path: root/modules/admin-full/luasrc/model/cbi
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/admin-full/luasrc/model/cbi')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/modules/admin-full/luasrc/model/cbi/admin_network/ifaces.lua b/modules/admin-full/luasrc/model/cbi/admin_network/ifaces.lua
index a4bbd0bcde..fd79d507ec 100644
--- a/modules/admin-full/luasrc/model/cbi/admin_network/ifaces.lua
+++ b/modules/admin-full/luasrc/model/cbi/admin_network/ifaces.lua
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ local has_pppoe = fs.glob("/usr/lib/pppd/*/")()
local has_pppoa = fs.glob("/usr/lib/pppd/*/")()
local has_ipv6 = fs.access("/proc/net/ipv6_route")
local has_6in4 = fs.access("/lib/network/")
+local has_6to4 = fs.access("/lib/network/")
m = Map("network", translate("Interfaces") .. " - " .. arg[1]:upper(), translate("On this page you can configure the network interfaces. You can bridge several interfaces by ticking the \"bridge interfaces\" field and enter the names of several network interfaces separated by spaces. You can also use <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr> notation <samp>INTERFACE.VLANNR</samp> (<abbr title=\"for example\">e.g.</abbr>: <samp>eth0.1</samp>)."))
@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ s:tab("general", translate("General Setup"))
if has_ipv6 then s:tab("ipv6", translate("IPv6 Setup")) end
if has_pppd then s:tab("ppp", translate("PPP Settings")) end
if has_pppoa then s:tab("atm", translate("ATM Settings")) end
-if has_6in4 then s:tab("tunnel", translate("Tunnel Settings")) end
+if has_6in4 or has_6to4 then s:tab("tunnel", translate("Tunnel Settings")) end
s:tab("physical", translate("Physical Settings"))
s:tab("firewall", translate("Firewall Settings"))
@@ -78,6 +79,7 @@ if has_pppoa then p:value("pppoa", "PPPoA") end
if has_3g then p:value("3g", "UMTS/3G") end
if has_pptp then p:value("pptp", "PPTP") end
if has_6in4 then p:value("6in4", "6in4") end
+if has_6to4 then p:value("6to4", "6to4") end
p:value("none", translate("none"))
if not ( has_pppd and has_pppoe and has_pppoa and has_3g and has_pptp ) then
@@ -218,7 +220,11 @@ dns = s:taboption("general", DynamicList, "dns", translate("<abbr title=\"Domain
dns.optional = true
dns.cast = "string"
dns.datatype = "ipaddr"
-dns:depends("peerdns", "")
+dns:depends({ peerdns = "", proto = "static" })
+dns:depends({ peerdns = "", proto = "dhcp" })
+dns:depends({ peerdns = "", proto = "pppoe" })
+dns:depends({ peerdns = "", proto = "pppoa" })
+dns:depends({ peerdns = "", proto = "none" })
mtu = s:taboption("physical", Value, "mtu", "MTU")
mtu.optional = true
@@ -235,12 +241,35 @@ if has_6in4 then
peer.optional = false
peer.datatype = "ip4addr"
peer:depends("proto", "6in4")
+if has_6in4 or has_6to4 then
ttl = s:taboption("physical", Value, "ttl", translate("TTL"))
ttl.default = "64"
ttl.optional = true
ttl.datatype = "uinteger"
ttl:depends("proto", "6in4")
+ ttl:depends("proto", "6to4")
+ advi = s:taboption("general", Value, "adv_interface", translate("Advertise IPv6 on network"))
+ advi.widget = "radio"
+ advi.exclude = arg[1]
+ advi.default = "lan"
+ advi.template = "cbi/network_netlist"
+ advi.nocreate = true
+ advi.nobridges = true
+ advn = s:taboption("general", Value, "adv_subnet", translate("Advertised network ID"), translate("Allowed range is 1 to FFFF"))
+ advn.default = "1"
+ function advn.write(self, section, value)
+ value = tonumber(value, 16) or 1
+ if value > 65535 then value = 65535
+ elseif value < 1 then value = 1 end
+ Value.write(self, section, "%X" % value)
+ end
mac = s:taboption("physical", Value, "macaddr", translate("<abbr title=\"Media Access Control\">MAC</abbr>-Address"))