path: root/modules/luci-base/luasrc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/luci-base/luasrc')
10 files changed, 61 insertions, 2362 deletions
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/luasrc/debug.lua b/modules/luci-base/luasrc/debug.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ff1bb6981..0000000000
--- a/modules/luci-base/luasrc/debug.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-local debug = require "debug"
-local io = require "io"
-local collectgarbage, floor = collectgarbage, math.floor
-module "luci.debug"
-__file__ = debug.getinfo(1, 'S').source:sub(2)
--- Enables the memory tracer with given flags and returns a function to disable the tracer again
-function trap_memtrace(flags, dest)
- flags = flags or "clr"
- local tracefile = or "/tmp/memtrace", "w")
- local peak = 0
- local function trap(what, line)
- local info = debug.getinfo(2, "Sn")
- local size = floor(collectgarbage("count"))
- if size > peak then
- peak = size
- end
- if tracefile then
- tracefile:write(
- "[", what, "] ", info.source, ":", (line or "?"), "\t",
- (info.namewhat or ""), "\t",
- ( or ""), "\t",
- size, " (", peak, ")\n"
- )
- end
- end
- debug.sethook(trap, flags)
- return function()
- debug.sethook()
- tracefile:close()
- end
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/luasrc/dispatcher.lua b/modules/luci-base/luasrc/dispatcher.lua
index d2552d6db4..560140e3d3 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/luasrc/dispatcher.lua
+++ b/modules/luci-base/luasrc/dispatcher.lua
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
local fs = require "nixio.fs"
local sys = require "luci.sys"
local util = require "luci.util"
+local xml = require "luci.xml"
local http = require "luci.http"
local nixio = require "nixio", require "nixio.util"
@@ -276,7 +277,7 @@ local function tree_to_json(node, json)
if type(node.nodes) == "table" then
for subname, subnode in pairs(node.nodes) do
local spec = {
- title = util.striptags(subnode.title),
+ title = xml.striptags(subnode.title),
order = subnode.order
@@ -741,7 +742,7 @@ local function init_template_engine(ctx)
(scope and type(scope[key]) ~= "function" and scope[key]) or "")
if noescape ~= true then
- val = util.pcdata(val)
+ val = xml.pcdata(val)
return string.format(' %s="%s"', tostring(key), val)
@@ -756,8 +757,8 @@ local function init_template_engine(ctx)
translate = i18n.translate;
translatef = i18n.translatef;
export = function(k, v) if tpl.context.viewns[k] == nil then tpl.context.viewns[k] = v end end;
- striptags = util.striptags;
- pcdata = util.pcdata;
+ striptags = xml.striptags;
+ pcdata = xml.pcdata;
media = media;
theme = fs.basename(media);
resource = luci.config.main.resourcebase;
@@ -884,7 +885,12 @@ function dispatch(request)
http.status(403, "Forbidden")
http.header("X-LuCI-Login-Required", "yes")
- return tpl.render("sysauth", { duser = "root", fuser = user })
+ local scope = { duser = "root", fuser = user }
+ local ok, res = util.copcall(tpl.render_string, [[<% include("themes/" .. theme .. "/sysauth") %>]], scope)
+ if ok then
+ return res
+ end
+ return tpl.render("sysauth", scope)
http.header("Set-Cookie", 'sysauth=%s; path=%s; SameSite=Strict; HttpOnly%s' %{
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/luasrc/http.lua b/modules/luci-base/luasrc/http.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 20b55f2854..0000000000
--- a/modules/luci-base/luasrc/http.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,554 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <>
--- Copyright 2010-2018 Jo-Philipp Wich <>
--- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
-local util = require "luci.util"
-local coroutine = require "coroutine"
-local table = require "table"
-local lhttp = require "lucihttp"
-local nixio = require "nixio"
-local ltn12 = require "luci.ltn12"
-local table, ipairs, pairs, type, tostring, tonumber, error =
- table, ipairs, pairs, type, tostring, tonumber, error
-module "luci.http"
-HTTP_MAX_CONTENT = 1024*100 -- 100 kB maximum content size
-context = util.threadlocal()
-Request = util.class()
-function Request.__init__(self, env, sourcein, sinkerr)
- self.input = sourcein
- self.error = sinkerr
- -- File handler nil by default to let .content() work
- self.filehandler = nil
- -- HTTP-Message table
- self.message = {
- env = env,
- headers = {},
- params = urldecode_params(env.QUERY_STRING or ""),
- }
- self.parsed_input = false
-function Request.formvalue(self, name, noparse)
- if not noparse and not self.parsed_input then
- self:_parse_input()
- end
- if name then
- return self.message.params[name]
- else
- return self.message.params
- end
-function Request.formvaluetable(self, prefix)
- local vals = {}
- prefix = prefix and prefix .. "." or "."
- if not self.parsed_input then
- self:_parse_input()
- end
- local void = self.message.params[nil]
- for k, v in pairs(self.message.params) do
- if k:find(prefix, 1, true) == 1 then
- vals[k:sub(#prefix + 1)] = tostring(v)
- end
- end
- return vals
-function Request.content(self)
- if not self.parsed_input then
- self:_parse_input()
- end
- return self.message.content, self.message.content_length
-function Request.getcookie(self, name)
- return lhttp.header_attribute("cookie; " .. (self:getenv("HTTP_COOKIE") or ""), name)
-function Request.getenv(self, name)
- if name then
- return self.message.env[name]
- else
- return self.message.env
- end
-function Request.setfilehandler(self, callback)
- self.filehandler = callback
- if not self.parsed_input then
- return
- end
- -- If input has already been parsed then uploads are stored as unlinked
- -- temporary files pointed to by open file handles in the parameter
- -- value table. Loop all params, and invoke the file callback for any
- -- param with an open file handle.
- local name, value
- for name, value in pairs(self.message.params) do
- if type(value) == "table" then
- while value.fd do
- local data = value.fd:read(1024)
- local eof = (not data or data == "")
- callback(value, data, eof)
- if eof then
- value.fd:close()
- value.fd = nil
- end
- end
- end
- end
-function Request._parse_input(self)
- parse_message_body(
- self.input,
- self.message,
- self.filehandler
- )
- self.parsed_input = true
-function close()
- if not context.eoh then
- context.eoh = true
- coroutine.yield(3)
- end
- if not context.closed then
- context.closed = true
- coroutine.yield(5)
- end
-function content()
- return context.request:content()
-function formvalue(name, noparse)
- return context.request:formvalue(name, noparse)
-function formvaluetable(prefix)
- return context.request:formvaluetable(prefix)
-function getcookie(name)
- return context.request:getcookie(name)
--- or the environment table itself.
-function getenv(name)
- return context.request:getenv(name)
-function setfilehandler(callback)
- return context.request:setfilehandler(callback)
-function header(key, value)
- if not context.headers then
- context.headers = {}
- end
- context.headers[key:lower()] = value
- coroutine.yield(2, key, value)
-function prepare_content(mime)
- if not context.headers or not context.headers["content-type"] then
- if mime == "application/xhtml+xml" then
- if not getenv("HTTP_ACCEPT") or
- not getenv("HTTP_ACCEPT"):find("application/xhtml+xml", nil, true) then
- mime = "text/html; charset=UTF-8"
- end
- header("Vary", "Accept")
- end
- header("Content-Type", mime)
- end
-function source()
- return context.request.input
-function status(code, message)
- code = code or 200
- message = message or "OK"
- context.status = code
- coroutine.yield(1, code, message)
--- This function is as a valid LTN12 sink.
--- If the content chunk is nil this function will automatically invoke close.
-function write(content, src_err)
- if not content then
- if src_err then
- error(src_err)
- else
- close()
- end
- return true
- elseif #content == 0 then
- return true
- else
- if not context.eoh then
- if not context.status then
- status()
- end
- if not context.headers or not context.headers["content-type"] then
- header("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
- end
- if not context.headers["cache-control"] then
- header("Cache-Control", "no-cache")
- header("Expires", "0")
- end
- if not context.headers["x-frame-options"] then
- header("X-Frame-Options", "SAMEORIGIN")
- end
- if not context.headers["x-xss-protection"] then
- header("X-XSS-Protection", "1; mode=block")
- end
- if not context.headers["x-content-type-options"] then
- header("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff")
- end
- context.eoh = true
- coroutine.yield(3)
- end
- coroutine.yield(4, content)
- return true
- end
-function splice(fd, size)
- coroutine.yield(6, fd, size)
-function redirect(url)
- if url == "" then url = "/" end
- status(302, "Found")
- header("Location", url)
- close()
-function build_querystring(q)
- local s, n, k, v = {}, 1, nil, nil
- for k, v in pairs(q) do
- s[n+0] = (n == 1) and "?" or "&"
- s[n+1] = util.urlencode(k)
- s[n+2] = "="
- s[n+3] = util.urlencode(v)
- n = n + 4
- end
- return table.concat(s, "")
-urldecode = util.urldecode
-urlencode = util.urlencode
-function write_json(x)
- util.serialize_json(x, write)
--- from given url or string. Returns a table with urldecoded values.
--- Simple parameters are stored as string values associated with the parameter
--- name within the table. Parameters with multiple values are stored as array
--- containing the corresponding values.
-function urldecode_params(url, tbl)
- local parser, name
- local params = tbl or { }
- parser = lhttp.urlencoded_parser(function (what, buffer, length)
- if what == parser.TUPLE then
- name, value = nil, nil
- elseif what == parser.NAME then
- name = lhttp.urldecode(buffer)
- elseif what == parser.VALUE and name then
- params[name] = lhttp.urldecode(buffer) or ""
- end
- return true
- end)
- if parser then
- parser:parse((url or ""):match("[^?]*$"))
- parser:parse(nil)
- end
- return params
--- separated by "&". Tables are encoded as parameters with multiple values by
--- repeating the parameter name with each value.
-function urlencode_params(tbl)
- local k, v
- local n, enc = 1, {}
- for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
- if type(v) == "table" then
- local i, v2
- for i, v2 in ipairs(v) do
- if enc[1] then
- enc[n] = "&"
- n = n + 1
- end
- enc[n+0] = lhttp.urlencode(k)
- enc[n+1] = "="
- enc[n+2] = lhttp.urlencode(v2)
- n = n + 3
- end
- else
- if enc[1] then
- enc[n] = "&"
- n = n + 1
- end
- enc[n+0] = lhttp.urlencode(k)
- enc[n+1] = "="
- enc[n+2] = lhttp.urlencode(v)
- n = n + 3
- end
- end
- return table.concat(enc, "")
--- Content-Type. Stores all extracted data associated with its parameter name
--- in the params table within the given message object. Multiple parameter
--- values are stored as tables, ordinary ones as strings.
--- If an optional file callback function is given then it is fed with the
--- file contents chunk by chunk and only the extracted file name is stored
--- within the params table. The callback function will be called subsequently
--- with three arguments:
--- o Table containing decoded (name, file) and raw (headers) mime header data
--- o String value containing a chunk of the file data
--- o Boolean which indicates whether the current chunk is the last one (eof)
-function mimedecode_message_body(src, msg, file_cb)
- local parser, header, field
- local len, maxlen = 0, tonumber(msg.env.CONTENT_LENGTH or nil)
- parser, err = lhttp.multipart_parser(msg.env.CONTENT_TYPE, function (what, buffer, length)
- if what == parser.PART_INIT then
- field = { }
- elseif what == parser.HEADER_NAME then
- header = buffer:lower()
- elseif what == parser.HEADER_VALUE and header then
- if header:lower() == "content-disposition" and
- lhttp.header_attribute(buffer, nil) == "form-data"
- then
- = lhttp.header_attribute(buffer, "name")
- field.file = lhttp.header_attribute(buffer, "filename")
- field[1] = field.file
- end
- if field.headers then
- field.headers[header] = buffer
- else
- field.headers = { [header] = buffer }
- end
- elseif what == parser.PART_BEGIN then
- return not field.file
- elseif what == parser.PART_DATA and and length > 0 then
- if field.file then
- if file_cb then
- file_cb(field, buffer, false)
- msg.params[] = msg.params[] or field
- else
- if not field.fd then
- field.fd = nixio.mkstemp(
- end
- if field.fd then
- field.fd:write(buffer)
- msg.params[] = msg.params[] or field
- end
- end
- else
- field.value = buffer
- end
- elseif what == parser.PART_END and then
- if field.file and msg.params[] then
- if file_cb then
- file_cb(field, "", true)
- elseif field.fd then
- field.fd:seek(0, "set")
- end
- else
- local val = msg.params[]
- if type(val) == "table" then
- val[#val+1] = field.value or ""
- elseif val ~= nil then
- msg.params[] = { val, field.value or "" }
- else
- msg.params[] = field.value or ""
- end
- end
- field = nil
- elseif what == parser.ERROR then
- err = buffer
- end
- return true
- return ltn12.pump.all(src, function (chunk)
- len = len + (chunk and #chunk or 0)
- if maxlen and len > maxlen + 2 then
- return nil, "Message body size exceeds Content-Length"
- end
- if not parser or not parser:parse(chunk) then
- return nil, err
- end
- return true
- end)
--- Content-Type. Stores all extracted data associated with its parameter name
--- in the params table within the given message object. Multiple parameter
--- values are stored as tables, ordinary ones as strings.
-function urldecode_message_body(src, msg)
- local err, name, value, parser
- local len, maxlen = 0, tonumber(msg.env.CONTENT_LENGTH or nil)
- parser = lhttp.urlencoded_parser(function (what, buffer, length)
- if what == parser.TUPLE then
- name, value = nil, nil
- elseif what == parser.NAME then
- name = lhttp.urldecode(buffer, lhttp.DECODE_PLUS)
- elseif what == parser.VALUE and name then
- local val = msg.params[name]
- if type(val) == "table" then
- val[#val+1] = lhttp.urldecode(buffer, lhttp.DECODE_PLUS) or ""
- elseif val ~= nil then
- msg.params[name] = { val, lhttp.urldecode(buffer, lhttp.DECODE_PLUS) or "" }
- else
- msg.params[name] = lhttp.urldecode(buffer, lhttp.DECODE_PLUS) or ""
- end
- elseif what == parser.ERROR then
- err = buffer
- end
- return true
- return ltn12.pump.all(src, function (chunk)
- len = len + (chunk and #chunk or 0)
- if maxlen and len > maxlen + 2 then
- return nil, "Message body size exceeds Content-Length"
- elseif len > HTTP_MAX_CONTENT then
- return nil, "Message body size exceeds maximum allowed length"
- end
- if not parser or not parser:parse(chunk) then
- return nil, err
- end
- return true
- end)
--- This function will examine the Content-Type within the given message object
--- to select the appropriate content decoder.
--- Currently the application/x-www-urlencoded and application/form-data
--- mime types are supported. If the encountered content encoding can't be
--- handled then the whole message body will be stored unaltered as "content"
--- property within the given message object.
-function parse_message_body(src, msg, filecb)
- if msg.env.CONTENT_LENGTH or msg.env.REQUEST_METHOD == "POST" then
- local ctype = lhttp.header_attribute(msg.env.CONTENT_TYPE, nil)
- -- Is it multipart/mime ?
- if ctype == "multipart/form-data" then
- return mimedecode_message_body(src, msg, filecb)
- -- Is it application/x-www-form-urlencoded ?
- elseif ctype == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" then
- return urldecode_message_body(src, msg)
- end
- -- Unhandled encoding
- -- If a file callback is given then feed it chunk by chunk, else
- -- store whole buffer in message.content
- local sink
- -- If we have a file callback then feed it
- if type(filecb) == "function" then
- local meta = {
- name = "raw",
- encoding = msg.env.CONTENT_TYPE
- }
- sink = function( chunk )
- if chunk then
- return filecb(meta, chunk, false)
- else
- return filecb(meta, nil, true)
- end
- end
- -- ... else append to .content
- else
- msg.content = ""
- msg.content_length = 0
- sink = function( chunk )
- if chunk then
- if ( msg.content_length + #chunk ) <= HTTP_MAX_CONTENT then
- msg.content = msg.content .. chunk
- msg.content_length = msg.content_length + #chunk
- return true
- else
- return nil, "POST data exceeds maximum allowed length"
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- end
- -- Pump data...
- while true do
- local ok, err = ltn12.pump.step( src, sink )
- if not ok and err then
- return nil, err
- elseif not ok then -- eof
- return true
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- return false
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/luasrc/http.luadoc b/modules/luci-base/luasrc/http.luadoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f6f380d8b..0000000000
--- a/modules/luci-base/luasrc/http.luadoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-LuCI Web Framework high-level HTTP functions.
-module "luci.http"
-Close the HTTP-Connection.
-@class function
-@name close
-Return the request content if the request was of unknown type.
-@class function
-@name content
-@return HTTP request body
-@return HTTP request body length
-Get a certain HTTP input value or a table of all input values.
-@class function
-@name formvalue
-@param name Name of the GET or POST variable to fetch
-@param noparse Don't parse POST data before getting the value
-@return HTTP input value or table of all input value
-Get a table of all HTTP input values with a certain prefix.
-@class function
-@name formvaluetable
-@param prefix Prefix
-@return Table of all HTTP input values with given prefix
-Get the value of a certain HTTP-Cookie.
-@class function
-@name getcookie
-@param name Cookie Name
-@return String containing cookie data
-Get the value of a certain HTTP environment variable
-or the environment table itself.
-@class function
-@name getenv
-@param name Environment variable
-@return HTTP environment value or environment table
-Set a handler function for incoming user file uploads.
-@class function
-@name setfilehandler
-@param callback Handler function
-Send a HTTP-Header.
-@class function
-@name header
-@param key Header key
-@param value Header value
-Set the mime type of following content data.
-@class function
-@name prepare_content
-@param mime Mimetype of following content
-Get the RAW HTTP input source
-@class function
-@name source
-@return HTTP LTN12 source
-Set the HTTP status code and status message.
-@class function
-@name status
-@param code Status code
-@param message Status message
-Send a chunk of content data to the client.
-This function is as a valid LTN12 sink.
-If the content chunk is nil this function will automatically invoke close.
-@class function
-@name write
-@param content Content chunk
-@param src_err Error object from source (optional)
-@see close
-Splice data from a filedescriptor to the client.
-@class function
-@name splice
-@param fp File descriptor
-@param size Bytes to splice (optional)
-Redirects the client to a new URL and closes the connection.
-@class function
-@name redirect
-@param url Target URL
-Create a querystring out of a table of key - value pairs.
-@class function
-@name build_querystring
-@param table Query string source table
-@return Encoded HTTP query string
-Return the URL-decoded equivalent of a string.
-@class function
-@name urldecode
-@param str URL-encoded string
-@param no_plus Don't decode + to " "
-@return URL-decoded string
-@see urlencode
-Return the URL-encoded equivalent of a string.
-@class function
-@name urlencode
-@param str Source string
-@return URL-encoded string
-@see urldecode
-Send the given data as JSON encoded string.
-@class function
-@name write_json
-@param data Data to send
-Extract and split urlencoded data pairs, separated bei either "&" or ";"
-from given url or string. Returns a table with urldecoded values.
-Simple parameters are stored as string values associated with the parameter
-name within the table. Parameters with multiple values are stored as array
-containing the corresponding values.
-@class function
-@name urldecode_params
-@param url The url or string which contains x-www-urlencoded form data
-@param tbl Use the given table for storing values (optional)
-@return Table containing the urldecoded parameters
-@see urlencode_params
-Encode each key-value-pair in given table to x-www-urlencoded format,
-separated by "&".
-Tables are encoded as parameters with multiple values by repeating the
-parameter name with each value.
-@class function
-@name urlencode_params
-@param tbl Table with the values
-@return String containing encoded values
-@see urldecode_params
-Decode a mime encoded http message body with multipart/form-data Content-Type.
-Stores all extracted data associated with its parameter name
-in the params table within the given message object. Multiple parameter
-values are stored as tables, ordinary ones as strings.
-If an optional file callback function is given then it is fed with the
-file contents chunk by chunk and only the extracted file name is stored
-within the params table. The callback function will be called subsequently
-with three arguments:
- o Table containing decoded (name, file) and raw (headers) mime header data
- o String value containing a chunk of the file data
- o Boolean which indicates whether the current chunk is the last one (eof)
-@class function
-@name mimedecode_message_body
-@param src Ltn12 source function
-@param msg HTTP message object
-@param filecb File callback function (optional)
-@return Value indicating successful operation (not nil means "ok")
-@return String containing the error if unsuccessful
-@see parse_message_header
-Decode an urlencoded http message body with application/x-www-urlencoded
-Stores all extracted data associated with its parameter name in the params
-table within the given message object. Multiple parameter values are stored
-as tables, ordinary ones as strings.
-@class function
-@name urldecode_message_body
-@param src Ltn12 source function
-@param msg HTTP message object
-@return Value indicating successful operation (not nil means "ok")
-@return String containing the error if unsuccessful
-@see parse_message_header
-Try to extract and decode a http message body from the given ltn12 source.
-This function will examine the Content-Type within the given message object
-to select the appropriate content decoder.
-Currently the application/x-www-urlencoded and application/form-data
-mime types are supported. If the encountered content encoding can't be
-handled then the whole message body will be stored unaltered as "content"
-property within the given message object.
-@class function
-@name parse_message_body
-@param src Ltn12 source function
-@param msg HTTP message object
-@param filecb File data callback (optional, see mimedecode_message_body())
-@return Value indicating successful operation (not nil means "ok")
-@return String containing the error if unsuccessful
-@see parse_message_header
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/luasrc/ltn12.lua b/modules/luci-base/luasrc/ltn12.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a7268ccae..0000000000
--- a/modules/luci-base/luasrc/ltn12.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-LuaSocket 2.0.2 license
-Copyright � 2004-2007 Diego Nehab
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
-copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
-to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
-the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
-and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
-Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- Changes made by LuCI project:
- * Renamed to luci.ltn12 to avoid collisions with luasocket
- * Added inline documentation
--- LTN12 - Filters, sources, sinks and pumps.
--- LuaSocket toolkit.
--- Author: Diego Nehab
--- RCS ID: $Id$
--- Declare module
-local string = require("string")
-local table = require("table")
-local base = _G
--- See for design concepts
-filter = {}
-source = {}
-sink = {}
-pump = {}
--- 2048 seems to be better in windows...
-_VERSION = "LTN12 1.0.1"
--- Filter stuff
--- by passing it each chunk and updating a context between calls.
-function filter.cycle(low, ctx, extra)
- base.assert(low)
- return function(chunk)
- local ret
- ret, ctx = low(ctx, chunk, extra)
- return ret
- end
--- (thanks to Wim Couwenberg)
-function filter.chain(...)
- local n = table.getn(arg)
- local top, index = 1, 1
- local retry = ""
- return function(chunk)
- retry = chunk and retry
- while true do
- if index == top then
- chunk = arg[index](chunk)
- if chunk == "" or top == n then return chunk
- elseif chunk then index = index + 1
- else
- top = top+1
- index = top
- end
- else
- chunk = arg[index](chunk or "")
- if chunk == "" then
- index = index - 1
- chunk = retry
- elseif chunk then
- if index == n then return chunk
- else index = index + 1 end
- else base.error("filter returned inappropriate nil") end
- end
- end
- end
--- Source stuff
--- create an empty source
-local function empty()
- return nil
-function source.empty()
- return empty
-function source.error(err)
- return function()
- return nil, err
- end
-function source.file(handle, io_err)
- if handle then
- return function()
- local chunk = handle:read(BLOCKSIZE)
- if chunk and chunk:len() == 0 then chunk = nil end
- if not chunk then handle:close() end
- return chunk
- end
- else return source.error(io_err or "unable to open file") end
-function source.simplify(src)
- base.assert(src)
- return function()
- local chunk, err_or_new = src()
- src = err_or_new or src
- if not chunk then return nil, err_or_new
- else return chunk end
- end
-function source.string(s)
- if s then
- local i = 1
- return function()
- local chunk = string.sub(s, i, i+BLOCKSIZE-1)
- i = i + BLOCKSIZE
- if chunk ~= "" then return chunk
- else return nil end
- end
- else return source.empty() end
-function source.rewind(src)
- base.assert(src)
- local t = {}
- return function(chunk)
- if not chunk then
- chunk = table.remove(t)
- if not chunk then return src()
- else return chunk end
- else
- t[#t+1] = chunk
- end
- end
-function source.chain(src, f)
- base.assert(src and f)
- local last_in, last_out = "", ""
- local state = "feeding"
- local err
- return function()
- if not last_out then
- base.error('source is empty!', 2)
- end
- while true do
- if state == "feeding" then
- last_in, err = src()
- if err then return nil, err end
- last_out = f(last_in)
- if not last_out then
- if last_in then
- base.error('filter returned inappropriate nil')
- else
- return nil
- end
- elseif last_out ~= "" then
- state = "eating"
- if last_in then last_in = "" end
- return last_out
- end
- else
- last_out = f(last_in)
- if last_out == "" then
- if last_in == "" then
- state = "feeding"
- else
- base.error('filter returned ""')
- end
- elseif not last_out then
- if last_in then
- base.error('filter returned inappropriate nil')
- else
- return nil
- end
- else
- return last_out
- end
- end
- end
- end
--- Sources will be used one after the other, as if they were concatenated
--- (thanks to Wim Couwenberg)
- local src = table.remove(arg, 1)
- return function()
- while src do
- local chunk, err = src()
- if chunk then return chunk end
- if err then return nil, err end
- src = table.remove(arg, 1)
- end
- end
--- Sink stuff
-function sink.table(t)
- t = t or {}
- local f = function(chunk, err)
- if chunk then t[#t+1] = chunk end
- return 1
- end
- return f, t
-function sink.simplify(snk)
- base.assert(snk)
- return function(chunk, err)
- local ret, err_or_new = snk(chunk, err)
- if not ret then return nil, err_or_new end
- snk = err_or_new or snk
- return 1
- end
-function sink.file(handle, io_err)
- if handle then
- return function(chunk, err)
- if not chunk then
- handle:close()
- return 1
- else return handle:write(chunk) end
- end
- else return sink.error(io_err or "unable to open file") end
--- creates a sink that discards data
-local function null()
- return 1
-function sink.null()
- return null
-function sink.error(err)
- return function()
- return nil, err
- end
-function sink.chain(f, snk)
- base.assert(f and snk)
- return function(chunk, err)
- if chunk ~= "" then
- local filtered = f(chunk)
- local done = chunk and ""
- while true do
- local ret, snkerr = snk(filtered, err)
- if not ret then return nil, snkerr end
- if filtered == done then return 1 end
- filtered = f(done)
- end
- else return 1 end
- end
--- Pump stuff
-function pump.step(src, snk)
- local chunk, src_err = src()
- local ret, snk_err = snk(chunk, src_err)
- if chunk and ret then return 1
- else return nil, src_err or snk_err end
-function pump.all(src, snk, step)
- base.assert(src and snk)
- step = step or pump.step
- while true do
- local ret, err = step(src, snk)
- if not ret then
- if err then return nil, err
- else return 1 end
- end
- end
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/luasrc/template.lua b/modules/luci-base/luasrc/template.lua
index ed46f50753..cd9b73b22b 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/luasrc/template.lua
+++ b/modules/luci-base/luasrc/template.lua
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ function Template.__init__(self, name, template)
-- If we have no valid template throw error, otherwise cache the template
if not self.template then
- error("Failed to load template '" .. name .. "'.\n" ..
+ error("Failed to load template '" .. .. "'.\n" ..
"Error while parsing template '" .. sourcefile .. "':\n" ..
(err or "Unknown syntax error"))
elseif name then
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/luasrc/util.lua b/modules/luci-base/luasrc/util.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a30e8b72f3..0000000000
--- a/modules/luci-base/luasrc/util.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,776 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <>
--- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
-local io = require "io"
-local math = require "math"
-local table = require "table"
-local debug = require "debug"
-local ldebug = require "luci.debug"
-local string = require "string"
-local coroutine = require "coroutine"
-local tparser = require "luci.template.parser"
-local json = require "luci.jsonc"
-local lhttp = require "lucihttp"
-local _ubus = require "ubus"
-local _ubus_connection = nil
-local getmetatable, setmetatable = getmetatable, setmetatable
-local rawget, rawset, unpack, select = rawget, rawset, unpack, select
-local tostring, type, assert, error = tostring, type, assert, error
-local ipairs, pairs, next, loadstring = ipairs, pairs, next, loadstring
-local require, pcall, xpcall = require, pcall, xpcall
-local collectgarbage, get_memory_limit = collectgarbage, get_memory_limit
-module "luci.util"
--- Pythonic string formatting extension
-getmetatable("").__mod = function(a, b)
- local ok, res
- if not b then
- return a
- elseif type(b) == "table" then
- local k, _
- for k, _ in pairs(b) do if type(b[k]) == "userdata" then b[k] = tostring(b[k]) end end
- ok, res = pcall(a.format, a, unpack(b))
- if not ok then
- error(res, 2)
- end
- return res
- else
- if type(b) == "userdata" then b = tostring(b) end
- ok, res = pcall(a.format, a, b)
- if not ok then
- error(res, 2)
- end
- return res
- end
--- Class helper routines
--- Instantiates a class
-local function _instantiate(class, ...)
- local inst = setmetatable({}, {__index = class})
- if inst.__init__ then
- inst:__init__(...)
- end
- return inst
--- The class object can be instantiated by calling itself.
--- Any class functions or shared parameters can be attached to this object.
--- Attaching a table to the class object makes this table shared between
--- all instances of this class. For object parameters use the __init__ function.
--- Classes can inherit member functions and values from a base class.
--- Class can be instantiated by calling them. All parameters will be passed
--- to the __init__ function of this class - if such a function exists.
--- The __init__ function must be used to set any object parameters that are not shared
--- with other objects of this class. Any return values will be ignored.
-function class(base)
- return setmetatable({}, {
- __call = _instantiate,
- __index = base
- })
-function instanceof(object, class)
- local meta = getmetatable(object)
- while meta and meta.__index do
- if meta.__index == class then
- return true
- end
- meta = getmetatable(meta.__index)
- end
- return false
--- Scope manipulation routines
-coxpt = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "kv" })
-local tl_meta = {
- __mode = "k",
- __index = function(self, key)
- local t = rawget(self, coxpt[coroutine.running()]
- or coroutine.running() or 0)
- return t and t[key]
- end,
- __newindex = function(self, key, value)
- local c = coxpt[coroutine.running()] or coroutine.running() or 0
- local r = rawget(self, c)
- if not r then
- rawset(self, c, { [key] = value })
- else
- r[key] = value
- end
- end
--- the current active coroutine. A thread local store is private a table object
--- whose values can't be accessed from outside of the running coroutine.
-function threadlocal(tbl)
- return setmetatable(tbl or {}, tl_meta)
--- Debugging routines
-function perror(obj)
- return io.stderr:write(tostring(obj) .. "\n")
-function dumptable(t, maxdepth, i, seen)
- i = i or 0
- seen = seen or setmetatable({}, {__mode="k"})
- for k,v in pairs(t) do
- perror(string.rep("\t", i) .. tostring(k) .. "\t" .. tostring(v))
- if type(v) == "table" and (not maxdepth or i < maxdepth) then
- if not seen[v] then
- seen[v] = true
- dumptable(v, maxdepth, i+1, seen)
- else
- perror(string.rep("\t", i) .. "*** RECURSION ***")
- end
- end
- end
--- String and data manipulation routines
-function pcdata(value)
- return value and tparser.pcdata(tostring(value))
-function urlencode(value)
- if value ~= nil then
- local str = tostring(value)
- return lhttp.urlencode(str, lhttp.ENCODE_IF_NEEDED + lhttp.ENCODE_FULL)
- or str
- end
- return nil
-function urldecode(value, decode_plus)
- if value ~= nil then
- local flag = decode_plus and lhttp.DECODE_PLUS or 0
- local str = tostring(value)
- return lhttp.urldecode(str, lhttp.DECODE_IF_NEEDED + flag)
- or str
- end
- return nil
-function striptags(value)
- return value and tparser.striptags(tostring(value))
-function shellquote(value)
- return string.format("'%s'", string.gsub(value or "", "'", "'\\''"))
--- for bash, ash and similar shells single-quoted strings are taken
--- literally except for single quotes (which terminate the string)
--- (and the exception noted below for dash (-) at the start of a
--- command line parameter).
-function shellsqescape(value)
- local res
- res, _ = string.gsub(value, "'", "'\\''")
- return res
--- bash, ash and other similar shells interpret a dash (-) at the start
--- of a command-line parameters as an option indicator regardless of
--- whether it is inside a single-quoted string. It must be backlash
--- escaped to resolve this. This requires in some funky special-case
--- handling. It may actually be a property of the getopt function
--- rather than the shell proper.
-function shellstartsqescape(value)
- res, _ = string.gsub(value, "^%-", "\\-")
- return shellsqescape(res)
--- containing the resulting substrings. The optional max parameter specifies
--- the number of bytes to process, regardless of the actual length of the given
--- string. The optional last parameter, regex, specifies whether the separator
--- sequence is interpreted as regular expression.
--- pattern as regular expression (optional, default is false)
-function split(str, pat, max, regex)
- pat = pat or "\n"
- max = max or #str
- local t = {}
- local c = 1
- if #str == 0 then
- return {""}
- end
- if #pat == 0 then
- return nil
- end
- if max == 0 then
- return str
- end
- repeat
- local s, e = str:find(pat, c, not regex)
- max = max - 1
- if s and max < 0 then
- t[#t+1] = str:sub(c)
- else
- t[#t+1] = str:sub(c, s and s - 1)
- end
- c = e and e + 1 or #str + 1
- until not s or max < 0
- return t
-function trim(str)
- return (str:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))
-function cmatch(str, pat)
- local count = 0
- for _ in str:gmatch(pat) do count = count + 1 end
- return count
--- one token per invocation, the tokens are separated by whitespace. If the
--- input value is a table, it is transformed into a string first. A nil value
--- will result in a valid iterator which aborts with the first invocation.
-function imatch(v)
- if type(v) == "table" then
- local k = nil
- return function()
- k = next(v, k)
- return v[k]
- end
- elseif type(v) == "number" or type(v) == "boolean" then
- local x = true
- return function()
- if x then
- x = false
- return tostring(v)
- end
- end
- elseif type(v) == "userdata" or type(v) == "string" then
- return tostring(v):gmatch("%S+")
- end
- return function() end
--- value or 0 if the unit is unknown. Upper- or lower case is irrelevant.
--- Recognized units are:
--- o "y" - one year (60*60*24*366)
--- o "m" - one month (60*60*24*31)
--- o "w" - one week (60*60*24*7)
--- o "d" - one day (60*60*24)
--- o "h" - one hour (60*60)
--- o "min" - one minute (60)
--- o "kb" - one kilobyte (1024)
--- o "mb" - one megabyte (1024*1024)
--- o "gb" - one gigabyte (1024*1024*1024)
--- o "kib" - one si kilobyte (1000)
--- o "mib" - one si megabyte (1000*1000)
--- o "gib" - one si gigabyte (1000*1000*1000)
-function parse_units(ustr)
- local val = 0
- -- unit map
- local map = {
- -- date stuff
- y = 60 * 60 * 24 * 366,
- m = 60 * 60 * 24 * 31,
- w = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7,
- d = 60 * 60 * 24,
- h = 60 * 60,
- min = 60,
- -- storage sizes
- kb = 1024,
- mb = 1024 * 1024,
- gb = 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
- -- storage sizes (si)
- kib = 1000,
- mib = 1000 * 1000,
- gib = 1000 * 1000 * 1000
- }
- -- parse input string
- for spec in ustr:lower():gmatch("[0-9%.]+[a-zA-Z]*") do
- local num = spec:gsub("[^0-9%.]+$","")
- local spn = spec:gsub("^[0-9%.]+", "")
- if map[spn] or map[spn:sub(1,1)] then
- val = val + num * ( map[spn] or map[spn:sub(1,1)] )
- else
- val = val + num
- end
- end
- return val
--- also register functions above in the central string class for convenience
-string.pcdata = pcdata
-string.striptags = striptags
-string.split = split
-string.trim = trim
-string.cmatch = cmatch
-string.parse_units = parse_units
-function append(src, ...)
- for i, a in ipairs({...}) do
- if type(a) == "table" then
- for j, v in ipairs(a) do
- src[#src+1] = v
- end
- else
- src[#src+1] = a
- end
- end
- return src
-function combine(...)
- return append({}, ...)
-function contains(table, value)
- for k, v in pairs(table) do
- if value == v then
- return k
- end
- end
- return false
--- Both table are - in fact - merged together.
-function update(t, updates)
- for k, v in pairs(updates) do
- t[k] = v
- end
-function keys(t)
- local keys = { }
- if t then
- for k, _ in kspairs(t) do
- keys[#keys+1] = k
- end
- end
- return keys
-function clone(object, deep)
- local copy = {}
- for k, v in pairs(object) do
- if deep and type(v) == "table" then
- v = clone(v, deep)
- end
- copy[k] = v
- end
- return setmetatable(copy, getmetatable(object))
--- Serialize the contents of a table value.
-function _serialize_table(t, seen)
- assert(not seen[t], "Recursion detected.")
- seen[t] = true
- local data = ""
- local idata = ""
- local ilen = 0
- for k, v in pairs(t) do
- if type(k) ~= "number" or k < 1 or math.floor(k) ~= k or ( k - #t ) > 3 then
- k = serialize_data(k, seen)
- v = serialize_data(v, seen)
- data = data .. ( #data > 0 and ", " or "" ) ..
- '[' .. k .. '] = ' .. v
- elseif k > ilen then
- ilen = k
- end
- end
- for i = 1, ilen do
- local v = serialize_data(t[i], seen)
- idata = idata .. ( #idata > 0 and ", " or "" ) .. v
- end
- return idata .. ( #data > 0 and #idata > 0 and ", " or "" ) .. data
--- with loadstring().
-function serialize_data(val, seen)
- seen = seen or setmetatable({}, {__mode="k"})
- if val == nil then
- return "nil"
- elseif type(val) == "number" then
- return val
- elseif type(val) == "string" then
- return "%q" % val
- elseif type(val) == "boolean" then
- return val and "true" or "false"
- elseif type(val) == "function" then
- return "loadstring(%q)" % get_bytecode(val)
- elseif type(val) == "table" then
- return "{ " .. _serialize_table(val, seen) .. " }"
- else
- return '"[unhandled data type:' .. type(val) .. ']"'
- end
-function restore_data(str)
- return loadstring("return " .. str)()
--- Byte code manipulation routines
--- will be stripped before it is returned.
-function get_bytecode(val)
- local code
- if type(val) == "function" then
- code = string.dump(val)
- else
- code = string.dump( loadstring( "return " .. serialize_data(val) ) )
- end
- return code -- and strip_bytecode(code)
--- numbers and debugging numbers will be discarded. Original version by
--- Peter Cawley (
-function strip_bytecode(code)
- local version, format, endian, int, size, ins, num, lnum = code:byte(5, 12)
- local subint
- if endian == 1 then
- subint = function(code, i, l)
- local val = 0
- for n = l, 1, -1 do
- val = val * 256 + code:byte(i + n - 1)
- end
- return val, i + l
- end
- else
- subint = function(code, i, l)
- local val = 0
- for n = 1, l, 1 do
- val = val * 256 + code:byte(i + n - 1)
- end
- return val, i + l
- end
- end
- local function strip_function(code)
- local count, offset = subint(code, 1, size)
- local stripped = { string.rep("\0", size) }
- local dirty = offset + count
- offset = offset + count + int * 2 + 4
- offset = offset + int + subint(code, offset, int) * ins
- count, offset = subint(code, offset, int)
- for n = 1, count do
- local t
- t, offset = subint(code, offset, 1)
- if t == 1 then
- offset = offset + 1
- elseif t == 4 then
- offset = offset + size + subint(code, offset, size)
- elseif t == 3 then
- offset = offset + num
- elseif t == 254 or t == 9 then
- offset = offset + lnum
- end
- end
- count, offset = subint(code, offset, int)
- stripped[#stripped+1] = code:sub(dirty, offset - 1)
- for n = 1, count do
- local proto, off = strip_function(code:sub(offset, -1))
- stripped[#stripped+1] = proto
- offset = offset + off - 1
- end
- offset = offset + subint(code, offset, int) * int + int
- count, offset = subint(code, offset, int)
- for n = 1, count do
- offset = offset + subint(code, offset, size) + size + int * 2
- end
- count, offset = subint(code, offset, int)
- for n = 1, count do
- offset = offset + subint(code, offset, size) + size
- end
- stripped[#stripped+1] = string.rep("\0", int * 3)
- return table.concat(stripped), offset
- end
- return code:sub(1,12) .. strip_function(code:sub(13,-1))
--- Sorting iterator functions
-function _sortiter( t, f )
- local keys = { }
- local k, v
- for k, v in pairs(t) do
- keys[#keys+1] = k
- end
- local _pos = 0
- table.sort( keys, f )
- return function()
- _pos = _pos + 1
- if _pos <= #keys then
- return keys[_pos], t[keys[_pos]], _pos
- end
- end
--- the provided callback function.
-function spairs(t,f)
- return _sortiter( t, f )
--- The table pairs are sorted by key.
-function kspairs(t)
- return _sortiter( t )
--- The table pairs are sorted by value.
-function vspairs(t)
- return _sortiter( t, function (a,b) return t[a] < t[b] end )
--- System utility functions
-function bigendian()
- return string.byte(string.dump(function() end), 7) == 0
-function exec(command)
- local pp = io.popen(command)
- local data = pp:read("*a")
- pp:close()
- return data
-function execi(command)
- local pp = io.popen(command)
- return pp and function()
- local line = pp:read()
- if not line then
- pp:close()
- end
- return line
- end
--- Deprecated
-function execl(command)
- local pp = io.popen(command)
- local line = ""
- local data = {}
- while true do
- line = pp:read()
- if (line == nil) then break end
- data[#data+1] = line
- end
- pp:close()
- return data
-local ubus_codes = {
- "NO_DATA",
-local function ubus_return(...)
- if select('#', ...) == 2 then
- local rv, err = select(1, ...), select(2, ...)
- if rv == nil and type(err) == "number" then
- return nil, err, ubus_codes[err]
- end
- end
- return ...
-function ubus(object, method, data)
- if not _ubus_connection then
- _ubus_connection = _ubus.connect()
- assert(_ubus_connection, "Unable to establish ubus connection")
- end
- if object and method then
- if type(data) ~= "table" then
- data = { }
- end
- return ubus_return(_ubus_connection:call(object, method, data))
- elseif object then
- return _ubus_connection:signatures(object)
- else
- return _ubus_connection:objects()
- end
-function serialize_json(x, cb)
- local js = json.stringify(x)
- if type(cb) == "function" then
- cb(js)
- else
- return js
- end
-function libpath()
- return require "nixio.fs".dirname(ldebug.__file__)
-function checklib(fullpathexe, wantedlib)
- local fs = require "nixio.fs"
- local haveldd = fs.access('/usr/bin/ldd')
- local haveexe = fs.access(fullpathexe)
- if not haveldd or not haveexe then
- return false
- end
- local libs = exec(string.format("/usr/bin/ldd %s", shellquote(fullpathexe)))
- if not libs then
- return false
- end
- for k, v in ipairs(split(libs)) do
- if v:find(wantedlib) then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
--- Coroutine safe xpcall and pcall versions
--- Encapsulates the protected calls with a coroutine based loop, so errors can
--- be dealed without the usual Lua 5.x pcall/xpcall issues with coroutines
--- yielding inside the call to pcall or xpcall.
--- Authors: Roberto Ierusalimschy and Andre Carregal
--- Contributors: Thomas Harning Jr., Ignacio Burgueño, Fabio Mascarenhas
--- Copyright 2005 - Kepler Project
--- $Id: coxpcall.lua,v 1.13 2008/05/19 19:20:02 mascarenhas Exp $
--- Implements xpcall with coroutines
-local coromap = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" })
-local function handleReturnValue(err, co, status, ...)
- if not status then
- return false, err(debug.traceback(co, (...)), ...)
- end
- if coroutine.status(co) == 'suspended' then
- return performResume(err, co, coroutine.yield(...))
- else
- return true, ...
- end
-function performResume(err, co, ...)
- return handleReturnValue(err, co, coroutine.resume(co, ...))
-local function id(trace, ...)
- return trace
-function coxpcall(f, err, ...)
- local current = coroutine.running()
- if not current then
- if err == id then
- return pcall(f, ...)
- else
- if select("#", ...) > 0 then
- local oldf, params = f, { ... }
- f = function() return oldf(unpack(params)) end
- end
- return xpcall(f, err)
- end
- else
- local res, co = pcall(coroutine.create, f)
- if not res then
- local newf = function(...) return f(...) end
- co = coroutine.create(newf)
- end
- coromap[co] = current
- coxpt[co] = coxpt[current] or current or 0
- return performResume(err, co, ...)
- end
-function copcall(f, ...)
- return coxpcall(f, id, ...)
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--- a/modules/luci-base/luasrc/util.luadoc
+++ /dev/null
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-LuCI utility functions.
-module "luci.util"
-Create a Class object (Python-style object model).
-The class object can be instantiated by calling itself.
-Any class functions or shared parameters can be attached to this object.
-Attaching a table to the class object makes this table shared between
-all instances of this class. For object parameters use the __init__ function.
-Classes can inherit member functions and values from a base class.
-Class can be instantiated by calling them. All parameters will be passed
-to the __init__ function of this class - if such a function exists.
-The __init__ function must be used to set any object parameters that are not shared
-with other objects of this class. Any return values will be ignored.
-@class function
-@name class
-@param base The base class to inherit from (optional)
-@return A class object
-@see instanceof
-@see clone
-Test whether the given object is an instance of the given class.
-@class function
-@name instanceof
-@param object Object instance
-@param class Class object to test against
-@return Boolean indicating whether the object is an instance
-@see class
-@see clone
-Create a new or get an already existing thread local store associated with
-the current active coroutine.
-A thread local store is private a table object
-whose values can't be accessed from outside of the running coroutine.
-@class function
-@name threadlocal
-@return Table value representing the corresponding thread local store
-Write given object to stderr.
-@class function
-@name perror
-@param obj Value to write to stderr
-@return Boolean indicating whether the write operation was successful
-Recursively dumps a table to stdout, useful for testing and debugging.
-@class function
-@name dumptable
-@param t Table value to dump
-@param maxdepth Maximum depth
-@return Always nil
-Create valid XML PCDATA from given string.
-@class function
-@name pcdata
-@param value String value containing the data to escape
-@return String value containing the escaped data
-Decode an URL-encoded string - optionally decoding the "+" sign to space.
-@class function
-@name urldecode
-@param str Input string in x-www-urlencoded format
-@param decode_plus Decode "+" signs to spaces if true (optional)
-@return The decoded string
-@see urlencode
-URL-encode given string.
-@class function
-@name urlencode
-@param str String to encode
-@return String containing the encoded data
-@see urldecode
-Strip HTML tags from given string.
-@class function
-@name striptags
-@param value String containing the HTML text
-@return String with HTML tags stripped of
-Safely quote value for use in shell commands.
-@class function
-@name shellquote
-@param value String containing the value to quote
-@return Single-quote enclosed string with embedded quotes escaped
-Splits given string on a defined separator sequence and return a table
-containing the resulting substrings.
-The optional max parameter specifies the number of bytes to process,
-regardless of the actual length of the given string. The optional last
-parameter, regex, specifies whether the separator sequence is
-nterpreted as regular expression.
-@class function
-@name split
-@param str String value containing the data to split up
-@param pat String with separator pattern (optional, defaults to "\n")
-@param max Maximum times to split (optional)
-@param regex Boolean indicating whether to interpret the separator
--- pattern as regular expression (optional, default is false)
-@return Table containing the resulting substrings
-Remove leading and trailing whitespace from given string value.
-@class function
-@name trim
-@param str String value containing whitespace padded data
-@return String value with leading and trailing space removed
-Count the occurrences of given substring in given string.
-@class function
-@name cmatch
-@param str String to search in
-@param pattern String containing pattern to find
-@return Number of found occurrences
-Return a matching iterator for the given value.
-The iterator will return one token per invocation, the tokens are separated by
-whitespace. If the input value is a table, it is transformed into a string first.
-A nil value will result in a valid iterator which aborts with the first invocation.
-@class function
-@name imatch
-@param val The value to scan (table, string or nil)
-@return Iterator which returns one token per call
-Parse certain units from the given string and return the canonical integer
-value or 0 if the unit is unknown.
-Upper- or lower case is irrelevant.
-Recognized units are:
--- o "y" - one year (60*60*24*366)
- o "m" - one month (60*60*24*31)
- o "w" - one week (60*60*24*7)
- o "d" - one day (60*60*24)
- o "h" - one hour (60*60)
- o "min" - one minute (60)
- o "kb" - one kilobyte (1024)
- o "mb" - one megabyte (1024*1024)
- o "gb" - one gigabyte (1024*1024*1024)
- o "kib" - one si kilobyte (1000)
- o "mib" - one si megabyte (1000*1000)
- o "gib" - one si gigabyte (1000*1000*1000)
-@class function
-@name parse_units
-@param ustr String containing a numerical value with trailing unit
-@return Number containing the canonical value
-Appends numerically indexed tables or single objects to a given table.
-@class function
-@name append
-@param src Target table
-@param ... Objects to insert
-@return Target table
-Combines two or more numerically indexed tables and single objects into one table.
-@class function
-@name combine
-@param tbl1 Table value to combine
-@param tbl2 Table value to combine
-@param ... More tables to combine
-@return Table value containing all values of given tables
-Checks whether the given table contains the given value.
-@class function
-@name contains
-@param table Table value
-@param value Value to search within the given table
-@return Number indicating the first index at which the given value occurs
--- within table or false.
-Update values in given table with the values from the second given table.
-Both table are - in fact - merged together.
-@class function
-@name update
-@param t Table which should be updated
-@param updates Table containing the values to update
-@return Always nil
-Retrieve all keys of given associative table.
-@class function
-@name keys
-@param t Table to extract keys from
-@return Sorted table containing the keys
-Clones the given object and return it's copy.
-@class function
-@name clone
-@param object Table value to clone
-@param deep Boolean indicating whether to do recursive cloning
-@return Cloned table value
-Recursively serialize given data to lua code, suitable for restoring
-with loadstring().
-@class function
-@name serialize_data
-@param val Value containing the data to serialize
-@return String value containing the serialized code
-@see restore_data
-@see get_bytecode
-Restore data previously serialized with serialize_data().
-@class function
-@name restore_data
-@param str String containing the data to restore
-@return Value containing the restored data structure
-@see serialize_data
-@see get_bytecode
-Return the current runtime bytecode of the given data. The byte code
-will be stripped before it is returned.
-@class function
-@name get_bytecode
-@param val Value to return as bytecode
-@return String value containing the bytecode of the given data
-Strips unnecessary lua bytecode from given string.
-Information like line numbers and debugging numbers will be discarded.
-Original version by Peter Cawley (
-@class function
-@name strip_bytecode
-@param code String value containing the original lua byte code
-@return String value containing the stripped lua byte code
-Return a key, value iterator which returns the values sorted according to
-the provided callback function.
-@class function
-@name spairs
-@param t The table to iterate
-@param f A callback function to decide the order of elements
-@return Function value containing the corresponding iterator
-Return a key, value iterator for the given table.
-The table pairs are sorted by key.
-@class function
-@name kspairs
-@param t The table to iterate
-@return Function value containing the corresponding iterator
-Return a key, value iterator for the given table.
-The table pairs are sorted by value.
-@class function
-@name vspairs
-@param t The table to iterate
-@return Function value containing the corresponding iterator
-Test whether the current system is operating in big endian mode.
-@class function
-@name bigendian
-@return Boolean value indicating whether system is big endian
-Execute given commandline and gather stdout.
-@class function
-@name exec
-@param command String containing command to execute
-@return String containing the command's stdout
-Return a line-buffered iterator over the output of given command.
-@class function
-@name execi
-@param command String containing the command to execute
-@return Iterator
-Issue an ubus call.
-@class function
-@name ubus
-@param object String containing the ubus object to call
-@param method String containing the ubus method to call
-@param values Table containing the values to pass
-@return Table containin the ubus result
-Convert data structure to JSON
-@class function
-@name serialize_json
-@param data The data to serialize
-@param writer A function to write a chunk of JSON data (optional)
-@return String containing the JSON if called without write callback
-Returns the absolute path to LuCI base directory.
-@class function
-@name libpath
-@return String containing the directory path
-This is a coroutine-safe drop-in replacement for Lua's "xpcall"-function
-@class function
-@name coxpcall
-@param f Lua function to be called protected
-@param err Custom error handler
-@param ... Parameters passed to the function
-@return A boolean whether the function call succeeded and the return
--- values of either the function or the error handler
-This is a coroutine-safe drop-in replacement for Lua's "pcall"-function
-@class function
-@name copcall
-@param f Lua function to be called protected
-@param ... Parameters passed to the function
-@return A boolean whether the function call succeeded and the returns
--- values of the function or the error object
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index 0000000000..30b37210bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-base/luasrc/xml.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+-- Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <>
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+local tparser = require "luci.template.parser"
+local string = require "string"
+local tostring = tostring
+module "luci.xml"
+-- String and data manipulation routines
+function pcdata(value)
+ return value and tparser.pcdata(tostring(value))
+function striptags(value)
+ return value and tparser.striptags(tostring(value))
+-- also register functions above in the central string class for convenience
+string.pcdata = pcdata
+string.striptags = striptags
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+++ b/modules/luci-base/luasrc/xml.luadoc
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+LuCI utility functions.
+module "luci.xml"
+Create valid XML PCDATA from given string.
+@class function
+@name pcdata
+@param value String value containing the data to escape
+@return String value containing the escaped data
+Strip HTML tags from given string.
+@class function
+@name striptags
+@param value String containing the HTML text
+@return String with HTML tags stripped of