path: root/modules/admin-full/luasrc/model/cbi
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/admin-full/luasrc/model/cbi')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/modules/admin-full/luasrc/model/cbi/admin_network/wifi.lua b/modules/admin-full/luasrc/model/cbi/admin_network/wifi.lua
index 77e68d5a03..b7cfec44d9 100644
--- a/modules/admin-full/luasrc/model/cbi/admin_network/wifi.lua
+++ b/modules/admin-full/luasrc/model/cbi/admin_network/wifi.lua
@@ -70,13 +70,45 @@ end
m.title = luci.util.pcdata(wnet:get_i18n())
+local function txpower_list(iw)
+ local list = iw.txpwrlist or { }
+ local off = tonumber(iw.txpower_offset) or 0
+ local new = { }
+ local prev = -1
+ local _, val
+ for _, val in ipairs(list) do
+ local dbm = val.dbm + off
+ local mw = math.floor(10 ^ (dbm / 10))
+ if mw ~= prev then
+ prev = mw
+ new[#new+1] = {
+ display_dbm = dbm,
+ display_mw = mw,
+ driver_dbm = val.dbm,
+ driver_mw =
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ return new
+local function txpower_current(pwr, list)
+ pwr = tonumber(pwr)
+ if pwr ~= nil then
+ local _, item
+ for _, item in ipairs(list) do
+ if item.driver_dbm >= pwr then
+ return item.driver_dbm
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return (list[#list] and list[#list].driver_dbm) or pwr or 0
local iw = luci.sys.wifi.getiwinfo(arg[1])
-local hw_modes = iw.hwmodelist or { }
-local tx_powers = iw.txpwrlist or { }
-local tx_power = tostring(
- (iw.txpower and iw.txpower > 0 and iw.txpower) or
- (#tx_powers > 0 and tx_powers[#tx_powers].dbm)
+local hw_modes = iw.hwmodelist or { }
+local tx_power_list = txpower_list(iw)
+local tx_power_cur = txpower_current(wdev:get("txpower"), tx_power_list)
s = m:section(NamedSection, wdev:name(), "wifi-device", translate("Device Configuration"))
s.addremove = false
@@ -143,13 +175,19 @@ end
if hwtype == "mac80211" then
tp = s:taboption("general",
- (tx_powers and #tx_powers > 0) and ListValue or Value,
+ (#tx_power_list > 0) and ListValue or Value,
"txpower", translate("Transmit Power"), "dBm")
tp.rmempty = true
- tp.default = tx_power
- for _, p in ipairs(tx_powers or {}) do
- tp:value(p.dbm, "%i dBm (%i mW)" %{ p.dbm, })
+ tp.default = tx_power_cur
+ function tp.cfgvalue(...)
+ return txpower_current(Value.cfgvalue(...), tx_power_list)
+ end
+ for _, p in ipairs(tx_power_list) do
+ tp:value(p.driver_dbm, "%i dBm (%i mW)"
+ %{ p.display_dbm, p.display_mw })
mode = s:taboption("advanced", ListValue, "hwmode", translate("Mode"))
@@ -197,13 +235,19 @@ end
if hwtype == "atheros" then
tp = s:taboption("general",
- (#tx_powers > 0) and ListValue or Value,
+ (#tx_power_list > 0) and ListValue or Value,
"txpower", translate("Transmit Power"), "dBm")
tp.rmempty = true
- tp.default = tx_power
- for _, p in ipairs(tx_powers or {}) do
- tp:value(p.dbm, "%i dBm (%i mW)" %{ p.dbm, })
+ tp.default = tx_power_cur
+ function tp.cfgvalue(...)
+ return txpower_current(Value.cfgvalue(...), tx_power_list)
+ end
+ for _, p in ipairs(tx_power_list) do
+ tp:value(p.driver_dbm, "%i dBm (%i mW)"
+ %{ p.display_dbm, p.display_mw })
mode = s:taboption("advanced", ListValue, "hwmode", translate("Mode"))
@@ -258,13 +302,19 @@ end
if hwtype == "broadcom" then
tp = s:taboption("general",
- (#tx_powers > 0) and ListValue or Value,
+ (#tx_power_list > 0) and ListValue or Value,
"txpower", translate("Transmit Power"), "dBm")
tp.rmempty = true
- tp.default = tx_power
- for _, p in ipairs(tx_powers or {}) do
- tp:value(p.dbm, "%i dBm (%i mW)" %{ p.dbm, })
+ tp.default = tx_power_cur
+ function tp.cfgvalue(...)
+ return txpower_current(Value.cfgvalue(...), tx_power_list)
+ end
+ for _, p in ipairs(tx_power_list) do
+ tp:value(p.driver_dbm, "%i dBm (%i mW)"
+ %{ p.display_dbm, p.display_mw })
mode = s:taboption("advanced", ListValue, "hwmode", translate("Mode"))