3g.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+-- Copyright 2018 Florian Eckert <>
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+local netmod =
+local interface =
+local proto = netmod:register_protocol("3g")
+function proto.get_i18n(self)
+ return luci.i18n.translate("UMTS/GPRS/EV-DO")
+function proto.ifname(self)
+ return "3g-" .. self.sid
+function proto.get_interface(self)
+ return interface(self:ifname(), self)
+function proto.is_installed(self)
+ return nixio.fs.access("/lib/netifd/proto/")
+function proto.opkg_package(self)
+ return "comgt"
+function proto.is_floating(self)
+ return true
+function proto.is_virtual(self)
+ return true
+function proto.get_interfaces(self)
+ return nil
+function proto.contains_interface(self, ifc)
+ if self:is_floating() then
+ return (netmod:ifnameof(ifc) == self:ifname())
+ else
+ return netmod.protocol.contains_interface(self, ifc)
+ end
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_4x6.lua b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_4x6.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b329d8a92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_4x6.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+-- Copyright 2011 Jo-Philipp Wich <>
+-- Copyright 2013 Steven Barth <>
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+local netmod =
+local _, p
+for _, p in ipairs({"dslite", "map", "464xlat"}) do
+ local proto = netmod:register_protocol(p)
+ function proto.get_i18n(self)
+ if p == "dslite" then
+ return luci.i18n.translate("Dual-Stack Lite (RFC6333)")
+ elseif p == "map" then
+ return luci.i18n.translate("MAP / LW4over6")
+ elseif p == "464xlat" then
+ return luci.i18n.translate("464XLAT (CLAT)")
+ end
+ end
+ function proto.ifname(self)
+ return p .. "-" .. self.sid
+ end
+ function proto.opkg_package(self)
+ if p == "dslite" then
+ return "ds-lite"
+ elseif p == "map" then
+ return "map-t"
+ elseif p == "464xlat" then
+ return "464xlat"
+ end
+ end
+ function proto.is_installed(self)
+ return nixio.fs.access("/lib/netifd/proto/" .. p .. ".sh")
+ end
+ function proto.is_floating(self)
+ return true
+ end
+ function proto.is_virtual(self)
+ return true
+ end
+ function proto.get_interfaces(self)
+ return nil
+ end
+ function proto.contains_interface(self, ifc)
+ return (netmod:ifnameof(ifc) == self:ifname())
+ end
+netmod:register_error_code("AFTR_DNS_FAIL", luci.i18n.translate("Unable to resolve AFTR host name"))
+netmod:register_error_code("INVALID_MAP_RULE", luci.i18n.translate("MAP rule is invalid"))
+netmod:register_error_code("NO_MATCHING_PD", luci.i18n.translate("No matching prefix delegation"))
+netmod:register_error_code("UNSUPPORTED_TYPE", luci.i18n.translate("Unsupported MAP type"))
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_6x4.lua b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_6x4.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2fd0b11957
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_6x4.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+-- Copyright 2011 Jo-Philipp Wich <>
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+local netmod =
+local _, p
+for _, p in ipairs({"6in4", "6to4", "6rd"}) do
+ local proto = netmod:register_protocol(p)
+ function proto.get_i18n(self)
+ if p == "6in4" then
+ return luci.i18n.translate("IPv6-in-IPv4 (RFC4213)")
+ elseif p == "6to4" then
+ return luci.i18n.translate("IPv6-over-IPv4 (6to4)")
+ elseif p == "6rd" then
+ return luci.i18n.translate("IPv6-over-IPv4 (6rd)")
+ end
+ end
+ function proto.ifname(self)
+ return p .. "-" .. self.sid
+ end
+ function proto.opkg_package(self)
+ return p
+ end
+ function proto.is_installed(self)
+ return nixio.fs.access("/lib/netifd/proto/" .. p .. ".sh")
+ end
+ function proto.is_floating(self)
+ return true
+ end
+ function proto.is_virtual(self)
+ return true
+ end
+ function proto.get_interfaces(self)
+ return nil
+ end
+ function proto.contains_interface(self, ifc)
+ return (netmod:ifnameof(ifc) == self:ifname())
+ end
+ netmod:register_pattern_virtual("^%s%%-%%w" % p)
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_dhcpv6.lua b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_dhcpv6.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b45dad050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_dhcpv6.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+-- Copyright 2013 Jo-Philipp Wich <>
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+local proto ="dhcpv6")
+function proto.get_i18n(self)
+ return luci.i18n.translate("DHCPv6 client")
+function proto.is_installed(self)
+ return nixio.fs.access("/lib/netifd/proto/")
+function proto.opkg_package(self)
+ return "odhcp6c"
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_hnet.lua b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_hnet.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f525061be4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_hnet.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+-- Copyright 2014 Steven Barth <>
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+local proto ="hnet")
+function proto.get_i18n(self)
+ return luci.i18n.translate("Automatic Homenet (HNCP)")
+function proto.is_installed(self)
+ return nixio.fs.access("/lib/netifd/proto/")
+function proto.opkg_package(self)
+ return "hnet-full"
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_ipip.lua b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_ipip.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04d2e78b09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_ipip.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+-- Copyright 2016 Roger Pueyo Centelles <>
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+local netmod =
+local interface =
+local proto = netmod:register_protocol("ipip")
+function proto.get_i18n(self)
+ return luci.i18n.translate("IPv4-in-IPv4 (RFC2003)")
+function proto.ifname(self)
+ return "ipip-" .. self.sid
+function proto.opkg_package(self)
+ return "ipip"
+function proto.is_installed(self)
+ return nixio.fs.access("/lib/netifd/proto/")
+function proto.is_floating(self)
+ return true
+function proto.is_virtual(self)
+ return true
+function proto.get_interfaces(self)
+ return nil
+function proto.contains_interface(self, ifc)
+ return (netmod:ifnameof(ifc) == self:ifname())
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_modemmanager.lua b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_modemmanager.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ad15dfd22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_modemmanager.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+-- Copyright 2016 David Thornley <>
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+local netmod =
+local interface =
+local proto = netmod:register_protocol("modemmanager")
+function proto.get_i18n(self)
+ return luci.i18n.translate("Mobile Data")
+function proto.ifname(self)
+ local base = netmod._M.protocol
+ local ifname = base.ifname(self) -- call base class "protocol.ifname(self)"
+ -- Note: ifname might be nil if the adapter could not be determined through ubus (default name to qmi-wan in this case)
+ if ifname == nil then
+ ifname = "modemmanager-" .. self.sid
+ end
+ return ifname
+function proto.get_interface(self)
+ return interface(self:ifname(), self)
+function proto.opkg_package(self)
+ return "modemmanager"
+function proto.is_installed(self)
+ return nixio.fs.access("/lib/netifd/proto/")
+function proto.is_floating(self)
+ return true
+function proto.is_virtual(self)
+ return true
+function proto.get_interfaces(self)
+ return nil
+function proto.contains_interface(self, ifc)
+ return (netmod:ifnameof(ifc) == self:ifname())
+netmod:register_error_code("CALL_FAILED", luci.i18n.translate("Call failed"))
+netmod:register_error_code("NO_CID", luci.i18n.translate("Unable to obtain client ID"))
+netmod:register_error_code("PLMN_FAILED", luci.i18n.translate("Setting PLMN failed"))
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_ncm.lua b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_ncm.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49abe23472
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_ncm.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+LuCI - Network model - NCM protocol extension
+Copyright 2015 Cezary Jackiewicz <>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+local netmod =
+local proto = netmod:register_protocol("ncm")
+local interface =
+function proto.get_i18n(self)
+ return luci.i18n.translate("NCM")
+function proto.opkg_package(self)
+ return "comgt-ncm"
+function proto.is_installed(self)
+ return nixio.fs.access("/lib/netifd/proto/")
+function proto.is_floating(self)
+ return true
+function proto.is_virtual(self)
+ return true
+function proto.get_interface(self)
+ local _ifname=netmod.protocol.ifname(self)
+ if not _ifname then
+ _ifname = "wan"
+ end
+ return interface(_ifname, self)
+function proto.get_interfaces(self)
+ return nil
+function proto.contains_interface(self, ifc)
+ return (netmod:ifnameof(ifc) == self:ifname())
+netmod:register_error_code("CONFIGURE_FAILED", luci.i18n.translate("Configuration failed"))
+netmod:register_error_code("DISCONNECT_FAILED", luci.i18n.translate("Disconnection attempt failed"))
+netmod:register_error_code("FINALIZE_FAILED", luci.i18n.translate("Finalizing failed"))
+netmod:register_error_code("GETINFO_FAILED", luci.i18n.translate("Modem information query failed"))
+netmod:register_error_code("INITIALIZE_FAILED", luci.i18n.translate("Initialization failure"))
+netmod:register_error_code("SETMODE_FAILED", luci.i18n.translate("Setting operation mode failed"))
+netmod:register_error_code("UNSUPPORTED_MODEM", luci.i18n.translate("Unsupported modem"))
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_openconnect.lua b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_openconnect.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0944c7fe6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_openconnect.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+-- Copyright 2012 David Woodhouse
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+local netmod =
+local interface =
+local proto = netmod:register_protocol("openconnect")
+function proto.get_i18n(self)
+ return luci.i18n.translate("OpenConnect (CISCO AnyConnect)")
+function proto.ifname(self)
+ return "vpn-" .. self.sid
+function proto.get_interface(self)
+ return interface(self:ifname(), self)
+function proto.opkg_package(self)
+ return "openconnect"
+function proto.is_installed(self)
+ return nixio.fs.access("/lib/netifd/proto/")
+function proto.is_floating(self)
+ return true
+function proto.is_virtual(self)
+ return true
+function proto.get_interfaces(self)
+ return nil
+function proto.contains_interface(self, ifc)
+ return (netmod:ifnameof(ifc) == self:ifname())
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_ppp.lua b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_ppp.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f87b30fcc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_ppp.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+-- Copyright 2011 Jo-Philipp Wich <>
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+local netmod =
+local _, p
+for _, p in ipairs({"ppp", "pptp", "pppoe", "pppoa", "l2tp"}) do
+ local proto = netmod:register_protocol(p)
+ function proto.get_i18n(self)
+ if p == "ppp" then
+ return luci.i18n.translate("PPP")
+ elseif p == "pptp" then
+ return luci.i18n.translate("PPtP")
+ elseif p == "pppoe" then
+ return luci.i18n.translate("PPPoE")
+ elseif p == "pppoa" then
+ return luci.i18n.translate("PPPoATM")
+ elseif p == "l2tp" then
+ return luci.i18n.translate("L2TP")
+ end
+ end
+ function proto.ifname(self)
+ return p .. "-" .. self.sid
+ end
+ function proto.opkg_package(self)
+ if p == "ppp" then
+ return p
+ elseif p == "pptp" then
+ return "ppp-mod-pptp"
+ elseif p == "pppoe" then
+ return "ppp-mod-pppoe"
+ elseif p == "pppoa" then
+ return "ppp-mod-pppoa"
+ elseif p == "l2tp" then
+ return "xl2tpd"
+ end
+ end
+ function proto.is_installed(self)
+ if p == "pppoa" then
+ return (nixio.fs.glob("/usr/lib/pppd/*/")() ~= nil)
+ elseif p == "pppoe" then
+ return (nixio.fs.glob("/usr/lib/pppd/*/")() ~= nil)
+ elseif p == "pptp" then
+ return (nixio.fs.glob("/usr/lib/pppd/*/")() ~= nil)
+ elseif p == "l2tp" then
+ return nixio.fs.access("/lib/netifd/proto/")
+ else
+ return nixio.fs.access("/lib/netifd/proto/")
+ end
+ end
+ function proto.is_floating(self)
+ return (p ~= "pppoe")
+ end
+ function proto.is_virtual(self)
+ return true
+ end
+ function proto.get_interfaces(self)
+ if self:is_floating() then
+ return nil
+ else
+ return netmod.protocol.get_interfaces(self)
+ end
+ end
+ function proto.contains_interface(self, ifc)
+ if self:is_floating() then
+ return (netmod:ifnameof(ifc) == self:ifname())
+ else
+ return netmod.protocol.contains_interface(self, ifc)
+ end
+ end
+ netmod:register_pattern_virtual("^%s%%-%%w" % p)
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_pppossh.lua b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_pppossh.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0e2a510c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_pppossh.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+-- Copyright 2018 Florian Eckert <>
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+local netmod =
+local proto = netmod:register_protocol("pppossh")
+function proto.get_i18n(self)
+ return luci.i18n.translate("PPPoSSH")
+function proto.ifname(self)
+ return "pppossh-" .. self.sid
+function proto.opkg_package(self)
+ return "pppossh"
+function proto.is_installed(self)
+ return nixio.fs.access("/lib/netifd/proto/")
+function proto.is_floating(self)
+ return true
+function proto.is_virtual(self)
+ return true
+function proto.get_interfaces(self)
+ return nil
+function proto.contains_interface(self, ifc)
+ return (netmod:ifnameof(ifc) == self:ifname())
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_qmi.lua b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_qmi.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c414378d80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_qmi.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+-- Copyright 2016 David Thornley <>
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+local netmod =
+local interface =
+local proto = netmod:register_protocol("qmi")
+function proto.get_i18n(self)
+ return luci.i18n.translate("QMI Cellular")
+function proto.ifname(self)
+ local base = netmod._M.protocol
+ local ifname = base.ifname(self) -- call base class "protocol.ifname(self)"
+ -- Note: ifname might be nil if the adapter could not be determined through ubus (default name to qmi-wan in this case)
+ if ifname == nil then
+ ifname = "qmi-" .. self.sid
+ end
+ return ifname
+function proto.get_interface(self)
+ return interface(self:ifname(), self)
+function proto.opkg_package(self)
+ return "uqmi"
+function proto.is_installed(self)
+ return nixio.fs.access("/lib/netifd/proto/")
+function proto.is_floating(self)
+ return true
+function proto.is_virtual(self)
+ return true
+function proto.get_interfaces(self)
+ return nil
+function proto.contains_interface(self, ifc)
+ return (netmod:ifnameof(ifc) == self:ifname())
+netmod:register_error_code("CALL_FAILED", luci.i18n.translate("Call failed"))
+netmod:register_error_code("NO_CID", luci.i18n.translate("Unable to obtain client ID"))
+netmod:register_error_code("PLMN_FAILED", luci.i18n.translate("Setting PLMN failed"))
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_relay.lua b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_relay.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b811d44d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_relay.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+-- Copyright 2011 Jo-Philipp Wich <>
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+local netmod =
+local device = luci.util.class(netmod.interface)
+local proto = netmod:register_protocol("relay")
+function proto.get_i18n(self)
+ return luci.i18n.translate("Relay bridge")
+function proto.ifname(self)
+ return "relay-" .. self.sid
+function proto.opkg_package(self)
+ return "relayd"
+function proto.is_installed(self)
+ return nixio.fs.access("/etc/init.d/relayd")
+function proto.is_floating(self)
+ return true
+function proto.is_virtual(self)
+ return true
+function proto.is_up(self)
+ local iface = self:get_interface()
+ return iface and iface:is_up() or false
+function proto.get_interface(self)
+ return device(self.sid, self)
+function proto.get_interfaces(self)
+ if not self.ifaces then
+ local ifs = { }
+ local _, net, dev
+ for net in luci.util.imatch(self:_get("network")) do
+ net = netmod:get_network(net)
+ if net then
+ dev = net:get_interface()
+ if dev then
+ ifs[dev:name()] = dev
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for dev in luci.util.imatch(self:_get("ifname")) do
+ dev = netmod:get_interface(dev)
+ if dev then
+ ifs[dev:name()] = dev
+ end
+ end
+ self.ifaces = { }
+ for _, dev in luci.util.kspairs(ifs) do
+ self.ifaces[#self.ifaces+1] = dev
+ end
+ end
+ return self.ifaces
+function proto.uptime(self)
+ local net
+ local upt = 0
+ for net in luci.util.imatch(self:_get("network")) do
+ net = netmod:get_network(net)
+ if net then
+ upt = math.max(upt, net:uptime())
+ end
+ end
+ return upt
+function proto.errors(self)
+ return nil
+function device.__init__(self, ifname, network)
+ self.ifname = ifname
+ = network
+function device.type(self)
+ return "tunnel"
+function device.is_up(self)
+ if then
+ local _, dev
+ for _, dev in ipairs( do
+ if not dev:is_up() then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+function device._stat(self, what)
+ local v = 0
+ if then
+ local _, dev
+ for _, dev in ipairs( do
+ v = v + dev[what](dev)
+ end
+ end
+ return v
+function device.rx_bytes(self) return self:_stat("rx_bytes") end
+function device.tx_bytes(self) return self:_stat("tx_bytes") end
+function device.rx_packets(self) return self:_stat("rx_packets") end
+function device.tx_packets(self) return self:_stat("tx_packets") end
+function device.mac(self)
+ if then
+ local _, dev
+ for _, dev in ipairs( do
+ return dev:mac()
+ end
+ end
+function device.ipaddrs(self)
+ local addrs = { }
+ if then
+ addrs[1] = luci.ip.IPv4("ipaddr"))
+ end
+ return addrs
+function device.ip6addrs(self)
+ return { }
+function device.shortname(self)
+ return "%s %q" % { luci.i18n.translate("Relay"), self.ifname }
+function device.get_type_i18n(self)
+ return luci.i18n.translate("Relay Bridge")
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_vpnc.lua b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_vpnc.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c3136e384
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_vpnc.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+-- Copyright 2015 Daniel Dickinson <>
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+local netmod =
+local interface =
+local proto = netmod:register_protocol("vpnc")
+function proto.get_i18n(self)
+ return luci.i18n.translate("VPNC (CISCO 3000 (and others) VPN)")
+function proto.ifname(self)
+ return "vpn-" .. self.sid
+function proto.get_interface(self)
+ return interface(self:ifname(), self)
+function proto.opkg_package(self)
+ return "vpnc"
+function proto.is_installed(self)
+ return nixio.fs.access("/lib/netifd/proto/")
+function proto.is_floating(self)
+ return true
+function proto.is_virtual(self)
+ return true
+function proto.get_interfaces(self)
+ return nil
+function proto.contains_interface(self, ifc)
+ return (netmod:ifnameof(ifc) == self:ifname())
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_wireguard.lua b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_wireguard.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d6937618a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/network/proto_wireguard.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+-- Copyright 2016 Dan Luedtke <>
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+local netmod =
+local interface =
+local proto = netmod:register_protocol("wireguard")
+function proto.get_i18n(self)
+ return luci.i18n.translate("WireGuard VPN")
+function proto.ifname(self)
+ return self.sid
+function proto.get_interface(self)
+ return interface(self:ifname(), self)
+function proto.opkg_package(self)
+ return "wireguard-tools"
+function proto.is_installed(self)
+ return nixio.fs.access("/lib/netifd/proto/")
+function proto.is_floating(self)
+ return true
+function proto.is_virtual(self)
+ return true
+function proto.get_interfaces(self)
+ return nil
+function proto.contains_interface(self, ifc)
+ return (netmod:ifnameof(ifc) == self:ifname())
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/firewall_zonelist.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/firewall_zonelist.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ecec10a8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/firewall_zonelist.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+ local utl = require "luci.util"
+ local fwm = require "luci.model.firewall".init()
+ local nwm = require "".init()
+ local zone, net, iface
+ local zones = fwm:get_zones()
+ local value = self:formvalue(section)
+ if not value or value == "-" then
+ value = self:cfgvalue(section) or self.default
+ end
+ local selected = false
+ local checked = { }
+ for value in utl.imatch(value) do
+ checked[value] = true
+ end
+ if not next(checked) then
+ checked[""] = true
+ end
+<div class="cbi-dropdown" dropdown-items="5" placeholder="<%:-- please select -- %>"<%=
+ attr("name", cbid) ..
+ ifattr(self.widget == "checkbox", "multiple", "multiple") ..
+ ifattr(self.rmempty or self.optional, "optional", "optional")
+ <script type="item-template"><!--
+ <li data-value="{{value}}">
+ <span class="zonebadge" style="background:repeating-linear-gradient(45deg,rgba(204,204,204,0.5),rgba(204,204,204,0.5) 5px,rgba(255,255,255,0.5) 5px,rgba(255,255,255,0.5) 10px)">
+ <strong>{{value}}:</strong><em>(<%:create%>)</em>
+ </span>
+ </li>
+ --></script>
+ <ul>
+ <% if self.allowlocal then %>
+ <li data-value=""<%=ifattr(checked[""], "selected", "selected")%>>
+ <span style="background-color:<>" class="zonebadge">
+ <strong><%:Device%></strong>
+ <% if self.allowany and self.allowlocal then -%>
+ (<%= self.alias ~= "dest"
+ and translate("output") or translate("input") %>)
+ <%- end %>
+ </span>
+ </li>
+ <% elseif self.widget ~= "checkbox" and (self.rmempty or self.optional) then %>
+ <li data-value=""<%=ifattr(checked[""], "selected", "selected")%>>
+ <span class="zonebadge">
+ <em><%:unspecified%></em>
+ </span>
+ </li>
+ <% end %>
+ <% if self.allowany then %>
+ <li data-value="*"<%=ifattr(checked["*"], "selected", "selected")%>>
+ <span style="background-color:<>" class="zonebadge">
+ <strong><%:Any zone%></strong>
+ <% if self.allowany and self.allowlocal then %>(<%:forward%>)<% end %>
+ </span>
+ </li>
+ <% end %>
+ <%
+ for _, zone in utl.spairs(zones, function(a,b) return (zones[a]:name() < zones[b]:name()) end) do
+ if zone:name() ~= self.exclude then
+ selected = selected or (value == zone:name())
+ %>
+ <li<%=attr("data-value", zone:name()) .. ifattr(checked[zone:name()], "selected", "selected")%>>
+ <span style="background-color:<%=zone:get_color()%>" class="zonebadge">
+ <strong><%=zone:name()%>:</strong>
+ <%-
+ local zempty = true
+ for _, net in ipairs(zone:get_networks()) do
+ net = nwm:get_network(net)
+ if net then
+ zempty = false
+ -%>
+ <span class="ifacebadge<% if net:name() == then %> ifacebadge-active<% end %>"><%=net:name()%>:
+ <%-
+ local nempty = true
+ for _, iface in ipairs(net:is_bridge() and net:get_interfaces() or { net:get_interface() }) do
+ nempty = false
+ %>
+ <img<%=attr("title", iface:get_i18n())%> src="<%=resource%>/icons/<%=iface:type()%><%=iface:is_up() and "" or "_disabled"%>.png" />
+ <% end %>
+ <% if nempty then %><em><%:(empty)%></em><% end -%>
+ </span>
+ <%- end end -%>
+ <%- if zempty then %><em><%:(empty)%></em><% end -%>
+ </span>
+ </li>
+ <% end end %>
+ <% if self.widget ~= "checkbox" and not self.nocreate then %>
+ <li data-value="-">
+ <span class="zonebadge">
+ <em><%:create%>:</em>
+ <input type="password" style="display:none" />
+ <input class="create-item-input" type="text" data-type="and(uciname,maxlength(11))" data-optional="true" />
+ </span>
+ </li>
+ <% end %>
+ </ul>
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/network_ifacelist.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/network_ifacelist.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f23e51d18d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/network_ifacelist.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ local utl = require "luci.util"
+ local net = require "".init()
+ local cbeid = luci.cbi.FEXIST_PREFIX .. self.config .. "." .. section .. "." .. self.option
+ local iface
+ local ifaces = net:get_interfaces()
+ local value
+ if == "1" then
+ value = self:formvalue(section) or self.default or ""
+ else
+ value = self:cfgvalue(section) or self.default
+ end
+ local checked = { }
+ if value then
+ for value in utl.imatch(value) do
+ for value in utl.imatch(value) do
+ checked[value] = true
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ local n = and net:get_network(
+ if n then
+ local a = n:is_alias()
+ if a then
+ checked['@' .. a] = true
+ else
+ local i
+ for _, i in ipairs(n:get_interfaces() or { n:get_interface() }) do
+ checked[i:name()] = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+<input type="hidden" name="<%=cbeid%>" value="1" />
+<div class="cbi-dropdown" display-items="10" placeholder="<%:-- please select -- %>"<%=
+ attr("name", cbid) ..
+ ifattr(self.widget == "checkbox", "multiple", "multiple") ..
+ ifattr(self.widget == "checkbox", "optional", "optional")
+ <script type="item-template"><!--
+ <li data-value="{{value}}">
+ <img title="<%:Custom Interface%>: &quot;{{value}}&quot;" src="<%=resource%>/icons/ethernet_disabled.png" />
+ <span class="hide-open">{{value}}</span>
+ <span class="hide-close"><%:Custom Interface%>: "{{value}}"</span>
+ </li>
+ --></script>
+ <ul>
+ <% for _, iface in ipairs(ifaces) do
+ if (not self.noaliases or iface:type() ~= "alias") and
+ (not self.nobridges or not iface:is_bridge()) and
+ (not self.noinactive or iface:is_up()) and
+ iface:name() ~= self.exclude
+ then %>
+ <li<%=
+ attr("data-value", iface:name()) ..
+ ifattr(checked[iface:name()], "selected", "selected")
+ %>>
+ <img<%=attr("title", iface:get_i18n())%> src="<%=resource%>/icons/<%=iface:type()%><%=iface:is_up() and "" or "_disabled"%>.png" />
+ <span class="hide-open"><%=pcdata(iface:name())%></span>
+ <span class="hide-close">
+ <%=pcdata(iface:get_i18n())%>
+ <% local ns = iface:get_networks(); if #ns > 0 then %>(
+ <%- local i, n; for i, n in ipairs(ns) do -%>
+ <%-= (i>1) and ', ' -%>
+ <a href="<%=n:adminlink()%>"><%=n:name()%></a>
+ <%- end -%>
+ )<% end %>
+ </span>
+ </li>
+ <% end end %>
+ <% if not self.nocreate then %>
+ <li data-value="">
+ <img title="<%:Custom Interface%>" src="<%=resource%>/icons/ethernet_disabled.png" />
+ <span><%:Custom Interface%>:</span>
+ <input type="password" style="display:none" />
+ <input class="create-item-input" type="text" />
+ </li>
+ <% end %>
+ </ul>
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/network_netinfo.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/network_netinfo.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4fd84112a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/network_netinfo.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ local value = self:formvalue(section)
+ if not value or value == "-" then
+ value = self:cfgvalue(section) or self.default
+ end
+ local nwm = require "".init()
+ local net = nwm:get_network(value)
+<% if net then %>
+<span class="ifacebadge"><%=net:name()%>:
+ <%
+ local empty = true
+ for _, iface in ipairs(net:get_interfaces() or { net:get_interface() }) do
+ if not iface:is_bridge() then
+ empty = false
+ %>
+ <img<%=attr("title", iface:get_i18n())%> style="width:16px; height:16px; vertical-align:middle" src="<%=resource%>/icons/<%=iface:type()%><%=iface:is_up() and "" or "_disabled"%>.png" />
+ <% end end %>
+ <% if empty then %><em><%:(no interfaces attached)%></em><% end %>
+<% end %>
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/network_netlist.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/network_netlist.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ee4274a33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/network_netlist.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ local utl = require "luci.util"
+ local nwm = require "".init()
+ local net, iface
+ local networks = nwm:get_networks()
+ local value = self:formvalue(section)
+ self.cast = nil
+ if not value or value == "-" then
+ value = self:cfgvalue(section) or self.default
+ end
+ local checked = { }
+ for value in utl.imatch(value) do
+ checked[value] = true
+ end
+<div class="cbi-dropdown" display-items="10" placeholder="<%:-- please select -- %>"<%=
+ attr("name", cbid) ..
+ ifattr(self.widget == "checkbox", "multiple", "multiple") ..
+ ifattr(self.widget == "checkbox", "optional", "optional")
+ <script type="item-template"><!--
+ <li data-value="{{value}}">
+ <span class="ifacebadge" style="background:repeating-linear-gradient(45deg,rgba(204,204,204,0.5),rgba(204,204,204,0.5) 5px,rgba(255,255,255,0.5) 5px,rgba(255,255,255,0.5) 10px)">
+ {{value}}: <em>(<%:create%>)</em>
+ </span>
+ </li>
+ --></script>
+ <ul>
+ <% if self.widget ~= "checkbox" then %>
+ <li data-value=""<%= ifattr(not value, "selected", "selected") %>>
+ <em><%:unspecified%></em>
+ </li>
+ <% end %>
+ <% for _, net in ipairs(networks) do
+ if (net:name() ~= "loopback") and
+ (net:name() ~= self.exclude) and
+ (not self.novirtual or not net:is_virtual())
+ then %>
+ <li<%= attr("data-value", net:name()) .. ifattr(checked[net:name()], "selected", "selected") %>>
+ <span class="ifacebadge"><%=net:name()%>:
+ <%
+ local empty = true
+ for _, iface in ipairs(net:is_bridge() and net:get_interfaces() or { net:get_interface() }) do
+ if not iface:is_bridge() then
+ empty = false
+ -%>
+ <img<%=attr("title", iface:get_i18n())%> style="width:16px; height:16px; vertical-align:middle" src="<%=resource%>/icons/<%=iface:type()%><%=iface:is_up() and "" or "_disabled"%>.png" />
+ <%- end end %>
+ <% if empty then %>
+ <em class="hide-close"><%:(no interfaces attached)%></em>
+ <em class="hide-open">-</em>
+ <% end %>
+ </span>
+ </li>
+ <% end end %>
+ <% if not self.nocreate then %>
+ <li data-value="-"<%= ifattr(not value and self.widget ~= "checkbox", "selected", "selected") %>>
+ <em>
+ <%- if self.widget == "checkbox" then -%>
+ <%:create:%>
+ <%- else -%>
+ <%:unspecified -or- create:%>
+ <%- end -%>
+ </em>
+ <input style="display:none" type="password" />
+ <input class="create-item-input" type="text" />
+ </li>
+ <% end %>
+ </ul>