path: root/modules/luci-base/luasrc/dispatcher.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/luci-base/luasrc/dispatcher.lua')
1 files changed, 185 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/luasrc/dispatcher.lua b/modules/luci-base/luasrc/dispatcher.lua
index 0876ce6585..6d5a8f4d3d 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/luasrc/dispatcher.lua
+++ b/modules/luci-base/luasrc/dispatcher.lua
@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@ uci = require "luci.model.uci"
i18n = require "luci.i18n"
_M.fs = fs
-authenticator = {}
-- Index table
local index = nil
@@ -77,11 +75,16 @@ function error404(message)
http.status(404, "Not Found")
message = message or "Not Found"
- require("luci.template")
- if not util.copcall(luci.template.render, "error404") then
+ local function render()
+ local template = require "luci.template"
+ template.render("error404")
+ end
+ if not util.copcall(render) then
return false
@@ -101,24 +104,6 @@ function error500(message)
return false
-function authenticator.htmlauth(validator, accs, default)
- local user = http.formvalue("luci_username")
- local pass = http.formvalue("luci_password")
- if user and validator(user, pass) then
- return user
- end
- require("luci.i18n")
- require("luci.template")
- context.path = {}
- http.status(403, "Forbidden")
- luci.template.render("sysauth", {duser=default, fuser=user})
- return false
function httpdispatch(request, prefix)
http.context.request = request
@@ -133,7 +118,8 @@ function httpdispatch(request, prefix)
- for node in pathinfo:gmatch("[^/]+") do
+ local node
+ for node in pathinfo:gmatch("[^/%z]+") do
r[#r+1] = node
@@ -156,8 +142,7 @@ local function require_post_security(target)
if (type(required_val) == "string" and
request_val ~= required_val) or
- (required_val == true and
- (request_val == nil or request_val == ""))
+ (required_val == true and request_val == nil)
return false
@@ -188,6 +173,54 @@ function test_post_security()
return true
+local function session_retrieve(sid, allowed_users)
+ local sdat = util.ubus("session", "get", { ubus_rpc_session = sid })
+ if type(sdat) == "table" and
+ type(sdat.values) == "table" and
+ type(sdat.values.token) == "string" and
+ (not allowed_users or
+ util.contains(allowed_users, sdat.values.username))
+ then
+ uci:set_session_id(sid)
+ return sid, sdat.values
+ end
+ return nil, nil
+local function session_setup(user, pass, allowed_users)
+ if util.contains(allowed_users, user) then
+ local login = util.ubus("session", "login", {
+ username = user,
+ password = pass,
+ timeout = tonumber(luci.config.sauth.sessiontime)
+ })
+ local rp = context.requestpath
+ and table.concat(context.requestpath, "/") or ""
+ if type(login) == "table" and
+ type(login.ubus_rpc_session) == "string"
+ then
+ util.ubus("session", "set", {
+ ubus_rpc_session = login.ubus_rpc_session,
+ values = { token = sys.uniqueid(16) }
+ })
+ io.stderr:write("luci: accepted login on /%s for %s from %s\n"
+ %{ rp, user, http.getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") or "?" })
+ return session_retrieve(login.ubus_rpc_session)
+ end
+ io.stderr:write("luci: failed login on /%s for %s from %s\n"
+ %{ rp, user, http.getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") or "?" })
+ end
+ return nil, nil
function dispatch(request)
--context._disable_memtrace = require "luci.debug".trap_memtrace("l")
local ctx = context
@@ -201,10 +234,19 @@ function dispatch(request)
local lang = conf.main.lang or "auto"
if lang == "auto" then
local aclang = http.getenv("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE") or ""
- for lpat in aclang:gmatch("[%w-]+") do
- lpat = lpat and lpat:gsub("-", "_")
- if conf.languages[lpat] then
- lang = lpat
+ for aclang in aclang:gmatch("[%w_-]+") do
+ local country, culture = aclang:match("^([a-z][a-z])[_-]([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z])$")
+ if country and culture then
+ local cc = "%s_%s" %{ country, culture:lower() }
+ if conf.languages[cc] then
+ lang = cc
+ break
+ elseif conf.languages[country] then
+ lang = country
+ break
+ end
+ elseif conf.languages[aclang] then
+ lang = aclang
@@ -310,15 +352,23 @@ function dispatch(request)
ifattr = function(...) return _ifattr(...) end;
attr = function(...) return _ifattr(true, ...) end;
url = build_url;
- }, {__index=function(table, key)
+ }, {__index=function(tbl, key)
if key == "controller" then
return build_url()
elseif key == "REQUEST_URI" then
return build_url(unpack(ctx.requestpath))
+ elseif key == "FULL_REQUEST_URI" then
+ local url = { http.getenv("SCRIPT_NAME") or "", http.getenv("PATH_INFO") }
+ local query = http.getenv("QUERY_STRING")
+ if query and #query > 0 then
+ url[#url+1] = "?"
+ url[#url+1] = query
+ end
+ return table.concat(url, "")
elseif key == "token" then
return ctx.authtoken
- return rawget(table, key) or _G[key]
+ return rawget(tbl, key) or _G[key]
@@ -331,75 +381,75 @@ function dispatch(request)
- if track.sysauth then
- local authen = type(track.sysauth_authenticator) == "function"
- and track.sysauth_authenticator
- or authenticator[track.sysauth_authenticator]
+ if track.sysauth and not ctx.authsession then
+ local authen = track.sysauth_authenticator
+ local _, sid, sdat, default_user, allowed_users
- local def = (type(track.sysauth) == "string") and track.sysauth
- local accs = def and {track.sysauth} or track.sysauth
- local sess = ctx.authsession
- if not sess then
- sess = http.getcookie("sysauth")
- sess = sess and sess:match("^[a-f0-9]*$")
+ if type(authen) == "string" and authen ~= "htmlauth" then
+ error500("Unsupported authenticator %q configured" % authen)
+ return
- local sdat = (util.ubus("session", "get", { ubus_rpc_session = sess }) or { }).values
- local user, token
+ if type(track.sysauth) == "table" then
+ default_user, allowed_users = nil, track.sysauth
+ else
+ default_user, allowed_users = track.sysauth, { track.sysauth }
+ end
- if sdat then
- user = sdat.user
- token = sdat.token
+ if type(authen) == "function" then
+ _, sid = authen(sys.user.checkpasswd, allowed_users)
- local eu = http.getenv("HTTP_AUTH_USER")
- local ep = http.getenv("HTTP_AUTH_PASS")
- if eu and ep and sys.user.checkpasswd(eu, ep) then
- authen = function() return eu end
- end
+ sid = http.getcookie("sysauth")
- if not util.contains(accs, user) then
- if authen then
- local user, sess = authen(sys.user.checkpasswd, accs, def)
- local token
- if not user or not util.contains(accs, user) then
- return
- else
- if not sess then
- local sdat = util.ubus("session", "create", { timeout = tonumber(luci.config.sauth.sessiontime) })
- if sdat then
- token = sys.uniqueid(16)
- util.ubus("session", "set", {
- ubus_rpc_session = sdat.ubus_rpc_session,
- values = {
- user = user,
- token = token,
- section = sys.uniqueid(16)
- }
- })
- sess = sdat.ubus_rpc_session
- end
- end
+ sid, sdat = session_retrieve(sid, allowed_users)
- if sess and token then
- http.header("Set-Cookie", 'sysauth=%s; path=%s' %{ sess, build_url() })
+ if not (sid and sdat) and authen == "htmlauth" then
+ local user = http.getenv("HTTP_AUTH_USER")
+ local pass = http.getenv("HTTP_AUTH_PASS")
- ctx.authsession = sess
- ctx.authtoken = token
- ctx.authuser = user
+ if user == nil and pass == nil then
+ user = http.formvalue("luci_username")
+ pass = http.formvalue("luci_password")
+ end
+ sid, sdat = session_setup(user, pass, allowed_users)
+ if not sid then
+ local tmpl = require "luci.template"
+ context.path = {}
- http.redirect(build_url(unpack(ctx.requestpath)))
- end
- end
- else
http.status(403, "Forbidden")
+ tmpl.render(track.sysauth_template or "sysauth", {
+ duser = default_user,
+ fuser = user
+ })
- else
- ctx.authsession = sess
- ctx.authtoken = token
- ctx.authuser = user
+ http.header("Set-Cookie", 'sysauth=%s; path=%s; HttpOnly%s' %{
+ sid, build_url(), http.getenv("HTTPS") == "on" and "; secure" or ""
+ })
+ http.redirect(build_url(unpack(ctx.requestpath)))
+ if not sid or not sdat then
+ http.status(403, "Forbidden")
+ return
+ end
+ ctx.authsession = sid
+ ctx.authtoken = sdat.token
+ ctx.authuser = sdat.username
+ end
+ if track.cors and http.getenv("REQUEST_METHOD") == "OPTIONS" then
+ luci.http.status(200, "OK")
+ luci.http.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", http.getenv("HTTP_ORIGIN") or "*")
+ luci.http.header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, OPTIONS")
+ return
if c and require_post_security( then
@@ -457,10 +507,11 @@ function dispatch(request)
ok, err = util.copcall(target, unpack(args))
- assert(ok,
- "Failed to execute " .. (type( == "function" and "function" or or "unknown") ..
- " dispatcher target for entry '/" .. table.concat(request, "/") .. "'.\n" ..
- "The called action terminated with an exception:\n" .. tostring(err or "(unknown)"))
+ if not ok then
+ error500("Failed to execute " .. (type( == "function" and "function" or or "unknown") ..
+ " dispatcher target for entry '/" .. table.concat(request, "/") .. "'.\n" ..
+ "The called action terminated with an exception:\n" .. tostring(err or "(unknown)"))
+ end
local root = node()
if not root or not then
@@ -623,6 +674,23 @@ function node(...)
return c
+function lookup(...)
+ local i, path = nil, {}
+ for i = 1, select('#', ...) do
+ local name, arg = nil, tostring(select(i, ...))
+ for name in arg:gmatch("[^/]+") do
+ path[#path+1] = name
+ end
+ end
+ for i = #path, 1, -1 do
+ local node = context.treecache[table.concat(path, ".", 1, i)]
+ if node and (i == #path or node.leaf) then
+ return node, build_url(unpack(path))
+ end
+ end
function _create_node(path)
if #path == 0 then
return context.tree
@@ -635,15 +703,22 @@ function _create_node(path)
local last = table.remove(path)
local parent = _create_node(path)
- c = {nodes={}, auto=true}
- -- the node is "in request" if the request path matches
- -- at least up to the length of the node path
- if parent.inreq and context.path[#path+1] == last then
- c.inreq = true
+ c = {nodes={}, auto=true, inreq=true}
+ local _, n
+ for _, n in ipairs(path) do
+ if context.path[_] ~= n then
+ c.inreq = false
+ break
+ end
+ c.inreq = c.inreq and (context.path[#path + 1] == last)
parent.nodes[last] = c
context.treecache[name] = c
return c
@@ -764,7 +839,16 @@ local function _cbi(self, ...)
local state = nil
+ local i, res
for i, res in ipairs(maps) do
+ if util.instanceof(res, cbi.SimpleForm) then
+ io.stderr:write("Model %s returns SimpleForm but is dispatched via cbi(),\n"
+ % self.model)
+ io.stderr:write("please change %s to use the form() action instead.\n"
+ % table.concat(context.request, "/"))
+ end
res.flow = config
local cstate = res:parse()
if cstate and (not state or cstate < state) then
@@ -809,6 +893,8 @@ local function _cbi(self, ...)
local pageaction = true
local parsechain = { }
+ local is_rollback, time_remaining = uci:rollback_pending()
for i, res in ipairs(maps) do
if res.apply_needed and res.parsechain then
local c
@@ -836,6 +922,7 @@ local function _cbi(self, ...)
firstmap = (i == 1),
applymap = applymap,
+ confirmmap = (is_rollback and time_remaining or nil),
redirect = redirect,
messages = messages,
pageaction = pageaction,
@@ -857,7 +944,7 @@ end
function cbi(model, config)
return {
type = "cbi",
- post = { ["cbi.submit"] = "1" },
+ post = { ["cbi.submit"] = true },
config = config,
model = model,
target = _cbi
@@ -885,6 +972,7 @@ local function _form(self, ...)
local maps = luci.cbi.load(self.model, ...)
local state = nil
+ local i, res
for i, res in ipairs(maps) do
local cstate = res:parse()
if cstate and (not state or cstate < state) then
@@ -903,7 +991,7 @@ end
function form(model)
return {
type = "cbi",
- post = { ["cbi.submit"] = "1" },
+ post = { ["cbi.submit"] = true },
model = model,
target = _form