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diff --git a/libs/http/luasrc/http/protocol.lua b/libs/http/luasrc/http/protocol.lua
index 95712c9d9f..1fdb5d6796 100644
--- a/libs/http/luasrc/http/protocol.lua
+++ b/libs/http/luasrc/http/protocol.lua
@@ -17,10 +17,7 @@ module("luci.http.protocol", package.seeall)
local ltn12 = require("luci.ltn12")
-HTTP_MAX_CONTENT = 1024*4 -- 4 kB maximum content size
-HTTP_URLENC_MAXKEYLEN = 1024 -- maximum allowd size of urlencoded parameter names
-TSRC_BLOCKSIZE = 2048 -- target block size for throttling sources
+HTTP_MAX_CONTENT = 1024*8 -- 8 kB maximum content size
-- Decode an urlencoded string.
-- Returns the decoded value.
@@ -229,157 +226,6 @@ process_states['headers'] = function( msg, chunk )
--- Init urldecoding stream
-process_states['urldecode-init'] = function( msg, chunk, filecb )
- if chunk ~= nil then
- -- Check for Content-Length
- if msg.env.CONTENT_LENGTH then
- msg.content_length = tonumber(msg.env.CONTENT_LENGTH)
- if msg.content_length <= HTTP_MAX_CONTENT then
- -- Initialize buffer
- msg._urldecbuffer = chunk
- msg._urldeclength = 0
- -- Switch to urldecode-key state
- return true, function(chunk)
- return process_states['urldecode-key']( msg, chunk, filecb )
- end
- else
- return nil, "Request exceeds maximum allowed size"
- end
- else
- return nil, "Missing Content-Length header"
- end
- else
- return nil, "Unexpected EOF"
- end
--- Process urldecoding stream, read and validate parameter key
-process_states['urldecode-key'] = function( msg, chunk, filecb )
- if chunk ~= nil then
- -- Prevent oversized requests
- if msg._urldeclength >= msg.content_length then
- return nil, "Request exceeds maximum allowed size"
- end
- -- Combine look-behind buffer with current chunk
- local buffer = msg._urldecbuffer .. chunk
- local spos, epos = buffer:find("=")
- -- Found param
- if spos then
- -- Check that key doesn't exceed maximum allowed key length
- if ( spos - 1 ) <= HTTP_URLENC_MAXKEYLEN then
- local key = urldecode( buffer:sub( 1, spos - 1 ) )
- -- Prepare buffers
- msg._urldeclength = msg._urldeclength + epos
- msg._urldecbuffer = buffer:sub( epos + 1, #buffer )
- -- Use file callback or store values inside msg.params
- if filecb then
- msg._urldeccallback = function( chunk, eof )
- filecb( field, chunk, eof )
- end
- else
- __initval( msg.params, key )
- msg._urldeccallback = function( chunk, eof )
- __appendval( msg.params, key, chunk )
- -- FIXME: Use a filter
- if eof then
- __finishval( msg.params, key, urldecode )
- end
- end
- end
- -- Proceed with urldecode-value state
- return true, function( chunk )
- return process_states['urldecode-value']( msg, chunk, filecb )
- end
- else
- return nil, "POST parameter exceeds maximum allowed length"
- end
- else
- return nil, "POST data exceeds maximum allowed length"
- end
- else
- return nil, "Unexpected EOF"
- end
--- Process urldecoding stream, read parameter value
-process_states['urldecode-value'] = function( msg, chunk, filecb )
- if chunk ~= nil then
- -- Combine look-behind buffer with current chunk
- local buffer = msg._urldecbuffer .. chunk
- -- Check for EOF
- if #buffer == 0 then
- -- Compare processed length
- if msg._urldeclength == msg.content_length then
- -- Cleanup
- msg._urldeclength = nil
- msg._urldecbuffer = nil
- msg._urldeccallback = nil
- -- We won't accept data anymore
- return false
- else
- return nil, "Content-Length mismatch"
- end
- end
- -- Check for end of value
- local spos, epos = buffer:find("[&;]")
- if spos then
- -- Flush buffer, send eof
- msg._urldeccallback( buffer:sub( 1, spos - 1 ), true )
- msg._urldecbuffer = buffer:sub( epos + 1, #buffer )
- msg._urldeclength = msg._urldeclength + epos
- -- Back to urldecode-key state
- return true, function( chunk )
- return process_states['urldecode-key']( msg, chunk, filecb )
- end
- else
- -- We're somewhere within a data section and our buffer is full
- if #buffer > #chunk then
- -- Flush buffered data
- msg._urldeccallback( buffer:sub( 1, #buffer - #chunk ), false )
- -- Store new data
- msg._urldeclength = msg._urldeclength + #buffer - #chunk
- msg._urldecbuffer = buffer:sub( #buffer - #chunk + 1, #buffer )
- -- Buffer is not full yet, append new data
- else
- msg._urldecbuffer = buffer
- end
- -- Keep feeding me
- return true
- end
- else
- -- Send EOF
- msg._urldeccallback( "", true )
- return false
- end
-- Creates a header source from a given socket
function header_source( sock )
return ltn12.source.simplify( function()
@@ -532,7 +378,7 @@ function mimedecode_message_body( src, msg, filecb )
data = data:sub( 1, #data - 78 )
if store and field and then
- store( field.headers, data )
+ store( field.headers, data, false )
return nil, "Invalid MIME section header"
@@ -544,7 +390,7 @@ function mimedecode_message_body( src, msg, filecb )
lchunk, eof = parse_headers( data, field )
inhdr = not eof
- store( field.headers, lchunk )
+ store( field.headers, lchunk, false )
lchunk, chunk = chunk, nil
@@ -558,40 +404,53 @@ end
-- Decode urlencoded data.
-function urldecode_message_body( source, msg )
+function urldecode_message_body( src, msg )
- -- Create an initial LTN12 sink
- -- Return the initial state.
- local sink = ltn12.sink.simplify(
- function( chunk )
- return process_states['urldecode-init']( msg, chunk )
- end
- )
+ local tlen = 0
+ local lchunk = nil
- -- Create a throttling LTN12 source
- -- See explaination in mimedecode_message_body().
- local tsrc = function()
- if msg._urldecbuffer ~= nil and #msg._urldecbuffer > 0 then
- return ""
- else
- return source()
+ local function snk( chunk )
+ tlen = tlen + ( chunk and #chunk or 0 )
+ if msg.env.CONTENT_LENGTH and tlen > msg.env.CONTENT_LENGTH then
+ return nil, "Message body size exceeds Content-Length"
+ elseif tlen > HTTP_MAX_CONTENT then
+ return nil, "Message body size exceeds maximum allowed length"
- end
- -- Pump input data...
- while true do
- -- get data
- local ok, err = ltn12.pump.step( tsrc, sink )
+ if not lchunk and chunk then
+ lchunk = chunk
- -- step
- if not ok and err then
- return nil, err
+ elseif lchunk then
+ local data = lchunk .. ( chunk or "&" )
+ local spos, epos
- -- eof
- elseif not ok then
- return true
+ repeat
+ spos, epos = data:find("^.-[;&]")
+ if spos then
+ local pair = data:sub( spos, epos - 1 )
+ local key = pair:match("^(.-)=")
+ local val = pair:match("=(.*)$")
+ if key and #key > 0 then
+ __initval( msg.params, key )
+ __appendval( msg.params, key, val )
+ __finishval( msg.params, key, urldecode )
+ end
+ data = data:sub( epos + 1, #data )
+ end
+ until not spos
+ lchunk = data
+ return true
+ return luci.ltn12.pump.all( src, snk )