path: root/modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources')
1 files changed, 115 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/luci.js b/modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/luci.js
index 1653bcfce2..07e8d8c887 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/luci.js
+++ b/modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/luci.js
@@ -433,8 +433,6 @@
__init__: function(env) {
Object.assign(this.env, env);
- document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', this.setupDOM.bind(this));
document.addEventListener('poll-start', function(ev) {
document.querySelectorAll('[id^="xhr_poll_status"]').forEach(function(e) { = ( == 'xhr_poll_status_off') ? 'none' : '';
@@ -447,6 +445,17 @@
+ var domReady = new Promise(function(resolveFn, rejectFn) {
+ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', resolveFn);
+ });
+ Promise.all([
+ domReady,
+ this.require('ui')
+ ]).then(this.setupDOM.bind(this)).catch(function(error) {
+ alert('LuCI class loading error:\n' + error);
+ });
originalCBIInit = window.cbi_init;
window.cbi_init = function() {};
@@ -582,38 +591,32 @@
/* DOM setup */
setupDOM: function(ev) {
- Promise.all([
- L.require('ui')
- ]).then(function() {
- Request.addInterceptor(function(res) {
- if (res.status != 403 || res.headers.get('X-LuCI-Login-Required') != 'yes')
- return;
+ Request.addInterceptor(function(res) {
+ if (res.status != 403 || res.headers.get('X-LuCI-Login-Required') != 'yes')
+ return;
+ Request.poll.stop();
+ L.ui.showModal(_('Session expired'), [
+ E('div', { class: 'alert-message warning' },
+ _('A new login is required since the authentication session expired.')),
+ E('div', { class: 'right' },
+ E('div', {
+ class: 'btn primary',
+ click: function() {
+ var loc = window.location;
+ window.location = loc.protocol + '//' + + loc.pathname +;
+ }
+ }, _('To login…')))
+ ]);
- Request.poll.stop();
- L.ui.showModal(_('Session expired'), [
- E('div', { class: 'alert-message warning' },
- _('A new login is required since the authentication session expired.')),
- E('div', { class: 'right' },
- E('div', {
- class: 'btn primary',
- click: function() {
- var loc = window.location;
- window.location = loc.protocol + '//' + + loc.pathname +;
- }
- }, _('To login…')))
- ]);
- L.error('AuthenticationError', 'Session expired');
- });
+ L.error('AuthenticationError', 'Session expired');
+ });
- originalCBIInit();
- Request.poll.start();
+ originalCBIInit();
+ Request.poll.start();
- document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('luci-loaded'));
- }).catch(function(error) {
- alert('LuCI class loading error:\n' + error);
- });
+ document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('luci-loaded'));
env: {},
@@ -923,7 +926,87 @@
Class: Class,
- Request: Request
+ Request: Request,
+ view: Class.extend({
+ __name__: 'LuCI.View',
+ __init__: function() {
+ var mc = document.getElementById('maincontent');
+ L.dom.content(mc, E('div', { 'class': 'spinning' }, _('Loading view…')));
+ return Promise.resolve(this.load())
+ .then(L.bind(this.render, this))
+ .then(L.bind(function(nodes) {
+ var mc = document.getElementById('maincontent');
+ L.dom.content(mc, nodes);
+ L.dom.append(mc, this.addFooter());
+ }, this));
+ },
+ load: function() {},
+ render: function() {},
+ handleSave: function(ev) {
+ var tasks = [];
+ document.getElementById('maincontent')
+ .querySelectorAll('.cbi-map').forEach(function(map) {
+ tasks.push(L.dom.callClassMethod(map, 'save'));
+ });
+ return Promise.all(tasks);
+ },
+ handleSaveApply: function(ev) {
+ return this.handleSave(ev).then(function() {
+ L.ui.changes.apply(true);
+ });
+ },
+ handleReset: function(ev) {
+ var tasks = [];
+ document.getElementById('maincontent')
+ .querySelectorAll('.cbi-map').forEach(function(map) {
+ tasks.push(L.dom.callClassMethod(map, 'reset'));
+ });
+ return Promise.all(tasks);
+ },
+ addFooter: function() {
+ var footer = E([]),
+ mc = document.getElementById('maincontent');
+ if (mc.querySelector('.cbi-map')) {
+ footer.appendChild(E('div', { 'class': 'cbi-page-actions' }, [
+ E('input', {
+ 'class': 'cbi-button cbi-button-apply',
+ 'type': 'button',
+ 'value': _('Save & Apply'),
+ 'click': L.bind(this.handleSaveApply, this)
+ }), ' ',
+ E('input', {
+ 'class': 'cbi-button cbi-button-save',
+ 'type': 'submit',
+ 'value': _('Save'),
+ 'click': L.bind(this.handleSave, this)
+ }), ' ',
+ E('input', {
+ 'class': 'cbi-button cbi-button-reset',
+ 'type': 'button',
+ 'value': _('Reset'),
+ 'click': L.bind(this.handleReset, this)
+ })
+ ]));
+ }
+ return footer;
+ }
+ })
XHR = Class.extend({